- This class is a model for a continuous function. It returns the value
- of the function at a given point through the #operator ()# member function,
- which is virtual. It also has a function to return a whole list of function
- values at different points to reduce the overhead of the virtual function
- calls; this function is preset to successively call the function returning
- one value at a time.
- There are other functions return the gradient of the function at one or
- several points. You only have to overload those functions you need; the
- functions returning several values at a time will call those returning
- only one value, while those ones will throw an exception when called but
- not overloaded.
- Unless only called a very small number of times, you should overload
- both those functions returning only one value as well as those returning
- a whole array, since the cost of evaluation of a point value is often
- less than the virtual function call itself.
+ * This class is a model for a continuous function. It returns the value
+ * of the function at a given point through the #operator ()# member function,
+ * which is virtual. It also has a function to return a whole list of function
+ * values at different points to reduce the overhead of the virtual function
+ * calls; this function is preset to successively call the function returning
+ * one value at a time.
+ *
+ * There are other functions return the gradient of the function at one or
+ * several points. You only have to overload those functions you need; the
+ * functions returning several values at a time will call those returning
+ * only one value, while those ones will throw an exception when called but
+ * not overloaded.
+ *
+ * Unless only called a very small number of times, you should overload
+ * both those functions returning only one value as well as those returning
+ * a whole array, since the cost of evaluation of a point value is often
+ * less than the virtual function call itself.
+ */
template <int dim>
class Function {
- Provide a function which always returns zero. Obviously, also the derivates
- of this function are zero.
- This function is of use when you want to implement homogeneous boundary
- conditions.
+ * Provide a function which always returns zero. Obviously, also the derivates
+ * of this function are zero.
+ *
+ * This function is of use when you want to implement homogeneous boundary
+ * conditions.
+ */
template <int dim>
class ZeroFunction : public Function<dim> {
- Provide a function which always returns a constant value, which is delivered
- upon construction. Obviously, the derivates of this function are zerom which
- is why we derive this class from #ZeroFunction#: we then only have to
- overload th value functions, not all the derivatives.
+ * Provide a function which always returns a constant value, which is delivered
+ * upon construction. Obviously, the derivates of this function are zerom which
+ * is why we derive this class from #ZeroFunction#: we then only have to
+ * overload th value functions, not all the derivatives.
+ */
template <int dim>
class ConstantFunction : public ZeroFunction<dim> {
- List of possible output formats.
- */
+ * List of possible output formats.
+ */
enum OutputStyle {
Text, LaTeX, HTML
- The #ParameterHandler# class provides a standard interface to an input file
- which provides at run-time for program parameters such as time step sizes,
- geometries, right hand sides etc. The input for the program is given in files,
- streams or strings in memory using text like
- \begin{verbatim}
- set Time step size = 0.3
- set Geometry = [0,1]x[0,3]
- \end{verbatim}
- Input may be sorted into subsection trees in order to give the input a logical
- structure.
- \subsection{Declaration of entries}
- In order to use the facilities of a #ParameterHandler# object, one first has
- to make known the different entries the input file may or may not contain. This
- is done in the following way:
- \begin{verbatim}
- ...
- ParameterHandler prm;
- prm.declare_entry ("Time step size",
- "0.2",
- ParameterHandler::RegularExpressions::Double);
- prm.declare_entry ("Geometry",
- "[0,1]x[0,1]",
- ".*");
- ...
- \end{verbatim}
- Each entry is declared using the function #declare_entry#. The first parameter is
- the name of the entry (in short: the entry). The second is the default answer to
- be taken in case the entry is not specified in the input file. The third parameter
- is a regular expression which the input (and the default answer) has to match.
- Several such regular expressions are defined in #ParameterHandler::RegularExpressions#.
- Entries may be located in subsections which form a kind of input tree. For example
- input parameters for linear solver routines should be classified in a subsection
- named #Linear solver# or any other suitable name. This is accomplished in the
- following way:
- \begin{verbatim}
- ...
- LinEq eq;
- eq.declare_parameters (prm);
- ...
- void LinEq::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
- prm.enter_subsection("Linear solver");
- prm.declare_entry ("Solver",
- "CG",
- "CG\\|GMRES\\|GaussElim");
- prm.declare_entry ("Maximum number of iterations",
- "20",
- ParameterHandler::RegularExpressions::Integer);
- ...
- prm.leave_subsection ();
- };
- \end{verbatim}
- Subsections may be nested. For example a nonlinear solver may have a linear solver
- as member object. Then the function call tree would be something like (if the class
- #NonLinEq# has a member variables #eq# of type #LinEq#):
- \begin{verbatim}
- void NonLinEq::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
- prm.enter_subsection ("Nonlinear solver");
- prm.declare_entry ("Nonlinear method",
- "Newton-Raphson",
- ParameterHandler::RegularExpressions::AlphaNum);
- eq.declare_parameters (prm);
- prm.leave_subsection ();
- };
- \end{verbatim}
- For class member functions which declare the different entries we propose to use the
- common name #declare_parameters#. In normal cases this method can be #static# since the
- entries will not depend on any previous knowledge. Classes for which entries should
- logically be grouped into subsections should declare these subsections themselves. If
- a class has two or more member variables of the same type both of which should have
- their own parameters, this parent class' method #declare_parameters# is responsible to
- group them into different subsections:
- \begin{verbatim}
- void NonLinEq::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
- prm.enter_subsection ("Nonlinear solver");
- prm.enter_subsection ("Linear solver 1");
- eq1.declare_parameters (prm);
- prm.leave_subsection ();
- prm.enter_subsection ("Linear solver 2");
- eq2.declare_parameters (prm);
- prm.leave_subsection ();
- prm.leave_subsection ();
- };
- \end{verbatim}
- \subsection{Input files and special characters}
- For the first example above the input file would look like the following:
- \begin{verbatim}
- ...
- subsection Nonlinear solver
- set Nonlinear method = Gradient
- subsection Linear solver
- set Solver = CG
- set Maxmimum number of iterations = 30
- end
- end
- ... # other stuff
- \end{verbatim}
- The words #subsection#, #set# and #end# may be either written in lowercase or uppercase
- letters. Leading and trailing whitespace is removed, multiple whitespace is condensed into
- only one. Since the latter applies also to the name of an entry, an entry name will not
- be recognised if in the declaration multiple whitespace is used.
- In entry names and values the following characters are not allowed: \#, #{#, #}#, #|#.
- Their use is reserved for the \ref{MultipleParameterLoop} class.
- Comments starting with \# are skipped.
- We propose to use the following
- scheme to name entries: start the first word with a capital letter and use lowercase
- letters further on. The same applies to the possible entry values to the right of the
- #=# sign.
- \subsection{Reading data from input sources}
- In order to read input you can use three possibilities: reading from an #istream# object,
- reading from a file of which the name is given and reading from a string in memory in
- which the lines are separated by #\n# characters. These possibilites are used as follows:
- \begin{verbatim}
- ParameterHandler prm;
- ...
- // declaration of entries
- ...
- prm.read_input (cin); // read input from standard in,
- // or
- prm.read_input ("simulation.in");
- // or
- char *in = "set Time step size = 0.3 \n ...";
- prm.read_input (in);
- ...
- \end{verbatim}
- You can use several sources of input successively. Entries which are changed more than
- once will be overwritten everytime they are used. It is suggested to let the name of
- parameter input end in #.prm#.
- You should not try to declare entries using #declare_entry# and #enter_subsection# with as
- yet unknown subsection names after using #read_input#. The results in this case are
- unspecified.
- If an error occurs upon reading the input, error messages are written to #cerr#.
- \subsection{Getting entry values out of a #ParameterHandler# object}
- Each class gets its data out of a #ParameterHandler# object by calling the #get (...)#
- member functions like this:
- \begin{verbatim}
- void NonLinEq::get_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
- prm.enter_subsection ("Nonlinear solver");
- String method = prm.get ("Nonlinear method");
- eq.get_parameters (prm);
- prm.leave_subsection ();
- };
- \end{verbatim}
- #get()# returns the value of the given entry. If the entry was not specified in the input
- source(s), the default value is returned. You have to enter and leave subsections
- exactly as you did when declaring subsection. You may chose the order in which to
- transverse the subsection tree.
- It is guaranteed that only entries matching the given regular expression are returned,
- i.e. an input entry value which does not match the regular expression is not stored.
- You can use #get# to retrieve the parameter in text form, #get_integer# to get an integer
- or #get_double# to get a double. It will cause an internal error if
- the string could not be converted to an integer or a double. This should, though, not
- happen if you correctly specified the regular expression for this entry; you should not
- try to get out an integer or a double from an entry for which no according regular
- expression was set. The internal error is raised through the #Assert()# macro family
- which only works in debug mode.
- If you want to print out all user selectable features, use the
- #print_parameters# function. It is generally a good idea to print all parameters
- at the beginning of a log file, since this way input and output are together in
- one file which makes matching at a later time easier. Additionally, the function
- also print those entries which have not been modified in the input file und are
- thus set to default values; since default values may change in the process of
- program development, you cannot know the values of parameters not specified in the
- input file.
- \subsection{Style guide for data retrieval}
- We propose that every class which gets data out of a #ParameterHandler# object provides
- a function named #get_parameters#. This should be declared #virtual#. #get_parameters#
- functions in derived classes should call the #BaseClass::get_parameters# function.
- \subsection{Possible future extensions}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Allow long input lines to be broken by appending a backslash character
- (just like C macros and shell input).
- \item Provide an #input filename# command for the input file to enable users to put the
- most common parameters into separate files.
- \end{itemize}
- \subsection{Worked Example}
- This is the code:
- \begin{verbatim}
- #include <iostream.h>
- #include "../include/parameter_handler.h"
- class LinEq {
- public:
- static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
- void get_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
- private:
- String Method;
- int MaxIterations;
- };
- class Problem {
- private:
- LinEq eq1, eq2;
- String Matrix1, Matrix2;
- String outfile;
- public:
- static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
- void get_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
- };
- void LinEq::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
- // declare parameters for the linear
- // solver in a subsection
- prm.enter_subsection ("Linear solver");
- prm.declare_entry ("Solver",
- "CG",
- "\\(CG\\|BiCGStab\\|GMRES\\)");
- prm.declare_entry ("Maximum number of iterations",
- "20",
- ParameterHandler::RegularExpressions::Integer);
- prm.leave_subsection ();
- };
- void LinEq::get_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
- prm.enter_subsection ("Linear solver");
- Method = prm.get ("Solver");
- MaxIterations = prm.get_integer ("Maximum number of iterations");
- prm.leave_subsection ();
- cout << " LinEq: Method=" << Method << ", MaxIterations=" << MaxIterations << endl;
- };
- void Problem::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
- // first some global parameter entries
- prm.declare_entry ("Output file",
- "out",
- ".*");
- prm.declare_entry ("Equation 1",
- "Laplace",
- ".*");
- prm.declare_entry ("Equation 2",
- "Elasticity",
- ".*");
- // declare parameters for the
- // first equation
- prm.enter_subsection ("Equation 1");
- prm.declare_entry ("Matrix type",
- "Sparse",
- "\\(Full\\|Sparse\\|Diagonal\\)");
- LinEq::declare_parameters (prm); // for eq1
- prm.leave_subsection ();
- // declare parameters for the
- // second equation
- prm.enter_subsection ("Equation 2");
- prm.declare_entry ("Matrix type",
- "Sparse",
- "\\(Full\\|Sparse\\|Diagonal\\)");
- LinEq::declare_parameters (prm); // for eq2
- prm.leave_subsection ();
- };
- void Problem::get_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
- // entries of the problem class
- outfile = prm.get ("Output file");
- String equation1 = prm.get ("Equation 1"),
- equation2 = prm.get ("Equation 2");
- // get parameters for the
- // first equation
- prm.enter_subsection ("Equation 1");
- Matrix1 = prm.get ("Matrix type");
- eq1.get_parameters (prm); // for eq1
- prm.leave_subsection ();
- // get parameters for the
- // second equation
- prm.enter_subsection ("Equation 2");
- Matrix2 = prm.get ("Matrix type");
- eq2.get_parameters (prm); // for eq2
- prm.leave_subsection ();
- cout << " Problem: outfile=" << outfile << endl
- << " eq1=" << equation1 << ", eq2=" << equation2 << endl
- << " Matrix1=" << Matrix1 << ", Matrix2=" << Matrix2 << endl;
- };
- void main () {
- ParameterHandler prm;
- Problem p;
- p.declare_parameters (prm);
- // read input from "prmtest.prm"; giving
- // argv[1] would also be a good idea
- prm.read_input ("prmtest.prm");
- // print parameters to cout as ASCII text
- cout << endl << endl;
- prm.print_parameters (cout, Text);
- // get parameters into the program
- cout << endl << endl
- << "Getting parameters:" << endl;
- p.get_parameters (prm);
- };
- \end{verbatim}
- This is the input file (named "prmtest.prm"):
- \begin{verbatim}
- # first declare the types of equations
- set Equation 1 = Poisson
- set Equation 2 = Navier-Stokes
- subsection Equation 1
- set Matrix type = Sparse
- subsection Linear solver # parameters for linear solver 1
- set Solver = Gauss-Seidel
- set Maximum number of iterations = 40
- end
- end
- subsection Equation 2
- set Matrix type = Full
- subsection Linear solver
- set Solver = CG
- set Maximum number of iterations = 100
- end
- end
- \end{verbatim}
- And here is the ouput of the program:
- \begin{verbatim}
- Line 8:
- The entry value
- Gauss-Seidel
- for the entry named
- Solver
- does not match the given regular expression
- \(CG\|BiCGStab\|GMRES\)
- Listing of Parameters
- ---------------------
- Equation 1 = Poisson <Laplace>
- Equation 2 = Navier-Stokes <Elasticity>
- Output file= out
- subsection Equation 1
- Matrix type = Sparse <Sparse>
- subsection Linear solver
- Maximum number of iterations = 40 <20>
- Solver = CG
- subsection Equation 2
- Matrix type = Full <Sparse>
- subsection Linear solver
- Maximum number of iterations = 100 <20>
- Solver = CG <CG>
- Getting parameters:
- LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=40
- LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=100
- Problem: outfile=out
- eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
- Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
- \end{verbatim}
- \subsection{References}
- This class is inspired by the #MenuSystem# class of #DiffPack#.
- @memo This class provides a standard interface to an input file
- which provides at run-time for program parameters such as time step sizes,
- geometries, right hand sides etc.
- @author Wolfgang Bangerth, October 1997, revised February 1998
- @see MultipleParameterLoop
- */
+ * The #ParameterHandler# class provides a standard interface to an input file
+ * which provides at run-time for program parameters such as time step sizes,
+ * geometries, right hand sides etc. The input for the program is given in files,
+ * streams or strings in memory using text like
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * set Time step size = 0.3
+ * set Geometry = [0,1]x[0,3]
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * Input may be sorted into subsection trees in order to give the input a logical
+ * structure.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Declaration of entries}
+ *
+ * In order to use the facilities of a #ParameterHandler# object, one first has
+ * to make known the different entries the input file may or may not contain. This
+ * is done in the following way:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * ...
+ * ParameterHandler prm;
+ * prm.declare_entry ("Time step size",
+ * "0.2",
+ * ParameterHandler::RegularExpressions::Double);
+ * prm.declare_entry ("Geometry",
+ * "[0,1]x[0,1]",
+ * ".*");
+ * ...
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * Each entry is declared using the function #declare_entry#. The first parameter is
+ * the name of the entry (in short: the entry). The second is the default answer to
+ * be taken in case the entry is not specified in the input file. The third parameter
+ * is a regular expression which the input (and the default answer) has to match.
+ * Several such regular expressions are defined in #ParameterHandler::RegularExpressions#.
+ *
+ * Entries may be located in subsections which form a kind of input tree. For example
+ * input parameters for linear solver routines should be classified in a subsection
+ * named #Linear solver# or any other suitable name. This is accomplished in the
+ * following way:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * ...
+ * LinEq eq;
+ * eq.declare_parameters (prm);
+ * ...
+ *
+ * void LinEq::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
+ * prm.enter_subsection("Linear solver");
+ *prm.declare_entry ("Solver",
+ * "CG",
+ * "CG\\|GMRES\\|GaussElim");
+ *prm.declare_entry ("Maximum number of iterations",
+ * "20",
+ * ParameterHandler::RegularExpressions::Integer);
+ *...
+ *prm.leave_subsection ();
+ * };
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ *
+ * Subsections may be nested. For example a nonlinear solver may have a linear solver
+ * as member object. Then the function call tree would be something like (if the class
+ * #NonLinEq# has a member variables #eq# of type #LinEq#):
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * void NonLinEq::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
+ * prm.enter_subsection ("Nonlinear solver");
+ * prm.declare_entry ("Nonlinear method",
+ * "Newton-Raphson",
+ * ParameterHandler::RegularExpressions::AlphaNum);
+ * eq.declare_parameters (prm);
+ * prm.leave_subsection ();
+ * };
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ *
+ * For class member functions which declare the different entries we propose to use the
+ * common name #declare_parameters#. In normal cases this method can be #static# since the
+ * entries will not depend on any previous knowledge. Classes for which entries should
+ * logically be grouped into subsections should declare these subsections themselves. If
+ * a class has two or more member variables of the same type both of which should have
+ * their own parameters, this parent class' method #declare_parameters# is responsible to
+ * group them into different subsections:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * void NonLinEq::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
+ * prm.enter_subsection ("Nonlinear solver");
+ * prm.enter_subsection ("Linear solver 1");
+ *eq1.declare_parameters (prm);
+ *prm.leave_subsection ();
+ *
+ *prm.enter_subsection ("Linear solver 2");
+ *eq2.declare_parameters (prm);
+ *prm.leave_subsection ();
+ *prm.leave_subsection ();
+ * };
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Input files and special characters}
+ *
+ * For the first example above the input file would look like the following:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * ...
+ * subsection Nonlinear solver
+ * set Nonlinear method = Gradient
+ *subsection Linear solver
+ * set Solver = CG
+ * set Maxmimum number of iterations = 30
+ *end
+ * end
+ * ... # other stuff
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * The words #subsection#, #set# and #end# may be either written in lowercase or uppercase
+ * letters. Leading and trailing whitespace is removed, multiple whitespace is condensed into
+ * only one. Since the latter applies also to the name of an entry, an entry name will not
+ * be recognised if in the declaration multiple whitespace is used.
+ *
+ * In entry names and values the following characters are not allowed: \#, #{#, #}#, #|#.
+ * Their use is reserved for the \ref{MultipleParameterLoop} class.
+ *
+ * Comments starting with \# are skipped.
+ *
+ * We propose to use the following
+ * scheme to name entries: start the first word with a capital letter and use lowercase
+ * letters further on. The same applies to the possible entry values to the right of the
+ * #=# sign.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Reading data from input sources}
+ *
+ * In order to read input you can use three possibilities: reading from an #istream# object,
+ * reading from a file of which the name is given and reading from a string in memory in
+ * which the lines are separated by #\n# characters. These possibilites are used as follows:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * ParameterHandler prm;
+ * ...
+ * // declaration of entries
+ * ...
+ * prm.read_input (cin); // read input from standard in,
+ * // or
+ * prm.read_input ("simulation.in");
+ * // or
+ * char *in = "set Time step size = 0.3 \n ...";
+ * prm.read_input (in);
+ * ...
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * You can use several sources of input successively. Entries which are changed more than
+ * once will be overwritten everytime they are used. It is suggested to let the name of
+ * parameter input end in #.prm#.
+ *
+ * You should not try to declare entries using #declare_entry# and #enter_subsection# with as
+ * yet unknown subsection names after using #read_input#. The results in this case are
+ * unspecified.
+ *
+ * If an error occurs upon reading the input, error messages are written to #cerr#.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Getting entry values out of a #ParameterHandler# object}
+ *
+ * Each class gets its data out of a #ParameterHandler# object by calling the #get (...)#
+ * member functions like this:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * void NonLinEq::get_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
+ * prm.enter_subsection ("Nonlinear solver");
+ * String method = prm.get ("Nonlinear method");
+ * eq.get_parameters (prm);
+ * prm.leave_subsection ();
+ * };
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * #get()# returns the value of the given entry. If the entry was not specified in the input
+ * source(s), the default value is returned. You have to enter and leave subsections
+ * exactly as you did when declaring subsection. You may chose the order in which to
+ * transverse the subsection tree.
+ *
+ * It is guaranteed that only entries matching the given regular expression are returned,
+ * i.e. an input entry value which does not match the regular expression is not stored.
+ *
+ * You can use #get# to retrieve the parameter in text form, #get_integer# to get an integer
+ * or #get_double# to get a double. It will cause an internal error if
+ * the string could not be converted to an integer or a double. This should, though, not
+ * happen if you correctly specified the regular expression for this entry; you should not
+ * try to get out an integer or a double from an entry for which no according regular
+ * expression was set. The internal error is raised through the #Assert()# macro family
+ * which only works in debug mode.
+ *
+ * If you want to print out all user selectable features, use the
+ * #print_parameters# function. It is generally a good idea to print all parameters
+ * at the beginning of a log file, since this way input and output are together in
+ * one file which makes matching at a later time easier. Additionally, the function
+ * also print those entries which have not been modified in the input file und are
+ * thus set to default values; since default values may change in the process of
+ * program development, you cannot know the values of parameters not specified in the
+ * input file.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Style guide for data retrieval}
+ *
+ * We propose that every class which gets data out of a #ParameterHandler# object provides
+ * a function named #get_parameters#. This should be declared #virtual#. #get_parameters#
+ * functions in derived classes should call the #BaseClass::get_parameters# function.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Possible future extensions}
+ *
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item Allow long input lines to be broken by appending a backslash character
+ * (just like C macros and shell input).
+ * \item Provide an #input filename# command for the input file to enable users to put the
+ * most common parameters into separate files.
+ * \end{itemize}
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Worked Example}
+ *
+ * This is the code:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * #include <iostream.h>
+ * #include "../include/parameter_handler.h"
+ *
+ *
+ * class LinEq {
+ * public:
+ * static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
+ * void get_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
+ * private:
+ * String Method;
+ * int MaxIterations;
+ * };
+ *
+ *
+ * class Problem {
+ * private:
+ * LinEq eq1, eq2;
+ * String Matrix1, Matrix2;
+ * String outfile;
+ * public:
+ * static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
+ * void get_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
+ * };
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * void LinEq::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
+ * // declare parameters for the linear
+ * // solver in a subsection
+ * prm.enter_subsection ("Linear solver");
+ * prm.declare_entry ("Solver",
+ * "CG",
+ * "\\(CG\\|BiCGStab\\|GMRES\\)");
+ * prm.declare_entry ("Maximum number of iterations",
+ * "20",
+ * ParameterHandler::RegularExpressions::Integer);
+ * prm.leave_subsection ();
+ * };
+ *
+ *
+ * void LinEq::get_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
+ * prm.enter_subsection ("Linear solver");
+ * Method = prm.get ("Solver");
+ * MaxIterations = prm.get_integer ("Maximum number of iterations");
+ * prm.leave_subsection ();
+ * cout << " LinEq: Method=" << Method << ", MaxIterations=" << MaxIterations << endl;
+ * };
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * void Problem::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
+ * // first some global parameter entries
+ * prm.declare_entry ("Output file",
+ * "out",
+ * ".*");
+ *
+ * prm.declare_entry ("Equation 1",
+ * "Laplace",
+ * ".*");
+ * prm.declare_entry ("Equation 2",
+ * "Elasticity",
+ * ".*");
+ *
+ * // declare parameters for the
+ * // first equation
+ * prm.enter_subsection ("Equation 1");
+ * prm.declare_entry ("Matrix type",
+ * "Sparse",
+ * "\\(Full\\|Sparse\\|Diagonal\\)");
+ * LinEq::declare_parameters (prm); // for eq1
+ * prm.leave_subsection ();
+ *
+ * // declare parameters for the
+ * // second equation
+ * prm.enter_subsection ("Equation 2");
+ * prm.declare_entry ("Matrix type",
+ * "Sparse",
+ * "\\(Full\\|Sparse\\|Diagonal\\)");
+ * LinEq::declare_parameters (prm); // for eq2
+ * prm.leave_subsection ();
+ * };
+ *
+ *
+ * void Problem::get_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
+ * // entries of the problem class
+ * outfile = prm.get ("Output file");
+ *
+ * String equation1 = prm.get ("Equation 1"),
+ * equation2 = prm.get ("Equation 2");
+ *
+ * // get parameters for the
+ * // first equation
+ * prm.enter_subsection ("Equation 1");
+ * Matrix1 = prm.get ("Matrix type");
+ * eq1.get_parameters (prm); // for eq1
+ * prm.leave_subsection ();
+ *
+ * // get parameters for the
+ * // second equation
+ * prm.enter_subsection ("Equation 2");
+ * Matrix2 = prm.get ("Matrix type");
+ * eq2.get_parameters (prm); // for eq2
+ * prm.leave_subsection ();
+ *
+ * cout << " Problem: outfile=" << outfile << endl
+ * << " eq1=" << equation1 << ", eq2=" << equation2 << endl
+ * << " Matrix1=" << Matrix1 << ", Matrix2=" << Matrix2 << endl;
+ * };
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * void main () {
+ * ParameterHandler prm;
+ * Problem p;
+ *
+ * p.declare_parameters (prm);
+ *
+ * // read input from "prmtest.prm"; giving
+ * // argv[1] would also be a good idea
+ * prm.read_input ("prmtest.prm");
+ *
+ * // print parameters to cout as ASCII text
+ * cout << endl << endl;
+ * prm.print_parameters (cout, Text);
+ *
+ * // get parameters into the program
+ * cout << endl << endl
+ * << "Getting parameters:" << endl;
+ * p.get_parameters (prm);
+ * };
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ *
+ *
+ * This is the input file (named "prmtest.prm"):
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * # first declare the types of equations
+ * set Equation 1 = Poisson
+ * set Equation 2 = Navier-Stokes
+ *
+ * subsection Equation 1
+ * set Matrix type = Sparse
+ * subsection Linear solver # parameters for linear solver 1
+ * set Solver = Gauss-Seidel
+ * set Maximum number of iterations = 40
+ * end
+ * end
+ *
+ * subsection Equation 2
+ * set Matrix type = Full
+ * subsection Linear solver
+ * set Solver = CG
+ * set Maximum number of iterations = 100
+ * end
+ * end
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ *
+ * And here is the ouput of the program:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * Line 8:
+ * The entry value
+ * Gauss-Seidel
+ * for the entry named
+ * Solver
+ * does not match the given regular expression
+ * \(CG\|BiCGStab\|GMRES\)
+ *
+ *
+ * Listing of Parameters
+ * ---------------------
+ * Equation 1 = Poisson <Laplace>
+ * Equation 2 = Navier-Stokes <Elasticity>
+ * Output file= out
+ * subsection Equation 1
+ * Matrix type = Sparse <Sparse>
+ * subsection Linear solver
+ * Maximum number of iterations = 40 <20>
+ * Solver = CG
+ * subsection Equation 2
+ * Matrix type = Full <Sparse>
+ * subsection Linear solver
+ * Maximum number of iterations = 100 <20>
+ * Solver = CG <CG>
+ *
+ *
+ * Getting parameters:
+ * LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=40
+ * LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=100
+ * Problem: outfile=out
+ * eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
+ * Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{References}
+ *
+ * This class is inspired by the #MenuSystem# class of #DiffPack#.
