void setup_system ();
void assemble_system ();
+ // We add this function for
+ // assembling the multilevel
+ // matrices.
+ void assemble_multigrid ();
void solve ();
void output_results (const unsigned int cycle) const;
SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern;
SparseMatrix<double> system_matrix;
+ // Here are the new objects for
+ // handling level matrices.
MGLevelObject<SparsityPattern> mg_sparsity;
+ // We use number type float to
+ // save memory. It's only a
+ // preconditioner!
MGLevelObject<SparseMatrix<float> > mg_matrices;
Vector<double> solution;
const unsigned int nlevels = triangulation.n_levels();
mg_sparsity.resize(0, nlevels-1);
mg_matrices.resize(0, nlevels-1);
+ // Now, we have to build a matrix
+ // on each level. Technically, we
+ // could use the matrix initialized
+ // above on the finest
+ // level. Beware that this is not
+ // true anymore with local
+ // refinement!
for (unsigned int level=0;level<nlevels;++level)
+ mg_sparsity[level].reinit (mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(level),
+ mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(level),
+ mg_dof_handler.max_couplings_between_dofs());
+ MGTools:::make_sparsity_pattern (mg_dof_handler, mg_sparsity[level], level);
+ mg_sparsity[level].compress();
+ mg_matrices[level].reinit(mg_sparsity[level]);
- // As in the previous examples, this
- // function is not changed much with
- // regard to its functionality, but
- // there are still some optimizations
- // which we will show. For this, it
- // is important to note that if
- // efficient solvers are used (such
- // as the preconditions CG method),
- // assembling the matrix and right
- // hand side can take a comparable
- // time, and you should think about
- // using one or two optimizations at
- // some places.
+ // This is the standard assemble
+ // function you have seen a lot of
+ // times before.
- // What we will show here is how we
- // can avoid calls to the
- // shape_value, shape_grad, and
- // quadrature_point functions of the
- // FEValues object, and in particular
- // optimize away most of the virtual
- // function calls of the Function
- // object. The way to do so will be
- // explained in the following, while
- // those parts of this function that
- // are not changed with respect to
- // the previous example are not
- // commented on.
+ // A small difference, though: we
+ // assemble the matrix for Helmholtz'
+ // equation so we can solve the
+ // Neumann boundary value problem.
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::assemble_system ()
+ // Here is another assemble
+ // function. The integration core is
+ // the same as above. Only the loop
+ // goes over all existing cells now
+ // and the results must be entered
+ // into the right matrix.
+ // Since we only do multi-level
+ // preconditioning, no right-hand
+ // side is assembled here.
+template <int dim>
+void LaplaceProblem<dim>::assemble_multigrid ()
+ QGauss2<dim> quadrature_formula;
+ FEValues<dim> fe_values (fe, quadrature_formula,
+ UpdateFlags(update_gradients |
+ update_q_points |
+ update_JxW_values));
+ const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe.dofs_per_cell;
+ const unsigned int n_q_points = quadrature_formula.n_quadrature_points;
+ FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix (dofs_per_cell, dofs_per_cell);
+ std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
+ //
+ typename DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator cell = mg_dof_handler.begin(),
+ endc = mg_dof_handler.end();
+ for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
+ {
+ // Remember the level of the
+ // current cell.
+ const unsigned int level = cell->level()
+ cell_matrix.clear ();
+ // Compute the values specified
+ // by update flags above.
+ fe_values.reinit (cell);
+ // This is exactly the
+ // integration loop of the cell
+ // matrix above.
+ for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ cell_matrix(i,j) += (fe_values.shape_grad(i,q_point)
+ * fe_values.shape_grad(j,q_point)
+ * fe_values.JxW(q_point));
+ };
+ // Oops! This is a tiny
+ // difference easily
+ // forgotten. The indices we
+ // want here are the ones for
+ // that special level, not for
+ // the global
+ // matrix. Therefore, a little
+ // 'mg' entered into the
+ // function call.
