}; // class ADHelperScalarFunction
+ /**
+ * A helper class that facilitates the evaluation of a vector of functions,
+ * typically one that represents a collection of coupled, multi-dimensional
+ * fields. This class would typically be used to compute the linearization
+ * of a set of kinetic field variables defined at the quadrature point
+ * level.
+ *
+ * An example of its usage in the case of linearizing the kinetic variables
+ * derived from a multi-field constitutive law might be as follows:
+ * @code
+ * // Define some extractors that will help us set independent variables
+ * // and later get the computed values related to the dependent
+ * // variables. Each of these extractors is related to the gradient of a
+ * // component of the solution field (in this case, displacement and
+ * // magnetic scalar potential). Here "C" is the right Cauchy-Green
+ * // tensor and "H" is the magnetic field.
+ * const FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor<2> C_dofs (0);
+ * const FEValuesExtractors::Vector H_dofs
+ * (dealii::SymmetricTensor<2,dim>::n_independent_components);
+ * const unsigned int n_independent_variables =
+ * SymmetricTensor<2,dim>::n_independent_components +
+ * Tensor<1,dim>::n_independent_components;
+ *
+ * // Declare how many dependent variables we expect to compute.
+ * // In this case, we will be computing a stress field (a symmetric
+ * // rank-2 tensor) and the magnetic induction (a vector field).
+ * // At the same time we define some additional extractors associated
+ * // with these kinetic fields. In general, these need not be of the same
+ * // layout as the independent variables.
+ * const FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor<2> S_dofs (0);
+ * const FEValuesExtractors::Vector B_dofs
+ * (dealii::SymmetricTensor<2,dim>::n_independent_components);
+ * const unsigned int n_dependent_variables =
+ * SymmetricTensor<2,dim>::n_independent_components +
+ * Tensor<1,dim>::n_independent_components;
+ *
+ * // Define the helper that we will use in the AD computations for our
+ * // scalar energy function. Note that we expect it to return values of
+ * // type double.
+ * ADHelperVectorFunction<dim,double> ad_helper (n_independent_variables,
+ * n_dependent_variables);
+ * using ADNumberType = typename ADHelper::ad_type;
+ *
+ * // Compute the fields that provide the independent values.
+ * // When the tape is being replayed, these should be set to something
+ * // meaningful.
+ * const Tensor<1,dim> H = ...;
+ * const SymmetricTensor<2,dim> C = ...;
+ *
+ * // If using a taped AD number, then at this point we would initiate
+ * // taping of the expression for the material stored energy function
+ * // for this particular set of material parameters:
+ *
+ * // Select a tape number to record to
+ * const typename Types<ADNumberType>::tape_index tape_index = ...;
+ *
+ * // Indicate that we are about to start tracing the operations for
+ * // function evaluation on the tape. If this tape has already been
+ * // used (i.e. the operations are already recorded) then we
+ * // (optionally) load the tape and reuse this data.
+ * const bool is_recording
+ * = ad_helper.start_recording_operations(tape_index);
+ *
+ * // The steps that follow in the recording phase are required for
+ * // tapeless methods as well.
+ * if (is_recording == true)
+ * {
+ * // This is the "recording" phase of the operations.
+ *
+ * // First, we set the values for all fields.
+ * // These could happily be set to anything, unless the function will
+ * // be evaluated along a branch not otherwise traversed during later
+ * // use. For this reason, in this example instead of using some dummy
+ * // values, we'll actually map out the function at the same point
+ * // around which we'll later linearize it.
+ * ad_helper.register_independent_variable(H, H_dofs);
+ * ad_helper.register_independent_variable(C, C_dofs);
+ *
+ * // NOTE: We have to extract the sensitivities in the order we wish to
+ * // introduce them. So this means we have to do it by logical order
+ * // of the extractors that we've created.
+ * const SymmetricTensor<2,dim,ADNumberType> C_AD =
+ * ad_helper.get_sensitive_variables(C_dofs);
+ * const Tensor<1,dim,ADNumberType> H_AD =
+ * ad_helper.get_sensitive_variables(H_dofs);
+ *
+ * // Here we define the stress and magnetic induction in terms
+ * // of the independent values C_AD and H_AD.
