--- /dev/null
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2020 by the deal.II authors
+ *
+ * This file is part of the deal.II library.
+ *
+ * The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+ * it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+ * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ * The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+ * the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+ *
+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Author:
+ * Timo Heister, Clemson University
+ */
+// test FEInterfaceValues for a DG Stokes problem.
+#include <deal.II/base/flow_function.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/function.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/logstream.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/utilities.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/block_info.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_renumbering.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_dgq.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_interface_values.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_system.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/mapping_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_in.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_refinement.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/manifold_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/affine_constraints.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/block_sparse_matrix.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/block_sparsity_pattern.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/dynamic_sparsity_pattern.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/full_matrix.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/sparse_direct.h>
+#include <deal.II/meshworker/mesh_loop.h>
+#include <deal.II/meshworker/scratch_data.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/error_estimator.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/matrix_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/vector_tools.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include "../tests.h"
+namespace StokesTests
+ using namespace dealii;
+ struct CopyDataFace
+ {
+ FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix;
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> joint_dof_indices;
+ std::array<double, 2> values;
+ std::array<unsigned int, 2> cell_indices;
+ };
+ struct CopyData
+ {
+ FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix;
+ Vector<double> cell_rhs;
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> local_dof_indices;
+ std::vector<CopyDataFace> face_data;
+ double value;
+ unsigned int cell_index;
+ template <class Iterator>
+ void
+ reinit(const Iterator &cell, const unsigned int dofs_per_cell)
+ {
+ cell_matrix.reinit(dofs_per_cell, dofs_per_cell);
+ cell_rhs.reinit(dofs_per_cell);
+ local_dof_indices.resize(dofs_per_cell);
+ cell->get_dof_indices(local_dof_indices);
+ }
+ };
+ template <class MatrixType, class VectorType>
+ inline void
+ copy(const CopyData & c,
+ const AffineConstraints<double> &constraints,
+ MatrixType & system_matrix,
+ VectorType & system_rhs)
+ {
+ constraints.distribute_local_to_global(c.cell_matrix,
+ c.cell_rhs,
+ c.local_dof_indices,
+ system_matrix,
+ system_rhs);
+ for (auto &cdf : c.face_data)
+ {
+ const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = cdf.joint_dof_indices.size();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int k = 0; k < dofs_per_cell; ++k)
+ system_matrix.add(cdf.joint_dof_indices[i],
+ cdf.joint_dof_indices[k],
+ cdf.cell_matrix(i, k));
+ }
+ }
+ // @sect3{Functions for Solution and Righthand side}
+ //
+ // The class Solution is used to define the boundary conditions and to
+ // compute errors of the numerical solution. Note that we need to define the
+ // values and gradients in order to compute L2 and H1 errors. Here we
+ // decided to separate the implementations for 2d and 3d using template
+ // specialization.
