const double r1 = (p1 - center).norm();
const double r2 = (p2 - center).norm();
- Assert(r1 > 1e-10,
+ const double tolerance = 1e-10;
+ Assert(r1 > tolerance,
ExcMessage("p1 cannot coincide with the center."));
- Assert(r2 > 1e-10,
+ Assert(r2 > tolerance,
ExcMessage("p2 cannot coincide with the center."));
const Tensor<1,spacedim> e1 = (p1 - center)/r1;
const Tensor<1,spacedim> e2 = (p2 - center)/r2;
- Assert(e1*e2 + 1.0 > 1e-10,
+ Assert(e1*e2 + 1.0 > tolerance,
ExcMessage("p1 and p2 cannot lie on the same diameter and be opposite "
"respect to the center."));
// Tangent vector to the unit sphere along the geodesic given by e1 and e2.
Tensor<1,spacedim> tg = (e2-(e2*e1)*e1);
- tg = tg / tg.norm();
+ // There is a special case if e2*e1, in which case tg=0
+ const double tg_norm = tg.norm();
+ if (tg_norm > tolerance)
+ tg /= tg_norm;
const double gamma = std::acos(e1*e2);