--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2017 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+#ifndef dealii_sundials_arkode_h
+#define dealii_sundials_arkode_h
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/logstream.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/parameter_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/conditional_ostream.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/mpi.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector_view.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector_memory.h>
+#include <arkode/arkode.h>
+#include <arkode/arkode_impl.h>
+#include <nvector/nvector_serial.h>
+#include <sundials/sundials_math.h>
+#include <sundials/sundials_types.h>
+#include <boost/signals2.hpp>
+#include <memory>
+// Shorthand notation for ARKODE error codes.
+#define AssertARKode(code) Assert(code >= 0, ExcARKodeError(code))
+namespace SUNDIALS
+ /**
+ * Interface to SUNDIALS additive Runge-Kutta methods (ARKode).
+ *
+ * The class ARKode is a wrapper to SUNDIALS variable-step, embedded,
+ * additive Runge-Kutta solver which is a general purpose solver for systems
+ * of ordinary differential equations characterized by the presence of both
+ * fast and slow dynamics.
+ *
+ * Fast dynamics are treated implicitly, and slow dynamics are treated
+ * explicitly, using nested families of implicit and explicit Runge-Kutta
+ * solvers.
+ *
+ * Citing directly from ARKode documentation:
+ *
+ * ARKode solves ODE initial value problems (IVPs) in $R^N$. These problems
+ * should be posed in explicit form as
+ *
+ * \f[
+ * M\dot y = f_E(t, y) + f_I (t, y), \qquad y(t_0) = y_0.
+ * \f]
+ *
+ * Here, $t$ is the independent variable (e.g. time), and the dependent
+ * variables are given by $y \in R^N$, and we use notation $\dot y$ to denote
+ * $dy/dt$. $M$ is a user-supplied nonsingular operator from $R^N \to R^N$.
+ * This operator may depend on $t$ but not on $y$.
+ *
+ * For standard systems of ordinary differential equations and for problems
+ * arising from the spatial semi-discretization of partial differential
+ * equations using finite difference or finite volume methods, $M$ is
+ * typically the identity matrix, $I$. For PDEs using a finite-element
+ * spatial semi-discretization $M$ is typically a well-conditioned mass
+ * matrix.
+ *
+ * The two right-hand side functions may be described as:
+ *
+ * - $f_E(t, y)$: contains the "slow" time scale components of the system.
+ * This will be integrated using explicit methods.
+ * - $f_I(t, y)$: contains the "fast" time scale components of the system.
+ * This will be integrated using implicit methods.
+ *
+ * ARKode may be used to solve stiff, nonstiff and multi-rate problems.
+ * Roughly speaking, stiffness is characterized by the presence of at least
+ * one rapidly damped mode, whose time constant is small compared to the time
+ * scale of the solution itself. In the implicit/explicit (ImEx) splitting
+ * above, these stiff components should be included in the right-hand side
+ * function $f_I (t, y)$.
+ *
+ * For multi-rate problems, a user should provide both of the functions $f_E$
+ * and $f_I$ that define the IVP system.
+ *
+ * For nonstiff problems, only $f_E$ should be provided, and $f_I$ is assumed
+ * to be zero, i.e. the system reduces to the non-split IVP:
+ *
+ * \f[
+ * M\dot y = f_E(t, y), \qquad y(t_0) = y_0.
+ * \f]
+ *
+ * In this scenario, the ARK methods reduce to classical explicit Runge-Kutta
+ * methods (ERK). For these classes of methods, ARKode allows orders of
+ * accuracy $q = \{2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8\}$, with embeddings of orders $p = \{1,
+ * 2, 3, 4, 5, 7\}$. These default to the Heun-Euler-2-1-2,
+ * Bogacki-Shampine-4-2-3, Zonneveld-5-3-4, Cash-Karp-6-4-5, Verner-8-5-6 and
+ * Fehlberg-13-7-8 methods, respectively.
+ *
+ * Finally, for stiff (linear or nonlinear) problems the user may provide only
+ * $f_I$, implying that $f_E = 0$, so that the system reduces to the non-split
+ * IVP
+ *
+ * \f[
+ * M\dot y = f_I(t, y), \qquad y(t_0) = y_0.
+ * \f]
+ *
+ * Similarly to ERK methods, in this scenario the ARK methods reduce to
+ * classical diagonally-implicit Runge-Kutta methods (DIRK). For these
+ * classes of methods, ARKode allows orders of accuracy $q = \{2, 3, 4, 5\}$,
+ * with embeddings of orders $p = \{1, 2, 3, 4\}$. These default to the
+ * SDIRK-2-1-2, ARK-4-2-3 (implicit), SDIRK-5-3-4 and ARK-8-4-5 (implicit)
+ * methods, respectively.
+ *
+ * For both DIRK and ARK methods, an implicit system of the form
+ * \f[
+ * G(z_i) := M z_i − h_n A^I_{i,i} f_I (t^I_{n,i}, z_i) − a_i = 0
+ * \f]
+ * must be solved for each stage $z_i , i = 1, \ldot, s$, where
+ * we have the data
+ * \[
+ * a_i := M y_{n−1} + h_n \sum_{j=1}^{i−1} [ A^E_{i,j} f_E(t^E_{n,j}, z_j)
+ * + A^I_{i,j} f_I (t^I_{n,j}, z_j)]
+ * \]
+ * for the ARK methods, or
+ * \[
+ * a_i := M y_{n−1} + h_n \sum_{j=1}^{i−1} A^I_{i,j} f_I (t^I_{n,j}, z_j)
+ * \]
+ * for the DIRK methods. Here $A^I_{i,j}$ and $A^E_{i,j}$ are the Butcher's
+ * tables for the chosen solver.