+ //
+ // Note that the first dim components are the velocity components
+ // and the last is the pressure.
+ template <int dim>
+ class Solution : public Function<dim>
+ {
+ public:
+ Solution()
+ : Function<dim>(dim + 1)
+ {}
+ virtual double
+ value(const Point<dim> &p, const unsigned int component = 0) const;
+ virtual Tensor<1, dim>
+ gradient(const Point<dim> &p, const unsigned int component = 0) const;
+ };
+ template <>
+ double
+ Solution<2>::value(const Point<2> &p, const unsigned int component) const
+ {
+ using numbers::PI;
+ const double x = p(0);
+ const double y = p(1);
+ // zero on BD's
+ if (component == 0)
+ return PI * sin(PI * x) * sin(PI * x) * sin(2.0 * PI * y);
+ if (component == 1)
+ return -PI * sin(PI * y) * sin(PI * y) * sin(2.0 * PI * x);
+ if (component == 2)
+ return cos(PI * x) * sin(PI * y);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ template <>
+ double
+ Solution<3>::value(const Point<3> &p, const unsigned int component) const
+ {
+ Assert(component <= 3 + 1, ExcIndexRange(component, 0, 3 + 1));
+ using numbers::PI;
+ const double x = p(0);
+ const double y = p(1);
+ const double z = p(2);
+ if (component == 0)
+ return 2. * PI * sin(PI * x) * sin(PI * x) * sin(2.0 * PI * y) *
+ sin(2.0 * PI * z);
+ if (component == 1)
+ return -PI * sin(PI * y) * sin(PI * y) * sin(2.0 * PI * x) *
+ sin(2.0 * PI * z);
+ if (component == 2)
+ return -PI * sin(PI * z) * sin(PI * z) * sin(2.0 * PI * x) *
+ sin(2.0 * PI * y);
+ if (component == 3)
+ return sin(PI * x) * cos(PI * y) * sin(PI * z);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Note that for the gradient we need to return a Tensor<1,dim>
+ template <>
+ Tensor<1, 2>
+ Solution<2>::gradient(const Point<2> &p, const unsigned int component) const
+ {
+ Assert(component <= 2, ExcIndexRange(component, 0, 2 + 1));
+ using numbers::PI;
+ const double x = p(0);
+ const double y = p(1);
+ Tensor<1, 2> return_value;
+ if (component == 0)
+ {
+ return_value[0] = PI * PI * sin(2.0 * PI * y) * sin(2.0 * PI * x);
+ return_value[1] =
+ 2.0 * PI * PI * sin(PI * x) * sin(PI * x) * cos(2.0 * PI * y);
+ }
+ else if (component == 1)
+ {
+ return_value[0] =
+ -2.0 * PI * PI * sin(PI * y) * sin(PI * y) * cos(2.0 * PI * x);
+ return_value[1] = -PI * PI * sin(2.0 * PI * y) * sin(2.0 * PI * x);
+ }
+ else if (component == 2)
+ {
+ return_value[0] = PI * cos(PI * x) * cos(PI * y);
+ return_value[1] = -PI * sin(PI * x) * sin(PI * y);
+ }
+ return return_value;
+ }
+ template <>
+ Tensor<1, 3>
+ Solution<3>::gradient(const Point<3> &p, const unsigned int component) const
+ {
+ Assert(component <= 3, ExcIndexRange(component, 0, 3 + 1));
+ using numbers::PI;
+ const double x = p(0);
+ const double y = p(1);
+ const double z = p(2);
+ Tensor<1, 3> return_value;
+ if (component == 0)
+ {
+ return_value[0] =
+ 2 * PI * PI * sin(2 * PI * x) * sin(2 * PI * y) * sin(2 * PI * z);
+ return_value[1] = 4 * PI * PI * sin(PI * x) * sin(PI * x) *
+ cos(2 * PI * y) * sin(2 * PI * z);
+ return_value[2] = 4 * PI * PI * sin(PI * x) * sin(PI * x) *
+ cos(2 * PI * z) * sin(2 * PI * y);
+ }
+ else if (component == 1)
+ {
+ return_value[0] = -2 * PI * PI * sin(PI * y) * sin(PI * y) *
+ cos(2 * PI * x) * sin(2 * PI * z);
+ return_value[1] =
+ -PI * PI * sin(2 * PI * x) * sin(2 * PI * y) * sin(2 * PI * z);
+ return_value[2] = -2 * PI * PI * sin(PI * y) * sin(PI * y) *
+ cos(2 * PI * z) * sin(2 * PI * x);
+ }
+ else if (component == 2)
+ {
+ return_value[0] = -2 * PI * PI * sin(PI * z) * sin(PI * z) *
+ cos(2 * PI * x) * sin(2 * PI * y);
+ return_value[1] = -2 * PI * PI * sin(PI * z) * sin(PI * z) *
+ cos(2 * PI * y) * sin(2 * PI * x);
+ return_value[2] =
+ -PI * PI * sin(2 * PI * x) * sin(2 * PI * y) * sin(2 * PI * z);
+ }
+ else if (component == 3)
+ {
+ return_value[0] = PI * cos(PI * x) * cos(PI * y) * sin(PI * z);
+ return_value[1] = -PI * sin(PI * x) * sin(PI * y) * sin(PI * z);
+ return_value[2] = PI * sin(PI * x) * cos(PI * y) * cos(PI * z);
+ }
+ return return_value;
+ }
+ // Implementation of $f$. See the introduction for more information.
