+++ /dev/null
-This program was contributed by Katharina Kormann and Martin
-This program is currently under construction.
-The algorithm for the matrix-vector product is built upon the report "MPI
-parallelization of a cell-based matrix-vector product for finite elements. An
-application from quantum dynamics" by Katharina Kormann, Uppsala
-University, June 2009.
-<a name="Intro"></a>
-This example shows how to implement a matrix-free method, that is, a method
-that does not explicitly store the matrix elements, for a
-second-order Poisson equation with variable coefficients on a fairly
-unstructured mesh representing a circle.
-<h3>Matrix-vector product implementation</h3>
-In order to find out how we can write a code that performs a matrix-vector
-product, but does not need to store the matrix elements, let us start at
-looking how some finite-element related matrix <i>A</i> is assembled:
-A = \sum_{\mathrm{cell}=1}^{\mathrm{n\_cells}} P_\mathrm{cell,{loc-glob}}^T A_\mathrm{cell}
-In this formula, the matrix <i>P</i><sub>cell,loc-glob</sub> is a rectangular
-matrix that defines the index mapping from local degrees of freedom in the
-current cell to the global degrees of freedom. The information from which this
-operator can be built is usually encoded in the <code>local_dof_indices</code>
-variable we have always used in the assembly of matrices.
-If we are to perform a matrix-vector product, we can hence use that
-y &=& A\cdot x = \left(\sum_{\text{cell}=1}^{\mathrm{n\_cells}} P_\mathrm{cell,{loc-glob}}^T
-A_\mathrm{cell} P_\mathrm{cell,{loc-glob}}\right) \cdot x
-&=& \sum_{\mathrm{cell}=1}^{\mathrm{n\_cells}} P_\mathrm{cell,{loc-glob}}^T
-A_\mathrm{cell} x_\mathrm{cell}
-&=& \sum_{\mathrm{cell}=1}^{\mathrm{n\_cells}} P_\mathrm{cell,{loc-glob}}^T
-where <i>x</i><sub>cell</sub> are the values of <i>x</i> at the degrees of freedom
-of the respective cell, and <i>x</i><sub>cell</sub> correspondingly for the result.
-A naive attempt to implement the local action of the Laplacian would hence be
-to use the following code:
-MatrixFree::vmult (Vector<double> &dst,
- const Vector<double> &src) const
- dst = 0;
- QGauss<dim> quadrature_formula(fe.degree+1);
- FEValues<dim> fe_values (fe, quadrature_formula,
- update_gradients | update_JxW_values);
- const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe.dofs_per_cell;
- const unsigned int n_q_points = quadrature_formula.size();
- FullMatrix<double> cell_matrix (dofs_per_cell, dofs_per_cell);
- Vector<double> cell_src (dofs_per_cell),
- cell_dst (dofs_per_cell);
- std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
- typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator
- cell = dof_handler.begin_active(),
- endc = dof_handler.end();
- for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
- {
- cell_matrix = 0;
- fe_values.reinit (cell);
- for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
- cell_matrix(i,j) += (fe_values.shape_grad(i,q_point) *
- fe_values.shape_grad(j,q_point) *
- fe_values.JxW(q_point));
- cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- cell_src(i) = src(local_dof_indices(i));
- cell_matrix.vmult (cell_dst, cell_src);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- dst(local_dof_indices(i)) += cell_dst;
- }
-Here we neglected boundary conditions as well as any hanging nodes we may
-have, though neither would be very difficult to include using the
-ConstraintMatrix class. Note how we first generate the local matrix in the
-usual way. To form the actual product as expressed in the above formula, we
-read in the values of <code>src</code> of the cell-related degrees of freedom
-(the action of <i>P</i><sub>cell,loc-glob</sub>), multiply by the local matrix
-(the action of <i>A</i><sub>cell</sub>), and finally add the result to the
-destination vector <code>dst</code> (the action of
-<i>P</i><sub>cell,loc-glob</sub><sup>T</sup>, added over all the elements). It
-is not more difficult than that, in principle.
-While this code is completely correct, it is very slow. For every cell, we
-generate a local matrix, which takes three nested loops with as many
-elements as there are degrees of freedom on the actual cell to compute. The
-multiplication itself is then done by two nested loops, which means that it
-is much cheaper.
-One way to improve this is to realize that conceptually the local
-matrix can be thought of as the product of three matrices,
-A_\mathrm{cell} = B_\mathrm{cell}^T D_\mathrm{cell} B_\mathrm{cell},
-where for the example of the Laplace operator the (<i>q</i>*dim+<i>d,i</i>)-th
-element of <i>B</i><sub>cell</sub> is given by
-<code>fe_values.shape_grad(i,q)[d]</code>. The matrix consists of
-<code>dim*n_q_points</code> rows and @p dofs_per_cell columns). The matrix
-<i>D</i><sub>cell</sub> is diagonal and contains the values
-<code>fe_values.JxW(q)</code> (or, rather, @p dim copies of it).
-Every numerical analyst learns in one of her first classes that for
-forming a product of the form
-A_\mathrm{cell}\cdot x_\mathrm{cell} = B_\mathrm{cell} D_\mathrm{cell}
- B_\mathrm{cell}^T \cdot x_\mathrm{cell},
-one should never form the matrix-matrix products, but rather multiply with the
-vector from right to left so that only three successive matrix-vector products
-are formed. To put this into code, we can write:
- for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
- {
- fe_values.reinit (cell);
- cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- cell_src(i) = src(local_dof_indices(i));
- temp_vector = 0;
- for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- temp_vector(q_point*dim+d) += fe_values.shape_grad(i,q_point)[d] *
- cell_src(i);
- for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- temp_vector(q_point*dim+d) *= fe_values.JxW(q_point);
- cell_dst = 0;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- cell_dst(i) += fe_values.shape_grad(i,q_point)[d] *
- temp_vector(q_point*dim+d);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- dst(local_dof_indices(i)) += cell_dst(i);
- }
-This removed the three nested loops in the calculation of the local matrix
-(here the loop over <i>d</i> is a not really a loop, rather two or three
-operations). What happens is as follows: We first transform the vector of
-values on the local dofs to a vector of gradients on the quadrature
-points. In the second loop, we multiply these gradients by the integration
-weight. The third loop applies the second gradient (in transposed form), so
-that we get back to a vector of (Laplacian) values on the cell dofs.
-This improves the situation a lot and reduced the complexity of the product
-from something like $\mathcal {O}(\mathrm{dofs\_per\_cell}^3)$ to $\mathcal
-{O}(\mathrm{dofs\_per\_cell}^2)$. In fact, all the remainder is just to make
-a slightly more clever use of data in order to gain some extra speed. It does
-not change the code structure, though.
-The bottleneck in the above code is the operations done by the call
-<code>fe_values.reinit(cell)</code>, which take about as much time as the
-other steps together (at least if the mesh is unstructured; deal.II can
-recognize that the gradients are often unchanged on structured meshes). That
-is certainly not ideal and we would like to do better than this. What the
-reinit function does is to calculate the gradient in real space by
-transforming the gradient on the reference cell using the Jacobian of the
-transformation from real to reference cell. This is done for each basis
-function on the cell, for each quadrature point. The Jacobian does not depend on
-the basis function, but it is different on different quadrature points in
-general. The trick is now to factor out the Jacobian transformation and first
-apply the operation that leads us to <code>temp_vector</code> only with the
-gradient on the reference cell. That transforms the vector of values on the
-local dofs to a vector of gradients on the quadrature points. There, we first
-apply the Jacobian that we factored out from the gradient, then we apply the
-weights of the quadrature, and we apply with the transposed Jacobian for
-preparing the third loop which again uses the gradients on the unit cell.
-Let us again write this in terms of matrices. Let the matrix
-<i>B</i><sub>cell</sub> denote the cell-related gradient matrix, with each row
-containing the values of the quadrature points. It is constructed by a
-matrix-matrix product as
-B_\mathrm{cell} = J_\mathrm{cell} B_\mathrm{ref\_cell},
-where <i>B</i><sub>ref_cell</sub> denotes the gradient on the reference cell
-and <i>J</i><sub>cell</sub> denotes the Jacobian
-transformation. <i>J</i><sub>cell</sub> is block-diagonal, and the blocks size
-is equal to the dimension of the problem. Each diagonal block is the Jacobian
-transformation that goes from the reference cell to the real cell.