+ *
+ * If $f_I(t,y)$ depends nonlinearly on $y$ then the systems above correspond
+ * to a nonlinear system of equations; if $f_I (t, y)$ depends linearly on
+ * $y$ then this is a linear system of equations. By specifying the flag
+ * `implicit_function_is_linear`, ARKode takes some shortcuts that allow a
+ * faster solution process.
+ *
+ * For systems of either type, ARKode allows a choice of solution strategy.
+ * The default solver choice is a variant of Newton’s method,
+ * \[
+ * z_i^{m+1} = z_i^m +\delta^{m+1},
+ * \]
+ * where $m$ is the Newton index, and the Newton update $\delta^{m+1}$
+ * requires the solution of the linear Newton system
+ * \[
+ * N(z_i^m) \delta^{m+1} = -G(z_i^m),
+ * \]
+ * where
+ * \[
+ * N := M - \gamma J, \quad J := \frac{\partial f_I}{\partial y},
+ * \qquad \gamma:= h_n A^I_{i,i}.
+ * \]
+ *
+ * As an alternate to Newton’s method, ARKode may solve for each stage $z_i ,i
+ * = 1, \ldots , s$ using an Anderson-accelerated fixed point iteration
+ * \[
+ * z_i^{m+1} = g(z_i^{m}), m=0,1,\ldots.
+ * \]
+ *
+ * Unlike with Newton’s method, this option does not require the solution of
+ * a linear system at each iteration, instead opting for solution of a
+ * low-dimensional least-squares solution to construct the nonlinear update.
+ *
+ * Finally, if the user specifies `implicit_function_is_linear`, i.e.,
+ * $f_I(t, y)$ depends linearly on $y$, and if the Newton-based nonlinear
+ * solver is chosen, then the system will be solved using only a single
+ * Newton iteration. Notice that in order for the Newton solver to be used,
+ * at least the solve_jacobian_system() function should be supplied. If this
+ * function is not supplied, then only the fixed-point iteration will be
+ * supported, and the `implicit_function_is_linear` setting is ignored.
+ *
+ * The optimal solver (Newton vs fixed-point) is highly problem-dependent.
+ * Since fixed-point solvers do not require the solution of any linear
+ * systems, each iteration may be significantly less costly than their Newton
+ * counterparts. However, this can come at the cost of slower convergence (or
+ * even divergence) in comparison with Newton-like methods. These fixed-point
+ * solvers do allow for user specification of the Anderson-accelerated
+ * subspace size, $m_k$. While the required amount of solver memory grows
+ * proportionately to $m_k N$, larger values of $m_k$ may result in faster
+ * convergence.
+ *
+ * This improvement may be significant even for "small" values, e.g. $1 \leq
+ * m_k \leq 5$, and convergence may not improve (or even deteriorate) for
+ * larger values of $m_k$. While ARKode uses a Newton-based iteration as its
+ * default solver due to its increased robustness on very stiff problems, it
+ * is highly recommended that users also consider the fixed-point solver for
+ * their cases when attempting a new problem.
+ *
+ * For either the Newton or fixed-point solvers, it is well-known that both
+ * the efficiency and robustness of the algorithm intimately depends on the
+ * choice of a good initial guess. In ARKode, the initial guess for either
+ * nonlinear solution method is a predicted value $z_i(0)$ that is computed
+ * explicitly from the previously-computed data (e.g. $y_{n−2}, y_{n−1}$, and
+ * $z_j$ where $j < i$). Additional information on the specific predictor
+ * algorithms implemented in ARKode is provided in ARKode documentation.
+ *
+ * The user has to provide the implementation of the following std::function:
+ * - reinit_vector;
+ * and either one or both of
+ * - implicit_function;
+ * - explicit_function;
+ *
+ * If the mass matrix is different from the identity, the user should supply
+ * - solve_mass_system;
+ * and, optionally,
+ * - setup_mass;
+ *
+ * If the use of a Newton method is desired, then the user should also supply
+ * - solve_jacobian_system;
+ * and optionally
+ * - setup_jacobian;
+ *
+ * Also the following functions could be rewritten. By default
+ * they do nothing, or are not required.
+ * - solver_should_restart;
+ * - get_local_tolerances;
+ *
+ * To produce output at fixed steps, overload the function
+ * - output_step;
+ *
+ *
+ * To provide a simple example, consider the harmonic oscillator problem:
+ * \f[
+ * \begin{split}
+ * u'' & = -k^2 u \\
+ * u (0) & = 0 \\
+ * u'(0) & = k
+ * \end{split}
+ * \f]
+ *
+ * We write it in terms of a first order ode:
+ *\f[
+ * \begin{matrix}
+ * y_0' & = y_1 \\
+ * y_1' & = - k^2 y_0
+ * \end{matrix}
+ * \f]
+ *
+ * That is $y' = A y$
+ * where
+ * \f[
+ * A:=
+ * \begin{matrix}
+ * 0 & 1 \\
+ * -k^2 &0
+ * \end{matrix}
+ * \f]
+ * and $y(0)=(0, k)$.
