<< " appears multiple times with different (valid) " << arg5
<< ". This is not allowed.");
+ /*
+ * Reserve space for TriaFaces. Details:
+ *
+ * Reserve space for line_orientations.
+ *
+ * @note Used only for dim=3.
+ */
+ void
+ reserve_space(TriaFaces & tria_faces,
+ const unsigned int new_quads_in_pairs,
+ const unsigned int new_quads_single)
+ {
+ AssertDimension(tria_faces.dim, 3);
+ Assert(new_quads_in_pairs % 2 == 0, ExcInternalError());
+ unsigned int next_free_single = 0;
+ unsigned int next_free_pair = 0;
+ // count the number of objects, of unused single objects and of
+ // unused pairs of objects
+ unsigned int n_quads = 0;
+ unsigned int n_unused_pairs = 0;
+ unsigned int n_unused_singles = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tria_faces.quads.used.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (tria_faces.quads.used[i])
+ ++n_quads;
+ else if (i + 1 < tria_faces.quads.used.size())
+ {
+ if (tria_faces.quads.used[i + 1])
+ {
+ ++n_unused_singles;
+ if (next_free_single == 0)
+ next_free_single = i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++n_unused_pairs;
+ if (next_free_pair == 0)
+ next_free_pair = i;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ++n_unused_singles;
+ }
+ Assert(n_quads + 2 * n_unused_pairs + n_unused_singles ==
+ tria_faces.quads.used.size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // how many single quads are needed in addition to n_unused_quads?
+ const int additional_single_quads = new_quads_single - n_unused_singles;
+ unsigned int new_size =
+ tria_faces.quads.used.size() + new_quads_in_pairs - 2 * n_unused_pairs;
+ if (additional_single_quads > 0)
+ new_size += additional_single_quads;
+ // see above...
+ if (new_size > tria_faces.quads.n_objects())
+ {
+ // reserve the field of the derived class
+ tria_faces.quads_line_orientations.reserve(
+ new_size * GeometryInfo<2>::lines_per_cell);
+ tria_faces.quads_line_orientations.insert(
+ tria_faces.quads_line_orientations.end(),
+ new_size * GeometryInfo<2>::lines_per_cell -
+ tria_faces.quads_line_orientations.size(),
+ true);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reserve space for TriaLevel. Details:
+ *
+ * Reserve enough space to accommodate @p total_cells cells on this
+ * level. Since there are no @p used flags on this level, you have to
+ * give the total number of cells, not only the number of newly to
+ * accommodate ones, like in the <tt>TriaLevel<N>::reserve_space</tt>
+ * functions, with <tt>N>0</tt>.
+ *
+ * Since the number of neighbors per cell depends on the dimensions, you
+ * have to pass that additionally.
+ */
+ void
+ reserve_space(TriaLevel & tria_level,
+ const unsigned int total_cells,
+ const unsigned int dimension,
+ const unsigned int space_dimension)
+ {
+ // we need space for total_cells cells. Maybe we have more already
+ // with those cells which are unused, so only allocate new space if
+ // needed.
