void parse_parameters (ParameterHandler ¶m);
+ /**
+ * Flags controlling SVG output.
+ */
+ struct Svg
+ {
+ /// Thickness of the lines between cells
+ unsigned int line_thickness;
+ /// Thickness of lines at the boundary
+ unsigned int boundary_line_thickness;
+ /// Margin around the plotted area
+ unsigned int margin_in_percent;
+ /**
+ * Background style.
+ */
+ enum Background {
+ /// Use transparent value of SVG
+ transparent,
+ /// Use white background
+ white,
+ /// Use a gradient from white (top) to steelblue (bottom), and add date and time plus a "deal.II" logo.
+ dealii };
+ Background background;
+ /**
+ * Cell coloring.
+ */
+ enum Coloring {
+ /// No cell coloring
+ none,
+ /// Convert the material id into the cell color
+ material_id,
+ /// Convert the level number into the cell color
+ level_number,
+ /// Convert the subdomain id into the cell color
+ subdomain_id };
+ Coloring coloring;
+ /**
+ * Cell labeling (fixed order).
+ *
+ * The following booleans determine which property of the cell
+ * shall be displayed as text in the middle of each cell.
+ */
+ bool label_level_number; /// default: true
+ bool label_cell_index; /// default: true
+ bool label_material_id; /// default: false
+ bool label_subdomain_id; /// default: false
+ //bool label_level_subdomain_id; // TODO [CW]: not yet implemented ...
+ /// Draw a colorbar next to the plotted grid with respect to the chosen coloring of the cells
+ bool draw_colorbar;
+ /// Draw a legend next to the plotted grid, explaining the label of the cells
+ bool draw_legend;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ Svg (const unsigned int line_thickness = 3,
+ const unsigned int boundary_line_thickness = 7,
+ const unsigned int margin_in_percent = 7,
+ const Background background = dealii,
+ const Coloring coloring = material_id,
+ const bool label_level_number = true,
+ const bool label_cell_index = true,
+ const bool label_material_id = false,
+ const bool label_subdomain_id = false,
+ const bool draw_colorbar = true,
+ const bool draw_legend = true);
+ /**
+ * Declare parameters in
+ * ParameterHandler.
+ */
+// static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler ¶m);
+ /**
+ * Parse parameters of
+ * ParameterHandler.
+ */
+// void parse_parameters (ParameterHandler ¶m);
+ };
/// write() calls write_xfig()
/// write() calls write_msh()
- msh
+ msh,
+ /// write() calls write_svg()
+ svg
+ /// write() calls write_svg()
std::ostream &out,
const Mapping<dim> *mapping=0) const;
+ /**
+ * Write the triangulation in the
+ * SVG format.
+ *
+ * SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is
+ * an XML-based vector image format
+ * recommended by the World Wide Web
+ * Consortium (W3C). This function
+ * conforms to the latest
+ * specification SVG 1.1, released
+ * on August 16, 2011.
+ *
+ * The cells of the triangulation
+ * are written as polygons with
+ * additional lines at the boundary
+ * of the triangulation. A coloring
+ * of the cells is further possible
+ * in order to visualize a
+ * certain property of the cells
+ * such as their level or material
+ * id. A colorbar can be drawn to
+ * encode the chosen coloring.
+ * Moreover, a cell label can be
+ * added, showing level index, etc.
+ *
+ * @note Only implemented for the
+ * two-dimensional grids in two
+ * space dimensions.
+ *
+ */
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ void write_svg (const Triangulation<dim,spacedim> &tria,
+ std::ostream &out) const;
+ void write_svg (const Triangulation<2,2> &tria,
+ std::ostream &out) const;
* Write grid to @p out according
* to the given data format. This
void set_flags (const GridOutFlags::XFig &flags);
+ /**
+ * Set flags for SVG output
+ */
+ void set_flags (const GridOutFlags::Svg &flags);
* Provide a function which tells us which
* suffix with a given output format
GridOutFlags::XFig xfig_flags;
+ /**
+ * Flags used for Svg output.