+ *
+ * @memo This class provides a standard interface to an input file
+ * which provides at run-time for program parameters such as time step sizes,
+ * geometries, right hand sides etc.
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, October 1997, revised February 1998
+ * @see MultipleParameterLoop
+ */
class ParameterHandler {
- The class #MultipleParameterLoop# offers an easy possibility to test several
- parameter sets during one run of the program. For this it uses the
- #ParameterHandler# class to read in data in a standardized form, searches for
- variant entry values and performs a loop over all combinations of parameters.
- Variant entry values are given like this:
- \begin{verbatim}
- set Time step size = { 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 }
- \end{verbatim}
- The loop will then perform three runs of the program, one for each value
- of #Time step size#, while all other parameters are as specified or with their
- default value. If there are several variant entry values in the input a loop is
- performed for each combination of variant values:
- \begin{verbatim}
- set Time step size = { 0.1 | 0.2 }
- set Solver = { CG | GMRES }
- \end{verbatim}
- will result in four runs of the programs, with time step 0.1 and 0.2 for each
- of the two solvers.
- Opposite to a variant entry, an array entry looks like this:
- \begin{verabtim}
- set Output file = ofile.{{ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 }}
- \end{verbatim}
- This indicates that if there are variant entries producing a total of four
- different runs will write their results to the files #ofile.1#, #ofile.2#,
- #ofile.3# and #ofile.4#, respectively. Array entries do not generate multiple
- runs of the main loop themselves, but if there are variant entries, then in
- the #n#th run of the main loop, also the #n#th value of an array is returned.
- Since the different variants are constructed in the order of declaration, not in
- the order in which the variat entries appear in the input file, it may be
- difficult to guess the mapping between the different variants and the appropriate
- entry in an array. You will have to check the order of declaration, or use
- only one variant entry.
- It is guaranteed that only selections which match the regular expression given
- upon declaration of an entry are given back to the program. If a variant value
- does not match the regular expression, the default value is stored and an error
- is issued. Before the first run of the loop, all possible values are checked
- for their conformance, so that the error is issued at the very beginning of the
- program.
- \subsection{Usage}
- The usage of this class is similar to the #ParameterHandler# class. First the
- entries and subsections have to be declared, then a loop is performed in which
- the different parameter sets are set, a new instance of a user class is created
- which is then called. Taking the classes of the example for the
- #ParameterHandler# class, the extended program would look like this:
- \begin{verbatim}
- class HelperClass : public MultipleParameterLoop::UserClass {
- public:
- HelperClass ();
- virtual void create_new (unsigned int runNo);
- virtual void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
- virtual void run (ParameterHandler &prm);
- private:
- Problem *p;
- };
- HelperClass::HelperClass () : p(0) {};
- void HelperClass::create_new (unsigned int runNo) {
- if (p) delete p;
- p = new Problem;
- };
- void HelperClass::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
- // entries of the problem class
- // note: must be static member!
- Problem::declare_parameters (prm);
- };
- void HelperClass::run (ParameterHandler &prm) {
- p->get_parameters (prm);
- };
- void main () {
- // don't know why we have to write
- // "class" here, but it won't work
- // otherwise
- class MultipleParameterLoop prm;
- HelperClass h;
- h.declare_parameters (prm);
- prm.read_input ("prmtest.prm");
- prm.loop (h);
- };
- \end{verbatim}
- As can be seen, first a new helper class has to be set up. This must contain
- a virtual constructor for a problem class. You can also derive your problem
- class from #MultipleParameterLoop::UserClass# and let #create_new# clear all
- member variables. If you have access to all inherited member variables in
- some way this is the recommended procedure. A third possibility is to use
- multiple inheritance and derive a helper class from both the
- #MultipleParameterLoop::UserClass# and the problem class. In any case,
- #create_new# has to provide a clean problem object which is the problem in
- the second and third possibility. However, if possible, the second way should
- be chosen.
- The derived class also
- has to provide for member functions which declare the entries and which run
- the program. Running the program includes getting the parameters out of the
- #ParameterHandler# object.
- After defining an object of this helper class and an object of the
- #MultipleParameterLoop# class, the entries have to be declared in the same way
- as for the #ParameterHandler# class. Then the input has to be read. Finally
- the loop is called. This executes the following steps:
- \begin{verbatim}
- for each combination
- {
- UserObject.create_new (runNo);
- set parameters for this run
- UserObject.run (*this);
- };
- \end{verbatim}
- #UserObject# is the parameter to the #loop# function. #create_new# is given the number
- of the run (starting from one) to enable naming output files differently for each
- run.
- \subsection{Syntax for variant and array entry values}
- Variant values are specified like #prefix{ v1 | v2 | v3 | ... }postfix#. Whitespace
- to the right of the opening brace #{# is ignored as well as to the left of the
- closing brace #}# while whitespace on the respectively other side is not ignored.
- Whitespace around the mid symbols #|# is also ignored. The empty selection
- #prefix{ v1 | }postfix# is also allowed and produces the strings #prefixv1postfix# and
- #prefixpostfix#.
- The syntax for array values is equal, apart from the double braces:
- #prefix{{ v1 | v2 | v3 }}postfix#.
- \subsection{Worked example}
- Given the above extensions to the example program for the #ParameterHandler# and the
- following input file
- \begin{verbatim}
- set Equation 1 = Poisson
- set Equation 2 = Navier-Stokes
- set Output file= results.{{ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 }}
- subsection Equation 1
- set Matrix type = Sparse
- subsection Linear solver
- set Solver = CG
- set Maximum number of iterations = { 10 | 20 | 30 }
- end
- end
- subsection Equation 2
- set Matrix type = Full
- subsection Linear solver
- set Solver = { BiCGStab | GMRES }
- set Maximum number of iterations = 100
- end
- end
- \end{verbatim}
- this is the output:
- \begin{verbatim}
- LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=10
- LinEq: Method=BiCGStab, MaxIterations=100
- Problem: outfile=results.1
- eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
- Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
- LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=20
- LinEq: Method=BiCGStab, MaxIterations=100
- Problem: outfile=results.2
- eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
- Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
- LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=30
- LinEq: Method=BiCGStab, MaxIterations=100
- Problem: outfile=results.3
- eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
- Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
- LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=10
- LinEq: Method=GMRES, MaxIterations=100
- Problem: outfile=results.4
- eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
- Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
- LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=20
- LinEq: Method=GMRES, MaxIterations=100
- Problem: outfile=results.5
- eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
- Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
- LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=30
- LinEq: Method=GMRES, MaxIterations=100
- Problem: outfile=results.6
- eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
- Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
- \end{verbatim}
- Since #create_new# gets the number of the run it would also be possible to output
- the number of the run.
- \subsection{References}
- This class is inspired by the #Multipleloop# class of #DiffPack#.
- @memo This class provides an interface to an input file which provides at
- run-time for multiple program parameters sets. The class performs a loop over
- all combinations of parameter sets.
- @author Wolfgang Bangerth, October 1997
- @version 1.0
- @see ParameterHandler
+ * The class #MultipleParameterLoop# offers an easy possibility to test several
+ * parameter sets during one run of the program. For this it uses the
+ * #ParameterHandler# class to read in data in a standardized form, searches for
+ * variant entry values and performs a loop over all combinations of parameters.
+ *
+ * Variant entry values are given like this:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * set Time step size = { 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 }
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * The loop will then perform three runs of the program, one for each value
+ * of #Time step size#, while all other parameters are as specified or with their
+ * default value. If there are several variant entry values in the input a loop is
+ * performed for each combination of variant values:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * set Time step size = { 0.1 | 0.2 }
+ * set Solver = { CG | GMRES }
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * will result in four runs of the programs, with time step 0.1 and 0.2 for each
+ * of the two solvers.
+ *
+ * Opposite to a variant entry, an array entry looks like this:
+ * \begin{verabtim}
+ * set Output file = ofile.{{ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 }}
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * This indicates that if there are variant entries producing a total of four
+ * different runs will write their results to the files #ofile.1#, #ofile.2#,
+ * #ofile.3# and #ofile.4#, respectively. Array entries do not generate multiple
+ * runs of the main loop themselves, but if there are variant entries, then in
+ * the #n#th run of the main loop, also the #n#th value of an array is returned.
+ *
+ * Since the different variants are constructed in the order of declaration, not in
+ * the order in which the variat entries appear in the input file, it may be
+ * difficult to guess the mapping between the different variants and the appropriate
+ * entry in an array. You will have to check the order of declaration, or use
+ * only one variant entry.
+ *
+ * It is guaranteed that only selections which match the regular expression given
+ * upon declaration of an entry are given back to the program. If a variant value
+ * does not match the regular expression, the default value is stored and an error
+ * is issued. Before the first run of the loop, all possible values are checked
+ * for their conformance, so that the error is issued at the very beginning of the
+ * program.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Usage}
+ *
+ * The usage of this class is similar to the #ParameterHandler# class. First the
+ * entries and subsections have to be declared, then a loop is performed in which
+ * the different parameter sets are set, a new instance of a user class is created
+ * which is then called. Taking the classes of the example for the
+ * #ParameterHandler# class, the extended program would look like this:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * class HelperClass : public MultipleParameterLoop::UserClass {
+ * public:
+ * HelperClass ();
+ *
+ * virtual void create_new (unsigned int runNo);
+ * virtual void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
+ * virtual void run (ParameterHandler &prm);
+ * private:
+ * Problem *p;
+ * };
+ *
+ *
+ * HelperClass::HelperClass () : p(0) {};
+ *
+ *
+ * void HelperClass::create_new (unsigned int runNo) {
+ * if (p) delete p;
+ * p = new Problem;
+ * };
+ *
+ *
+ * void HelperClass::declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm) {
+ * // entries of the problem class
+ * // note: must be static member!
+ * Problem::declare_parameters (prm);
+ * };
+ *
+ *
+ * void HelperClass::run (ParameterHandler &prm) {
+ * p->get_parameters (prm);
+ * };
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * void main () {
+ * // don't know why we have to write
+ * // "class" here, but it won't work
+ * // otherwise
+ * class MultipleParameterLoop prm;
+ * HelperClass h;
+ *
+ * h.declare_parameters (prm);
+ * prm.read_input ("prmtest.prm");
+ * prm.loop (h);
+ * };
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ *
+ * As can be seen, first a new helper class has to be set up. This must contain
+ * a virtual constructor for a problem class. You can also derive your problem
+ * class from #MultipleParameterLoop::UserClass# and let #create_new# clear all
+ * member variables. If you have access to all inherited member variables in
+ * some way this is the recommended procedure. A third possibility is to use
+ * multiple inheritance and derive a helper class from both the
+ * #MultipleParameterLoop::UserClass# and the problem class. In any case,
+ * #create_new# has to provide a clean problem object which is the problem in
+ * the second and third possibility. However, if possible, the second way should
+ * be chosen.
+ *
+ * The derived class also
+ * has to provide for member functions which declare the entries and which run
+ * the program. Running the program includes getting the parameters out of the
+ * #ParameterHandler# object.
+ *
+ * After defining an object of this helper class and an object of the
+ * #MultipleParameterLoop# class, the entries have to be declared in the same way
+ * as for the #ParameterHandler# class. Then the input has to be read. Finally
+ * the loop is called. This executes the following steps:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * for each combination
+ * {
+ * UserObject.create_new (runNo);
+ *
+ * set parameters for this run
+ *
+ * UserObject.run (*this);
+ * };
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * #UserObject# is the parameter to the #loop# function. #create_new# is given the number
+ * of the run (starting from one) to enable naming output files differently for each
+ * run.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Syntax for variant and array entry values}
+ *
+ * Variant values are specified like #prefix{ v1 | v2 | v3 | ... }postfix#. Whitespace
+ * to the right of the opening brace #{# is ignored as well as to the left of the
+ * closing brace #}# while whitespace on the respectively other side is not ignored.
+ * Whitespace around the mid symbols #|# is also ignored. The empty selection
+ * #prefix{ v1 | }postfix# is also allowed and produces the strings #prefixv1postfix# and
+ * #prefixpostfix#.
+ *
+ * The syntax for array values is equal, apart from the double braces:
+ * #prefix{{ v1 | v2 | v3 }}postfix#.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Worked example}
+ *
+ * Given the above extensions to the example program for the #ParameterHandler# and the
+ * following input file
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * set Equation 1 = Poisson
+ * set Equation 2 = Navier-Stokes
+ * set Output file= results.{{ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 }}
+ *
+ * subsection Equation 1
+ * set Matrix type = Sparse
+ * subsection Linear solver
+ * set Solver = CG
+ * set Maximum number of iterations = { 10 | 20 | 30 }
+ * end
+ * end
+ *
+ * subsection Equation 2
+ * set Matrix type = Full
+ * subsection Linear solver
+ * set Solver = { BiCGStab | GMRES }
+ * set Maximum number of iterations = 100
+ * end
+ * end
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * this is the output:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=10
+ * LinEq: Method=BiCGStab, MaxIterations=100
+ * Problem: outfile=results.1
+ * eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
+ * Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
+ * LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=20
+ * LinEq: Method=BiCGStab, MaxIterations=100
+ * Problem: outfile=results.2
+ * eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
+ * Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
+ * LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=30
+ * LinEq: Method=BiCGStab, MaxIterations=100
+ * Problem: outfile=results.3
+ * eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
+ * Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
+ * LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=10
+ * LinEq: Method=GMRES, MaxIterations=100
+ * Problem: outfile=results.4
+ * eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
+ * Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
+ * LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=20
+ * LinEq: Method=GMRES, MaxIterations=100
+ * Problem: outfile=results.5
+ * eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
+ * Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
+ * LinEq: Method=CG, MaxIterations=30
+ * LinEq: Method=GMRES, MaxIterations=100
+ * Problem: outfile=results.6
+ * eq1=Poisson, eq2=Navier-Stokes
+ * Matrix1=Sparse, Matrix2=Full
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * Since #create_new# gets the number of the run it would also be possible to output
+ * the number of the run.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{References}
+ * This class is inspired by the #Multipleloop# class of #DiffPack#.
+ *
+ * @memo This class provides an interface to an input file which provides at
+ * run-time for multiple program parameters sets. The class performs a loop over
+ * all combinations of parameter sets.
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, October 1997
+ * @version 1.0
+ * @see ParameterHandler
class MultipleParameterLoop : public ParameterHandler {
- Base class for quadrature formulae in arbitrary dimensions. This class
- stores quadrature points and weights on the unit line [0,1], unit
- square [0,1]x[0,1], etc. This information is used together with
- objects of the \Ref{FiniteElement} class to compute the values stored
- in the \Ref{FEValues} objects.
- There are a number of derived classes, denoting concrete integration
- formulae. These are named by a prefixed #Q#, the name of the formula
- (e.g. #Gauss#) and finally the order of integration. For example,
- #QGauss2<dim># denotes a second order Gauss integration formula in
- any dimension. Second order means that it integrates polynomials of
- third order exact. In general, a formula of order #n# exactly
- integrates polynomials of order #2n-1#.
+ * Base class for quadrature formulae in arbitrary dimensions. This class
+ * stores quadrature points and weights on the unit line [0,1], unit
+ * square [0,1]x[0,1], etc. This information is used together with
+ * objects of the \Ref{FiniteElement} class to compute the values stored
+ * in the \Ref{FEValues} objects.
+ *
+ * There are a number of derived classes, denoting concrete integration
+ * formulae. These are named by a prefixed #Q#, the name of the formula
+ * (e.g. #Gauss#) and finally the order of integration. For example,
+ * #QGauss2<dim># denotes a second order Gauss integration formula in
+ * any dimension. Second order means that it integrates polynomials of
+ * third order exact. In general, a formula of order #n# exactly
+ * integrates polynomials of order #2n-1#.
+ */
template <int dim>
class Quadrature {
- This class is a helper class to facilitate the usage of quadrature formulae
- on faces or subfaces of cells. It computes the locations of quadrature
- points on the unit cell from a quadrature object for a mannifold of
- one dimension less than that of the cell and the number of the face.
- For example, giving the Simpson rule in one dimension and using the
- #project_to_face# function with face number 1, the returned points will
- be $(1,0)$, $(1,0.5)$ and $(1,1)$. Note that faces have an orientation,
- so when projecting to face 3, you will get $(0,0)$, $(0,0.5)$ and $(0,1)$,
- which is in clockwise sense, while for face 1 the points were in
- counterclockwise sense.
- For the projection to subfaces (i.e. to the children of a face of the
- unit cell), the same applies as above. Note the order in which the
- children of a face are numbered, which in two dimensions coincides
- with the orientation of the face.
- The different functions are grouped into a common class to avoid putting
- them into global namespace (and to make documentation easier, since
- presently the documentation tool can only handle classes, not global
- functions). However, since they have no local data, all functions are
- declared #static# and can be called without creating an object of this
- class.
+ * This class is a helper class to facilitate the usage of quadrature formulae
+ * on faces or subfaces of cells. It computes the locations of quadrature
+ * points on the unit cell from a quadrature object for a mannifold of
+ * one dimension less than that of the cell and the number of the face.
+ * For example, giving the Simpson rule in one dimension and using the
+ * #project_to_face# function with face number 1, the returned points will
+ * be $(1,0)$, $(1,0.5)$ and $(1,1)$. Note that faces have an orientation,
+ * so when projecting to face 3, you will get $(0,0)$, $(0,0.5)$ and $(0,1)$,
+ * which is in clockwise sense, while for face 1 the points were in
+ * counterclockwise sense.
+ *
+ * For the projection to subfaces (i.e. to the children of a face of the
+ * unit cell), the same applies as above. Note the order in which the
+ * children of a face are numbered, which in two dimensions coincides
+ * with the orientation of the face.
+ *
+ * The different functions are grouped into a common class to avoid putting
+ * them into global namespace (and to make documentation easier, since
+ * presently the documentation tool can only handle classes, not global
+ * functions). However, since they have no local data, all functions are
+ * declared #static# and can be called without creating an object of this
+ * class.
+ */
template <int dim>
class QProjector {
- Second order Gauss quadrature formula.
- Reference: Ward Cheney, David Kincaid: Numerical Mathematics and Computing.
+ * Second order Gauss quadrature formula.
+ *
+ * Reference: Ward Cheney, David Kincaid: Numerical Mathematics and Computing.
+ */
template <int dim>
class QGauss2 : public Quadrature<dim> {
- Third order Gauss quadrature formula.
- Reference: Ward Cheney, David Kincaid: Numerical Mathematics and Computing.
+ * Third order Gauss quadrature formula.
+ *
+ * Reference: Ward Cheney, David Kincaid: Numerical Mathematics and Computing.
+ */
template <int dim>
class QGauss3 : public Quadrature<dim> {
- Fourth order Gauss quadrature formula.
- Reference: Ward Cheney, David Kincaid: Numerical Mathematics and Computing.
+ * Fourth order Gauss quadrature formula.
+ *
+ * Reference: Ward Cheney, David Kincaid: Numerical Mathematics and Computing.
+ */
template <int dim>
class QGauss4 : public Quadrature<dim> {
- Fifth order Gauss quadrature formula.
- Reference: Ward Cheney, David Kincaid: Numerical Mathematics and Computing.
+ * Fifth order Gauss quadrature formula.
+ *
+ * Reference: Ward Cheney, David Kincaid: Numerical Mathematics and Computing.
+ */
template <int dim>
class QGauss5 : public Quadrature<dim> {
- Sixth order Gauss quadrature formula. I have not found explicite
- representations of the zeros of the Legendre functions of sixth
- and higher degree. If anyone finds them, please replace the existing
- numbers by these expressions.
- Reference: J. E. Akin: Application and Implementation of Finite
- Element Methods
+ * Sixth order Gauss quadrature formula. I have not found explicite
+ * representations of the zeros of the Legendre functions of sixth
+ * and higher degree. If anyone finds them, please replace the existing
+ * numbers by these expressions.
+ *
+ * Reference: J. E. Akin: Application and Implementation of Finite
+ * Element Methods
+ */
template <int dim>
class QGauss6 : public Quadrature<dim> {
- Seventh order Gauss quadrature formula. I have not found explicite
- representations of the zeros of the Legendre functions of sixth
- and higher degree. If anyone finds them, please replace the existing
- numbers by these expressions.
- Reference: J. E. Akin: Application and Implementation of Finite
- Element Methods
+ * Seventh order Gauss quadrature formula. I have not found explicite
+ * representations of the zeros of the Legendre functions of sixth
+ * and higher degree. If anyone finds them, please replace the existing
+ * numbers by these expressions.
+ *
+ * Reference: J. E. Akin: Application and Implementation of Finite
+ * Element Methods
+ */
template <int dim>
class QGauss7 : public Quadrature<dim> {
- Eighth order Gauss quadrature formula. I have not found explicite
- representations of the zeros of the Legendre functions of sixth
- and higher degree. If anyone finds them, please replace the existing
- numbers by these expressions.
- Reference: J. E. Akin: Application and Implementation of Finite
- Element Methods
+ * Eighth order Gauss quadrature formula. I have not found explicite
+ * representations of the zeros of the Legendre functions of sixth
+ * and higher degree. If anyone finds them, please replace the existing
+ * numbers by these expressions.
+ *
+ * Reference: J. E. Akin: Application and Implementation of Finite
+ * Element Methods
+ */
template <int dim>
class QGauss8 : public Quadrature<dim> {
- First order midpoint quadrature rule.
+ * First order midpoint quadrature rule.
+ */
template <int dim>
class QMidpoint : public Quadrature<dim> {
- Simpson quadrature rule.
+ * Simpson quadrature rule.
+ */
template <int dim>
class QSimpson : public Quadrature<dim> {
- Trapezoidal quadrature rule.
+ * Trapezoidal quadrature rule.
+ */
template <int dim>
class QTrapez : public Quadrature<dim> {
- Define the basis for accessors to the degrees of freedom.
- Note that it is allowed to construct an object of which the
- #dof_handler# pointer is a Null pointer. Such an object would
- result in a strange kind of behaviour, though every reasonable
- operating system should disallow access through that pointer.
- The reason we do not check for the null pointer in the
- constructor which gets passed the #DoFHandler# pointer is that
- if we did we could not make dof iterators member of other classes
- (like in the #FEValues# class) if we did not know about the
- #DoFHandler# object to be used upon construction of that object.
- Through the way this class is implemented here, we allow the
- creation of a kind of virgin object which only gets useful if
- assigned to from another object before first usage.
- Opposite to construction, it is not possible to copy an object
- which has an invalid dof handler pointer. This is to guarantee
- that every iterator which is once assigned to is a valid
- object. However, this assertion only holds in debug mode, when
- the #Assert# macro is switched on.
- */
+ * Define the basis for accessors to the degrees of freedom.
+ *
+ * Note that it is allowed to construct an object of which the
+ * #dof_handler# pointer is a Null pointer. Such an object would
+ * result in a strange kind of behaviour, though every reasonable
+ * operating system should disallow access through that pointer.
+ * The reason we do not check for the null pointer in the
+ * constructor which gets passed the #DoFHandler# pointer is that
+ * if we did we could not make dof iterators member of other classes
+ * (like in the #FEValues# class) if we did not know about the
+ * #DoFHandler# object to be used upon construction of that object.
+ * Through the way this class is implemented here, we allow the
+ * creation of a kind of virgin object which only gets useful if
+ * assigned to from another object before first usage.
+ *
+ * Opposite to construction, it is not possible to copy an object
+ * which has an invalid dof handler pointer. This is to guarantee
+ * that every iterator which is once assigned to is a valid
+ * object. However, this assertion only holds in debug mode, when
+ * the #Assert# macro is switched on.
+ */
template <int dim>
class DoFAccessor {
- Grant access to the degrees of freedom located on lines.
- This class follows mainly the route laid out by the accessor library
- declared in the triangulation library (\Ref{TriaAccessor}). It enables
- the user to access the degrees of freedom on the lines (there are similar
- versions for the DoFs on quads, etc), where the dimension of the underlying
- triangulation does not really matter (i.e. this accessor works with the
- lines in 1D-, 2D-, etc dimensions).
- \subsection{Usage}
- The \Ref{DoFDimensionInfo} classes inherited by the \Ref{DoFHandler} classes
- declare typedefs to iterators using the accessors declared in this class
- hierarchy tree. Usage is best to happens through these typedefs, since they
- are more secure to changes in the class naming and template interface as well
- as they provide easier typing (much less complicated names!).
- \subsection{Notes about the class hierarchy structure}
- The class hierarchy seems to be a bit confused here. The reason for this is
- that we would really like to derive a #DoFLineAccessor# from a #LineAccessor#.
- Unfortunately, we would run into problems, if we wanted a #DoFLineAccessor#
- in one spatial dimension, in which case a line is also a cell. The traditional
- solution would be to declare a #DoFCellAccessor<1># which is derived from
- #DoFLineAccessor<1># and #CellAccessor<1># (the #DoFLineAccessor<dim># cannot
- itself be derived from #CellAccessor<dim># since a line is not a cell
- unless in one space dimension), but since a #DoFLineAccessor# and a
- #CellAccessor# are both derived from #TriaAccessor#, we would have to make
- the last derivation virtual.
- Since we want to avoid virtual inheritance since this involves another
- indirection in every member variable access, we chose another way: we
- pass a second template parameter to a #DoFLineAccessor# which tells it
- which class to be derived from: if we are in one spatial dimension, the
- base class is to be #CellAccessor<1>#, in two or more dimensions it
- is a #LineAccessor<dim>#, i.e. am accessor to lines without the missing
- functionality needed for cells (neighbors, etc.).
