// @sect3{Definition of assembly data structures}
- // As described in the introduction, we will
- // use the WorkStream mechanism discussed in
- // the @ref threads module to parallelize
- // operations among the processors of a
- // single machine. The WorkStream class
- // requires that data is passed around in two
- // kinds of data structures, one for scratch
- // data and one to pass data from the
- // assembly function to the function that
- // copies local contributions into global
+ // As described in the
+ // introduction, we will use the
+ // WorkStream mechanism discussed
+ // in the @ref threads module to
+ // parallelize operations among the
+ // processors of a single
+ // machine. The WorkStream class
+ // requires that data is passed
+ // around in two kinds of data
+ // structures, one for scratch data
+ // and one to pass data from the
+ // assembly function to the
+ // function that copies local
+ // contributions into global
// objects.
- // The following namespace (and the two
- // sub-namespaces) contains a collection of
- // data structures that serve this purpose,
- // one pair for each of the four operations
- // discussed in the introduction that we will
- // want to parallelize. Each
- // assembly routine gets two sets of data: a
- // Scratch array that collects all the
- // classes and arrays that are used for the
- // calculation of the cell contribution, and
- // a CopyData array that keeps local matrices
- // and vectors which will be written into the
- // global matrix. Whereas CopyData is a
- // container for the final data that is
- // written into the global matrices and
- // vector (and, thus, absolutely necessary),
- // the Scratch arrays are merely there for
- // performance reasons — it would be
- // much more expensive to set up a FEValues
- // object on each cell, than creating it only
- // once and updating some derivative data.
+ // The following namespace (and the
+ // two sub-namespaces) contains a
+ // collection of data structures
+ // that serve this purpose, one
+ // pair for each of the four
+ // operations discussed in the
+ // introduction that we will want
+ // to parallelize. Each assembly
+ // routine gets two sets of data: a
+ // Scratch array that collects all
+ // the classes and arrays that are
+ // used for the calculation of the
+ // cell contribution, and a
+ // CopyData array that keeps local
+ // matrices and vectors which will
+ // be written into the global
+ // matrix. Whereas CopyData is a
+ // container for the final data
+ // that is written into the global
+ // matrices and vector (and, thus,
+ // absolutely necessary), the
+ // Scratch arrays are merely there
+ // for performance reasons —
+ // it would be much more expensive
+ // to set up a FEValues object on
+ // each cell, than creating it only
+ // once and updating some
+ // derivative data.
- // Step-31 had four assembly routines: One
- // for the preconditioner matrix of the
- // Stokes system, one for the Stokes matrix
- // and right hand side, one for the
- // temperature matrices and one for the
- // right hand side of the temperature
- // equation. We here organize the scratch
- // arrays and CopyData objects for each of
- // those four assembly components using a
- // <code>struct</code> environment (since
- // we consider these as temporary objects
- // we pass around, rather than classes that
- // implement functionality of their own,
- // though this is a more subjective point
- // of view to distinguish between
+ // Step-31 had four assembly
+ // routines: One for the
+ // preconditioner matrix of the
+ // Stokes system, one for the
+ // Stokes matrix and right hand
+ // side, one for the temperature
+ // matrices and one for the right
+ // hand side of the temperature
+ // equation. We here organize the
+ // scratch arrays and CopyData
+ // objects for each of those four
+ // assembly components using a
+ // <code>struct</code> environment
+ // (since we consider these as
+ // temporary objects we pass
+ // around, rather than classes that
+ // implement functionality of their
+ // own, though this is a more
+ // subjective point of view to
+ // distinguish between
// <code>struct</code>s and
// <code>class</code>es).
- // Regarding the Scratch array, each struct
- // is equipped with a constructor that
- // creates an FEValues object for a @ref
- // FiniteElement "finite element", a @ref
- // Quadrature "quadrature formula", the
- // @ref Mapping "mapping" that describes
- // the interpolation of curved boundaries,
- // and some @ref UpdateFlags "update
- // flags". Moreover, we manually implement
- // a copy constructor (since the FEValues
- // class is not copyable by itself), and
- // provide some additional vector fields
- // that are used to hold intermediate data
- // during the computation of local
- // contributions.