+ template <int dim>
+ class RightHandSide : public Function<dim>
+ {
+ public:
+ RightHandSide()
+ : Function<dim>(dim + 1)
+ {}
+ virtual double
+ value(const Point<dim> &p, const unsigned int component = 0) const;
+ };
+ template <>
+ double
+ RightHandSide<2>::value(const Point<2> &p, const unsigned int component) const
+ {
+ Assert(component <= 2, ExcIndexRange(component, 0, 2 + 1));
+ using numbers::PI;
+ double x = p(0);
+ double y = p(1);
+ double nu = 1.0;
+ // RHS for 0 BD's
+ if (component == 0)
+ return -nu * 2.0 * PI * PI * PI *
+ (-2.0 * sin(PI * x) * sin(PI * x) + cos(2. * PI * x)) *
+ sin(2.0 * PI * y) -
+ PI * sin(PI * x) * sin(PI * y);
+ if (component == 1)
+ return nu * 2.0 * PI * PI * PI * (2.0 * cos(2.0 * PI * y) - 1) *
+ sin(2.0 * PI * x) +
+ PI * cos(PI * x) * cos(PI * y);
+ if (component == 2)
+ return 0.0;
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ template <>
+ double
+ RightHandSide<3>::value(const Point<3> &p, const unsigned int component) const
+ {
+ Assert(component <= 3, ExcIndexRange(component, 0, 3 + 1));
+ using numbers::PI;
+ double x = p(0);
+ double y = p(1);
+ double z = p(2);
+ if (component == 0)
+ return 4. * PI * PI * PI *
+ (4. * sin(PI * x) * sin(PI * x) - cos(2. * PI * x)) *
+ sin(2. * PI * y) * sin(2. * PI * z) +
+ PI * cos(PI * x) * cos(PI * y) * sin(PI * z);
+ if (component == 1)
+ return -2. * PI * PI * PI *
+ (4. * sin(PI * y) * sin(PI * y) - cos(2. * PI * y)) *
+ sin(2. * PI * x) * sin(2. * PI * z) +
+ PI * (-1) * sin(PI * y) * sin(PI * x) * sin(PI * z);
+ if (component == 2)
+ return -2. * PI * PI * PI *
+ (4. * sin(PI * z) * sin(PI * z) - cos(2. * PI * z)) *
+ sin(2. * PI * x) * sin(2. * PI * y) +
+ PI * cos(PI * z) * sin(PI * x) * cos(PI * y);
+ if (component == 3)
+ return 0.0;
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ // @sect3{The StokesProblem class}
+ //
+ // This is the main class of the problem.
+ template <int dim>
+ class StokesProblem
+ {
+ public:
+ StokesProblem(FiniteElement<dim> &fe, const unsigned int pressure_degree);
+ void
+ run();
+ private:
+ void
+ setup_dofs();
+ void
+ assemble_system_mesh_loop();
+ void
+ solve();
+ void
+ compute_errors(unsigned int k);
+ const unsigned int pressure_degree;
+ Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
+ FiniteElement<dim> &fe;
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof_handler;
+ AffineConstraints<> constraints;
+ BlockSparsityPattern sparsity_pattern;
+ BlockSparseMatrix<double> system_matrix;
+ SparseMatrix<double> pressure_mass_matrix;
+ BlockVector<double> solution;
+ BlockVector<double> system_rhs;
+ double last_l2_error;
+ double last_H1_error;
+ double last_Hdiv_error1;
+ double last_Hdiv_error2;
+ };
+ template <int dim>
+ StokesProblem<dim>::StokesProblem(FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ const unsigned int pressure_degree)
+ : pressure_degree(pressure_degree)
+ , triangulation(Triangulation<dim>::maximum_smoothing)
+ , fe(fe)
+ , dof_handler(triangulation)
+ {}
+ // @sect4{StokesProblem::setup_dofs}
+ // This function sets up the DoFHandler, matrices, vectors, and Multigrid
+ // structures (if needed).
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ StokesProblem<dim>::setup_dofs()
+ {
+ system_matrix.clear();
+ pressure_mass_matrix.clear();
+ // The main DoFHandler only needs active DoFs, so we are not calling
+ // distribute_mg_dofs() here
+ dof_handler.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ // This block structure separates the dim velocity components from
+ // the pressure component (used for reordering). Note that we have
+ // 2 instead of dim+1 blocks like in step-22, because our FESystem
+ // is nested and the dim velocity components appear as one block.
