cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/dir ../deal.II
- We recommend compiling deal.II in parallel if your machine has more than one processor core. This can be done by providing the <code>--jobs</code> flag to <code>make</code> with a numerical argument. Here we compile with four <code>make</code> jobs:
+ We recommend compiling deal.II in parallel if your machine has
+ more than one processor core. This can be done by providing
+ the <code>--jobs=N</code> flag to <code>make</code> with a
+ numerical argument <code>N</code>. (The
+ argument <code>--jobs=N</code> is often abbreviated
+ as <code>-jN</code>.) Here we compile with four <code>make</code>
+ jobs:
make --jobs=4 install
make test
- <b>Note:</b></p>
+ <b>Notes:</b></p>
- <li> <code>/path/to/install/dir</code> is the directory which deal.II should be installed into. This can be a directory in your home directory (e.g., <code>~/bin/deal.II</code>) or a directory such as <code>/usr/local</code> if you have root privileges.
+ <li> The part "<code>/path/to/install/dir</code>" in the
+ command above needs to be replaced by the path to the directory which deal.II should be installed into. This can be a directory in your home directory (e.g., <code>~/bin/deal.II</code>) or a directory such as <code>/usr/local</code> if you have root privileges.
Another option is to use something like <code>`pwd`/../installed/</code> (note the backticks).