const std::array<Point<spacedim>, 4> vertices
{{cell.vertex(0), cell.vertex(1), cell.vertex(2), cell.vertex(3)}};
- // store the components of the linear shape functions because we need them
- // repeatedly
- double linear_shapes[4];
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<2; ++d)
+ // this evaluates all bilinear shape functions because we need them
+ // repeatedly. we will update this values in the complicated case with
+ // curved lines below
+ std::array<double,4> weights_vertices
+ {
- linear_shapes[2*d] = 1.-chart_point[d];
- linear_shapes[2*d+1] = chart_point[d];
+ (1.-chart_point[0]) *(1.-chart_point[1]),
+ chart_point[0] *(1.-chart_point[1]),
+ (1.-chart_point[0]) *chart_point[1],
+ chart_point[0] *chart_point[1]
+ };
Point<spacedim> new_point;
if (cell_is_flat)
- for (unsigned int i1=0, v=0; i1<2; ++i1)
- for (unsigned int i0=0; i0<2; ++i0, ++v)
- new_point += linear_shapes[2+i1] * linear_shapes[i0] * vertices[v];
+ for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
+ new_point += weights_vertices[v] * vertices[v];
- // We subtract the contribution of the vertices (second line in formula).
- // If a line applies the same manifold as the cell, we also subtract a
- // weighted part of the vertex, so accumulate the final weight of the
- // the vertices while going through the faces (this is a bit artificial
- // in 2D but it becomes clear in 3D where we avoid looking at the faces'
- // orientation and other complications).
- double weights_vertices[GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell];
- for (unsigned int i1=0, v=0; i1<2; ++i1)
- for (unsigned int i0=0; i0<2; ++i0, ++v)
- weights_vertices[v] = -linear_shapes[2+i1] * linear_shapes[i0];
+ // The second line in the formula tells us to subtract the
+ // contribution of the vertices. If a line employs the same manifold
+ // as the cell, we can merge the weights of the line with the weights
+ // of the vertex with a negative sign while going through the faces
+ // (this is a bit artificial in 2D but it becomes clear in 3D where we
+ // avoid looking at the faces' orientation and other complications).
// add the contribution from the lines around the cell (first line in
// formula)
const double my_weight = line%2 ? chart_point[line/2] : 1-chart_point[line/2];
const double line_point = chart_point[1-line/2];
- // Same manifold or invalid id which will go back to the same class ->
- // adds to the vertices
+ // Same manifold or invalid id which will go back to the same
+ // class -> contribution should be added for the final point,
+ // which means that we subtract the current weight from the
+ // negative weight applied to the vertex
const types::manifold_id line_manifold_id = cell.line(line)->manifold_id();
if (line_manifold_id == my_manifold_id ||
line_manifold_id == numbers::invalid_manifold_id)
- += my_weight * (1.-line_point);
+ -= my_weight * (1.-line_point);
- += my_weight * line_point;
+ -= my_weight * line_point;
// subtract contribution from the vertices (second line in formula)
for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
- new_point += weights_vertices[v] * vertices[v];
+ new_point -= weights_vertices[v] * vertices[v];
return new_point;
linear_shapes[2*d+1] = chart_point[d];
+ // wrap linear shape functions around for access in face loop
+ for (unsigned int d=6; d<10; ++d)
+ linear_shapes[d] = linear_shapes[d-6];
+ std::array<double,8> weights_vertices;
+ for (unsigned int i2=0, v=0; i2<2; ++i2)
+ for (unsigned int i1=0; i1<2; ++i1)
+ for (unsigned int i0=0; i0<2; ++i0, ++v)
+ weights_vertices[v] = (linear_shapes[4+i2] * linear_shapes[2+i1]) *
+ linear_shapes[i0];
Point<spacedim> new_point;
if (cell_is_flat)
- for (unsigned int i2=0, v=0; i2<2; ++i2)
- for (unsigned int i1=0; i1<2; ++i1)
- for (unsigned int i0=0; i0<2; ++i0, ++v)
- new_point += (linear_shapes[4+i2] * linear_shapes[2+i1]) *
- linear_shapes[i0] * vertices[v];
+ for (unsigned int v=0; v<8; ++v)
+ new_point += weights_vertices[v] * vertices[v];
- // identify the weights for the vertices and lines to be accumulated
- double weights_vertices[GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell];
- for (unsigned int i2=0, v=0; i2<2; ++i2)
- for (unsigned int i1=0; i1<2; ++i1)
- for (unsigned int i0=0; i0<2; ++i0, ++v)
- weights_vertices[v] = (linear_shapes[4+i2] * linear_shapes[2+i1]) *
- linear_shapes[i0];
+ // identify the weights for the lines to be accumulated (vertex
+ // weights are set outside and coincide with the flat manifold case)
double weights_lines[GeometryInfo<3>::lines_per_cell];
for (unsigned int line=0; line<GeometryInfo<3>::lines_per_cell; ++line)
const auto weights_view = make_array_view(weights.begin(), weights.end());
const auto points_view = make_array_view(points.begin(), points.end());
- // wrap linear shape functions around for access in face loop
- for (unsigned int d=6; d<10; ++d)
- linear_shapes[d] = linear_shapes[d-6];
for (unsigned int face=0; face<GeometryInfo<3>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
const double my_weight = linear_shapes[face];
weights_lines[face_to_cell_lines_3d[face][line]] +=
my_weight * line_weight;
+ // as to the indices inside linear_shapes: we use the index
+ // wrapped around at 2*d, ensuring the correct orientation of
+ // the face's coordinate system with respect to the
+ // lexicographic indices
weights_vertices[face_to_cell_vertices_3d[face][0]] -=
weights_vertices[face_to_cell_vertices_3d[face][1]] -=
Point<dim> outside;
for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- outside[d] = 20;
+ outside[d] = 20.;
// project the user-given input to unit cell
Point<dim> chart_point = GeometryInfo<dim>::project_to_unit_cell(initial_guess);
// convergence
if (i%8 == 0)
- // if the determinant is zero, the mapping is not invertible and we are
- // outside the valid chart region
+ // if the determinant is zero or negative, the mapping is either not
+ // invertible or already has inverted and we are outside the valid
+ // chart region. Note that the Jacobian here represents the
+ // derivative of the forward map and should have a positive
+ // determinant since we use properly oriented meshes.
DerivativeForm<1,dim,spacedim> grad
= push_forward_gradient(cell, chart_point,
else if (surrounding_points.size() == 8 && i > 4)
const Point<dim> guess = chart_points[i-4] +
- Point<dim>(chart_points[4] - chart_points[0]);
+ (chart_points[4] - chart_points[0]);
chart_points[i] = pull_back(cell, surrounding_points[i], guess);