+ * const SymmetricTensor<2, dim, ad_type> S_AD = ...;
+ * const Tensor<1, dim, ad_type> B_AD = ...;
+ *
+ * // Register the definition of the kinetic fields. The second
+ * // argument to the function provides a non-overlapping ordering
+ * // of the
+ * ad_helper.register_dependent_variable(S_AD, S_dofs);
+ * ad_helper.register_dependent_variable(B_AD, B_dofs);
+ *
+ * // Indicate that we have completed tracing the operations onto
+ * // the tape.
+ * ad_helper.stop_recording_operations(false); // write_tapes_to_file
+ * }
+ * else
+ * {
+ * // This is the "tape reuse" phase of the operations.
+ * // Here we will leverage the already traced operations that reside
+ * // on a tape, and simply re-evaluate the tape at a different point
+ * // to get the function values and their derivatives.
+ *
+ * // Load the existing tape to be reused
+ * ad_helper.activate_recorded_tape(tape_index);
+ *
+ * // Set the new values of the independent variables where the
+ * // recorded dependent functions are to be evaluated (and
+ * // differentiated around).
+ * ad_helper.set_independent_variable(C, C_dofs);
+ * ad_helper.set_independent_variable(H, H_dofs);
+ * }
+ *
+ * // Play the tape and store the output function value, its gradient and
+ * // linearization. These are expensive to compute, so we'll do this once
+ * // and extract the desired values from these intermediate outputs.
+ * Vector<double> values (ad_helper.n_dependent_variables());
+ * FullMatrix<double> jacobian (ad_helper.n_dependent_variables(),
+ * ad_helper.n_independent_variables());
+ * ad_helper.compute_values(values);
+ * ad_helper.compute_jacobian(jacobian);
+ *
+ * // Extract the desired components of the value vector and its Jacobian
+ * // matrix. In this example, we use them to compute the Piola-Kirchhoff
+ * // stress tensor S and its associated tangent, defined
+ * // as HH = 2*dS/dC...
+ * const SymmetricTensor<2,dim> S =
+ * ad_helper.extract_value_component(values,S_dofs);
+ * const SymmetricTensor<4,dim> HH =
+ * 2.0*ad_helper.extract_jacobian_component(jacobian,S_dofs,C_dofs);
+ *
+ * // ... the magnetic induction B and its associated tangent defined
+ * // as BB = dB/dH...
+ * const Tensor<1,dim> B =
+ * ad_helper.extract_value_component(values,H_dofs);
+ * const SymmetricTensor<2,dim> BB =
+ * symmetrize(ad_helper.extract_jacobian_component(jacobian,B_dofs,H_dofs));
+ *
+ * // ... and finally the magnetoelastic coupling tangent, defined
+ * // as PP = -dS/dH. Here the order of the extractor arguments is
+ * // especially important, as it dictates the field that is being
+ * // differentiated, and which the directional derivatives are being
+ * // computed.
+ * const Tensor<3,dim,double> PP =
+ * -ad_helper.extract_jacobian_component(jacobian,S_dofs,H_dofs)
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @warning ADOL-C does not support the standard threading models used by
+ * deal.II, so this class should @b not be embedded within a multithreaded
+ * function when using ADOL-C number types. It is, however, suitable for use
+ * in both serial and MPI routines.
+ *
+ * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2016, 2017, 2018
+ */
+ template <int dim,
+ enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode,
+ typename ScalarType = double>
+ class ADHelperVectorFunction
+ : public ADHelperPointLevelFunctionsBase<dim,
+ ADNumberTypeCode,
+ ScalarType>
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Type definition for the floating point number type that is used in,
+ * and results from, all computations.
+ */
+ using scalar_type =
+ typename ADHelperBase<ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::scalar_type;
+ /**
+ * Type definition for the auto-differentiation number type that is used
+ * in all computations.
+ */
+ using ad_type =
+ typename ADHelperBase<ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::ad_type;
+ /**
+ * @name Constructor / destructor
+ */
+ //@{
+ /**
+ * The constructor for the class.
+ *
+ * @param[in] n_independent_variables The number of independent variables
+ * that will be used in the definition of the functions that it is
+ * desired to compute the sensitivities of. In the computation of
+ * $\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{X})$, this will be the number of inputs
+ * $\mathbf{X}$, i.e., the dimension of the domain space.
