- # Install the remaining (static) elements of documentation:
+ # Install the static elements of the html documentation:
COMPONENT documentation
- FILES_MATCHING REGEX "^.*(html|css|eps|jpg|gif|fig|png|ico)$"
+ PATTERN "CMakeLists.txt" EXCLUDE
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-D = ../..
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
-default: makefiles.html makefile.small.html makefile.large.html
-# Have a list of variables defined in common/Make.global_options and expand them into
-# something that looks decent in HTML. The special text "--break--" draws a horizontal
-# line to separate different blocks of variables
- --break-- \
- F77 F77-VERSION \
- AR \
- PERL \
- --break-- \
- LIBS \
- OBJEXT EXEEXT static-lib-suffix shared-lib-suffix \
- lib-suffix \
- --break-- \
- lib-deal2.o \
- lib-deal2.g \
- --break-- \
- CFLAGS.g \
- CFLAGS.o \
- F77FLAGS.g \
- F77FLAGS.o \
- F77LIBS \
- --break-- \
- enable-shared \
- enable-parser \
- --break-- \
- enable-threads \
- lib-contrib-tbb.g \
- lib-contrib-tbb.o \
- --break-- \
- --break-- \
- lib-contrib-hsl \
- --break-- \
- lib-contrib-petsc.g \
- lib-contrib-petsc.o \
- include-path-petsc \
- include-path-petsc-bmake \
- --break-- \
- lib-contrib-slepc \
- include-path-slepc \
- --break-- \
- lib-contrib-trilinos \
- include-path-trilinos \
- --break-- \
- lib-contrib-mumps \
- include-path-mumps \
- --break-- \
- lib-contrib-arpack \
- --break-- \
- lib-contrib-metis \
- include-path-contrib-metis \
- --break-- \
- --break-- \
-expand_variable = $(if $(1:--break--=), \
- '<tr><td><code>$$($1)</td> <td>$($1)</code></td></tr>',\
- '<tr><th colspan="2"><hr></th></tr>')
-VARIABLE_VALUES = $(foreach v,$(VARIABLES),$(call expand_variable,$v))
-makefiles.html: Makefile makefiles.1.html $D/common/Make.global_options makefiles.2.html
- @cat makefiles.1.html > $@
- @echo "<p align=\"center\"><table class=\"tutorial\" width=\"60%\">" >> $@
- @echo "<tr><th>Makefile variable</th><th>Value in <code>common/Make.global_options</code></th></tr>" >> $@
- @echo "<tr><th colspan=\"2\"><hr></th></tr>" >> $@
- @echo $(VARIABLE_VALUES) >> $@
- @echo "</table></p>" >> $@
- @cat makefiles.2.html >> $@
-makefile.small.html: Makefile.small
- @$(PERL) makefile2html < $< > $@
-makefile.large.html: Makefile.large
- @$(PERL) makefile2html < $< > $@
- @$(PERL) $D/common/scripts/validate-xrefs.pl \
- $(filter-out makefiles.1.html makefiles.2.html, \
- $(shell echo *.html))
- -rm -f makefiles.html makefile.small.html makefile.large.html
-.PHONY: default validate-xrefs clean
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-# The large projects Makefile looks much like the one for small
-# projects. Basically, only the following seven parameters need to be
-# set by you:
-application-name = waves
-deal_II_dimension = 2
-# The next variable tells us the name of the executable. It is prefixed by
-# `lib/' to designate its destination directory. Note that the program
-# name depends on the dimension, so you can keep copies for the
-# different dimensions around:
-target = lib/$(application-name)-$(deal_II_dimension)d
-# The `debug-mode' variable works as in the small projects Makefile:
-debug-mode = on
-# And so does the following variable. You will have to set it to
-# something reasonable that, for example, includes the location where you
-# put output files that you want the `make clean' rule to delete
-clean-up-files =
-# Finally, here is a variable which tells the `run' rule which
-# parameters to pass to the executable. Usually, this will be the name
-# of an input file.
-run-parameters = parameter-file.prm
-# Now, this is the last variable you need to set, namely the path to
-# the deal.II toplevel directory:
-D = ../../deal.II
-# Usually, you will not need to change anything beyond this point.
