const double nue = (factor2 < 0) ? factor1 : factor2;
for (unsigned k=0;k<fe1.n_quadrature_points;++k)
- {
- const double dx = fe1.JxW(k);
- const Point<dim>& n = fe1.normal_vector(k);
- for (unsigned i=0;i<n_dofs;++i)
- {
- for (unsigned j=0;j<n_dofs;++j)
- {
- if (fe1.get_fe().n_components() == 1)
- {
- const double vi = fe1.shape_value(i,k);
- const double dnvi = n * fe1.shape_grad(i,k);
- const double ve = fe2.shape_value(i,k);
- const double dnve = n * fe2.shape_grad(i,k);
- const double ui = fe1.shape_value(j,k);
- const double dnui = n * fe1.shape_grad(j,k);
- const double ue = fe2.shape_value(j,k);
- const double dnue = n * fe2.shape_grad(j,k);
- M11(i,j) += dx*(-.5*nui*dnvi*ui-.5*nui*dnui*vi+penalty*ui*vi);
- M12(i,j) += dx*( .5*nui*dnvi*ue-.5*nue*dnue*vi-penalty*vi*ue);
- M21(i,j) += dx*(-.5*nue*dnve*ui+.5*nui*dnui*ve-penalty*ui*ve);
- M22(i,j) += dx*( .5*nue*dnve*ue+.5*nue*dnue*ve+penalty*ue*ve);
- }
- else
- for (unsigned int d=0;d<dim;++d)
- {
- const double vi = fe1.shape_value_component(i,k,d);
- const double dnvi = n * fe1.shape_grad_component(i,k,d);
- const double ve = fe2.shape_value_component(i,k,d);
- const double dnve = n * fe2.shape_grad_component(i,k,d);
- const double ui = fe1.shape_value_component(j,k,d);
- const double dnui = n * fe1.shape_grad_component(j,k,d);
- const double ue = fe2.shape_value_component(j,k,d);
- const double dnue = n * fe2.shape_grad_component(j,k,d);
- M11(i,j) += dx*(-.5*nui*dnvi*ui-.5*nui*dnui*vi+penalty*ui*vi);
- M12(i,j) += dx*( .5*nui*dnvi*ue-.5*nue*dnue*vi-penalty*vi*ue);
- M21(i,j) += dx*(-.5*nue*dnve*ui+.5*nui*dnui*ve-penalty*ui*ve);
- M22(i,j) += dx*( .5*nue*dnve*ue+.5*nue*dnue*ve+penalty*ue*ve);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ {
+ const double dx = fe1.JxW(k);
+ const Point<dim>& n = fe1.normal_vector(k);
+ for (unsigned int d=0;d<fe1.get_fe().n_components();++d)
+ {
+ for (unsigned i=0;i<n_dofs;++i)
+ {
+ for (unsigned j=0;j<n_dofs;++j)
+ {
+ const double vi = fe1.shape_value_component(i,k,d);
+ const double dnvi = n * fe1.shape_grad_component(i,k,d);
+ const double ve = fe2.shape_value_component(i,k,d);
+ const double dnve = n * fe2.shape_grad_component(i,k,d);
+ const double ui = fe1.shape_value_component(j,k,d);
+ const double dnui = n * fe1.shape_grad_component(j,k,d);
+ const double ue = fe2.shape_value_component(j,k,d);
+ const double dnue = n * fe2.shape_grad_component(j,k,d);
+ M11(i,j) += dx*(-.5*nui*dnvi*ui-.5*nui*dnui*vi+penalty*ui*vi);
+ M12(i,j) += dx*( .5*nui*dnvi*ue-.5*nue*dnue*vi-penalty*vi*ue);
+ M21(i,j) += dx*(-.5*nue*dnve*ui+.5*nui*dnui*ve-penalty*ui*ve);
+ M22(i,j) += dx*( .5*nue*dnve*ue+.5*nue*dnue*ve+penalty*ue*ve);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
* Auxiliary function computing the penalty parameter for interior
* penalty methods on rectangles.
G.add(i1[j], i2[k], M(j,k));
- {
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<i1.size(); ++j)
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<i2.size(); ++k)
- if (std::fabs(M(j,k)) >= threshold)
- if (!mg_constrained_dofs->at_refinement_edge(level, i1[j]) &&
- !mg_constrained_dofs->at_refinement_edge(level, i2[k]))
- {
- if (mg_constrained_dofs->set_boundary_values())
- {
- if ((!mg_constrained_dofs->is_boundary_index(level, i1[j]) &&
- !mg_constrained_dofs->is_boundary_index(level, i2[k]))
- ||
- (mg_constrained_dofs->is_boundary_index(level, i1[j]) &&
- mg_constrained_dofs->is_boundary_index(level, i2[k]) &&
- i1[j] == i2[k]))
- G.add(i1[j], i2[k], M(j,k));
- }
- else
- G.add(i1[j], i2[k], M(j,k));
- }
- }
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<i1.size(); ++j)
+ for (unsigned int k=0; k<i2.size(); ++k)
+ if (std::fabs(M(j,k)) >= threshold)
+ if (!mg_constrained_dofs->at_refinement_edge(level, i1[j]) &&
+ !mg_constrained_dofs->at_refinement_edge(level, i2[k]))
+ {
+ if (mg_constrained_dofs->set_boundary_values())
+ {
+ // At the
+ // boundary,
+ // only enter
+ // the term
+ // on the
+ // diagonal,
+ // but not
+ // the
+ // coupling terms
+ if ((!mg_constrained_dofs->is_boundary_index(level, i1[j]) &&
+ !mg_constrained_dofs->is_boundary_index(level, i2[k]))
+ ||
+ (mg_constrained_dofs->is_boundary_index(level, i1[j]) &&
+ mg_constrained_dofs->is_boundary_index(level, i2[k]) &&
+ i1[j] == i2[k]))
+ G.add(i1[j], i2[k], M(j,k));
+ }
+ else
+ G.add(i1[j], i2[k], M(j,k));
+ }
+ }