+ *
+ * The exact solution is $y_0(t) = \sin(k t)$, $y_1(t) = y_0'(t) = k \cos(k t)$,
+ * $y_1'(t) = -k^2 \sin(k t)$.
+ *
+ * A minimal implementation, using only explicit RK methods, is given by the
+ * following code snippet:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * typedef Vector<double> VectorType;
+ *
+ * SUNDIALS::ARKode<VectorType> ode;
+ *
+ * ode.reinit_vector = [] (VectorType&v)
+ * {
+ * v.reinit(2);
+ * };
+ *
+ * double kappa = 1.0;
+ *
+ * ode.explicit_function = [kappa] (double,
+ * const VectorType &y,
+ * VectorType &ydot) -> int
+ * {
+ * ydot[0] = y[1];
+ * ydot[1] = -kappa*kappa*y[0];
+ * return 0;
+ * };
+ *
+ * Vector<double> y(2);
+ * y[1] = kappa;
+ *
+ * ode.solve_ode(y);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * @author Luca Heltai, 2017.
+ */
+ template<typename VectorType=Vector<double> >
+ class ARKode
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Additional parameters that can be passed to the ARKode class.
+ */
+ class AdditionalData
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Initialization parameters for ARKode.
+ *
+ * Global parameters:
+ *
+ * @param initial_time Initial time
+ * @param final_time Final time
+ * @param initial_step_size Initial step size
+ * @param output_period Time interval between each output
+ *
+ * Running parameters:
+ *
+ * @param minimum_step_size Minimum step size
+ * @param maximum_order Maximum ARK order
+ * @param maximum_non_linear_iterations Maximum number of nonlinear iterations
+ * @param implicit_function_is_linear Specifies that the implicit portion of the problem is linear
+ * @param implicit_function_is_time_independent Specifies that the implicit portion of the problem
+ * is linear and time independent
+ *
+ * Error parameters:
+ *
+ * @param absolute_tolerance Absolute error tolerance
+ * @param relative_tolerance Relative error tolerance
+ */
+ AdditionalData(
+ // Initial parameters
+ const double &initial_time = 0.0,
+ const double &final_time = 1.0,
+ const double &initial_step_size = 1e-2,
+ const double &output_period = 1e-1,
+ // Running parameters
+ const double &minimum_step_size = 1e-6,
+ const unsigned int &maximum_order = 5,
+ const unsigned int &maximum_non_linear_iterations = 10,
+ const bool implicit_function_is_linear = false,
+ const bool implicit_function_is_time_independent = false,
+ // Error parameters
+ const double &absolute_tolerance = 1e-6,
+ const double &relative_tolerance = 1e-5) :
+ initial_time(initial_time),
+ final_time(final_time),
+ initial_step_size(initial_step_size),
+ minimum_step_size(minimum_step_size),
+ absolute_tolerance(absolute_tolerance),
+ relative_tolerance(relative_tolerance),
+ maximum_order(maximum_order),
+ output_period(output_period),
+ maximum_non_linear_iterations(maximum_non_linear_iterations),
+ implicit_function_is_linear(implicit_function_is_linear),
+ implicit_function_is_time_independent(implicit_function_is_time_independent)
+ {};
+ /**
+ * Add all AdditionalData() parameters to the given ParameterHandler
+ * object. When the parameters are parsed from a file, the internal
+ * parameters are automatically updated.
+ *
+ * The following parameters are declared:
+ *
+ * @code
+ * set Final time = 1.000000
+ * set Initial time = 0.000000
+ * set Time interval between each output = 0.2
+ * subsection Error control
+ * set Absolute error tolerance = 0.000001
+ * set Ignore algebraic terms for error computations = true
+ * set Relative error tolerance = 0.00001
+ * set Use local tolerances = false
+ * end
+ * subsection Initial condition correction parameters
+ * set Correction type at initial time = none
+ * set Correction type after restart = none
+ * set Maximum number of nonlinear iterations = 5
+ * end
+ * subsection Running parameters
+ * set Initial step size = 0.1
+ * set Maximum number of nonlinear iterations = 10
+ * set Maximum order of ARK = 5
+ * set Minimum step size = 0.000001
+ * end
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * These are one-to-one with the options you can pass at construction time.
+ *
+ * The options you pass at construction time are set as default values in
+ * the ParameterHandler object `prm`. You can later modify them by parsing
+ * a parameter file using `prm`. The values of the parameter will be updated
+ * whenever the content of `prm` is updated.
+ *
+ * Make sure that this class lives longer than `prm`. Undefined behaviour
+ * will occurr if you destroy this class, and then parse a parameter file
+ * using `prm`.
+ */
+ void add_parameters(ParameterHandler &prm)
+ {
+ prm.add_parameter("Initial time", initial_time);
+ prm.add_parameter("Final time", final_time);
+ prm.add_parameter("Time interval between each output", output_period);
+ prm.enter_subsection("Running parameters");
+ prm.add_parameter("Initial step size",initial_step_size);
+ prm.add_parameter("Minimum step size", minimum_step_size);
+ prm.add_parameter("Maximum order of ARK", maximum_order);
+ prm.add_parameter("Maximum number of nonlinear iterations", maximum_non_linear_iterations);
+ prm.add_parameter("Implicit function is linear", implicit_function_is_linear);
+ prm.add_parameter("Implicit function is time independent", implicit_function_is_time_independent);
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ prm.enter_subsection("Error control");
+ prm.add_parameter("Absolute error tolerance", absolute_tolerance);
+ prm.add_parameter("Relative error tolerance", relative_tolerance);
+ prm.leave_subsection();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Initial time for the DAE.