+ std::vector<unsigned int> block_component(2);
+ block_component[0] = 0;
+ block_component[1] = 1;
+ // Velocities start at component 0:
+ const FEValuesExtractors::Vector velocities(0);
+ // ILU behaves better if we apply a reordering to reduce fillin. There
+ // is no advantage in doing this for the other solvers.
+ DoFRenumbering::Cuthill_McKee(dof_handler);
+ // This ensures that all velocities DoFs are enumerated before the
+ // pressure unknowns. This allows us to use blocks for vectors and
+ // matrices and allows us to get the same DoF numbering for
+ // dof_handler and velocity_dof_handler.
+ DoFRenumbering::block_wise(dof_handler);
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> dofs_per_block(2);
+ DoFTools::count_dofs_per_block(dof_handler,
+ dofs_per_block,
+ block_component);
+ const unsigned int n_u = dofs_per_block[0], n_p = dofs_per_block[1];
+ deallog << "\tNumber of active cells: " << triangulation.n_active_cells()
+ << std::endl
+ << "\tNumber of degrees of freedom: " << dof_handler.n_dofs()
+ << " (" << n_u << '+' << n_p << ')' << std::endl;
+ {
+ constraints.reinit();
+ DoFTools::make_hanging_node_constraints(dof_handler, constraints);
+ VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values(dof_handler,
+ 0,
+ Solution<dim>(),
+ constraints,
+ fe.component_mask(velocities));
+ constraints.close();
+ }
+ {
+ BlockDynamicSparsityPattern csp(dofs_per_block, dofs_per_block);
+ DoFTools::make_flux_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler, csp, constraints);
+ sparsity_pattern.copy_from(csp);
+ }
+ system_matrix.reinit(sparsity_pattern);
+ solution.reinit(dofs_per_block);
+ system_rhs.reinit(dofs_per_block);
+ }
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ StokesProblem<dim>::assemble_system_mesh_loop()
+ {
+ system_matrix = 0;
+ system_rhs = 0;
+ typedef decltype(dof_handler.begin_active()) Iterator;
+ const RightHandSide<dim> rhs_function;
+ const Solution<dim> boundary_function;
+ const FEValuesExtractors::Vector velocities(0);
+ const FEValuesExtractors::Scalar pressure(dim);
+ const double nu = 1.0;
+ auto penalty_parameter = [](const double degree,
+ const double extent1,
+ const double extent2) -> double {
+ return 4.0 * degree * (degree + 1.0) * 0.5 *
+ (1.0 / extent1 + 1.0 / extent2);
+ };
+ auto cell_worker = [&](const Iterator & cell,
+ MeshWorker::ScratchData<dim> &scratch_data,
+ CopyData & copy_data) {
+ const FEValues<dim> &fe_v = scratch_data.reinit(cell);
+ const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe_v.dofs_per_cell;
+ const unsigned int n_q_points = fe_v.get_quadrature().size();
+ copy_data.reinit(cell, dofs_per_cell);
+ const std::vector<double> &JxW = fe_v.get_JxW_values();
+ const double nu = 1.0;
+ std::vector<Vector<double>> rhs_values(n_q_points,
+ Vector<double>(dim + 1));
+ rhs_function.vector_value_list(fe_v.get_quadrature_points(), rhs_values);
+ Tensor<1, dim> force_f;
+ for (unsigned int point = 0; point < fe_v.n_quadrature_points; ++point)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ force_f[d] = rhs_values[point](d);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fe_v.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fe_v.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ copy_data.cell_matrix(i, j) +=
+ (
+ // nu \nabla v : \nabla u
+ nu * scalar_product(fe_v[velocities].gradient(i, point),