-Putting things together, we find that
-A_\mathrm{cell} = B_\mathrm{cell}^T D B_\mathrm{cell}
- = B_\mathrm{ref\_cell}^T J_\mathrm{cell}^T
- D_\mathrm{cell}
- J_\mathrm{cell} B_\mathrm{ref\_cell},
-so we calculate the product (starting the local product from the right)
-y_\mathrm{cell} = B_\mathrm{ref\_cell}^T J_\mathrm{cell}^T D J_\mathrm{cell}
-B_\mathrm{ref\_cell} x_\mathrm{cell}, \quad
-y = \sum_{\mathrm{cell}=1}^{\mathrm{n\_cells}} P_\mathrm{cell,{loc-glob}}^T
- FEValues<dim> fe_values_reference (fe, quadrature_formula,
- update_gradients);
- Triangulation<dim> reference_cell;
- GridGenerator::hyper_cube(reference_cell, 0., 1.);
- fe_values_reference.reinit (reference_cell.begin());
- FEValues<dim> fe_values (fe, quadrature_formula,
- update_inverse_jacobians | update_JxW_values);
- for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
- {
- fe_values.reinit (cell);
- cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- cell_src(i) = src(local_dof_indices(i));
- temp_vector = 0;
- for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- temp_vector(q_point*dim+d) +=
- fe_values_reference.shape_grad(i,q_point)[d] * cell_src(i);
- for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
- {
- // apply the Jacobian of the mapping from unit to real cell
- Tensor<1,dim> temp;
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- temp[d] = temp_vector(q_point*dim+d);
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- {
- double sum = 0;
- for (unsigned int e=0; e<dim; ++e)
- sum += fe_values.inverse_jacobian(q_point)[d][e] *
- temp[e];
- temp_vector(q_point*dim+d) = sum;
- }
- // multiply with integration weight
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- temp_vector(q_point*dim+d) *= fe_values.JxW(q_point);
- // apply the transpose of the Jacobian of the mapping from unit
- // to real cell
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- temp[d] = temp_vector(q_point*dim+d);
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- {
- double sum = 0;
- for (unsigned int e=0; e<dim; ++e)
- sum += fe_values.inverse_jacobian(q_point)[e][d] *
- temp[e];
- temp_vector(q_point*dim+d) = sum;
- }
- }
- cell_dst = 0;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- for (unsigned int q_point=0; q_point<n_q_points; ++q_point)
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- cell_dst(i) += fe_values_reference.shape_grad(i,q_point)[d] *
- temp_vector(q_point*dim+d);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- dst(local_dof_indices(i)) += cell_dst(i);
- }
-Note how we create an additional FEValues object for the reference cell
-gradients and how we initialize it to the reference cell. The actual
-derivative data is then applied by the Jacobians (deal.II calls the Jacobian
-matrix from unit to real cell inverse_jacobian, because the transformation
-direction in deal.II is from real to unit cell).
-To sum up, we want to look at the additional costs introduced by this
-written-out matrix-matrix-vector product compared to a sparse matrix. To first
-approximation, we have increased the number of operations for the local
-matrix-vector product by a factor of 4 in 2D and 6 in 3D, i.e., two
-matrix-vector products with matrices that have <code>dim</code> as many
-columns than before (here we assume that the number of quadrature points is
-the same as the number of degrees of freedom per cell, which is usual for
-scalar problems). Then, we also need to keep in mind that we touch some
-degrees of freedom several times because they belong to several cells. This
-also increases computational costs. A realistic value compared to a sparse
-matrix is that we now have to perform about 10 times as many operations (a bit
-less in 2D, a bit more in 3D).
-The above is, in essence, what happens in the code below and if you have
-difficulties in understanding the implementation, you should try to first
-understand what happens in the code above. In the actual implementation
-there are a few more points done to be even more efficient, namely:
- <li>We pre-compute the inverse of the Jacobian of the transformation and
- store it in an extra array. This allows us to fuse the three
- operations <i>J</i><sub>cell</sub><sup>T</sup><i> D</i><sub>cell</sub>
- <i>J</i><sub>cell</sub> (apply Jacobian, multiply by
- weights, apply transposed
- Jacobian) into one second-rank tensor that is also symmetric (so we
- only need to store half the tensor).
- <li>We work on several cells at once when we apply the gradients of the
- unit cell (it is always the same matrix with the reference cell
- data). This allows us to replace the matrix-vector product by a
- matrix-matrix product (several vectors of cell-data form a matrix),
- which enables a faster implementation. Obviously, we need some adapted
- data structures for that, but it isn't too hard to provide that. What
- is nice is that dense matrix-matrix products are close to today's
- processors' peak performance if the matrices are neither too small nor
- too large — and these operations are the most expensive part in
- the implementation shown here.
-The implementation of the matrix-free matrix-vector product shown in this
-tutorial is slower than a matrix-vector product using a sparse matrix for
-linear and quadratic elements, but on par with third order elements and faster
-for even higher order elements. An additional gain with this implementation is
-that we do not have to build the sparse matrix itself, which can also be quite
-expensive depending on the underlying differential equation.
-<h3>Combination with multigrid</h3>
-Above, we have gone to significant lengths to implement a matrix-vector
-product that does not actually store the matrix elements. In many user codes,
-however, one wants more than just performing some uncertain number of
-matrix-vector products — one wants to do as little of these operations
-as possible when solving linear equation systems. In theory, we could use the
-CG method without preconditioning; however, that would not be very
-efficient. Rather, one uses preconditioners for improving speed. On the other
-hand, most of the more frequently used preconditioners such as SSOR, ILU or
-algebraic multigrid (AMG) can now no longer be used here because their
-implementation requires knowledge of the elements of the system matrix.
-One solution is to use multigrid methods as shown in
-step-16. They are known to be very fast, and they are suitable for our
-purpose since they can be designed based purely on matrix-vector products. All
-one needs to do is to find a smoother that works with matrix-vector products
-only (our choice requires knowledge of the diagonal entries of the matrix,
-though). One such candidate would be a damped Jacobi iteration, but that is
-often not sufficiently good in damping high-frequency errors.
-A Chebyshev preconditioner, eventually, is what we use here. It can be
-seen as an extension of the Jacobi method by using Chebyshev polynomials. With
-degree zero, the Jacobi method with optimal damping parameter is retrieved,
-whereas higher order corrections improve the smoothing properties if some
-parameters are suitably chosen. The effectiveness of Chebyshev smoothing in
-multigrid has been demonstrated, e.g., in the article <i>M. Adams, M. Brezina,
-J. Hu, R. Tuminaro. Parallel multigrid smoothers: polynomial versus
-Gauss–Seidel, J. Comput. Phys. 188:593–610, 2003</i>. This
-publication also identifies one more advantage of Chebyshev smoothers that we
-exploit here, namely that they are easy to parallelize, whereas
-SOR/Gauss–Seidel smoothing relies on substitutions, which can often only
-be parallelized by working on diagonal sub-blocks of the matrix, which
-decreases efficiency.
-The implementation into the multigrid framework is then straightforward. This
-program is based on an earlier version of step-16 that demonstrated multigrid
-on uniformly refined grids. However, the present matrix-free techniques would
-obviously also apply to the adaptive meshes the current step-16 uses.
-<h3>The test case</h3>
-In order to demonstrate the capabilities of the method, we work on a rather
-general Poisson problem, based on a more or less unstructured mesh (where
-the Jacobians are different from cell to cell), higher order mappings to a
-curved boundary, and a non-constant coefficient in the equation. If we
-worked on a constant-coefficient case with structured mesh, we could
-decrease the operation count by a factor of 4 in 2D and 6 in 3D by building
-a local matrix (which is then the same for all cells), and doing the
-products as in the first developing step of the above code pieces.