+ //
+ // note that all arrays should have equal sizes (checked by
+ // @p{monitor_memory}
+ if (total_cells > tria_level.refine_flags.size())
+ {
+ tria_level.refine_flags.reserve(total_cells);
+ tria_level.refine_flags.insert(tria_level.refine_flags.end(),
+ total_cells -
+ tria_level.refine_flags.size(),
+ /*RefinementCase::no_refinement=*/0);
+ tria_level.coarsen_flags.reserve(total_cells);
+ tria_level.coarsen_flags.insert(tria_level.coarsen_flags.end(),
+ total_cells -
+ tria_level.coarsen_flags.size(),
+ false);
+ tria_level.active_cell_indices.reserve(total_cells);
+ tria_level.active_cell_indices.insert(
+ tria_level.active_cell_indices.end(),
+ total_cells - tria_level.active_cell_indices.size(),
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
+ tria_level.subdomain_ids.reserve(total_cells);
+ tria_level.subdomain_ids.insert(tria_level.subdomain_ids.end(),
+ total_cells -
+ tria_level.subdomain_ids.size(),
+ 0);
+ tria_level.level_subdomain_ids.reserve(total_cells);
+ tria_level.level_subdomain_ids.insert(
+ tria_level.level_subdomain_ids.end(),
+ total_cells - tria_level.level_subdomain_ids.size(),
+ 0);
+ if (dimension < space_dimension)
+ {
+ tria_level.direction_flags.reserve(total_cells);
+ tria_level.direction_flags.insert(
+ tria_level.direction_flags.end(),
+ total_cells - tria_level.direction_flags.size(),
+ true);
+ }
+ else
+ tria_level.direction_flags.clear();
+ tria_level.parents.reserve((total_cells + 1) / 2);
+ tria_level.parents.insert(tria_level.parents.end(),
+ (total_cells + 1) / 2 -
+ tria_level.parents.size(),
+ -1);
+ tria_level.neighbors.reserve(total_cells * (2 * dimension));
+ tria_level.neighbors.insert(tria_level.neighbors.end(),
+ total_cells * (2 * dimension) -
+ tria_level.neighbors.size(),
+ std::make_pair(-1, -1));
+ if (tria_level.dim == 3)
+ {
+ tria_level.face_orientations.reserve(
+ total_cells * GeometryInfo<3>::faces_per_cell);
+ tria_level.face_orientations.insert(
+ tria_level.face_orientations.end(),
+ total_cells * GeometryInfo<3>::faces_per_cell -
+ tria_level.face_orientations.size(),
+ true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException2(ExcMemoryInexact,
+ int,
+ int,
+ << "The containers have sizes " << arg1 << " and " << arg2
+ << ", which is not as expected.");
+ /**
+ * Check the memory consistency of the different containers. Should only
+ * be called with the preprocessor flag @p DEBUG set. The function
+ * should be called from the functions of the higher TriaLevel classes.
+ */
+ void
+ monitor_memory(const TriaLevel & tria_level,
+ const unsigned int true_dimension)
+ {
+ (void)tria_level;
+ (void)true_dimension;
+ Assert(2 * true_dimension * tria_level.refine_flags.size() ==
+ tria_level.neighbors.size(),
+ ExcMemoryInexact(tria_level.refine_flags.size(),
+ tria_level.neighbors.size()));
+ Assert(2 * true_dimension * tria_level.coarsen_flags.size() ==
+ tria_level.neighbors.size(),
+ ExcMemoryInexact(tria_level.coarsen_flags.size(),
+ tria_level.neighbors.size()));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reserve space for TriaObjects. Details:
+ *
+ * Assert that enough space is allocated to accommodate
+ * <code>new_objs_in_pairs</code> new objects, stored in pairs, plus
+ * <code>new_obj_single</code> stored individually. This function does
+ * not only call <code>vector::reserve()</code>, but does really append
+ * the needed elements.
+ *
+ * In 2D e.g. refined lines have to be stored in pairs, whereas new
+ * lines in the interior of refined cells can be stored as single lines.
+ */
+ void
+ reserve_space(TriaObjects & tria_objects,
+ const unsigned int new_objects_in_pairs,
+ const unsigned int new_objects_single = 0)
+ {
+ if (tria_objects.structdim <= 2)
+ {
+ Assert(new_objects_in_pairs % 2 == 0, ExcInternalError());
+ tria_objects.next_free_single = 0;
+ tria_objects.next_free_pair = 0;
+ tria_objects.reverse_order_next_free_single = false;
+ // count the number of objects, of unused single objects and of
+ // unused pairs of objects
+ unsigned int n_objects = 0;
+ unsigned int n_unused_pairs = 0;
+ unsigned int n_unused_singles = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tria_objects.used.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (tria_objects.used[i])
+ ++n_objects;
+ else if (i + 1 < tria_objects.used.size())
+ {
+ if (tria_objects.used[i + 1])
+ {
+ ++n_unused_singles;
+ if (tria_objects.next_free_single == 0)
+ tria_objects.next_free_single = i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++n_unused_pairs;
+ if (tria_objects.next_free_pair == 0)
+ tria_objects.next_free_pair = i;
+ ++i;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ++n_unused_singles;
+ }
+ Assert(n_objects + 2 * n_unused_pairs + n_unused_singles ==
+ tria_objects.used.size(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // how many single objects are needed in addition to
+ // n_unused_objects?