+ * @param[in] n_dependent_variables The number of scalar functions to be
+ * defined that will have a sensitivity to the given independent
+ * variables. In the computation of $\mathbf{f}(\mathbf{X})$, this will
+ * be the number of outputs $\mathbf{f}$, i.e., the dimension of the
+ * image space.
+ */
+ ADHelperVectorFunction(const unsigned int n_independent_variables,
+ const unsigned int n_dependent_variables);
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ virtual ~ADHelperVectorFunction() = default;
+ //@}
+ /**
+ * @name Dependent variables
+ */
+ //@{
+ /**
+ * Register the definition of the vector field
+ * $\boldsymbol{\Psi}(\mathbf{X})$.
+ *
+ * @param[in] funcs A vector of recorded functions that defines the
+ * dependent variables.
+ *
+ * @note For this class that expects only vector field of dependent
+ * variables, this function must only be called once per tape.
+ *
+ * @note For taped AD numbers, this operation is only valid in recording mode.
+ */
+ void
+ register_dependent_variables(const std::vector<ad_type> &funcs);
+ /**
+ * Register the definition of the vector field
+ * $\hat{\mathbf{g}}(\mathbf{X}) \subset \boldsymbol{\Psi}(\mathbf{X})$
+ * that may represent a subset of the dependent variables.
+ *
+ * @param[in] funcs The recorded functions that define a set of dependent
+ * variables.
+ * @param[in] extractor An extractor associated with the input field
+ * variables. This effectively defines which components of the global set
+ * of dependent variables this field is associated with.
+ *
+ * @note The input extractor must correspond to the input @p ValueType.
+ * So, for example, if a value is a rank-1 tensor
+ * (i.e. of type Tensor<1,dim,scalar_type>), then the extractor must
+ * be an FEValuesExtractors::Vector or FEValuesExtractors::Tensor<1>.
+ *
+ * @note For taped AD numbers, this operation is only valid in recording mode.
+ */
+ template <typename ValueType, typename ExtractorType>
+ void
+ register_dependent_variable(const ValueType & funcs,
+ const ExtractorType &extractor);
+ /**
+ * Compute the value of the vector field $\boldsymbol{\Psi}(\mathbf{X})$.
+ *
+ * @param[out] values A Vector object with the value for each component
+ * of the vector field evaluated at the point defined by the independent
+ * variable values. The output @p values vector has a length
+ * corresponding to @p n_dependent_variables.
+ */
+ void
+ compute_values(Vector<scalar_type> &values) const;
+ /**
+ * Compute the Jacobian (first derivative) of the vector field with
+ * respect to all independent variables, i.e.
+ * @f[
+ * \mathbf{J}(\boldsymbol{\Psi})
+ * = \frac{\partial\boldsymbol{\Psi}(\mathbf{X})}{\partial\mathbf{X}}
+ * @f]
+ *
+ * @param[out] jacobian A FullMatrix with the gradient of each component
+ * of the vector field evaluated at the point defined by the independent
+ * variable values. The output @p jacobian matrix has
+ * dimensions corresponding to
+ * <code>n_dependent_variables</code>$\times$<code>n_independent_variables</code>.
+ */
+ void
+ compute_jacobian(FullMatrix<scalar_type> &jacobian) const;
+ /**
+ * Extract the set of functions' values for a subset of dependent
+ * variables
+ * $\mathbf{g} \subset \boldsymbol{\Psi}(\mathbf{X})$.
+ *
+ * @param[in] values A Vector object with the value for each component of
+ * the vector field evaluated at the point defined by the independent
+ * variable values.
+ * @param[in] extractor_row An extractor associated with the input field
+ * variables. This effectively defines which components of the global set
+ * of dependent variables this field is associated with.
+ */
+ template <typename ExtractorType_Row>
+ static typename internal::
+ VectorFieldValue<dim, scalar_type, ExtractorType_Row>::type
+ extract_value_component(const Vector<scalar_type> &values,
+ const ExtractorType_Row & extractor_row);
+ /**
+ * Extract the Jacobian of the subset of dependent functions
+ * $\mathbf{g} \subset \boldsymbol{\Psi}(\mathbf{X})$
+ * for a subset of independent variables
+ * $\mathbf{A} \subset \mathbf{X}$, i.e.
