--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// Copyright (C) 2001 Ralf Hartmann
+// Show the shape functions implemented and computes the area of cells.
+#include <base/quadrature_lib.h>
+#include <base/logstream.h>
+#include <lac/vector.h>
+#include <grid/tria.h>
+#include <grid/tria_iterator.h>
+#include <dofs/dof_accessor.h>
+#include <grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <grid/grid_out.h>
+#include <grid/tria_boundary_lib.h>
+#include <fe/mapping_q1.h>
+#include <fe/mapping_q.h>
+#include <fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <fe/fe_values.h>
+#include <fe/fe.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <strstream>
+char fname[50];
+template<int dim>
+inline void
+plot_transformation(Mapping<dim> &mapping,
+ FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const char* name)
+ const unsigned int div = 7;
+ QTrapez<1> q_trapez;
+ QIterated<dim> q(q_trapez, div);
+ FEValues<dim> fe_values(mapping, fe, q,
+ UpdateFlags(update_q_points
+ | update_JxW_values));
+ fe_values.reinit(cell);
+ const vector<double> &JxW=fe_values.get_JxW_values();
+ ofstream gnuplot(name);
+ unsigned int k=0;
+ for (unsigned int nz=0; nz<=((dim>2) ? div : 0); ++nz)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int ny=0; ny<=((dim>1) ? div : 0); ++ny)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int nx=0; nx<=div; ++nx)
+ {
+ gnuplot << fe_values.quadrature_point(k);
+ double J = JxW[k] / q.weight(k);
+ gnuplot << ' ' << J << endl;
+ ++k;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ }
+template<int dim>
+inline void
+plot_faces(Mapping<dim> &mapping,
+ FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const char* name)
+ ofstream gnuplot(name);
+ QGauss4<dim-1> q;
+ const unsigned int nq = (unsigned int) (.01 + pow(q.n_quadrature_points, 1./(dim-1)));
+ FEFaceValues<dim> fe_values(mapping, fe, q,
+ UpdateFlags(update_q_points
+ | update_normal_vectors));
+ for (unsigned int face_nr=0;
+ face_nr < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+ ++ face_nr)
+ {
+ fe_values.reinit(cell, face_nr);
+ const vector<Point<dim> > &normals
+ =fe_values.get_normal_vectors();
+ unsigned int k=0;
+ for (unsigned int ny=0; ny<((dim>2) ? nq : 1); ++ny)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int nx=0; nx<nq; ++nx)
+ {
+ Point<dim> x = fe_values.quadrature_point(k);
+ Tensor<1,dim> n = normals[k];
+ gnuplot << x << '\t' << n << endl;
+ ++k;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ }
+template<int dim>
+inline void
+plot_subfaces(Mapping<dim> &mapping,
+ FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell,
+ const char* name)
+ ofstream gnuplot(name);
+ QGauss4<dim-1> q;
+ const unsigned int nq = (unsigned int) (.01 + pow(q.n_quadrature_points, 1./(dim-1)));
+ FESubfaceValues<dim> fe_values(mapping, fe, q,
+ UpdateFlags(update_q_points
+ | update_normal_vectors));
+ for (unsigned int face_nr=0;
+ face_nr < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+ ++ face_nr)
+ for (unsigned int sub_nr=0;
+ sub_nr < GeometryInfo<dim>::subfaces_per_face;
+ ++ sub_nr)
+ {
+ fe_values.reinit(cell, face_nr, sub_nr);
+ const vector<Point<dim> > &normals
+ =fe_values.get_normal_vectors();
+ unsigned int k=0;
+ for (unsigned int ny=0; ny<((dim>2) ? nq : 1); ++ny)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int nx=0; nx<nq; ++nx)
+ {
+ Point<dim> x = fe_values.quadrature_point(k);
+ Tensor<1,dim> n = normals[k];
+ gnuplot << x << '\t' << n << endl;
+ ++k;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ }
+inline void
+ FiniteElement<1>&,
+ DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator&,
+ const char*)
+inline void
+ FiniteElement<1>&,
+ DoFHandler<1>::cell_iterator&,
+ const char*)
+template<int dim>
+inline void
+compute_area(Mapping<dim> &mapping,
+ FiniteElement<dim> &fe,
+ DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator &cell)
+ QGauss4<dim> gauss4;
+ FEValues<dim> fe_values(mapping, fe, gauss4,
+ UpdateFlags(update_JxW_values));
+ fe_values.reinit(cell);
+ const vector<double> &JxW=fe_values.get_JxW_values();
+ double area=0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe_values.n_quadrature_points; ++i)
+ area+=JxW[i];
+ deallog << " area=" << area << endl;
+template<int dim>
+void create_triangulations(vector<Triangulation<dim> *> &,
+ vector<Boundary<dim> *> &,
+ vector<double> &)
+ Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+vector<vector<unsigned int> > show;
+unsigned int mapping_size;
+void create_triangulations(vector<Triangulation<1> *> &tria_ptr,
+ vector<Boundary<1> *> &,
+ vector<double> &exact_areas)
+ show.resize(1, vector<unsigned int> (mapping_size,0));
+ Triangulation<1> *tria=new Triangulation<1>();
+ tria_ptr.push_back(tria);
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(*tria, 1., 3.);
+ exact_areas.push_back(2.);
+ show[0][0]=1;
+ show[0][1]=1;
+void create_triangulations(vector<Triangulation<2> *> &tria_ptr,
+ vector<Boundary<2> *> &boundary_ptr,
+ vector<double> &exact_areas)
+ Triangulation<2> *tria;
+ show.clear();
+ show.resize(3, vector<unsigned int> (mapping_size,0));
+ // tria0: 3x3 square rotated
+ if (1)
+ {
+ tria=new Triangulation<2>();
+ tria_ptr.push_back(tria);
+ const double left = 1.;
+ const double right = 4.;
+ const Point<2> vertices[4] = { Point<2>(left,left),
+ Point<2>(right,left),
+ Point<2>(right,right),
+ Point<2>(left,right) };
+ const int cell_vertices[1][4] = { { 1,2,3,0 } };
+ std::vector<CellData<2> > cells (1, CellData<2>());
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<4; ++j)
+ cells[0].vertices[j] = cell_vertices[0][j];
+ cells[0].material_id = 0;
+ tria->create_triangulation (std::vector<Point<2> >(&vertices[0], &vertices[4]),
+ cells,
+ SubCellData());
+ exact_areas.push_back(9.);
+ }
+ // tria1: arbitrary rectangle
+ if (1)
+ {
+ tria=new Triangulation<2>();
+ tria_ptr.push_back(tria);
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(*tria, 1., 3.);
+ Point<2> &v=tria->begin_quad()->vertex(2);
+ v(0) = 5.;
+ v(1) = 4.;
+ exact_areas.push_back(7.);
+ }
+ // tria2: crazy cell
+ if (1)
+ {
+ Boundary<2> *boundary1=new HyperBallBoundary<2>(Point<2>(3,1), 2);
+ Boundary<2> *boundary2=new HyperBallBoundary<2>(Point<2>(2,5), sqrt(5));
+ boundary_ptr.push_back(boundary1);
+ boundary_ptr.push_back(boundary2);
+ tria=new Triangulation<2>();
+ tria_ptr.push_back(tria);
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(*tria, 1., 5.);
+ Point<2> &v2 = tria->begin_active()->vertex(2);
+ Point<2> &v3 = tria->begin_active()->vertex(3);
+ v2(0) = 3.;
+ v2(1) = 3.;
+ v3(0) = 1.;
+ v3(1) = 3.;
+ tria->set_boundary(1,*boundary1);
+ tria->set_boundary(2,*boundary2);
+ tria->begin_active()->face(1)->set_boundary_indicator(1);
+ tria->begin_active()->face(2)->set_boundary_indicator(2);
+ double pi=acos(-1);
+ double alpha=2*atan(0.5);
+ exact_areas.push_back(4+pi-2.5*(alpha-sin(alpha)));
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<mapping_size; ++i)
+ show[2][i]=1;
+ }
+void create_triangulations(vector<Triangulation<3> *> &tria_ptr,
+ vector<Boundary<3> *> &boundary_ptr,
+ vector<double> &exact_areas)
+ Triangulation<3> *tria;
+ show.clear();
+ show.resize(4, vector<unsigned int> (mapping_size,0));
