BlockVector <double> solution_delta (dofs_per_block);
solution_delta.collect_sizes ();
+<<<<<<< .mine
+ while (time.current() <= time.end()) {
while (time.current() <= time.end()) {
+>>>>>>> .r23597
solution_delta = 0.0;
// Solve step and update total solution vector
// in the K_pt block and K_tt^{-1} in the K_pp block
+ // Do the static condensation to make K'_uu, and put K_pt^{-1}
+ // in the K_pt block and K_tt^{-1} in the K_pp block
+ assemble_SC();
constraints.condense (tangent_matrix, residual); // Apply BC's
solve_linear_system (newton_update);
constraints.distribute(newton_update); // Populate the constrained DOF's with their values
// Solve for du
+<<<<<<< .mine
+>>>>>>> .r23597
// K'uu du = Ru − Kup Ktp^-1 (Rt − Ktt Kpt^{-1} Rp)
tangent_matrix.block(p_dof, t_dof).vmult(A.block(t_dof), residual.block(p_dof));
tangent_matrix.block(t_dof, t_dof).vmult (B.block(t_dof), A.block(t_dof));