- This way we can declare a #DoFCellAccessor# in one dimension by deriving
- from #DoFLineAccessor<1,CellAccessor<1> >#, thus getting the cell
- functionality through the #DoFLineAccessor# instead of through a virtual
- multiple inheritance of #DoFLineAccessor# and #CellAccessor<1>#.
- The same concept is used with #DoFQuadAccessor# classes etc.
- */
+ * Grant access to the degrees of freedom located on lines.
+ * This class follows mainly the route laid out by the accessor library
+ * declared in the triangulation library (\Ref{TriaAccessor}). It enables
+ * the user to access the degrees of freedom on the lines (there are similar
+ * versions for the DoFs on quads, etc), where the dimension of the underlying
+ * triangulation does not really matter (i.e. this accessor works with the
+ * lines in 1D-, 2D-, etc dimensions).
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Usage}
+ *
+ * The \Ref{DoFDimensionInfo} classes inherited by the \Ref{DoFHandler} classes
+ * declare typedefs to iterators using the accessors declared in this class
+ * hierarchy tree. Usage is best to happens through these typedefs, since they
+ * are more secure to changes in the class naming and template interface as well
+ * as they provide easier typing (much less complicated names!).
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Notes about the class hierarchy structure}
+ *
+ * The class hierarchy seems to be a bit confused here. The reason for this is
+ * that we would really like to derive a #DoFLineAccessor# from a #LineAccessor#.
+ * Unfortunately, we would run into problems, if we wanted a #DoFLineAccessor#
+ * in one spatial dimension, in which case a line is also a cell. The traditional
+ * solution would be to declare a #DoFCellAccessor<1># which is derived from
+ * #DoFLineAccessor<1># and #CellAccessor<1># (the #DoFLineAccessor<dim># cannot
+ * itself be derived from #CellAccessor<dim># since a line is not a cell
+ * unless in one space dimension), but since a #DoFLineAccessor# and a
+ * #CellAccessor# are both derived from #TriaAccessor#, we would have to make
+ * the last derivation virtual.
+ *
+ * Since we want to avoid virtual inheritance since this involves another
+ * indirection in every member variable access, we chose another way: we
+ * pass a second template parameter to a #DoFLineAccessor# which tells it
+ * which class to be derived from: if we are in one spatial dimension, the
+ * base class is to be #CellAccessor<1>#, in two or more dimensions it
+ * is a #LineAccessor<dim>#, i.e. am accessor to lines without the missing
+ * functionality needed for cells (neighbors, etc.).
+ *
+ * This way we can declare a #DoFCellAccessor# in one dimension by deriving
+ * from #DoFLineAccessor<1,CellAccessor<1> >#, thus getting the cell
+ * functionality through the #DoFLineAccessor# instead of through a virtual
+ * multiple inheritance of #DoFLineAccessor# and #CellAccessor<1>#.
+ *
+ * The same concept is used with #DoFQuadAccessor# classes etc.
+ */
template <int dim, class BaseClass>
class DoFLineAccessor : public DoFAccessor<dim>, public BaseClass {
- Grant access to the degrees of freedom located on quads.
- @see DoFLineAccessor
- */
+ * Grant access to the degrees of freedom located on quads.
+ *
+ * @see DoFLineAccessor
+ */
template <int dim, class BaseClass>
class DoFQuadAccessor : public DoFAccessor<dim>, public BaseClass {
- Intermediate, "typedef"-class, not for public use.
- Rationale for the declaration of members for this class: gcc 2.8 has a bug
- when deriving from explicitely specialized classes which materializes in
- the calculation of wrong addresses of member variables. By declaring the
- general template of #DoFSubstructAccessor# to have the same object layout as
- the specialized versions (using the same base classes), we fool the compiler,
- which still looks in the wrong place for the addresses but finds the
- right information. This way, at least ot works.
- Insert a guard, however, in the constructor to avoid that anyone (including
- the compiler) happens to use this class.
- */
+ * Intermediate, "typedef"-class, not for public use.
+ *
+ * Rationale for the declaration of members for this class: gcc 2.8 has a bug
+ * when deriving from explicitely specialized classes which materializes in
+ * the calculation of wrong addresses of member variables. By declaring the
+ * general template of #DoFSubstructAccessor# to have the same object layout as
+ * the specialized versions (using the same base classes), we fool the compiler,
+ * which still looks in the wrong place for the addresses but finds the
+ * right information. This way, at least ot works.
+ *
+ * Insert a guard, however, in the constructor to avoid that anyone (including
+ * the compiler) happens to use this class.
+ */
template <int dim>
class DoFSubstructAccessor : public DoFAccessor<dim>,
public TriaAccessor<dim> {
- Intermediate, "typedef"-class, not for public use.
- \subsection{Rationale}
- This class is only a wrapper class used to do kind of a typedef
- with template parameters. This class and #DoFSubstructAccessor<2>#
- wrap the following names:
- \begin{verbatim}
- DoFSubstructAccessor<1> := DoFLineAccessor<1,CellAccessor<1> >;
- DoFSubstructAccessor<2> := DoFQuadAccessor<2,CellAccessor<2> >;
- \end{verbatim}
- We do this rather complex (and needless, provided C++ the needed constructs!)
- class hierarchy manipulation, since this way we can declare and implement
- the \Ref{DoFCellAccessor} dimension independent as an inheritance from
- #DoFSubstructAccessor<dim>#. If we had not declared these
- types, we would have to write two class declarations, one for
- #DoFCellAccessor<1>#, derived from #DoFLineAccessor<1,CellAccessor<1> >#
- and one for #DoFCellAccessor<2>#, derived from
- #DoFQuadAccessor<2,CellAccessor<2> >#.
- */
+ * Intermediate, "typedef"-class, not for public use.
+ *
+ * \subsection{Rationale}
+ *
+ * This class is only a wrapper class used to do kind of a typedef
+ * with template parameters. This class and #DoFSubstructAccessor<2>#
+ * wrap the following names:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * DoFSubstructAccessor<1> := DoFLineAccessor<1,CellAccessor<1> >;
+ * DoFSubstructAccessor<2> := DoFQuadAccessor<2,CellAccessor<2> >;
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * We do this rather complex (and needless, provided C++ the needed constructs!)
+ * class hierarchy manipulation, since this way we can declare and implement
+ * the \Ref{DoFCellAccessor} dimension independent as an inheritance from
+ * #DoFSubstructAccessor<dim>#. If we had not declared these
+ * types, we would have to write two class declarations, one for
+ * #DoFCellAccessor<1>#, derived from #DoFLineAccessor<1,CellAccessor<1> >#
+ * and one for #DoFCellAccessor<2>#, derived from
+ * #DoFQuadAccessor<2,CellAccessor<2> >#.
+ */
class DoFSubstructAccessor<1> : public DoFLineAccessor<1,CellAccessor<1> > {
- Intermediate, "typedef"-class, not for public use.
- @see DoFSubstructAccessor<1>
- */
+ * Intermediate, "typedef"-class, not for public use.
+ *
+ * @see DoFSubstructAccessor<1>
+ */
class DoFSubstructAccessor<2> : public DoFQuadAccessor<2,CellAccessor<2> > {
- Grant access to the degrees of freedom on a cell. In fact, since all
- access to the degrees of freedom has been enabled by the classes
- #DoFLineAccessor<1># and #DoFQuadAccessor<2># for the space dimension
- one and two, respectively, this class only collects the pieces
- together by deriving from the appropriate #DoF*Accessor# and the
- right #CellAccessor<dim># and finally adding two functions which give
- access to the neighbors and children as #DoFCellAccessor# objects
- rather than #CellAccessor# objects (the latter function was inherited
- from the #CellAccessor<dim># class).
- */
+ * Grant access to the degrees of freedom on a cell. In fact, since all
+ * access to the degrees of freedom has been enabled by the classes
+ * #DoFLineAccessor<1># and #DoFQuadAccessor<2># for the space dimension
+ * one and two, respectively, this class only collects the pieces
+ * together by deriving from the appropriate #DoF*Accessor# and the
+ * right #CellAccessor<dim># and finally adding two functions which give
+ * access to the neighbors and children as #DoFCellAccessor# objects
+ * rather than #CellAccessor# objects (the latter function was inherited
+ * from the #CellAccessor<dim># class).
+ */
template <int dim>
class DoFCellAccessor : public DoFSubstructAccessor<dim> {
- This class represents the matrix denoting the distribution of the degrees
- of freedom of hanging nodes.
- The matrix is organized in lines (rows), but only those lines are stored
- where constraints are present. Lines where only one entry (identity) is
- present are not stored if not explicitely inserted.
- Constraint matrices are used to handle hanging nodes and other constrained
- degrees of freedom. When building the global system matrix and the right
- hand sides, you normally build them without taking care of the constraints,
- purely on a topological base, i.e. by a loop over cells. In order to do
- actual calculations, you have to 'condense' these matrices: eliminate
- constrained degrees of freedom and distribute the appropriate values to
- the unconstrained dofs. This changes the sparsity pattern of the sparse
- matrices used in finite element calculations und is thus a quite expensive
- operation.
- Condensation is done in four steps: first the large matrix sparsity pattern
- is created (e.g. using #DoFHandler::create_sparsity_pattern#), then the
- sparsity pattern of the condensed matrix is made out of the large sparsity
- pattern and the constraints. After that the global matrix is assembled and
- finally condensed. To do these steps, you have (at least) two possibilities:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Use two different sparsity patterns and two different matrices: you
- may eliminate the lines and rows connected with a constraint and create
- a totally new sparsity pattern and a new system matrix. This has the
- advantage that the resulting system of equations is free from artifacts
- of the condensation process and is therefore faster in the solution process
- since no unnecessary multiplications occur (see below). However, there are
- two major drawbacks: keeping two matrices at the same time can be quite
- unacceptable in many cases, since these matrices may be several 10 or even
- 100 MB large. Secondly, the condensation process is quite expensive, since
- {\it all} entries of the matrix have to be copied, not only those which are
- subject to constraints.
- \item Use only one sparsity pattern and one matrix: doing it this way, the
- condense functions add nonzero entries to the sparsity pattern of the
- large matrix (with constrained nodes in it) where the condensation process
- of the matrix will create additional nonzero elements. In the condensation
- process itself, lines and rows subject to constraints are distributed to
- the lines and rows of unconstrained nodes. The constrained lines remain in
- place, however, unlike in the first possibility described above. In order
- not to disturb the solution process, these lines and rows are filled with
- zeros and identity on the main diagonal; the appropriate value in the right
- hand sides is set to zero. This way, the constrained node will always get
- the value zero upon solution of the equation system and will not couple to
- other nodes any more.
- This method has the advantage that only one matrix and sparsity pattern is
- needed thus using less memory. Additionally, the condensation process is
- less expensive, since not all but only constrained values in the matrix
- have to be copied. On the other hand, the solution process will take a bit
- longer, since matrix vector multiplications will incur multiplications
- with zeroes in the lines subject to constraints. Additionally, the vector
- size is larger than in the first possibility, resulting in more memory
- consumption for those iterative solution methods using a larger number of
- auxiliary vectors (e.g. methods using explicite orthogonalization
- procedures).
- \end{verbatim}
- Usually, the second way is chosen since memory consumption upon construction
- of a second matrix rules out the first possibility.
- This class provides two sets of #condense# functions: those taking two
- arguments refer to the first possibility above, those taking only one do
- their job in-place and refer to the second possibility.
- Condensing vectors works exactly as described above for matrices.
- After solving the condensed system of equations, the solution vector has to
- be redistributed. This is done by the two #distribute# function, one working
- with two vectors, one working in-place. The operation of distribution undoes
- the condensation process in some sense, but it should be noted that it is not
- the inverse operation.
- */
+ * This class represents the matrix denoting the distribution of the degrees
+ * of freedom of hanging nodes.
+ *
+ * The matrix is organized in lines (rows), but only those lines are stored
+ * where constraints are present. Lines where only one entry (identity) is
+ * present are not stored if not explicitely inserted.
+ *
+ * Constraint matrices are used to handle hanging nodes and other constrained
+ * degrees of freedom. When building the global system matrix and the right
+ * hand sides, you normally build them without taking care of the constraints,
+ * purely on a topological base, i.e. by a loop over cells. In order to do
+ * actual calculations, you have to 'condense' these matrices: eliminate
+ * constrained degrees of freedom and distribute the appropriate values to
+ * the unconstrained dofs. This changes the sparsity pattern of the sparse
+ * matrices used in finite element calculations und is thus a quite expensive
+ * operation.
+ *
+ * Condensation is done in four steps: first the large matrix sparsity pattern
+ * is created (e.g. using #DoFHandler::create_sparsity_pattern#), then the
+ * sparsity pattern of the condensed matrix is made out of the large sparsity
+ * pattern and the constraints. After that the global matrix is assembled and
+ * finally condensed. To do these steps, you have (at least) two possibilities:
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item Use two different sparsity patterns and two different matrices: you
+ * may eliminate the lines and rows connected with a constraint and create
+ * a totally new sparsity pattern and a new system matrix. This has the
+ * advantage that the resulting system of equations is free from artifacts
+ * of the condensation process and is therefore faster in the solution process
+ * since no unnecessary multiplications occur (see below). However, there are
+ * two major drawbacks: keeping two matrices at the same time can be quite
+ * unacceptable in many cases, since these matrices may be several 10 or even
+ * 100 MB large. Secondly, the condensation process is quite expensive, since
+ * {\it all} entries of the matrix have to be copied, not only those which are
+ * subject to constraints.
+ *
+ * \item Use only one sparsity pattern and one matrix: doing it this way, the
+ * condense functions add nonzero entries to the sparsity pattern of the
+ * large matrix (with constrained nodes in it) where the condensation process
+ * of the matrix will create additional nonzero elements. In the condensation
+ * process itself, lines and rows subject to constraints are distributed to
+ * the lines and rows of unconstrained nodes. The constrained lines remain in
+ * place, however, unlike in the first possibility described above. In order
+ * not to disturb the solution process, these lines and rows are filled with
+ * zeros and identity on the main diagonal; the appropriate value in the right
+ * hand sides is set to zero. This way, the constrained node will always get
+ * the value zero upon solution of the equation system and will not couple to
+ * other nodes any more.
+ *
+ * This method has the advantage that only one matrix and sparsity pattern is
+ * needed thus using less memory. Additionally, the condensation process is
+ * less expensive, since not all but only constrained values in the matrix
+ * have to be copied. On the other hand, the solution process will take a bit
+ * longer, since matrix vector multiplications will incur multiplications
+ * with zeroes in the lines subject to constraints. Additionally, the vector
+ * size is larger than in the first possibility, resulting in more memory
+ * consumption for those iterative solution methods using a larger number of
+ * auxiliary vectors (e.g. methods using explicite orthogonalization
+ * procedures).
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ *
+ * Usually, the second way is chosen since memory consumption upon construction
+ * of a second matrix rules out the first possibility.
+ *
+ * This class provides two sets of #condense# functions: those taking two
+ * arguments refer to the first possibility above, those taking only one do
+ * their job in-place and refer to the second possibility.
+ *
+ * Condensing vectors works exactly as described above for matrices.
+ *
+ * After solving the condensed system of equations, the solution vector has to
+ * be redistributed. This is done by the two #distribute# function, one working
+ * with two vectors, one working in-place. The operation of distribution undoes
+ * the condensation process in some sense, but it should be noted that it is not
+ * the inverse operation.
+ */
class ConstraintMatrix {
- Store the indices of the degrees of freedom which are located on the lines.
- Declare it to have a template parameter, but do not actually declare
- other types than those explicitely instantiated.
- */
+ * Store the indices of the degrees of freedom which are located on the lines.
+ * Declare it to have a template parameter, but do not actually declare
+ * other types than those explicitely instantiated.
+ */
template <int N>
class DoFLevel;
- Store the indices of the degrees of freedom which are located on the lines.
- \subsection{Information for all #DoFLevel# classes}
- The #DoFLevel<N># classes
- store the global indices of the degrees of freedom for each cell on a
- certain level. The index or number of a degree of freedom is the zero-based
- index of the according value in the solution vector and the row and column
- index in the global matrix or the multigrid matrix for this level. These
- indices refer to the unconstrained vectors and matrices, where we have not
- taken account of the constraints introduced by hanging nodes. If more than
- one value corresponds to one basis function, for example for vector equations
- where the solution is vector valued and thus has several degrees of freedom
- for each basis function, we nonetheless store only one index. This can then
- be viewed as the index into a block vector, where each block contains the
- different values according to a degree of freedom. It is left to the derived
- classes, whether the values in a block are stored consecutively or distributed
- (e.g. if the solution function is $u=(u_1, u_2)$, we could store the values
- in the solution vector like
- $\ldots, u_1^m, u_2^m, u_1^{m+1}, u_2^{m+1},\ldots$ with $m$ denoting the
- $m$th basis function, or $\ldots, u_1^m, u_1^{m+1}, u_1^{m+2}, \ldots,
- u_2^m, u_2^{m+1}, u_2^{m+2}, \ldots$, respectively). Likewise, the
- constraint matrix returned by #DoFHandler::make_constraint_matrix ()# is then
- to be understood as a block matrix.
- The storage format of the degrees of freedom indices (short: DoF indices) is
- somewhat like a mirror of the data structures of the triangulation classes.
- There is a hierarchy of #DoFLevel<dim># classes for the different dimensions
- which have objects named #line_dofs#, #quad_dofs# and so on, in which the
- indices of DoFs located on lines and quads, respectively, are stored. The
- indices are stored levelwise. The layout in
- these arrays is as follows: if for a selected finite element (use
- #DoFHandler::distribute_dofs()# to select a finite element) the number of
- DoFs on each line (without those in the vertices) is #N#, then the length
- of the #line_dofs# array is #N# times the number of lines on this level. The
- DoF indices for the #i#th line are at the positions #N*i...(N+1)*i-1#.
- The DoF indices for vertices are not stored this way, since they need
- different treatment in multigrid environments. If no multigrid is used, the
- indices are stored in the #vertex_dofs# array of the #DoFHandler# class.
- */
+ * Store the indices of the degrees of freedom which are located on the lines.
+ *
+ * \subsection{Information for all #DoFLevel# classes}
+ *
+ * The #DoFLevel<N># classes
+ * store the global indices of the degrees of freedom for each cell on a
+ * certain level. The index or number of a degree of freedom is the zero-based
+ * index of the according value in the solution vector and the row and column
+ * index in the global matrix or the multigrid matrix for this level. These
+ * indices refer to the unconstrained vectors and matrices, where we have not
+ * taken account of the constraints introduced by hanging nodes. If more than
+ * one value corresponds to one basis function, for example for vector equations
+ * where the solution is vector valued and thus has several degrees of freedom
+ * for each basis function, we nonetheless store only one index. This can then
+ * be viewed as the index into a block vector, where each block contains the
+ * different values according to a degree of freedom. It is left to the derived
+ * classes, whether the values in a block are stored consecutively or distributed
+ * (e.g. if the solution function is $u=(u_1, u_2)$, we could store the values
+ * in the solution vector like
+ * $\ldots, u_1^m, u_2^m, u_1^{m+1}, u_2^{m+1},\ldots$ with $m$ denoting the
+ * $m$th basis function, or $\ldots, u_1^m, u_1^{m+1}, u_1^{m+2}, \ldots,
+ * u_2^m, u_2^{m+1}, u_2^{m+2}, \ldots$, respectively). Likewise, the
+ * constraint matrix returned by #DoFHandler::make_constraint_matrix ()# is then
+ * to be understood as a block matrix.
+ *
+ * The storage format of the degrees of freedom indices (short: DoF indices) is
+ * somewhat like a mirror of the data structures of the triangulation classes.
+ * There is a hierarchy of #DoFLevel<dim># classes for the different dimensions
+ * which have objects named #line_dofs#, #quad_dofs# and so on, in which the
+ * indices of DoFs located on lines and quads, respectively, are stored. The
+ * indices are stored levelwise. The layout in
+ * these arrays is as follows: if for a selected finite element (use
+ * #DoFHandler::distribute_dofs()# to select a finite element) the number of
+ * DoFs on each line (without those in the vertices) is #N#, then the length
+ * of the #line_dofs# array is #N# times the number of lines on this level. The
+ * DoF indices for the #i#th line are at the positions #N*i...(N+1)*i-1#.
+ *
+ * The DoF indices for vertices are not stored this way, since they need
+ * different treatment in multigrid environments. If no multigrid is used, the
+ * indices are stored in the #vertex_dofs# array of the #DoFHandler# class.
+ */
class DoFLevel<1> {
- Store the indices of the degrees of freedom which are located on quads.
- See \Ref{DoFLevel<1>} for more information.
- */
+ * Store the indices of the degrees of freedom which are located on quads.
+ * See \Ref{DoFLevel<1>} for more information.
+ */
class DoFLevel<2> : public DoFLevel<1> {
- Define some types which differ between the dimensions. This class
- is analogous to the \Ref{TriaDimensionInfo} class hierarchy.
- @see DoFDimensionInfo<1>
- @see DoFDimensionInfo<2>
- */
+ * Define some types which differ between the dimensions. This class
+ * is analogous to the \Ref{TriaDimensionInfo} class hierarchy.
+ *
+ * @see DoFDimensionInfo<1>
+ * @see DoFDimensionInfo<2>
+ */
template <int dim>
class DoFDimensionInfo;
- Define some types for the DoF handling in one dimension.
- The types have the same meaning as those declared in \Ref{TriaDimensionInfo<2>}.
- */
+ * Define some types for the DoF handling in one dimension.
+ *
+ * The types have the same meaning as those declared in \Ref{TriaDimensionInfo<2>}.
+ */
class DoFDimensionInfo<1> {
typedef TriaRawIterator<1,DoFCellAccessor<1> > raw_line_iterator;
- Define some types for the DoF handling in two dimensions.
- The types have the same meaning as those declared in \Ref{TriaDimensionInfo<2>}.
- */
+ * Define some types for the DoF handling in two dimensions.
+ *
+ * The types have the same meaning as those declared in \Ref{TriaDimensionInfo<2>}.
+ */
class DoFDimensionInfo<2> {
typedef TriaRawIterator<2,DoFLineAccessor<2,LineAccessor<2> > > raw_line_iterator;
- Give names to the different possibilities of renumbering the degrees
- of freedom.
- \begin{itemize}
- \item #Cuthill_McKee# and #reverse_Cuthill_McKee# traverse the triangulation
- in a diagonal, advancing front like method and produce matrices with an
- almost minimal bandwidth.
- \item #reverse_Cuthill_McKey# does the same thing, but numbers the dofs in
- the reverse order.
- \end{itemize}
- For a description of the algorithms see the book of Schwarz (H.R.Scharz:
- Methode der finiten Elemente).
- */
+ * Give names to the different possibilities of renumbering the degrees
+ * of freedom.
+ *
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item #Cuthill_McKee# and #reverse_Cuthill_McKee# traverse the triangulation
+ * in a diagonal, advancing front like method and produce matrices with an
+ * almost minimal bandwidth.
+ * \item #reverse_Cuthill_McKey# does the same thing, but numbers the dofs in
+ * the reverse order.
+ * \end{itemize}
+ *
+ * For a description of the algorithms see the book of Schwarz (H.R.Scharz:
+ * Methode der finiten Elemente).
+ */
enum RenumberingMethod {
- Manage the distribution and numbering of the degrees of freedom for
- non-multigrid algorithms.
- We store a list of numbers for each cells
- denoting the mapping between the degrees of freedom on this cell
- and the global number of this degree of freedom; the number of a
- degree of freedom lying on the interface of two cells is thus stored
- twice, but is the same. The numbers refer to the unconstrained
- matrices and vectors. The layout of storage of these indices is
- described in the \Ref{DoFLevel} class documentation.
- Additionally, the DoFHandler is able to generate the condensation
- matrix which connects constrained and unconstrained matrices and
- vectors.
- Finally it offers a starting point for the assemblage of the matrices
- by offering #begin()# and #end()# functions which return iterators
- to walk on the DoF structures as well as the triangulation data.
- These iterators work much like those described in the documentation
- of the #Triangulation# class and of the iterator classes themselved,
- but offer more functionality than pure triangulation iterators. The
- order in which dof iterators are presented by the #++# and #--# operators
- is the same as that for the alike triangulation iterators.
- \subsection{Distribution of degrees of freedom}
- The degrees of freedom (`dofs') are distributed on the given triangulation
- by the function #distribute_dofs()#. It gets passed a finite element object
- describing how many degrees of freedom are located on vertices, lines, etc.
- It traverses the triangulation cell by cell and numbers the dofs of that
- cell if not yet numbered. For non-multigrid algorithms, only active cells
- are considered.
- Since the triangulation is traversed starting with the cells of the coarsest
- active level and going to more refined levels, the lowest numbers for dofs
- are given to the largest cells as well as their bounding lines and vertices,
- with the dofs of more refined cells getting higher numbers.
- This numbering implies very large bandwiths of the resulting matrices and
- is thus vastly suboptimal for some solution algorithms. For this reason,
- the #DoFHandler# class offers the function #renumber_dofs# which reorders
- the dof numbering according to some scheme. Presently available are the
- Cuthill-McKey (CM) and the Reverse Cuthill-McKey algorithm. These algorithms
- have one major drawback: they require a good starting point, i.e. the degree
- of freedom index afterwards to be numbered zero. This can thus be given by
- the user, e.g. by exploiting knowledge of the actual topology of the
- domain. It is also possible to given several starting indices, which may
- be used to simulate a simple upstream numbering (by giving the inflow
- dofs as starting values) or to make preconditioning faster (by letting
- the dirichlet boundary indices be starting points).
- If no starting index is given, one is chosen by the program, namely one
- with the smallest coordination number (the coordination number is the
- number of other dofs this dof couples with). This dof is usually located
- on the boundary of the domain. There is, however, large ambiguity in this
- when using the hierarchical meshes used in this library, since in most
- cases the computational domain is not approximated by tilting and deforming
- elements and by plugging together variable numbers of elements at vertices,
- but rather by hierarchical refinement. There is therefore a large number
- of dofs with equal coordination numbers. The renumbering algorithms will
- therefore not give optimal results.