-# This tells `make' where to find the global settings and rules:
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
-# First get a list of files belonging to the project. Include files
-# are expected in `include/', while implementation files are expected
-# in `source/'. Object files are placed into `lib/[123]d', using the
-# same base name as the `.cc' file.
-cc-files := $(shell echo source/*.cc)
-o-files := $(cc-files:source/%.cc=lib/$(deal_II_dimension)d/%.$(OBJEXT))
-go-files := $(cc-files:source/%.cc=lib/$(deal_II_dimension)d/%.g.$(OBJEXT))
-h-files := $(wildcard include/*.h)
-lib-h-files := $(shell echo $D/include/deal.II/*/*.h)
-# As before, define two variables that denote the debug and optimized
-# versions of the deal.II libraries:
-libs.g := $(lib-deal2.g)
-libs.o := $(lib-deal2.o)
-# Now use the information from above to define the set of libraries to
-# link with and the flags to be passed to the compiler:
-ifeq ($(debug-mode),on)
- libraries = $(go-files) $(libs.g)
- flags = $(CXXFLAGS.g) -Iinclude
- libraries = $(o-files) $(libs.o)
- flags = $(CXXFLAGS.o) -Iinclude
-# Then augment the compiler flags by a specification of the dimension
-# for which the program shall be compiled:
-flags += -Ddeal_II_dimension=$(deal_II_dimension)
-# The following two rules define how to compile C++ files into object
-# files:
-lib/$(deal_II_dimension)d/%.g.$(OBJEXT) :
- @echo =====$(application-name)=======$(deal_II_dimension)d====debug=====$(MT)== $(<F)
- @$(CXX) $(flags) -c $< -o $@
-lib/$(deal_II_dimension)d/%.$(OBJEXT) :
- @echo =====$(application-name)=======$(deal_II_dimension)d====optimized=$(MT)== $(<F)
- @$(CXX) $(flags) -c $< -o $@
-# Next define how to link the executable
-$(target)$(EXEEXT) : $(libraries) Makefile
- @echo =====$(application-name)=======$(deal_II_dimension)d==============$(MT)== Linking $(@F)
- @$(CXX) -o $@ $(libraries) $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
-# Rule how to run the program
-run: $(target)$(EXEEXT)
- ./$(target)$(EXEEXT) $(run-parameters)
-# Rule how to clean up. This is split into several different rules to
-# allow for parallel execution of commands:
-clean: clean-lib clean-data
- -rm -f *~ */*~ */*/*~ lib/Makefile.dep
- -rm -f lib/?d/*.$(OBJEXT) lib/?d/*.g.$(OBJEXT) $(target)$(EXEEXT) lib/TAGS
- -rm -f $(clean-up-files)
-# Again tell `make' which rules are not meant to produce files:
-.PHONY: clean clean-data clean-lib run
-# Finally produce the list of dependencies. Note that this time, the
-# object files end up in directories of their own, so we have to
-# modify the output a bit. The file with the dependencies is put into
-# `lib/'.
-lib/Makefile.dep: $(cc-files) $(h-files) $(lib-h-files) Makefile
- @echo =====$(application-name)=======$(deal_II_dimension)d================== Remaking $@
- @$D/common/scripts/make_dependencies $(INCLUDE) -Blib $(cc-files) \
- | $(PERL) -p -e 's!^lib/(.*):!lib/$(deal_II_dimension)d/$$1:!g;' \
- > $@
-include lib/Makefile.dep
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-# For the small projects Makefile, you basically need to fill in only
-# four fields.
-# The first is the name of the application. It is assumed that the
-# application name is the same as the base file name of the single C++
-# file from which the application is generated.
-target = step-1
-# The second field determines whether you want to run your program in
-# debug or optimized mode. The latter is significantly faster, but no
-# run-time checking of parameters and internal states is performed, so
-# you should set this value to `on' while you develop your program,
-# and to `off' when running production computations.
-debug-mode = on
-# As third field, we need to give the path to the top-level deal.II
-# directory. You need to adjust this to your needs. Since this path is
-# probably the most often needed one in the Makefile internals, it is
-# designated by a single-character variable, since that can be
-# reference using $D only, i.e. without the parentheses that are
-# required for most other parameters, as e.g. in $(target).
-D = ../../
-# The last field specifies the names of data and other files that
-# shall be deleted when calling `make clean'. Object and backup files,
-# executables and the like are removed anyway. Here, we give a list of
-# files in the various output formats that deal.II supports.