+ * @f[
+ * \mathbf{J}(\mathbf{g})
+ * = \frac{\partial\mathbf{g}(\mathbf{X})}{\partial\mathbf{A}}
+ * @f]
+ * The first index of the Jacobian matrix $\mathbf{J}(\mathbf{g})$
+ * relates to the dependent variables, while the second index relates
+ * to the independent variables.
+ *
+ * @param[in] jacobian The Jacobian of the vector function with respect to
+ * all independent variables, i.e., that returned by compute_jacobian().
+ * @param[in] extractor_row An extractor associated with the input field
+ * variables for which the first index of the Jacobian is extracted.
+ * This effectively defines the correspondence between components of the
+ * global set of dependent variables and the field (representing a
+ * subset of dependent functions) associated with the extractor.
+ * @param[in] extractor_col An extractor associated with the input field
+ * variables for which the second index of the Jacobian is extracted.
+ * This effectively defines the correspondence between components of the
+ * global set of independent variables and the field (representing a
+ * subset of independent variables) associated with the extractor.
+ *
+ * @return A Tensor or SymmetricTensor with its rank and symmetries
+ * determined by the @p extractor_row and @p extractor_col .
+ * This corresponds to subsetting a whole set of rows and columns of the
+ * Jacobian matrix, scaling those entries to take account of tensor
+ * symmetries, and then reshaping the (sub-)matrix so obtained into a
+ * tensor, the final result.
+ * For example, if
+ * @p extractor_row is a FEValuesExtractors::Vector and
+ * @p extractor_col is a FEValuesExtractors::Tensor,
+ * then the returned object is a Tensor of rank 3, with its first
+ * index associated with the field corresponding to the row extractor and
+ * the second and third indices associated with the field corresponding to
+ * the column extractor.
+ * Similarly, if
+ * @p extractor_row is a FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor and
+ * @p extractor_col is a FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor,
+ * then the returned object is a SymmetricTensor of rank 4, with its first
+ * two indices associated with the field corresponding to the row
+ * extractor and the last two indices associated with the field
+ * corresponding to the column extractor.
+ */
+ template <typename ExtractorType_Row, typename ExtractorType_Col>
+ static typename internal::VectorFieldJacobian<dim,
+ scalar_type,
+ ExtractorType_Row,
+ ExtractorType_Col>::type
+ extract_jacobian_component(const FullMatrix<scalar_type> &jacobian,
+ const ExtractorType_Row & extractor_row,
+ const ExtractorType_Col & extractor_col);
+ /**
+ * Extract the Jacobian of the subset of dependent functions
+ * $\mathbf{g} \subset \boldsymbol{\Psi}(\mathbf{X})$
+ * for a subset of independent variables
+ * $\mathbf{A} \subset \mathbf{X}$, i.e.
+ * @f[
+ * \mathbf{J}(\mathbf{g})
+ * = \frac{\partial\mathbf{g}(\mathbf{X})}{\partial\mathbf{A}}
+ * @f]
+ *
+ * This function is a specialization of the above for rank-0 tensors
+ * (scalars). This corresponds to extracting a single entry of the
+ * Jacobian matrix because both extractors imply selection of just a
+ * single row or column of the matrix.
+ */
+ static Tensor<0, dim, scalar_type>
+ extract_jacobian_component(
+ const FullMatrix<scalar_type> & jacobian,
+ const FEValuesExtractors::Scalar &extractor_row,
+ const FEValuesExtractors::Scalar &extractor_col);
+ /**
+ * Extract the Jacobian of the subset of dependent functions
+ * $\mathbf{g} \subset \boldsymbol{\Psi}(\mathbf{X})$
+ * for a subset of independent variables
+ * $\mathbf{A} \subset \mathbf{X}$, i.e.
+ * @f[
+ * \mathbf{J}(\mathbf{g})
+ * = \frac{\partial\mathbf{g}(\mathbf{X})}{\partial\mathbf{A}}
+ * @f]
+ *
+ * This function is a specialization of the above for rank-4 symmetric
+ * tensors.