+ const int additional_single_objects =
+ new_objects_single - n_unused_singles;
+ unsigned int new_size = tria_objects.used.size() +
+ new_objects_in_pairs - 2 * n_unused_pairs;
+ if (additional_single_objects > 0)
+ new_size += additional_single_objects;
+ // only allocate space if necessary
+ if (new_size > tria_objects.n_objects())
+ {
+ unsigned int faces_per_cell = 1;
+ unsigned int max_children_per_cell = 1;
+ if (tria_objects.structdim == 1)
+ faces_per_cell = GeometryInfo<1>::faces_per_cell;
+ else if (tria_objects.structdim == 2)
+ faces_per_cell = GeometryInfo<2>::faces_per_cell;
+ else if (tria_objects.structdim == 3)
+ faces_per_cell = GeometryInfo<3>::faces_per_cell;
+ else
+ AssertThrow(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ if (tria_objects.structdim == 1)
+ max_children_per_cell = GeometryInfo<1>::max_children_per_cell;
+ else if (tria_objects.structdim == 2)
+ max_children_per_cell = GeometryInfo<2>::max_children_per_cell;
+ else if (tria_objects.structdim == 3)
+ max_children_per_cell = GeometryInfo<3>::max_children_per_cell;
+ else
+ AssertThrow(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ tria_objects.cells.reserve(new_size * faces_per_cell);
+ tria_objects.cells.insert(tria_objects.cells.end(),
+ (new_size - tria_objects.n_objects()) *
+ faces_per_cell,
+ -1);
+ tria_objects.used.reserve(new_size);
+ tria_objects.used.insert(tria_objects.used.end(),
+ new_size - tria_objects.used.size(),
+ false);
+ tria_objects.user_flags.reserve(new_size);
+ tria_objects.user_flags.insert(tria_objects.user_flags.end(),
+ new_size -
+ tria_objects.user_flags.size(),
+ false);
+ const unsigned int factor = max_children_per_cell / 2;
+ tria_objects.children.reserve(factor * new_size);
+ tria_objects.children.insert(tria_objects.children.end(),
+ factor * new_size -
+ tria_objects.children.size(),
+ -1);
+ if (tria_objects.structdim > 1)
+ {
+ tria_objects.refinement_cases.reserve(new_size);
+ tria_objects.refinement_cases.insert(
+ tria_objects.refinement_cases.end(),
+ new_size - tria_objects.refinement_cases.size(),
+ /*RefinementCase::no_refinement=*/0);
+ }
+ // first reserve, then resize. Otherwise the std library can
+ // decide to allocate more entries.
+ tria_objects.boundary_or_material_id.reserve(new_size);
+ tria_objects.boundary_or_material_id.resize(new_size);
+ tria_objects.user_data.reserve(new_size);
+ tria_objects.user_data.resize(new_size);
+ tria_objects.manifold_id.reserve(new_size);
+ tria_objects.manifold_id.insert(tria_objects.manifold_id.end(),
+ new_size -
+ tria_objects.manifold_id.size(),
+ numbers::flat_manifold_id);
+ }
+ if (n_unused_singles == 0)
+ {
+ tria_objects.next_free_single = new_size - 1;
+ tria_objects.reverse_order_next_free_single = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const unsigned int new_hexes = new_objects_in_pairs;
+ const unsigned int new_size =
+ new_hexes + std::count(tria_objects.used.begin(),
+ tria_objects.used.end(),
+ true);
+ // see above...