-clean-up-files = *gmv *gnuplot *gpl *eps *pov *vtk *ucd *d2
-# Usually, you will not need to change anything beyond this point.
-# The next statement tells the `make' program where to find the
-# deal.II top level directory and to include the file with the global
-# settings
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
-# Since the whole project consists of only one file, we need not
-# consider difficult dependencies. We only have to declare the
-# libraries which we want to link to the object file. deal.II has two
-# libraries: one for the debug mode version of the
-# application and one for optimized mode.
-libs.g := $(lib-deal2.g)
-libs.o := $(lib-deal2.o)
-# We now use the variable defined above to switch between debug and
-# optimized mode to select the set of libraries to link with. Included
-# in the list of libraries is the name of the object file which we
-# will produce from the single C++ file. Note that by default we use
-# the extension .g.o for object files compiled in debug mode and .o for
-# object files in optimized mode (or whatever local default on your
-# system is instead of .o)
-ifeq ($(debug-mode),on)
- libraries = $(target).g.$(OBJEXT) $(libs.g)
- libraries = $(target).$(OBJEXT) $(libs.o)
-# Now comes the first production rule: how to link the single object
-# file produced from the single C++ file into the executable. Since
-# this is the first rule in the Makefile, it is the one `make' selects
-# if you call it without arguments.
-all: $(target)$(EXEEXT)
-$(target)$(EXEEXT) : $(libraries)
- @echo ============================ Linking $@
- @$(CXX) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) $(LDFLAGS)
-# To make running the application somewhat independent of the actual
-# program name, we usually declare a rule `run' which simply runs the
-# program. You can then run it by typing `make run'. This is also
-# useful if you want to call the executable with arguments which do
-# not change frequently. You may then want to add them to the
-# following rule:
-run: $(target)$(EXEEXT)
- @echo ============================ Running $<
- @./$(target)$(EXEEXT)
-# As a last rule to the `make' program, we define what to do when
-# cleaning up a directory. This usually involves deleting object files
-# and other automatically created files such as the executable itself,
-# backup files, and data files. Since the latter are not usually quite
-# diverse, you needed to declare them at the top of this file.
- -rm -f *.$(OBJEXT) *~ Makefile.dep $(target)$(EXEEXT) $(clean-up-files)
-# Since we have not yet stated how to make an object file from a C++
-# file, we should do so now. Since the many flags passed to the
-# compiler are usually not of much interest, we suppress the actual
-# command line using the `at' sign in the first column of the rules
-# and write the string indicating what we do instead.
-./%.g.$(OBJEXT) :
- @echo "==============debug========= $(<F) -> $@"
- @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS.g) -c $< -o $@
-./%.$(OBJEXT) :
- @echo "==============optimized===== $(<F) -> $@"
- @$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS.o) -c $< -o $@
-# The following statement tells make that the rules `run' and `clean'
-# are not expected to produce files of the same name as Makefile rules
-# usually do.
-.PHONY: all run clean
-# Finally there is a rule which you normally need not care much about:
-# since the executable depends on some include files from the library,
-# besides the C++ application file of course, it is necessary to
-# re-generate the executable when one of the files it depends on has
-# changed. The following rule creates a dependency file
-# `Makefile.dep', which `make' uses to determine when to regenerate
-# the executable. This file is automagically remade whenever needed,
-# i.e. whenever one of the cc-/h-files changed. Make detects whether
-# to remake this file upon inclusion at the bottom of this file.
-# If the creation of Makefile.dep fails, blow it away and fail
-Makefile.dep: $(target).cc Makefile \
- $(shell echo $D/include/deal.II/*/*.h)
- @echo ============================ Remaking $@
- @$D/common/scripts/make_dependencies $(INCLUDE) -B. $(target).cc \
- > $@ \
- || (rm -f $@ ; false)
- @if test -s $@ ; then : else rm $@ ; fi
-# To make the dependencies known to `make', we finally have to include
-# them:
-include Makefile.dep
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2002, 2005, 2006 by the deal.II group
-# $Id$
-print <<'EOT'
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
- <head>
- <link href="../screen.css" rel="StyleSheet" title="deal.II Homepage" media="screen">
- <title>Makefile fro deal.II</title>
- <meta name="author" content="the deal.II authors <authors@dealii.org>">
- <meta name="keywords" content="deal.II Makefile"></head>
- <body>
-# ignore the first few lines
-$_ = <>;
-while ( m!^#\s*\$Id!) {
- $_ = <>;
-# have two states, in which the program can be:
-# comment-mode and program-mode
-$comment_mode = 0;
-$program_mode = 1;
-$state = $comment_mode;
-print "<p>\n";
-while (<>) {
- # ignore subversion tag
- next if m!^#\*\s*\$Id:!;
- # substitute special characters
- s/&/&/g;
- s/</</g;
- s/>/>/g;
- s/\t/ /g;
- if (($state == $program_mode) && m!^\s*#!)