+ */
+ GridOutFlags::Svg svg_flags;
* Write the grid information about
* faces to @p out. Only those faces
boundary_thickness = param.get_integer("Boundary width");
+ Svg::Svg(const unsigned int line_thickness,
+ const unsigned int boundary_line_thickness,
+ const unsigned int margin_in_percent,
+ const Background background,
+ const Coloring coloring,
+ const bool label_level_number,
+ const bool label_cell_index,
+ const bool label_material_id,
+ const bool label_subdomain_id,
+ const bool draw_colorbar,
+ const bool draw_legend) :
+ line_thickness(line_thickness),
+ boundary_line_thickness(boundary_line_thickness),
+ margin_in_percent(margin_in_percent),
+ background(background),
+ coloring(coloring),
+ label_level_number(label_level_number),
+ label_cell_index(label_cell_index),
+ label_material_id(label_material_id),
+ label_subdomain_id(label_subdomain_id),
+ draw_colorbar(draw_colorbar),
+ draw_legend(draw_legend)
+ {}
} // end namespace GridOutFlags
+void GridOut::set_flags (const GridOutFlags::Svg &flags)
+ svg_flags = flags;
GridOut::default_suffix (const OutputFormat output_format)
return ".fig";
case msh:
return ".msh";
+ case svg:
+ return ".svg";
Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
return "";
if (format_name == "msh")
return msh;
+ if (format_name == "svg")
+ return svg;
AssertThrow (false, ExcInvalidState ());
// return something weird
return OutputFormat(-1);
std::string GridOut::get_output_format_names ()
- return "none|dx|gnuplot|eps|ucd|xfig|msh";
+ return "none|dx|gnuplot|eps|ucd|xfig|msh|svg";
//TODO[GK]: Simplify after deprecation period is over
case GridOutFlags::XFig::material_id:
- out << static_cast<unsigned int>(cell->material_id()) + 32;
+ out << static_cast<unsigned int>(cell->material_id()) + 32;
case GridOutFlags::XFig::level_number:
out << cell->level() + 8;
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+void GridOut::write_svg(const Triangulation<dim,spacedim> &tria, std::ostream &out) const
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+void GridOut::write_svg(const Triangulation<2,2> &tria, std::ostream &out) const
+ const int dim = 2;
+//------------------ determine the bounding box of the given triangulation,
+//------------------ the materials being used, the levels being used,
+//------------------ the subdomains being used (, and the level subdomains being used)
+ unsigned int n_materials = 0;
+ unsigned int n_levels = 0;
+ unsigned int n_subdomains = 0;
+ //unsigned int n_level_subdomains = 0; // TODO [CW]: CellAccessor<dim, spacedim> does not
+ // seem to possess this attribute ...
+ const unsigned int height = 4000; // TODO [CW]: consider other options ...
+ unsigned int cell_label_font_size = round((height/100.) * 2.25); // initial font size for cell labels
+ unsigned int font_size = round((height/100.) * 2.); // font size for date, time, legend, and colorbar
+ // get date and time
+ time_t time_stamp;
+ tm *now;
+ time_stamp = time(0);
+ now = localtime(&time_stamp);
+ Triangulation<2,2>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(), endc = tria.end();
+ double x_min = cell->vertex(0)[0];
+ double x_max = cell->vertex(0)[0];
+ double y_min = cell->vertex(0)[1];
+ double y_max = cell->vertex(0)[1];
+ unsigned int min_level = cell->level();
+ unsigned int max_level = cell->level();
+ // array for the materials being used
+ unsigned int materials[256];
+ for (unsigned int material_index = 0; material_index < 256; material_index++) materials[material_index] = 0;