+ */
+ static SymmetricTensor<4, dim, scalar_type>
+ extract_jacobian_component(
+ const FullMatrix<scalar_type> & jacobian,
+ const FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor<2> &extractor_row,
+ const FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor<2> &extractor_col);
+ //@}
+ }; // class ADHelperVectorFunction
} // namespace AD
} // namespace Differentiation
+ /* ----------------- ADHelperVectorFunction ----------------- */
+ template <int dim,
+ enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode,
+ typename ScalarType>
+ template <typename ValueType, typename ExtractorType>
+ void
+ ADHelperVectorFunction<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::
+ register_dependent_variable(const ValueType & funcs,
+ const ExtractorType &extractor)
+ {
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> index_set(
+ internal::extract_field_component_indices<dim>(extractor));
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < index_set.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ Assert(this->registered_marked_dependent_variables[index_set[i]] ==
+ false,
+ ExcMessage("Overlapping indices for dependent variables."));
+ ADHelperBase<ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::
+ register_dependent_variable(index_set[i],
+ internal::get_tensor_entry(funcs, i));
+ }
+ }
+ template <int dim,
+ enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode,
+ typename ScalarType>
+ template <typename ExtractorType_Row>
+ typename internal::VectorFieldValue<
+ dim,
+ typename ADHelperVectorFunction<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::
+ scalar_type,
+ ExtractorType_Row>::type
+ ADHelperVectorFunction<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::
+ extract_value_component(const Vector<scalar_type> &values,
+ const ExtractorType_Row & extractor_row)
+ {
+ // NOTE: The order of components must be consistently defined throughout
+ // this class.
+ typename internal::VectorFieldValue<dim, scalar_type, ExtractorType_Row>::
+ type out;
+ // Get indexsets for the subblock from which we wish to extract the
+ // gradient values
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> row_index_set(
+ internal::extract_field_component_indices<dim>(extractor_row));
+ Assert(out.n_independent_components == row_index_set.size(),
+ ExcMessage("Not all tensor components have been extracted!"));
+ for (unsigned int r = 0; r < row_index_set.size(); ++r)
+ internal::set_tensor_entry(out, r, values[row_index_set[r]]);
+ return out;
+ }
+ template <int dim,
+ enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode,
+ typename ScalarType>
+ template <typename ExtractorType_Row, typename ExtractorType_Col>
+ typename internal::VectorFieldJacobian<
+ dim,
+ typename ADHelperVectorFunction<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::
+ scalar_type,
+ ExtractorType_Row,
+ ExtractorType_Col>::type
+ ADHelperVectorFunction<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::
+ extract_jacobian_component(const FullMatrix<scalar_type> &jacobian,
+ const ExtractorType_Row & extractor_row,
+ const ExtractorType_Col & extractor_col)
+ {
+ using InternalJacobian = internal::VectorFieldJacobian<dim,
+ scalar_type,
+ ExtractorType_Row,
+ ExtractorType_Col>;
+ using InternalExtractorRow = internal::Extractor<dim, ExtractorType_Row>;
+ using InternalExtractorCol = internal::Extractor<dim, ExtractorType_Col>;
+ using JacobianType = typename InternalJacobian::type;
+ // NOTE: The order of components must be consistently defined throughout
+ // this class.
+ JacobianType out;
+ // Get indexsets for the subblocks from which we wish to extract the
+ // Hessian values.
+ // NOTE: Here we have to do some clever accounting when the
+ // one extractor is a symmetric Tensor and the other is not, e.g.
+ // <SymmTensor,Vector>. In this scenario the return type is a
+ // non-symmetric Tensor<3,dim> but we have to fetch information from a
+ // SymmTensor row/column that has too few entries to fill the output
+ // tensor. So we must duplicate the relevant entries in the row/column
+ // indexset to fetch off-diagonal components that are Otherwise
+ // non-existent in a SymmTensor.
