# include <Teuchos_RCP.hpp>
# include <Epetra_Comm.h>
+# include <Epetra_Map.h>
# include <Epetra_MpiComm.h>
# else
* get_n_mpi_processes()).
unsigned int get_this_mpi_process (const Epetra_Comm &mpi_communicator);
+ /**
+ * Given a Trilinos Epetra map, create a
+ * new map that has the same subdivision
+ * of elements to processors but uses the
+ * given communicator object instead of
+ * the one stored in the first
+ * argument. In essence, this means that
+ * we create a map that communicates
+ * among the same processors in the same
+ * way, but using a separate channel.
+ *
+ * This function is typically used with a
+ * communicator that has been obtained by
+ * the duplicate_communicator() function.
+ */
+ Epetra_Map
+ duplicate_map (const Epetra_Map &map,
+ const Epetra_Comm &comm);
return (unsigned int)mpi_communicator.MyPID();
+ Epetra_Map
+ duplicate_map (const Epetra_Map &map,
+ const Epetra_Comm &comm)
+ {
+ // assume that each processor stores a
+ // contiguous range of elements in the
+ // following constructor call
+ Assert (map.LinearMap() == true,
+ ExcNotImplemented());
+ return
+ Epetra_Map (map.NumGlobalElements(),
+ map.NumMyElements(),
+ map.IndexBase(),
+ comm);
+ }