+ // array for the levels being used
+ unsigned int levels[256];
+ for (unsigned int level_index = 0; level_index < 256; level_index++) levels[level_index] = 0;
+ // array for the subdomains being used
+ unsigned int subdomains[256];
+ for (unsigned int subdomain_index = 0; subdomain_index < 256; subdomain_index++) subdomains[subdomain_index] = 0;
+ /*
+ // array for the level subdomains being used
+ int level_subdomains[256];
+ for(int level_subdomain_index = 0; level_subdomain_index < 256; level_subdomain_index++) level_subdomains[level_subdomain_index] = 0;
+ */
+ // determine the bounding box of the triangulation and check the cells for material and subdomain
+ for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int vertex_index = 0; vertex_index < GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; vertex_index++)
+ {
+ if (cell->vertex(vertex_index)[0] < x_min) x_min = cell->vertex(vertex_index)[0];
+ if (cell->vertex(vertex_index)[0] > x_max) x_max = cell->vertex(vertex_index)[0];
+ if (cell->vertex(vertex_index)[1] < y_min) y_min = cell->vertex(vertex_index)[1];
+ if (cell->vertex(vertex_index)[1] > y_max) y_max = cell->vertex(vertex_index)[1];
+ }
+ if ((unsigned int)cell->level() < min_level) min_level = cell->level();
+ if ((unsigned int)cell->level() > max_level) max_level = cell->level();
+ if ((unsigned int)cell->material_id()) materials[(unsigned int)cell->material_id()] = 1;
+ else if ((unsigned int)cell->material_id() == 0) materials[0] = 1;
+ if ((int)cell->level()) levels[(unsigned int)cell->level()] = 1;
+ else if ((unsigned int)cell->level() == 0) levels[0] = 1;
+ if ((unsigned int)cell->subdomain_id()) subdomains[(unsigned int)cell->subdomain_id()] = 1;
+ else if ((unsigned int)cell->subdomain_id() == 0) subdomains[0] = 1;
+ // if((unsigned int)(cell->level_subdomain_id())) level_subdomains[(unsigned int)cell->level_subdomain_id()] = 1;
+ // else if((unsigned int)(cell->level_subdomain_id()) == 0) level_subdomains[0] = 1;
+ }
+ const double x_dimension = x_max - x_min;
+ const double y_dimension = y_max - y_min;
+ // count the materials being used
+ for (unsigned int material_index = 0; material_index < 256; material_index++)
+ {
+ if (materials[material_index]) n_materials++;
+ }
+ // count the levels being used
+ for (unsigned int level_index = 0; level_index < 256; level_index++)
+ {
+ if (levels[level_index]) n_levels++;
+ }
+ // count the subdomains being used
+ for (unsigned int subdomain_index = 0; subdomain_index < 256; subdomain_index++)
+ {
+ if (subdomains[subdomain_index]) n_subdomains++;
+ }
+ /*
+ // count the level subdomains being used
+ for(int level_subdomain_index = 0; level_subdomain_index < 256; level_subdomain_index++)
+ {
+ if(level_subdomains[level_subdomain_index]) n_level_subdomains++;
+ }
+ */
+//------------------ create the svg file with internal style sheet
+ const unsigned int width = round(height * (x_dimension/y_dimension));
+ unsigned int additional_width = 0;
+ if (svg_flags.draw_legend && (svg_flags.label_level_number || svg_flags.label_cell_index || svg_flags.label_material_id || svg_flags.label_subdomain_id)) // || svg_flags.label_level_subdomain_id ))
+ {
+ additional_width = round(height * .4); // additional width for legend
+ }
+ else if (svg_flags.draw_colorbar && svg_flags.coloring)
+ {
+ additional_width = round(height * .175); // additional width for colorbar // TODO [CW]: not enough / automatic adjustment ...