- {
- $state = $comment_mode;
- print "</code></pre>\n";
- print "\n";
- print "<p>\n";
- }
- # if in comment mode and no comment line: toggle state.
- # don't do so, if only a blank line
- elsif (($state == $comment_mode) && !m!^\s*#! && !m!^\s*$!)
- {
- $state = $program_mode;
- print "</p>\n";
- print "\n";
- print "<pre><code>\n";
- }
- if ($state == $comment_mode)
- {
- m!\s*#\s*(.*)!;
- print $1, "\n";
- print "</p>\n\n<p>" if $1 =~ m!^\s*$!;
- }
- else
- {
- print " $_";
- }
-if ($state == $program_mode) {
- print "</code></pre>\n";
-print "</body>\n</html>\n";
+++ /dev/null
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
- "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
- <head>
- <link href="../screen.css" rel="StyleSheet" media="screen">
- <title>The deal.II Homepage - Makefiles</title>
- <meta name="author" content="the deal.II authors <authors@dealii.org>">
- <meta name="keywords" content="deal.II"></head>
- <body>
- <h2>Makefiles for <acronym>deal.II</acronym> projects</h2>
- <p>
- The file <code>common/Make.global_options</code> exports several
- make variables to other Makefiles which
- include it. You will want to include this file into the Makefiles of
- your project to use the same compiler flags and to access the paths
- to libraries. This page documents <a href="#flags">available
- variables</a>, documents the <a href="#values">values which are used
- in your local installation</a>, and shows
- <a href="#generic">generic Makefiles</a> which you may want to use
- in your own projects.
- </p>
- <a name="flags"></a>
- <h3>Available variables</h3>
- <p>
- Following is a partial list of available variables which are exported to
- other Makefiles. There are additional variables, in particular ones that
- determine the interaction with other libraries such as PETSc, Trilinos,
- METIS, etc; for details on these variables, take a look
- at <code>common/Make.global_options</code>.
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li><h4>General</h4>
- <dl>
- <dt> <code>D</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Path to the <acronym>deal.II</acronym> library
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>CXX</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Executable name of the C++ compiler
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>CC</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Executable name of the C compiler, which
- is used to generate shared libraries
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>GXX-VERSION</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Name and version of the C++ compiler. Possible
- names presently include
- <code>gcc3.3</code>, <code>gcc3.4</code>,
- <code>gcc4.0</code>, <code>gcc4.1</code>, etc,
- <code>ibm_xlc</code>, <code>MIPSpro</code>,
- <code>sun_workshop</code>, <code>sun_forte</code>,
- <code>intel_icc5</code>, <code>intel_icc6</code>,
- <code>intel_icc7</code>, <code>compaq_cxx</code>, and
- probably a few more as well. Not all of
- these compilers are actually supported (see the
- <a href="../readme.html" target="body">ReadMe file</a> for a
- list of supported compilers and platforms), it is only a list of
- recognized compilers.
- Note that the naming of this variable is historical (it
- should read <code>CXX-VERSION</code>), since
- it is also used even if the compiler is not the GNU C++
- compiler.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>GXX-VERSION-DETAILED</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Like GXX-VERSION, just that it may also contain the dot version
- number, for example gcc3.3.3.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>CC-VERSION</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Name and version of the CC compiler. Possible names are
- similar to the ones listed above.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>F77</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Executable name of the F77 compiler; often, no Fortran
- compiler is needed, in which case the variable may be empty if
- none was found
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>F77-VERSION</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Name and version of the Fortran 77 compiler. Possible
- names presently include <code>egcs1.1</code>,
- <code>gcc2.95</code>, <code>gcc2.96</code>,
- <code>gcc2.97</code>, <code>gcc3.0</code>, <code>SunF77</code>,
- <code>AIXF77</code>, <code>MIPSproF77</code>;
- there may be others in the future, if we have access to
- other systems
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>SHLIBLD</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Executable name of compiler that is used to link object
- files to shared libraries. This will usually be the C++
- compiler.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>enable-shared</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Determines whether shared or static libraries are used.