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> row_index_set(
+ internal::extract_field_component_indices<dim>(
+ extractor_row, false /*ignore_symmetries*/));
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> col_index_set(
+ internal::extract_field_component_indices<dim>(
+ extractor_col, false /*ignore_symmetries*/));
+ for (unsigned int index = 0;
+ index < JacobianType::n_independent_components;
+ ++index)
+ {
+ const TableIndices<JacobianType::rank> ti_out =
+ JacobianType::unrolled_to_component_indices(index);
+ const unsigned int r =
+ InternalExtractorRow::local_component(ti_out, 0);
+ const unsigned int c =
+ InternalExtractorCol::local_component(ti_out,
+ InternalExtractorRow::rank);
+ internal::set_tensor_entry(
+ out, index, jacobian[row_index_set[r]][col_index_set[c]]);
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
} // namespace AD
} // namespace Differentiation
+ /* -------------------- ADHelperVectorFunction -------------------- */
+ template <int dim,
+ enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode,
+ typename ScalarType>
+ ADHelperVectorFunction<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::
+ ADHelperVectorFunction(const unsigned int n_independent_variables,
+ const unsigned int n_dependent_variables)
+ : ADHelperPointLevelFunctionsBase<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>(
+ n_independent_variables,
+ n_dependent_variables)
+ {}
+ template <int dim,
+ enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode,
+ typename ScalarType>
+ void
+ ADHelperVectorFunction<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::
+ register_dependent_variables(const std::vector<ad_type> &funcs)
+ {
+ Assert(funcs.size() == this->n_dependent_variables(),
+ ExcMessage(
+ "Vector size does not match number of dependent variables"));
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->n_dependent_variables(); ++i)
+ ADHelperBase<ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::register_dependent_variable(
+ i, funcs[i]);
+ }
+ template <int dim,
+ enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode,
+ typename ScalarType>
+ void
+ ADHelperVectorFunction<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::compute_values(
+ Vector<scalar_type> &values) const
+ {
+ if ((ADNumberTraits<ad_type>::is_taped == true &&
+ this->taped_driver.keep_independent_values() == false) ||
+ ADNumberTraits<ad_type>::is_tapeless == true)
+ {
+ Assert(
+ this->n_registered_independent_variables() ==
+ this->n_independent_variables(),
+ ExcMessage(
+ "Not all values of sensitivities have been registered or subsequently set!"));
+ }
+ Assert(this->n_registered_dependent_variables() ==
+ this->n_dependent_variables(),
+ ExcMessage("Not all dependent variables have been registered."));
+ // We can neglect correctly initializing the entries as
+ // we'll be overwriting them immediately in the succeeding call to
+ // Drivers::values().
+ if (values.size() != this->n_dependent_variables())
+ values.reinit(this->n_dependent_variables(),
+ true /*omit_zeroing_entries*/);
+ if (ADNumberTraits<ad_type>::is_taped == true)
+ {
+ Assert(this->active_tape_index() !=
+ Numbers<ad_type>::invalid_tape_index,
+ ExcMessage("Invalid tape index"));
+ Assert(this->is_recording() == false,
+ ExcMessage(
+ "Cannot compute values while tape is being recorded."));
+ Assert(this->independent_variable_values.size() ==
+ this->n_independent_variables(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(this->independent_variable_values.size(),
+ this->n_independent_variables()));
+ this->taped_driver.values(this->active_tape_index(),
+ this->n_dependent_variables(),
+ this->independent_variable_values,
+ values);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(ADNumberTraits<ad_type>::is_tapeless == true,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ this->tapeless_driver.values(this->dependent_variables, values);
+ }
+ }
+ template <int dim,
+ enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode,
+ typename ScalarType>
+ void
+ ADHelperVectorFunction<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::compute_jacobian(
+ FullMatrix<scalar_type> &jacobian) const
+ {
+ if ((ADNumberTraits<ad_type>::is_taped == true &&
+ this->taped_driver.keep_independent_values() == false) ||
+ ADNumberTraits<ad_type>::is_tapeless == true)
+ {
+ Assert(
+ this->n_registered_independent_variables() ==
+ this->n_independent_variables(),
+ ExcMessage(
+ "Not all values of sensitivities have been registered or subsequently set!"));
+ }
+ Assert(this->n_registered_dependent_variables() ==
+ this->n_dependent_variables(),
+ ExcMessage("Not all dependent variables have been registered."));
+ // We can neglect correctly initializing the entries as
+ // we'll be overwriting them immediately in the succeeding call to
+ // Drivers::jacobian().