+ }
+ out << "<!-- deal.ii GridOut " << now->tm_mday << '/' << now->tm_mon + 1 << '/' << now->tm_year + 1900
+ << ' ' << now->tm_hour << ':';
+ if (now->tm_min < 10) out << '0';
+ out << now->tm_min << " -->"
+ << '\n' << '\n';
+ // basic svg header and inclusion of the corresponding style sheet
+ out << "<svg width=\"" << width + additional_width << "\" height=\"" << height << "\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\" version=\"1.1\">"
+ << '\n' << '\n';
+ if (svg_flags.background == 2)
+ {
+ out << " <linearGradient id=\"background_gradient\" gradientUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" x1=\"0\" y1=\"0\" x2=\"0\" y2=\"" << height << "\">" << '\n'
+ << " <stop offset=\"0\" style=\"stop-color:white\"/>" << '\n'
+ << " <stop offset=\"1\" style=\"stop-color:lightsteelblue\"/>" << '\n'
+ << " </linearGradient>"
+ << '\n';
+ }
+ out << '\n';
+ out << "<style type=\"text/css\"><![CDATA["
+ << '\n';
+ if (svg_flags.background == 0) out << " rect.background{fill:none}" << '\n';
+ else if (svg_flags.background == 1) out << " rect.background{fill:white}" << '\n';
+ else out << " rect.background{fill:url(#background_gradient)}" << '\n';
+ // basic svg graphic element styles
+ out << " rect{fill:none; stroke:rgb(25,25,25); stroke-width:" << svg_flags.line_thickness << '}' << '\n'
+ << " text{font-family:Helvetica; text-anchor:middle; fill:rgb(25,25,25)}" << '\n'
+ << " line{stroke:rgb(25,25,25); stroke-width:" << svg_flags.boundary_line_thickness << '}' << '\n'
+ << " path{fill:none; stroke:rgb(25,25,25); stroke-width:" << svg_flags.line_thickness << '}' << '\n';
+ out << '\n';
+ for (unsigned int level_index = min_level; level_index <= max_level; level_index++)
+ {
+ int font_size = cell_label_font_size * pow(.5, level_index - min_level);
+ out << " text.l" << level_index << "{font-family:Helvetica; text-anchor:middle;"
+ << "fill:rgb(25,25,25); font-size:" << font_size << '}'
+ << '\n';
+ }
+ out << '\n';
+ if (svg_flags.coloring)
+ {
+ unsigned int labeling_index = 0;
+ unsigned int n = 0;
+ switch (svg_flags.coloring)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ n = n_materials;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ n = n_levels;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ n = n_subdomains;
+ break;
+// case 4: n = n_level_subdomains; break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int index = 0; index < n; index++)
+ {
+ double h;
+ if (n != 1) h = .6 - (index / (n-1.)) * .6;
+ else h = .6;
+ unsigned int r = 0;
+ unsigned int g = 0;
+ unsigned int b = 0;
+ unsigned int i = floor(h * 6);
+ double f = h * 6 - i;
+ double q = 1 - f;
+ double t = f;
+ switch (i % 6)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ r = 255, g = round(255*t); break;
+ case 1:
+ r = round(255*q), g = 255; break;
+ case 2:
+ g = 255, b = round(255*t); break;
+ case 3:
+ g = round(255*q), b = 255; break;
+ case 4:
+ r = round(255*t), b = 255; break;
+ case 5:
+ r = 255, b = round(255*q); break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ switch (svg_flags.coloring)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ while (!materials[labeling_index]) labeling_index++;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ while (!levels[labeling_index]) labeling_index++;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ while (!subdomains[labeling_index]) labeling_index++;
+ break;
+ // case 4: while(!level_subdomains[labeling_index]) labeling_index++; break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ out << " path.p" << labeling_index
+ << "{fill:rgb(" << r << ',' << g << ',' << b << "); "
+ << "stroke:rgb(25,25,25); stroke-width:" << svg_flags.line_thickness << '}'
+ << '\n';
+ out << " rect.r" << labeling_index
+ << "{fill:rgb(" << r << ',' << g << ',' << b << "); "
+ << "stroke:rgb(25,25,25); stroke-width:" << svg_flags.line_thickness << '}'
+ << '\n';
+ labeling_index++;
+ }
+ }
+ out << " ]]></style>"
+ << '\n' << '\n';
+ out << " <rect class=\"background\" width=\"" << width + additional_width << "\" height=\"" << height << "\"/>"
+ << '\n';