+ if (new_size > tria_objects.n_objects())
+ {
+ unsigned int faces_per_cell = 1;
+ if (tria_objects.structdim == 1)
+ faces_per_cell = GeometryInfo<1>::faces_per_cell;
+ else if (tria_objects.structdim == 2)
+ faces_per_cell = GeometryInfo<2>::faces_per_cell;
+ else if (tria_objects.structdim == 3)
+ faces_per_cell = GeometryInfo<3>::faces_per_cell;
+ else
+ AssertThrow(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ tria_objects.cells.reserve(new_size * faces_per_cell);
+ tria_objects.cells.insert(tria_objects.cells.end(),
+ (new_size - tria_objects.n_objects()) *
+ faces_per_cell,
+ -1);
+ tria_objects.used.reserve(new_size);
+ tria_objects.used.insert(tria_objects.used.end(),
+ new_size - tria_objects.used.size(),
+ false);
+ tria_objects.user_flags.reserve(new_size);
+ tria_objects.user_flags.insert(tria_objects.user_flags.end(),
+ new_size -
+ tria_objects.user_flags.size(),
+ false);
+ tria_objects.children.reserve(4 * new_size);
+ tria_objects.children.insert(tria_objects.children.end(),
+ 4 * new_size -
+ tria_objects.children.size(),
+ -1);
+ // for the following fields, we know exactly how many elements
+ // we need, so first reserve then resize (resize itself, at least
+ // with some compiler libraries, appears to round up the size it
+ // actually reserves)
+ tria_objects.boundary_or_material_id.reserve(new_size);
+ tria_objects.boundary_or_material_id.resize(new_size);
+ tria_objects.manifold_id.reserve(new_size);
+ tria_objects.manifold_id.insert(tria_objects.manifold_id.end(),
+ new_size -
+ tria_objects.manifold_id.size(),
+ numbers::flat_manifold_id);
+ tria_objects.user_data.reserve(new_size);
+ tria_objects.user_data.resize(new_size);
+ tria_objects.refinement_cases.reserve(new_size);
+ tria_objects.refinement_cases.insert(
+ tria_objects.refinement_cases.end(),
+ new_size - tria_objects.refinement_cases.size(),
+ /*RefinementCase::no_refinement=*/0);
+ }
+ tria_objects.next_free_single = tria_objects.next_free_pair = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check the memory consistency of the different containers. Should only
+ * be called with the preprocessor flag @p DEBUG set. The function
+ * should be called from the functions of the higher TriaLevel classes.
+ */
+ void
+ monitor_memory(const TriaObjects &tria_object, const unsigned int)
+ {
+ Assert(tria_object.n_objects() == tria_object.used.size(),
+ ExcMemoryInexact(tria_object.n_objects(),
+ tria_object.used.size()));
+ Assert(tria_object.n_objects() == tria_object.user_flags.size(),
+ ExcMemoryInexact(tria_object.n_objects(),
+ tria_object.user_flags.size()));
+ Assert(tria_object.n_objects() ==
+ tria_object.boundary_or_material_id.size(),
+ ExcMemoryInexact(tria_object.n_objects(),
+ tria_object.boundary_or_material_id.size()));
+ Assert(tria_object.n_objects() == tria_object.manifold_id.size(),
+ ExcMemoryInexact(tria_object.n_objects(),
+ tria_object.manifold_id.size()));
+ Assert(tria_object.n_objects() == tria_object.user_data.size(),
+ ExcMemoryInexact(tria_object.n_objects(),
+ tria_object.user_data.size()));
+ if (tria_object.structdim == 1)
+ {
+ Assert(1 * tria_object.n_objects() == tria_object.children.size(),
+ ExcMemoryInexact(tria_object.n_objects(),
+ tria_object.children.size()));
+ }
+ else if (tria_object.structdim == 2)
+ {
+ Assert(2 * tria_object.n_objects() == tria_object.children.size(),
+ ExcMemoryInexact(tria_object.n_objects(),
+ tria_object.children.size()));
+ }
+ else if (tria_object.structdim == 3)
+ {
+ Assert(4 * tria_object.n_objects() == tria_object.children.size(),
+ ExcMemoryInexact(tria_object.n_objects(),
+ tria_object.children.size()));
+ }
+ }
* A class into which we put many of the functions that implement
* functionality of the Triangulation class. The main reason for this
- triangulation.levels[0]->reserve_space(cells.size(), dim, spacedim);
- triangulation.levels[0]->cells.reserve_space(0, cells.size());
+ reserve_space(*triangulation.levels[0], cells.size(), dim, spacedim);
+ reserve_space(triangulation.levels[0]->cells, 0, cells.size());
