+++ /dev/null
-/*---------------------------- exceptions.h ---------------------------*/
-/* $Id$ */
-#ifndef __exceptions_H
-#define __exceptions_H
-/*---------------------------- exceptions.h ---------------------------*/
-#include <iostream.h>
-#ifndef __GNUC__
-# define __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ "(unknown)"
- /**
- * This class should be used as a base class for
- * all exception classes. Do not use its methods
- * and variables directly since the interface
- * and mechanism may be subject to change. Rather
- * create new exception classes using the
- * #DeclException# macro family.
- *
- * @see Assert
- * @see DeclException0
- * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, November 1997
- */
-class ExceptionBase {
- public:
- ExceptionBase () {};
- /**
- * The constructor takes the file in which the
- * error happened, the line and the violated
- * condition as well as the name of the
- * exception class as a #char*# as arguments.
- */
- ExceptionBase (const char* f, const int l, const char *func,
- const char* c, const char *e) :
- file(f), line(l), function(func), cond(c), exc(e) {};
- /**
- * Set the file name and line of where the
- * exception appeared as well as the violated
- * condition and the name of the exception as
- * a char pointer.
- */
- void SetFields (const char* f,
- const int l,
- const char *func,
- const char *c,
- const char *e) {
- file = f;
- line = l;
- function = func;
- cond = c;
- exc = e;
- };
- /**
- * Print out the general part of the error
- * information.
- */
- void PrintExcData (ostream &out) const {
- out << "An error occurred in line <" << line
- << "> of file <" << file
- << "> in function" << endl
- << " " << function << endl
- << "The violated condition was: "<< endl
- << " " << cond << endl
- << "The name and call sequence of the exception was:" << endl
- << " " << exc << endl
- << "Additional Information: " << endl;
- };
- /**
- * Print more specific information about the
- * exception which occured. Overload this
- * function in your own exception classes.
- * Since we use templates rather than derivation
- * information, we need not declare this
- * function as #virtual# and thus avoid problems
- * with virtual functions in classes in which
- * all functions are declared inline.
- */
- void PrintInfo (ostream &out) const {
- out << "(none)" << endl;
- };
- const char *file;
- int line;
- const char *function;
- const char *cond;
- const char *exc;
- /**
- * This routine does the main work for the
- * exception generation mechanism.
- *
- * @see Assert
- */
-template <class exc>
-void __IssueError (const char *file,
- int line,
- const char *function,
- const char *cond,
- const char *exc,
- exc e) {
- // Fill the fields of the exception object
- e.SetFields (file, line, function, cond, exc);
- cerr << "--------------------------------------------------------"
- << endl;
- // print out general data
- e.PrintExcData (cerr);
- // print out exception specific data
- e.PrintInfo (cerr);
- cerr << "--------------------------------------------------------"
- << endl;
- abort ();
- };
-#ifdef DEBUG ////////////////////////////////////////
- This is the main routine in the exception mechanism.
- Use it in the following way: declare an exception
- class using the #DeclException# macros (see there),
- for example
- \begin{verbatim}
- DeclException2 (ExcDomain, int, int,
- << "Index= " << arg1 << "Upper Bound= " << arg2);
- \end{verbatim}
- to declare an exception class named #ExcDomain#, which
- has two variables as additional information (named
- #arg1# and #arg2# by default) and which outputs the
- given sequence (which is appended to an #ostream#
- variable's name, thus the weird syntax). There are
- other #DeclExceptionN# macros for exception classes
- with more or no parameters. It is proposed to let start
- the name of all exceptions by #Exc...#.
- In your source code write lines like
- \begin{verbatim}
- Assert (n<dim, ExcDomain(n,dim));
- \end{verbatim}
- which does the following:
- \begin{verbatim}
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (!cond)
- issue error of class ExcDomain(n,dim)
- #else
- do nothing
- #endif
- \end{verbatim}
- i.e. it issues an error only if the preprocessor variable
- #DEBUG# is set and if the given condition (in this case
- #n<dim# is violated.
- If the exception was declared using the #DeclException0 (...)#
- macro, i.e. without any additional parameters, its name has
- nonetheless to be given with parentheses:
- #Assert (i>m, ExcSomewhat());#
- {\bf How it works internally:}
- The call #Assert (cond, exc);#
- is converted by the preprocessor into the sequence
- \begin{verbatim}
- if (!(cond))
- __IssueError (__FILE__,
- __LINE__,
- #cond,
- #exc,
- &exc);
- \end{verbatim}
- i.e. if the given condition is violated, then the file and
- line in which the exception occured as well as
- the condition itself and the call sequence of the
- exception object is transferred. Additionally an object
- of the form given by #exc# is created (this is normally an
- unnamed object like in #ExcDomain (n, dim)# of class
- #ExcDomain#) and transferred to the #__IssueError#
- function.
- #__PRETTY__FUNCTION__# is a macro defined only by the GNU CC
- compiler and gives the name of the function. If another compiler
- is used, we set #__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "(unknown)"#.
- In #__IssueError# the given data
- is transferred into the #exc# object by calling the
- #SetFields# function; after that, the general error info
- is printed onto #cerr# using the #PrintError# function of
- #exc# and finally the exception specific data is printed
- using the user defined function #PrintError# (which is
- normally created using the #DeclException (...)# macro
- family.
- After printing all this information, #abort()# is called.
- This may in future versions be replaced by calling
- #throw exc;#.
- If the preprocessor variable #DEBUG# is not set, then nothing
- happens, i.e. the macro is expanded to #(void) 0;#.