+ cell->get_mg_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ // And now add everything
+ // to the matrix on the
+ // right level.
+ mg_matrices[level]..add (local_dof_indices[i],
+ local_dof_indices[j],
+ cell_matrix(i,j));
+ };
+ };
+ // Again use zero boundary values:
+ std::map<unsigned int,double> boundary_values;
+ VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (mg_dof_handler,
+ 0,
+ ZeroFunction<dim>(),
+ boundary_values);
+ MatrixTools::apply_boundary_values (boundary_values,
+ system_matrix,
+ solution,
+ system_rhs);
// The solution process again looks
// mostly like in the previous
- // Writing output to a file is mostly
- // the same as for the previous
- // example, but here we will show how
- // to modify some output options and
- // how to construct a different
- // filename for each refinement
- // cycle.
+ // Here is the data output, which is
+ // a simplified version of step 5. We
+ // do a standard gnuplot output for
+ // each grid produced in the
+ // refinement process.
template <int dim>
void LaplaceProblem<dim>::output_results (const unsigned int cycle) const
+ // Construct and initialize a DataOut object
DataOut<dim> data_out;
data_out.attach_dof_handler (mg_dof_handler);
data_out.add_data_vector (solution, "solution");
data_out.build_patches ();
- // For this example, we would like
- // to write the output directly to
- // a file in Encapsulated
- // Postscript (EPS) format. The
- // library supports this, but
- // things may be a bit more
- // difficult sometimes, since EPS
- // is a printing format, unlike
- // most other supported formats
- // which serve as input for
- // graphical tools. Therefore, you
- // can't scale or rotate the image
- // after it has been written to
- // disk, and you have to decide
- // about the viewpoint or the
- // scaling in advance.
- //
- // The defaults in the library are
- // usually quite reasonable, and
- // regarding viewpoint and scaling
- // they coincide with the defaults
- // of Gnuplot. However, since this
- // is a tutorial, we will
- // demonstrate how to change
- // them. For this, we first have to
- // generate an object describing
- // the flags for EPS output:
- DataOutBase::EpsFlags eps_flags;
- // They are initialized with the
- // default values, so we only have
- // to change those that we don't
- // like. For example, we would like
- // to scale the z-axis differently
- // (stretch each data point in
- // z-direction by a factor of four):
- eps_flags.z_scaling = 4;
- // Then we would also like to alter
- // the viewpoint from which we look
- // at the solution surface. The
- // default is at an angle of 60
- // degrees down from the vertical
- // axis, and 30 degrees rotated
- // against it in mathematical
- // positive sense. We raise our
- // viewpoint a bit and look more
- // along the y-axis:
- eps_flags.azimut_angle = 40;
- eps_flags.turn_angle = 10;
- // That shall suffice. There are
- // more flags, for example whether
- // to draw the mesh lines, which
- // data vectors to use for
- // colorization of the interior of
- // the cells, and so on. You may
- // want to take a look at the
- // documentation of the EpsFlags
- // structure to get an overview of
- // what is possible.
- //
- // The only thing still to be done,
- // is to tell the output object to
- // use these flags:
- data_out.set_flags (eps_flags);
- // The above way to modify flags
- // requires recompilation each time
- // we would like to use different
- // flags. This is inconvenient, and
- // we will see more advanced ways
- // in following examples where the
- // output flags are determined at
- // run time using an input file.
- // Finally, we need the filename to
- // which the results are to be
- // written. We would like to have
- // it of the form
- // ``solution-N.eps'', where N is
- // the number of the refinement
- // cycle. Thus, we have to convert
- // an integer to a part of a
- // string; this can be done using
- // the ``sprintf'' function, but in
- // C++ there is a more elegant way:
- // write everything into a special
- // stream (just like writing into a
- // file or to the screen) and
- // retrieve what you wrote as a
- // string. This applies the usual
- // conversions from integer to
- // strings, and one could as well
- // give stream modifiers such as
- // ``setw'', ``setprecision'', and
- // so on.