+ // 2x2 cube
+ if (1)
+ {
+ tria=new Triangulation<3>();
+ tria_ptr.push_back(tria);
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(*tria, 1., 3.);
+ exact_areas.push_back(8.);
+ }
+ // arbitrary rectangle
+ if (1)
+ {
+ tria=new Triangulation<3>();
+ tria_ptr.push_back(tria);
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(*tria, 1., 3.);
+ Point<3> &v=tria->begin()->vertex(6);
+ v(0) = 5.;
+ v(1) = 4.;
+ v(2) = 4.5;
+ exact_areas.push_back(12.5);
+ }
+ // cube+part of ball
+ if (1)
+ {
+ Point<3> m(2,2,2);
+ Point<3> v(3,3,3);
+ double r=sqrt((m-v).square()),
+ h=r-1.5,
+ pi=acos(-1);
+ Boundary<3> *boundary1=new HyperBallBoundary<3>(m, r);
+ boundary_ptr.push_back(boundary1);
+ tria=new Triangulation<3>();
+ tria_ptr.push_back(tria);
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(*tria, 1., 3.);
+ tria->set_boundary(1,*boundary1);
+ tria->begin_active()->face(3)->set_boundary_indicator(1);
+ exact_areas.push_back(8.+pi/3*h*h*(3*r-h));
+ }
+ // eighth of ball
+ if (1)
+ {
+ Point<3> p(0,0,0);
+ const double r=sqrt(3.);
+ Boundary<3> *boundary0=new HyperBallBoundary<3>(p, r);
+ boundary_ptr.push_back(boundary0);
+ tria=new Triangulation<3>();
+ tria_ptr.push_back(tria);
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(*tria, -1, 1.);
+ tria->set_boundary(0, *boundary0);
+ tria->refine_global(1);
+ const double pi=acos(-1);
+ exact_areas.push_back(4/3.*pi*r*r*r/8.);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i)
+ show[3][i]=1;
+ }
+template<int dim>
+void mapping_test()
+ deallog << "dim=" << dim << endl;
+ vector<Mapping<dim> *> mapping_ptr;
+ vector<string> mapping_strings;
+ MappingQ1<dim> q1_old;
+ MappingQ<dim> q1(1);
+ MappingQ<dim> q2(2);
+ MappingQ<dim> q3(3);
+ MappingQ<dim> q4(4);
+ mapping_ptr.push_back(&q1_old);
+ mapping_ptr.push_back(&q1);
+ mapping_ptr.push_back(&q2);
+ mapping_ptr.push_back(&q3);
+ mapping_ptr.push_back(&q4);
+ mapping_strings.push_back("Q1fixed");
+ mapping_strings.push_back("Q1");
+ mapping_strings.push_back("Q2");
+ mapping_strings.push_back("Q3");
+ mapping_strings.push_back("Q4");
+ mapping_size=mapping_ptr.size();
+ vector<Triangulation<dim> *> tria_ptr;
+ vector<Boundary<dim> *> boundary_ptr;
+ vector<double> exact_areas;
+ create_triangulations(tria_ptr, boundary_ptr, exact_areas);
+ Assert(show.size()==tria_ptr.size(), ExcInternalError());
+ FE_Q<dim> fe_q4(4);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<tria_ptr.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof(*tria_ptr[i]);
+ dof.distribute_dofs(fe_q4);
+ DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator cell = dof.begin_active();
+ deallog << "Triangulation" << i << ":" << endl;
+ deallog << "exact_area=" << exact_areas[i] << endl;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<mapping_size; ++j)
+ if (show[i][j])
+ {
+ char* st2 = new char[100];
+ if (true)
+ {
+ ostrstream ost(st2, 99);
+ ost << "Mapping" << dim << "d-" << i << '-'
+ << mapping_strings[j] << ".dat" << ends;
+ deallog << st2 << endl;
+ plot_transformation(*mapping_ptr[j], fe_q4, cell, st2);
+ compute_area(*mapping_ptr[j], fe_q4, cell);
+ }
+ if (dim>1)
+ {
+ ostrstream ost(st2, 99);
+ ost << "MappingFace" << dim << "d-" << i << '-'
+ << mapping_strings[j] << ".dat" << ends;
+ deallog << st2 << endl;
+ plot_faces(*mapping_ptr[j], fe_q4, cell, st2);
+ }
+ if (dim>1)
+ {
+ ostrstream ost(st2, 99);
+ ost << "MappingSubface" << dim << "d-" << i << '-'
+ << mapping_strings[j] << ".dat" << ends;
+ deallog << st2 << endl;
+ plot_subfaces(*mapping_ptr[j], fe_q4, cell, st2);
+ }
+ // Test for transform_*_to_*_cell
