#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
+ // This is the only new one: We will need a
+ // library function defined in a class
+ // GridTools that computes the minimal cell
+ // diameter.
+#include <grid/grid_tools.h>
// @sect3{The "forward problem" class template}
- // The main class is similar to the wave
- // equation. The difference is that we add
- // an absorbing boundary condition. Because
- // we are only interested in values at
- // specific locations, we define some
- // parameters to obtain the coordinates of
- // those locations.
+ // The first part of the main class is
+ // exactly as in @ref step_23 "step-23"
+ // (except for the name):
template <int dim>
class TATForwardProblem
unsigned int timestep_number;
const double theta;
- //
+ // Here's what's new: first, we need
+ // that boundary mass matrix $B$ that
+ // came out of the absorbing boundary
+ // condition. Likewise, since this time
+ // we consider a realistic medium, we
+ // must have a measure of the wave speed
+ // $c_0$ that will enter all the
+ // formulas with the Laplace matrix
+ // (which we still define as $(\nabla
+ // \phi_i,\nabla \phi_j)$):
SparseMatrix<double> boundary_matrix;
- // Number of refinement
- const unsigned int n_refinements;
- // The acoustic speed in the medium $c_0$
- const double acoustic_speed;
- // The detector circullarly scan the target region.
- // The step size of the detector is in angles
- const double step_angle;
- // The scanning radius
- const double radius;
- const double end_time;
+ const double wave_speed;
+ // The last thing we have to take care of
+ // is that we wanted to evaluate the
+ // solution at a certain number of
+ // detector locations. We need an array
+ // to hold these locations, declared here
+ // and filled in the constructor:
+ std::vector<Point<dim> > detector_locations;
- // @sect4{Initialize the problem}
- // Acoustic_speed here is the acoustic speed
- // in the medium. Specifically we use acoustic speed
- // in mineral oil. We use Crank-Nicolson scheme
- // for our time-dependent problem, therefore theta is
- // set to be 0.5. The step size of the detector
- // is 2.25 degree, which means we need 160 steps
- // in order to finish a circular scan. The radius of the
- // scanning circle is select to be half way between
- // the center and the boundary to avoid the reflections
- // from the the boundary, so as to miminize the
- // interference brought by the inperfect absorbing
- // boundary condition. The time step is selected
- // to satisfy $k = h/c$
+ // @sect3{Implementation of the <code>TATForwardProblem</code> class}
+ // Let's start again with the
+ // constructor. Setting the member variables
+ // is straightforward. We use the acoustic
+ // wave speed of mineral oil (in millimeters
+ // per microsecond, a common unit in
+ // experimental biomedical imaging) since
+ // this is where many of the experiments we
+ // want to compare the output with are made
+ // in. The Crank-Nicolson scheme is used
+ // again, i.e. theta is set to 0.5. The time
+ // step is later selected to satisfy $k =
+ // \frac h/c$
template <int dim>
-TATForwardProblem<dim>::TATForwardProblem () :
+TATForwardProblem<dim>::TATForwardProblem ()
+ :
fe (1),
dof_handler (triangulation),
- n_refinements (7),
- acoustic_speed (1.437),
theta (0.5),
- end_time (0.7),
- time_step (0.5/std::pow(2.,1.0*n_refinements)/acoustic_speed),
- step_angle (2.25),
- radius (0.5)
+ wave_speed (1.437)
+ // The second task in the constructor is to
+ // initialize the array that holds the
+ // detector locations. The results of this
+ // program were compared with experiments
+ // in which the step size of the detector
+ // spacing is 2.25 degree, corresponding to
+ // 160 detector locations. The radius of
+ // the scanning circle is selected to be
+ // half way between the center and the
+ // boundary to avoid that the remaining
+ // reflections from the imperfect boundary
+ // condition spoils our numerical results.
+ //
+ // The locations of the detectors are then
+ // calculated in clockwise order. Note that
+ // the following of course only works if we
+ // are computing in 2d, a condition that we
+ // guard with an assertion. If we later
+ // wanted to run the same program in 3d, we
+ // would have to add code here for the
+ // initialization of detector locations in
+ // 3d. Due to the assertion, there is no
+ // way we can forget to do this.
+ Assert (dim == 2, ExcNotImplemented());
+ const double detector_step_angle = 2.25;
+ const double detector_radius = 0.5;
+ for (double detector_angle = 2*deal_II_numbers::PI;
+ detector_angle >= 0;
+ detector_angle -= detector_step_angle/360*2*deal_II_numbers::PI)
+ detector_locations.push_back (Point<dim> (std::cos(detector_angle),
+ std::sin(detector_angle)) *
+ detector_radius);
// triangulation needs to know where new
// boundary points lie when a cell is
// refined. Following this, the mesh is
- // refined <code>n_refinements</code> times
- // — this variable was introduced to
- // make sure the time step size is always
- // compatible with the cell size, and
- // therefore satisfies the CFL condition that
- // was talked about in the introduction of
- // @ref step_23 "step-23".
+ // refined a number of times.
+ //
+ // One thing we had to make sure is that the
+ // time step satisfies the CFL condition
+ // discussed in the introduction of @ref
+ // step_23 "step-23". Back in that program,
+ // we ensured this by hand by setting a
+ // timestep that matches the mesh width, but
+ // that was error prone because if we refined
+ // the mesh once more we would also have to
+ // make sure the time step is changed. Here,
+ // we do that automatically: we ask a library
+ // function for the minimal diameter of any
+ // cell. Then we set $k=\frac h{c_0}$. The
+ // only problem is: what exactly is $h$? The
+ // point is that there is really no good
+ // theory on this question for the wave
+ // equation. It is known that for uniformly
+ // refined meshes consisting of rectangles,
+ // $h$ is the minimal edge length. But for
+ // meshes on general quadrilaterals, the
+ // exact relationship appears to be unknown,
+ // i.e. it is unknown what properties of
+ // cells are relevant for the CFL
+ // condition. The problem is that the CFL
+ // condition follows from knowledge of the
+ // smallest eigenvalue of the Laplace matrix,
+ // and that can only be computed analytically
+ // for simply structured meshes.