- In the former case it is set to <code>yes</code>.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>enable-threads</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Determines whether multiple threads should be used or not.
- In the former case it is set to <code>yes</code>.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>PERL</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Executable name of the `perl' program
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>DEAL_II_MAJOR</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Major version number of the <acronym>deal.II</acronym>
- library, i.e. the number before the first dot. Note that
- this version number is also available in programs through a
- preprocessor variable
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>DEAL_II_MINOR</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Minor version number of the <acronym>deal.II</acronym>
- library, i.e. the number after the first dot; if there are
- further numbers, like in version 3.0.1, then they are
- discarded as these versions only fix bugs but do not change
- features. Note that this version number is also available
- in programs through a preprocessor variable
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>TARGET</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- The target triplet as returned by config.guess. For example, on the
- system where I write this, it is i686-pc-linux-gnu, but it may also
- be sparc-sun-solaris2.7, or whatever config.guess determines for
- your system.
- </p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <li><h4>Paths to libraries</h4>
- <dl>
- <dt> <code>LIBDIR</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Path to the deal.II libraries.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>LIBPATH</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- All the library paths (the deal.II libraries as well as other
- libraries we need to link with) prefixed by -L, i.e. the
- flags needed by the compiler to find the libraries
- when they are linked in. These -L paths are appended to what
- was in $(LIBPATH) before.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>LIBS</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Additional libraries to be linked in, such as Fortran
- support, or Tecplot libraries when binary output is available.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>F77LIBS</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Libraries to be linked in when we link with Fortran
- files. These libraries are checked at configuration time,
- and are included into <code>$(LIBS)</code> when they are
- actually needed
- </p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <li><h4>Paths and filenames of libraries</h4>
- <dl>
- <dt> <code>OBJEXT</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Extension of object files. On unix, this is usually simply
- <code>o</code>, on Windows systems it is <code>obj</code>.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>EXEEXT</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Extension of executables. On unix, this is usually the
- empty string, on Windows systems it is <code>.exe</code>.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>static-lib-suffix</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- File extension of static libraries. Usually set to .a
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>shared-lib-suffix</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- File extension of shared libraries. If shared libraries
- are supported, this suffix is usually <code>.so</code> on unix-like
- systems, but is <code>.dylib</code> on Mac OS X
- and <code>.dll</code> on windows.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>lib-suffix</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- File extension of libraries. Depending on the value of
- <code>enable-shared</code>, it is either set to
- <code>static-lib-suffix</code> or to
- <code>shared-lib-suffix</code>.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>lib-deal2.o lib-deal2.g</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Path and filename of the deal.II libraries.
- </p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <li><h4>Paths to include files</h4>
- <dl>
- <dt> <code>INCLUDE</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p> All include paths figured out by the <tt>configure</tt>
- script are now included into the variable
- <code>$(INCLUDE)</code> (which include the compiler option
- <tt>-I</tt> in front of each directory). They are also
- automatically included in your compiler calls as soon as you use
- <code>$(CXXFLAGS.g)</code> or <code>$(CXXFLAGS.o)</code>.
- </p>
- <p>An exception to this rule are paths listed below. These are
- added to the variable <code>$(INCLUDE)</code> only during make.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>include-path-contrib-petsc
- include-path-contrib-petsc-bmake
- </code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- If PETSc is used, then these variables have the paths to the usual
- PETSc include files and the PETSc architecture dependent include
- files.
- (See the
- <a href="../readme.html#petsc" target="body">ReadMe</a>
- file for more information on installation of PETSC.)
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>include-path-contrib-metis
- </code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- If METIS is used, then this variable has the path to the METIS
- include files. (See the
- <a href="../readme.html#metis" target="body">ReadMe</a>
- file for more information on installation of METIS.)