+ if (dim==2 && true)
+ {
+ Mapping<dim> &mapping=*mapping_ptr[j];
+ Point<dim> p_unit(6/7.,4/7.);
+ Point<dim> p_real=mapping.transform_unit_to_real_cell(cell, p_unit);
+ Point<dim> p_re_unit=mapping.transform_real_to_unit_cell(cell, p_real);
+ deallog << "p_unit=" << p_unit << ", p_real=" << p_real
+ << ", p_re_unit=" << p_re_unit << endl;
+ }
+ delete[] st2;
+ }
+ }
+ // delete all triangulations and
+ // boundary objects
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<tria_ptr.size(); ++i)
+ if (tria_ptr[i]!=0)
+ delete tria_ptr[i];
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<boundary_ptr.size(); ++i)
+ if (boundary_ptr[i]!=0)
+ delete boundary_ptr[i];
+int main()
+ ofstream logfile("mapping.dat");
+ logfile.precision(3);
+ deallog.attach(logfile);
+ deallog.depth_console(0);
+ // -----------------------
+ // Tests for dim=1
+ // -----------------------
+ mapping_test<1>();
+ // -----------------------
+ // Tests for dim=2
+ // -----------------------
+ mapping_test<2>();
+ // -----------------------
+ // Tests for dim=3
+ // -----------------------
+ mapping_test<3>();
--- /dev/null
+// $Id$
+// (c) Guido Kanschat
+// Show the shape functions implemented.
+#include <base/quadrature_lib.h>
+#include <lac/vector.h>
+#include <grid/tria.h>
+#include <grid/tria_iterator.h>
+#include <dofs/dof_accessor.h>
+#include <grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <fe/fe_dgq.h>
+#include <fe/fe_system.h>
+#include <fe/mapping_q1.h>
+#include <fe/fe_values.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+char fname[50];
+template<int dim>
+inline void
+plot_shape_functions(Mapping<dim>& mapping,
+ FiniteElement<dim>& finel,
+ const char* name)
+ Triangulation<dim> tr;
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof(tr);
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tr, 0., 1.);
+ DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator c = dof.begin();
+ dof.distribute_dofs(finel);
+ const unsigned int div = 11;
+ QTrapez<1> q_trapez;
+ QIterated<dim> q(q_trapez, div);
+ FEValues<dim> fe(mapping, finel, q, UpdateFlags(update_values));
+ fe.reinit(c);
+ sprintf(fname, "Shapes%dd-%s.dat", dim, name);
+ ofstream gnuplot(fname);
+ gnuplot.setf(ios::fixed);
+ gnuplot.precision (2);
+ unsigned int k=0;
+ for (unsigned int mz=0;mz<=((dim>2) ? div : 0) ;++mz)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int my=0;my<=((dim>1) ? div : 0) ;++my)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int mx=0;mx<=div;++mx)
+ {
+ gnuplot << q.point(k);
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<finel.dofs_per_cell;++i)
+ {
+ gnuplot << " " << fe.shape_value(i,k) + 1.;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ k++;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ }
+template<int dim>
+inline void
+plot_face_shape_functions(Mapping<dim>& mapping,
+ FiniteElement<dim>& finel,
+ const char* name)
+ Triangulation<dim> tr;
+ DoFHandler<dim> dof(tr);
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tr, 0., 1.);
+ tr.refine_global(1);
+ DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator c = dof.begin_active();
+ ++c;
+ c->set_refine_flag();
+ tr.execute_coarsening_and_refinement ();
+ c = dof.begin_active();
+ dof.distribute_dofs(finel);
+ const unsigned int div = 4;
+ QTrapez<1> q_trapez;
+ QIterated<dim-1> q(q_trapez, div);
+ FEFaceValues<dim> fe(mapping, finel, q, UpdateFlags(update_values
+ | update_q_points));
+ FESubfaceValues<dim> sub(mapping, finel, q, UpdateFlags(update_values
+ | update_q_points));
+ sprintf(fname, "ShapesFace%dd-%s.dat", dim, name);
+ ofstream gnuplot(fname);