// make up cells
typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::raw_line_iterator
triangulation.faces =
- triangulation.levels[0]->reserve_space(cells.size(), dim, spacedim);
- triangulation.faces->lines.reserve_space(0, needed_lines.size());
- triangulation.levels[0]->cells.reserve_space(0, cells.size());
+ reserve_space(*triangulation.levels[0], cells.size(), dim, spacedim);
+ reserve_space(triangulation.faces->lines, 0, needed_lines.size());
+ reserve_space(triangulation.levels[0]->cells, 0, cells.size());
// make up lines
triangulation.faces =
- triangulation.levels[0]->reserve_space(cells.size(), dim, spacedim);
- triangulation.faces->lines.reserve_space(0, needed_lines.size());
+ reserve_space(*triangulation.levels[0], cells.size(), dim, spacedim);
+ reserve_space(triangulation.faces->lines, 0, needed_lines.size());
// make up lines
// the arrays of the Triangulation
// first reserve enough space
- triangulation.faces->reserve_space(0, needed_quads.size());
- triangulation.faces->quads.reserve_space(0, needed_quads.size());
+ reserve_space(*triangulation.faces, 0, needed_quads.size());
+ reserve_space(triangulation.faces->quads, 0, needed_quads.size());
typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::raw_quad_iterator quad =
// finally create the cells
- triangulation.levels[0]->cells.reserve_space(cells.size());
+ reserve_space(triangulation.levels[0]->cells, cells.size());
// store for each quad index the
// adjacent cells
// reserve space for the used_cells cells already existing
// on the next higher level as well as for the
// 2*flagged_cells that will be created on that level
- triangulation.levels[level + 1]->reserve_space(
- used_cells +
- GeometryInfo<1>::max_children_per_cell * flagged_cells,
- 1,
- spacedim);
+ reserve_space(*triangulation.levels[level + 1],
+ used_cells + GeometryInfo<1>::max_children_per_cell *
+ flagged_cells,
+ 1,
+ spacedim);
// reserve space for 2*flagged_cells new lines on the next
// higher level
- triangulation.levels[level + 1]->cells.reserve_space(
- GeometryInfo<1>::max_children_per_cell * flagged_cells, 0);
+ reserve_space(triangulation.levels[level + 1]->cells,
+ GeometryInfo<1>::max_children_per_cell *
+ flagged_cells,
+ 0);
needed_vertices += flagged_cells;
// reserve space for the used_cells cells already existing
// on the next higher level as well as for the
// needed_cells that will be created on that level
- triangulation.levels[level + 1]->reserve_space(
- used_cells + needed_cells, 2, spacedim);
+ reserve_space(*triangulation.levels[level + 1],
+ used_cells + needed_cells,
+ 2,
+ spacedim);
// reserve space for needed_cells new quads on the next
// higher level
- triangulation.levels[level + 1]->cells.reserve_space(needed_cells,
- 0);
+ reserve_space(triangulation.levels[level + 1]->cells,
+ needed_cells,
+ 0);
// now count the lines which were flagged for refinement
// to store all lines. memory reservation for n_single_lines
// can only be done AFTER we refined the lines of the current
// cells
- triangulation.faces->lines.reserve_space(n_lines_in_pairs, 0);
+ reserve_space(triangulation.faces->lines, n_lines_in_pairs, 0);
// add to needed vertices how many vertices are already in use
needed_vertices += std::count(triangulation.vertices_used.begin(),
// reserve space for inner lines (can be stored as single
// lines)
- triangulation.faces->lines.reserve_space(0, n_single_lines);
+ reserve_space(triangulation.faces->lines, 0, n_single_lines);
typename Triangulation<2, spacedim>::DistortedCellList
// reserve space for the used_cells cells already existing
// on the next higher level as well as for the
// 8*flagged_cells that will be created on that level
- triangulation.levels[level + 1]->reserve_space(
- used_cells + new_cells, 3, spacedim);
+ reserve_space(*triangulation.levels[level + 1],
+ used_cells + new_cells,
+ 3,
+ spacedim);
// reserve space for 8*flagged_cells new hexes on the next
// higher level
- triangulation.levels[level + 1]->cells.reserve_space(new_cells);