+ if (svg_flags.background == 2)
+ {
+ unsigned int x_offset = 0;
+ if (svg_flags.margin_in_percent) x_offset = round((height/100.) * (svg_flags.margin_in_percent/2.));
+ else x_offset = round(height * .025);
+ out << " <text x=\"" << x_offset << "\" y=\"" << round(height * .045) << '\"'
+ << " style=\"font-weight:100; fill:lightsteelblue; text-anchor:start; font-family:Courier; font-size:" << round(height * .035) << "\">"
+ << "deal.II" << "</text>"
+ << '\n';
+ out << " <text x=\"" << x_offset + round(height * .045 * 3.75) << "\" y=\"" << round(height * .045) << '\"'
+ << " style=\"fill:lightsteelblue; text-anchor:start; font-size:" << round(font_size * .75) << "\">"
+ << now->tm_mday << '/' << now->tm_mon + 1 << '/' << now->tm_year + 1900
+ << " - " << now->tm_hour << ':';
+ if (now->tm_min < 10) out << '0';
+ out << now->tm_min
+ << "</text>"
+ << '\n' << '\n';
+ }
+//------------------ draw the cells
+ out << " <!-- cells -->"
+ << '\n';
+ cell = tria.begin_active();
+ endc = tria.end();
+ for (; cell != endc; ++cell)
+ {
+ // draw the current cell
+ out << " <path";
+ if (svg_flags.coloring)
+ {
+ out << " class=\"p";
+ switch (svg_flags.coloring)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ out << (unsigned int)cell->material_id();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ out << (unsigned int)cell->level();
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ out << (unsigned int)cell->subdomain_id();
+ break;
+ // case 4: out << (unsigned int)cell->level_subdomain_id(); break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ out << '\"';
+ }
+ out << " d=\""
+ << "M " << round(((cell->vertex(0)[0] - x_min) / x_dimension) * (width - (height/100.) * 2. * svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << ' ' << round(((cell->vertex(0)[1] - y_min) / y_dimension) * (height - (height/100.) * 2. * svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << " L " << round(((cell->vertex(1)[0] - x_min) / x_dimension) * (width - (height/100.) * 2. * svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << ' ' << round(((cell->vertex(1)[1] - y_min) / y_dimension) * (height - (height/100.) * 2. * svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << " L " << round(((cell->vertex(3)[0] - x_min) / x_dimension) * (width - (height/100.) * 2. * svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << ' ' << round(((cell->vertex(3)[1] - y_min) / y_dimension) * (height - (height/100.) * 2. * svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << " L " << round(((cell->vertex(2)[0] - x_min) / x_dimension) * (width - (height/100.) * 2. * svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << ' ' << round(((cell->vertex(2)[1] - y_min) / y_dimension) * (height - (height/100.) * 2. * svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << " L " << round(((cell->vertex(0)[0] - x_min) / x_dimension) * (width - (height/100.) * 2. * svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << ' ' << round(((cell->vertex(0)[1] - y_min) / y_dimension) * (height - (height/100.) * 2. * svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << "\"/>"
+ << '\n';
+ // label the current cell
+ if (svg_flags.label_level_number || svg_flags.label_cell_index || svg_flags.label_material_id || svg_flags.label_subdomain_id) // || svg_flags.label_level_subdomain_id)
+ {
+ out << " <text class=\"l" << cell->level()
+ << "\" x=\"" << round(((cell->center()[0] - x_min) / x_dimension) * (width - (height/100.) * 2. * svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << "\" y=\"" << round(((cell->center()[1] - y_min) / y_dimension) * (height - (height/100.) * 2. * svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << "\">";
+ if (svg_flags.label_level_number)
+ {
+ out << cell->level();
+ }
+ if (svg_flags.label_cell_index)
+ {
+ if (svg_flags.label_level_number) out << ',';
+ out << cell->index();
+ }
+ if (svg_flags.label_material_id)
+ {
+ if (svg_flags.label_level_number || svg_flags.label_cell_index) out << ',';
+ out << (int)cell->material_id();
+ }
+ if (svg_flags.label_subdomain_id)
+ {
