Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- ///////////////////////
- // preamble
-//TODO:[GK] Fill in preamble later
- if (false)
- {
- std::time_t time1= std::time (0);
- std::tm *time = std::localtime(&time1);
- out << "# This file was generated by the deal.II library." << std::endl
- << "# Date = "
- << time->tm_year+1900 << "/"
- << time->tm_mon+1 << "/"
- << time->tm_mday << std::endl
- << "# Time = "
- << time->tm_hour << ":"
- << std::setw(2) << time->tm_min << ":"
- << std::setw(2) << time->tm_sec << std::endl
- << "#" << std::endl
- << "# For a description of the UCD format see the AVS Developer's guide."
- << std::endl
- << "#" << std::endl;
- };
// start with vertices
out << "object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape " << spacedim << " items " << n_nodes << " data follows"
<< std::endl;
<< "component \"connections\" value 2" << std::endl
<< "component \"data\" value 3" << std::endl;
+ if (true)
+ {
+ std::time_t time1= std::time (0);
+ std::tm *time = std::localtime(&time1);
+ out << "attribute \"created\" string \""
+ << time->tm_year+1900 << "/"
+ << time->tm_mon+1 << "/"
+ << time->tm_mday
+ << time->tm_hour << ":"
+ << std::setw(2) << time->tm_min << ":"
+ << std::setw(2) << time->tm_sec << '"' << std::endl;
+ };
out << "end" << std::endl;
// assert the stream is still ok
AssertThrow (out, ExcIO());