#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
#include <deal.II/base/geometry_info.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/polynomial.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
if (n == 0)
- const unsigned int m = (n+1)/2;
- // tolerance for the Newton
- // iteration below. we need to make
- // it adaptive since on some
- // machines (for example PowerPC)
- // long double is the same as
- // double -- in that case we can
- // only get to a certain multiple
- // of the accuracy of double there,
- // while on other machines we'd
- // like to go further down
- //
- // the situation is complicated by
- // the fact that even if long
- // double exists and is described
- // by std::numeric_limits, we may
- // not actually get the additional
- // precision. One case where this
- // happens is on x86, where one can
- // set hardware flags that disable
- // long double precision even for
- // long double variables. these
- // flags are not usually set, but
- // for example matlab sets them and
- // this then breaks deal.II code
- // that is run as a subroutine to
- // matlab...
- //
- // a similar situation exists, btw,
- // when running programs under
- // valgrind up to and including at
- // least version 3.3: valgrind's
- // emulator only supports 64 bit
- // arithmetic, even for 80 bit long
- // doubles.
- const long double
- long_double_eps = static_cast<long double>(std::numeric_limits<long double>::epsilon()),
- double_eps = static_cast<long double>(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
- // now check whether long double is more
- // accurate than double, and set
- // tolerances accordingly. generate a one
- // that really is generated at run-time
- // and is not optimized away by the
- // compiler. that makes sure that the
- // tolerance is set at run-time with the
- // current behavior, not at compile-time
- // (not doing so leads to trouble with
- // valgrind for example).
- volatile long double runtime_one = 1.0;
- const long double tolerance
- = (runtime_one + long_double_eps != runtime_one
- ?
- std::max (double_eps / 100, long_double_eps * 5)
- :
- double_eps * 5
- );
- for (unsigned int i=1; i<=m; ++i)
- {
- long double z = std::cos(numbers::PI * (i-.25)/(n+.5));
- long double pp;
- long double p1;
- // Newton iteration
- do
- {
- // compute L_n (z)
- p1 = 1.;
- long double p2 = 0.;
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<n; ++j)
- {
- const long double p3 = p2;
- p2 = p1;
- p1 = ((2.*j+1.)*z*p2-j*p3)/(j+1);
- }
- pp = n*(z*p1-p2)/(z*z-1);
- z = z-p1/pp;
- }
- while (std::abs(p1/pp) > tolerance);
- double x = .5*z;
- this->quadrature_points[i-1] = Point<1>(.5-x);
- this->quadrature_points[n-i] = Point<1>(.5+x);
+ std::vector<long double> points
+ = Polynomials::jacobi_polynomial_roots<long double>(n, 0, 0);
- double w = 1./((1.-z*z)*pp*pp);
- this->weights[i-1] = w;
- this->weights[n-i] = w;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<(points.size()+1)/2; ++i)
+ {
+ this->quadrature_points[i][0] = points[i];
+ this->quadrature_points[n-i-1][0] = 1.-points[i];
+ // derivative of Jacobi polynomial
+ const long double pp = 0.5*(n + 1)*Polynomials::jacobi_polynomial_value(n-1, 1, 1, points[i]);
+ const long double x = -1. + 2.*points[i];
+ const double w = 1./((1.-x*x)*pp*pp);
+ this->weights[i] = w;
+ this->weights[n-i-1] = w;
namespace QGaussLobatto
- /*
- * Evaluate a Jacobi polynomial $ P^{\alpha, \beta}_n(x) $ specified by the
- * parameters @p alpha, @p beta, @p n. Note: The Jacobi polynomials are not
- * orthonormal and defined on the interval $[-1, +1]$. @p x is the point of
- * evaluation.
- */
- long double JacobiP(const long double x,
- const int alpha,
- const int beta,
- const unsigned int n)
- {
- // the Jacobi polynomial is evaluated
- // using a recursion formula.