+ fe_v[velocities].gradient(j, point))
+ // -q, div u
+ - fe_v[pressure].value(i, point) *
+ fe_v[velocities].divergence(j, point)
+ // -p, div v
+ - fe_v[pressure].value(j, point) *
+ fe_v[velocities].divergence(i, point)
+ // p,q
+ + fe_v[pressure].value(j, point) *
+ fe_v[pressure].value(i, point)) *
+ JxW[point];
+ copy_data.cell_rhs(i) +=
+ // f,v
+ (force_f * fe_v[velocities].value(i, point)) * JxW[point];
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ auto boundary_worker = [&](const Iterator & cell,
+ const unsigned int & face_no,
+ MeshWorker::ScratchData<dim> &scratch_data,
+ CopyData & copy_data) {
+ const FEFaceValuesBase<dim> &fe_fv = scratch_data.reinit(cell, face_no);
+ const auto &q_points = fe_fv.get_quadrature_points();
+ const std::vector<double> & JxW = fe_fv.get_JxW_values();
+ const std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>> &normals = fe_fv.get_normal_vectors();
+ std::vector<Vector<double>> g_values(q_points.size(),
+ Vector<double>(dim + 1));
+ boundary_function.vector_value_list(q_points, g_values);
+ Tensor<1, dim> g;
+ const double degree =
+ std::max(1.0, static_cast<double>(fe_fv.get_fe().degree));
+ const double extent1 = cell->extent_in_direction(
+ GeometryInfo<dim>::unit_normal_direction[face_no]);
+ const double penalty = penalty_parameter(degree, extent1, extent1);
+ for (unsigned int point = 0; point < q_points.size(); ++point)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
+ g[d] = g_values[point](d);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fe_fv.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fe_fv.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ copy_data.cell_matrix(i, j) +=
+ (
+ // - nu (\nabla u n) . v
+ -nu *
+ ((fe_fv[velocities].gradient(j, point) * normals[point]) *
+ fe_fv[velocities].value(i, point))
+ // - nu u . (\nabla v n) // NIPG: use +
+ -
+ nu * (fe_fv[velocities].value(j, point) *
+ (fe_fv[velocities].gradient(i, point) * normals[point]))
+ // + nu * penalty u . v
+ + nu * penalty *
+ (fe_fv[velocities].value(j, point) *
+ fe_fv[velocities].value(i, point))
+ // p (v.n)
+ + fe_fv[pressure].value(j, point) *
+ scalar_product(fe_fv[velocities].value(i, point),
+ normals[point])
+ // q (u.n)
+ + fe_fv[pressure].value(i, point) *
+ scalar_product(fe_fv[velocities].value(j, point),
+ normals[point])
+ ) *
+ JxW[point];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fe_fv.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ copy_data.cell_rhs(i) +=
+ (
+ // -nu g . (\nabla v n) // NIPG: use +
+ -nu * scalar_product(g,
+ (fe_fv[velocities].gradient(i, point) *
+ normals[point]))
+ // +nu penalty g . v
+ + nu * penalty *
+ scalar_product(g, fe_fv[velocities].value(i, point))
+ // q (g.n) (weak normal component of boundary condition)
+ + fe_fv[pressure].value(i, point) *
+ scalar_product(g, normals[point])) *
+ JxW[point];
+ }
+ };
+ auto face_worker = [&](const Iterator & cell,
+ const unsigned int & f,
+ const unsigned int & sf,
+ const Iterator & ncell,
+ const unsigned int & nf,
+ const unsigned int & nsf,
+ MeshWorker::ScratchData<dim> &scratch_data,
+ CopyData & copy_data) {
+ const FEInterfaceValues<dim> &fe_fv =
+ scratch_data.reinit(cell, f, sf, ncell, nf, nsf);
+ FEInterfaceViews::Scalar<dim> interface_scalar(fe_fv, pressure.component);
+ FEInterfaceViews::Vector<dim> interface_vector(