+ // Regarding the Scratch objects,
+ // each struct is equipped with a
+ // constructor that creates an
+ // FEValues object for a @ref
+ // FiniteElement "finite element",
+ // a @ref Quadrature "quadrature
+ // formula", the @ref Mapping
+ // "mapping" that describes the
+ // interpolation of curved
+ // boundaries, and some @ref
+ // UpdateFlags "update flags".
+ // Moreover, we manually implement
+ // a copy constructor (since the
+ // FEValues class is not copyable
+ // by itself), and provide some
+ // additional vector fields that
+ // are used to hold intermediate
+ // data during the computation of
+ // local contributions.
- // Let us start with the scratch arrays
- // and, specifically, the one used for
- // assembly of the Stokes preconditioner:
+ // Let us start with the scratch
+ // arrays and, specifically, the
+ // one used for assembly of the
+ // Stokes preconditioner:
namespace Assembly
namespace Scratch
- // The CopyData arrays are similar to the
- // Scratch arrays. They provide a
- // constructor, a copy operation, and
- // some arrays for local matrix, local
- // vectors and the relation between local
- // and global degrees of freedom (a.k.a.
- // <code>local_dof_indices</code>).
+ // The CopyData objects are even
+ // simpler than the Scratch
+ // objects as all they have to do
+ // is to store the results of
+ // local computations until they
+ // can be copied into the global
+ // matrix or vector
+ // objects. These structures
+ // therefore only need to provide
+ // a constructor, a copy
+ // operation, and some arrays for
+ // local matrix, local vectors
+ // and the relation between local
+ // and global degrees of freedom
+ // (a.k.a.
+ // <code>local_dof_indices</code>). Again,
+ // we have one such structure for
+ // each of the four operations we
+ // will parallelize using the
+ // WorkStream class:
namespace CopyData
template <int dim>
local_dof_indices (stokes_fe.dofs_per_cell)
template <int dim>
StokesPreconditioner (const StokesPreconditioner &data)
Vector<double> local_rhs;
template <int dim>
StokesSystem (const FiniteElement<dim> &stokes_fe)
local_rhs (stokes_fe.dofs_per_cell)
template <int dim>
StokesSystem (const StokesSystem<dim> &data)
local_dof_indices (temperature_fe.dofs_per_cell)
template <int dim>
TemperatureMatrix (const TemperatureMatrix &data)
template <int dim>
struct TemperatureRHS
template <int dim>
TemperatureRHS (const TemperatureRHS &data)
-// @sect3{The <code>BoussinesqFlowProblem</code> class template}
-// This is the declaration of the main
-// class. It is very similar to
-// step-31. Following the @ref
-// MTWorkStream "task-based parallelization"
-// paradigm, we split all the
-// assembly routines into two parts: a
-// first part that can do all the
-// calculations on a certain cell without
-// taking care of other threads, and a
-// second part (which is writing the
-// local data into the global matrices
-// and vectors) which can be entered by
-// only one thread at a time. In order to
-// implement that, we provide functions
-// for each of those two steps for all
-// the four assembly routines that we use
-// in this program.
-// Another new component is the definition of a struct for the parameters
-// according to the discussion in the introduction. This structure is
-// initialized by reading from a parameter file at the constructor phase of
-// the main class.
-// The <code>pcout</code> (for <i>%parallel
-// <code>std::cout</code></i>) object is used
-// to simplify writing output: each MPI
-// process can use this to generate output as
-// usual, but since each of these processes
-// will produce the same output it will just
-// be replicated many times over; with the
-// ConditionalOStream class, only the output
-// generated by one task will actually be
-// printed to screen, whereas the output by
-// all the other threads will simply be
-// forgotten.
-// In a bit of naming confusion, you will
-// notice below that some of the variables
-// from namespace TrilinosWrappers are
-// taken from namespace
-// TrilinosWrappers::MPI (such as the right
-// hand side vectors) whereas others are
-// not (such as the various matrices). For
-// the matrices, we happen to use the same
-// class names for %parallel and sequential
-// data structures, i.e. all matrices will
-// actually be considered %parallel
-// below. On the other hand, for vectors,
-// only those from namespace
-// TrilinosWrappers::MPI are actually
-// distributed. In particular, we will
-// frequently have to query velocities and
-// temperatures at arbitrary quadrature
-// points; consequently, rather than
-// importing ghost information of a vector
-// whenever we need access to degrees of freedom
-// that are relevant locally but owned by
-// another processor,
-// we solve linear
-// systems in %parallel but then immediately
-// initialize a vector including ghost entries
-// the solution for further
-// processing. The various
-// <code>*_solution</code> vectors are
-// therefore filled immediately after
-// solving their respective linear system
-// in %parallel.
