namespace Particles
const ComponentMask &space_comps = ComponentMask());
+ /**
+ * Interpolate a vector field to the particles of a particle_handler
+ *
+ * Given a DoFHandler and a particle handler, interpolates a vector field
+ * at the position of the particles. The result is stored in an output
+ * vector whose size corresponds to the number of locally owned particles *
+ * number of components
+ *
+ * @param[in] dof_handler The DOF Handler which was used to generate the
+ * field vector that is to be interpolated.
+ *
+ * @param[in] particle_handler The particle handler whose particle serve as
+ * the interpolation points.
+ *
+ * @param[in] field_vector The vector of the field to be interpolated. This
+ * vector must be coherent with the dof_handler provided
+ *
+ * @param[in,out] interpolated_field The interpolated value of the field at
+ * the position of the particles. The size of the vector must be
+ * n_locally_owned_particles * n_components
+ *
+ * @param[in] field_comps An optional component mask that decides which
+ * subset of the vector fields are interpolated
+ *
+ * @author Bruno Blais, Luca Heltai, 2019
+ */
template <int dim,
int spacedim,
typename InputVectorType,
const Particles::ParticleHandler<dim, spacedim> &particle_handler,
const InputVectorType & field_vector,
OutputVectorType & interpolated_field,
- const ComponentMask &field_comps = ComponentMask());
+ const ComponentMask &field_comps = ComponentMask())
+ {
+ if (particle_handler.n_locally_owned_particles() == 0)
+ {
+ interpolated_field.compress(VectorOperation::add);
+ return; // nothing else to do here
+ }
+ const auto &tria = field_dh.get_triangulation();
+ const auto &fe = field_dh.get_fe();
+ auto particle = particle_handler.begin();
+ const auto max_particles_per_cell =
+ particle_handler.n_global_max_particles_per_cell();
+ // Take care of components
+ const ComponentMask comps =
+ (field_comps.size() == 0 ? ComponentMask(fe.n_components(), true) :
+ field_comps);
+ AssertDimension(comps.size(), fe.n_components());
+ const auto n_comps = comps.n_selected_components();
+ AssertDimension(field_vector.size(), field_dh.n_dofs());
+ AssertDimension(interpolated_field.size(),
+ particle_handler.get_next_free_particle_index() *
+ n_comps);
+ // Add check on locally owned indices
+ // Global to local indices
+ std::vector<unsigned int> space_gtl(fe.n_components(),
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; i < space_gtl.size(); ++i)
+ if (comps[i])
+ space_gtl[i] = j++;
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> dof_indices(fe.dofs_per_cell);
+ while (particle != particle_handler.end())
+ {
+ const auto &cell = particle->get_surrounding_cell(tria);
+ const auto &dh_cell =
+ typename DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator(*cell, &field_dh);
+ dh_cell->get_dof_indices(dof_indices);
+ const auto pic = particle_handler.particles_in_cell(cell);
+ const auto n_particles = particle_handler.n_particles_in_cell(cell);
+ Assert(pic.begin() == particle, ExcInternalError());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; particle != pic.end(); ++particle, ++i)
+ {
+ const auto &reference_location =
+ particle->get_reference_location();
+ const auto id = particle->get_id();
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ {
+ const auto comp_j =
+ space_gtl[fe.system_to_component_index(j).first];
+ if (comp_j != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ interpolated_field[id * n_comps + comp_j] +=
+ fe.shape_value(j, reference_location) *
+ field_vector(dof_indices[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ interpolated_field.compress(VectorOperation::add);
+ }
} // namespace Utilities
} // namespace Particles
- template <int dim,
- int spacedim,
- typename InputVectorType,
- typename OutputVectorType>
- void
- interpolate_field_on_particles(
- const DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> & field_dh,
- const Particles::ParticleHandler<dim, spacedim> &particle_handler,
- const InputVectorType & field_vector,
- OutputVectorType & interpolated_field,
- const ComponentMask & field_comps)
- {
- if (particle_handler.n_locally_owned_particles() == 0)
- {
- interpolated_field.compress(VectorOperation::add);
- return; // nothing else to do here
- }
- const auto &tria = field_dh.get_triangulation();
- const auto &fe = field_dh.get_fe();
- auto particle = particle_handler.begin();
- const auto max_particles_per_cell =
- particle_handler.n_global_max_particles_per_cell();
- // Take care of components
- const ComponentMask comps =
- (field_comps.size() == 0 ? ComponentMask(fe.n_components(), true) :
- field_comps);
- AssertDimension(comps.size(), fe.n_components());
- const auto n_comps = comps.n_selected_components();
- AssertDimension(field_vector.size(), field_dh.n_dofs());