+ reserve_space(triangulation.levels[level + 1]->cells, new_cells);
} // for all levels
// now count the quads and lines which were flagged for
// refinement
// reserve space for needed_lines new lines stored in pairs
- triangulation.faces->lines.reserve_space(needed_lines_pair,
- needed_lines_single);
+ reserve_space(triangulation.faces->lines,
+ needed_lines_pair,
+ needed_lines_single);
// reserve space for needed_quads new quads stored in pairs
- triangulation.faces->reserve_space(needed_quads_pair,
- needed_quads_single);
- triangulation.faces->quads.reserve_space(needed_quads_pair,
- needed_quads_single);
+ reserve_space(*triangulation.faces,
+ needed_quads_pair,
+ needed_quads_single);
+ reserve_space(triangulation.faces->quads,
+ needed_quads_pair,
+ needed_quads_single);
// add to needed vertices how many vertices are already in use
#ifdef DEBUG
for (const auto &level : levels)
- level->cells.monitor_memory(dim);
+ monitor_memory(level->cells, dim);
// check whether really all refinement flags are reset (also of
// previously non-active cells which we may not have touched. If the
namespace TriangulationImplementation
- void
- TriaObjects::reserve_space(const unsigned int new_objects_in_pairs,
- const unsigned int new_objects_single)
- {
- if (structdim <= 2)
- {
- Assert(new_objects_in_pairs % 2 == 0, ExcInternalError());
- next_free_single = 0;
- next_free_pair = 0;
- reverse_order_next_free_single = false;
- // count the number of objects, of unused single objects and of
- // unused pairs of objects
- unsigned int n_objects = 0;
- unsigned int n_unused_pairs = 0;
- unsigned int n_unused_singles = 0;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < used.size(); ++i)
- {
- if (used[i])
- ++n_objects;
- else if (i + 1 < used.size())
- {
- if (used[i + 1])
- {
- ++n_unused_singles;
- if (next_free_single == 0)
- next_free_single = i;
- }
- else
- {
- ++n_unused_pairs;
- if (next_free_pair == 0)
- next_free_pair = i;
- ++i;
- }
- }
- else
- ++n_unused_singles;
- }
- Assert(n_objects + 2 * n_unused_pairs + n_unused_singles ==
- used.size(),
- ExcInternalError());
- // how many single objects are needed in addition to
- // n_unused_objects?
- const int additional_single_objects =
- new_objects_single - n_unused_singles;
- unsigned int new_size =
- used.size() + new_objects_in_pairs - 2 * n_unused_pairs;
- if (additional_single_objects > 0)
- new_size += additional_single_objects;
- // only allocate space if necessary
- if (new_size > this->n_objects())
- {
- unsigned int faces_per_cell = 1;
- unsigned int max_children_per_cell = 1;
- if (this->structdim == 1)
- faces_per_cell = GeometryInfo<1>::faces_per_cell;
- else if (this->structdim == 2)
- faces_per_cell = GeometryInfo<2>::faces_per_cell;
- else if (this->structdim == 3)
- faces_per_cell = GeometryInfo<3>::faces_per_cell;
- else
- AssertThrow(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- if (this->structdim == 1)
- max_children_per_cell = GeometryInfo<1>::max_children_per_cell;
- else if (this->structdim == 2)
- max_children_per_cell = GeometryInfo<2>::max_children_per_cell;
- else if (this->structdim == 3)
- max_children_per_cell = GeometryInfo<3>::max_children_per_cell;
- else
- AssertThrow(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- cells.reserve(new_size * faces_per_cell);
- cells.insert(cells.end(),
- (new_size - this->n_objects()) * faces_per_cell,
- -1);
- used.reserve(new_size);
- used.insert(used.end(), new_size - used.size(), false);
- user_flags.reserve(new_size);
- user_flags.insert(user_flags.end(),
- new_size - user_flags.size(),
- false);
- const unsigned int factor = max_children_per_cell / 2;
- children.reserve(factor * new_size);
- children.insert(children.end(),
- factor * new_size - children.size(),
- -1);
- if (structdim > 1)
- {
- refinement_cases.reserve(new_size);
- refinement_cases.insert(refinement_cases.end(),
- new_size - refinement_cases.size(),
- /*RefinementCase::no_refinement=*/0);
- }
- // first reserve, then resize. Otherwise the std library can
- // decide to allocate more entries.