- </p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <li><h4>Compiler flags</h4>
- <dl>
- <dt> <code>CXXFLAGS.g</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- C++ compiler flags for debug mode
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>CXXFLAGS.o</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- C++ compiler flags for optimized mode
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>CCFLAGS.g</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- C compiler flags for debug mode.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>CCFLAGS.o</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- C compiler flags for optimized mode.
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>F77FLAGS.g</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Fortran 77 compiler flags for debug mode
- </p>
- </dd>
- <dt> <code>F77FLAGS.o</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- Fortran 77 compiler flags for optimized mode
- </p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <li><h4>Linker flags</h4>
- <dl>
- <dt> <code>LDFLAGS</code> </dt>
- <dd> <p>
- General linker flags
- </p>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <a name="values"></a>
- <h3>Values of available variables</h3>
- In the copy of the library to which the file which you
- are presently viewing belongs (i.e., your local one, or the one on the
- <acronym>deal.II</acronym> homepage), here is a list of some of the
- variables defined in <code>common/Make.global_options</code>:
+++ /dev/null
- <a name="generic"></a>
- <h3>Generic Makefiles</h3>
- <p>
- <acronym>deal.II</acronym> comes with sample Makefiles for
- applications that use this library. They show how to use the information
- provided by the variables explained above.
- </p>
- <p>
- At present, there are two such Makefile templates. All Makefiles
- need slight modifications before they will work in your
- project; the places for modifications are marked and easy to find. The
- templates are:
- <ul>
- <li> <p>
- <a href="makefile.small.html" target="body">Small
- project Makefile</a>: This Makefile is targeted at small
- applications consisting of only a single <code>.cc</code>
- file. Examples of this kind are the
- <a href="../doxygen/tutorial/index.html" target="_top">step-by-step
- tutorial programs</a>.
- You can find this Makefile
- <a href="Makefile.small" target="_top">here</a>.
- </p>
- <li> <p>
- <a href="makefile.large.html" target="body">Large
- projects</a>: This file is targeted at larger projects, and
- for this file to work, we already assume a certain
- subdirectory structure of your project. In particular, it
- assumes that in your project directory the following
- subdirectories exist (where <code>project</code> is the
- directory in which the whole project is located):
- </p>
- <ul>
- <li> <code>project/source</code>: The location of all
- your <code>.cc</code> files.
- <li> <code>project/include</code>: The location of all
- your <code>.h</code> files.
- <li> <code>project/lib</code>: Where the Makefile will
- put the final executable.
- <ul>
- <li> <code>project/lib/1d</code>: Where the Makefile will
- put your object files if you compile for 1d.
- <li> <code>project/lib/2d</code>: Same for 2d.
- <li> <code>project/lib/3d</code>: Same for 3d.
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <p>
- Using this
- directory structure, it is possible to quickly switch
- between dimensions in which a program shall run in,
- enabling us to develop applications which run in 1d, 2d, or
- 3d without long compilation times. Furthermore, placing
- object files in different directories prevents cluttering
- directories with unnecessarily many files.
- </p>
- <p>
- The dimension for which the project shall be compiled is
- not stated in the source code, as in the small projects
- Makefile, but is determined by a flag set in the
- Makefile. The Makefile then makes sure that the preprocessor
- constant <code>deal_II_dimension</code> is set appropriately and
- passed through to the compiler when creating object files.
- </p>
- <p>
- You can find this Makefile
- <a href="Makefile.large" target="_top">here</a>.
- </p>
- </ul>
- <hr>
- <address>
- <a href="../mail.html">The deal.II Group</a></address>
-<div class="right">
- <p>
- <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer"><img border="0"
- src="http://www.w3.org/Icons/valid-html401"