+++ /dev/null
-/* $Id$ */
-/* Author: Katharina Kormann, Martin Kronbichler, Uppsala University, 2009 */
-/* $Id$ */
-/* */
-/* Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 by the deal.II authors */
-/* */
-/* This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed */
-/* without copyright and license information. Please refer */
-/* to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and */
-/* further information on this license. */
- // To start with the include files are more
- // or less the same as in step-16:
-#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
-#include <deal.II/base/function.h>
-#include <deal.II/base/logstream.h>
-#include <deal.II/base/work_stream.h>
-#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
-#include <deal.II/lac/full_matrix.h>
-#include <deal.II/lac/solver_cg.h>
-#include <deal.II/lac/precondition.h>
-#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
-#include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
-#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
-#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
-#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
-#include <deal.II/grid/tria_boundary_lib.h>
-#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
-#include <deal.II/multigrid/multigrid.h>
-#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_dof_handler.h>
-#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_dof_accessor.h>
-#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_transfer.h>
-#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_tools.h>
-#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_coarse.h>
-#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_smoother.h>
-#include <deal.II/multigrid/mg_matrix.h>
-#include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>
-#include <deal.II/numerics/vectors.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-using namespace dealii;
- // @sect3{Equation data}
- // We define a variable coefficient function
- // for the Poisson problem. It is similar to
- // the function in step-5 but we use the form
- // $a(\mathbf x)=\frac{1}{0.1 + \|\bf x\|^2}$
- // instead of a discontinuous one. It is
- // merely to demonstrate the possibilities of
- // this implementation, rather than making
- // much sense physically.
-template <int dim>
-class Coefficient : public Function<dim>
- public:
- Coefficient () : Function<dim>() {}
- virtual double value (const Point<dim> &p,
- const unsigned int component = 0) const;
- virtual void value_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
- std::vector<double> &values,
- const unsigned int component = 0) const;
-template <int dim>
-double Coefficient<dim>::value (const Point<dim> &p,
- const unsigned int /*component*/) const
- return 1./(0.1+p.square());
-template <int dim>
-void Coefficient<dim>::value_list (const std::vector<Point<dim> > &points,
- std::vector<double> &values,
- const unsigned int component) const
- Assert (values.size() == points.size(),
- ExcDimensionMismatch (values.size(), points.size()));
- Assert (component == 0,
- ExcIndexRange (component, 0, 1));
- const unsigned int n_points = points.size();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_points; ++i)
- values[i] = 1./(0.1+points[i].square());
- // @sect3{Matrix-free implementation}
- // In this program, we want to make
- // use of the ability of deal.II to
- // runs things in %parallel if compute
- // resources are available. We will
- // follow the general framework laid
- // out in the @ref threads module and
- // use the WorkStream class to do
- // operations on the range of all
- // cells.
- //
- // To this end, we first have to have
- // a few declarations that we use for
- // defining the %parallel layout of
- // the vector multiplication function
- // with the WorkStream concept in the
- // Matrix-free class. These comprise
- // so-called scratch data that we use
- // for calculating cell-related
- // information, and copy data that is
- // eventually used in a separate
- // function for writing local data
- // into the global vector. The reason
- // for this split-up definition is
- // that many threads at a time can
- // execute the local multiplications
- // (and filling up the copy data),
- // but than that copy data needs to
- // be worked on by one process at a
- // time.
-namespace WorkStreamData
- template <typename number>
- struct ScratchData
- {
- ScratchData ();
- ScratchData (const ScratchData &scratch);
- FullMatrix<number> solutions;
- };
- template<typename number>
- ScratchData<number>::ScratchData ()
- :
- solutions ()
- {}
- template<typename number>
- ScratchData<number>::ScratchData (const ScratchData &)
- :
- solutions ()
- {}
- template <typename number>
- struct CopyData : public ScratchData<number>
- {
- CopyData ();
- CopyData (const CopyData &scratch);
- unsigned int first_cell;
- unsigned int n_dofs;
- };
- template <typename number>
- CopyData<number>::CopyData ()
- :
- ScratchData<number> ()
- {}
- template <typename number>
- CopyData<number>::CopyData (const CopyData &)
- :
- ScratchData<number> ()
- {}
- // Next comes the implementation of the
- // matrix-free class. It provides some
- // standard information we expect for
- // matrices (like returning the dimensions
- // of the matrix), it implements
- // matrix-vector multiplications in several
- // forms, and it provides functions for
- // filling the matrix with data.
- //
- // We choose to make this class generic,
- // i.e., we do not implement the actual
- // differential operator (here: Laplace
- // operator) directly in this class. We
- // instead let the actual transformation
- // (which happens on the level of quadrature
- // points, see the discussion in the
- // introduction) be a template parameter that
- // is implemented by another class. We then
- // only have to store a list of these objects
- // for each quadrature point on each cell in
- // a big list – we choose a
- // <code>Table<2,Transformation></code> data
- // format) – and call a transform
- // command of the @p Transformation
- // class. This template magic makes it easy
- // to reuse this MatrixFree class for other
- // problems that are based on a symmetric
- // operation without the need for substantial
- // changes.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-class MatrixFree : public Subscriptor
- public:
- MatrixFree ();
- void reinit (const unsigned int n_dofs,
- const unsigned int n_cells,
- const FullMatrix<double> &cell_matrix,
- const unsigned int n_points_per_cell);
- void clear();
- unsigned int m () const;
- unsigned int n () const;
- ConstraintMatrix & get_constraints ();
- void set_local_dof_indices (const unsigned int cell_no,
- const std::vector<unsigned int> &local_dof_indices);
- void set_derivative_data (const unsigned int cell_no,
- const unsigned int quad_point,
- const Transformation &trans_in);
- template <typename number2>
- void vmult (Vector<number2> &dst,
- const Vector<number2> &src) const;
- template <typename number2>
- void Tvmult (Vector<number2> &dst,
- const Vector<number2> &src) const;
- template <typename number2>
- void vmult_add (Vector<number2> &dst,
- const Vector<number2> &src) const;
- template <typename number2>
- void Tvmult_add (Vector<number2> &dst,
- const Vector<number2> &src) const;
- number el (const unsigned int row,
- const unsigned int col) const;
- void calculate_diagonal () const;
- std::size_t memory_consumption () const;
- // The private member variables of the
- // @p MatrixFree class are a
- // small matrix that does the
- // transformation from solution values to
- // quadrature points, a list with the
- // mapping between local degrees of freedom
- // and global degrees of freedom for each
- // cell (stored as a two-dimensional array,
- // where each row corresponds to one
- // cell, and the columns within individual
- // cells are the local degrees of freedom),
- // the transformation variable for
- // implementing derivatives, a constraint
- // matrix for handling boundary conditions
- // as well as a few other variables that
- // store matrix properties.