- boundary_or_material_id.reserve(new_size);
- boundary_or_material_id.resize(new_size);
- user_data.reserve(new_size);
- user_data.resize(new_size);
- manifold_id.reserve(new_size);
- manifold_id.insert(manifold_id.end(),
- new_size - manifold_id.size(),
- numbers::flat_manifold_id);
- }
- if (n_unused_singles == 0)
- {
- next_free_single = new_size - 1;
- reverse_order_next_free_single = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- const unsigned int new_hexes = new_objects_in_pairs;
- const unsigned int new_size =
- new_hexes + std::count(used.begin(), used.end(), true);
- // see above...
- if (new_size > n_objects())
- {
- unsigned int faces_per_cell = 1;
- if (this->structdim == 1)
- faces_per_cell = GeometryInfo<1>::faces_per_cell;
- else if (this->structdim == 2)
- faces_per_cell = GeometryInfo<2>::faces_per_cell;
- else if (this->structdim == 3)
- faces_per_cell = GeometryInfo<3>::faces_per_cell;
- else
- AssertThrow(false, ExcNotImplemented());
- cells.reserve(new_size * faces_per_cell);
- cells.insert(cells.end(),
- (new_size - n_objects()) * faces_per_cell,
- -1);
- used.reserve(new_size);
- used.insert(used.end(), new_size - used.size(), false);
- user_flags.reserve(new_size);
- user_flags.insert(user_flags.end(),
- new_size - user_flags.size(),
- false);
- children.reserve(4 * new_size);
- children.insert(children.end(),
- 4 * new_size - children.size(),
- -1);
- // for the following fields, we know exactly how many elements
- // we need, so first reserve then resize (resize itself, at least
- // with some compiler libraries, appears to round up the size it
- // actually reserves)
- boundary_or_material_id.reserve(new_size);
- boundary_or_material_id.resize(new_size);
- manifold_id.reserve(new_size);
- manifold_id.insert(manifold_id.end(),
- new_size - manifold_id.size(),
- numbers::flat_manifold_id);
- user_data.reserve(new_size);
- user_data.resize(new_size);
- refinement_cases.reserve(new_size);
- refinement_cases.insert(refinement_cases.end(),
- new_size - refinement_cases.size(),
- /*RefinementCase::no_refinement=*/0);
- }
- next_free_single = next_free_pair = 0;
- }
- }
template <int dim, int spacedim>
typename dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::raw_hex_iterator
TriaObjects::next_free_hex(const dealii::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> &tria,
- void
- TriaObjects::monitor_memory(const unsigned int) const
- {
- if (this->structdim == 1)
- {
- Assert(n_objects() == used.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), used.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == user_flags.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), user_flags.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == children.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), children.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == boundary_or_material_id.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), boundary_or_material_id.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == manifold_id.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), manifold_id.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == user_data.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), user_data.size()));
- }
- else if (this->structdim == 2)
- {
- Assert(n_objects() == used.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), used.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == user_flags.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), user_flags.size()));
- Assert(2 * n_objects() == children.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), children.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == refinement_cases.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), refinement_cases.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == boundary_or_material_id.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), boundary_or_material_id.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == manifold_id.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), manifold_id.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == user_data.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), user_data.size()));
- }
- else if (this->structdim == 3)
- {
- Assert(n_objects() == used.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), used.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == user_flags.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), user_flags.size()));
- Assert(4 * n_objects() == children.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), children.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == boundary_or_material_id.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), boundary_or_material_id.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == manifold_id.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), manifold_id.size()));
- Assert(n_objects() == user_data.size(),
- ExcMemoryInexact(n_objects(), user_data.size()));
- }
- }
TriaObjects::memory_consumption() const