- In the book of Schwarz (H.R.Schwarz: Methode der finiten Elemente), it is
- advised to test many starting points, if possible all with the smallest
- coordination number and also those with slightly higher numbers. However,
- this seems only possible for meshes with at most several dozen or a few
- hundred elements found in small engineering problems of the early 1980s
- (the second edition was published in 1984), but certainly not with those
- used in this library, featuring several 10,000 to a few 100,000 elements.
- On the other hand, the need to reduce the bandwidth has decreased since
- with the mentioned number of cells, only iterative solution methods are
- able to solve the resulting matrix systems. These, however, are not so
- demanding with respect to the bandwidth as direct solvers used for
- smaller problems. Things like upstream numbering become much more important
- in recent times, so the suboptimality of the renumbering algorithms is
- not that important any more.
- \subsection{Implementation of renumbering schemes}
- The renumbering algorithms need quite a lot of memory, since they have
- to store for each dof with which other dofs it couples. This is done
- using a #dSMatrixStruct# object used to store the sparsity pattern. It
- is not useful for the user to do anything between distributing the dofs
- and renumbering, i.e. the calls to #DoFHandler::distribute_dofs# and
- #DoFHandler::renumber_dofs# should follow each other immediately. If
- you try to create a sparsity pattern or anything else in between, these
- will be invalid afterwards.
- The renumbering may take care of dof-to-dof couplings only induced by
- eliminating constraints. In addition to the memory consumption mentioned
- above, this also takes quite some computational time, but it may be
- switched of upon calling the #renumber_dofs# function. This will then
- give inferior results, since knots in the graph (representing dofs)
- are not found to be neighbors even if they would be after condensation.
- The renumbering algorithms work on a purely algebraic basis, due to the
- isomorphism between the graph theoretical groundwork underlying the
- algorithms and binary matrices (matrices of which the entries are binary
- values) represented by the sparsity patterns. In special, the algorithms
- do not try to exploit topological knowledge (e.g. corner detection) to
- find appropriate starting points. This way, however, they work in
- arbitrary space dimension.
- If you want to give starting points, you may give a list of dof indices
- which will form the first step of the renumbering. The dofs of the list
- will be consecutively numbered starting with zero, i.e. this list is not
- renumbered according to the coordination number of the nodes. Indices not
- in the allowed range are deleted. If no index is allowed, the algorithm
- will search for its own starting point.
- \subsection{Results of renumbering}
- The renumbering schemes mentioned above do not lead to optimal results.
- However, after all there is no algorithm that accomplishes this within
- reasonable time. There are situations where the lack of optimality even
- leads to worse results than with the original, crude, levelwise numering
- scheme; one of these examples is a mesh of four cells of which always
- those cells are refined which are neighbors to the center (you may call
- this mesh a `zoom in' mesh). In one such example the bandwidth was
- increased by about 50 per cent.
- In most other cases, the bandwith is reduced significantly. The reduction
- is the better the less structured the grid is. With one grid where the
- cells were refined according to a random driven algorithm, the bandwidth
- was reduced by a factor of six.
- Using the constraint information usually leads to reductions in bandwidth
- of 10 or 20 per cent, but may for some very unstructured grids also lead
- to an increase. You have to weigh the decrease in your case with the time
- spent to use the constraint information, which usually is several times
- longer than the `pure' renumbering algorithm.
- In almost all cases, the renumbering scheme finds a corner to start with.
- Since there is more than one corner in most grids and since even an
- interior degree of freedom may be a better starting point, giving the
- starting point by the user may be a viable way if you have a simple
- scheme to derive a suitable point (e.g. by successively taking the
- third child of the cell top left of the coarsest level, taking its
- third vertex and the dof index thereof, if you want the top left corner
- vertex). If you do not know beforehand what your grid will look like
- (e.g. when using adaptive algorithms), searching a best starting point
- may be difficult, however, and in many cases will not justify the effort.
- \subsection{Data transfer between grids}
- The #DoFHandler# class offers two functions #make_transfer_matrix# which create
- a matrix to transform the data of one grid to another. The functions assumes the
- coarsest mesh of the two grids to be the same. However there are few ways to
- check this (only the number of cells on the coarsest grid is compared). Also,
- the selected finite element type of the two degree of freedom handler objects
- must be the same.
- The algorithm goes recursively from the coarse mesh cells to their children
- until the grids differ at this level. It then tries to prolong or restrict the
- old cell(s) to the new cell(s) and makes up a matrix of these prolongations and
- restrictions. This matrix multiplied with a vector on the old grid yields an
- approximation of the projection of the function on the old grid to the new one.
- Building and using the transfer matrix is usually a quite expensive operation,
- since we have to perform two runs over all cells (one for building the sparsity
- structure, one to build the entries) and because of the memory consumption.
- It may, however, pay if you have many
- equations, since then the entries in the matrix can be considered as block
- entries which are then applied to all function values at a given degree of
- freedom.
- To build the matrix, you have to call first
- #make_transfer_matrix (old_dof_object, sparsity_pattern);#, then create a
- sparse matrix out of this pattern, e.g. by #dSMatrix m(sparsity_pattern);#
- and finally give this to the second run:
- #make_transfer_matrix (old_dof_object, m);#. The spasity pattern created
- by the first run is automatically compressed.
- When creating the #dSMatrixStruct# sparsity pattern, you have to give the
- dimension and the maximum number of entries per row. Obviously the image
- dimension is the number of dofs on the new grid (you can get this using the
- #n_dofs()# function), while the range dimension is the number of dofs on the
- old grid. The maximum number of entries per row is determined by the maximum
- number of levels $d$ which we have to cross upon transferring from one cell to
- another (presently, transfer of one cell is only possible for #d=0,1#, i.e.
- the two cells match or one is refined once more than the other, the
- number of degrees of freedom per per vertex $d_v$, those on lines $d_l$, those
- on quads $d_q$ and the number of subcells a cell is
- refined to, which is $2**dim$. The maximum number of entries per row in one
- dimension is then given by $(2*d_l+d_v)*2+1$ if $d=1$. For example, a one
- dimensional linear element would need two entries per row.
- In two dimensions, the maxmimum number is $(4*d_q+12*d_l+5*d_v)*4+1$ if $d=1$.
- You can get these numbers by drawing little pictures and counting, there is
- no mystique behind this. You can also get the right number by calling the
- #max_transfer_entries (max_level_difference)# function. The actual number
- depends on the finite element selected and may be much less, especially in
- higher dimensions.
- If you do not have multiple equations and do not really use the matrix but still
- have to transfer an arbitrary number of vectors to transfer, you can use the
- #transfer()# function, which is able to transfer any number of vectors in only
- one loop over all cells and without the memory consumption of the matrix. The
- matrix seems only useful when trying to transfer whole matrices instead of
- rebuilding them on the new grid.
- @author Wolfgang Bangerth, February 1998
- */
+ * Manage the distribution and numbering of the degrees of freedom for
+ * non-multigrid algorithms.
+ *
+ * We store a list of numbers for each cells
+ * denoting the mapping between the degrees of freedom on this cell
+ * and the global number of this degree of freedom; the number of a
+ * degree of freedom lying on the interface of two cells is thus stored
+ * twice, but is the same. The numbers refer to the unconstrained
+ * matrices and vectors. The layout of storage of these indices is
+ * described in the \Ref{DoFLevel} class documentation.
+ *
+ * Additionally, the DoFHandler is able to generate the condensation
+ * matrix which connects constrained and unconstrained matrices and
+ * vectors.
+ *
+ * Finally it offers a starting point for the assemblage of the matrices
+ * by offering #begin()# and #end()# functions which return iterators
+ * to walk on the DoF structures as well as the triangulation data.
+ * These iterators work much like those described in the documentation
+ * of the #Triangulation# class and of the iterator classes themselved,
+ * but offer more functionality than pure triangulation iterators. The
+ * order in which dof iterators are presented by the #++# and #--# operators
+ * is the same as that for the alike triangulation iterators.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Distribution of degrees of freedom}
+ *
+ * The degrees of freedom (`dofs') are distributed on the given triangulation
+ * by the function #distribute_dofs()#. It gets passed a finite element object
+ * describing how many degrees of freedom are located on vertices, lines, etc.
+ * It traverses the triangulation cell by cell and numbers the dofs of that
+ * cell if not yet numbered. For non-multigrid algorithms, only active cells
+ * are considered.
+ *
+ * Since the triangulation is traversed starting with the cells of the coarsest
+ * active level and going to more refined levels, the lowest numbers for dofs
+ * are given to the largest cells as well as their bounding lines and vertices,
+ * with the dofs of more refined cells getting higher numbers.
+ *
+ * This numbering implies very large bandwiths of the resulting matrices and
+ * is thus vastly suboptimal for some solution algorithms. For this reason,
+ * the #DoFHandler# class offers the function #renumber_dofs# which reorders
+ * the dof numbering according to some scheme. Presently available are the
+ * Cuthill-McKey (CM) and the Reverse Cuthill-McKey algorithm. These algorithms
+ * have one major drawback: they require a good starting point, i.e. the degree
+ * of freedom index afterwards to be numbered zero. This can thus be given by
+ * the user, e.g. by exploiting knowledge of the actual topology of the
+ * domain. It is also possible to given several starting indices, which may
+ * be used to simulate a simple upstream numbering (by giving the inflow
+ * dofs as starting values) or to make preconditioning faster (by letting
+ * the dirichlet boundary indices be starting points).
+ *
+ * If no starting index is given, one is chosen by the program, namely one
+ * with the smallest coordination number (the coordination number is the
+ * number of other dofs this dof couples with). This dof is usually located
+ * on the boundary of the domain. There is, however, large ambiguity in this
+ * when using the hierarchical meshes used in this library, since in most
+ * cases the computational domain is not approximated by tilting and deforming
+ * elements and by plugging together variable numbers of elements at vertices,
+ * but rather by hierarchical refinement. There is therefore a large number
+ * of dofs with equal coordination numbers. The renumbering algorithms will
+ * therefore not give optimal results.
+ *
+ * In the book of Schwarz (H.R.Schwarz: Methode der finiten Elemente), it is
+ * advised to test many starting points, if possible all with the smallest
+ * coordination number and also those with slightly higher numbers. However,
+ * this seems only possible for meshes with at most several dozen or a few
+ * hundred elements found in small engineering problems of the early 1980s
+ * (the second edition was published in 1984), but certainly not with those
+ * used in this library, featuring several 10,000 to a few 100,000 elements.
+ *
+ * On the other hand, the need to reduce the bandwidth has decreased since
+ * with the mentioned number of cells, only iterative solution methods are
+ * able to solve the resulting matrix systems. These, however, are not so
+ * demanding with respect to the bandwidth as direct solvers used for
+ * smaller problems. Things like upstream numbering become much more important
+ * in recent times, so the suboptimality of the renumbering algorithms is
+ * not that important any more.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Implementation of renumbering schemes}
+ *
+ * The renumbering algorithms need quite a lot of memory, since they have
+ * to store for each dof with which other dofs it couples. This is done
+ * using a #dSMatrixStruct# object used to store the sparsity pattern. It
+ * is not useful for the user to do anything between distributing the dofs
+ * and renumbering, i.e. the calls to #DoFHandler::distribute_dofs# and
+ * #DoFHandler::renumber_dofs# should follow each other immediately. If
+ * you try to create a sparsity pattern or anything else in between, these
+ * will be invalid afterwards.
+ *
+ * The renumbering may take care of dof-to-dof couplings only induced by
+ * eliminating constraints. In addition to the memory consumption mentioned
+ * above, this also takes quite some computational time, but it may be
+ * switched of upon calling the #renumber_dofs# function. This will then
+ * give inferior results, since knots in the graph (representing dofs)
+ * are not found to be neighbors even if they would be after condensation.
+ *
+ * The renumbering algorithms work on a purely algebraic basis, due to the
+ * isomorphism between the graph theoretical groundwork underlying the
+ * algorithms and binary matrices (matrices of which the entries are binary
+ * values) represented by the sparsity patterns. In special, the algorithms
+ * do not try to exploit topological knowledge (e.g. corner detection) to
+ * find appropriate starting points. This way, however, they work in
+ * arbitrary space dimension.
+ *
+ * If you want to give starting points, you may give a list of dof indices
+ * which will form the first step of the renumbering. The dofs of the list
+ * will be consecutively numbered starting with zero, i.e. this list is not
+ * renumbered according to the coordination number of the nodes. Indices not
+ * in the allowed range are deleted. If no index is allowed, the algorithm
+ * will search for its own starting point.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Results of renumbering}
+ *
+ * The renumbering schemes mentioned above do not lead to optimal results.
+ * However, after all there is no algorithm that accomplishes this within
+ * reasonable time. There are situations where the lack of optimality even
+ * leads to worse results than with the original, crude, levelwise numering
+ * scheme; one of these examples is a mesh of four cells of which always
+ * those cells are refined which are neighbors to the center (you may call
+ * this mesh a `zoom in' mesh). In one such example the bandwidth was
+ * increased by about 50 per cent.
+ *
+ * In most other cases, the bandwith is reduced significantly. The reduction
+ * is the better the less structured the grid is. With one grid where the
+ * cells were refined according to a random driven algorithm, the bandwidth
+ * was reduced by a factor of six.
+ *
+ * Using the constraint information usually leads to reductions in bandwidth
+ * of 10 or 20 per cent, but may for some very unstructured grids also lead
+ * to an increase. You have to weigh the decrease in your case with the time
+ * spent to use the constraint information, which usually is several times
+ * longer than the `pure' renumbering algorithm.
+ *
+ * In almost all cases, the renumbering scheme finds a corner to start with.
+ * Since there is more than one corner in most grids and since even an
+ * interior degree of freedom may be a better starting point, giving the
+ * starting point by the user may be a viable way if you have a simple
+ * scheme to derive a suitable point (e.g. by successively taking the
+ * third child of the cell top left of the coarsest level, taking its
+ * third vertex and the dof index thereof, if you want the top left corner
+ * vertex). If you do not know beforehand what your grid will look like
+ * (e.g. when using adaptive algorithms), searching a best starting point
+ * may be difficult, however, and in many cases will not justify the effort.
+ *
+ * \subsection{Data transfer between grids}
+ *
+ * The #DoFHandler# class offers two functions #make_transfer_matrix# which create
+ * a matrix to transform the data of one grid to another. The functions assumes the
+ * coarsest mesh of the two grids to be the same. However there are few ways to
+ * check this (only the number of cells on the coarsest grid is compared). Also,
+ * the selected finite element type of the two degree of freedom handler objects
+ * must be the same.
+ *
+ * The algorithm goes recursively from the coarse mesh cells to their children
+ * until the grids differ at this level. It then tries to prolong or restrict the
+ * old cell(s) to the new cell(s) and makes up a matrix of these prolongations and
+ * restrictions. This matrix multiplied with a vector on the old grid yields an
+ * approximation of the projection of the function on the old grid to the new one.
+ *
+ * Building and using the transfer matrix is usually a quite expensive operation,
+ * since we have to perform two runs over all cells (one for building the sparsity
+ * structure, one to build the entries) and because of the memory consumption.
+ * It may, however, pay if you have many
+ * equations, since then the entries in the matrix can be considered as block
+ * entries which are then applied to all function values at a given degree of
+ * freedom.
+ *
+ * To build the matrix, you have to call first
+ * #make_transfer_matrix (old_dof_object, sparsity_pattern);#, then create a
+ * sparse matrix out of this pattern, e.g. by #dSMatrix m(sparsity_pattern);#
+ * and finally give this to the second run:
+ * #make_transfer_matrix (old_dof_object, m);#. The spasity pattern created
+ * by the first run is automatically compressed.
+ *
+ * When creating the #dSMatrixStruct# sparsity pattern, you have to give the
+ * dimension and the maximum number of entries per row. Obviously the image
+ * dimension is the number of dofs on the new grid (you can get this using the
+ * #n_dofs()# function), while the range dimension is the number of dofs on the
+ * old grid. The maximum number of entries per row is determined by the maximum
+ * number of levels $d$ which we have to cross upon transferring from one cell to
+ * another (presently, transfer of one cell is only possible for #d=0,1#, i.e.
+ * the two cells match or one is refined once more than the other, the
+ * number of degrees of freedom per per vertex $d_v$, those on lines $d_l$, those
+ * on quads $d_q$ and the number of subcells a cell is
+ * refined to, which is $2**dim$. The maximum number of entries per row in one
+ * dimension is then given by $(2*d_l+d_v)*2+1$ if $d=1$. For example, a one
+ * dimensional linear element would need two entries per row.
+ * In two dimensions, the maxmimum number is $(4*d_q+12*d_l+5*d_v)*4+1$ if $d=1$.
+ * You can get these numbers by drawing little pictures and counting, there is
+ * no mystique behind this. You can also get the right number by calling the
+ * #max_transfer_entries (max_level_difference)# function. The actual number
+ * depends on the finite element selected and may be much less, especially in
+ * higher dimensions.
+ *
+ * If you do not have multiple equations and do not really use the matrix but still
+ * have to transfer an arbitrary number of vectors to transfer, you can use the
+ * #transfer()# function, which is able to transfer any number of vectors in only
+ * one loop over all cells and without the memory consumption of the matrix. The
+ * matrix seems only useful when trying to transfer whole matrices instead of
+ * rebuilding them on the new grid.
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, February 1998
+ */
template <int dim>
class DoFHandler : public DoFDimensionInfo<dim> {
- Dimension dependent data for finite elements. See the #FiniteElementBase#
- class for more information.
- */
+ * Dimension dependent data for finite elements. See the #FiniteElementBase#
+ * class for more information.
+ */
struct FiniteElementData<1> {
* Number of degrees of freedom on
- Dimension dependent data for finite elements. See the #FiniteElementBase#
- class for more information.
- */
+ * Dimension dependent data for finite elements. See the #FiniteElementBase#
+ * class for more information.
+ */
struct FiniteElementData<2> {
* Number of degrees of freedom on
- Base class for finite elements in arbitrary dimensions. This class provides
- several fields which describe a specific finite element and which are filled
- by derived classes. It more or less only offers the fields and access
- functions which makes it possible to copy finite elements without knowledge
- of the actual type (linear, quadratic, etc).
- The implementation of this base class is split into two parts: those fields
- which are not common to all dimensions (#dofs_per_quad# for example are only
- useful for #dim>=2#) are put into the #FiniteElementData<dim># class which
- is explicitely specialized for all used dimensions, while those fields which
- may be formulated in a dimension-independent way are put into the present
- class.
- The different matrices are initialized with the correct size, such that in
- the derived (concrete) finite element classes, their entries must only be
- filled in; no resizing is needed.
- */
+ * Base class for finite elements in arbitrary dimensions. This class provides
+ * several fields which describe a specific finite element and which are filled
+ * by derived classes. It more or less only offers the fields and access
+ * functions which makes it possible to copy finite elements without knowledge
+ * of the actual type (linear, quadratic, etc).
+ *
+ * The implementation of this base class is split into two parts: those fields
+ * which are not common to all dimensions (#dofs_per_quad# for example are only
+ * useful for #dim>=2#) are put into the #FiniteElementData<dim># class which
+ * is explicitely specialized for all used dimensions, while those fields which
+ * may be formulated in a dimension-independent way are put into the present
+ * class.
+ *
+ * The different matrices are initialized with the correct size, such that in
+ * the derived (concrete) finite element classes, their entries must only be
+ * filled in; no resizing is needed.
+ */
template <int dim>
struct FiniteElementBase : public FiniteElementData<dim> {
- Finite Element in any dimension. This class declares the functionality
- to fill the fields of the #FiniteElementBase# class. Since this is
- something that depends on the actual finite element, the functions are
- declared virtual if it is not possible to provide a reasonable standard
- implementation.
- \subsection{Finite Elements in one dimension}
- Finite elements in one dimension need only set the #restriction# and
- #prolongation# matrices in #FiniteElementBase<1>#. The constructor of
- this class in one dimension presets the #interface_constraints# matrix
- by the unit matrix with dimension one. Changing this behaviour in
- derived classes is generally not a reasonable idea and you risk getting
- in terrible trouble.
- \subsection{Finite elements in two dimensions}
- In addition to the fields already present in 1D, a constraint matrix
- is needed in case two quads meet at a common line of which one is refined
- once more than the other one. Then there are constraints referring to the
- hanging nodes on that side of the line which is refined. These constraints
- are represented by a $n\times m$-matrix #line_constraints#, where $n$ is the
- number of degrees of freedom on the refined side (those dofs on the middle
- vertex plus those on the two lines), and $m$ is that of the unrefined side
- (those dofs on the two vertices plus those on the line). The matrix is thus
- a rectangular one.
- The mapping of the dofs onto the indices of the matrix is as follows:
- let $d_v$ be the number of dofs on a vertex, $d_l$ that on a line, then
- $m=0...d_v-1$ refers to the dofs on vertex zero of the unrefined line,
- $m=d_v...2d_v-1$ to those on vertex one,
- $m=2d_v...2d_v+d_l-1$ to those on the line.
- Similarly, $n=0...d_v-1$ refers to the dofs on the middle vertex
- (vertex one of child line zero, vertex zero of child line one),
- $n=d_v...d_v+d_l-1$ refers to the dofs on child line zero,
- $n=d_v+d_l...d_v+2d_l-1$ refers to the dofs on child line one.
- Please note that we do not need to reserve space for the dofs on the
- end vertices of the refined lines, since these must be mapped one-to-one
- to the appropriate dofs of the vertices of the unrefined line.
- It should be noted that it is not possible to distribute a constrained
- degree of freedom to other degrees of freedom which are themselves
- constrained. Only one level of indirection is allowed. It is not known
- at the time of this writing whether this is a constraint itself.
- */
+ * Finite Element in any dimension. This class declares the functionality
+ * to fill the fields of the #FiniteElementBase# class. Since this is
+ * something that depends on the actual finite element, the functions are
+ * declared virtual if it is not possible to provide a reasonable standard
+ * implementation.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Finite Elements in one dimension}
+ *
+ * Finite elements in one dimension need only set the #restriction# and
+ * #prolongation# matrices in #FiniteElementBase<1>#. The constructor of
+ * this class in one dimension presets the #interface_constraints# matrix
+ * by the unit matrix with dimension one. Changing this behaviour in
+ * derived classes is generally not a reasonable idea and you risk getting
+ * in terrible trouble.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Finite elements in two dimensions}
+ *
+ * In addition to the fields already present in 1D, a constraint matrix
+ * is needed in case two quads meet at a common line of which one is refined
+ * once more than the other one. Then there are constraints referring to the
+ * hanging nodes on that side of the line which is refined. These constraints
+ * are represented by a $n\times m$-matrix #line_constraints#, where $n$ is the
+ * number of degrees of freedom on the refined side (those dofs on the middle
+ * vertex plus those on the two lines), and $m$ is that of the unrefined side
+ * (those dofs on the two vertices plus those on the line). The matrix is thus
+ * a rectangular one.
+ *
+ * The mapping of the dofs onto the indices of the matrix is as follows:
+ * let $d_v$ be the number of dofs on a vertex, $d_l$ that on a line, then
+ * $m=0...d_v-1$ refers to the dofs on vertex zero of the unrefined line,
+ * $m=d_v...2d_v-1$ to those on vertex one,
+ * $m=2d_v...2d_v+d_l-1$ to those on the line.
+ *
+ * Similarly, $n=0...d_v-1$ refers to the dofs on the middle vertex
+ * (vertex one of child line zero, vertex zero of child line one),
+ * $n=d_v...d_v+d_l-1$ refers to the dofs on child line zero,
+ * $n=d_v+d_l...d_v+2d_l-1$ refers to the dofs on child line one.
+ * Please note that we do not need to reserve space for the dofs on the
+ * end vertices of the refined lines, since these must be mapped one-to-one
+ * to the appropriate dofs of the vertices of the unrefined line.
+ *
+ * It should be noted that it is not possible to distribute a constrained
+ * degree of freedom to other degrees of freedom which are themselves
+ * constrained. Only one level of indirection is allowed. It is not known
+ * at the time of this writing whether this is a constraint itself.
+ */
template <int dim>
class FiniteElement : public FiniteElementBase<dim> {
- Define a (bi-, tri-, etc)linear finite element in #dim# space dimensions,
- along with (bi-, tri-)linear (therefore isoparametric) transforms from the
- unit cell to the real cell.
- The linear, isoparametric mapping from a point $\vec \xi$ on the unit cell
- to a point $\vec x$ on the real cell is defined as
- $$ \vec x(\vec \xi) = \sum_j {\vec p_j} N_j(\xi) $$
- where $\vec p_j$ is the vector to the $j$th corner point of the cell in
- real space and $N_j(\vec \xi)$ is the value of the basis function associated
- with the $j$th corner point, on the unit cell at point $\vec \xi$. The sum
- over $j$ runs over all corner points.
- */
+ * Define a (bi-, tri-, etc)linear finite element in #dim# space dimensions,
+ * along with (bi-, tri-)linear (therefore isoparametric) transforms from the
+ * unit cell to the real cell.
+ *
+ * The linear, isoparametric mapping from a point $\vec \xi$ on the unit cell
+ * to a point $\vec x$ on the real cell is defined as
+ * $$ \vec x(\vec \xi) = \sum_j {\vec p_j} N_j(\xi) $$
+ * where $\vec p_j$ is the vector to the $j$th corner point of the cell in
+ * real space and $N_j(\vec \xi)$ is the value of the basis function associated
+ * with the $j$th corner point, on the unit cell at point $\vec \xi$. The sum
+ * over $j$ runs over all corner points.
+ */
template <int dim>
class FELinear : public FiniteElement<dim> {
- Define a (bi-, tri-, etc)quadratic finite element in #dim# space dimensions.
- In one space dimension, a linear (subparametric) mapping from the unit cell
- to the real cell is implemented.
- */
+ * Define a (bi-, tri-, etc)quadratic finite element in #dim# space dimensions.
+ * In one space dimension, a linear (subparametric) mapping from the unit cell
+ * to the real cell is implemented.
+ */
template <int dim>
class FEQuadratic : public FiniteElement<dim> {
- Define a (bi-, tri-, etc)cubic finite element in #dim# space dimensions.
- In one space dimension, a linear (subparametric) mapping from the unit cell
- to the real cell is implemented.
- */
+ * Define a (bi-, tri-, etc)cubic finite element in #dim# space dimensions.
+ * In one space dimension, a linear (subparametric) mapping from the unit cell
+ * to the real cell is implemented.
