// Then, we will create corresponding LinearOperator objects and create
// the <code>op_M_inv</code> operator:
const auto op_M = linear_operator(M);
const auto op_B = linear_operator(B);
// This puts us in the position to be able to declare the Schur
// complement <code>op_S</code> and the approximate Schur complement
// <code>op_aS</code>:
const auto op_S = transpose_operator(op_B) * op_M_inv * op_B;
const auto op_aS =
transpose_operator(op_B) * linear_operator(preconditioner_M) * op_B;
// We now create a preconditioner out of <code>op_aS</code> that
// applies a few number of CG iterations (until a very modest relative
// reduction of $10^{-16}$ is reached):
ReductionControl reduction_control_aS(2000, 1.e-18, 1.0e-6);
SolverCG<> solver_aS(reduction_control_aS);
PreconditionIdentity preconditioner_aS;
// $B^TM^{-1}F-G$, which is what we compute in the first few lines. We
// then solve the first equation with a CG solver and the
// preconditioner we just declared.
const auto schur_rhs = transpose_operator(op_B) * op_M_inv * F - G;
SolverControl solver_control_S(2000, 1.e-12);
// reads $MU=-BP+F$, and we solve it by first computing the right hand
// side, and then multiplying it with the object that represents the
// inverse of the mass matrix:
U = op_M_inv * (F - op_B * P);