+ */
+ double initial_time;
+ /**
+ * Final time.
+ */
+ double final_time;
+ /**
+ * Initial step size.
+ */
+ double initial_step_size;
+ /**
+ * Minimum step size.
+ */
+ double minimum_step_size;
+ /**
+ * Absolute error tolerance for adaptive time stepping.
+ */
+ double absolute_tolerance;
+ /**
+ * Relative error tolerance for adaptive time stepping.
+ */
+ double relative_tolerance;
+ /**
+ * Maximum order of ARK.
+ */
+ unsigned int maximum_order;
+ /**
+ * Time period between each output.
+ */
+ double output_period;
+ /**
+ * Maximum number of iterations for Newton or fixed point method during
+ * time advancement.
+ */
+ unsigned int maximum_non_linear_iterations;
+ /**
+ * Specifies that the implicit portion of the problem is linear.
+ */
+ bool implicit_function_is_linear;
+ /**
+ * Specifies that the implicit portion of the problem is linear and time
+ * independent.
+ */
+ bool implicit_function_is_time_independent;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Constructor. It is possible to fine tune the SUNDIALS ARKode solver by
+ * passing an AdditionalData() object that sets all of the solver
+ * parameters.
+ *
+ * @param mpi_comm MPI communicator
+ * @param data ARKode configuration data
+ */
+ ARKode(const MPI_Comm mpi_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD,
+ const AdditionalData &data=AdditionalData());
+ /**
+ * Destructor.
+ */
+ ~ARKode();
+ /**
+ * Integrate the initial value problem. This function returns the final
+ * number of computed steps.
+ */
+ unsigned int solve_ode(VectorType &solution);
+ /**
+ * Clear internal memory and start with clean objects. This function is
+ * called when the simulation starts and when the user returns true to a
+ * call to solver_should_restart().
+ *
+ * By default solver_should_restart() returns false. If the user needs to
+ * implement, for example, local adaptivity in space, he or she may assign
+ * a different function to solver_should_restart() that performs all mesh
+ * changes, transfers the solution to the new mesh, and returns true.
+ *
+ * @param[in] t The new starting time
+ * @param[in] h The new starting time step
+ * @param[in,out] y The new initial solution
+ */
+ void reset(const double &t,
+ const double &h,
+ const VectorType &y);
+ /**
+ * A function object that users need to supply and that is intended to
+ * reinit the given vector.
+ */
+ std::function<void(VectorType &)> reinit_vector;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to compute
+ * the explicit part of the IVP right hand side. Sets $explicit_f = f_E(t,
+ * y)$.
+ *
+ * At least one of explicit_function() or implicit_function() must be
+ * provided. According to which one is provided, explicit, implicit, or
+ * mixed RK methods are used.
+ *
+ * This function should return:
+ * - 0: Success
+ * - >0: Recoverable error (ARKodeReinit will be called if this happens, and
+ * then last function will be attempted again
+ * - <0: Unrecoverable error the computation will be aborted and an assertion
+ * will be thrown.
+ */
+ std::function<int(const double t,
+ const VectorType &y,
+ VectorType &explicit_f)> explicit_function;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to compute
+ * the implicit part of the IVP right hand side. Sets $implicit_f = f_I(t,
+ * y)$.
+ *
+ * At least one of explicit_function() or implicit_function() must be
+ * provided. According to which one is provided, explicit, implicit, or
+ * mixed RK methods are used.
+ *
+ * This function should return:
+ * - 0: Success
+ * - >0: Recoverable error (ARKodeReinit will be called if this happens, and
+ * then last function will be attempted again
+ * - <0: Unrecoverable error the computation will be aborted and an assertion
+ * will be thrown.
+ */
+ std::function<int(const double t,
+ const VectorType &y,
+ VectorType &res)> implicit_function;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to
+ * prepare the linear solver for subsequent calls to
+ * solve_jacobian_system().
+ *
+ * Make sure that after a call to this function, we know how to compute
+ * solutions of systems $A x = b$, where $A$ is some approximation to the
+ * Newton matrix, $M − \gamma \partial f_I/\partial y$. This function is
+ * optional. If the user does not provide it, then solve_jacobian_system()
+ * is assumed to also perform the setup internally.
+ *
+ * The setup_jacobian() function may call a user-supplied function to
+ * compute needed data related to the Jacobian matrix. Alterntively, it may
+ * choose to retrieve and use stored values of this data. In either case,
+ * setup_jacobian() may also preprocess that data as needed for
+ * solve_jacobian_system(), which may involve calling a generic function
+ * (such as for LU factorization).
+ *
+ * This data may be intended either for direct use (in a direct linear
+ * solver) or for use in a preconditioner (in a preconditioned iterative
+ * linear solver). The setup_jacobian() function is not called at every
+ * stage solve (or even every time step), but only as frequently as the
+ * solver determines that it is appropriate to perform the setup task. In
+ * this way, Jacobian-related data generated by setup_jacobian() is
+ * expected to be used over a number of time steps.