+ */
template <int dim>
class FECubic : public FiniteElement<dim> {
- Provide a set of flags which tells the #FEValues<>::reinit# function, which
- fields are to be updated for each cell. E.g. if you do not need the
- gradients since you want to assemble the mass matrix, you can switch that
- off. By default, all flags are off, i.e. no reinitialization will be done.
- A variable of this type has to be passed to the constructor of the
- #FEValues# object. You can select more than one flag by concatenation
- using the #|# (bitwise #or#) operator.
- */
+ * Provide a set of flags which tells the #FEValues<>::reinit# function, which
+ * fields are to be updated for each cell. E.g. if you do not need the
+ * gradients since you want to assemble the mass matrix, you can switch that
+ * off. By default, all flags are off, i.e. no reinitialization will be done.
+ *
+ * A variable of this type has to be passed to the constructor of the
+ * #FEValues# object. You can select more than one flag by concatenation
+ * using the #|# (bitwise #or#) operator.
+ */
enum UpdateFlags {
* Default: update nothing.
- This class offers a multitude of arrays and other fields which are used by
- the derived classes #FEValues#, #FEFaceValues# and #FESubfaceValues#.
- In principle, it is the
- back end of the front end for the unification of a certain finite element
- and a quadrature formula which evaluates certain aspects of the finite
- element at quadrature points.
- This class is an optimization which avoids evaluating the shape functions
- at the quadrature points each time a quadrature takes place. Rather, the
- values and gradients (and possibly higher order derivatives in future
- versions of this library) are evaluated once and for all on the unit
- cell or face before doing the quadrature itself. Only the Jacobian matrix of
- the transformation from the unit cell or face to the real cell or face and
- the integration points in real space are calculated each time we move on
- to a new face.
- Actually, this class does none of the evaluations at startup itself; this is
- all done by the derived classes. It only offers the basic functionality,
- like providing those fields that are common to the derived classes and
- access to these fields. Any computations are in the derived classes. See there
- for more information.
- It has support for the restriction of finite elements to faces of cells or
- even to subfaces (i.e. refined faces). For this purpose, it offers an array
- of matrices of ansatz function values, rather than one. Since the value of
- a function at a quadrature point is an invariant under the transformation
- from the unit cell to the real cell, it is only evaluated once upon startup.
- However, when considering the restriction of a finite element to a face of
- a cell (using a given quadrature rule), we may be tempted to compute the
- restriction to all faces at startup (thus ending in four array of ansatz
- function values in two dimensions, one per face, and even more in higher
- dimensions) and let the respective #reinit# function of the derived classes
- set a number which of the fields is to be taken when the user requests the
- function values. This is done through the #selected_dataset# variable. See
- the derived classes and the #get_values# function for the exact usage of
- this variable.
- \subsection{Definitions}
- The Jacobian matrix is defined to be
- $$ J_{ij} = {d\xi_i \over dx_j} $$
- where the $\xi_i$ are the coordinates on the unit cell and the $x_i$ are
- the coordinates on the real cell.
- This is the form needed to compute the gradient on the real cell from
- the gradient on the unit cell. If we want to transform the area element
- $dx dy$ from the real to the unit cell, we have to take the determinant of
- the inverse matrix, which is the reciprocal value of the determinant of the
- matrix defined above.
- The Jacobi matrix is always that of the transformation of unit to real cell.
- This applies also to the case where the derived class handles faces or
- subfaces, in which case also the transformation of unit to real cell is
- needed. However, the Jacobi matrix of the full transformation is always
- needed if we want to get the values of the gradients, which need to be
- transformed with the full Jacobi matrix, while we only need the
- transformation from unit to real face to compute the determinant of the
- Jacobi matrix to get the scaling of the surface element $do$.
- \subsection{Member functions}
- The functions of this class fall into different cathegories:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item #shape_value#, #shape_grad#, etc: return one of the values
- of this object at a time. In many cases you will want to get
- a whole bunch at a time for performance or convenience reasons,
- then use the #get_*# functions.
- \item #get_shape_values#, #get_shape_grads#, etc: these return
- a reference to a whole field. Usually these fields contain
- the values of all ansatz functions at all quadrature points.
- \item #get_function_values#, #get_function_gradients#: these
- two functions offer a simple way to avoid the detour of the
- ansatz functions, if you have a finite solution (resp. the
- vector of values associated with the different ansatz functions.)
- Then you may want to get information from the restriction of
- the finite element function to a certain cell, e.g. the values
- of the function at the quadrature points or the values of its
- gradient. These two functions provide the information needed:
- you pass it a vector holding the finite element solution and the
- functions return the values or gradients of the finite element
- function restricted to the cell which was given last time the
- #reinit# function was given.
- Though possible in principle, these functions do not call the
- #reinit# function, you have to do so yourself beforehand. On the
- other hand, a copy of the cell iterator is stored which was used
- last time the #reinit# function was called. This frees us from
- the need to pass the cell iterator again to these two functions,
- which guarantees that the cell used here is in sync with that used
- for the #reinit# function. You should, however, make sure that
- nothing substantial happens to the #DoFHandler# object or any
- other involved instance between the #reinit# and the #get_function_*#
- functions are called.
- \item #reinit#: initialize the #FEValues# object for a certain cell.
- This function is not in the present class but only in the derived
- classes and has a variable call syntax.
- See the docs for the derived classes for more information.
- \end{itemize}
- \subsection{Implementational issues}
- The #FEValues# object keeps track of those fields which really need to
- be computed, since the computation of the gradients of the ansatz functions
- and of other values on each real cell can be quite an expensive thing
- if it is not needed. The
- object knows about which fields are needed by the #UpdateFlags# object
- passed through the constructor. In debug mode, the accessor functions, which
- return values from the different fields, check whether the required field
- was initialized, thus avoiding use of unitialized data.
+ * This class offers a multitude of arrays and other fields which are used by
+ * the derived classes #FEValues#, #FEFaceValues# and #FESubfaceValues#.
+ * In principle, it is the
+ * back end of the front end for the unification of a certain finite element
+ * and a quadrature formula which evaluates certain aspects of the finite
+ * element at quadrature points.
+ *
+ * This class is an optimization which avoids evaluating the shape functions
+ * at the quadrature points each time a quadrature takes place. Rather, the
+ * values and gradients (and possibly higher order derivatives in future
+ * versions of this library) are evaluated once and for all on the unit
+ * cell or face before doing the quadrature itself. Only the Jacobian matrix of
+ * the transformation from the unit cell or face to the real cell or face and
+ * the integration points in real space are calculated each time we move on
+ * to a new face.
+ *
+ * Actually, this class does none of the evaluations at startup itself; this is
+ * all done by the derived classes. It only offers the basic functionality,
+ * like providing those fields that are common to the derived classes and
+ * access to these fields. Any computations are in the derived classes. See there
+ * for more information.
+ *
+ * It has support for the restriction of finite elements to faces of cells or
+ * even to subfaces (i.e. refined faces). For this purpose, it offers an array
+ * of matrices of ansatz function values, rather than one. Since the value of
+ * a function at a quadrature point is an invariant under the transformation
+ * from the unit cell to the real cell, it is only evaluated once upon startup.
+ * However, when considering the restriction of a finite element to a face of
+ * a cell (using a given quadrature rule), we may be tempted to compute the
+ * restriction to all faces at startup (thus ending in four array of ansatz
+ * function values in two dimensions, one per face, and even more in higher
+ * dimensions) and let the respective #reinit# function of the derived classes
+ * set a number which of the fields is to be taken when the user requests the
+ * function values. This is done through the #selected_dataset# variable. See
+ * the derived classes and the #get_values# function for the exact usage of
+ * this variable.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Definitions}
+ *
+ * The Jacobian matrix is defined to be
+ * $$ J_{ij} = {d\xi_i \over dx_j} $$
+ * where the $\xi_i$ are the coordinates on the unit cell and the $x_i$ are
+ * the coordinates on the real cell.
+ * This is the form needed to compute the gradient on the real cell from
+ * the gradient on the unit cell. If we want to transform the area element
+ * $dx dy$ from the real to the unit cell, we have to take the determinant of
+ * the inverse matrix, which is the reciprocal value of the determinant of the
+ * matrix defined above.
+ *
+ * The Jacobi matrix is always that of the transformation of unit to real cell.
+ * This applies also to the case where the derived class handles faces or
+ * subfaces, in which case also the transformation of unit to real cell is
+ * needed. However, the Jacobi matrix of the full transformation is always
+ * needed if we want to get the values of the gradients, which need to be
+ * transformed with the full Jacobi matrix, while we only need the
+ * transformation from unit to real face to compute the determinant of the
+ * Jacobi matrix to get the scaling of the surface element $do$.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Member functions}
+ *
+ * The functions of this class fall into different cathegories:
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item #shape_value#, #shape_grad#, etc: return one of the values
+ * of this object at a time. In many cases you will want to get
+ * a whole bunch at a time for performance or convenience reasons,
+ * then use the #get_*# functions.
+ *
+ * \item #get_shape_values#, #get_shape_grads#, etc: these return
+ * a reference to a whole field. Usually these fields contain
+ * the values of all ansatz functions at all quadrature points.
+ *
+ * \item #get_function_values#, #get_function_gradients#: these
+ * two functions offer a simple way to avoid the detour of the
+ * ansatz functions, if you have a finite solution (resp. the
+ * vector of values associated with the different ansatz functions.)
+ * Then you may want to get information from the restriction of
+ * the finite element function to a certain cell, e.g. the values
+ * of the function at the quadrature points or the values of its
+ * gradient. These two functions provide the information needed:
+ * you pass it a vector holding the finite element solution and the
+ * functions return the values or gradients of the finite element
+ * function restricted to the cell which was given last time the
+ * #reinit# function was given.
+ *
+ * Though possible in principle, these functions do not call the
+ * #reinit# function, you have to do so yourself beforehand. On the
+ * other hand, a copy of the cell iterator is stored which was used
+ * last time the #reinit# function was called. This frees us from
+ * the need to pass the cell iterator again to these two functions,
+ * which guarantees that the cell used here is in sync with that used
+ * for the #reinit# function. You should, however, make sure that
+ * nothing substantial happens to the #DoFHandler# object or any
+ * other involved instance between the #reinit# and the #get_function_*#
+ * functions are called.
+ *
+ * \item #reinit#: initialize the #FEValues# object for a certain cell.
+ * This function is not in the present class but only in the derived
+ * classes and has a variable call syntax.
+ * See the docs for the derived classes for more information.
+ * \end{itemize}
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Implementational issues}
+ *
+ * The #FEValues# object keeps track of those fields which really need to
+ * be computed, since the computation of the gradients of the ansatz functions
+ * and of other values on each real cell can be quite an expensive thing
+ * if it is not needed. The
+ * object knows about which fields are needed by the #UpdateFlags# object
+ * passed through the constructor. In debug mode, the accessor functions, which
+ * return values from the different fields, check whether the required field
+ * was initialized, thus avoiding use of unitialized data.
+ *
@author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
template <int dim>
- Represent a finite element evaluated with a specific quadrature rule on
- a cell.
- The unit cell is defined to be the tensor product of the interval $[0,1]$
- in the present number of dimensions. In part of the literature, the convention
- is used that the unit cell be the tensor product of the interval $[-1,1]$,
- which is to distinguished properly.
- Objects of this class store a multitude of different values needed to
- do the assemblage steps on real cells rather than on the unit cell. Among
- these values are the values and gradients of the shape functions at the
- quadrature points on the real and the unit cell, the location of the
- quadrature points on the real and on the unit cell, the weights of the
- quadrature points, the Jacobian matrices of the mapping from the unit to
- the real cell at the quadrature points and so on.
- @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
- */
+ * Represent a finite element evaluated with a specific quadrature rule on
+ * a cell.
+ *
+ * The unit cell is defined to be the tensor product of the interval $[0,1]$
+ * in the present number of dimensions. In part of the literature, the convention
+ * is used that the unit cell be the tensor product of the interval $[-1,1]$,
+ * which is to distinguished properly.
+ *
+ * Objects of this class store a multitude of different values needed to
+ * do the assemblage steps on real cells rather than on the unit cell. Among
+ * these values are the values and gradients of the shape functions at the
+ * quadrature points on the real and the unit cell, the location of the
+ * quadrature points on the real and on the unit cell, the weights of the
+ * quadrature points, the Jacobian matrices of the mapping from the unit to
+ * the real cell at the quadrature points and so on.
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
+ */
template <int dim>
class FEValues : public FEValuesBase<dim> {
- This class provides for the data elements needed for the restriction of
- finite elements to faces or subfaces. It does no real computations, apart
- from initialization of the fields with the right size. It more or
- less is only a base class to the #FEFaceValues# and #FESubfaceValues#
- classes which do the real computations. See there for descriptions of
- what is really going on.
- Since many of the concepts are the same whether we restrict a finite element
- to a face or a subface (i.e. the child of the face of a cell), we describe
- those common concepts here, rather than in the derived classes.
- \subsection{Technical issues}
- The unit face is defined to be the tensor product of the interval $[0,1]$
- in the present number of dimensions minus one. In part of the literature,
- the convention is used that the unit cell/face be the tensor product of the
- interval $[-1,1]$, which is to distinguished properly. A subface is the
- child of a face; they are numbered in the way laid down in the
- #Triangulation# class.
- Just like in the #FEValues# class, function values and gradients on the unit
- face or subface are evaluated at the quadrature points only once, and stored
- by the common base class. Being a tensor of rank zero, the function values
- remain the same when we want them at the quadrature points on the real cell,
- while we get the gradients (a tensor of rank one) by multiplication with the
- Jacobi matrix of the transformation, which we need to compute for each cell
- and each quadrature point.
- However, while in the #FEValues# class the quadrature points are always the
- same, here we deal with more than one (sub)face. We therefore store the values
- and gradients of the ansatz functions on the unit cell in an array with as
- many elements as there are (sub)faces on a cell. The same applies for the
- quadrature points on the (sub)faces: for each (sub)face we store the position
- on the cell. This way we still need to evaluate unit gradients and function
- values only once and only recompute the gradients on the real (sub)face by
- multiplication of the unit gradients on the presently selected (sub)face
- with the Jacobi matrix.
- When the #reinit# function of a derived class is called, only those
- gradients, quadrature points etc are transformed to the real cell which
- belong to the selected face or subface. The number of the selected face
- or subface is stored in the #selected_dataset# variable of the base class
- such that the #shape_value# function can return the shape function's
- values on the (sub)face which was last selected by a call to the #reinit#
- function.
- In addition to the complications described above, we need two different
- Jacobi matrices and determinants in this context: one for the transformation
- of the unit cell to the real cell (this Jacobi matrix is needed to
- compute the restriction of the real gradient to the given face) and one
- for the transformation of the unit face to the real face or subface
- (needed to compute the weight factors for integration along faces). These two
- concepts have to be carefully separated.
- Finally, we will often need the outward normal to a cell at the quadrature
- points. While this could in principle be easily done using the Jacobi
- matrices at the quadrature points and the normal vectors to the unit cell
- (also easily derived, since they have an appealingly simple form for the unit
- cell ;-), it is more efficiently done by the finite element class itself.
- For example for (bi-, tri-)linear mappings the normal vector is readily
- available without complicated matrix-vector-multiplications.
- @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
+ * This class provides for the data elements needed for the restriction of
+ * finite elements to faces or subfaces. It does no real computations, apart
+ * from initialization of the fields with the right size. It more or
+ * less is only a base class to the #FEFaceValues# and #FESubfaceValues#
+ * classes which do the real computations. See there for descriptions of
+ * what is really going on.
+ *
+ * Since many of the concepts are the same whether we restrict a finite element
+ * to a face or a subface (i.e. the child of the face of a cell), we describe
+ * those common concepts here, rather than in the derived classes.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Technical issues}
+ *
+ * The unit face is defined to be the tensor product of the interval $[0,1]$
+ * in the present number of dimensions minus one. In part of the literature,
+ * the convention is used that the unit cell/face be the tensor product of the
+ * interval $[-1,1]$, which is to distinguished properly. A subface is the
+ * child of a face; they are numbered in the way laid down in the
+ * #Triangulation# class.
+ *
+ * Just like in the #FEValues# class, function values and gradients on the unit
+ * face or subface are evaluated at the quadrature points only once, and stored
+ * by the common base class. Being a tensor of rank zero, the function values
+ * remain the same when we want them at the quadrature points on the real cell,
+ * while we get the gradients (a tensor of rank one) by multiplication with the
+ * Jacobi matrix of the transformation, which we need to compute for each cell
+ * and each quadrature point.
+ *
+ * However, while in the #FEValues# class the quadrature points are always the
+ * same, here we deal with more than one (sub)face. We therefore store the values
+ * and gradients of the ansatz functions on the unit cell in an array with as
+ * many elements as there are (sub)faces on a cell. The same applies for the
+ * quadrature points on the (sub)faces: for each (sub)face we store the position
+ * on the cell. This way we still need to evaluate unit gradients and function
+ * values only once and only recompute the gradients on the real (sub)face by
+ * multiplication of the unit gradients on the presently selected (sub)face
+ * with the Jacobi matrix.
+ *
+ *
+ * When the #reinit# function of a derived class is called, only those
+ * gradients, quadrature points etc are transformed to the real cell which
+ * belong to the selected face or subface. The number of the selected face
+ * or subface is stored in the #selected_dataset# variable of the base class
+ * such that the #shape_value# function can return the shape function's
+ * values on the (sub)face which was last selected by a call to the #reinit#
+ * function.
+ *
+ * In addition to the complications described above, we need two different
+ * Jacobi matrices and determinants in this context: one for the transformation
+ * of the unit cell to the real cell (this Jacobi matrix is needed to
+ * compute the restriction of the real gradient to the given face) and one
+ * for the transformation of the unit face to the real face or subface
+ * (needed to compute the weight factors for integration along faces). These two
+ * concepts have to be carefully separated.
+ *
+ * Finally, we will often need the outward normal to a cell at the quadrature
+ * points. While this could in principle be easily done using the Jacobi
+ * matrices at the quadrature points and the normal vectors to the unit cell
+ * (also easily derived, since they have an appealingly simple form for the unit
+ * cell ;-), it is more efficiently done by the finite element class itself.
+ * For example for (bi-, tri-)linear mappings the normal vector is readily
+ * available without complicated matrix-vector-multiplications.
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
template <int dim>
class FEFaceValuesBase : public FEValuesBase<dim> {
- Represent a finite element evaluated with a specific quadrature rule on
- the face of a cell.
- This class is very similar to the #FEValues# class; see there for more
- documentation. It is, however, a bit more involved: since we want to
- compute the restriction of finite element functions (here: the basis
- functions, but a finite element function is obtained by multiplication
- with the nodal values and summation) to the face of a cell and since
- finite element functions and especially their gradients need not be
- continuous at faces, we can not compute the wanted information from
- the face and a finite element class on the unit cell alone, but we
- need the real cell as well. In addition, we need to know what number
- the face is in the set of faces of the cell we want to restrict.
- Finally, since we may want to use higher order elements with unit cell
- to real cell mappings of higher than first order, thus applying curved
- boundaries, we need to know an object describing the boundary of the
- domain.
- @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
- */
+ * Represent a finite element evaluated with a specific quadrature rule on
+ * the face of a cell.
+ *
+ * This class is very similar to the #FEValues# class; see there for more
+ * documentation. It is, however, a bit more involved: since we want to
+ * compute the restriction of finite element functions (here: the basis
+ * functions, but a finite element function is obtained by multiplication
+ * with the nodal values and summation) to the face of a cell and since
+ * finite element functions and especially their gradients need not be
+ * continuous at faces, we can not compute the wanted information from
+ * the face and a finite element class on the unit cell alone, but we
+ * need the real cell as well. In addition, we need to know what number
+ * the face is in the set of faces of the cell we want to restrict.
+ * Finally, since we may want to use higher order elements with unit cell
+ * to real cell mappings of higher than first order, thus applying curved
+ * boundaries, we need to know an object describing the boundary of the
+ * domain.
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
+ */
template <int dim>
class FEFaceValues : public FEFaceValuesBase<dim> {
- Represent a finite element evaluated with a specific quadrature rule on
- the child of the face of a cell.
- This class is very similar to the #FEFaceValues# class; see there for
- more documentation. It serves the computation of interface integrals
- where the cells on both sides of the face have different refinement
- levels. This is useful for example when we want to integrate the jump
- of the gradient of the finite element solution along the boundary of
- a cell to estimate the error. Now, this is not so much of a problem
- if all neighbors of the cell have the same refinement level, then we
- will use the #FEFaceValues# class, but it gets trickier if one of the
- cells is more refined than the other.
- To this end, there seem to be two ways which may be applicable:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Prolong the coarser cell to the finer refinement level: we could
- compute the prolongation of the finite element functions to the
- child cells and consider the subface a face of one of the child cells.
- This approach seems clear and rather simple to implement, however it
- has two major drawbacks: first, the finite element space on the
- refined (child) cells may not be included in the space of the unrefined
- cell, in which case the prolongation would alter information and thus
- make computations worthless in the worst case. The second reason is
- a practical one, namely that by refining the cell virtually, we would
- end up with child cells which do not exist in real and can thus not be
- represented in terms of iterators. This would mean that we had to change
- the whole interface to the #FE*Values# classes to accept cell corner
- points by value, etc, instead of relying on appropriate iterators. This
- seems to be clumsy and not very suitable to maintain an orthogonal
- programming style. Apart from that, we already have iterators, why
- shouldn't we use them?
- \item Use 'different' quadrature formulae: this second approach is the
- way we chose here. The idea is to evaluate the finite element ansatz
- functions on the two cells restricted to the face in question separately,
- by restricting the ansatz functions on the less refined cell to its
- face and the functions on the more refined cell to its face as well,
- the second face being a child to the first one. Now, if we would use
- the same quadrature formula for both restrictions, we would end up with
- the same number of quadrature points, but at different locations since
- they were evaluated on faces of different size. We therefore use the
- original quadrature formula for the refined cell and a modified one for
- the coarse cell, the latter being modified in such a way that the
- locations of the quadrature points match each other.
- An example may shed more light onto this: assume we are in two dimension,
- we have a cell of which we want to evaluate a finite element function on
- face zero, and neighbor zero is refined (then so is face zero). The
- quadrature formula shall be the Simpson rule with quadrature points
- $0$, $0.5$ and $1$. The present cell shall be the unit cell, without
- loss of generality. Then the face in question is the line $(0,0)$ to
- $(1,0)$, subdivided into two subfaces. We will then compute the
- restriction of the present cell to the common subface $(0,0)$ to
- $(0.5,5)$ by using a modified quadrature formulae with quadrature
- points $(0,0)$, $(0.25,0)$ and $(0.5,0)$ (coordinates on the cell)
- which is not symmetric as was the original quadrature rule for a line.
- This modified quadrature rule is computed by projection onto the subface
- using the #QProjector<dim>::project_to_subface()# function. The neighboring
- cell, being refined once more than the present is evaluated with the
- quadrature formula projected to the common face, but using the original
- quadrature formula. This way, the locations of the quadrature points
- on both sides of the common face match each other.
- \end{itemize}
- For a use of this mechanism, take a look of the code in the error
- estimation hierarchy, since there often the jump of a finite element
- function's gradient across cell boundaries is computed.
- \subsection{Other implementational subjects}
- It does not seem useful to ask for the off-points of the ansatz functions
- (name #ansatz_points# in the #FEValuesBase# class) for subfaces. These are
- therefore not supported for this class and should throw an error if
- accessed. Specifying #update_ansatz_points# for the #UpdateFlags# in the
- constructor is disallowed.
- The values of the ansatz functions on the subfaces are stored as an array
- of matrices, each matrix representing the values of the ansatz functions at
- the quadrature points at one subface. The ordering is as follows: the values
- of the ansatz functions at face #face#, subface #subface# are stored in
- #shape_values[face*(1<<(dim-1))+subface]#. The same order applies for the
- quadrature points on the unit cell, which are stored in the
- #unit_quadrature_points# array. Note that #1<<(dim-1)# is the number of
- subfaces per face.
- One subtle problem is that if a face is at the boundary, then computation
- of subfaces may be a bit tricky, since we do not know whether the user
- intends to better approximate the boundary by the subfaces or only wants
- to have the subfaces be one part of the mother face. However, it is hardly
- conceivable what someone wants when using this class for faces at the
- boundary, in the end this class was invented to facilitate integration
- along faces with cells of different refinement levels on both sides,
- integration along the boundary of the domain is better done through
- the #FEFaceValues# class. For this reason, calling #reinit# with a
- boundary face will result in an error.
- @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
- */
+ * Represent a finite element evaluated with a specific quadrature rule on
+ * the child of the face of a cell.
+ *
+ * This class is very similar to the #FEFaceValues# class; see there for
+ * more documentation. It serves the computation of interface integrals
+ * where the cells on both sides of the face have different refinement
+ * levels. This is useful for example when we want to integrate the jump
+ * of the gradient of the finite element solution along the boundary of
+ * a cell to estimate the error. Now, this is not so much of a problem
+ * if all neighbors of the cell have the same refinement level, then we
+ * will use the #FEFaceValues# class, but it gets trickier if one of the
+ * cells is more refined than the other.
+ *
+ * To this end, there seem to be two ways which may be applicable:
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item Prolong the coarser cell to the finer refinement level: we could
+ * compute the prolongation of the finite element functions to the
+ * child cells and consider the subface a face of one of the child cells.
+ * This approach seems clear and rather simple to implement, however it
+ * has two major drawbacks: first, the finite element space on the
+ * refined (child) cells may not be included in the space of the unrefined
+ * cell, in which case the prolongation would alter information and thus
+ * make computations worthless in the worst case. The second reason is
+ * a practical one, namely that by refining the cell virtually, we would
+ * end up with child cells which do not exist in real and can thus not be
+ * represented in terms of iterators. This would mean that we had to change
+ * the whole interface to the #FE*Values# classes to accept cell corner
+ * points by value, etc, instead of relying on appropriate iterators. This
+ * seems to be clumsy and not very suitable to maintain an orthogonal
+ * programming style. Apart from that, we already have iterators, why
+ * shouldn't we use them?
+ *
+ * \item Use 'different' quadrature formulae: this second approach is the
+ * way we chose here. The idea is to evaluate the finite element ansatz
+ * functions on the two cells restricted to the face in question separately,
+ * by restricting the ansatz functions on the less refined cell to its
+ * face and the functions on the more refined cell to its face as well,
+ * the second face being a child to the first one. Now, if we would use
+ * the same quadrature formula for both restrictions, we would end up with
+ * the same number of quadrature points, but at different locations since
+ * they were evaluated on faces of different size. We therefore use the
+ * original quadrature formula for the refined cell and a modified one for
+ * the coarse cell, the latter being modified in such a way that the
+ * locations of the quadrature points match each other.