-// The only other new data member is
-// <code>computing_timer</code>. Its class
-// type, TimerOutput, can be used to
-// conveniently account for compute time
-// spent in certain "sections" of the code
-// that are repeatedly entered. For
-// example, we will enter (and leave)
-// sections for Stokes matrix assembly and
-// would like to accumulate the run time
-// spent in this section over all time
-// steps. At the end of the program, the
-// destructor of the TimerOutput class will
-// automatically produce a nice summary of
-// the times spent in all the sections. For
-// this output, one can choose whether wall
-// clock or CPU times are to be printed, as
-// well as whether we want to produce
-// output every time we leave a section --
-// which would be quite a lot of additional
-// output -- or just in the end of the
-// program (this choice is made in the
-// from this variable in the results
-// section of this tutorial program.
+ // @sect3{The <code>BoussinesqFlowProblem</code> class template}
+ //
+ // This is the declaration of the
+ // main class. It is very similar
+ // to step-31 but there are a
+ // number differences we will
+ // comment on below.
+ //
+ // The top of the class is
+ // essentially the same as in
+ // step-31, listing the public
+ // methods and a set of private
+ // functions that do the heavy
+ // lifting. Compared to step-31
+ // there are only two additions to
+ // this section: the function
+ // <code>get_cfl_number()</code>
+ // that computes the maximum CFL
+ // number over all cells from which
+ // we then compute the global time
+ // step, and the function
+ // <code>get_entropy_variation()</code>
+ // that is used in the computation
+ // of the entropy stabilization. It
+ // is akin to the
+ // <code>get_extrapolated_temperature_range()</code>
+ // we have used in step-31 for this
+ // purpose, but works on the
+ // entropy instead of the
+ // temperature instead.
template <int dim>
class BoussinesqFlowProblem
const double cell_diameter) const;
+ // The first significant new
+ // component is the definition
+ // of a struct for the
+ // parameters according to the
+ // discussion in the
+ // introduction. This structure
+ // is initialized by reading
+ // from a parameter file during
+ // construction of this object.
struct Parameters
Parameters (const std::string ¶meter_filename);
static void declare_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
void parse_parameters (ParameterHandler &prm);
- double end_time;
+ double end_time;
unsigned int initial_global_refinement;
unsigned int initial_adaptive_refinement;
- Parameters ¶meters;
- ConditionalOStream pcout;
+ Parameters ¶meters;
+ // The <code>pcout</code> (for
+ // <i>%parallel
+ // <code>std::cout</code></i>)
+ // object is used to simplify
+ // writing output: each MPI
+ // process can use this to
+ // generate output as usual,
+ // but since each of these
+ // processes will (hopefully)
+ // produce the same output it
+ // will just be replicated many
+ // times over; with the
+ // ConditionalOStream class,
+ // only the output generated by
+ // one MPI process will
+ // actually be printed to
+ // screen, whereas the output
+ // by all the other threads
+ // will simply be forgotten.
+ ConditionalOStream pcout;
+ // The following member
+ // variables will then again be
+ // similar to those in step-31
+ // (and to other tutorial
+ // programs). As mentioned in
+ // the introduction, we fully
+ // distribute computations, so
+ // we will have to use the
+ // parallel::distributed::Triangulation
+ // class (see step-40) but the
+ // remainder of these variables
+ // is rather standard with two
+ // exceptions:
+ //
+ // - The <code>mapping</code>
+ // variable is used to denote a
+ // higher-order polynomial
+ // mapping. As mentioned in the
+ // introduction, we use this
+ // mapping when forming
+ // integrals through quadrature
+ // for all cells that are
+ // adjacent to either the inner
+ // or outer boundaries of our
+ // domain where the boundary is
+ // curved.