+ *
+ * If the user uses a matrix based computation of the Jacobian, then this
+ * is the right place where an assembly routine shoulde be called to
+ * assemble both a matrix and a preconditioner for the Jacobian system.
+ * Subsequent calls (possibly more than one) to solve_jacobian_system() can
+ * assume that this function has been called at least once.
+ *
+ * Notice that no assumption is made by this interface on what the user
+ * should do in this function. ARKode only assumes that after a call to
+ * setup_jacobian() it is possible to call solve_jacobian_system(), to
+ * obtain a solution $x$ to the system $J x = b$. If this function is not
+ * provided, then it is never called.
+ *
+ * Arguments to the function are
+ *
+ * @param[in] t the current time
+ * @param[in] gamma the current factor to use in the jacobian computation
+ * @param[in] ypred is the predicted $y$ vector for the current ARKode internal step
+ * @param[in] fpred is the value of the implicit right-hand side at ypred,
+ * $f_I (t_n, ypred)$.
+ *
+ * @param[in] convfail – an input flag used to indicate any problem that occurred
+ * during the solution of the nonlinear equation on the current time step
+ * for which the linear solver is being used. This flag can be used to help
+ * decide whether the Jacobian data kept by a linear solver needs to be
+ * updated or not. Its possible values are:
+ *
+ * - ARK_NO_FAILURES: this value is passed if either this is the first call
+ * for this step, or the local error test failed on the previous attempt at
+ * this step (but the Newton iteration converged).
+ *
+ * - ARK_FAIL_BAD_J: this value is passed if (a) the previous Newton
+ * corrector iteration did not converge and the linear solver's setup
+ * function indicated that its Jacobian-related data is not current, or (b)
+ * during the previous Newton corrector iteration, the linear solver's
+ * solve function failed in a recoverable manner and the linear solver's
+ * setup function indicated that its Jacobian-related data is not current.
+ *
+ * - ARK_FAIL_OTHER: this value is passed if during the current internal
+ * step try, the previous Newton iteration failed to converge even though
+ * the linear solver was using current Jacobian-related data.
+ *
+ * @param[out] j_is_current: a boolean to be filled in by setup_jacobian(). The value
+ * should be set to `true` if the Jacobian data is current after the call,
+ * and should be set set to `false` if its Jacobian data is not current. If
+ * setup_jacobian() calls for re-evaluation of Jacobian data (based on
+ * convfail and ARKode state data), then it should set `j_is_current` to
+ * `true` unconditionally, otherwise an infinite loop can result.
+ *
+ * This function should return:
+ * - 0: Success
+ * - >0: Recoverable error (ARKodeReinit will be called if this happens, and
+ * then last function will be attempted again
+ * - <0: Unrecoverable error the computation will be aborted and an assertion
+ * will be thrown.
+ */
+ std::function<int(const int convfail,
+ const double t,
+ const double gamma,
+ const VectorType &ypred,
+ const VectorType &fpred,
+ bool &j_is_current)> setup_jacobian;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to solve
+ * the Jacobian linear system. This function will be called by ARKode
+ * (possibly several times) after setup_jacobian() has been called at least
+ * once. ARKode tries to do its best to call setup_jacobian() the minimum
+ * amount of times. If convergence can be achieved without updating the
+ * Jacobian, then ARKode does not call setup_jacobian() again. If, on the
+ * contrary, internal ARKode convergence tests fail, then ARKode calls
+ * again setup_jacobian() with updated vectors and coefficents so that
+ * successive calls to solve_jacobian_systems() lead to better convergence
+ * in the Newton process.
+ *
+ * If you do not specify a solve_jacobian_system() function, then a fixed
+ * point iteration is used instead of a Newton method. Notice that this may
+ * not converge, or may converge very slowly.
+ *
+ * The jacobian $J$ should be (an approximation of) the system Jacobian
+ * \f[
+ * J = M - \gamma \frac{\partial f_I}{\partial y}
+ * \f]
+ * evaluated at `t`, `ycur`. `fcur` is $f_I(t,ycur)$.
+ *
+ * A call to this function should store in `dst` the result of $J^{-1}$
+ * applied to `src`, i.e., `J*dst = src`. It is the users responsability to
+ * set up proper solvers and preconditioners inside this function.
+ *
+ *
+ * Arguments to the function are
+ *
+ * @param[in] t the current time
+ * @param[in] gamma the current factor to use in the jacobian computation
+ * @param[in] ycur is the current $y$ vector for the current ARKode internal step
+ * @param[in] fcur is the current value of the implicit right-hand side at ycur,
+ * $f_I (t_n, ypred)$.
+ *
+ *
+ * This function should return:
+ * - 0: Success
+ * - >0: Recoverable error (ARKodeReinit will be called if this happens, and
+ * then last function will be attempted again
+ * - <0: Unrecoverable error the computation will be aborted and an assertion
+ * will be thrown.
+ */
+ std::function<int(const double t,
+ const double gamma,
+ const VectorType &ycur,
+ const VectorType &fcur,
+ const VectorType &rhs,
+ VectorType &dst)> solve_jacobian_system;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to setup
+ * the mass matrix. This function is called by ARKode any time a mass
+ * matrix update is required. The user should compute the mass matrix (or
+ * update all the variables that allow the application of the mass matrix).