+ *
+ * An example may shed more light onto this: assume we are in two dimension,
+ * we have a cell of which we want to evaluate a finite element function on
+ * face zero, and neighbor zero is refined (then so is face zero). The
+ * quadrature formula shall be the Simpson rule with quadrature points
+ * $0$, $0.5$ and $1$. The present cell shall be the unit cell, without
+ * loss of generality. Then the face in question is the line $(0,0)$ to
+ * $(1,0)$, subdivided into two subfaces. We will then compute the
+ * restriction of the present cell to the common subface $(0,0)$ to
+ * $(0.5,5)$ by using a modified quadrature formulae with quadrature
+ * points $(0,0)$, $(0.25,0)$ and $(0.5,0)$ (coordinates on the cell)
+ * which is not symmetric as was the original quadrature rule for a line.
+ * This modified quadrature rule is computed by projection onto the subface
+ * using the #QProjector<dim>::project_to_subface()# function. The neighboring
+ * cell, being refined once more than the present is evaluated with the
+ * quadrature formula projected to the common face, but using the original
+ * quadrature formula. This way, the locations of the quadrature points
+ * on both sides of the common face match each other.
+ * \end{itemize}
+ *
+ * For a use of this mechanism, take a look of the code in the error
+ * estimation hierarchy, since there often the jump of a finite element
+ * function's gradient across cell boundaries is computed.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Other implementational subjects}
+ *
+ * It does not seem useful to ask for the off-points of the ansatz functions
+ * (name #ansatz_points# in the #FEValuesBase# class) for subfaces. These are
+ * therefore not supported for this class and should throw an error if
+ * accessed. Specifying #update_ansatz_points# for the #UpdateFlags# in the
+ * constructor is disallowed.
+ *
+ * The values of the ansatz functions on the subfaces are stored as an array
+ * of matrices, each matrix representing the values of the ansatz functions at
+ * the quadrature points at one subface. The ordering is as follows: the values
+ * of the ansatz functions at face #face#, subface #subface# are stored in
+ * #shape_values[face*(1<<(dim-1))+subface]#. The same order applies for the
+ * quadrature points on the unit cell, which are stored in the
+ * #unit_quadrature_points# array. Note that #1<<(dim-1)# is the number of
+ * subfaces per face.
+ *
+ * One subtle problem is that if a face is at the boundary, then computation
+ * of subfaces may be a bit tricky, since we do not know whether the user
+ * intends to better approximate the boundary by the subfaces or only wants
+ * to have the subfaces be one part of the mother face. However, it is hardly
+ * conceivable what someone wants when using this class for faces at the
+ * boundary, in the end this class was invented to facilitate integration
+ * along faces with cells of different refinement levels on both sides,
+ * integration along the boundary of the domain is better done through
+ * the #FEFaceValues# class. For this reason, calling #reinit# with a
+ * boundary face will result in an error.
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
+ */
template <int dim>
class FESubfaceValues : public FEFaceValuesBase<dim> {
- Publish some information about geometrical interconnections to the
- outside world, for one spacial dimension in this case. These are,
- for example the numbers of children per cell, faces per cell, etc,
- but also neighborship information, It is especially useful if you
- want to loop over all faces in any space dimension, but don't want
- to think about their number in a dimension independent expression.
- This not only reduces thinking effort but also error possibilities.
+ * Publish some information about geometrical interconnections to the
+ * outside world, for one spacial dimension in this case. These are,
+ * for example the numbers of children per cell, faces per cell, etc,
+ * but also neighborship information, It is especially useful if you
+ * want to loop over all faces in any space dimension, but don't want
+ * to think about their number in a dimension independent expression.
+ * This not only reduces thinking effort but also error possibilities.
+ */
struct GeometryInfo<1> {
- Publish some information about geometrical interconnections to the
- outside world, for two spacial dimensions in this case. These are,
- for example the numbers of children per cell, faces per cell, etc,
- but also neighborship information, It is especially useful if you
- want to loop over all faces in any space dimension, but don't want
- to think about their number in a dimension independent expression.
- This not only reduces thinking effort but also error possibilities.
+ * Publish some information about geometrical interconnections to the
+ * outside world, for two spacial dimensions in this case. These are,
+ * for example the numbers of children per cell, faces per cell, etc,
+ * but also neighborship information, It is especially useful if you
+ * want to loop over all faces in any space dimension, but don't want
+ * to think about their number in a dimension independent expression.
+ * This not only reduces thinking effort but also error possibilities.
+ */
struct GeometryInfo<2> {
- The #Point# class provides for a point or vector in a space with arbitrary
- dimension #dim#.
- It is the preferred object to be passed to functions which
- operate on points in spaces of a priori unknown dimension: rather than
- using functions like #double f(double x)# and #double f(double x, double y)#,
- you use double #f(Point<dim> &p)#.
- #Point# also serves as a starting point for the implementation of the
- geometrical primitives like #Polyhedron#, #Triangle#, etc.
- #Point#s can also be thought of as vectors, i.e. points in a vector space
- without an obvious meaning. For instance, it may be suitable to let the
- gradient of a function be a #point# vector:
- #Point<dim> gradient_of_f (const Point<dim> &x)#. #Point#s have all
- functionality for this, e.g. scalar products, addition etc.
- */
+ * The #Point# class provides for a point or vector in a space with arbitrary
+ * dimension #dim#.
+ *
+ * It is the preferred object to be passed to functions which
+ * operate on points in spaces of a priori unknown dimension: rather than
+ * using functions like #double f(double x)# and #double f(double x, double y)#,
+ * you use double #f(Point<dim> &p)#.
+ *
+ * #Point# also serves as a starting point for the implementation of the
+ * geometrical primitives like #Polyhedron#, #Triangle#, etc.
+ *
+ * #Point#s can also be thought of as vectors, i.e. points in a vector space
+ * without an obvious meaning. For instance, it may be suitable to let the
+ * gradient of a function be a #point# vector:
+ * #Point<dim> gradient_of_f (const Point<dim> &x)#. #Point#s have all
+ * functionality for this, e.g. scalar products, addition etc.
+ */
template <int dim>
class Point {
- The three states an iterator can be in: valid, past-the-end and
- invalid.
- */
+ * The three states an iterator can be in: valid, past-the-end and
+ * invalid.
+ */
enum IteratorState { valid, past_the_end, invalid };
- Implements the accessor class descibed in the documentation of
- the iterator classes (see \Ref{TriaRawIterator}.
- This class offers only the basic functionality (stores the necessary
- data members, offers comparison operators and the like), but has no
- functionality to actually dereference data. This is done in the derived
- classes.
+ * Implements the accessor class descibed in the documentation of
+ * the iterator classes (see \Ref{TriaRawIterator}.
+ *
+ * This class offers only the basic functionality (stores the necessary
+ * data members, offers comparison operators and the like), but has no
+ * functionality to actually dereference data. This is done in the derived
+ * classes.
template <int dim>
class TriaAccessor {
- Accessor to dereference the data of lines. This accessor is used to
- point to lines in #dim# space dimensions. There is a derived class
- for lines in one space dimension, in which case a line is also a cell
- and thus has much more functionality than in lower dimensions.
- */
+ * Accessor to dereference the data of lines. This accessor is used to
+ * point to lines in #dim# space dimensions. There is a derived class
+ * for lines in one space dimension, in which case a line is also a cell
+ * and thus has much more functionality than in lower dimensions.
+ */
template <int dim>
class LineAccessor : public TriaAccessor<dim> {
- Accessor to dereference the data of quads. This accessor is used to
- point to quads in #dim# space dimensions (only #dim>=2# seems reasonable
- to me). There is a derived class
- for quads in two space dimension, in which case a quad is also a cell
- and thus has much more functionality than in lower dimensions.
- */
+ * Accessor to dereference the data of quads. This accessor is used to
+ * point to quads in #dim# space dimensions (only #dim>=2# seems reasonable
+ * to me). There is a derived class
+ * for quads in two space dimension, in which case a quad is also a cell
+ * and thus has much more functionality than in lower dimensions.
+ */
template <int dim>
class QuadAccessor : public TriaAccessor<dim> {
- Intermediate, "typedef"-class, not for public use.
- */
+ * Intermediate, "typedef"-class, not for public use.
+ */
template <int dim>
class TriaSubstructAccessor;
- Intermediate, "typedef"-class, not for public use.
- \subsection{Rationale}
- This class is only a wrapper class used to do kind of a typedef
- with template parameters. This class and #TriaSubstructAccessor<2>#
- wrap the following names:
- \begin{verbatim}
- TriaSubstructAccessor<1> := LineAccessor<1>;
- TriaSubstructAccessor<2> := QuadAccessor<2>;
- \end{verbatim}
- We do this rather complex (and needless, provided C++ the needed constructs!)
- class hierarchy manipulation, since this way we can declare and implement
- the \Ref{CellAccessor} dimension independent as an inheritance from
- #TriaSubstructAccessor<dim>#. If we had not declared these
- types, we would have to write two class declarations, one for
- #CellAccessor<1>#, derived from #LineAccessor<1>#
- and one for #CellAccessor<2>#, derived from
- #QuadAccessor<2>#.
- */
+ * Intermediate, "typedef"-class, not for public use.
+ *
+ * \subsection{Rationale}
+ *
+ * This class is only a wrapper class used to do kind of a typedef
+ * with template parameters. This class and #TriaSubstructAccessor<2>#
+ * wrap the following names:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * TriaSubstructAccessor<1> := LineAccessor<1>;
+ * TriaSubstructAccessor<2> := QuadAccessor<2>;
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * We do this rather complex (and needless, provided C++ the needed constructs!)
+ * class hierarchy manipulation, since this way we can declare and implement
+ * the \Ref{CellAccessor} dimension independent as an inheritance from
+ * #TriaSubstructAccessor<dim>#. If we had not declared these
+ * types, we would have to write two class declarations, one for
+ * #CellAccessor<1>#, derived from #LineAccessor<1>#
+ * and one for #CellAccessor<2>#, derived from
+ * #QuadAccessor<2>#.
+ */
class TriaSubstructAccessor<1> : public LineAccessor<1> {
- Intermediate, "typedef"-class, not for public use.
- @see TriaSubstructAccessor<1>
- */
+ * Intermediate, "typedef"-class, not for public use.
+ *
+ * @see TriaSubstructAccessor<1>
+ */
class TriaSubstructAccessor<2> : public QuadAccessor<2> {
- This class allows access to a cell: a line in one dimension, a quad
- in two dimension, etc.
- The following refers to any space dimension:
- This class allows access to a {\bf cell}, which is a line in 1D and a quad in
- 2D. Cells have more functionality than lines or quads by themselves, for
- example they can be flagged for refinement, they have neighbors, they have
- the possibility to check whether they are at the boundary etc. This class
- offers access to all this data.
+ * This class allows access to a cell: a line in one dimension, a quad
+ * in two dimension, etc.
+ *
+ * The following refers to any space dimension:
+ *
+ * This class allows access to a {\bf cell}, which is a line in 1D and a quad in
+ * 2D. Cells have more functionality than lines or quads by themselves, for
+ * example they can be flagged for refinement, they have neighbors, they have
+ * the possibility to check whether they are at the boundary etc. This class
+ * offers access to all this data.
template <int dim>
class CellAccessor : public TriaSubstructAccessor<dim> {
#include <grid/point.h>
- This class is used to represent a boundary to a triangulation.
- When a triangulation creates a new vertex on the boundary of the
- domain, it determines the new vertex' coordinates through the
- following code (here in two dimensions):
- \begin{verbatim}
- ...
- const Point<2> *neighbors[2] = {&neighbor1, &neighbor2};
- Point<2> new_vertex = boundary.in_between (neighbors);
- ...
- \end{verbatim}
- #neighbor1# and #neighbor2# are the two vertices bounding the old
- line on the boundary, which is to be subdivided. #boundary# is an
- object of type #Boundary<dim>#.
- In 3D, a new vertex may be placed on the middle of a line or on
- the middle of a side. In the both cases, an array with four points
- has to be passed to #in_between#; in the latter case the two end
- points of the line have to be given consecutively twice, as
- elements 0 and 1, and 2 and 3, respectively.
- There are specialisations, #StraightBoundary<dim>#, which places
- the new point right into the middle of the given points, and
- #HyperBallBoundary<dim># creating a hyperball with given radius
- around a given center point.
- */
+ * This class is used to represent a boundary to a triangulation.
+ * When a triangulation creates a new vertex on the boundary of the
+ * domain, it determines the new vertex' coordinates through the
+ * following code (here in two dimensions):
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * ...
+ * const Point<2> *neighbors[2] = {&neighbor1, &neighbor2};
+ * Point<2> new_vertex = boundary.in_between (neighbors);
+ * ...
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * #neighbor1# and #neighbor2# are the two vertices bounding the old
+ * line on the boundary, which is to be subdivided. #boundary# is an
+ * object of type #Boundary<dim>#.
+ *
+ * In 3D, a new vertex may be placed on the middle of a line or on
+ * the middle of a side. In the both cases, an array with four points
+ * has to be passed to #in_between#; in the latter case the two end
+ * points of the line have to be given consecutively twice, as
+ * elements 0 and 1, and 2 and 3, respectively.
+ *
+ * There are specialisations, #StraightBoundary<dim>#, which places
+ * the new point right into the middle of the given points, and
+ * #HyperBallBoundary<dim># creating a hyperball with given radius
+ * around a given center point.
+ */
template <int dim>
class Boundary {
- Specialisation of \Ref{Boundary}<dim>, which places the new point right
- into the middle of the given points. The middle is defined as the
- arithmetic mean of the points.
- This class does not really describe a boundary in the usual sense. By
- placing new points in teh middle of old ones, it rather assumes that the
- boundary of the domain is given by the polygon/polyhedron defined by the
- boundary of the initial coarse triangulation.
- */
+ * Specialisation of \Ref{Boundary}<dim>, which places the new point right
+ * into the middle of the given points. The middle is defined as the
+ * arithmetic mean of the points.
+ *
+ * This class does not really describe a boundary in the usual sense. By
+ * placing new points in teh middle of old ones, it rather assumes that the
+ * boundary of the domain is given by the polygon/polyhedron defined by the
+ * boundary of the initial coarse triangulation.
+ */
template <int dim>
class StraightBoundary : public Boundary<dim> {
- Specialisation of \Ref{Boundary}<dim>, which places the new point on
- the boundary of a ball in arbitrary dimension. It works by projecting
- the point in the middle of the old points onto the ball. The middle is
- defined as the arithmetic mean of the points.
- The center of the ball and its radius may be given upon construction of
- an object of this type. They default to the origin and a radius of 1.0.
- This class is derived from #StraightBoundary# rather than from
- #Boundary#, which would seem natural, since this way we can use the
- #StraightBoundary<dim>::in_between(neighbors)# function.
- */
+ * Specialisation of \Ref{Boundary}<dim>, which places the new point on
+ * the boundary of a ball in arbitrary dimension. It works by projecting
+ * the point in the middle of the old points onto the ball. The middle is
+ * defined as the arithmetic mean of the points.
+ *
+ * The center of the ball and its radius may be given upon construction of
+ * an object of this type. They default to the origin and a radius of 1.0.
+ *
+ * This class is derived from #StraightBoundary# rather than from
+ * #Boundary#, which would seem natural, since this way we can use the
+ * #StraightBoundary<dim>::in_between(neighbors)# function.
+ */
template <int dim>
class HyperBallBoundary : public StraightBoundary<dim> {
- This class implements an iterator, analogous to those of the standard
- template library (STL). It fulfills the requirements of a bidirectional iterator.
- See the C++ documentation for further details of iterator specification and
- usage. In addition to the STL
- iterators an iterator of this class provides a #-># operator, i.e. you can
- write statements like #i->set_refine_flag ();#.
- {\bf Note:} Please read the documentation about the prefix and the
- postfix #++# operators in this and the derived classes!
- \subsection{Purpose}
- #iterators# are used whenever a loop over all lines, quads, cells etc.
- is to be performed. These loops can then be coded like this:
- \begin{verbatim}
- cell_iterator i = tria.begin();
- cell_iterator end = tria.end();
- for (; i!=end; ++i)
- if (cell->at_boundary())
- cell->set_refine_flag();
- \end{verbatim}
- Note the usage of #++i# instead of #i++# since this does not involve
- temporaries and copying. You should also really use a fixed value
- #end# rather than coding #for (; i!=tria.end(); ++i)#, since
- the creation and copying of these iterators is rather expensive
- compared to normal pointers.
- The objects pointed to by iterators are #TriangulationLevel<1>::LinesData#,
- #TriangulationLevel<2>::LinesData#
- and #TriangulationLevel<2>::QuadsData#. To chose which of those, the
- template parameter #Pointee# is used.
- Since the names as is are quite unhandy, the #Triangulation<># class which
- uses these iterators declares typedef'd versions. See there for more
- information.
- The objects pointed to are, as mentioned, #LinesData# etc. To be
- more exact, when dereferencing an iterator, you do not get a #LineData#
- object (or the like, but we will assume that you have a #line_iterator#
- in the following), but a {\it virtual} object (called {\it accessor}) which
- behaves as if it stored the data of a line. It does not contain any data
- itself, but provides functions to manipulate the data of the line it
- stands for.
- Since the data of one line is splitted to
- several arrays (#lines#, #children# and #used#) for performance reasons
- rather than keeping all information in a #Line# struct, access through
- an accessor is usually much simpler than handling the exact data structure
- and also less error prone since the data structure itself can be changed
- in an arbitrary way while the only pieces of code which access these
- data structures are the accessors.
- On the other hand, iterators are not much slower than operating directly
- on the data structures, since they perform the loops that you had
- to handcode yourself anyway. Most iterator and accessor functions are
- inlined.
- The main functionality of iterators, however, resides in the #++# and
- #--# operators. These move the iterator forward or backward just as if
- it were a pointer into an array. Here, this operation is not so easy,
- since it may include skipping some elements and the transition between
- the triangulation levels. This is completely hidden from the user, though
- you can still create an iterator pointing to an arbitrary element.
- Actually, the operation of moving iterators back and forth is not done in
- the iterator classes, but rather in the accessor classes. Since these are
- passed as template arguments, you can write your own versions here to add
- more functionality.
- Furthermore, the iterators decribed here satisfy the requirement of
- input and bidirectional iterators as stated by the C++ standard and
- the STL documentation. It is therefore possible to use the functions
- from the {\it algorithm section} of the C++ standard, e.g. #count_if#
- (see the documentation for \Ref{Triangulation} for an example) and
- several others. Unfortunately, with some of them (e.g. #distance#),
- g++2.7 has some problems and we will have to wait for g++2.8.
- \subsection{Differences between the classes in this inheritance tree}
- #TriaRawIterator# objects point to lines, cells, etc in
- the lists whether they are used or not (in the vectors, also {\it dead}
- objects are stored, since deletion in vectors is expensive and we
- also do not want to destroy the ordering induced by the numbering
- in the vectors). Therefore not all raw iterators point to valid objects.
- There are two derived versions of this class: \Ref{TriaIterator}
- objects, which only loop over used (valid) cells and
- #TriaActiveIterator# objects
- which only loop over active cells (not refined).
- \subsection{Implementation}
- In principle, the Iterator class does not have much functionality. It
- only becomes useful when assigned an #Accessor# (the second template
- parameter), which really does the access to data. An #Accessor# has to
- fulfil some requirements:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item It must have two members named #present_level# and #present_index#
- storing the address of the element in the triangulation presently
- pointed to. Furthermore, the three #Tria{Raw| |Active}Iterator# classes
- have to be friends to the accessor or these data members must be public.
- \item It must have a constructor which takes 1. a #Triangulation<dim>*#,
- 2. and 3. and integer, denoting the initial level and index.
- \item For the #TriaIterator# and the #TriaActiveIterator# class, it must
- have a member function #bool used()#, for the latter a member function
- #bool active()#.
- \item It should not modify the #present_level# and #present_index# fields,
- since this is what the iterator classes do, but it should use them to
- dereference the data it points to.
- \item It must have void operators #++# and #--#.
- \end{itemize}
- Then the iterator is able to do what it is supposed to. All of the necessary
- functions are implemented in the #Accessor# base class, but you may write
- your own version (non-virtual, since we use templates) to add functionality.
- There is a standard implementation, using classes which are derived from
- \Ref{TriaAccessor}. These classes point to #Line#s, #Quad#s and the like.
- For advanced use of the iterator classes, derive classes from
- #{Line|Quad|Cell}Accessor# which also dereference data structures in other
- objects, e.g. in a finite element context. An iterator with such an accessor
- then simultaneously points to (for example) a cell in the triangulation and
- the data stored on it in the finite element class.
- Derived accessor classes may need additional data (e.g. the #DoFAccessor#
- needs a pointer to the #DoFHandler# to work on). This data can be
- set upon construction through the last argument of the constructors.
- Ideally, its type is a local type to the accessor and must have the name
- #Accessor::LocalData#. In the standard implementation, this type is
- declared to be a void pointer. The iterator constructors take their
- last argument carrying the additional data by default as zero, so unless
- #Accessor::LocalData# is a number or a pointer you may not construct
- such an iterator without giving the last argument. If you want to use
- the additional data, you also have to overload the #TriaAccessor::copy_data#
- function.
- Unfortunately, the skeched way does not work, since gcc is not able to
- recognize the type defined local to the template argument (it does not
- suport the #typename# keyword at present), so we can only pass a voie
- pointer. You may, however, convert this to any type, normally to another
- pointer or to a pointer to a structure pointing to the data to be passed.
- The mechanism may be changed if the mentioned features appear in gcc.
- Another possibility would be to have a function, say #set_local_data(...)#
- in the accessor classes which need additional data. You could then create
- an iterator like this:
- \begin{verbatim}
- TriaIterator<1,MyAccesor> i;
- i->set_local_data (1,2,3);
- \end{verbatim}
- But this will not always work: if the iterator #i# is not a valid one, then
- the library will forbid you to dereference it (which normally is a good
- idea), thus resulting in an error when you dereference it in the second
- line.
- \subsection{Warning}
- It seems impossible to preserve #const#ness of a triangulation through
- iterator usage. Thus, if you declare pointers to a #const# triangulation
- object, you should be well aware that you might involuntarily alter the
- data stored in the triangulation.
- \subsection{Internals}
- There is a representation of past-the-end-pointers, denoted by special
- values of the member variables #present_level# and #present_index#:
- If #present_level>=0# and #present_index>=0#, then the object is valid;
- if #present_level==-1# and #present_index==-1#, then the iterator points
- past the end; in all other cases, the iterator is considered invalid.
- You can check this by calling the #state()# function.
- An iterator is also invalid, if the pointer pointing to the #Triangulation#
- object is invalid or zero.
- Finally, an iterator is invalid, if the element pointed to by
- #present_level# and #present_index# is not used, i.e. if the #used#
- flag is set to false.
- The last two checks are not made in #state()# since both cases should only
- occur upon unitialized construction through #memcpy# and the like (the
- parent triangulation can only be set upon construction). If
- an iterator is constructed empty through the empty constructor,
- #present_level==-2# and #present_index==-2#. Thus, the iterator is
- invalid anyway, regardless of the state of the triangulation pointer
- and the state of the element pointed to.
- Past-the-end iterators may also be used to compare an iterator with the
- {\it before-the-start} value, when running backwards. There is no
- distiction between the iterators pointing past the two ends of a vector.
- @see Triangulation
- @see TriaDimensionInfo
- @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
+ * This class implements an iterator, analogous to those of the standard
+ * template library (STL). It fulfills the requirements of a bidirectional iterator.
+ * See the C++ documentation for further details of iterator specification and
+ * usage. In addition to the STL
+ * iterators an iterator of this class provides a #-># operator, i.e. you can
+ * write statements like #i->set_refine_flag ();#.
+ *
+ * {\bf Note:} Please read the documentation about the prefix and the
+ * postfix #++# operators in this and the derived classes!
+ *
+ * \subsection{Purpose}
+ *
+ * #iterators# are used whenever a loop over all lines, quads, cells etc.
+ * is to be performed. These loops can then be coded like this:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * cell_iterator i = tria.begin();
+ * cell_iterator end = tria.end();
+ * for (; i!=end; ++i)
+ * if (cell->at_boundary())
+ * cell->set_refine_flag();
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * Note the usage of #++i# instead of #i++# since this does not involve
+ * temporaries and copying. You should also really use a fixed value
+ * #end# rather than coding #for (; i!=tria.end(); ++i)#, since
+ * the creation and copying of these iterators is rather expensive
+ * compared to normal pointers.
+ *
+ * The objects pointed to by iterators are #TriangulationLevel<1>::LinesData#,
+ * #TriangulationLevel<2>::LinesData#
+ * and #TriangulationLevel<2>::QuadsData#. To chose which of those, the
+ * template parameter #Pointee# is used.
+ *
+ * Since the names as is are quite unhandy, the #Triangulation<># class which
+ * uses these iterators declares typedef'd versions. See there for more
+ * information.
+ *
+ * The objects pointed to are, as mentioned, #LinesData# etc. To be
+ * more exact, when dereferencing an iterator, you do not get a #LineData#
+ * object (or the like, but we will assume that you have a #line_iterator#
+ * in the following), but a {\it virtual} object (called {\it accessor}) which
+ * behaves as if it stored the data of a line. It does not contain any data
+ * itself, but provides functions to manipulate the data of the line it
+ * stands for.
+ *
+ * Since the data of one line is splitted to
+ * several arrays (#lines#, #children# and #used#) for performance reasons
+ * rather than keeping all information in a #Line# struct, access through
+ * an accessor is usually much simpler than handling the exact data structure
+ * and also less error prone since the data structure itself can be changed
+ * in an arbitrary way while the only pieces of code which access these
+ * data structures are the accessors.
+ *
+ * On the other hand, iterators are not much slower than operating directly
+ * on the data structures, since they perform the loops that you had
+ * to handcode yourself anyway. Most iterator and accessor functions are
+ * inlined.
+ *
+ * The main functionality of iterators, however, resides in the #++# and
+ * #--# operators. These move the iterator forward or backward just as if
+ * it were a pointer into an array. Here, this operation is not so easy,
+ * since it may include skipping some elements and the transition between
+ * the triangulation levels. This is completely hidden from the user, though
+ * you can still create an iterator pointing to an arbitrary element.