- AssertDimension(interpolated_field.size(),
- particle_handler.get_next_free_particle_index() *
- n_comps);
- // Add check on locally owned indices
- // Global to local indices
- std::vector<unsigned int> space_gtl(fe.n_components(),
- numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
- for (unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; i < space_gtl.size(); ++i)
- if (comps[i])
- space_gtl[i] = j++;
- std::vector<types::global_dof_index> dof_indices(fe.dofs_per_cell);
+ // template <int dim,
+ // int spacedim,
+ // typename InputVectorType,
+ // typename OutputVectorType>
+ // void
+ // interpolate_field_on_particles(
+ // const DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> & field_dh,
+ // const Particles::ParticleHandler<dim, spacedim> &particle_handler,
+ // const InputVectorType & field_vector,
+ // OutputVectorType & interpolated_field,
+ // const ComponentMask & field_comps)
+ // {
+ // if (particle_handler.n_locally_owned_particles() == 0)
+ // {
+ // interpolated_field.compress(VectorOperation::add);
+ // return; // nothing else to do here
+ // }
+ // const auto &tria = field_dh.get_triangulation();
+ // const auto &fe = field_dh.get_fe();
+ // auto particle = particle_handler.begin();
+ // const auto max_particles_per_cell =
+ // particle_handler.n_global_max_particles_per_cell();
+ // // Take care of components
+ // const ComponentMask comps =
+ // (field_comps.size() == 0 ? ComponentMask(fe.n_components(), true)
+ // :
+ // field_comps);
+ // AssertDimension(comps.size(), fe.n_components());
+ // const auto n_comps = comps.n_selected_components();
+ // AssertDimension(field_vector.size(), field_dh.n_dofs());
+ // AssertDimension(interpolated_field.size(),
+ // particle_handler.get_next_free_particle_index() *
+ // n_comps);
+ // // Add check on locally owned indices
+ // // Global to local indices
+ // std::vector<unsigned int> space_gtl(fe.n_components(),
+ // numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
+ // for (unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; i < space_gtl.size(); ++i)
+ // if (comps[i])
+ // space_gtl[i] = j++;
+ // std::vector<types::global_dof_index> dof_indices(fe.dofs_per_cell);
+ // while (particle != particle_handler.end())
+ // {
+ // const auto &cell = particle->get_surrounding_cell(tria);
+ // const auto &dh_cell =
+ // typename DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator(*cell,
+ // &field_dh);
+ // dh_cell->get_dof_indices(dof_indices);
+ // const auto pic =
+ // particle_handler.particles_in_cell(cell); const auto n_particles
+ // = particle_handler.n_particles_in_cell(cell);
+ // Assert(pic.begin() == particle, ExcInternalError());
+ // for (unsigned int i = 0; particle != pic.end(); ++particle, ++i)
+ // {
+ // const auto &reference_location =
+ // particle->get_reference_location();
+ // const auto id = particle->get_id();
+ // for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
+ // {
+ // const auto comp_j =
+ // space_gtl[fe.system_to_component_index(j).first];
+ // if (comp_j != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ // interpolated_field[id * n_comps + comp_j] +=
+ // fe.shape_value(j, reference_location) *
+ // field_vector(dof_indices[j]);
+ // }
+ // }
+ // }
+ // interpolated_field.compress(VectorOperation::add);
+ // }
- while (particle != particle_handler.end())
- {
- const auto &cell = particle->get_surrounding_cell(tria);
- const auto &dh_cell =
- typename DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator(*cell, &field_dh);
- dh_cell->get_dof_indices(dof_indices);
- const auto pic = particle_handler.particles_in_cell(cell);
- const auto n_particles = particle_handler.n_particles_in_cell(cell);
- Assert(pic.begin() == particle, ExcInternalError());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; particle != pic.end(); ++particle, ++i)
- {
- const auto &reference_location =
- particle->get_reference_location();
- const auto id = particle->get_id();
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < fe.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
- {
- const auto comp_j =
- space_gtl[fe.system_to_component_index(j).first];
- if (comp_j != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- interpolated_field[id * n_comps + comp_j] +=
- fe.shape_value(j, reference_location) *
- field_vector(dof_indices[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- interpolated_field.compress(VectorOperation::add);
- }
#include "utilities.inst"
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2019 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file at
+// the top level directory of deal.II.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Test that a Monomial function interpolated to a field
+// can be interpolated at the particle position correctly