+ * This function is called by ARKode once, before any call to
+ * solve_mass_system().
+ *
+ * ARKode supports the case where the mass matrix may depend on time, but
+ * not the case where the mass matrix depends on the solution itself.
+ *
+ * If the user does not provide a solve_mass_matrix() function, then the
+ * identity is used. If the setup_mass() function is not provided, then
+ * solve_mass_system() should do all the work by itself.
+ *
+ * If the user uses a matrix based computation of the mass matrix, then
+ * this is the right place where an assembly routine shoulde be called to
+ * assemble both a matrix and a preconditioner. Subsequent calls (possibly
+ * more than one) to solve_mass_system() can assume that this function
+ * has been called at least once.
+ *
+ * Notice that no assumption is made by this interface on what the user
+ * should do in this function. ARKode only assumes that after a call to
+ * setup_mass() it is possible to call solve_mass_system(), to
+ * obtain a solution $x$ to the system $M x = b$.
+ *
+ * This function should return:
+ * - 0: Success
+ * - >0: Recoverable error (ARKodeReinit will be called if this happens, and
+ * then last function will be attempted again
+ * - <0: Unrecoverable error the computation will be aborted and an assertion
+ * will be thrown.
+ */
+ std::function<int(const double t)> setup_mass;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to solve
+ * the mass matrix linear system. This function will be called by ARKode
+ * (possibly several times) after setup_mass() has been called at least
+ * once. ARKode tries to do its best to call setup_mass() the minimum
+ * amount of times.
+ *
+ * A call to this function should store in `dst` the result of $M^{-1}$
+ * applied to `src`, i.e., `M*dst = src`. It is the users responsability to
+ * set up proper solvers and preconditioners inside this function.
+ *
+ * This function should return:
+ * - 0: Success
+ * - >0: Recoverable error (ARKodeReinit will be called if this happens, and
+ * then last function will be attempted again
+ * - <0: Unrecoverable error the computation will be aborted and an assertion
+ * will be thrown.
+ */
+ std::function<int(const VectorType &rhs, VectorType &dst)> solve_mass_system;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to
+ * postprocess the solution. This function is called by ARKode at fixed
+ * time increments (every `output_period` seconds), and it is passed a
+ * polynomial interpolation of the solution, computed using the current ARK
+ * order and the (internally stored) previously computed solution steps.
+ *
+ * Notice that it is well possible that internally ARKode computes a time step
+ * which is much larger than the `output_period` step, and therefore calls
+ * this function consecutively several times by simply performing all
+ * intermediate interpolations. There is no relationship between how many
+ * times this function is called and how many time steps have actually been
+ * computed.
+ */
+ std::function<void(const double t,
+ const VectorType &sol,
+ const unsigned int step_number)> output_step;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to evaluate
+ * wether the solver should be restarted (for example because the number of
+ * degrees of freedom has changed).
+ *
+ * This function is supposed to perform all operations that are necessary
+ * in `sol` to make sure that the resulting vectors are consistent, and of
+ * the correct final size.
+ *
+ * For example, one may decide that a local refinement is necessary at time
+ * t. This function should then return true, and change the dimension of
+ * `sol` to reflect the new dimension. Since ARKode does not know about the
+ * new dimension, an internal reset is necessary.
+ *
+ * The default implementation simply returns `false`, i.e., no restart is
+ * performed during the evolution.
+ */
+ std::function<bool (const double t,
+ VectorType &sol)> solver_should_restart;
+ /**
+ * A function object that users may supply and that is intended to return a
+ * vector whose components are the weights used by ARKode to compute the
+ * vector norm. The implementation of this function is optional, and it is
+ * used only if implemented.
+ */
+ std::function<VectorType&()> get_local_tolerances;
+ /**
+ * Handle ARKode exceptions.
+ */
+ DeclException1(ExcARKodeError, int, << "One of the SUNDIALS ARKode internal functions "
+ << " returned a negative error code: "
+ << arg1 << ". Please consult SUNDIALS manual.");
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Throw an exception when a function with the given name is not implemented.
+ */
+ DeclException1(ExcFunctionNotProvided, std::string,
+ << "Please provide an implementation for the function \"" << arg1 << "\"");
+ /**
+ * This function is executed at construction time to set the
+ * std::function above to trigger an assert if they are not
+ * implemented.
+ */
+ void set_functions_to_trigger_an_assert();
+ /**
+ * ARKode configuration data.
+ */
+ AdditionalData data;
+ /**
+ * ARKode memory object.
+ */
+ void *arkode_mem;
+ /**
+ * ARKode solution vector.
+ */
+ N_Vector yy;
+ /**
+ * ARKode absolute tolerances vector.
+ */
+ N_Vector abs_tolls;
+ /**
+ * MPI communicator. SUNDIALS solver runs happily in parallel.
+ */
+ MPI_Comm communicator;
+ /**
+ * Memory pool of vectors.
