It is possible to prescribe other boundary conditions as well. In the test case that we solve here the boundary
is partitioned into two disjoint subsets $\partial\Omega = \Gamma_1 \cup \Gamma_2$ and we have
- u|_{\Gamma_1} = u_b, \qquad u\times n|_{\Gamma_2} = 0.
+ u|_{\Gamma_1} = u_b,
-where $n$ is the outer unit normal. The boundary condition on $\Gamma_2$ is used to model outflow conditions.
+ u\times n|_{\Gamma_2} = 0, \quad p|_{\Gamma_2} = 0
+where $n$ is the outer unit normal. The boundary conditions on $\Gamma_2$ are often
+used to model outflow conditions.
In previous tutorial programs (see for instance @ref step_20 "step-20" and
@ref step_22 "step-22") we have seen
obtain a sequence of velocities $\{u^k\}$ and pressures $\{p^k\}$. We will
also obtain a sequence $\{\phi^k\}$ of auxiliary variables.
Suppose that from the initial conditions, and an application of a first order method we have found
-$(u^0,p^0,\phi^0=0)$ and $(u^1,p^1,\phi^1=p^1-p^0)$. Then the projection method consists of three steps:
+$(u^0,p^0,\phi^0=0)$ and $(u^1,p^1,\phi^1=p^1-p^0)$. Then the projection method consists of the following steps:
<li> <b>Step 0</b>: Extrapolation. Define:
-\nu \Delta u^{k+1} + \nabla p^\sharp
= f^{k+1},
- u^{k+1}|_{\partial\Omega} = 0.
+ u^{k+1}|_{\Gamma_1} = u_b,
+ \quad
+ u^{k+1} \times n|_{\Gamma_2} = 0.
- Note in particular that this formulation completely decouples the velocity
- components from each other. As a consequence, rather than having to solve a
- coupled system for all $d$ velocities together, we can solve $d$ independent
- equations which, conveniently also all share the same system matrix.
<li> <b>Step 2</b>: Projection. Find $\phi^{k+1}$ that solves
\Delta \phi^{k+1} = \frac3{2\tau} \nabla \cdot u^{k+1},
- \partial_n \phi^{k+1} = 0.
+ \partial_n \phi^{k+1}|_{\Gamma_1} = 0,
+ \quad
+ \phi^{k+1}|_{\Gamma_2} = 0
<li> <b>Step 3</b>: Pressure correction. Here we have two options:
u \cdot \nabla u + \frac12 \left( \nabla\cdot u \right) u.
- This is consistent with the continuous equation (because $\nabla\cdot u$,
- though this is not true pointwise for the discrete solution) and it is needed to guarantee unconditional stability of the
+ This is consistent with the continuous equation (because $\nabla\cdot u = 0$,
+ though this is not true pointwise for the discrete solution) and it is needed to
+ guarantee unconditional stability of the
time-stepping scheme. Moreover, to linearize the term we use the second order extrapolation $u^\star$ of
<li> The projection step is a realization of the Helmholtz decomposition
- L^2(\Omega)^d = H \oplus \nabla H^1(\Omega),
+ L^2(\Omega)^d = H \oplus \nabla H^1_{\Gamma_2}(\Omega),
- H = \left\{ v \in L^2(\Omega)^d:\ \nabla\cdot v =0, \ v\cdot n|_{\partial\Omega} = 0 \right\}.
+ H = \left\{ v \in L^2(\Omega)^d:\ \nabla\cdot v =0, \ v\cdot n|_{\Gamma_1} = 0 \right\},
+ @f]
+ and
+ @f[
+ H^1_{\Gamma_2}(\Omega) = \left\{ q \in H^1(\Omega):\ q|_{\Gamma_2} = 0 \right\}.
Indeed, if we use this decomposition on $u^{k+1}$ we obtain
the standard form is the one that should be used if, for instance, the viscosity $\nu$ is variable.
+<a name ="fullydiscrete"></a>
+<h3> The Fully Discrete Setting </h3>
+To obtain a fully discrete setting of the method we, as always, need a variational formulation. There is one
+subtle issue here given the nature of the boundary conditions. When we multiply the equation by a suitable test
+function one of the term that arises is
+ -\nu \int_\Omega \Delta u \cdot v.
+If we, say, had Dirichlet boundary conditions on the whole boundary then after integration by parts we would
+ -\nu \int_\Omega \Delta u \cdot v = \nu \int_\Omega \nabla u : \nabla v
+ - \int_{\partial\Omega} \partial_n u \cdot v
+ = \nu \int_\Omega \nabla u : \nabla v.
+One of the advantages of this formulation is that it fully decouples the components of the velocity. Moreover,
+they all share the same system matrix. This can be exploited in the program.
+However, given the nonstandard boundary conditions, to be able to take them into account we need to use
+the following identity
+ \Delta u = \nabla\nabla\cdot u - \nabla\times\nabla\times u,
+so that when we integrate by parts and take into account the boundary conditions we obtain
+ -\nu \int_\Omega \Delta u \cdot v = \nu \int_\Omega \left[ \nabla \cdot u \nabla \cdot v
+ + \nabla \times u \nabla \times v \right],
+which is the form that we would have to use. Notice that this couples the components of the velocity.
+Moreover, to enforce the boundary condition on the pressure, we need to rewrite
+ \int_\Omega \nabla p \cdot v = -\int_\Omega p \nabla \cdot v + \int_{\Gamma_1} p v\cdot n
+ + \int_{\Gamma_2} p v\cdot n
+ = -\int_\Omega p \nabla \cdot v,
+where the boundary integral in $\Gamma_1$ equals zero given the boundary conditions for the velocity,
+and the one in $\Gamma_2$ given the boundary conditions for the pressure.
+In the simplified case where the boundary $\Gamma_2$ is parallel to a coordinate axis, which holds for
+the testcase that we carry out below, it can actually be shown that
+ \nu \int_\Omega \nabla u : \nabla v = \nu \int_\Omega \left[ \nabla \cdot u \nabla \cdot v
+ + \nabla \times u \nabla \times v \right].
+This issue is not very often addressed in the literature. For more information the reader can consult, for
+ <li> J.-L. GUERMOND, L. QUARTAPELLE, On the approximation of the unsteady Navier-Stokes equations by
+ finite element projection methods, Numer. Math., 80 (1998) 207-238
+ <li> J.-L. GUERMOND, P. MINEV, J. SHEN, Error analysis of pressure-correction schemes for the
+ Navier-Stokes equations with open boundary conditions, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 43 1 (2005) 239--258.
<a name = "implementation"></a>
<h3> Implementation </h3>
u =
\left( \begin{array}{c} 4 U_m y (H-y)/H^2 \\ 0 \end{array} \right),
-with $U_m = 1.5$, i.e. the inflow boundary conditions correspond to Poiseuille flow for this configuration. Finally, on the right
-vertical wall we impose the condition that the vertical component of the velocity should be zero.
-The Reynolds number is $Re=\frac{1}{\nu}=100$ and the final time $T=10$.
+with $U_m = 1.5$, i.e. the inflow boundary conditions correspond to Poiseuille flow for this configuration.
+Finally, on the right vertical wall we impose the condition that the vertical component of the velocity
+and the pressure should both be zero.
+The final time $T=10$.