+ if (svg_flags.label_level_number || svg_flags.label_cell_index || svg_flags.label_material_id) out << ',';
+ out << cell->subdomain_id();
+ }
+ /*
+ if(svg_flags.label_level_subdomain_id)
+ {
+ if(svg_flags.label_level_number || svg_flags.label_cell_index || svg_flags.label_material_id || svg_flags.label_subdomain_id) out << ',';
+ out << cell->level_subdomain_id();
+ }
+ */
+ out << "</text>"
+ << '\n';
+ }
+//------------------ draw the boundary
+ if (svg_flags.boundary_line_thickness)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; faceIndex++)
+ {
+ if (cell->at_boundary(faceIndex))
+ {
+ out << " <line x1=\"" << round(((cell->face(faceIndex)->vertex(0)[0] - x_min)/x_dimension) * (width - (height/100.) *2.* svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << "\" y1=\"" << round(((cell->face(faceIndex)->vertex(0)[1] - y_min)/y_dimension) * (height - (height/100.) *2.* svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << "\" x2=\"" << round(((cell->face(faceIndex)->vertex(1)[0] - x_min)/x_dimension) * (width - (height/100.) *2.* svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << "\" y2=\"" << round(((cell->face(faceIndex)->vertex(1)[1] - y_min)/y_dimension) * (height - (height/100.) *2.* svg_flags.margin_in_percent) + ((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent))
+ << "\"/>"
+ << '\n';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//------------------ draw the legend
+ if (svg_flags.draw_legend && (svg_flags.label_level_number || svg_flags.label_cell_index || svg_flags.label_material_id || svg_flags.label_subdomain_id)) // || svg_flags.label_level_subdomain_id ))
+ {
+ out << '\n';
+ out << " <!-- legend -->"
+ << '\n';
+ unsigned int additional_width = 0;
+ if (!svg_flags.margin_in_percent) additional_width = round((height/100.) * 2.5);
+ out << " <rect x=\"" << width + additional_width << "\" y=\"" << round((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent)
+ << "\" width=\"" << round((height/100.) * (40. - svg_flags.margin_in_percent)) << "\" height=\"" << round(height*.2) << "\"/>"
+ << '\n';
+ unsigned int line_offset = 0;
+ out << " <text x=\"" << width + additional_width + round((height/100.) * 1.25)
+ << "\" y=\"" << round((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent + (++line_offset) * 1.5 * font_size)
+ << "\" style=\"text-anchor:start; font-weight:bold; font-size:" << font_size
+ << "\">"
+ << "cell label"
+ << "</text>"
+ << '\n';
+ if (svg_flags.label_level_number)
+ {
+ out << " <text x=\"" << width + additional_width + round((height/100.) * 2.)
+ << "\" y=\"" << round((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent + (++line_offset) * 1.5 * font_size)
+ << "\" style=\"text-anchor:start; font-style:oblique; font-size:" << font_size
+ << "\">"
+ << "level_number";
+ if (svg_flags.label_cell_index || svg_flags.label_material_id || svg_flags.label_subdomain_id) // || svg_flags.label_level_subdomain_id)
+ out << ',';
+ out << "</text>"
+ << '\n';
+ }
+ if (svg_flags.label_cell_index)
+ {
+ out << " <text x=\"" << width + additional_width + round((height/100.) * 2.)
+ << "\" y=\"" << round((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent + (++line_offset) * 1.5 * font_size )
+ << "\" style=\"text-anchor:start; font-style:oblique; font-size:" << font_size
+ << "\">"
+ << "cell_index";
+ if (svg_flags.label_material_id || svg_flags.label_subdomain_id) // || svg_flags.label_level_subdomain_id)
+ out << ',';
+ out << "</text>"
+ << '\n';
+ }
+ if (svg_flags.label_material_id)
+ {
+ out << " <text x=\"" << width + additional_width + round((height/100.) * 2.)
+ << "\" y=\"" << round((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent + (++line_offset) * 1.5 * font_size )
+ << "\" style=\"text-anchor:start; font-style:oblique; font-size:" << font_size
+ << "\">"
+ << "material_id";
+ if (svg_flags.label_subdomain_id) // || svg_flags.label_level_subdomain_id)
+ out << ',';
+ out << "</text>"
+ << '\n';
+ }
+ if (svg_flags.label_subdomain_id)
+ {
+ out << " <text x= \"" << width + additional_width + round((height/100.) * 2.)