+ */
+ GrowingVectorMemory<VectorType> mem;
+ };
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2017 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+#include <deal.II/sundials/arkode.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/utilities.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_parallel_block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/petsc_parallel_block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/petsc_parallel_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/utilities.h>
+#include <deal.II/sundials/copy.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <arkode/arkode_impl.h>
+// Make sure we know how to call sundials own ARKode() function
+const auto &SundialsARKode = ARKode;
+namespace SUNDIALS
+ using namespace internal;
+ namespace
+ {
+ template<typename VectorType>
+ int t_arkode_explicit_function(realtype tt,
+ N_Vector yy,
+ N_Vector yp,
+ void *user_data)
+ {
+ ARKode<VectorType> &solver = *static_cast<ARKode<VectorType> *>(user_data);
+ GrowingVectorMemory<VectorType> mem;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src_yy(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src_yy);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer dst_yp(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*dst_yp);
+ copy(*src_yy, yy);
+ int err = solver.explicit_function(tt, *src_yy, *dst_yp);
+ copy(yp, *dst_yp);
+ return err;
+ }
+ template<typename VectorType>
+ int t_arkode_implicit_function(realtype tt,
+ N_Vector yy,
+ N_Vector yp,
+ void *user_data)
+ {
+ ARKode<VectorType> &solver = *static_cast<ARKode<VectorType> *>(user_data);
+ GrowingVectorMemory<VectorType> mem;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src_yy(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src_yy);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer dst_yp(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*dst_yp);
+ copy(*src_yy, yy);
+ int err = solver.implicit_function(tt, *src_yy, *dst_yp);
+ copy(yp, *dst_yp);
+ return err;
+ }
+ template<typename VectorType>
+ int t_arkode_setup_jacobian(ARKodeMem arkode_mem,
+ int convfail,
+ N_Vector ypred,
+ N_Vector fpred,
+ booleantype *jcurPtr,
+ N_Vector,
+ N_Vector,
+ N_Vector)
+ {
+ ARKode<VectorType> &solver = *static_cast<ARKode<VectorType> *>(arkode_mem->ark_user_data);
+ GrowingVectorMemory<VectorType> mem;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src_ypred(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src_ypred);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src_fpred(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src_fpred);
+ copy(*src_ypred, ypred);
+ copy(*src_fpred, fpred);
+ int err = solver.setup_jacobian(convfail,
+ arkode_mem->ark_tn,
+ arkode_mem->ark_gamma,
+ *src_ypred,
+ *src_fpred,
+ (bool &)*jcurPtr);
+ return err;
+ }
+ template<typename VectorType>
+ int t_arkode_solve_jacobian(ARKodeMem arkode_mem,
+ N_Vector b,
+ N_Vector,
+ N_Vector ycur,
+ N_Vector fcur)
+ {
+ ARKode<VectorType> &solver = *static_cast<ARKode<VectorType> *>(arkode_mem->ark_user_data);
+ GrowingVectorMemory<VectorType> mem;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src_ycur(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src_ycur);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src_fcur(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src_fcur);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer dst(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*dst);
+ copy(*src, b);
+ copy(*src_ycur, ycur);
+ copy(*src_fcur, fcur);
+ int err = solver.solve_jacobian_system(arkode_mem->ark_tn,
+ arkode_mem->ark_gamma,
+ *src_ycur, *src_fcur,
+ *src,*dst);
+ copy(b, *dst);
+ return err;
+ }
+ template<typename VectorType>
+ int t_arkode_setup_mass(ARKodeMem arkode_mem,
+ N_Vector,
+ N_Vector,
+ N_Vector)
+ {
+ ARKode<VectorType> &solver = *static_cast<ARKode<VectorType> *>(arkode_mem->ark_user_data);
+ int err = solver.setup_mass(arkode_mem->ark_tn);
+ return err;
+ }
+ template<typename VectorType>
+ int t_arkode_solve_mass(ARKodeMem arkode_mem,
+ N_Vector b,
+ N_Vector)
+ {
+ ARKode<VectorType> &solver = *static_cast<ARKode<VectorType> *>(arkode_mem->ark_user_data);
+ GrowingVectorMemory<VectorType> mem;
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer src(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*src);
+ typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer dst(mem);
+ solver.reinit_vector(*dst);
+ copy(*src, b);
+ int err = solver.solve_mass_system(*src,*dst);
+ copy(b, *dst);
+ return err;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ ARKode<VectorType>::ARKode(const MPI_Comm mpi_comm, const AdditionalData &data) :
+ data(data),
+ arkode_mem(nullptr),
+ communicator(Utilities::MPI::duplicate_communicator(mpi_comm))
+ {
+ set_functions_to_trigger_an_assert();
+ }
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ ARKode<VectorType>::~ARKode()
+ {
+ if (arkode_mem)
+ ARKodeFree(&arkode_mem);
+ MPI_Comm_free(&communicator);
+ }
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ unsigned int ARKode<VectorType>::solve_ode(VectorType &solution)
+ {
+ unsigned int system_size = solution.size();
+ unsigned int local_system_size = system_size;
+ double t = data.initial_time;
+ double h = data.initial_step_size;
+ unsigned int step_number = 0;
+ int status;
+ (void)status;
+ // The solution is stored in
+ // solution. Here we take only a
+ // view of it.