+ gnuplot.setf(ios::fixed);
+ gnuplot.precision (2);
+ for (unsigned int f=0; f<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++f)
+ {
+ if (!c->face(f)->has_children())
+ {
+ fe.reinit(c, f);
+ unsigned int k=0;
+ for (unsigned int my=0;my<=((dim>2) ? div : 0) ;++my)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int mx=0;mx<=div;++mx)
+ {
+ gnuplot << fe.quadrature_point(k);
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<finel.dofs_per_cell;++i)
+ {
+ gnuplot << " " << fe.shape_value(i,k) + 1.;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ k++;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ } else {
+ for (unsigned int s=0;s<GeometryInfo<dim>::subfaces_per_face; ++s)
+ {
+ sub.reinit(c, f, s);
+ unsigned int k=0;
+ for (unsigned int my=0;my<=((dim>2) ? div : 0) ;++my)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int mx=0;mx<=div;++mx)
+ {
+ gnuplot << sub.quadrature_point(k);
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<finel.dofs_per_cell;++i)
+ {
+ gnuplot << " " << sub.shape_value(i,k) + 1.;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ k++;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ }
+ gnuplot << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void plot_face_shape_functions (Mapping<1>&,
+ FiniteElement<1>&,
+ const char*)
+template<int dim>
+void plot_FE_Q_shape_functions()
+ MappingQ1<dim> m;
+ FE_Q<dim> q1(1);
+ plot_shape_functions(m, q1, "Q1");
+ plot_face_shape_functions(m, q1, "Q1");
+ FE_Q<dim> q2(2);
+ plot_shape_functions(m, q2, "Q2");
+ plot_face_shape_functions(m, q2, "Q2");
+ FE_Q<dim> q3(3);
+ plot_shape_functions(m, q3, "Q3");
+ plot_face_shape_functions(m, q3, "Q3");
+ FE_Q<dim> q4(4);
+ plot_shape_functions(m, q4, "Q4");
+ plot_face_shape_functions(m, q4, "Q4");
+// FE_Q<dim> q5(5);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q5, "Q5");
+// FE_Q<dim> q6(6);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q6, "Q6");
+// FE_Q<dim> q7(7);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q7, "Q7");
+// FE_Q<dim> q8(8);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q8, "Q8");
+// FE_Q<dim> q9(9);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q9, "Q9");
+// FE_Q<dim> q10(10);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q10, "Q10");
+template<int dim>
+void plot_FE_DGQ_shape_functions()
+ MappingQ1<dim> m;
+ FE_DGQ<dim> q1(1);
+ plot_shape_functions(m, q1, "DGQ1");
+ plot_face_shape_functions(m, q1, "DGQ1");
+ FE_DGQ<dim> q2(2);
+ plot_shape_functions(m, q2, "DGQ2");
+ plot_face_shape_functions(m, q2, "DGQ2");
+ FE_DGQ<dim> q3(3);
+ plot_shape_functions(m, q3, "DGQ3");
+ plot_face_shape_functions(m, q3, "DGQ3");
+ FE_DGQ<dim> q4(4);
+ plot_shape_functions(m, q4, "DGQ4");
+ plot_face_shape_functions(m, q4, "DGQ4");
+// FE_DGQ<dim> q5(5);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q5, "DGQ5");
+// FE_DGQ<dim> q6(6);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q6, "DGQ6");
+// FE_DGQ<dim> q7(7);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q7, "DGQ7");
+// FE_DGQ<dim> q8(8);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q8, "DGQ8");
+// FE_DGQ<dim> q9(9);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q9, "DGQ9");
+// FE_DGQ<dim> q10(10);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q10, "DGQ10");
+ plot_FE_Q_shape_functions<1>();
+ plot_FE_Q_shape_functions<2>();
+ plot_FE_DGQ_shape_functions<2>();
+// plot_FE_Q_shape_functions<3>();
+ // FESystem test.
+ MappingQ1<2> m;
+ FESystem<2> q2_q3(FE_Q<2>(2), 1,
+ FE_Q<2>(3), 1);
+// plot_shape_functions(m, q2_q3, "Q2_Q3");
+ return 0;