- private:
- typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> >::const_iterator
- CellChunkIterator;
- template <typename number2>
- void local_vmult (CellChunkIterator cell_range,
- WorkStreamData::ScratchData<number> &scratch,
- WorkStreamData::CopyData<number> ©,
- const Vector<number2> &src) const;
- template <typename number2>
- void
- copy_local_to_global (const WorkStreamData::CopyData<number> ©,
- Vector<number2> &dst) const;
- FullMatrix<number> B_ref_cell;
- Table<2,unsigned int> indices_local_to_global;
- Table<2,Transformation> derivatives;
- ConstraintMatrix constraints;
- mutable Vector<number> diagonal_values;
- mutable bool diagonal_is_calculated;
- struct MatrixSizes
- {
- unsigned int n_dofs, n_cells;
- unsigned int m, n;
- unsigned int n_points, n_comp;
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int,unsigned int> > chunks;
- } matrix_sizes;
- // This is the constructor of the @p
- // MatrixFree class. All it does is to
- // subscribe to the general deal.II @p
- // Subscriptor scheme that makes sure that we
- // do not delete an object of this class as
- // long as it used somewhere else, e.g. in a
- // preconditioner.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::MatrixFree ()
- :
- Subscriptor()
- // The next functions return the
- // number of rows and columns of the
- // global matrix (i.e. the dimensions
- // of the operator this class
- // represents, the point of this
- // tutorial program was, after all,
- // that we don't actually store the
- // elements of the rows and columns
- // of this operator). Since the
- // matrix is square, the returned
- // numbers are the same.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-unsigned int
-MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::m () const
- return matrix_sizes.n_dofs;
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-unsigned int
-MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::n () const
- return matrix_sizes.n_dofs;
- // One more function that just returns an
- // %internal variable. Note that the user
- // will need to change this variable, so it
- // returns a non-constant reference to the
- // ConstraintMatrix.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-ConstraintMatrix &
-MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::get_constraints ()
- return constraints;
- // The following function takes a vector of
- // local dof indices on cell level and writes
- // the data into the
- // @p indices_local_to_global field
- // in order to have fast access to it. It
- // performs a few sanity checks like whether
- // the sizes in the matrix are set
- // correctly. One tiny thing: Whenever we
- // enter this function, we probably make some
- // modification to the matrix. This means
- // that the diagonal of the matrix, which we
- // might have computed to have fast access to
- // those elements, is invalidated. We set the
- // respective flag to @p false.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-void MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::
-set_local_dof_indices (const unsigned int cell_no,
- const std::vector<unsigned int> &local_dof_indices)
- Assert (local_dof_indices.size() == matrix_sizes.m,
- ExcDimensionMismatch(local_dof_indices.size(),
- matrix_sizes.m));
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<matrix_sizes.m; ++i)
- {
- Assert (local_dof_indices[i] < matrix_sizes.n_dofs, ExcInternalError());
- indices_local_to_global(cell_no,i) = local_dof_indices[i];
- }
- diagonal_is_calculated = false;
- // Next a function that writes the derivative
- // data on a certain cell and a certain
- // quadrature point to the array that keeps
- // the data around. Even though the array @p
- // derivatives stands for the majority of the
- // matrix memory consumption, it still pays
- // off to have that data around since it
- // would be quite expensive to manually
- // compute it every time we make a
- // matrix-vector product.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-void MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::
-set_derivative_data (const unsigned int cell_no,
- const unsigned int quad_point,
- const Transformation &trans_in)
- Assert (quad_point < matrix_sizes.n_points, ExcInternalError());
- derivatives(cell_no,quad_point) = trans_in;
- diagonal_is_calculated = false;
- // Now finally to the central function of the
- // matrix-free class, implementing the
- // multiplication of the matrix with a
- // vector. This function does not actually
- // work on all cells of a mesh, but only the
- // subset of cells specified by the first
- // argument @p cell_range. Since this
- // function operates similarly irrespective
- // on which cell chunk we are sitting, we can
- // call it simultaneously on many processors,
- // but with different cell range data.
- //
- // The goal of this function is to provide
- // the multiplication of a vector with the
- // local contributions of a set of cells. As
- // mentioned in the introduction, if we were
- // to deal with a single cell, this would
- // amount to performing the product
- // @f{eqnarray*}
- // P^T_\mathrm{cell,local-global} A_\mathrm{cell}
- // P_\mathrm{cell,local-global} x
- // @f}
- // where
- // @f{eqnarray*}
- // A_\mathrm{cell} =
- // B_\mathrm{ref\_cell}^T J_\mathrm{cell}^T
- // D_\mathrm{cell}
- // J_\mathrm{cell} B_\mathrm{ref\_cell}
- // @f}
- // and <i>P</i><sub>cell,local-global</sub>
- // is the transformation from local to global
- // indices.
- //
- // To do this, we would have to do the
- // following steps:
- // <ol>
- // <li> Form $x_\mathrm{cell} =
- // P_\mathrm{cell,local-global} x$. This is
- // done by using the command
- // ConstraintMatrix::get_dof_values.
- // <li> Form $x_1 = B_\mathrm{ref\_cell}
- // x_\mathrm{cell}$. The vector
- // <i>x</i><sub>1</sub> contains the
- // reference cell gradient to the local
- // cell vector.
- // <li> Form $x_2 = J_\mathrm{cell}^T
- // D_\mathrm{cell} J_\mathrm{cell}
- // x_1$. This is a block-diagonal
- // operation, with the block size equal to
- // @p dim. The blocks just
- // correspond to the individual quadrature
- // points. The operation on each quadrature
- // point is implemented by the
- // Transformation class object that this
- // class is equipped with. Compared to the
- // introduction, the matrix
- // <i>D</i><sub>cell</sub> now contains the
- // @p JxW values and the
- // inhomogeneous coefficient.
- // <li> Form $y_\mathrm{cell} =
- // B_\mathrm{ref\_cell}^T x_2$. This gives
- // the local result of the matrix-vector
- // product.
- // <li> Form $y \leftarrow y +
- // P_\mathrm{cell,local-global}^T
- // y_\mathrm{cell}$. This adds the local
- // result to the global vector, which is
- // realized using the method
- // ConstraintMatrix::distribute_local_to_global.
- // Note that we do this in an extra
- // function called
- // @p copy_local_to_global
- // because that operation must not be done
- // in %parallel, in order to avoid two or
- // more processes trying to add to the same
- // positions in the result vector <i>y</i>.
- // </ol>
- // The steps 1 to 4 can be done in %parallel
- // by multiple processes.
- // Now, it turns out that the most expensive
- // part of the above is the multiplication
- // <i>B</i><sub>ref_cell</sub>
- // <i>x</i><sub>cell</sub> in the second step
- // and the transpose operation in step
- // 4. Note that the matrix
- // <i>J</i><sup>T</sup><i> D J</i> is
- // block-diagonal, and hence, its application
- // is cheaper. Since the matrix
- // <i>B</i><sub>ref_cell</sub> is the same
- // for all cells, all that changes is the
- // vector <i>x</i><sub>cell</sub>. Hence,
- // nothing prevents us from collecting
- // several cell vectors to a (rectangular)
- // matrix, and then perform a matrix-matrix
- // product. These matrices are both full, but
- // not very large, having of the order @p
- // dofs_per_cell rows and columns. This is an
- // operation that can be much better
- // optimized than matrix-vector products. The
- // functions @p FullMatrix<number>::mmult and
- // @p FullMatrix<number>::mTmult use the BLAS
- // dgemm function (as long as BLAS has been
- // detected in deal.II configuration), which
- // provides optimized kernels for doing this
- // product. In our case, a matrix-matrix
- // product is between three and five times
- // faster than doing the matrix-vector
- // product on one cell after the other. The
- // variables that hold the solution on the
- // respective cell's support points and the
- // quadrature points are thus full matrices,
- // which we set to the correct size as a
- // first action in this function. The number
- // of rows in the two matrices @p
- // scratch.solutions and @p copy.solutions is
- // given by the number of cells they work on,
- // and the number of columns is the number of
- // degrees of freedom per cell for the first
- // and the number of quadrature points times
- // the number of components per point for the
- // latter.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-template <typename number2>