+ if (jacobian.m() != this->n_dependent_variables() ||
+ jacobian.n() != this->n_independent_variables())
+ jacobian.reinit({this->n_dependent_variables(),
+ this->n_independent_variables()},
+ true /*omit_default_initialization*/);
+ if (ADNumberTraits<ad_type>::is_taped == true)
+ {
+ Assert(this->active_tape_index() !=
+ Numbers<ad_type>::invalid_tape_index,
+ ExcMessage("Invalid tape index"));
+ Assert(this->is_recording() == false,
+ ExcMessage(
+ "Cannot compute Jacobian while tape is being recorded."));
+ Assert(this->independent_variable_values.size() ==
+ this->n_independent_variables(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(this->independent_variable_values.size(),
+ this->n_independent_variables()));
+ this->taped_driver.jacobian(this->active_tape_index(),
+ this->n_dependent_variables(),
+ this->independent_variable_values,
+ jacobian);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(ADNumberTraits<ad_type>::is_tapeless == true,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(this->independent_variables.size() ==
+ this->n_independent_variables(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(this->independent_variables.size(),
+ this->n_independent_variables()));
+ this->tapeless_driver.jacobian(this->independent_variables,
+ this->dependent_variables,
+ jacobian);
+ }
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < this->n_independent_variables(); j++)
+ {
+ // Because we perform just a single differentiation
+ // operation with respect to the "column" variables,
+ // we only need to consider them for symmetry conditions.
+ if (this->is_symmetric_independent_variable(j) == true)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->n_dependent_variables(); i++)
+ jacobian[i][j] *= 0.5;
+ }
+ }
+ template <int dim,
+ enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode,
+ typename ScalarType>
+ Tensor<0,
+ dim,
+ typename ADHelperVectorFunction<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::
+ scalar_type>
+ ADHelperVectorFunction<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::
+ extract_jacobian_component(
+ const FullMatrix<scalar_type> & jacobian,
+ const FEValuesExtractors::Scalar &extractor_row,
+ const FEValuesExtractors::Scalar &extractor_col)
+ {
+ // NOTE: It is necessary to make special provision for the case when the
+ // HessianType is scalar. Unfortunately Tensor<0,dim> does not provide
+ // the function unrolled_to_component_indices!
+ // NOTE: The order of components must be consistently defined throughout
+ // this class.
+ Tensor<0, dim, scalar_type> out;
+ // Get indexsets for the subblocks from which we wish to extract the
+ // matrix values
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> row_index_set(
+ internal::extract_field_component_indices<dim>(extractor_row));
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> col_index_set(
+ internal::extract_field_component_indices<dim>(extractor_col));
+ Assert(row_index_set.size() == 1, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert(col_index_set.size() == 1, ExcInternalError());
+ internal::set_tensor_entry(out,
+ 0,
+ jacobian[row_index_set[0]][col_index_set[0]]);
+ return out;
+ }
+ template <int dim,
+ enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode,
+ typename ScalarType>
+ SymmetricTensor<4,
+ dim,
+ typename ADHelperVectorFunction<dim,
+ ADNumberTypeCode,
+ ScalarType>::scalar_type>
+ ADHelperVectorFunction<dim, ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::
+ extract_jacobian_component(
+ const FullMatrix<scalar_type> & jacobian,
+ const FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor<2> &extractor_row,
+ const FEValuesExtractors::SymmetricTensor<2> &extractor_col)
+ {
+ // NOTE: The order of components must be consistently defined throughout
+ // this class.
+ // NOTE: We require a specialisation for rank-4 symmetric tensors because
+ // they do not define their rank, and setting data using TableIndices is
+ // somewhat specialised as well.
+ SymmetricTensor<4, dim, scalar_type> out;
+ // Get indexsets for the subblocks from which we wish to extract the
+ // matrix values
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> row_index_set(
+ internal::extract_field_component_indices<dim>(extractor_row));
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> col_index_set(
+ internal::extract_field_component_indices<dim>(extractor_col));
+ for (unsigned int r = 0; r < row_index_set.size(); ++r)
+ for (unsigned int c = 0; c < col_index_set.size(); ++c)
+ {
+ internal::set_tensor_entry(
+ out, r, c, jacobian[row_index_set[r]][col_index_set[c]]);
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
} // namespace AD
} // namespace Differentiation