+ fe_fv, velocities.first_vector_component);
+ copy_data.face_data.emplace_back();
+ CopyDataFace & copy_data_face = copy_data.face_data.back();
+ const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe_fv.n_current_interface_dofs();
+ copy_data_face.joint_dof_indices = fe_fv.get_interface_dof_indices();
+ copy_data_face.cell_matrix.reinit(dofs_per_cell, dofs_per_cell);
+ const std::vector<double> & JxW = fe_fv.get_JxW_values();
+ const std::vector<Tensor<1, dim>> &normals = fe_fv.get_normal_vectors();
+ const auto &q_points = fe_fv.get_quadrature_points();
+ double nu = 1.0;
+ const double degree =
+ std::max(1.0, static_cast<double>(fe_fv.get_fe().degree));
+ const double extent1 = cell->measure() / cell->face(f)->measure();
+ const double extent2 = ncell->measure() / ncell->face(nf)->measure();
+ const double penalty = penalty_parameter(degree, extent1, extent2);
+ for (unsigned int point = 0; point < q_points.size(); ++point)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ copy_data_face.cell_matrix(i, j) +=
+ (
+ // - nu {\nabla u}n . [v] (consistency)
+ -nu *
+ (fe_fv[velocities].average_gradient(j, point) *
+ normals[point]) *
+ fe_fv[velocities].jump(i, point)
+ // - nu [u] . {\nabla v}n (symmetry) // NIPG: use +
+ - nu * fe_fv[velocities].jump(j, point) *
+ (fe_fv[velocities].average_gradient(i, point) *
+ normals[point])
+ // nu sigma [u].[v] (penalty)
+ + nu * penalty *
+ scalar_product(fe_fv[velocities].jump(j, point),
+ fe_fv[velocities].jump(i, point))
+ // {p} ([v].n)
+ + fe_fv[pressure].average(j, point) *
+ scalar_product(fe_fv[velocities].jump(i, point),
+ normals[point])
+ // {q} ([u].n)
+ + fe_fv[pressure].average(i, point) *
+ scalar_product(fe_fv[velocities].jump(j, point),
+ normals[point])) *
+ JxW[point];
+ }
+ };
+ auto copier = [&](const CopyData &c) {
+ copy(c, constraints, system_matrix, system_rhs);
+ };
+ const unsigned int n_gauss_points = pressure_degree + 2;
+ const UpdateFlags cell_flags = update_values | update_gradients |
+ update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values;
+ const UpdateFlags face_flags = update_values | update_gradients |
+ update_quadrature_points |
+ update_normal_vectors | update_JxW_values;
+ const QGauss<dim> quadrature(n_gauss_points);
+ const QGauss<dim - 1> face_quadrature(n_gauss_points);
+ static MappingQ1<dim> mapping;
+ MeshWorker::ScratchData<dim> scratch_data(
+ mapping, fe, quadrature, cell_flags, face_quadrature, face_flags);
+ CopyData cd;
+ MeshWorker::mesh_loop(dof_handler.begin_active(),
+ dof_handler.end(),
+ cell_worker,
+ copier,
+ scratch_data,
+ cd,
+ MeshWorker::assemble_own_cells |
+ MeshWorker::assemble_boundary_faces |
+ MeshWorker::assemble_own_interior_faces_once,
+ boundary_worker,
+ face_worker);
+ pressure_mass_matrix.reinit(sparsity_pattern.block(1, 1));
+ pressure_mass_matrix.copy_from(system_matrix.block(1, 1));
+ system_matrix.block(1, 1) = 0;
+ }
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ StokesProblem<dim>::solve()
+ {
+ solution = 0;
+ SparseDirectUMFPACK A_direct;
+ A_direct.initialize(system_matrix);
+ A_direct.vmult(solution, system_rhs);
+ constraints.distribute(solution);
+ }
+ // @sect4{StokesProblem::process_solution}
+ // This function computes the L2 and H1 errors of the solution. For this,
+ // we need to make sure the pressure has mean zero.