+ * Actually, the operation of moving iterators back and forth is not done in
+ * the iterator classes, but rather in the accessor classes. Since these are
+ * passed as template arguments, you can write your own versions here to add
+ * more functionality.
+ *
+ * Furthermore, the iterators decribed here satisfy the requirement of
+ * input and bidirectional iterators as stated by the C++ standard and
+ * the STL documentation. It is therefore possible to use the functions
+ * from the {\it algorithm section} of the C++ standard, e.g. #count_if#
+ * (see the documentation for \Ref{Triangulation} for an example) and
+ * several others. Unfortunately, with some of them (e.g. #distance#),
+ * g++2.7 has some problems and we will have to wait for g++2.8.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Differences between the classes in this inheritance tree}
+ *
+ * #TriaRawIterator# objects point to lines, cells, etc in
+ * the lists whether they are used or not (in the vectors, also {\it dead}
+ * objects are stored, since deletion in vectors is expensive and we
+ * also do not want to destroy the ordering induced by the numbering
+ * in the vectors). Therefore not all raw iterators point to valid objects.
+ *
+ * There are two derived versions of this class: \Ref{TriaIterator}
+ * objects, which only loop over used (valid) cells and
+ * #TriaActiveIterator# objects
+ * which only loop over active cells (not refined).
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Implementation}
+ *
+ * In principle, the Iterator class does not have much functionality. It
+ * only becomes useful when assigned an #Accessor# (the second template
+ * parameter), which really does the access to data. An #Accessor# has to
+ * fulfil some requirements:
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item It must have two members named #present_level# and #present_index#
+ * storing the address of the element in the triangulation presently
+ *pointed to. Furthermore, the three #Tria{Raw| |Active}Iterator# classes
+ *have to be friends to the accessor or these data members must be public.
+ * \item It must have a constructor which takes 1. a #Triangulation<dim>*#,
+ * 2. and 3. and integer, denoting the initial level and index.
+ * \item For the #TriaIterator# and the #TriaActiveIterator# class, it must
+ * have a member function #bool used()#, for the latter a member function
+ *#bool active()#.
+ * \item It should not modify the #present_level# and #present_index# fields,
+ * since this is what the iterator classes do, but it should use them to
+ *dereference the data it points to.
+ * \item It must have void operators #++# and #--#.
+ * \end{itemize}
+ * Then the iterator is able to do what it is supposed to. All of the necessary
+ * functions are implemented in the #Accessor# base class, but you may write
+ * your own version (non-virtual, since we use templates) to add functionality.
+ *
+ * There is a standard implementation, using classes which are derived from
+ * \Ref{TriaAccessor}. These classes point to #Line#s, #Quad#s and the like.
+ * For advanced use of the iterator classes, derive classes from
+ * #{Line|Quad|Cell}Accessor# which also dereference data structures in other
+ * objects, e.g. in a finite element context. An iterator with such an accessor
+ * then simultaneously points to (for example) a cell in the triangulation and
+ * the data stored on it in the finite element class.
+ *
+ * Derived accessor classes may need additional data (e.g. the #DoFAccessor#
+ * needs a pointer to the #DoFHandler# to work on). This data can be
+ * set upon construction through the last argument of the constructors.
+ * Ideally, its type is a local type to the accessor and must have the name
+ * #Accessor::LocalData#. In the standard implementation, this type is
+ * declared to be a void pointer. The iterator constructors take their
+ * last argument carrying the additional data by default as zero, so unless
+ * #Accessor::LocalData# is a number or a pointer you may not construct
+ * such an iterator without giving the last argument. If you want to use
+ * the additional data, you also have to overload the #TriaAccessor::copy_data#
+ * function.
+ *
+ * Unfortunately, the skeched way does not work, since gcc is not able to
+ * recognize the type defined local to the template argument (it does not
+ * suport the #typename# keyword at present), so we can only pass a voie
+ * pointer. You may, however, convert this to any type, normally to another
+ * pointer or to a pointer to a structure pointing to the data to be passed.
+ * The mechanism may be changed if the mentioned features appear in gcc.
+ *
+ * Another possibility would be to have a function, say #set_local_data(...)#
+ * in the accessor classes which need additional data. You could then create
+ * an iterator like this:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * TriaIterator<1,MyAccesor> i;
+ * i->set_local_data (1,2,3);
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * But this will not always work: if the iterator #i# is not a valid one, then
+ * the library will forbid you to dereference it (which normally is a good
+ * idea), thus resulting in an error when you dereference it in the second
+ * line.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Warning}
+ *
+ * It seems impossible to preserve #const#ness of a triangulation through
+ * iterator usage. Thus, if you declare pointers to a #const# triangulation
+ * object, you should be well aware that you might involuntarily alter the
+ * data stored in the triangulation.
+ *
+ * \subsection{Internals}
+ *
+ * There is a representation of past-the-end-pointers, denoted by special
+ * values of the member variables #present_level# and #present_index#:
+ * If #present_level>=0# and #present_index>=0#, then the object is valid;
+ * if #present_level==-1# and #present_index==-1#, then the iterator points
+ * past the end; in all other cases, the iterator is considered invalid.
+ * You can check this by calling the #state()# function.
+ *
+ * An iterator is also invalid, if the pointer pointing to the #Triangulation#
+ * object is invalid or zero.
+ *
+ * Finally, an iterator is invalid, if the element pointed to by
+ * #present_level# and #present_index# is not used, i.e. if the #used#
+ * flag is set to false.
+ *
+ * The last two checks are not made in #state()# since both cases should only
+ * occur upon unitialized construction through #memcpy# and the like (the
+ * parent triangulation can only be set upon construction). If
+ * an iterator is constructed empty through the empty constructor,
+ * #present_level==-2# and #present_index==-2#. Thus, the iterator is
+ * invalid anyway, regardless of the state of the triangulation pointer
+ * and the state of the element pointed to.
+ *
+ * Past-the-end iterators may also be used to compare an iterator with the
+ * {\it before-the-start} value, when running backwards. There is no
+ * distiction between the iterators pointing past the two ends of a vector.
+ *
+ * @see Triangulation
+ * @see TriaDimensionInfo
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
template <int dim, class Accessor>
class TriaRawIterator : public bidirectional_iterator<Accessor,int>{
- This specialization of \Ref{TriaRawIterator} provides access only to the
- {\it used} lines, quads, cells, etc.
- */
+ * This specialization of \Ref{TriaRawIterator} provides access only to the
+ * {\it used} lines, quads, cells, etc.
+ */
template <int dim, class Accessor>
class TriaIterator : public TriaRawIterator<dim,Accessor> {
- This specialization of \Ref{TriaIterator} provides access only to the
- {\it active} lines, quads, cells, etc. An active cell is a cell which is not
- refined and thus a cell on which calculations on the finest level are done.
- */
+ * This specialization of \Ref{TriaIterator} provides access only to the
+ * {\it active} lines, quads, cells, etc. An active cell is a cell which is not
+ * refined and thus a cell on which calculations on the finest level are done.
+ */
template <int dim, class Accessor>
class TriaActiveIterator : public TriaIterator<dim,Accessor> {
- Lines denote the boundaries of quads and the edges of hexaeders. They are
- characterized by the (global) indices of the endpoints.
- A line itself has one index, as far as the topological part handled in
- the triangulation is concerned: the index in the level
- it belongs to. The level index is implicitely given by the position
- in the #lines.lines# list attached to the information of each level.
- */
+ * Lines denote the boundaries of quads and the edges of hexaeders. They are
+ * characterized by the (global) indices of the endpoints.
+ *
+ * A line itself has one index, as far as the topological part handled in
+ * the triangulation is concerned: the index in the level
+ * it belongs to. The level index is implicitely given by the position
+ * in the #lines.lines# list attached to the information of each level.
+ */
class Line {
#include <base/exceptions.h>
- #Quad#s denote the fundamental entities of triangulations in two dimensions
- and the boundaries of hexaeders in three dimensions. They are
- characterized by the (global) indices of the corner points.
- A quad itself has one index, as far as the topological part handled in
- the triangulation is concerned: the index in the level
- it belongs to. The level index is implicitely given by the position
- in the #quads.quads# list attached to the information of each level
- of the triangulation.
- */
+ * #Quad#s denote the fundamental entities of triangulations in two dimensions
+ * and the boundaries of hexaeders in three dimensions. They are
+ * characterized by the (global) indices of the corner points.
+ *
+ * A quad itself has one index, as far as the topological part handled in
+ * the triangulation is concerned: the index in the level
+ * it belongs to. The level index is implicitely given by the position
+ * in the #quads.quads# list attached to the information of each level
+ * of the triangulation.
+ */
class Quad {
- This is the base class for equation objects. Equations objects describe the
- finite element discretisation of one or more equations.
- Equation objects need only provide functions which set up the cell
- matrices and the cell right hand side. These are then automatically inserted
- into the global matrices and vectors.
- */
+ * This is the base class for equation objects. Equations objects describe the
+ * finite element discretisation of one or more equations.
+ *
+ * Equation objects need only provide functions which set up the cell
+ * matrices and the cell right hand side. These are then automatically inserted
+ * into the global matrices and vectors.
+ */
template <int dim>
class Equation {
- An #Assembler# is a specialized version of a #DoFCellAccessor# which adds
- functionality to assemble global matrices and vectors from cell base ones.
- */
+ * An #Assembler# is a specialized version of a #DoFCellAccessor# which adds
+ * functionality to assemble global matrices and vectors from cell base ones.
+ */
template <int dim>
class Assembler : public DoFCellAccessor<dim> {
- Denote which norm/integral is to be computed. The following possibilities
- are implemented:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item #mean#: the function or difference of functions is integrated
- on each cell.
- \item #L1_norm#: the absolute value of the function is integrated.
- \item #L2_norm#: the square of the function is integrated on each
- cell; afterwards the root is taken of this value.
- \end{itemize}
+ * Denote which norm/integral is to be computed. The following possibilities
+ * are implemented:
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item #mean#: the function or difference of functions is integrated
+ * on each cell.
+ * \item #L1_norm#: the absolute value of the function is integrated.
+ * \item #L2_norm#: the square of the function is integrated on each
+ * cell; afterwards the root is taken of this value.
+ * \end{itemize}
+ */
enum NormType {
- Base class for user problems. This class stores the system matrix and right
- hand side vectors as well as a solution vector. It initiates the assemblage
- process of matrix and vectors and so on.
- This class is not extremely versatile as could certainly be. For example
- it presently only supports sparse matrices and has no multigrid features.
- However, all these things depend strongly on the problem and it seems
- best to implement many of these things yourself. Thus, this class is more
- a display of concept haw to work with deal.II.
- \subsection{Assemblage}
- The #assemble# member function does the assemblage of the system matrix and
- the given number of right hand sides. It does the following steps:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Initialize solution vector with zero entries.
- \item Create sparsity pattern of the system matrix and condense it with
- the constraints induced by hanging nodes.
- \item Initialize an assembler object.
- \item Loop over all cells and assemble matrix and vectors using the given
- quadrature formula and the equation object which contains the weak
- formulation of the equation.
- \item Apply Dirichlet boundary conditions. See the section on boundary
- conditions for more details.
- \item Condense the system matrix and right hand side with the constraints
- induced by hanging nodes.
- \end{itemize}
- The #assemble# function needs an object describing the boundary of the domain,
- since for higher order finite elements, we may be tempted to use curved faces
- of cells for better approximation of the boundary. In this case, the
- transformation from the unit cell to the real cell requires knowledge of
- the exact boundary of the domain.
- \subsection{Solving}
- Calling the #solve# function with a solver object, the system of equations
- which results after having called the #assemble# function is solved. After
- this, the solution vector is distributed again, i.e. the constrained nodes
- are given their correct values.
- \subsection{Boundary conditions}
- During assemblage of matrices and right hand side, use is made of dirichlet
- boundary conditions (in short: bc) specified to the #assemble# function. You
- can specify a list of pairs of boundary indicators (of type #unsigned char#;
- see the section in the documentation of the \Ref{Triangulation} class for more
- details) and the according functions denoting the dirichlet boundary values
- of the nodes on boundary faces with this boundary indicator.
- Usually, all other boundary conditions, such as inhomogeneous Neumann values
- or mixed boundary conditions are handled in the weak formulation. No attempt
- is made to include these into the process of assemblage therefore.
- The inclusion into the assemblage process is as follows: when the matrix and
- vectors are set up, a list of nodes subject to dirichlet bc is made and
- matrix and vectors are changed accordingly. This is done by deleting all
- entries in the matrix in the line of this degree of freedom, setting the
- main diagonal entry to one and the right hand side element to the
- boundary value at this node. This forces this node's value to be as specified.
- To decouple the remaining linear system of equations and to make the system
- symmetric again (at least if it was before), one Gauss elimination
- step is performed with this line, by adding this (now almost empty) line to
- all other lines which couple with the given degree of freedom and thus
- eliminating all coupling between this degree of freedom and others. Now
- also the column consists only of zeroes, apart from the main diagonal entry.
- It seems as if we had to make clear not to overwrite the lines of other
- boundary nodes when doing the Gauss elimination step. However, since we
- reset the right hand side when passing such a node, it is not a problem
- to change the right hand side values of other boundary nodes not yet
- processed. It would be a problem to change those entries of nodes already
- processed, but since the matrix entry of the present column on the row
- of an already processed node is zero, the Gauss step does not change
- the right hand side. We need therefore not take special care of other
- boundary nodes.
- To make solving faster, we preset the solution vector with the right boundary
- values. Since boundary nodes can never be hanging nodes, and since all other
- entries of the solution vector are zero, we need not condense the solution
- vector if the condensation process is done in-place. If done by copying
- matrix and vectors to smaller ones, it would also be necessary to condense
- the solution vector to preserve the preset boundary values.
- It it not clear whether the deletion of coupling between the boundary degree
- of freedom and other dofs really forces the corresponding entry in the
- solution vector to have the right value when using iterative solvers,
- since their search directions may contains components in the direction
- of the boundary node. For this reason, we perform a very simple line
- balancing by not setting the main diagonal entry to unity, but rather
- to the value it had before deleting this line, or to the first nonzero
- main diagonal entry if it is zero from a previous Gauss elimination
- step. Of course we have to change
- the right hand side appropriately. This is not a very good
- strategy, but it at least should give the main diagonal entry a value
- in the right order of dimension, which makes the solving process a bit
- more stable. A refined algorithm would set the entry to the mean of the
- other diagonal entries, but this seems to be too expensive.
- Because of the mentioned question, whether or not a preset solution value
- which does not couple with other degrees of freedom remains its value or
- not during solving iteratively, it may or may not be necessary to set
- the correct value after solving again. This question is an open one as of
- now and may be answered by future experience.
- At present, boundary values are interpolated, i.e. a node is given the
- point value of the boundary function. In some cases, it may be necessary
- to use the L2-projection of the boundary function or any other method.
- This can be done by overloading the virtual function
- #make_boundary_value_list# which must return a list of boundary dofs
- and their corresponding values.
- You should be aware that the boundary function may be evaluated at nodes
- on the interior of faces. These, however, need not be on the true
- boundary, but rather are on the approximation of the boundary represented
- by teh mapping of the unit cell to the real cell. Since this mapping will
- in most cases not be the exact one at the face, the boundary function is
- evaluated at points which are not on the boundary and you should make
- sure that the returned values are reasonable in some sense anyway.
- \subsection{Computing errors}
- The function #integrate_difference# performs the calculation of the error
- between the finite element solution and a given (continuous) reference
- function in different norms. The integration is performed using a given
- quadrature formulae and assumes that the given finite element objects equals
- that used for the computation of the solution.
- The result ist stored in a vector (named #difference#), where each entry
- equals the given norm of the difference on one cell. The order of entries
- is the same as a #cell_iterator# takes when started with #begin_active# and
- promoted with the #++# operator.
- You can use the #distribute_cell_to_dof_vector# function of the #DoFHandler#
- class to convert cell based data to a data vector with values on the degrees
- of freedom, which can then be attached to a #DataOut# object to be printed.
- Presently, there is the possibility to compute the following values from the
- difference, on each cell: #mean#, #L1_norm#, #L2_norm#, #Linfty_norm#,
- #H1_seminorm#.
- For the mean difference value, the reference function minus the numerical
- solution is computed, not the other way round.
- The infinity norm of the difference on a given cell returns the maximum
- absolute value of the difference at the quadrature points given by the
- quadrature formula parameter. This will in some cases not be too good
- an approximation, since for example the Gauss quadrature formulae do
- not evaluate the difference at the end or corner points of the cells.
- You may want to chose a quadrature formula with more quadrature points
- or one with another distribution of the quadrature points in this case.
- You should also take into account the superconvergence properties of finite
- elements in some points: for example in 1D, the standard finite element
- method is a collocation method and should return the exact value at nodal
- points. Therefore, the trapezoidal rule should always return a vanishing
- L-infinity error. Conversely, in 2D the maximum L-infinity error should
- be located at the vertices or at the center of the cell, which would make
- it plausible to use the Simpson quadrature rule. On the other hand, there
- may be superconvergence at Gauss integration points. These examples are not
- intended as a rule of thumb, rather they are though to illustrate that the
- use of the wrong quadrature formula may show a significantly wrong result
- and care should be taken to chose the right formula.
- The $H_1$ seminorm is the $L_2$ norm of the gradient of the difference. The
- full $H_1$ norm is the sum of the seminorm and the $L_2$ norm.
- To get the {\it global} L_1 error, you have to sum up the entries in
- #difference#, e.g. using #dVector::l1_norm# function.
- For the global L_2 difference, you have to sum up the squares of the
- entries and take the root of the sum, e.g. using #dVector::l2_norm.
- These two operations represent the
- l_1 and l_2 norms of the vectors, but you need not take the absolute
- value of each entry, since the cellwise norms are already positive.
- To get the global mean difference, simply sum up the elements as above.
- To get the L_\infty norm, take the maximum of the vector elements, e.g.
- using the #dVector::linfty_norm# function.
- For the global $H_1$ norm and seminorm, the same rule applies as for the
- $L_2$ norm: compute the $l_2$ norm of the cell error vector.
- */
+ * Base class for user problems. This class stores the system matrix and right
+ * hand side vectors as well as a solution vector. It initiates the assemblage
+ * process of matrix and vectors and so on.
+ *
+ * This class is not extremely versatile as could certainly be. For example
+ * it presently only supports sparse matrices and has no multigrid features.
+ * However, all these things depend strongly on the problem and it seems
+ * best to implement many of these things yourself. Thus, this class is more
+ * a display of concept how to work with deal.II.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Assemblage}
+ *
+ * The #assemble# member function does the assemblage of the system matrix and
+ * the given number of right hand sides. It does the following steps:
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item Initialize solution vector with zero entries.
+ * \item Create sparsity pattern of the system matrix and condense it with
+ * the constraints induced by hanging nodes.
+ * \item Initialize an assembler object.
+ * \item Loop over all cells and assemble matrix and vectors using the given
+ * quadrature formula and the equation object which contains the weak
+ * formulation of the equation.
+ * \item Apply Dirichlet boundary conditions. See the section on boundary
+ * conditions for more details.
+ * \item Condense the system matrix and right hand side with the constraints
+ * induced by hanging nodes.
+ * \end{itemize}
+ *
+ * The #assemble# function needs an object describing the boundary of the domain,
+ * since for higher order finite elements, we may be tempted to use curved faces
+ * of cells for better approximation of the boundary. In this case, the
+ * transformation from the unit cell to the real cell requires knowledge of
+ * the exact boundary of the domain.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Solving}
+ *
+ * Calling the #solve# function with a solver object, the system of equations
+ * which results after having called the #assemble# function is solved. After
+ * this, the solution vector is distributed again, i.e. the constrained nodes
+ * are given their correct values.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Boundary conditions}
+ *
+ * During assemblage of matrices and right hand side, use is made of dirichlet
+ * boundary conditions (in short: bc) specified to the #assemble# function. You
+ * can specify a list of pairs of boundary indicators (of type #unsigned char#;
+ * see the section in the documentation of the \Ref{Triangulation} class for more
+ * details) and the according functions denoting the dirichlet boundary values
+ * of the nodes on boundary faces with this boundary indicator.
+ *
+ * Usually, all other boundary conditions, such as inhomogeneous Neumann values
+ * or mixed boundary conditions are handled in the weak formulation. No attempt
+ * is made to include these into the process of assemblage therefore.
+ *
+ * The inclusion into the assemblage process is as follows: when the matrix and
+ * vectors are set up, a list of nodes subject to dirichlet bc is made and
+ * matrix and vectors are changed accordingly. This is done by deleting all
+ * entries in the matrix in the line of this degree of freedom, setting the
+ * main diagonal entry to one and the right hand side element to the
+ * boundary value at this node. This forces this node's value to be as specified.
+ * To decouple the remaining linear system of equations and to make the system
+ * symmetric again (at least if it was before), one Gauss elimination
+ * step is performed with this line, by adding this (now almost empty) line to
+ * all other lines which couple with the given degree of freedom and thus
+ * eliminating all coupling between this degree of freedom and others. Now
+ * also the column consists only of zeroes, apart from the main diagonal entry.
+ *
+ * It seems as if we had to make clear not to overwrite the lines of other
+ * boundary nodes when doing the Gauss elimination step. However, since we
+ * reset the right hand side when passing such a node, it is not a problem
+ * to change the right hand side values of other boundary nodes not yet
+ * processed. It would be a problem to change those entries of nodes already
+ * processed, but since the matrix entry of the present column on the row
+ * of an already processed node is zero, the Gauss step does not change
+ * the right hand side. We need therefore not take special care of other
+ * boundary nodes.
+ *
+ * To make solving faster, we preset the solution vector with the right boundary
+ * values. Since boundary nodes can never be hanging nodes, and since all other
+ * entries of the solution vector are zero, we need not condense the solution
+ * vector if the condensation process is done in-place. If done by copying
+ * matrix and vectors to smaller ones, it would also be necessary to condense
+ * the solution vector to preserve the preset boundary values.
+ *
+ * It it not clear whether the deletion of coupling between the boundary degree
+ * of freedom and other dofs really forces the corresponding entry in the
+ * solution vector to have the right value when using iterative solvers,
+ * since their search directions may contains components in the direction
+ * of the boundary node. For this reason, we perform a very simple line
+ * balancing by not setting the main diagonal entry to unity, but rather
+ * to the value it had before deleting this line, or to the first nonzero
+ * main diagonal entry if it is zero from a previous Gauss elimination
+ * step. Of course we have to change
+ * the right hand side appropriately. This is not a very good
+ * strategy, but it at least should give the main diagonal entry a value
+ * in the right order of dimension, which makes the solving process a bit
+ * more stable. A refined algorithm would set the entry to the mean of the
+ * other diagonal entries, but this seems to be too expensive.
+ *
+ * Because of the mentioned question, whether or not a preset solution value
+ * which does not couple with other degrees of freedom remains its value or
+ * not during solving iteratively, it may or may not be necessary to set
+ * the correct value after solving again. This question is an open one as of
+ * now and may be answered by future experience.
+ *
+ * At present, boundary values are interpolated, i.e. a node is given the
+ * point value of the boundary function. In some cases, it may be necessary
+ * to use the L2-projection of the boundary function or any other method.
+ * This can be done by overloading the virtual function
+ * #make_boundary_value_list# which must return a list of boundary dofs
+ * and their corresponding values.
+ *
+ * You should be aware that the boundary function may be evaluated at nodes
+ * on the interior of faces. These, however, need not be on the true
+ * boundary, but rather are on the approximation of the boundary represented
+ * by teh mapping of the unit cell to the real cell. Since this mapping will
+ * in most cases not be the exact one at the face, the boundary function is
+ * evaluated at points which are not on the boundary and you should make
+ * sure that the returned values are reasonable in some sense anyway.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Computing errors}
+ *
+ * The function #integrate_difference# performs the calculation of the error
+ * between the finite element solution and a given (continuous) reference
+ * function in different norms. The integration is performed using a given
+ * quadrature formulae and assumes that the given finite element objects equals
+ * that used for the computation of the solution.
+ *
+ * The result ist stored in a vector (named #difference#), where each entry
+ * equals the given norm of the difference on one cell. The order of entries
+ * is the same as a #cell_iterator# takes when started with #begin_active# and
+ * promoted with the #++# operator.
+ *
+ * You can use the #distribute_cell_to_dof_vector# function of the #DoFHandler#
+ * class to convert cell based data to a data vector with values on the degrees
+ * of freedom, which can then be attached to a #DataOut# object to be printed.
+ *
+ * Presently, there is the possibility to compute the following values from the
+ * difference, on each cell: #mean#, #L1_norm#, #L2_norm#, #Linfty_norm#,
+ * #H1_seminorm#.
+ * For the mean difference value, the reference function minus the numerical
+ * solution is computed, not the other way round.
+ *
+ * The infinity norm of the difference on a given cell returns the maximum
+ * absolute value of the difference at the quadrature points given by the
+ * quadrature formula parameter. This will in some cases not be too good
+ * an approximation, since for example the Gauss quadrature formulae do
+ * not evaluate the difference at the end or corner points of the cells.
+ * You may want to chose a quadrature formula with more quadrature points
+ * or one with another distribution of the quadrature points in this case.
+ * You should also take into account the superconvergence properties of finite
+ * elements in some points: for example in 1D, the standard finite element
+ * method is a collocation method and should return the exact value at nodal
+ * points. Therefore, the trapezoidal rule should always return a vanishing
+ * L-infinity error. Conversely, in 2D the maximum L-infinity error should
+ * be located at the vertices or at the center of the cell, which would make
+ * it plausible to use the Simpson quadrature rule. On the other hand, there
+ * may be superconvergence at Gauss integration points. These examples are not
+ * intended as a rule of thumb, rather they are though to illustrate that the
+ * use of the wrong quadrature formula may show a significantly wrong result
+ * and care should be taken to chose the right formula.
+ *
+ * The $H_1$ seminorm is the $L_2$ norm of the gradient of the difference. The
+ * full $H_1$ norm is the sum of the seminorm and the $L_2$ norm.
+ *
+ * To get the {\it global} L_1 error, you have to sum up the entries in
+ * #difference#, e.g. using #dVector::l1_norm# function.
+ * For the global L_2 difference, you have to sum up the squares of the
+ * entries and take the root of the sum, e.g. using #dVector::l2_norm.