-local_vmult (CellChunkIterator cell_range,
- WorkStreamData::ScratchData<number> &scratch,
- WorkStreamData::CopyData<number> ©,
- const Vector<number2> &src) const
- const unsigned int chunk_size = cell_range->second - cell_range->first;
- scratch.solutions.reinit (chunk_size, matrix_sizes.n, true);
- copy.solutions.reinit (chunk_size, matrix_sizes.m, true);
- copy.first_cell = cell_range->first;
- copy.n_dofs = chunk_size*matrix_sizes.m;
- constraints.get_dof_values(src, &indices_local_to_global(copy.first_cell,0),
- ©.solutions(0,0),
- ©.solutions(0,0)+copy.n_dofs);
- copy.solutions.mmult (scratch.solutions, B_ref_cell);
- for (unsigned int i=0, k = copy.first_cell; i<chunk_size; ++i, ++k)
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<matrix_sizes.n_points; ++j)
- derivatives(k,j).transform(&scratch.solutions(i, j*matrix_sizes.n_comp));
- scratch.solutions.mTmult (copy.solutions, B_ref_cell);
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-template <typename number2>
-copy_local_to_global (const WorkStreamData::CopyData<number> ©,
- Vector<number2> &dst) const
- constraints.distribute_local_to_global (©.solutions(0,0),
- ©.solutions(0,0)+copy.n_dofs,
- &indices_local_to_global(copy.first_cell,0),
- dst);
- // Now to the @p vmult function that is
- // called externally: In addition to what we
- // do in a @p vmult_add function, we set the
- // destination to zero first.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-template <typename number2>
-MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::vmult (Vector<number2> &dst,
- const Vector<number2> &src) const
- dst = 0;
- vmult_add (dst, src);
- // Transposed matrix-vector products (needed
- // for the multigrid operations to be
- // well-defined): do the same. Since we
- // implement a symmetric operation, we can
- // refer to the @p vmult_add operation.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-template <typename number2>
-MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::Tvmult (Vector<number2> &dst,
- const Vector<number2> &src) const
- dst = 0;
- Tvmult_add (dst,src);
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-template <typename number2>
-MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::Tvmult_add (Vector<number2> &dst,
- const Vector<number2> &src) const
- vmult_add (dst,src);
- // This is the @p vmult_add function that
- // multiplies the matrix with vector @p src
- // and adds the result to vector @p dst. We
- // include a few sanity checks to make sure
- // that the size of the vectors is the same
- // as the dimension of the matrix. We call a
- // %parallel function that applies the
- // multiplication on a chunk of cells at once
- // using the WorkStream module (cf. also the
- // @ref threads module). The subdivision into
- // chunks will be performed in the reinit
- // function and is stored in the field @p
- // matrix_sizes.chunks. What the rather
- // cryptic command to @p std_cxx1x::bind does
- // is to transform a function that has
- // several arguments (source vector, chunk
- // information) into a function which has
- // three arguments (in the first case) or one
- // argument (in the second), which is what
- // the WorkStream::run function expects. The
- // placeholders <code>_1, std_cxx1x::_2, _3</code> in
- // the local vmult specify variable input
- // values, given by the chunk information,
- // scratch data and copy data that the
- // WorkStream::run function will provide,
- // whereas the other arguments to the @p
- // local_vmult function are bound: to @p this
- // and a constant reference to the @p src in
- // the first case, and @p this and a
- // reference to the output vector in the
- // second. Similarly, the placeholder
- // @p _1 argument in the
- // @p copy_local_to_global function
- // sets the first explicit argument of that
- // function, which is of class
- // @p CopyData. We need to
- // abstractly specify these arguments because
- // the tasks defined by different cell chunks
- // will be scheduled by the WorkStream class,
- // and we will reuse available scratch and
- // copy data.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-template <typename number2>
-MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::vmult_add (Vector<number2> &dst,
- const Vector<number2> &src) const
- Assert (src.size() == n(), ExcDimensionMismatch(src.size(), n()));
- Assert (dst.size() == m(), ExcDimensionMismatch(dst.size(), m()));
- WorkStream::run (matrix_sizes.chunks.begin(), matrix_sizes.chunks.end(),
- std_cxx1x::bind(&MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::
- template local_vmult<number2>,
- this, std_cxx1x::_1, std_cxx1x::_2, std_cxx1x::_3, boost::cref(src)),
- std_cxx1x::bind(&MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::
- template copy_local_to_global<number2>,
- this, std_cxx1x::_1, boost::ref(dst)),
- WorkStreamData::ScratchData<number>(),
- WorkStreamData::CopyData<number>(),
- 2*multithread_info.n_default_threads,1);
- // One thing to be cautious about:
- // The deal.II classes expect that
- // the matrix still contains a
- // diagonal entry for constrained
- // dofs (otherwise, the matrix
- // would be singular, which is not
- // what we want). Since the
- // <code>distribute_local_to_global</code>
- // command of the constraint matrix
- // which we used for adding the
- // local elements into the global
- // vector does not do anything with
- // constrained elements, we have to
- // circumvent that problem by
- // artificially setting the
- // diagonal to some non-zero value
- // and adding the source values. We
- // simply set it to one, which
- // corresponds to copying the
- // respective elements of the
- // source vector into the matching
- // entry of the destination vector.
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<matrix_sizes.n_dofs; ++i)
- if (constraints.is_constrained(i) == true)
- dst(i) += 1.0 * src(i);
- // The next function initializes the
- // structures of the matrix. It writes the
- // number of total degrees of freedom in the
- // problem as well as the number of cells to
- // the MatrixSizes struct and copies the
- // small matrix that transforms the solution
- // from support points to quadrature
- // points. It uses the small matrix for
- // determining the number of degrees of
- // freedom per cell (number of rows in @p
- // B_ref_cell). The number of quadrature
- // points needs to be passed through the last
- // variable @p n_points_per_cell, since the
- // number of columns in the small matrix is
- // @p dim*n_points_per_cell for the Laplace
- // problem (the Laplacian is a tensor and has
- // @p dim components). In this function, we
- // also give the fields containing the
- // derivative information and the local dof
- // indices the correct sizes. They will be
- // filled by calling the respective set
- // function defined above.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-void MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::
-reinit (const unsigned int n_dofs_in,
- const unsigned int n_cells_in,
- const FullMatrix<double> &B_ref_cell_in,
- const unsigned int n_points_per_cell)
- B_ref_cell = B_ref_cell_in;
- derivatives.reinit (n_cells_in, n_points_per_cell);
- indices_local_to_global.reinit (n_cells_in, B_ref_cell.m());
- diagonal_is_calculated = false;
- matrix_sizes.n_dofs = n_dofs_in;
- matrix_sizes.n_cells = n_cells_in;
- matrix_sizes.m = B_ref_cell.m();
- matrix_sizes.n = B_ref_cell.n();
- matrix_sizes.n_points = n_points_per_cell;
- matrix_sizes.n_comp = B_ref_cell.n()/matrix_sizes.n_points;
- Assert(matrix_sizes.n_comp * n_points_per_cell == B_ref_cell.n(),
- ExcInternalError());
- // One thing to make the matrix-vector
- // product with this class efficient is to
- // decide how many cells should be combined
- // to one chunk, which will determine the
- // size of the full matrix that we work
- // on. If we choose too few cells, then the
- // gains from using the matrix-matrix
- // product will not be fully utilized
- // (dgemm tends to provide more efficiency
- // the larger the matrix dimensions get),
- // so we choose at least 60 cells for one
- // chunk (except when there are very few
- // cells, like on the coarse levels of the
- // multigrid scheme). If we choose too
- // many, we will degrade parallelization
- // (we need to have sufficiently
- // independent tasks). We need to also
- // think about the fact that most high
- // performance BLAS implementations
- // internally work with square
- // sub-matrices. Choosing as many cells in
- // a chunk as there are degrees of freedom
- // on each cell (coded in @p
- // matrix_sizes.m) respects the BLAS GEMM
- // design, whenever we exceed 60. Clearly,
- // the chunk size is an
- // architecture-dependent value and the
- // interested user can squeeze out some
- // extra performance by hand-tuning this
- // parameter. Once we have chosen the
- // number of cells we collect in one chunk,
- // we determine how many chunks we have on
- // the given cell range and recalculate the
- // actual chunk size in order to evenly
- // distribute the chunks.