- std::vector<long double> p(n+1);
- // initial values P_0(x), P_1(x):
- p[0] = 1.0L;
- if (n==0) return p[0];
- p[1] = ((alpha+beta+2)*x + (alpha-beta))/2;
- if (n==1) return p[1];
- for (unsigned int i=1; i<=(n-1); ++i)
- {
- const int v = 2*i + alpha + beta;
- const int a1 = 2*(i+1)*(i + alpha + beta + 1)*v;
- const int a2 = (v + 1)*(alpha*alpha - beta*beta);
- const int a3 = v*(v + 1)*(v + 2);
- const int a4 = 2*(i+alpha)*(i+beta)*(v + 2);
- p[i+1] = static_cast<long double>( (a2 + a3*x)*p[i] - a4*p[i-1])/a1;
- } // for
- return p[n];
- }
* Evaluate the Gamma function $ \Gamma(n) = (n-1)! $.
* @param n point of evaluation (integer).
- /**
- * Compute Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature points in the interval $[-1,
- * +1]$. They are equal to the roots of the corresponding Jacobi polynomial
- * (specified by @p alpha, @p beta). @p q is the number of points.
- *
- * @return Vector containing nodes.
- */
- std::vector<long double>
- compute_quadrature_points(const unsigned int q,
- const int alpha,
- const int beta)
- {
- const unsigned int m = q-2; // no. of inner points
- std::vector<long double> x(m);
- // compute quadrature points with
- // a Newton algorithm.
- // Set tolerance. See class QGauss
- // for detailed explanation.
- const long double
- long_double_eps = static_cast<long double>(std::numeric_limits<long double>::epsilon()),
- double_eps = static_cast<long double>(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());
- // check whether long double is
- // more accurate than double, and
- // set tolerances accordingly
- volatile long double runtime_one = 1.0;
- const long double tolerance
- = (runtime_one + long_double_eps != runtime_one
- ?
- std::max (double_eps / 100, long_double_eps * 5)
- :
- double_eps * 5
- );
- // The following implementation
- // follows closely the one given in
- // the appendix of the book by
- // Karniadakis and Sherwin:
- // Spectral/hp element methods for
- // computational fluid dynamics
- // (Oxford University Press, 2005)
- // we take the zeros of the Chebyshev
- // polynomial (alpha=beta=-0.5) as
- // initial values:
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<m; ++i)
- x[i] = - std::cos( (long double) (2*i+1)/(2*m) * numbers::PI );
- long double s, J_x, f, delta;
- for (unsigned int k=0; k<m; ++k)
- {
- long double r = x[k];
- if (k>0)
- r = (r + x[k-1])/2;
- do
- {
- s = 0.;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<k; ++i)
- s += 1./(r - x[i]);
- J_x = 0.5*(alpha + beta + m + 1)*JacobiP(r, alpha+1, beta+1, m-1);
- f = JacobiP(r, alpha, beta, m);
- delta = f/(f*s- J_x);
- r += delta;
- }
- while (std::fabs(delta) >= tolerance);
- x[k] = r;
- } // for
- // add boundary points:
- x.insert(x.begin(), -1.L);
- x.push_back(+1.L);
- return x;
- }
* Compute Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto quadrature weights. The quadrature points
* and weights are related to Jacobi polynomial specified by @p alpha, @p
for (unsigned int i=0; i<q; ++i)
- const long double s = JacobiP(x[i], alpha, beta, q-1);
+ const long double s = Polynomials::jacobi_polynomial_value(q-1, alpha, beta, x[i]);
w[i] = factor/(s*s);
w[0] *= (beta + 1);
Assert (n >= 2, ExcNotImplemented());
std::vector<long double> points
- = internal::QGaussLobatto::compute_quadrature_points(n, 1, 1);
+ = Polynomials::jacobi_polynomial_roots<long double>(n-2, 1, 1);
+ points.insert(points.begin(), 0);
+ points.push_back(1.);
std::vector<long double> w
= internal::QGaussLobatto::compute_quadrature_weights(points, 0, 0);
- // scale points to the interval
- // [0.0, 1.0]:
+ // scale weights to the interval [0.0, 1.0]:
for (unsigned int i=0; i<points.size(); ++i)
- this->quadrature_points[i] = Point<1>(0.5 + 0.5*static_cast<double>(points[i]));
- this->weights[i] = 0.5*w[i];
+ this->quadrature_points[i][0] = points[i];
+ this->weights[i] = 0.5*w[i];