- //
- // In C++, you can do this by using
- // the so-called stringstream
- // classes. As already discussed at
- // the point of inclusion of the
- // respective header file above,
- // there is some historical
- // confusion we have to work around
- // here, since the class we'd like
- // to use used to be called
- // ``ostrstream'', but now is named
- // ``ostringstream''. In the same
- // way as done above in deciding
- // which file to include, we here
- // decide which class name to use:
+ // The following block generates
+ // the file name and opens the
+ // file. This looks awkward because
+ // of a change in the handling of
+ // string streams (See step 5 for explanation).
std::ostringstream filename;
std::ostrstream filename;
- // Fortunately, the interface of
- // the two classes which we might
- // now be using, depending on which
- // one is available, is close
- // enough that we need to take care
- // about the differences only once
- // below, so we can use them in a
- // rather straightforward way, even
- // if they are not identical.
- // In order to now actually
- // generate a filename, we fill the
- // stringstream variable with the
- // base of the filename, then the
- // number part, and finally the
- // suffix indicating the file type:
filename << "solution-"
<< cycle
- << ".eps";
- // For the old string stream
- // classes, we have to append the
- // final '\0' that appears at the
- // end of ``char *''
- // variables. This is done by the
- // following construct:
+ << ".gnuplot";
filename << std::ends;
- // We can get whatever we wrote to
- // the stream using the ``str()''
- // function. If the new
- // stringstream classes are used,
- // then the result is a string
- // which we have to convert to a
- // char* using the ``c_str()''
- // function, otherwise the result
- // is a char* right away. Use that
- // as filename for the output
- // stream:
std::ofstream output (filename.str().c_str());
std::ofstream output (filename.str());
- // And then write the data to the
- // file.
- data_out.write_eps (output);
+ data_out.write_gnuplot (output);
std::cout << "Cycle " << cycle << ':' << std::endl;
- // If this is the first round,
- // then we have no grid yet,
- // and we will create it
- // here. In previous examples,
- // we have already used some of
- // the functions from the
- // GridGenerator class. Here we
- // would like to read a grid
- // from a file where the cells
- // are stored and which may
- // originate from someone else,
- // or may be the product of a
- // mesh generator tool.
- //
- // In order to read a grid from
- // a file, we generate an
- // object of data type GridIn
- // and associate the
- // triangulation to it (i.e. we
- // tell it to fill our
- // triangulation object when we
- // ask it to read the
- // file). Then we open the
- // respective file and
- // initialize the triangulation
- // with the data in the file:
if (cycle == 0)
- // Generate grid here!
+ // Generate a simple hypercube grid.
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tr);
// If this is not the first
// cycle, then simply refine
#define __deal2__solver_gmres_h
-/*---------------------------- solver_pgmres.h ---------------------------*/
#include <base/config.h>
#include <base/subscriptor.h>
+ * Flexible GMRES.
+ *
+ * This version of the GMRES method allows for the use of a different
+ * preconditioner in each iteration step. Therefore, it is also more
+ * robust with respect to inaccurate evaluation of the
+ * preconditioner. An important application is also the use of a
+ * Krylov space method inside the preconditioner.
+ *
+ * FGMRES needs two vectors in each iteration steps yielding a total
+ * of @p{2*AdditionalData::max_basis_size+1} auxiliary vectors.
+ */
+template <class VECTOR = Vector<double> >
+class SolverFGMRES : public Solver<VECTOR>
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Standardized data struct to
+ * pipe additional data to the
+ * solver.
+ */
+ struct AdditionalData
+ {
+ /**
+ * Constructor. By default,
+ * set the number of
+ * temporary vectors to 30,
+ * preconditioning from left
+ * and the residual of the
+ * stopping criterion to the
+ * default residual
+ * (cf. class documentation).
+ */
+ AdditionalData(const unsigned int max_basis_size = 30,
+ bool use_default_residual = true)
+ :
+ max_basis_size(max_basis_size)
+ {};
+ /**
+ * Maximum number of
+ * tmp vectors.