- const unsigned int divisor = std::max(60U, matrix_sizes.m);
- const unsigned int n_chunks = std::max (matrix_sizes.n_cells/divisor + 1,
- 2*multithread_info.n_default_threads);
- const unsigned int chunk_size = (matrix_sizes.n_cells/n_chunks +
- (matrix_sizes.n_cells%n_chunks>0));
- std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> chunk;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_chunks; ++i)
- {
- chunk.first = i*chunk_size;
- if ((i+1)*chunk_size > matrix_sizes.n_cells)
- chunk.second = matrix_sizes.n_cells;
- else
- chunk.second = (i+1)*chunk_size;
- if (chunk.second > chunk.first)
- matrix_sizes.chunks.push_back(chunk);
- else
- break;
- }
- // Then we need a function if we want to
- // delete the content of the matrix,
- // e.g. when we are finished with one grid
- // level and continue to the next one. Just
- // set all the field sizes to 0.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::clear ()
- B_ref_cell.reinit(0,0);
- derivatives.reinit (0,0);
- indices_local_to_global.reinit(0,0);
- constraints.clear();
- diagonal_values.reinit (0);
- diagonal_is_calculated = false;
- matrix_sizes.n_dofs = 0;
- matrix_sizes.n_cells = 0;
- matrix_sizes.chunks.clear();
- // The next function returns the entries of the
- // matrix. Since this class is intended not
- // to store the matrix entries, it would make
- // no sense to provide all those
- // elements. However, diagonal entries are
- // explicitly needed for the implementation
- // of the Chebyshev smoother that we intend
- // to use in the multigrid
- // preconditioner. This matrix is equipped
- // with a vector that stores the diagonal,
- // and we compute it when this function is
- // called for the first time.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::el (const unsigned int row,
- const unsigned int col) const
- Assert (row == col, ExcNotImplemented());
- if (diagonal_is_calculated == false)
- calculate_diagonal();
- return diagonal_values(row);
- // Regarding the calculation of the diagonal,
- // remember that this is as simple (or
- // complicated) as assembling a right hand
- // side in deal.II. Well, it is a bit easier
- // to do this within this class since we have
- // all the derivative information
- // available. What we do is to go through all
- // the cells (now in serial, since this
- // function should not be called very often
- // anyway), then all the degrees of
- // freedom. At this place, we first copy the
- // first basis functions in all the
- // quadrature points to a temporary array,
- // apply the derivatives from the Jacobian
- // matrix, and finally multiply with the
- // second basis function. This is exactly the
- // value that would be written into the
- // diagonal of a sparse matrix. Note that we
- // need to condense hanging node constraints
- // and set the constrained diagonals to one.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::calculate_diagonal() const
- diagonal_values.reinit (matrix_sizes.n_dofs);
- std::vector<number> calculation (matrix_sizes.n);
- for (unsigned int cell=0; cell<matrix_sizes.n_cells; ++cell)
- for (unsigned int dof=0; dof<matrix_sizes.m; ++dof)
- {
- memcpy (&calculation[0],&B_ref_cell(dof,0),
- matrix_sizes.n*sizeof(number));
- for (unsigned int q=0; q<matrix_sizes.n_points; ++q)
- derivatives(cell,q).transform(&calculation[q*matrix_sizes.n_comp]);
- double diag_value = 0;
- for (unsigned int q=0; q<matrix_sizes.n; ++q)
- diag_value += calculation[q] * B_ref_cell(dof,q);
- diagonal_values(indices_local_to_global(cell,dof)) += diag_value;
- }
- constraints.condense (diagonal_values);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<matrix_sizes.n_dofs; ++i)
- if (constraints.is_constrained(i) == true)
- diagonal_values(i) = 1.0;
- diagonal_is_calculated = true;
- // Eventually, we provide a function that
- // calculates how much memory this class
- // uses. We just need to sum up the memory
- // consumption of the arrays, the
- // constraints, the small matrix and of the
- // local variables. Just as a remark: In 2D
- // and with data type @p double,
- // about 80 per cent of the memory
- // consumption is due to the
- // @p derivatives array, while in 3D
- // this number is even 85 per cent.
-template <typename number, class Transformation>
-std::size_t MatrixFree<number,Transformation>::memory_consumption () const
- std::size_t glob_size = derivatives.memory_consumption() +
- indices_local_to_global.memory_consumption() +
- constraints.memory_consumption() +
- B_ref_cell.memory_consumption() +
- diagonal_values.memory_consumption() +
- matrix_sizes.chunks.size()*2*sizeof(unsigned int) +
- sizeof(*this);
- return glob_size;
- // @sect3{Laplace operator implementation}
- // This class implements the local action of
- // a Laplace operator on a quadrature
- // point. This is a very basic class
- // implementation, providing functions for
- // initialization with a Tensor of rank 2 and
- // implementing the @p transform operation
- // needed by the @p MatrixFree class. There
- // is one point worth noting: The
- // quadrature-point related action of the
- // Laplace operator is a tensor of rank
- // two. It is symmetric since it is the
- // product of the inverse Jacobian
- // transformation between unit and real cell
- // with its transpose (times quadrature
- // weights and a coefficient, which are
- // scalar), so we can just save the diagonal
- // and upper diagonal part. We could use the
- // SymmetricTensor<2,dim> class for doing
- // this, however, that class is only based on
- // @p double %numbers. Since we also want to
- // use @p float %numbers for the multigrid
- // preconditioner (in order to save memory
- // and computing time), we manually implement
- // this operator. Note that @p dim is a
- // template argument and hence known at
- // compile-time, so the compiler knows that
- // this symmetric rank-2 tensor has 3 entries
- // if used in 2D and 6 entries if used in 3D.
-template <int dim,typename number>
-class LaplaceOperator
- public:
- LaplaceOperator ();
- LaplaceOperator (const Tensor<2,dim> &tensor);
- void transform (number * result) const;
- LaplaceOperator<dim,number>&
- operator = (const Tensor<2,dim> &tensor);
- unsigned int memory_consumption () const;
- private:
- number transformation[dim*(dim+1)/2];
-template<int dim,typename number>
-template<int dim,typename number>
-LaplaceOperator<dim,number>::LaplaceOperator(const Tensor<2,dim> &tensor)
- *this = tensor;
- // Now implement the transformation, which is
- // just a so-called contraction
- // operation between a tensor of rank two and a
- // tensor of rank one. Unfortunately, we
- // need to implement this by hand, since we
- // chose not to use the
- // SymmetricTensor<2,dim> class (note that
- // the resulting values are entries in a full
- // matrix that consists of doubles or
- // floats). It feels a bit unsafe to operate
- // on a pointer to the data, but that is the
- // only possibility if we do not want to copy
- // data back and forth, which is expensive
- // since this is the innermost position of
- // the loop in the @p vmult
- // operation of the MatrixFree class. We need
- // to pay attention to the fact that we only
- // saved half of the (symmetric) rank-two
- // tensor.
- //
- // At first sight, it seems inefficient that
- // we have an @p if clause at this position
- // in the code at the innermost loop, but
- // note once again that @p dim is known when
- // this piece of code is compiled, so the
- // compiler can optimize away the @p if
- // statement (and actually even inline these
- // few lines of code into the @p MatrixFree
- // class).
-template <int dim, typename number>
-void LaplaceOperator<dim,number>::transform (number* result) const
- if (dim == 2)
- {
- const number temp = result[0];
- result[0] = transformation[0] * temp + transformation[1] * result[1];
- result[1] = transformation[1] * temp + transformation[2] * result[1];
- }
- else if (dim == 3)
- {
- const number temp1 = result[0];
- const number temp2 = result[1];
- result[0] = transformation[0] * temp1 + transformation[1] * temp2 +
- transformation[2] * result[2];
- result[1] = transformation[1] * temp1 + transformation[3] * temp2 +
- transformation[4] * result[2];
- result[2] = transformation[2] * temp1 + transformation[4] * temp2 +
- transformation[5] * result[2];
- }
- else
- ExcNotImplemented();
- // The final function in this group
- // takes the content of a rank-2
- // tensor and writes it to the field
- // @p transformation of
- // this class. We save the upper part
- // of the symmetric tensor row-wise:
- // we first take the (0,0)-entry,
- // then the (0,1)-entry, and so
- // on. We only implement this for
- // dimensions two and three, which
- // for the moment should do just
- // fine:
-template <int dim, typename number>
-LaplaceOperator<dim,number>::operator=(const Tensor<2,dim> &tensor)
- if (dim == 2)
- {
- transformation[0] = tensor[0][0];
- transformation[1] = tensor[0][1];
- transformation[2] = tensor[1][1];
- Assert (std::fabs(tensor[1][0]-tensor[0][1])<1e-15,
- ExcInternalError());
- }
- else if (dim == 3)
- {
- transformation[0] = tensor[0][0];
- transformation[1] = tensor[0][1];
- transformation[2] = tensor[0][2];
- transformation[3] = tensor[1][1];
- transformation[4] = tensor[1][2];
- transformation[5] = tensor[2][2];
- Assert (std::fabs(tensor[1][0]-tensor[0][1])<1e-15,
- ExcInternalError());
- Assert (std::fabs(tensor[2][0]-tensor[0][2])<1e-15,
- ExcInternalError());
- Assert (std::fabs(tensor[2][1]-tensor[1][2])<1e-15,
- ExcInternalError());
- }
- else
- ExcNotImplemented();
- return *this;
-template<int dim,typename number>
-unsigned int
-LaplaceOperator<dim,number>::memory_consumption () const
- return sizeof(*this);
- // @sect3{LaplaceProblem class}
- // This class is based on the same
- // class in step-16. However, we
- // replaced the SparseMatrix<double>
- // class by our matrix-free
- // implementation, which means that
- // we can also skip the sparsity
- // patterns.