+ //
+ // - In a bit of naming
+ // confusion, you will notice
+ // below that some of the
+ // variables from namespace
+ // TrilinosWrappers are taken
+ // from namespace
+ // TrilinosWrappers::MPI (such
+ // as the right hand side
+ // vectors) whereas others are
+ // not (such as the various
+ // matrices). For the matrices,
+ // we happen to use the same
+ // class names for %parallel
+ // and sequential data
+ // structures, i.e., all
+ // matrices will actually be
+ // considered %parallel
+ // below. On the other hand,
+ // for vectors, only those from
+ // namespace
+ // TrilinosWrappers::MPI are
+ // actually distributed. In
+ // particular, we will
+ // frequently have to query
+ // velocities and temperatures
+ // at arbitrary quadrature
+ // points; consequently, rather
+ // than importing ghost
+ // information of a vector
+ // whenever we need access to
+ // degrees of freedom that are
+ // relevant locally but owned
+ // by another processor, we
+ // solve linear systems in
+ // %parallel but then
+ // immediately initialize a
+ // vector including ghost
+ // entries of the solution for
+ // further processing. The
+ // various
+ // <code>*_solution</code>
+ // vectors are therefore filled
+ // immediately after solving
+ // their respective linear
+ // system in %parallel and will
+ // always contain values for
+ // all @ref
+ // GlossLocallyRelevantDof
+ // "locally relevant degrees of
+ // freedom"; the fully
+ // distributed vectors that we
+ // obtain from the solution
+ // process and that only ever
+ // contain the @ref
+ // GlossLocallyOwnedDof
+ // "locally owned degrees of
+ // freedom" are destroyed
+ // immediately after the
+ // solution process and after
+ // we have copied the relevant
+ // values into the member
+ // variable vectors.
parallel::distributed::Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
- double global_Omega_diameter;
+ double global_Omega_diameter;
- const MappingQ<dim> mapping;
+ const MappingQ<dim> mapping;
- const FESystem<dim> stokes_fe;
+ const FESystem<dim> stokes_fe;
+ DoFHandler<dim> stokes_dof_handler;
+ ConstraintMatrix stokes_constraints;
- DoFHandler<dim> stokes_dof_handler;
- ConstraintMatrix stokes_constraints;
+ TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix stokes_matrix;
+ TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix stokes_preconditioner_matrix;
- TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix stokes_matrix;
- TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparseMatrix stokes_preconditioner_matrix;
+ TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector stokes_solution;
+ TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector old_stokes_solution;
+ TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector stokes_rhs;
- TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector stokes_solution;
- TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector old_stokes_solution;
- TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector stokes_rhs;
+ FE_Q<dim> temperature_fe;
+ DoFHandler<dim> temperature_dof_handler;
+ ConstraintMatrix temperature_constraints;
- FE_Q<dim> temperature_fe;
- DoFHandler<dim> temperature_dof_handler;
- ConstraintMatrix temperature_constraints;
+ TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix temperature_mass_matrix;
+ TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix temperature_stiffness_matrix;
+ TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix temperature_matrix;
- TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix temperature_mass_matrix;
- TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix temperature_stiffness_matrix;
- TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix temperature_matrix;
+ TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector temperature_solution;
+ TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector old_temperature_solution;
+ TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector old_old_temperature_solution;
+ TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector temperature_rhs;
- TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector temperature_solution;
- TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector old_temperature_solution;
- TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector old_old_temperature_solution;
- TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector temperature_rhs;
- double time_step;
- double old_time_step;
- unsigned int timestep_number;
+ double time_step;
+ double old_time_step;
+ unsigned int timestep_number;
std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionAMG> Amg_preconditioner;
std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionJacobi> Mp_preconditioner;
std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<TrilinosWrappers::PreconditionJacobi> T_preconditioner;
- bool rebuild_stokes_matrix;
- bool rebuild_stokes_preconditioner;
- bool rebuild_temperature_matrices;
- bool rebuild_temperature_preconditioner;
- TimerOutput computing_timer;
+ bool rebuild_stokes_matrix;
+ bool rebuild_stokes_preconditioner;
+ bool rebuild_temperature_matrices;
+ bool rebuild_temperature_preconditioner;
+ // The next member variable,
+ // <code>computing_timer</code>
+ // is used to conveniently
+ // account for compute time
+ // spent in certain "sections"
+ // of the code that are
+ // repeatedly entered. For
+ // example, we will enter (and
+ // leave) sections for Stokes
+ // matrix assembly and would
+ // like to accumulate the run
+ // time spent in this section
+ // over all time steps. Every
+ // so many time steps as well
+ // as at the end of the program
+ // (through the destructor of
+ // the TimerOutput class) we
+ // will then produce a nice
+ // summary of the times spent
+ // in the different sections
+ // into which we categorize the
+ // run-time of this program.