+ */
+ unsigned int max_basis_size;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ SolverFGMRES (SolverControl &cn,
+ VectorMemory<VECTOR> &mem,
+ const AdditionalData &data=AdditionalData());
+ /**
+ * Solve the linear system $Ax=b$
+ * for x.
+ */
+ template<class MATRIX, class PRECONDITIONER>
+ void
+ solve (const MATRIX &A,
+ VECTOR &x,
+ const VECTOR &b,
+ const PRECONDITIONER &precondition);
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Additional flags.
+ */
+ AdditionalData additional_data;
+ /**
+ * Projected system matrix
+ */
+ FullMatrix<double> H;
+ /**
+ * Auxiliary matrix for inverting @p{H}
+ */
+ FullMatrix<double> H1;
/* --------------------- Inline and template functions ------------------- */
-/*---------------------------- solver_pgmres.h ---------------------------*/
+template <class VECTOR>
+SolverFGMRES<VECTOR>::SolverFGMRES (SolverControl &cn,
+ VectorMemory<VECTOR> &mem,
+ const AdditionalData &data)
+ :
+ Solver<VECTOR> (cn, mem),
+ additional_data(data)
+template<class VECTOR>
+template<class MATRIX, class PRECONDITIONER>
+SolverFGMRES<VECTOR>::solve (
+ const MATRIX& A,
+ VECTOR& x,
+ const VECTOR& b,
+ const PRECONDITIONER& precondition)
+ deallog.push("FGMRES");
+ SolverControl::State iteration_state = SolverControl::iterate;
+ const unsigned int basis_size = additional_data.max_basis_size;
+ // Generate an object where basis
+ // vectors are stored.
+ typename SolverGMRES<VECTOR>::TmpVectors v (basis_size, this->memory);
+ typename SolverGMRES<VECTOR>::TmpVectors z (basis_size, this->memory);
+ // number of the present iteration; this
+ // number is not reset to zero upon a
+ // restart
+ unsigned int accumulated_iterations = 0;
+ // matrix used for the orthogonalization
+ // process later
+ H.reinit(basis_size+1, basis_size);
+ // Vectors for projected system
+ Vector<double> projected_rhs;
+ Vector<double> y;
+ // Iteration starts here
+ do
+ {
+ VECTOR* aux = this->memory.alloc();
+ aux->reinit(x);
+ A.vmult(*aux, x);
+ aux->sadd(-1., 1., b);
+ double beta = aux->l2_norm();
+ if (this->control().check(accumulated_iterations,beta)
+ == SolverControl::success)
+ break;
+ H.reinit(basis_size+1, basis_size);
+ double a = beta;
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<basis_size;++j)
+ {
+ v(j,x).equ(1./a, *aux);
+ precondition.vmult(z(j,x), v[j]);
+ A.vmult(*aux, z[j]);
+ // Gram-Schmidt
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<=j;++i)
+ {
+ H(i,j) = *aux * v[i];
+ aux->add(-H(i,j), v[i]);
+ }
+ H(j+1,j) = a = aux->l2_norm();
+ // Compute projected solution
+ if (j>0)
+ {
+ H1.reinit(j+1,j);
+ projected_rhs.reinit(j+1);
+ y.reinit(j);
+ projected_rhs(0) = beta;
+ H1.fill(H);
+ double res = H1.least_squares(y, projected_rhs);
+ iteration_state = this->control().check(++accumulated_iterations, res);
+ if (iteration_state != SolverControl::iterate)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update solution vector
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<y.size();++j)
+ x.add(y(j), z[j]);
+ this->;
+ } while (iteration_state == SolverControl::iterate);
+ deallog.pop();
+ // in case of failure: throw
+ // exception
+ if (this->control().last_check() != SolverControl::success)
+ throw SolverControl::NoConvergence (this->control().last_step(),
+ this->control().last_value());
-/*---------------------------- solver_pgmres.h ---------------------------*/