// The class <code>OfflineData</code> contains pretty much all components
// of the discretization that do not evolve in time, in particular, the
- // DoFHandler, SparsityPattern, boundary maps, the lumped mass, $c_ij$,
- // and $n_ij$ matrices.
+ // DoFHandler, SparsityPattern, boundary maps, the lumped mass, $c_{ij}$,
+ // and $n_{ij}$ matrices.
// Here, the term <i>offline</i> refers to the fact that all the class
// members of <code>OfflineData</code> have well-defined values
// contains a map from a global index of type `types:global_dof_index` of
// a boundary degree of freedom to a tuple consisting of a normal vector,
// the boundary id, and the position associated with the degree of
- // freedom. We actually have to compuate and store this geometric
+ // freedom. We actually have to compute and store this geometric
// information in this class because we won't have access to geometric
// (or cell-based) information later on in the algebraic loops over the
// sparsity pattern.
// Now we define a collection of assembly utilities:
// - <code>CopyData</code>: This will only be used to compute the off-line
// data using WorkStream. It acts as a container: it is just a
- // struct where WorkStream stores the local cell contributions.
+ // struct where WorkStream stores the local cell contributions. Note
+ // it also contains a class member
+ // <code>local_boundary_normal_map</code> used to store the local
+ // contributions required to compute the normals at the boundary.
// - <code>get_entry</code>: it reads the value stored at the entry
// pointed by the iterator <code>it</code> of <code>matrix</code>. Here is
// where we might want to keep an eye on complexity: we want this operation
// $\mathbf{n}_{ij}$. The purpose of <code>gather_get_entry</code>
// is to retrieve those entries a store them into a
// <code>Tensor<1, dim></code> for our convenience.
- // - <code>gather</code> (first interface):
- // - <code>gather</code> (second interface):
- // - <code>scatter</code>:
+ // - <code>gather</code> (first interface): Placeholder
+ // - <code>gather</code> (second interface): Placeholder
+ // - <code>scatter</code>: Placeholder
// WorkStream framework since the vast majority of ideas are reasonably
// well-documented in Step-9, Step-13 and Step-32 among others.
- // Finally the boundary normals are defined as
- // $\widehat{\boldsymbol{\nu}}_i =
+ // Finally, assuming that $\mathbf{x}_i$ is a support point at the boundary,
+ // the normals are defined as
+ // $\widehat{\boldsymbol{\nu}}_i :=
// \frac{\boldsymbol{\nu}_i}{|\boldsymbol{\nu}_i|}$ where
- // $\boldsymbol{\nu}_i = \sum_{F \subset \text{supp}(\phi_i)}
+ // $\boldsymbol{\nu}_i := \sum_{T \in \text{supp}(\phi_i)}
+ // \sum_{F \subset \partial T \cap \partial \Omega}
// \sum_{\mathbf{x}_{q,F}} \nu(\mathbf{x}_{q,F})
- // \phi_i(\mathbf{x}_{q,F})$, here: $F \subset \partial \Omega$ denotes
- // faces of elements at the boundary of the domain, and $\mathbf{x}_{q,F}$
+ // \phi_i(\mathbf{x}_{q,F})$, here: $T$ denotes elements,
+ // $\text{supp}(\phi_i)$ the support of the shape function $\phi_i$,
+ // $F$ are faces of the element $T$, and $\mathbf{x}_{q,F}$
// are quadrature points on such face.
// Other more sophisticated definitions for $\nu_i$ are
// possible but none of them have much influence in theory or practice.
- // We remind the reader that <code>CopyData</code> includes the class member
- // <code>local_boundary_normal_map</code> in order to store these local
- // contributions for the boundary map.
template <int dim>
void OfflineData<dim>::assemble()
return partitioner->global_to_local(index);
- /* We compute the local contributions for the lumped mass
+ /* We compute the local contributions for the lumped mass
matrix entries m_i and and vectors c_ij */
for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < n_q_points; ++q_point)
} /* for q */
/* Now we have to compute the boundary normals. Note that the
- following loop does not actually do much unless the faces of the
- cell are actually faces on the boundary of the domain */
+ following loop does not actually do much unless the the element
+ has faces on the boundary of the domain */
for (unsigned int f = 0; f < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++f)
const auto face = cell->face(f);
/* Note that "normal" will only represent the contributions
from one of the faces in the support of the shape
- function \phi_j. So we cannot normalize this local
- contribution right here, we have to take it "as is" and pass
- it to the copy data routine. */
+ function phi_j. So we cannot normalize this local
+ contribution right here, we have to take it "as is", store
+ it and pass it to the copy data routine. The proper
+ normalization requires an additional loop on nodes.*/
Tensor<1, dim> normal;
if (id == Boundary::slip)
// $\mathbf{c}_{ij}$, but so far the matrix <code>nij_matrix</code>
// contains a just copy of the matrix <code>cij_matrix</code>.