+ TimerOutput computing_timer;
+ // After these member variables
+ // we have a number of
+ // auxiliary functions that
+ // have been broken out of the
+ // ones listed
+ // above. Specifically, there
+ // are first three functions
+ // that we call from
+ // <code>setup_dofs</code> and
+ // then the ones that do the
+ // assembling of linear
+ // systems:
void setup_stokes_matrix (const std::vector<IndexSet> &stokes_partitioning);
void setup_stokes_preconditioner (const std::vector<IndexSet> &stokes_partitioning);
void setup_temperature_matrices (const IndexSet &temperature_partitioning);
+ // Following the @ref
+ // MTWorkStream "task-based
+ // parallelization" paradigm,
+ // we split all the assembly
+ // routines into two parts: a
+ // first part that can do all
+ // the calculations on a
+ // certain cell without taking
+ // care of other threads, and a
+ // second part (which is
+ // writing the local data into
+ // the global matrices and
+ // vectors) which can be
+ // entered by only one thread
+ // at a time. In order to
+ // implement that, we provide
+ // functions for each of those
+ // two steps for all the four
+ // assembly routines that we
+ // use in this program. The
+ // following eight functions do
+ // exactly this:
local_assemble_stokes_preconditioner (const typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator &cell,
Assembly::Scratch::StokesPreconditioner<dim> &scratch,
copy_local_to_global_temperature_rhs (const Assembly::CopyData::TemperatureRHS<dim> &data);
+ // Finally, we forward declare
+ // a member class that we will
+ // define later on and that
+ // will be used to compute a
+ // number of quantities from
+ // our solution vectors that
+ // we'd like to put into the
+ // output files for
+ // visualization.
class Postprocessor;
-// @sect3{BoussinesqFlowProblem class implementation}
+ // @sect3{BoussinesqFlowProblem class implementation}
-// @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::Parameters}
-// Here comes the definition of the parameters for the Stokes problem. We
-// allow to set the end time for the simulation, the level of refinements
-// (both global and adaptive, which in the sum specify what maximum level the
-// cells are allowed to have), and the interval between refinements in the
-// time stepping.
-// Then, we let the user specify constants for the stabilization parameters
-// (as discussed in the introduction), the polynomial degree for the Stokes
-// velocity space, whether to use the locally conservative discretization
-// based on FE_DGP elements for the pressure or not (FE_Q elements for
-// pressure), and the polynomial degree for the temperature interpolation.
-// The constructor checks for a valid input file (if not, a file with default
-// parameters for the quantities is written), and eventually parses the
-// parameters.
+ // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::Parameters}
+ //
+ // Here comes the definition of the
+ // parameters for the Stokes
+ // problem. We allow to set the end
+ // time for the simulation, the
+ // level of refinements (both
+ // global and adaptive, which in
+ // the sum specify what maximum
+ // level the cells are allowed to
+ // have), and the interval between
+ // refinements in the time
+ // stepping.
+ //
+ // Then, we let the user specify
+ // constants for the stabilization
+ // parameters (as discussed in the
+ // introduction), the polynomial
+ // degree for the Stokes velocity
+ // space, whether to use the
+ // locally conservative
+ // discretization based on FE_DGP
+ // elements for the pressure or not
+ // (FE_Q elements for pressure),
+ // and the polynomial degree for
+ // the temperature interpolation.
+ //
+ // The constructor checks for a
+ // valid input file (if not, a file
+ // with default parameters for the
+ // quantities is written), and
+ // eventually parses the
+ // parameters.
template <int dim>
BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::Parameters::Parameters (const std::string ¶meter_filename)
-// Here we declare the parameters that we expect in the input file, together
-// with their data types, default values and a description.