- alt="Valid HTML 4.01!" height="31" width="88"></a>
- </p>
- </body>
# to standard output. If FILTER_PATTERNS is specified, this tag will be
# ignored.
-INPUT_FILTER = ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/scripts/filter
+INPUT_FILTER = ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen/scripts/filter
# The FILTER_PATTERNS tag can be used to specify filters on a per file pattern
# basis. Doxygen will compare the file name with each pattern and apply the
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/scripts/steps.pl
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen/scripts/steps.pl
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/scripts/make_toc.pl
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen/scripts/make_toc.pl
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/scripts/program2plain
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen/scripts/program2plain
< ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/${step}/${step}.cc
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/scripts/intro2toc
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen/scripts/intro2toc
< ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/${step}/doc/intro.dox
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/scripts/program2toc
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen/scripts/program2toc
< ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/${step}/${step}.cc
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/scripts/intro2toc
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen/scripts/intro2toc
< ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/${step}/doc/results.dox
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/scripts/create_anchors
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen/scripts/create_anchors
< ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/${step}/doc/intro.dox
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/scripts/program2doxygen
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen/scripts/program2doxygen
< ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/${step}/${step}.cc
- ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/scripts/create_anchors
+ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen/scripts/create_anchors
< ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/examples/${step}/doc/results.dox
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-# include defaults file
-D = ../..
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
-default: index.html
-index.html: extract.pl glossary.data
- $(PERL) $^ > $@
- $(PERL) $D/doc/auto/scripts/validate-xrefs.pl index.html
- -rm -f index.html
-.PHONY: clean default validate-xrefs
+++ /dev/null
-$/ = "\n\n";
-print << 'EOT'
-<TITLE>deal.II glossary</TITLE>
-<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="glossary.css">
-<H1><ACRONYM>deal.II</ACRONYM> Glossary</H1>
- ;
- s/\s+/ /g;
- while ( /<<([^>]+)>>/g ) {
- $link_name = $1;
- $link_name =~ s/\s/_/g;
- s/<<([^>]+)>>/<A HREF="#$link_name">$1<\/A>/g;
- }
- while ( /([^:]+):(.*)/g ) {
- $link_name = $1;
- $link_name =~ s/\s/_/g;
- s/([^:]+):(.*)/<DT><A NAME="$link_name" CLASS="name">$1<\/A><\/DT>\n\t<DD>$2<\/DD>/;
- }
- print "\n$_\n";
-print << 'EOT'
- ;
+++ /dev/null
-active cell: a triangulation cell that is not refined further
-boundary component: part of the domain in physical space. Denotes
-either function for a curved boundary or the selection of a <<boundary
-boundary condition: part of the weak formulation of a partial
-differential equation
-boundary indicator: data of lower dimensional <<triangulation
-object>>s, indicating the number of a <<boundary component>>
-cell: element of a subdivision, being of the same dimension as the
-domain of computation
-DG: see <<Discontinuous Galerkin>>
-DGFEM: <<Discontinuous Galerkin>> finite element method.
-Discontinuous Galerkin: A Galerkin discretization with all degrees of
-freedom in the interior of the grid cells. Continuity between grid
-cells is established by jump terms on the cell interfaces.
-hex: hexahedron, mapping of the unit cube into the domain
-locally finest level: all <<active cell>>s, i.e. the finest cell at each
-point of the domain
-quad: quadrilateral, mapping of the unit square into the domain
-triangulation object: the different kinds of polytopes forming a
-triangulation, lines, quadrilaterals and hexahedra
--- /dev/null
+<TITLE>deal.II glossary</TITLE>
+<link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="glossary.css">
+<H1><ACRONYM>deal.II</ACRONYM> Glossary</H1>
+<DT><A NAME="active_cell" CLASS="name">active cell</A></DT>
+ <DD> a triangulation cell that is not refined further </DD>
+<DT><A NAME="boundary_component" CLASS="name">boundary component</A></DT>
+ <DD> part of the domain in physical space. Denotes either function for a curved boundary or the selection of a <A HREF="#boundary_condition">boundary condition</A> </DD>
+<DT><A NAME="boundary_condition" CLASS="name">boundary condition</A></DT>