// That's not what we really
- // want: we have to normalize its entries. In addition, we have not even
- // touched the entries of the matrix <code>norm_matrix</code> yet, and the
+ // want: we have to normalize its entries. In addition, we have not filled
+ // the entries of the matrix <code>norm_matrix</code> and the
// vectors stored in the map
// <code>OfflineData<dim>::BoundaryNormalMap</code> are not normalized.
// computing/storing the entries of the matrix
// <code>norm_matrix</code> and the normalization of <code>nij_matrix</code>
// are perfect to illustrate thread-parallel node-loops:
- // - We want to visit every node $i$ in the mesh/sparsity graph,
+ // - we want to visit every node $i$ in the mesh/sparsity graph,
// - and for every such node we want to visit to every $j$ such that
// $\mathbf{c}_{ij} \not \equiv 0$.
// We have the thread paralellization capability
// parallel::apply_to_subranges that is somehow more general than the
- // WorkStream framework. In particular, it can be used for our
- // node-loops.
+ // WorkStream framework. In particular, parallel::apply_to_subranges can
+ // be used for our node-loops.
// This functionality requires four input arguments:
// - A begin iterator: <code>indices.begin()</code>
- // - A end iterator: <code>indices.end()</code>
+ // - An end iterator: <code>indices.end()</code>
// - A function f(i1,i2), where <code>i1</code> and <code>i2</code> define a
- // sub-range with the range spanned by the the end and begin iterators
+ // sub-range within the range spanned by the the end and begin iterators
// of the previous two bullets. The function <code>f(i1,i2)</code> is
// called <code>on_subranges</code> in this example. It applies an
// operation for every "abstract element" in the subrange. In this case
// each "element" is a row of the sparsity pattern.
// - Grainsize: minimum number of "elements" (in this case rows) processed
- // by
- // each thread. We decided for a minimum of 4096 rows.
+ // by each thread. We decided for a minimum of 4096 rows.
+ //
+ // Here the <code>indices.begin()</code> and <code>indices.end()</code>
+ // iterators will represent an interval of "rows"
+ // in the sparsity graph/matrix. A minor caveat here is that the
+ // iterators supplied to
+ // parallel::apply_to_subranges have to be random access iterators:
+ // internally, apply_to_subranges will break the range defined by the
+ // <code>indices.begin()</code> and <code>indices.end()</code> iterators
+ // into subranges (we want to be able to read any entry in those
+ // subranges with constant complexity). In order to provide such
+ // iterators we resort to boost::irange.
- // We start by defining the operation <code>on_subranges</code> to be
- // applied at each row in the sub-range. Given a fixed
+ // We define the operation <code>on_subranges</code> to be
+ // applied at each row of the sub-range. Given a fixed
// <code>row_index</code> we want to visit every entry in such row. In order
// to execute such columns-loops we use <a
// href="http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/for_each/">
const auto row_index = *i1;
- /* First column-loop: we compute/store the entries of the matrix
+ /* First column-loop: we compute and store the entries of the matrix
norm_matrix */
- /* We normalize the normals at the boundary. */
- /* This is not thread parallelized, too bad! */
+ /* We normalize the normals at the boundary. This is not thread
+ parallelized. It just loops over the very few nodes that happen
+ to be at the boundary */
for (auto &it : boundary_normal_map)
auto &normal = std::get<0>(it.second);
// \cdot \boldsymbol{\nu}_i =0$ ) the vectors $\mathbf{c}_{ij}$ at the
// boundary have to be modified as:
- // $\mathbf{c}_{ij} += \int_{\partial \Omega}
+ // $\mathbf{c}_{ij} \, +\!\!= \int_{\partial \Omega}
// (\boldsymbol{\nu}_j - \boldsymbol{\nu}(s)) \phi_j \, \mathrm{d}s$
// Otherwise we will not be able to claim conservation. The ideas repeat
// At this point we are very much done with anything related to offline data.
- // Now we define the implementation of <code>momentum</code>,
+ // Now we define the implementation of the utility
+ // functions <code>momentum</code>,
// <code>internal_energy</code>, <code>pressure</code>,
// <code>speed_of_sound</code>, and <code>f</code> (the flux of the system).
// The functionality of each one of these functions is self-explanatory from
// full state $\mathbf{u} = [\rho,\mathbf{m},E]^\top$ defines a new
// "projected state" defined as
- // $\widetilde{\mathbf{u}} = [\rho,
+ // $\widetilde{\mathbf{u}} := [\rho,
// \mathbf{m} - (\mathbf{m}\cdot \mathbf{n}_{ij})\mathbf{n}_{ij},
// E - \tfrac{(\mathbf{m}\cdot \mathbf{n}_{ij})^2}{2\rho} ]^\top$
- // Projected states appear naturally when attempting to compute a maximum
- // wavespeed appearing in Riemann problems.
+ // Projected states appear when attempting to compute a maximum
+ // wavespeed appearing in Riemann problems. See for
+ // instance: Chapter 4, E.Toro, Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for
+ // Fluid Dynamics, 2009.