- @memo Assert that a certain condition is fulfilled, otherwise
- issue an error and abort the program.
- @see DeclException0
- @author Wolfgang Bangerth, November 1997
- */
-#define Assert(cond, exc) \
- if (!(cond)) \
- __IssueError (__FILE__, \
- __LINE__, \
- __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #cond, #exc, exc)
-#else ////////////////////////////////////////
-#define Assert(cond, exc) \
- (void) 0
-#endif ////////////////////////////////////////
- Declare an exception class without any additional parameters.
- There is a whole family of #DeclException?# macros
- where #?# is to be replaced by the number of additional
- parameters (0 to 5 presently).
- The syntax is as follows:
- \begin{verbatim}
- DeclException2 (ExcDomain,
- int,
- int,
- << " i=" << arg1 << ", m=" << arg2);
- \end{verbatim}
- The first is the name of the exception class to be created.
- The next arguments are the types of the parameters (in this
- case there are two type names needed) and finally the output
- sequence with which you can print additional information.
- The syntax of the output sequence is a bit weird but gets
- clear once you see how this macro is defined:
- \begin{verbatim}
- class name : public ExceptionBase {
- public:
- name (const type1 a1, const type2 a2) :
- arg1 (a1), arg2(a2) {};
- void PrintInfo (ostream &out) const {
- out outsequence << endl;
- };
- private:
- type1 arg1;
- type2 arg2;
- };
- \end{verbatim}
- The #PrintInfo# function is not declared #virtual# since we would
- then create a class with virtual functions and only inlined code.
- For this kind of class at least GNU C++ does not know where to put
- the virtual method table and the program will not be compiled.
- If declared as specified, you can later use this exception class
- in the following manner:
- \begin{verbatim}
- int i=5;
- int m=3;
- Assert (i<m, MyExc2(i,m));
- \end{verbatim}
- and the output if the condition fails will be
- \begin{verbatim}
- --------------------------------------------------------
- An error occurred in line <301> of file <exc-test.cc>.
- The violated condition was:
- i<m
- The name and call sequence of the exception was:
- MyExc2(i,m)
- Additional Information:
- i=5, m=3
- --------------------------------------------------------
- \end{verbatim}
- Obviously for the #DeclException0(name)# macro, no types and
- also no output sequence is allowed.
- @author Wolfgang Bangerth, November 1997
- */
-#define DeclException0(Exception0) \
-class Exception0 : public ExceptionBase {};
- /**
- * Declare an exception class with
- * one additional parameter.
- *
- * @see DeclException0
- */
-#define DeclException1(Exception1, type1, outsequence) \
-class Exception1 : public ExceptionBase { \
- public: \
- Exception1 (const type1 a1) : arg1 (a1) {}; \
- void PrintInfo (ostream &out) const { \
- out outsequence << endl; \
- }; \
- private: \
- const type1 arg1; \
- /**
- * Declare an exception class with
- * two additional parameters.
- *
- * @see DeclException0
- */
-#define DeclException2(Exception2, type1, type2, outsequence) \
-class Exception2 : public ExceptionBase { \
- public: \
- Exception2 (const type1 a1, const type2 a2) : \
- arg1 (a1), arg2(a2) {}; \
- void PrintInfo (ostream &out) const { \
- out outsequence << endl; \
- }; \
- private: \
- const type1 arg1; \
- const type2 arg2; \
- /**
- * Declare an exception class with
- * three additional parameters.
- *
- * @see DeclException0
- */
-#define DeclException3(Exception3, type1, type2, type3, outsequence) \
-class Exception3 : public ExceptionBase { \
- public: \
- Exception3 (const type1 a1, const type2 a2, const type3 a3) : \
- arg1 (a1), arg2(a2), arg3(a3) {}; \
- void PrintInfo (ostream &out) const { \
- out outsequence << endl; \
- }; \
- private: \
- const type1 arg1; \
- const type2 arg2; \
- const type3 arg3; \
- /**
- * Declare an exception class with
- * four additional parameters.
- *
- * @see DeclException0
- */
-#define DeclException4(Exception4, type1, type2, type3, type4, outsequence) \
-class Exception4 : public ExceptionBase { \
- public: \
- Exception4 (const type1 a1, const type2 a2, \
- const type3 a3, const type4 a4) : \
- arg1 (a1), arg2(a2), arg3(a3), arg4(a4) {}; \
- void PrintInfo (ostream &out) const { \
- out outsequence << endl; \
- }; \
- private: \
- const type1 arg1; \
- const type2 arg2; \
- const type3 arg3; \
- const type4 arg4; \
- /**
- * Declare an exception class with
- * five additional parameters.
- *
- * @see DeclException0
- */
-#define DeclException5(Exception5, type1, type2, type3, type4, type5, outsequence) \
-class Exception5 : public ExceptionBase { \
- public: \
- Exception5 (const type1 a1, const type2 a2, const type3 a3, \
- const type4 a4, const type5 a5) : \
- arg1 (a1), arg2(a2), arg3(a3), arg4(a4), arg5(a5) {}; \
- void PrintInfo (ostream &out) const { \
- out outsequence << endl; \
- }; \
- private: \
- const type1 arg1; \
- const type2 arg2; \
- const type3 arg3; \
- const type4 arg4; \
- const type5 arg5; \
-/*---------------------------- exceptions.h ---------------------------*/
-/* end of #ifndef __exceptions_H */
-/*---------------------------- exceptions.h ---------------------------*/