+ if (is_serial_vector<VectorType>::value == false)
+ {
+ IndexSet is = solution.locally_owned_elements();
+ local_system_size = is.n_elements();
+ yy = N_VNew_Parallel(communicator,
+ local_system_size,
+ system_size);
+ abs_tolls = N_VNew_Parallel(communicator,
+ local_system_size,
+ system_size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(is_serial_vector<VectorType>::value,
+ ExcInternalError("Trying to use a serial code with a parallel vector."));
+ yy = N_VNew_Serial(system_size);
+ abs_tolls = N_VNew_Serial(system_size);
+ }
+ reset(data.initial_time,
+ data.initial_step_size,
+ solution);
+ double next_time = data.initial_time;
+ output_step( 0, solution, 0);
+ while (t<data.final_time)
+ {
+ next_time += data.output_period;
+ status = SundialsARKode(arkode_mem, next_time, yy, &t, ARK_NORMAL);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ status = ARKodeGetLastStep(arkode_mem, &h);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ copy(solution, yy);
+ while (solver_should_restart(t, solution))
+ reset(t, h, solution);
+ step_number++;
+ if (output_step)
+ output_step(t, solution, step_number);
+ }
+ // Free the vectors which are no longer used.
+ if (is_serial_vector<VectorType>::value == false)
+ {
+ N_VDestroy_Parallel(yy);
+ N_VDestroy_Parallel(abs_tolls);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ N_VDestroy_Serial(yy);
+ N_VDestroy_Serial(abs_tolls);
+ }
+ return step_number;
+ }
+ template <typename VectorType>
+ void ARKode<VectorType>::reset(const double ¤t_time,
+ const double ¤t_time_step,
+ const VectorType &solution)
+ {
+ unsigned int system_size;
+ unsigned int local_system_size;
+ if (arkode_mem)
+ ARKodeFree(&arkode_mem);
+ arkode_mem = ARKodeCreate();
+ // Free the vectors which are no longer used.
+ if (yy)
+ {
+ if (is_serial_vector<VectorType>::value == false)
+ {
+ N_VDestroy_Parallel(yy);
+ N_VDestroy_Parallel(abs_tolls);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ N_VDestroy_Serial(yy);
+ N_VDestroy_Serial(abs_tolls);
+ }
+ }
+ int status;
+ (void)status;
+ system_size = solution.size();
+ if (is_serial_vector<VectorType>::value == false)
+ {
+ IndexSet is = solution.locally_owned_elements();
+ local_system_size = is.n_elements();
+ yy = N_VNew_Parallel(communicator,
+ local_system_size,
+ system_size);
+ abs_tolls = N_VNew_Parallel(communicator,
+ local_system_size,
+ system_size);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ yy = N_VNew_Serial(system_size);
+ abs_tolls = N_VNew_Serial(system_size);
+ }
+ copy(yy, solution);
+ Assert(explicit_function || implicit_function,
+ ExcFunctionNotProvided("explicit_function || implicit_function"));
+ status = ARKodeInit(arkode_mem,
+ explicit_function ? t_arkode_explicit_function<VectorType> : nullptr,
+ implicit_function ? t_arkode_implicit_function<VectorType> : nullptr,
+ current_time, yy);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ if (get_local_tolerances)
+ {
+ copy(abs_tolls, get_local_tolerances());
+ status = ARKodeSVtolerances(arkode_mem, data.relative_tolerance, abs_tolls);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = ARKodeSStolerances(arkode_mem, data.relative_tolerance, data.absolute_tolerance);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ }
+ status = ARKodeSetInitStep(arkode_mem, current_time_step);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ status = ARKodeSetUserData(arkode_mem, (void *) this);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ status = ARKodeSetStopTime(arkode_mem, data.final_time);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ status = ARKodeSetMaxNonlinIters(arkode_mem, data.maximum_non_linear_iterations);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ // Initialize solver
+ ARKodeMem ARKode_mem = (ARKodeMem) arkode_mem;
+ if (solve_jacobian_system)
+ {
+ status = ARKodeSetNewton(arkode_mem);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ if (data.implicit_function_is_linear)
+ {
+ status = ARKodeSetLinear(arkode_mem,
+ data.implicit_function_is_time_independent ? 0 : 1);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ }
+ ARKode_mem->ark_lsolve = t_arkode_solve_jacobian<VectorType>;
+ if (setup_jacobian)
+ {
+ ARKode_mem->ark_lsetup = t_arkode_setup_jacobian<VectorType>;
+ ARKode_mem->ark_setupNonNull = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ status = ARKodeSetFixedPoint(arkode_mem, data.maximum_non_linear_iterations);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ }
+ if (solve_mass_system)
+ {
+ ARKode_mem->ark_msolve = t_arkode_solve_mass<VectorType>;
+ if (setup_mass)
+ {
+ ARKode_mem->ark_msetup = t_arkode_setup_mass<VectorType>;
+ ARKode_mem->ark_MassSetupNonNull = true;
+ }
+ }
+ status = ARKodeSetOrder(arkode_mem, data.maximum_order);
+ AssertARKode(status);
+ }
+ template<typename VectorType>
+ void ARKode<VectorType>::set_functions_to_trigger_an_assert()
+ {
+ reinit_vector = [](VectorType &)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(false, ExcFunctionNotProvided("reinit_vector"));
+ };
+ solver_should_restart = [](const double,
+ VectorType &) ->bool
+ {
+ return false;
+ };
+ }
+ template class ARKode<Vector<double> >;
+ template class ARKode<BlockVector<double> >;
+ template class ARKode<TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector>;
+ template class ARKode<TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector>;
+ template class ARKode<PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector>;
+ template class ARKode<PETScWrappers::MPI::BlockVector>;