+ << "\" y=\"" << round((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent + (++line_offset) * 1.5 * font_size )
+ << "\" style=\"text-anchor:start; font-style:oblique; font-size:" << font_size
+ << "\">"
+ << "subdomain_id";
+ // if(svg_flags.label_level_subdomain_id)
+ // out << ',';
+ out << "</text>"
+ << '\n';
+ }
+ /*
+ if(svg_flags.label_level_subdomain_id)
+ {
+ out << " <text x= \"" << width + additional_width + round((height/100.) * 2.)
+ << "\" y=\"" << round((height/100.) * svg_flags.margin_in_percent + (++line_offset) * 1.5 * font_size )
+ << "\" style=\"text-anchor:start; font-style:oblique; font-size:" << font_size
+ << "\">"
+ << "level_subdomain_id"
+ << "</text>" << '\n';
+ }
+ */
+ }
+//------------------ draw the colorbar
+ if (svg_flags.draw_colorbar && svg_flags.coloring)
+ {
+ out << '\n';
+ out << " <!-- colorbar -->"
+ << '\n';
+ unsigned int additional_width = 0;
+ if (!svg_flags.margin_in_percent) additional_width = round((height/100.) * 2.5);
+ unsigned int n = 0;
+ out << " <text x=\"" << width + additional_width
+ << "\" y=\"" << round((height/100.) * (svg_flags.margin_in_percent+27.5) - (font_size/1.25))
+ << "\" style=\"text-anchor:start; font-weight:bold; font-size:" << font_size << "\">";
+ switch (svg_flags.coloring)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ out << "material_id", n = n_materials;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ out << "level_number", n = n_levels;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ out << "subdomain_id", n = n_subdomains;
+ break;
+ // case 4: out << "level_subdomain_id", n = n_level_subdomains; break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ out << "</text>"
+ << '\n';
+ unsigned int element_height = floor(((height/100.) * (72.5 - 2.*svg_flags.margin_in_percent)) / n);
+ unsigned int element_width = round((height/100.) * 2.5);
+ int labeling_index = 0;
+ for (unsigned int index = 0; index < n; index++)
+ {
+ switch (svg_flags.coloring)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ while (!materials[labeling_index]) labeling_index++;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ while (!levels[labeling_index]) labeling_index++;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ while (!subdomains[labeling_index]) labeling_index++;
+ break;
+ // case 4: while(!level_subdomains[labeling_index]) labeling_index++; break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ out << " <rect class=\"r" << labeling_index
+ << "\" x=\"" << width + additional_width
+ << "\" y=\"" << round((height/100.) * (svg_flags.margin_in_percent + 27.5)) + (n-index-1) * element_height
+ << "\" width=\"" << element_width
+ << "\" height=\"" << element_height
+ << "\"/>"
+ << '\n';
+ unsigned int additional_width = 0;
+ if (!svg_flags.margin_in_percent) additional_width = round((height/100.) * 2.5);
+ out << " <text x=\"" << width + additional_width + 1.5 * element_width
+ << "\" y=\"" << round((height/100.) * (svg_flags.margin_in_percent + 27.5)) + (n-index-1 + .5) * element_height + round(font_size * .35) << "\""
+ << " style=\"text-anchor:start; font-size:" << round(font_size);
+ if (index == 0 || index == n-1) out << "; font-weight:bold";
+ out << "\">" << labeling_index;
+ if (index == n-1) out << " max";
+ if (index == 0) out << " min";
+ out << "</text>"
+ << '\n';
+ labeling_index++;
+ }
+ }
+//------------------ finalize the svg file
+ out << '\n';
+ out << "</svg>";
+ out.flush();
unsigned int GridOut::n_boundary_faces (const Triangulation<1> &) const
case msh:
write_msh (tria, out);
+ case svg:
+ write_svg (tria, out);
+ return;
Assert (false, ExcInternalError());