+ // Next we have a function that
+ // declares the parameters that we
+ // expect in the input file,
+ // together with their data types,
+ // default values and a
+ // description:
template <int dim>
+ // And then we need a function that
+ // reads the contents of the
+ // ParameterHandler object we get
+ // by reading the input file and
+ // puts the results into variables
+ // that store the values of the
+ // parameters we have previously
+ // declared:
template <int dim>
-// @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::BoussinesqFlowProblem}
-// The constructor of the problem is very
-// similar to the constructor in
-// step-31. What is different is the
-// %parallel communication: Trilinos uses a
-// message passing interface (MPI) for data
-// distribution. When entering the
-// BoussinesqFlowProblem class, we have to
-// decide how the parallization is to be
-// done. We choose a rather simple strategy
-// and let all processors that are running
-// the program work together, specified by
-// the communicator
-// <code>comm_world()</code>. Next, we
-// create some modified output stream as we
-// already did in step-18. In MPI, all the
-// processors run the same program
-// individually (they simply operate on
-// different chunks of data and exchange
-// some part of that data from time to
-// time). Next, we need to initialize the
-// <code>pcout</code> object in order to
-// print the user information only on one
-// processor. The implementation of this
-// idea is to check the process number when
-// <code>pcout</code> gets a true argument,
-// and it uses the <code>std::cout</code>
-// stream for output. If we are one
-// processor five, for instance, then we
-// will give a <code>false</code> argument
-// to <code>pcout</code>, which means that
-// the output of that processor will not be
-// printed anywhere.
-// Finally, we enter the preferred options
-// for the TimerOutput object to its
-// constructor. We restrict the output to
-// the <code>pcout</code> stream (processor
-// 0), and then we specify that we want to
-// get a summary table in the end of the
-// program which shows us wallclock times
-// (as opposed to CPU times).
+ // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::BoussinesqFlowProblem}
+ //
+ // The constructor of the problem
+ // is very similar to the
+ // constructor in step-31. What is
+ // different is the %parallel
+ // communication: Trilinos uses a
+ // message passing interface (MPI)
+ // for data distribution. When
+ // entering the
+ // BoussinesqFlowProblem class, we
+ // have to decide how the
+ // parallization is to be done. We
+ // choose a rather simple strategy
+ // and let all processors that are
+ // running the program work
+ // together, specified by the
+ // communicator
+ // <code>MPI_COMM_WORLD</code>. Next,
+ // we create the output stream (as
+ // we already did in step-18) that
+ // only generates output on the
+ // first MPI process and is
+ // completely forgetful on all
+ // others. The implementation of
+ // this idea is to check the
+ // process number when
+ // <code>pcout</code> gets a true
+ // argument, and it uses the
+ // <code>std::cout</code> stream
+ // for output. If we are one
+ // processor five, for instance,
+ // then we will give a
+ // <code>false</code> argument to
+ // <code>pcout</code>, which means
+ // that the output of that
+ // processor will not be
+ // printed. With the exception of
+ // the mapping object (for which we
+ // use polynomials of degree 4) all
+ // but the final member variable
+ // are exactly the same as in
+ // step-31.
+ //
+ // This final object, the
+ // TimerOutput object, is then told
+ // to restrict output to the
+ // <code>pcout</code> stream
+ // (processor 0), and then we
+ // specify that we want to get a
+ // summary table at the end of the
+ // program which shows us wallclock
+ // times (as opposed to CPU
+ // times). We will manually also
+ // request intermediate summaries
+ // every so many time steps in the
+ // <code>run()</code> function
+ // below.
template <int dim>
BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::BoussinesqFlowProblem (Parameters ¶meters_)
rebuild_temperature_matrices (true),
rebuild_temperature_preconditioner (true),
- computing_timer (pcout, TimerOutput::summary,
+ computing_timer (pcout,
+ TimerOutput::summary,
preconditioner_mass.initialize(temperature_mass_matrix, 1.3);
cg.solve (temperature_mass_matrix, solution, rhs, preconditioner_mass);
temperature_constraints.distribute (solution);
// Having so computed the current
// temperature field, let us set