Tensor<rank_, dim, Number>::Tensor(const ArrayLike &initializer,
- : values{{value_type(initializer[indices])...}}
+ // Extract from the 'initializer' a sequence of elements via template
+ // pack evaluation. This could be as easy as
+ // values{{ (initializer[indices])... }}
+ // but of course in practice it is not. The challenge is that if rank>1,
+ // we want to pass the elements initializer[indices] down to the next
+ // lower rank tensor for evaluation unchanged. But at the rank==1 level,
+ // we need to convert to the scalar type 'Number'. This would all be
+ // relatively straightforward if we could rely on automatic type
+ // conversion, but for some autodifferentiation types, the conversion
+ // from the AD to double (i.e., the extraction of a scalar value) is
+ // not implicit, and we need to call internal::NumberType<Number>::value() --
+ // but as mentioned, we can only do that for rank==1.
+ //
+ // We can achieve all of this by dispatching to a lambda function within
+ // which we can use a 'if constexpr'.
+ : values{{([&initializer]() -> value_type {
+ if constexpr (rank_ == 1)
+ return internal::NumberType<Number>::value(initializer[indices]);
+ else
+ return value_type(initializer[indices]);
+ }())...}}
static_assert(sizeof...(indices) == dim,
"dim should match the number of indices");