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ StokesProblem<dim>::compute_errors(unsigned int k)
+ {
+ const ComponentSelectFunction<dim> velocity_mask(std::make_pair(0, dim),
+ dim + 1);
+ const ComponentSelectFunction<dim> pressure_mask(dim, 1.0, dim + 1);
+ Vector<float> difference_per_cell(triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ VectorTools::integrate_difference(dof_handler,
+ solution,
+ Solution<dim>(),
+ difference_per_cell,
+ QGauss<dim>(pressure_degree + 3),
+ VectorTools::L2_norm,
+ &velocity_mask);
+ const double Velocity_L2_error = difference_per_cell.l2_norm();
+ VectorTools::integrate_difference(dof_handler,
+ solution,
+ Solution<dim>(),
+ difference_per_cell,
+ QGauss<dim>(pressure_degree + 3),
+ VectorTools::H1_norm,
+ &velocity_mask);
+ const double Velocity_H1_error = difference_per_cell.l2_norm();
+ VectorTools::integrate_difference(dof_handler,
+ solution,
+ Functions::ZeroFunction<dim>(dim + 1),
+ difference_per_cell,
+ QGauss<dim>(pressure_degree + 3),
+ VectorTools::Hdiv_seminorm,
+ &velocity_mask);
+ const double Velocity_Hdiv_error1 = difference_per_cell.l2_norm();
+ static double last_Pressure_L2_error = 0;
+ const double mean_pressure = VectorTools::compute_mean_value(
+ dof_handler, QGauss<dim>(pressure_degree + 3), solution, dim);
+ solution.block(1).add(-mean_pressure);
+ VectorTools::integrate_difference(dof_handler,
+ solution,
+ Solution<dim>(),
+ difference_per_cell,
+ QGauss<dim>(pressure_degree + 3),
+ VectorTools::L2_norm,
+ &pressure_mask);
+ const double Pressure_L2_error =
+ VectorTools::compute_global_error(triangulation,
+ difference_per_cell,
+ VectorTools::L2_norm);
+ deallog << " At " << k + 1 << "th mesh" << std::endl
+ << " L2 error: " << std::setw(12) << Velocity_L2_error
+ << std::setw(0) << " L2_Conv_rate: " << std::setw(6)
+ << (k == 0 ? 0 : last_l2_error / Velocity_L2_error) << std::endl
+ << " H1 error: " << std::setw(12) << Velocity_H1_error
+ << std::setw(0) << " H1_Conv_rate: " << std::setw(6)
+ << (k == 0 ? 0 : last_H1_error / Velocity_H1_error) << std::endl
+ << " Hdiv error1: " << std::setw(12) << Velocity_Hdiv_error1
+ << std::setw(0) << " Hdiv_Conv_rate1: " << std::setw(6)
+ << (k == 0 ? 0 : last_Hdiv_error1 / Velocity_Hdiv_error1)
+ << std::endl
+ << " L2 pressure: " << std::setw(12) << Pressure_L2_error
+ << std::setw(0) << " rate: " << std::setw(6)
+ << (k == 0 ? 0 : last_Pressure_L2_error / Pressure_L2_error)
+ << std::endl
+ << std::setw(0) << std::endl;
+ last_l2_error = Velocity_L2_error;
+ last_H1_error = Velocity_H1_error;
+ last_Hdiv_error1 = Velocity_Hdiv_error1;
+ last_Pressure_L2_error = Pressure_L2_error;
+ }
+ // @sect4{StokesProblem::run}
+ // The last step in the Stokes class is, as usual, the function that
+ // generates the initial grid and calls the other functions in the
+ // respective order.
+ template <int dim>
+ void
+ StokesProblem<dim>::run()
+ {
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(triangulation);
+ triangulation.refine_global(1);
+ deallog << " Now running with " << fe.get_name() << std::endl;
+ for (unsigned int refinement_cycle = 0; refinement_cycle < 5;
+ ++refinement_cycle)
+ {
+ if (refinement_cycle > 0)
+ triangulation.refine_global();
+ setup_dofs();
+ int assemble_type = 2;
+ assemble_system_mesh_loop();
+ solve();
+ compute_errors(refinement_cycle);
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace StokesTests
+ try
+ {
+ using namespace dealii;
+ using namespace StokesTests;
+ const int dim = 2;
+ initlog();
+ std::unique_ptr<FiniteElement<dim>> fe;
+ const int degree = 2;
+ Assert(degree >= 1, ExcMessage("invalid degree!"));
+ fe = std::make_unique<FESystem<dim>>(
+ FESystem<dim>(FE_DGQ<dim>(degree), dim), 1, FE_DGQ<dim>(degree - 1), 1);
+ deallog << fe->get_name() << ": degree=" << fe->degree
+ << " tensor_degree=" << fe->tensor_degree() << std::endl;
+ StokesProblem<dim> flow_problem(*fe.get(), degree);
+ flow_problem.run();
+ }
+ catch (std::exception &exc)
+ {
+ std::cerr << std::endl
+ << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Exception on processing: " << std::endl
+ << exc.what() << std::endl
+ << "Aborting!" << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ std::cerr << std::endl
+ << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl
+ << "Aborting!" << std::endl
+ << "----------------------------------------------------"
+ << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;