+ <DD> part of the weak formulation of a partial differential equation </DD>
+<DT><A NAME="boundary_indicator" CLASS="name">boundary indicator</A></DT>
+ <DD> data of lower dimensional <A HREF="#triangulation_object">triangulation object</A>s, indicating the number of a <A HREF="#triangulation_object">boundary component</A> </DD>
+<DT><A NAME="cell" CLASS="name">cell</A></DT>
+ <DD> element of a subdivision, being of the same dimension as the domain of computation </DD>
+<DT><A NAME="DG" CLASS="name">DG</A></DT>
+ <DD> see <A HREF="#Discontinuous_Galerkin">Discontinuous Galerkin</A> </DD>
+ <DD> <A HREF="#Discontinuous_Galerkin">Discontinuous Galerkin</A> finite element method. </DD>
+<DT><A NAME="Discontinuous_Galerkin" CLASS="name">Discontinuous Galerkin</A></DT>
+ <DD> A Galerkin discretization with all degrees of freedom in the interior of the grid cells. Continuity between grid cells is established by jump terms on the cell interfaces. </DD>
+<DT><A NAME="hex" CLASS="name">hex</A></DT>
+ <DD> hexahedron, mapping of the unit cube into the domain </DD>
+<DT><A NAME="locally_finest_level" CLASS="name">locally finest level</A></DT>
+ <DD> all <A HREF="#active_cell">active cell</A>s, i.e. the finest cell at each point of the domain </DD>
+<DT><A NAME="quad" CLASS="name">quad</A></DT>
+ <DD> quadrilateral, mapping of the unit square into the domain </DD>
+<DT><A NAME="triangulation_object" CLASS="name">triangulation object</A></DT>
+ <DD> the different kinds of polytopes forming a triangulation, lines, quadrilaterals and hexahedra </DD>
+++ /dev/null
-deal.II Mailinglist
-<!-- General markup first -->
-<!-- Start of main index page -->
- <HEAD>
- <link href="http://www.dealii.org/screen.css" rel="StyleSheet" media="screen">
- <meta name="keywords" content="deal.II">
- <meta name="robots" content="nofollow">.
- </HEAD>
- <BODY lang="en">
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-<ADDRESS><A HREF="http://www.dealII.uni-hd.de/mail.html">The deal.II mailing list</ADDRESS>
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- <meta name="keywords" content="deal.II">
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- <BODY style="background-image:url(../pictures/title-background.jpg);" lang="en">
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-<ADDRESS><A HREF="http://www.dealII.uni-hd.de/mail.html">The deal.II mailing list</ADDRESS>
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- <HEAD>
- <link href="http://www.dealii.org/screen.css" rel="StyleSheet" media="screen">
- </HEAD>
- <BODY>
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-<ADDRESS><A HREF="http://www.dealII.uni-hd.de/mail.html">The deal.II mailing list</ADDRESS>
-<!-- Sorting and filtering -->
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-<LI><A HREF="$TIDXFNAME$">Thread Index</A></LI>
-<p><strong>$MSGGMTDATE(CUR;%Y - %b - %d)$</strong><br>
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<!-- Define LITEMPLATE to display the time of day the message was
- sent, message subject, author, and any annotation for the
- message.
- -->
-<tr valign="top">
-<td align="left">$SUBJECT$</td>
-<td align="right">$FROMNAME$</td>
-<!-- Define LISTEND to close table -->
-<!-- Message formatting -->
- <!--
- -->
-<strong>$FROMNAME$</strong> ($FROMADDRNAME$ <I>at</I> $FROMADDRDOMAIN$)
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-# include defaults file
-D = ../../..
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
- $(PERL) $D/doc/auto/scripts/validate-xrefs.pl *.html
-.PHONY: validate-xrefs
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-# include defaults file
-D = ../../..
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
- $(PERL) $D/doc/auto/scripts/validate-xrefs.pl *.html
-.PHONY: validate-xrefs
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-# include defaults file
-D = ../../..
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
- $(PERL) $D/doc/auto/scripts/validate-xrefs.pl *.html
-.PHONY: validate-xrefs
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-# include defaults file
-D = ../../..
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
- $(PERL) $D/doc/auto/scripts/validate-xrefs.pl *.html
-.PHONY: validate-xrefs
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-# include defaults file
-D = ../..
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
- @$(PERL) $D/common/scripts/validate-xrefs.pl *.html */*.html
-.PHONY: validate-xrefs
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-D = ../..
-include $D/common/Make.global_options
-# default: do nothing
- $(PERL) $D/common/scripts/validate-xrefs.pl *.html
-.PHONY: default validate-xrefs
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-# $Id$
-# include paths and global variables
-include ../../common/Make.global_options
-# check xrefs in all subdirs
- @for dir in * ; do \
- if test -d $$dir ; then \
- cd $$dir ; \
- if (ls -l | grep html > /dev/null) ; then \
- echo "Checking `pwd`" ; \
- $(PERL) $D/common/scripts/validate-xrefs.pl *html ; \
- fi ; \
- cd .. ; \
- fi ; \
- done