+ * Interface for using ARPACK. ARPACK is a collection of Fortran77
+ * subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems.
+ * Here we interface to the routines dnaupd and dneupd of ARPACK.
+ * The package is designed to compute a few eigenvalues and
+ * corresponding eigenvectors of a general n by n matrix A. It is
+ * most appropriate for large sparse matrices A.
+ *
+ * In this class we make use of the method applied to the
+ * generalized eigenspectrum problem $(A-\lambda B)x=0$, for
+ * $x\neq0$; where $A$ is a system matrix, $B$ is a mass matrix,
+ * and $\lambda, x$ are a set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors
+ * respectively.
+ *
+ * The ArpackSolver can be used in application codes in the
+ * following way:
+ @verbatim
+ SolverControl solver_control (1000, 1e-9);
+ ArpackSolver (solver_control);
+ system.solve (A, B, lambda, x, size_of_spectrum);
+ @endverbatim
+ * for the generalized eigenvalue problem $Ax=B\lambda x$, where
+ * the variable <code>const unsigned int size_of_spectrum</code>
+ * tells ARPACK the number of eigenvector/eigenvalue pairs to
+ * solve for.
+ *
+ * Through the AdditionalData the user can specify some of the
+ * parameters to be set.
+ *
+ * For further information on how the ARPACK routines dnaupd and
+ * dneupd work and also how to set the parameters appropriately
+ * please take a look into the ARPACK manual.
+ *
+ * @author Bärbel Janssen, Agnieszka Miedlar, 2010.
+ */
extern "C" void dnaupd_(int *ido, char *bmat, const unsigned int *n, char *which,
const unsigned int *nev, const double *tol, double *resid, int *ncv,
double *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
double *v, int *ldv, int *iparam, int *ipntr,
double *workd, double *workl, int *lworkl, int *info);
+ * Class to interface with the ARPACK routines.
+ */
class ArpackSolver : public Subscriptor
+ /**
+ * Enum to choose the eigenvalues of interest.
+ */
enum which
+ /**
+ * Standardized data struct to pipe
+ * additional data to the solver,
+ * should it be needed.
+ */
struct AdditionalData
const unsigned int number_of_arnoldi_vectors;
const unsigned int number_of_arnoldi_vectors = 15,
const which eigenvalue_of_interest = largest_magnitude);
+ /**
+ * Access to the object that
+ * controls convergence.
+ */
SolverControl &control () const;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
ArpackSolver(SolverControl& control,
const AdditionalData& data = AdditionalData());
- template <typename VECTOR, typename MATRIX, typename INVERSE>
+ /**
+ * Solve the generalized eigensprectrum
+ * problem $A x=\lambda B x$ by calling
+ * dneupd and dnaupd of ARPACK.
+ */
+ template <typename VECTOR, typename MATRIX1,
+ typename MATRIX2, typename INVERSE>
void solve(
- const MATRIX &A,
- const MATRIX &B,
+ const MATRIX1 &A,
+ const MATRIX2 &B,
const INVERSE& inverse,
- std::vector<double> &eigenvalues_r,
- std::vector<double> &eigenvalues_i,
+ std::vector<std::complex<double> > &eigenvalues,
std::vector<VECTOR> &eigenvectors,
const unsigned int n_eigenvalues);
- template <typename VECTOR, typename MATRIX, typename INVERSE>
- void solve(
- const MATRIX &A,
- const INVERSE& inverse,
- std::vector<double> &eigenvalues_r,
- std::vector<double> &eigenvalues_i,
- std::vector<VECTOR> &eigenvectors,
- const unsigned int n_eigenvalues);
* this particular solver.
const AdditionalData additional_data;
+ /**
+ * Exceptions.
+ */
DeclException2 (ExcInvalidNumberofEigenvalues, int, int,
<< "Number of wanted eigenvalues " << arg1
<< " is larger that the size of the matrix " << arg2);
-template <typename VECTOR, typename MATRIX, typename INVERSE>
+template <typename VECTOR, typename MATRIX1,
+ typename MATRIX2, typename INVERSE>
void ArpackSolver::solve (
- const MATRIX &system_matrix,
- const MATRIX &mass_matrix,
+ const MATRIX1 &system_matrix,
+ const MATRIX2 &mass_matrix,
const INVERSE& inverse,
- std::vector<double> &eigenvalues_real,
- std::vector<double> &eigenvalues_im,
+ std::vector<std::complex<double> > &eigenvalues,
std::vector<VECTOR> &eigenvectors,
const unsigned int n_eigenvalues)
// if the starting vector is used it has to be in resid
std::vector<double> resid(n, 1.);
- // number of Arnoldi basis vectors specified by user in p
+ // number of Arnoldi basis vectors specified
+ // in additional_data
int ncv = additional_data.number_of_arnoldi_vectors;
int ldv = n;
for(unsigned int i=0; i<3*n; ++i)
workd[i] = 0.0;
- int lworkl = 3*ncv*(ncv + 2);
+ int lworkl = 3*ncv*(ncv + 6);
std::vector<double> workl (lworkl, 0.);
//information out of the iteration
int info = 1;
std::vector<int> select (ncv, 0);
- // Arnoldi basis vectors
int ldz = n;
std::vector<double> z (ldz*ncv, 0.);
int lworkev = 3*ncv;
std::vector<double> workev (lworkev, 0.);
+ std::vector<double> eigenvalues_real (n_eigenvalues, 0.);
+ std::vector<double> eigenvalues_im (n_eigenvalues, 0.);
// call of ARPACK dneupd routine
dneupd_(&rvec, howmany, &select[0], &eigenvalues_real[0],
&eigenvalues_im[0], &z[0], &ldz, &sigmar, &sigmai,
eigenvectors[i](j) = v[i*n+j];
delete[] workd;
- }
-template <typename VECTOR, typename MATRIX, typename INVERSE>
-void ArpackSolver::solve (
- const MATRIX &system_matrix,
- const INVERSE& inverse,
- std::vector<double> &eigenvalues_real,
- std::vector<double> &eigenvalues_im,
- std::vector<VECTOR> &eigenvectors,
- const unsigned int n_eigenvalues)
- solve (system_matrix, IdentityMatrix(system_matrix.n()),
- inverse, eigenvalues_real, eigenvalues_im, n_eigenvalues);
+ AssertDimension (eigenvalues.size(), eigenvalues_real.size());
+ AssertDimension (eigenvalues.size(), eigenvalues_im.size());
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<eigenvalues.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ eigenvalues[i].real() = eigenvalues_real[i];
+ eigenvalues[i].imag() = eigenvalues_im[i];
+ }
+ }
SolverControl& ArpackSolver::control () const