+#include <deal.II/base/function_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/point.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/tensor.h>
+#include <deal.II/distributed/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_system.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/dynamic_sparsity_pattern.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/sparse_matrix.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/sparsity_pattern.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/sparsity_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_sparse_matrix.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_sparsity_pattern.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/vector_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/particles/generators.h>
+#include <deal.II/particles/particle_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/particles/utilities.h>
+#include "../tests.h"
+using namespace dealii;
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ const unsigned int my_mpi_id =
+ Utilities::MPI::this_mpi_process(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ // Create a triangulation with a non-trivial number of degree of freedom
+ parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> tria(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ MappingQ1<dim, spacedim> mapping;
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tria, -1, 1);
+ tria.refine_global(2);
+ // Generate particles at the gauss points where the field will be interpolated
+ Particles::ParticleHandler<dim, spacedim> particle_handler(tria, mapping);
+ Particles::Generators::regular_reference_locations<dim, spacedim>(
+ tria, QGauss<dim>(2).get_points(), particle_handler);
+ FE_Q<dim, spacedim> fe(1);
+ ComponentMask mask(fe.n_components(), true);
+ const auto n_comps = mask.n_selected_components();
+ DoFHandler<dim, spacedim> space_dh(tria);
+ space_dh.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ IndexSet locally_owned_dofs = space_dh.locally_owned_dofs();
+ IndexSet locally_relevant_dofs;
+ DoFTools::extract_locally_relevant_dofs(space_dh, locally_relevant_dofs);
+ if (my_mpi_id == 0)
+ deallog << "dim: " << dim << ", spacedim: " << spacedim << std::endl
+ << "Total number of particles: "
+ << particle_handler.n_global_particles() << std::endl;
+ const auto n_local_particles_dofs =
+ particle_handler.n_locally_owned_particles() * n_comps;
+ auto particle_sizes =
+ Utilities::MPI::all_gather(MPI_COMM_WORLD, n_local_particles_dofs);
+ const auto my_start = std::accumulate(particle_sizes.begin(),
+ particle_sizes.begin() + my_mpi_id,
+ 0u);
+ IndexSet local_particle_index_set(particle_handler.n_global_particles() *
+ n_comps);
+ local_particle_index_set.add_range(my_start,
+ my_start + n_local_particles_dofs);
+ auto global_particles_index_set =
+ Utilities::MPI::all_gather(MPI_COMM_WORLD, n_local_particles_dofs);
+ // Create dofs and particle vectors
+ TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector field_owned(locally_owned_dofs, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector field_relevant(locally_relevant_dofs,
+ TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector interpolation_on_particles(
+ local_particle_index_set, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
+ // Create interpolation function
+ Tensor<1, spacedim> exponents;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < spacedim; ++i)
+ exponents[i] = 1;
+ Functions::Monomial<spacedim> linear(exponents, mask.size());
+ // Interpolate function to vector than interpolate field to particles
+ VectorTools::interpolate(space_dh, linear, field_owned);
+ field_relevant = field_owned;
+ Particles::Utilities::interpolate_field_on_particles(
+ space_dh, particle_handler, field_relevant, interpolation_on_particles);
+ Vector<double> values(mask.size());
+ for (auto particle : particle_handler)
+ {
+ const auto &location = particle.get_location();
+ const auto &id = particle.get_id();
+ linear.vector_value(location, values);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0, j = 0; i < values.size(); ++i)
+ if (mask[i])
+ if (std::abs(values[i] - interpolation_on_particles(id * n_comps +
+ (j++))) > 1e-10)
+ deallog << "NOT OK" << std::endl;
+ }
+main(int argc, char **argv)
+ Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
+ MPILogInitAll init;
+ deallog.push("2d/2d");
+ test<2, 2>();
+ deallog.pop();
+ deallog.push("2d/3d");
+ test<2, 3>();
+ deallog.pop();
+ deallog.push("3d/3d");
+ test<3, 3>();
+ deallog.pop();
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:0:2d/2d::dim: 2, spacedim: 2
+DEAL:0:2d/2d::Total number of particles: 64
+DEAL:0:2d/3d::dim: 2, spacedim: 3
+DEAL:0:2d/3d::Total number of particles: 64
+DEAL:0:3d/3d::dim: 3, spacedim: 3
+DEAL:0:3d/3d::Total number of particles: 512