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+ <title>The deal.II news page</title>
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+<h2>Changes on the hp branch</h2>
+This is the list of changes made on the hp branch; this list will be merged
+back into the main document listing changes once the hp branch is merged as
+well. Since the hp branch only exists in the deal.II subdirectory, only this
+category exists below.
+All entries are signed with the names of the author. Regular
+contributor's names are abbreviated by WB (Wolfgang Bangerth), GK
+(Guido Kanschat), RH (Ralf Hartmann).
+<a name="deal.II"></a>
+ <li> <p>
+ Changed: There are now overloaded versions of the <code
+ class="member">FEValues::reinit</code> function (and likewise in the
+ <code class="class">FEFaceValues</code> and <code
+ class="class">FESubFaceValues</code> classes) that either take a
+ <code class="member">Triangulation::cell_iterator</code> or a
+ <code class="member">DoFHandler::cell_iterator</code>. That means that
+ you can compute certain data with only the geometrical information the
+ former provides, independent of whether degrees of freedom are
+ associated with this cell or not. However, certain functions of the
+ <code class="class">FEValues</code> class will throw an error if you
+ attempt to use them without DoF data being delivered in the
+ reinitialization call; these functions need to extract values from
+ finite element fields, and are mostly the
+ <code
+ class="member">FEValues::get_function_values/grads/2nd_derivatives</code>
+ functions.
+ <br>
+ (WB 2003/01/20)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ Changed: The <code
+ class="member">Mapping::transform_real_to_unit_cell</code> and
+ <code class="member">Mapping::transform_unit_to_real_cell</code>
+ now only take a <code class="member">Triangulation::cell_iterator</code>
+ instead of a <code class="member">DoFHandler::cell_iterator</code> as
+ previously. This is also reasonable, since they only need the geometric
+ information.
+ <br>
+ (WB 2003/01/20)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ Changed: The <code class="member">FiniteElement::fill_fe_*_values</code>
+ now only take a <code class="member">Triangulation::cell_iterator</code>
+ instead of a <code class="member">DoFHandler::cell_iterator</code> as
+ previously. Likewise for <code
+ class="member">FiniteElementBase::compute_2nd</code> and <code
+ class="member">FESystem::compute_fill</code>, and the
+ <code class="member">Mapping::fill_fe_*_values</code> functions.
+ <br>
+ (WB 2003/01/20)
+ </p>
+Last update $Date$