\item For geometric multigrid: \cite{Kanschat2004,JanssenKanschat2011};
\item For distributed parallel computing: \cite{BangerthBursteddeHeisterKronbichler11};
\item For $hp$ adaptivity: \cite{BangerthKayserHerold2007};
- \item For $PUM$ and enrichment of the FE space: \cite{Davydov2016};
+ \item For partition-of-unity (PUM) and enrichment methods of the
+ finite element space: \cite{Davydov2016};
\item For matrix-free and fast assembly techniques:
\item For computations on lower-dimensional manifolds:
+\marginpar{All: update scalapack, ROL, gmsh references}
\dealii{} can interface with many other libraries:
\item ADOL-C \cite{adol-c}
\item ARPACK \cite{arpack}
\item Assimp \cite{assimp}
+\item BLAS and LAPACK
+\item Gmsh \cite{...}
\item GSL \cite{gsl2016}
\item HDF5 \cite{hdf5}
\item METIS \cite{karypis1998fast}
\item OpenCASCADE \cite{opencascade-web-page}
\item p4est \cite{p4est}
\item PETSc \cite{petsc-user-ref,petsc-web-page}
+ \item ROL \cite{...}
+ \item ScaLAPACK \cite{...}
\item SLEPc \cite{Hernandez:2005:SSF}
\item SUNDIALS \cite{sundials}
\item TBB \cite{Rei07}
\dealii{} and its developers are financially supported through a
variety of funding sources:
+\marginpar{all: update your funding sources}
D.~Arndt was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the
project ``High-order discontinuous Galerkin for the exa-scale'' (ExaDG) within the