-template <int dim>
-class LaplaceProblem
- public:
- LaplaceProblem (const unsigned int degree);
- void run ();
- private:
- void setup_system ();
- void assemble_system ();
- void assemble_multigrid ();
- void solve ();
- void output_results (const unsigned int cycle) const;
- Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
- FE_Q<dim> fe;
- MGDoFHandler<dim> mg_dof_handler;
- MatrixFree<double,LaplaceOperator<dim,double> > system_matrix;
- typedef MatrixFree<float,LaplaceOperator<dim,float> > MatrixFreeType;
- MGLevelObject<MatrixFreeType> mg_matrices;
- FullMatrix<float> coarse_matrix;
- Vector<double> solution;
- Vector<double> system_rhs;
-template <int dim>
-LaplaceProblem<dim>::LaplaceProblem (const unsigned int degree)
- :
- fe (degree),
- mg_dof_handler (triangulation)
- // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::setup_system}
- // This is the function of step-16 with
- // relevant changes due to the MatrixFree
- // class. What we need to do is to somehow
- // create a local gradient matrix that does
- // not contain any cell-related data
- // (gradient on the reference cell). The
- // way to get to this matrix is to create
- // an FEValues object with gradient
- // information on a cell that corresponds
- // to the reference cell, which is a cube
- // with side length 1. So we create a
- // pseudo triangulation, initialize the
- // FEValues to the only cell of that
- // triangulation, and read off the
- // gradients (which we put in a
- // FullMatrix). That full matrix is then
- // passed to the reinit function of the
- // MatrixFree class used as a system matrix
- // and, further down, as multigrid matrices
- // on the individual levels. We need to
- // implement Dirichlet boundary conditions
- // here, which is done with the
- // ConstraintMatrix function as shown,
- // e.g., in step-22.
-template <int dim>
-void LaplaceProblem<dim>::setup_system ()
- system_matrix.clear();
- mg_matrices.clear();
- mg_dof_handler.distribute_dofs (fe);
- std::cout << "Number of degrees of freedom: "
- << mg_dof_handler.n_dofs()
- << std::endl;
- const unsigned int nlevels = triangulation.n_levels();
- mg_matrices.resize(0, nlevels-1);
- QGauss<dim> quadrature_formula(fe.degree+1);
- FEValues<dim> fe_values_reference (fe, quadrature_formula,
- update_gradients);
- Triangulation<dim> reference_cell;
- GridGenerator::hyper_cube (reference_cell, 0, 1);
- fe_values_reference.reinit (reference_cell.begin());
- FullMatrix<double> ref_cell_gradients (fe.dofs_per_cell,
- quadrature_formula.size()*dim);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- {
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<quadrature_formula.size(); ++j)
- {
- for (unsigned int d=0; d<dim; ++d)
- ref_cell_gradients(i,j*dim+d) = fe_values_reference.shape_grad(i,j)[d];
- }
- }
- system_matrix.reinit (mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(), triangulation.n_active_cells(),
- ref_cell_gradients, quadrature_formula.size());
- VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values (mg_dof_handler,
- 0,
- ZeroFunction<dim>(),
- system_matrix.get_constraints());
- system_matrix.get_constraints().close();
- std::cout.precision(4);
- std::cout << "System matrix memory consumption: "
- << system_matrix.memory_consumption()/double(1<<20)
- << " MiB."
- << std::endl;
- solution.reinit (mg_dof_handler.n_dofs());
- system_rhs.reinit (mg_dof_handler.n_dofs());
- // Next, initialize the matrices for the
- // multigrid method on all the
- // levels. Unfortunately, the function
- // MGTools::make_boundary_list cannot write
- // Dirichlet boundary conditions into a
- // ConstraintMatrix object directly, so we
- // first have to make the boundary list and
- // then manually fill the boundary
- // conditions using the command
- // ConstraintMatrix::add_line. Once this is
- // done, we close the ConstraintMatrix so
- // it can be used for matrix-vector
- // products.
- typename FunctionMap<dim>::type dirichlet_boundary;
- ZeroFunction<dim> homogeneous_dirichlet_bc (1);
- dirichlet_boundary[0] = &homogeneous_dirichlet_bc;
- std::vector<std::set<unsigned int> > boundary_indices(triangulation.n_levels());
- MGTools::make_boundary_list (mg_dof_handler,
- dirichlet_boundary,
- boundary_indices);
- for (unsigned int level=0;level<nlevels;++level)
- {
- mg_matrices[level].reinit(mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(level),
- triangulation.n_cells(level),
- ref_cell_gradients,
- quadrature_formula.size());
- std::set<unsigned int>::iterator bc_it = boundary_indices[level].begin();
- for ( ; bc_it != boundary_indices[level].end(); ++bc_it)
- mg_matrices[level].get_constraints().add_line(*bc_it);
- mg_matrices[level].get_constraints().close();
- }
- coarse_matrix.reinit (mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(0),
- mg_dof_handler.n_dofs(0));
- // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::assemble_system}
- // The assemble function is significantly
- // reduced compared to step-16. All we need
- // to do is to assemble the right hand side
- // and to calculate the cell-dependent part
- // of the Laplace operator. The first task is
- // standard. The second is also not too hard
- // given the discussion in the introduction:
- // We need to take the inverse of the
- // Jacobian of the transformation from unit
- // to real cell, multiply it with its
- // transpose and multiply the resulting
- // rank-2 tensor with the quadrature weights
- // and the coefficient values at the
- // quadrature points. To make this work, we
- // add the update flag @p
- // update_inverse_jacobians to the FEValues
- // constructor, and query the inverse of the
- // Jacobian in a loop over the quadrature
- // points (note that the Jacobian is not
- // related to any kind of degrees of freedom
- // directly). In the end, we condense the
- // constraints from Dirichlet boundary
- // conditions away from the right hand side.
-template <int dim>
-void LaplaceProblem<dim>::assemble_system ()
- QGauss<dim> quadrature_formula(fe.degree+1);
- MappingQ<dim> mapping (fe.degree);
- FEValues<dim> fe_values (mapping, fe, quadrature_formula,
- update_values | update_inverse_jacobians |
- update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values);
- const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe.dofs_per_cell;
- const unsigned int n_q_points = quadrature_formula.size();
- std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
- const Coefficient<dim> coefficient;
- std::vector<double> coefficient_values (n_q_points);
- unsigned int cell_no = 0;
- typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell = mg_dof_handler.begin_active(),
- endc = mg_dof_handler.end();
- for (; cell!=endc; ++cell, ++cell_no)
- {
- cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
- fe_values.reinit (cell);
- coefficient.value_list (fe_values.get_quadrature_points(),
- coefficient_values);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- {
- double rhs_val = 0;
- for (unsigned int q=0; q<n_q_points; ++q)
- rhs_val += (fe_values.shape_value(i,q) * 1.0 *
- fe_values.JxW(q));
- system_rhs(local_dof_indices[i]) += rhs_val;
- }
- system_matrix.set_local_dof_indices (cell_no, local_dof_indices);
- for (unsigned int q=0; q<n_q_points; ++q)
- system_matrix.set_derivative_data (cell_no, q,
- (transpose
- (fe_values.inverse_jacobian(q)) *
- fe_values.inverse_jacobian(q)) *
- fe_values.JxW(q) *
- coefficient_values[q]);
- }
- system_matrix.get_constraints().condense(system_rhs);
- // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::assemble_multigrid}
- // Here is another assemble
- // function. The integration core is
- // the same as above. Only the loop
- // goes over all existing cells now
- // and the results must be entered
- // into the correct matrix.
- // Since we only do multilevel
- // preconditioning, no right-hand side is
- // assembled here. Compared to step-16, there
- // is one new thing here: we manually
- // calculate the matrix on the coarsest
- // level. In step-16, we could simply copy
- // the entries from the respective sparse
- // matrix, but this is obviously not possible
- // here. We could have integrated this into the
- // MatrixFree class as well, but it is simple
- // enough, so calculate it here instead.