+ * These two operations represent the
+ * l_1 and l_2 norms of the vectors, but you need not take the absolute
+ * value of each entry, since the cellwise norms are already positive.
+ *
+ * To get the global mean difference, simply sum up the elements as above.
+ * To get the L_\infty norm, take the maximum of the vector elements, e.g.
+ * using the #dVector::linfty_norm# function.
+ *
+ * For the global $H_1$ norm and seminorm, the same rule applies as for the
+ * $L_2$ norm: compute the $l_2$ norm of the cell error vector.
+ */
template <int dim>
class ProblemBase {
- Structure which is passed to the #Triangulation<dim>::create_triangulation#
- function. It contains all data needed to construct a cell, namely the
- indices of the vertices and the material indicator.
+ * Structure which is passed to the #Triangulation<dim>::create_triangulation#
+ * function. It contains all data needed to construct a cell, namely the
+ * indices of the vertices and the material indicator.
+ */
template <int dim>
struct CellData {
int vertices[2<<dim];
- Structure to be passed to the #Triangulation<dim>::create_triangulation#
- function to describe boundary information.
- This structure is the same for all dimensions, since we use an input
- function which is the same for all dimensions. The content of objects
- of this structure varies with the dimensions, however.
- Since in one space dimension, there is no boundary information apart
- from the two end points of the interval, this structure does not contain
- anything and exists only for consistency, to allow a common interface
- for all space dimensions. All fields should always be empty.
- Boundary data in 2D consists
- of a list of lines which belong to a given boundary component. A
- boundary component is a list of lines which are given a common
- number describing the boundary condition to hold on this part of the
- boundary. The triangulation creation function gives lines not in this
- list either the boundary indicator zero (if on the boundary) or 255
- (if in the interior). Explicitely giving a line the indicator 255
- will result in an error, as well as giving an interior line a boundary
- indicator.
+ * Structure to be passed to the #Triangulation<dim>::create_triangulation#
+ * function to describe boundary information.
+ *
+ * This structure is the same for all dimensions, since we use an input
+ * function which is the same for all dimensions. The content of objects
+ * of this structure varies with the dimensions, however.
+ *
+ * Since in one space dimension, there is no boundary information apart
+ * from the two end points of the interval, this structure does not contain
+ * anything and exists only for consistency, to allow a common interface
+ * for all space dimensions. All fields should always be empty.
+ *
+ * Boundary data in 2D consists
+ * of a list of lines which belong to a given boundary component. A
+ * boundary component is a list of lines which are given a common
+ * number describing the boundary condition to hold on this part of the
+ * boundary. The triangulation creation function gives lines not in this
+ * list either the boundary indicator zero (if on the boundary) or 255
+ * (if in the interior). Explicitely giving a line the indicator 255
+ * will result in an error, as well as giving an interior line a boundary
+ * indicator.
+ */
struct SubCellData {
* Each record of this vector describes
- This class implements an input mechanism for grid data. It allows to
- read a grid structure into a triangulation object. Future versions
- will also allow to read data on this grid into vectors.
- At present, only UCD (unstructured cell data) is supported as input
- format for grid data. Any numerical data after the block of topological
- information is ignored.
- To read grid data, the triangulation to be fed with has to be empty.
- When giving a file which does not contain the assumed information or
- which does not keep to the right format, the state of the triangulation
- will be undefined afterwards. Upon input, only lines in one dimension
- and line and quads in two dimensions are accepted. All other cell types
- (e.g. triangles in two dimensions, quads and hexes in 3d) are rejected.
- The vertex and cell numbering in the UCD file, which
- need not be consecutively, is lost upon transfer to the triangulation
- object, since this one needs consecutively numbered elements.
- Material indicators are accepted to denote the material id of cells and
- to denote boundary part indication for lines in 2D. Read the according
- sections in the documentation of the \Ref{Triangulation} class for
- further details.
- \subsection{Structure of input grid data}
- It is your duty to use a correct numbering of vertices in the cell list,
- i.e. for lines, you have to first give the vertex with the lower coordinate
- value, then that with the higher coordinate value. For quadrilaterals in
- two dimensions, the vertex indices in the #quad# list have to be such that
- the vertices are numbered in counter-clockwise sense.
- In two dimensions, another difficulty occurs, which has to do with the sense
- of a quadrilateral. A quad consists of four lines which have a direction,
- which is per definitionem as follows:
- \begin{verbatim}
- 3-->--2
- | |
- ^ ^
- | |
- 0-->--1
- \end{verbatim}
- Now, two adjacent cells must have a vertex numbering such that the direction
- of the common side is the same. For example, the following two quads
- \begin{verbatim}
- 3---4---5
- | | |
- 0---1---2
- \end{verbatim}
- may be characterised by the vertex numbers (0 1 4 3) and (1 2 5 4), since
- the middle line would get the direction #1->4# when viewed from both cells.
- The numbering (0 1 4 3) and (5 4 1 2) would not be allowed, since the left
- quad would give the common line the direction #1->4#, while the right one
- would want to use #4->1#, leading to ambiguity. The #Triangulation# object
- is capable of detecting this special case, which can be eliminated by
- rotating the indices of the right quad by two. However, it would not
- know what to do if you gave the vertex indices (4 1 2 5), since then it
- would have to rotate by one element or three, the decision which to take is
- not yet implemented.
- There are more ambiguous cases, where the triangulation may not know what
- to do at all without the use of very sophisticated algorithms. On such example
- is the following:
- \begin{verbatim}
- 9---10-----11
- | | / |
- 6---7---8 |
- | | | |
- 3---4---5 |
- | | \ |
- 0---1------2
- \end{verbatim}
- Assume that you had numbered the vertices in the cells at the left boundary
- in a way, that the following line directions are induced:
- \begin{verbatim}
- 9->-10-----11
- ^ ^ / |
- 6->-7---8 |
- ^ ^ | |
- 3->-4---5 |
- ^ ^ \ |
- 0->-1------2
- \end{verbatim}
- (This could for example be done by using the indices (0 1 4 3), (3 4 7 6),
- (6 7 10 9) for the three cells). Now, you will not find a way of giving
- indices for the right cells, without introducing either ambiguity for
- one line or other, or without violating that within each cells, there must be
- one vertex from which both lines are directed away and the opposite one to
- which both adjacent lines point to.
- The solution in this case is to renumber one of the three left cells, e.g.
- by reverting the sense of the line between vertices 7 and 10 by numbering
- the top left cell by (9 6 7 10).
- But this is a thing that the triangulation
- object can't do for you, since it would involve backtracking to cells
- already created when we find that we can't number the indices of one of
- the rightmost cells consistently. It is neither clear how to do this
- backtracking nor whether it can be done with a stopping algorithm, if
- possible within polynomial time. This kind of numbering must be made
- upon construction of the coarse grid, unfortunately.
- */
+ * This class implements an input mechanism for grid data. It allows to
+ * read a grid structure into a triangulation object. Future versions
+ * will also allow to read data on this grid into vectors.
+ *
+ * At present, only UCD (unstructured cell data) is supported as input
+ * format for grid data. Any numerical data after the block of topological
+ * information is ignored.
+ *
+ * To read grid data, the triangulation to be fed with has to be empty.
+ * When giving a file which does not contain the assumed information or
+ * which does not keep to the right format, the state of the triangulation
+ * will be undefined afterwards. Upon input, only lines in one dimension
+ * and line and quads in two dimensions are accepted. All other cell types
+ * (e.g. triangles in two dimensions, quads and hexes in 3d) are rejected.
+ * The vertex and cell numbering in the UCD file, which
+ * need not be consecutively, is lost upon transfer to the triangulation
+ * object, since this one needs consecutively numbered elements.
+ *
+ * Material indicators are accepted to denote the material id of cells and
+ * to denote boundary part indication for lines in 2D. Read the according
+ * sections in the documentation of the \Ref{Triangulation} class for
+ * further details.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Structure of input grid data}
+ *
+ * It is your duty to use a correct numbering of vertices in the cell list,
+ * i.e. for lines, you have to first give the vertex with the lower coordinate
+ * value, then that with the higher coordinate value. For quadrilaterals in
+ * two dimensions, the vertex indices in the #quad# list have to be such that
+ * the vertices are numbered in counter-clockwise sense.
+ *
+ * In two dimensions, another difficulty occurs, which has to do with the sense
+ * of a quadrilateral. A quad consists of four lines which have a direction,
+ * which is per definitionem as follows:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * 3-->--2
+ * | |
+ * ^ ^
+ * | |
+ * 0-->--1
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * Now, two adjacent cells must have a vertex numbering such that the direction
+ * of the common side is the same. For example, the following two quads
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * 3---4---5
+ * | | |
+ * 0---1---2
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * may be characterised by the vertex numbers (0 1 4 3) and (1 2 5 4), since
+ * the middle line would get the direction #1->4# when viewed from both cells.
+ * The numbering (0 1 4 3) and (5 4 1 2) would not be allowed, since the left
+ * quad would give the common line the direction #1->4#, while the right one
+ * would want to use #4->1#, leading to ambiguity. The #Triangulation# object
+ * is capable of detecting this special case, which can be eliminated by
+ * rotating the indices of the right quad by two. However, it would not
+ * know what to do if you gave the vertex indices (4 1 2 5), since then it
+ * would have to rotate by one element or three, the decision which to take is
+ * not yet implemented.
+ *
+ * There are more ambiguous cases, where the triangulation may not know what
+ * to do at all without the use of very sophisticated algorithms. On such example
+ * is the following:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * 9---10-----11
+ * | | / |
+ * 6---7---8 |
+ * | | | |
+ * 3---4---5 |
+ * | | \ |
+ * 0---1------2
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * Assume that you had numbered the vertices in the cells at the left boundary
+ * in a way, that the following line directions are induced:
+ * \begin{verbatim}
+ * 9->-10-----11
+ * ^ ^ / |
+ * 6->-7---8 |
+ * ^ ^ | |
+ * 3->-4---5 |
+ * ^ ^ \ |
+ * 0->-1------2
+ * \end{verbatim}
+ * (This could for example be done by using the indices (0 1 4 3), (3 4 7 6),
+ * (6 7 10 9) for the three cells). Now, you will not find a way of giving
+ * indices for the right cells, without introducing either ambiguity for
+ * one line or other, or without violating that within each cells, there must be
+ * one vertex from which both lines are directed away and the opposite one to
+ * which both adjacent lines point to.
+ *
+ * The solution in this case is to renumber one of the three left cells, e.g.
+ * by reverting the sense of the line between vertices 7 and 10 by numbering
+ * the top left cell by (9 6 7 10).
+ *
+ * But this is a thing that the triangulation
+ * object can't do for you, since it would involve backtracking to cells
+ * already created when we find that we can't number the indices of one of
+ * the rightmost cells consistently. It is neither clear how to do this
+ * backtracking nor whether it can be done with a stopping algorithm, if
+ * possible within polynomial time. This kind of numbering must be made
+ * upon construction of the coarse grid, unfortunately.
+ */
template <int dim>
class DataIn {
- This class implements an output mechanism for grid and simulation data
- in several formats.
- At present it supports output in UCD (unstructured cell data) and
- partly in GNUPLOT format.
- It allows the user to attach a degree of freedom handler object
- (#DoFHandler#) which also gives access to the geometry data of the
- underlying triangulation and to add data vectors of which the values
- are to be written.
- \subsection{Limitations}
- At present, no grouping of components to vectors is implemented, i.e.
- you can only write each component independent of the others. Also, it
- is not possible to output calculations which were performed on elements
- with more or less than one degree of freedom per vertex.
- \subsection{UCD format}
- The UCD format is described in the AVS developer's guide. Due to
- limitations in the present format, only node based data can be output,
- so higher order elements are only written with their node values, no
- interior or line values are used. No use is made of the possibility
- to give cell and model data since these are not supported by all
- UCD aware programs.
- The ASCII UCD format is used. In future versions, a binary version may
- follow up.
- Note that to enumerate the vertices, not the vertex index is used but
- the index of the degree of freedom located on this vertex. This makes
- the mapping between the vertices and the entries in the data vectors
- much easier.
- \subsection{GNUPLOT format}
- The GNUPLOT format is not able to handle data on unstructured grids
- directly. Directly would mean that you only give the vertices and
- the solution values thereon and the program constructs its own grid
- to represent the data. This is only possible for a structured tensor
- product grid in two dimensions.
- In one dimension, the format is obviously #x v1 v2 ...#, where #x#
- is the coordinate value of a grid point, while the #vi# are the
- vector elements referring to the present node. Within GNUPLOT,
- call #plot "filename" using 1:x#. #x# denotes the number of the data set you
- want to see plus one. For example #using 1:4# would mean to plot the
- third data vector.
- For more than one dimension, the #DataOut<dim>::write_gnuplot()# somehow
- duplicates the functionality of the #Triangulation<dim>::print_gnuplot()#
- functions. These, however, offer more functionality in some respect.
- The grid is represented as a sequence of lines, where each cell is
- a sequence of five vertices (the first one is appended to close the
- contour of the cell) with the data appended after each vertex. Each cell
- is therefore a sequence of five lines #x y v1 v2 ...# forming together
- the bounding line of this cell. After each cell, two newlines are inserted
- to prevent GNUPLOT from joining the lines bounding two cells.
- To view the results in two dimensions, use #set data style lines#
- within gnuplot and call #plot "filename"# to see the grid. Use
- #set parametric# and #splot "filename" using 1:2:x# to get a 3d surface
- plot of the (#x-2#)th data set. For example, using #x=4# would mean to
- plot the second data set.
- */
+ * This class implements an output mechanism for grid and simulation data
+ * in several formats.
+ * At present it supports output in UCD (unstructured cell data) and
+ * partly in GNUPLOT format.
+ *
+ * It allows the user to attach a degree of freedom handler object
+ * (#DoFHandler#) which also gives access to the geometry data of the
+ * underlying triangulation and to add data vectors of which the values
+ * are to be written.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Limitations}
+ *
+ * At present, no grouping of components to vectors is implemented, i.e.
+ * you can only write each component independent of the others. Also, it
+ * is not possible to output calculations which were performed on elements
+ * with more or less than one degree of freedom per vertex.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{UCD format}
+ *
+ * The UCD format is described in the AVS developer's guide. Due to
+ * limitations in the present format, only node based data can be output,
+ * so higher order elements are only written with their node values, no
+ * interior or line values are used. No use is made of the possibility
+ * to give cell and model data since these are not supported by all
+ * UCD aware programs.
+ *
+ * The ASCII UCD format is used. In future versions, a binary version may
+ * follow up.
+ *
+ * Note that to enumerate the vertices, not the vertex index is used but
+ * the index of the degree of freedom located on this vertex. This makes
+ * the mapping between the vertices and the entries in the data vectors
+ * much easier.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{GNUPLOT format}
+ *
+ * The GNUPLOT format is not able to handle data on unstructured grids
+ * directly. Directly would mean that you only give the vertices and
+ * the solution values thereon and the program constructs its own grid
+ * to represent the data. This is only possible for a structured tensor
+ * product grid in two dimensions.
+ *
+ * In one dimension, the format is obviously #x v1 v2 ...#, where #x#
+ * is the coordinate value of a grid point, while the #vi# are the
+ * vector elements referring to the present node. Within GNUPLOT,
+ * call #plot "filename" using 1:x#. #x# denotes the number of the data set you
+ * want to see plus one. For example #using 1:4# would mean to plot the
+ * third data vector.
+ *
+ * For more than one dimension, the #DataOut<dim>::write_gnuplot()# somehow
+ * duplicates the functionality of the #Triangulation<dim>::print_gnuplot()#
+ * functions. These, however, offer more functionality in some respect.
+ * The grid is represented as a sequence of lines, where each cell is
+ * a sequence of five vertices (the first one is appended to close the
+ * contour of the cell) with the data appended after each vertex. Each cell
+ * is therefore a sequence of five lines #x y v1 v2 ...# forming together
+ * the bounding line of this cell. After each cell, two newlines are inserted
+ * to prevent GNUPLOT from joining the lines bounding two cells.
+ *
+ * To view the results in two dimensions, use #set data style lines#
+ * within gnuplot and call #plot "filename"# to see the grid. Use
+ * #set parametric# and #splot "filename" using 1:2:x# to get a 3d surface
+ * plot of the (#x-2#)th data set. For example, using #x=4# would mean to
+ * plot the second data set.
+ */
template <int dim>
class DataOut {
- Implementation of the error estimator by Kelly, Gago, Zienkiewicz and
- Babuska.
- This error estimator tries to approximate the error per cell by integration
- of the jump of the gradient of the solution along the faces of each cell.
- It can be understood as a gradient recovery estimator; see the survey
- of Ainsworth for a complete discussion.
- It seem as if this error estimator should only be valid for linear ansatz
- spaces, and there are indications that for higher order ansatz spaces the
- integrals computed here show superconvergence properties, i.e. they tend
- to zero faster than the error itself, thus ruling out the values as error
- indicators.
- The error estimator returns a vector of estimated errors per cell which
- can be used to feed the #Triangulation<dim>::refine_*# functions.
- \subsection{Implementation}
- In principle, the implementation of the error estimation is simple: let
- $$ \eta_K^2 =
- \frac h{24} \int_{\partial K} \left[\frac{\partial u_h}{\partial n}\right]^2 do
- $$
- be the error estimator for cell $K$. $[\cdot]$ denotes the jump of the
- argument at the face. In the paper of Ainsworth, $h$ is divided by $24$,
- but this factor is a bit esoteric, stemming from interpolation estimates
- and stability constants which may hold for the Poisson problem, but may
- not hold for more general situations. In the implementation, this factor
- is considered, but may lead to wrong results. You may scale the vector
- appropriately afterwards.
- To perform the integration, use is made of the #FEFaceValues# and
- #FESubfaceValues# classes. The integration is performed by looping
- over all cells and integrating over faces that are not yet treated.
- This way we avoid integration on faces twice, once for each time we
- visit one of the adjacent cells. In a second loop over all cells, we
- sum up the contributions of the faces (which are the integrated
- square of the jumps) of each cell and take the square root.
- We store the contribution of each face in a #map#, as provided by the
- C++ standard library, with the iterator pointing to that face being the
- key into the map. In fact, we do not store the indicator per face, but
- only the integral listed above. When looping the second time over all
- cells, we have to sum up the contributions of the faces, multiply them
- with $\frac h{24}$ and take the square root. By doing the multiplication
- with $h$ in the second loop, we avoid problems to decide with which $h$
- to multiply, that of the cell on the one or that of the cell on the other
- side of the face.
- $h$ is taken to be the greatest length of the diagonals of the cell. For
- more or less uniform cells without deformed angles, this coincides with
- the diameter of the cell.
- \subsection{Boundary values}
- If the face is at the boundary, i.e. there is no neighboring cell to which
- the jump in the gradiend could be computed, there are two possibilities:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The face belongs to a Dirichlet boundary. Then the face is not
- considered, which can be justified looking at a dual problem technique and
- should hold exactly if the boundary can be approximated exactly by the
- finite element used (i.e. it is a linear boundary for linear finite elements,
- quadratic for isoparametric quadratic elements, etc). For boundaries which
- can not be exactly approximated, one should consider the difference
- $z-z_h$ on the face, $z$ being a dual problem's solution which is zero at
- the true boundary and $z_h$ being an approximation, which in most cases
- will be zero on the numerical boundary. Since on the numerical boundary
- $z$ will not be zero in general, we would get another term here, but this
- one is neglected for practical reasons, in the hope that the error made
- here will tend to zero faster than the energy error we wish to estimate.
- Though no integration is necessary, in the list of face contributions we
- store a zero for this face, which makes summing up the contributions of
- the different faces to the cells easier.
- \item The face belongs to a Neumann boundary. In this case, the
- contribution of the face $F\in\partial K$ looks like
- $$ \int_F \left|g-\frac{\partial u_h}{\partial n}\right| ds $$
- where $g$ is the Neumann boundary function.
- \item No other boundary conditions are considered.
- \end{itemize}
- Thanks go to Franz-Theo Suttmeier for clarifications about boundary
- conditions.
- \subsection{Handling of hanging nodes}
- The integration along faces with hanging nodes is quite tricky, since one
- of the elements has to be shifted one level up or down. See the
- documentation for the #FESubfaceValues# class for more information about
- technical issues regarding this topic.
- In praxi, since we integrate over each face only once, we do this when we
- are on the coarser one of the two cells adjacent to a subface (a subface
- is defined to be the child of a face; seen from the coarse cell, it is a
- subface, while seen from the refined cell it is one of its faces). The
- reason is that finding neighborship information is a bit easier then, but
- that's all practical reasoning, nothing fundamental.
- Since we integrate from the coarse side of the face, we have the mother
- face readily at hand and store the result of the integration over that
- mother face (being the sum of the integrals along the subfaces) in the
- abovementionned map of integrals as well. This consumes some memory more
- than needed, but makes the summing up of the face contributions to the
- cells easier, since then we have the information from all faces of all
- cells at hand and need not think about explicitely determining whether
- a face was refined or not. The same applies for boundary faces, see
- above.
- @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
+ * Implementation of the error estimator by Kelly, Gago, Zienkiewicz and
+ * Babuska.
+ * This error estimator tries to approximate the error per cell by integration
+ * of the jump of the gradient of the solution along the faces of each cell.
+ * It can be understood as a gradient recovery estimator; see the survey
+ * of Ainsworth for a complete discussion.
+ *
+ * It seem as if this error estimator should only be valid for linear ansatz
+ * spaces, and there are indications that for higher order ansatz spaces the
+ * integrals computed here show superconvergence properties, i.e. they tend
+ * to zero faster than the error itself, thus ruling out the values as error
+ * indicators.
+ *
+ * The error estimator returns a vector of estimated errors per cell which
+ * can be used to feed the #Triangulation<dim>::refine_*# functions.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Implementation}
+ *
+ * In principle, the implementation of the error estimation is simple: let
+ * $$ \eta_K^2 =
+ * \frac h{24} \int_{\partial K} \left[\frac{\partial u_h}{\partial n}\right]^2 do
+ * $$
+ * be the error estimator for cell $K$. $[\cdot]$ denotes the jump of the
+ * argument at the face. In the paper of Ainsworth, $h$ is divided by $24$,
+ * but this factor is a bit esoteric, stemming from interpolation estimates
+ * and stability constants which may hold for the Poisson problem, but may
+ * not hold for more general situations. In the implementation, this factor
+ * is considered, but may lead to wrong results. You may scale the vector
+ * appropriately afterwards.
+ *
+ * To perform the integration, use is made of the #FEFaceValues# and
+ * #FESubfaceValues# classes. The integration is performed by looping
+ * over all cells and integrating over faces that are not yet treated.
+ * This way we avoid integration on faces twice, once for each time we
+ * visit one of the adjacent cells. In a second loop over all cells, we
+ * sum up the contributions of the faces (which are the integrated
+ * square of the jumps) of each cell and take the square root.
+ *
+ * We store the contribution of each face in a #map#, as provided by the
+ * C++ standard library, with the iterator pointing to that face being the
+ * key into the map. In fact, we do not store the indicator per face, but
+ * only the integral listed above. When looping the second time over all
+ * cells, we have to sum up the contributions of the faces, multiply them
+ * with $\frac h{24}$ and take the square root. By doing the multiplication
+ * with $h$ in the second loop, we avoid problems to decide with which $h$
+ * to multiply, that of the cell on the one or that of the cell on the other
+ * side of the face.
+ *
+ * $h$ is taken to be the greatest length of the diagonals of the cell. For
+ * more or less uniform cells without deformed angles, this coincides with
+ * the diameter of the cell.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Boundary values}
+ *
+ * If the face is at the boundary, i.e. there is no neighboring cell to which
+ * the jump in the gradiend could be computed, there are two possibilities:
+ * \begin{itemize}
+ * \item The face belongs to a Dirichlet boundary. Then the face is not
+ * considered, which can be justified looking at a dual problem technique and
+ * should hold exactly if the boundary can be approximated exactly by the
+ * finite element used (i.e. it is a linear boundary for linear finite elements,
+ * quadratic for isoparametric quadratic elements, etc). For boundaries which
+ * can not be exactly approximated, one should consider the difference
+ * $z-z_h$ on the face, $z$ being a dual problem's solution which is zero at
+ * the true boundary and $z_h$ being an approximation, which in most cases
+ * will be zero on the numerical boundary. Since on the numerical boundary
+ * $z$ will not be zero in general, we would get another term here, but this
+ * one is neglected for practical reasons, in the hope that the error made
+ * here will tend to zero faster than the energy error we wish to estimate.
+ *
+ * Though no integration is necessary, in the list of face contributions we
+ * store a zero for this face, which makes summing up the contributions of
+ * the different faces to the cells easier.
+ *
+ * \item The face belongs to a Neumann boundary. In this case, the
+ * contribution of the face $F\in\partial K$ looks like
+ * $$ \int_F \left|g-\frac{\partial u_h}{\partial n}\right| ds $$
+ * where $g$ is the Neumann boundary function.
+ *
+ * \item No other boundary conditions are considered.
+ * \end{itemize}
+ *
+ * Thanks go to Franz-Theo Suttmeier for clarifications about boundary
+ * conditions.
+ *
+ *
+ * \subsection{Handling of hanging nodes}
+ *
+ * The integration along faces with hanging nodes is quite tricky, since one
+ * of the elements has to be shifted one level up or down. See the
+ * documentation for the #FESubfaceValues# class for more information about
+ * technical issues regarding this topic.
+ *
+ * In praxi, since we integrate over each face only once, we do this when we
+ * are on the coarser one of the two cells adjacent to a subface (a subface
+ * is defined to be the child of a face; seen from the coarse cell, it is a
+ * subface, while seen from the refined cell it is one of its faces). The
+ * reason is that finding neighborship information is a bit easier then, but
+ * that's all practical reasoning, nothing fundamental.
+ *
+ * Since we integrate from the coarse side of the face, we have the mother
+ * face readily at hand and store the result of the integration over that
+ * mother face (being the sum of the integrals along the subfaces) in the
+ * abovementioned map of integrals as well. This consumes some memory more
+ * than needed, but makes the summing up of the face contributions to the
+ * cells easier, since then we have the information from all faces of all
+ * cells at hand and need not think about explicitely determining whether
+ * a face was refined or not. The same applies for boundary faces, see
+ * above.
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 1998
+ */
template <int dim>
class KellyErrorEstimator {