+ //
+ // The upshot of all this is that we're not
+ // quite sure what exactly we should take for
+ // $h$. The function
+ // GridTools::minimal_cell_diameter computes
+ // the minimal diameter of all cells. If the
+ // cells were all squares or cubes, then the
+ // minimal edge length would be the minimal
+ // diameter divided by
+ // <code>std::sqrt(dim)</code>. We simply
+ // generalize this, without theoretical
+ // justification, to the case of non-uniform
+ // meshes.
// The only other significant change is that
// we need to build the boundary mass
GridGenerator::hyper_ball (triangulation, Point<dim>(), 1.);
static const HyperBallBoundary<dim> boundary_description (Point<dim>(), 1.);
triangulation.set_boundary (0,boundary_description);
- triangulation.refine_global (n_refinements);
+ triangulation.refine_global (7);
+ time_step = GridTools::minimal_cell_diameter(triangulation) /
+ wave_speed /
+ std::sqrt (1.*dim);
std::cout << "Number of active cells: "
<< triangulation.n_active_cells()
<< std::endl;
system_matrix.copy_from (mass_matrix);
system_matrix.add (time_step * time_step * theta * theta *
- acoustic_speed * acoustic_speed,
+ wave_speed * wave_speed,
- system_matrix.add (acoustic_speed * theta * time_step, boundary_matrix);
+ system_matrix.add (wave_speed * theta * time_step, boundary_matrix);
solution_p.reinit (dof_handler.n_dofs());
timestep_number = 1;
unsigned int n_steps;
unsigned int n_detectors;
- double scanning_angle;
// Number of time steps is defined as the
// ratio of the total time to the time step
+ const double end_time = 0.7;
n_steps=static_cast<unsigned int>(std::floor(end_time/time_step));
- // Number of detector positions is defined
- // as the ratio of 360 degrees to the step
- // angle
- n_detectors=static_cast<unsigned int>(std::ceil(360/step_angle));
- // Define two vectors to hold the coordinates
- // of the detectors in the scanning
- // geometry
- Vector<double> detector_x (n_detectors+1);
- Vector<double> detector_y (n_detectors+1);
// Define a vector to hold the value obtained
// by the detector
Vector<double> project_dat (n_steps * n_detectors +1);
- // Get the coordinates of the detector on the
- // different locations of the circle.
- // Scanning angle is viewing angle at
- // current position. The coordinates of
- // the detectors are calculated from the radius
- // and scanning angle.
- scanning_angle=0;
- for (unsigned int i=1; i<=n_detectors; i++){
- // Scanning clockwisely. We need to change the angles
- // into radians because std::cos and std:sin accept
- // values in radian only
- scanning_angle -= step_angle/180 * 3.14159265;
- detector_x(i) = radius * std::cos(scanning_angle);
- detector_y(i) = radius * std::sin(scanning_angle);
- }
std::cout<< "Total number of time steps = "<< n_steps <<std::endl;
std::cout<< "Total number of detectors = "<< n_detectors << std::endl;
mass_matrix.vmult (tmp1, old_solution_v);
laplace_matrix.vmult (tmp2, old_solution_p);
G2 = tmp1;
- G2.add(-acoustic_speed*acoustic_speed*time_step*(1-theta), tmp2);
+ G2.add(-wave_speed*wave_speed*time_step*(1-theta), tmp2);
boundary_matrix.vmult (tmp1,old_solution_p);
- G2.add(acoustic_speed,tmp1);
+ G2.add(wave_speed,tmp1);
// Compute the pressure potential p, the formula
// has been presented in the introduction section
system_rhs_v = G2;
tmp1 = 0;
laplace_matrix.vmult (tmp1, solution_p);
- system_rhs_v.add(-time_step * theta*acoustic_speed*acoustic_speed, tmp1);
+ system_rhs_v.add(-time_step * theta*wave_speed*wave_speed, tmp1);
tmp1 = 0;
boundary_matrix.vmult(tmp1, solution_p);
- system_rhs_v.add(-acoustic_speed,tmp1);
+ system_rhs_v.add(-wave_speed,tmp1);
solve_v ();
// Compute the energy in the system.By checking
// the correctness of the code.
double energy = (mass_matrix.matrix_scalar_product(solution_v,solution_v)+
- acoustic_speed*acoustic_speed*laplace_matrix.matrix_scalar_product(solution_p,solution_p))/2;
+ wave_speed * wave_speed * laplace_matrix.matrix_scalar_product(solution_p,solution_p))/2;
std::cout << "energy= " << energy << std::endl;
proj_out << time ;
- for (unsigned i=1 ; i<=n_detectors; i++){
- project_dat((timestep_number-1)*n_detectors+i)
- = VectorTools::point_value (dof_handler,solution_p,
- Point<2>(detector_x(i),detector_y(i)));
- proj_out << " "<< project_dat((timestep_number-1)*n_detectors+i)<<" " ;
- }
+ for (unsigned i=0 ; i<=detector_locations.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ project_dat((timestep_number-1)*n_detectors+i)
+ = VectorTools::point_value (dof_handler,
+ solution_p,
+ detector_locations[i]);
+ proj_out << " "<< project_dat((timestep_number-1)*n_detectors+i)<<" " ;
+ }