-template <int dim>
-void LaplaceProblem<dim>::assemble_multigrid ()
- coarse_matrix = 0;
- QGauss<dim> quadrature_formula(fe.degree+1);
- MappingQ<dim> mapping (fe.degree);
- FEValues<dim> fe_values (mapping, fe, quadrature_formula,
- update_gradients | update_inverse_jacobians |
- update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values);
- const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = fe.dofs_per_cell;
- const unsigned int n_q_points = quadrature_formula.size();
- std::vector<unsigned int> local_dof_indices (dofs_per_cell);
- const Coefficient<dim> coefficient;
- std::vector<double> coefficient_values (n_q_points);
- std::vector<unsigned int> cell_no(triangulation.n_levels());
- typename MGDoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator cell = mg_dof_handler.begin(),
- endc = mg_dof_handler.end();
- for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
- {
- const unsigned int level = cell->level();
- cell->get_mg_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
- fe_values.reinit (cell);
- coefficient.value_list (fe_values.get_quadrature_points(),
- coefficient_values);
- mg_matrices[level].set_local_dof_indices (cell_no[level],
- local_dof_indices);
- for (unsigned int q=0; q<n_q_points; ++q)
- mg_matrices[level].set_derivative_data (cell_no[level], q,
- (transpose
- (fe_values.inverse_jacobian(q)) *
- fe_values.inverse_jacobian(q)) *
- fe_values.JxW(q) *
- coefficient_values[q]);
- ++cell_no[level];
- if (level == 0)
- {
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_per_cell; ++j)
- {
- double add_value = 0;
- for (unsigned int q=0; q<n_q_points; ++q)
- add_value += (fe_values.shape_grad(i,q) *
- fe_values.shape_grad(j,q) *
- coefficient_values[q] *
- fe_values.JxW(q));
- coarse_matrix(local_dof_indices[i],
- local_dof_indices[j]) += add_value;
- }
- }
- }
- // In a final step, we need to
- // condense the boundary conditions
- // on the coarse matrix. There is
- // no built-in function for doing
- // this on a full matrix, so
- // manually delete the rows and
- // columns of the matrix that are
- // constrained.
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<coarse_matrix.m(); ++i)
- if (mg_matrices[0].get_constraints().is_constrained(i))
- for (unsigned int j=0; j<coarse_matrix.n(); ++j)
- if (i!=j)
- {
- coarse_matrix(i,j) = 0;
- coarse_matrix(j,i) = 0;
- }
- // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::solve}
- // The solution process again looks like
- // step-16. We now use a Chebyshev smoother
- // instead of SOR (SOR would be very
- // difficult to implement because we do not
- // have the matrix elements available
- // explicitly, and it is difficult to make it
- // work efficiently in %parallel). The
- // multigrid classes provide a simple
- // interface for using the Chebyshev smoother
- // which is defined in a preconditioner
- // class: MGSmootherPrecondition.
-template <int dim>
-void LaplaceProblem<dim>::solve ()
- GrowingVectorMemory<> vector_memory;
- MGTransferPrebuilt<Vector<double> > mg_transfer;
- mg_transfer.build_matrices(mg_dof_handler);
- MGCoarseGridHouseholder<float, Vector<double> > mg_coarse;
- mg_coarse.initialize(coarse_matrix);
- typedef PreconditionChebyshev<MatrixFreeType,Vector<double> > SMOOTHER;
- MGSmootherPrecondition<MatrixFreeType, SMOOTHER, Vector<double> >
- mg_smoother(vector_memory);
- // Then, we initialize the smoother
- // with our level matrices and the
- // required, additional data for
- // the Chebyshev smoother. In
- // particular, we use a higher
- // polynomial degree for higher
- // order elements, since smoothing
- // gets more difficult for
- // these. Smooth out a range of
- // $[\lambda_{\max}/10,\lambda_{\max}]$. In
- // order to compute the maximum
- // eigenvalue of the corresponding
- // matrix, the Chebyshev
- // initializations performs a few
- // steps of a CG algorithm. Since
- // all we need is a rough estimate,
- // we choose some eight iterations
- // (more if the finite element
- // polynomial degree is larger,
- // less if it is smaller than
- // quadratic).
- typename SMOOTHER::AdditionalData smoother_data;
- smoother_data.smoothing_range = 10.;
- smoother_data.degree = fe.degree;
- smoother_data.eig_cg_n_iterations = 4+2*fe.degree;
- mg_smoother.initialize(mg_matrices, smoother_data);
- MGMatrix<MatrixFreeType, Vector<double> >
- mg_matrix(&mg_matrices);
- Multigrid<Vector<double> > mg(mg_dof_handler,
- mg_matrix,
- mg_coarse,
- mg_transfer,
- mg_smoother,
- mg_smoother);
- PreconditionMG<dim, Vector<double>,
- MGTransferPrebuilt<Vector<double> > >
- preconditioner(mg_dof_handler, mg, mg_transfer);
- // Finally, write out the memory
- // consumption of the Multigrid object
- // (or rather, of its most significant
- // components, since there is no built-in
- // function for the total multigrid
- // object), then create the solver object
- // and solve the system. This is very
- // easy, and we didn't even see any
- // difference in the solve process
- // compared to step-16. The magic is all
- // hidden behind the implementation of
- // the MatrixFree::vmult operation.
- const unsigned int multigrid_memory
- = (mg_matrices.memory_consumption() +
- mg_transfer.memory_consumption() +
- coarse_matrix.memory_consumption());
- std::cout << "Multigrid objects memory consumption: "
- << multigrid_memory/double(1<<20)
- << " MiB."
- << std::endl;
- SolverControl solver_control (1000, 1e-12);
- SolverCG<> cg (solver_control);
- cg.solve (system_matrix, solution, system_rhs,
- preconditioner);
- std::cout << "Convergence in " << solver_control.last_step()
- << " CG iterations." << std::endl;
- // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::output_results}
- // Here is the data output, which is a
- // simplified version of step-5. We use the
- // standard VTK output for each grid
- // produced in the refinement process.
-template <int dim>
-void LaplaceProblem<dim>::output_results (const unsigned int cycle) const
- DataOut<dim> data_out;
- data_out.attach_dof_handler (mg_dof_handler);
- data_out.add_data_vector (solution, "solution");
- data_out.build_patches ();
- std::ostringstream filename;
- filename << "solution-"
- << cycle
- << ".vtk";
- std::ofstream output (filename.str().c_str());
- data_out.write_vtk (output);
- // @sect4{LaplaceProblem::run}
- // The function that runs the program is
- // very similar to the one in step-16. We
- // make less refinement steps in 3D
- // compared to 2D, but that's it.
-template <int dim>
-void LaplaceProblem<dim>::run ()
- for (unsigned int cycle=0; cycle<8-dim; ++cycle)
- {
- std::cout << "Cycle " << cycle << std::endl;
- if (cycle == 0)
- {
- GridGenerator::hyper_ball(triangulation);
- static const HyperBallBoundary<dim> boundary;
- triangulation.set_boundary (0, boundary);
- triangulation.refine_global (3-dim);
- }
- triangulation.refine_global (1);
- setup_system ();
- assemble_system ();
- assemble_multigrid ();
- solve ();
- output_results (cycle);
- std::cout << std::endl;
- };
- // @sect3{The <code>main</code> function}
- // This is as in all other programs:
-int main ()
- try
- {
- deallog.depth_console (0);
- LaplaceProblem<2> laplace_problem (2);
- laplace_problem.run ();
- }
- catch (std::exception &exc)
- {
- std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl
- << "----------------------------------------------------"
- << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "Exception on processing: " << std::endl
- << exc.what() << std::endl
- << "Aborting!" << std::endl
- << "----------------------------------------------------"
- << std::endl;
- return 1;
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl
- << "----------------------------------------------------"
- << std::endl;
- std::cerr << "Unknown exception!" << std::endl
- << "Aborting!" << std::endl
- << "----------------------------------------------------"
- << std::endl;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;