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Skeleton introduction to step-36
authoryoung <young@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Mon, 13 Jul 2009 10:06:21 +0000 (10:06 +0000)
committeryoung <young@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Mon, 13 Jul 2009 10:06:21 +0000 (10:06 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@19063 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index b2e4e82c2bf316d2feb029e97f1a9f4db337d1b2..5f665d5ac36701b40e19488f26ff4427ff640028 100644 (file)
 <i>This program was contributed by Toby D. Young and Wolfgang
 Bangerth.  </i>
+<a name="Preamble"></a>
-<a name="Intro"></a>
+The problem we want to solve in this example is an eigenspectrum
+problem which no longer contains a single solution, but a set of
+solutions for the various eigenfunctions we want to compute. The
+problem of finding all eigenvalues (eigenfunctions) of a generalized
+eigenvalue problem is a formidable challange; however, most of the
+time we are really only interested in a small subset of these values
+(functions). Fortunately, the interface to the SLEPc library allows us
+to select which portion of the eigenspectrum and how many solutions we
+want to solve for.
-Everything here is built on top of classes provided by deal.II that
-wrap around the linear algebra implementation of the <a
+To do this, everything here is built on top of classes provided by
+deal.II that wrap around the linear algebra implementation of the <a
 href="http://www.grycap.upv.es/slepc/" target="_top">SLEPc</a>
-library; which wraps itself around the <a
+library; which links to some the underlying features of the <a
 href="http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/" target="_top">PETSc</a> library.
-Start with the wave equation of Schr\"odinger:
+<a name="Introduction"></a>
+Start with a differential operator equation
-       ( \frac{1}{2} \partial_x \partial_y + V(x,y) ) \Phi
-       = 
-       \varepsilon \Psi \quad,
+       L(x,y) \Psi = \varepsilon \Psi \quad,
-Then transform using the finite element ansatz
+where $L$ is a differential operator. In the usual way in finite
+elements we multiply both sides with a test function and then replace
+$\Psi$ and the test function with discrete shape functions.
-       \phi = \tilde{\phi} \quad,
+       \sum_j (\phi_i, L\phi_j) \tilde{\psi}_j =
+       \varepsilon \sum_j (\phi_i, \phi_j) \tilde{\psi}_j \quad,
-where $\tilde{\phi_i}$ is known as the reduced wavefunction of the
-state $i$.
+where $\tilde{\psi}_j$, the reduced wavefunction, are the expansion
+coefficients of the approximation
+       \psi_i = \sum_j \phi_j \tilde{\psi}_j \quad.
+It can easily be shown that the consequence of this, is that we want
+to solve the generalized eigenvalue problem
+       A \tilde{\Phi} = \varepsilon M \tilde{\Phi} \quad,
+where $A$ si the stiffness matrix arising from the differential
+operator $L$, and $M$ is the mass matrix. The solution to the
+eigenvalue problem is an eigenspectrum $\varepsilon_j$, with
+associated eigenfunctions $\tilde{\Phi}=\sum_j \tilde{\phi}_j$.
+To solve an actual physical problem we next define the differential
+operator $L$ in a way that mimicks the wave-equation of Schr\"odinger:
+       L({\mathbf x}) = K({\mathbf x}) 
+       + V({\mathbf x})\quad,
+and let $K({\mathbf x}) = \partial^2_{\mathbf x}$, and
+       V({\mathbf x}) = \quad,
+In the parlance of Schroedinger eigenvalue problems, the solutions
+sought are the wavefunctions $\phi_j$. In finite elements the
+solutions are $\tilde{\phi}_j$, known as a reduced (or tilde-basis)
 <h3>Implementation details</h3>
 The program below is essentially just a slightly modified version of 
 @ref step_4 "step-4". The things that are different are the following:
-- The main class (now named <code>EigenvalueProblem</code>) now no
-  longer has a single solution vector, but a whole set of vectors for 
-  the various eigenfunctions we want to compute.
-- We use PETSc matrices and vectors as in @ref step_17 "step-17" and
-  @ref step_18 "step-18" since that is what the SLEPc eigenvalue
-  solvers require.
-- The function <code>EigenvalueProblem::solve</code> is entirely
-  different from anything seen so far in the tutorial, as it does not
-  just solve a linear system but actually solves the eigenvalue problem.
-  It is built on the SLEPc library, and more immediately on the deal.II
-  SLEPc wrappers in the class SLEPcWrappers::SolverKrylovSchur.
-- We use the ParameterHandler class to describe a few input parameters,
-  such as the exact form of the potential $V(\mathbf x)$, the number of
-  global refinement steps of the mesh, or the number of eigenvalues
-  we want to solve for. We could go much further with this but
-  stop at making only a few of the things that one could select at
-  run time actual input file parameters. In order to see what could be
-  done in this regard, take a look at @ref step_29 "step-29",
-  @ref step_33 "step-33", and in particular @ref step_19 "step-19".
-- We use the FunctionParser class to make the potential $V(\mathbf x)$
-  a run-time parameter that can be specified in the input file as
-  a formula.
+<li>The main class (now named <code>EigenvalueProblem</code>) now no
+longer has a single solution vector, but a whole set of vectors for
+the various eigenfunctions we want to compute.</li>
+<li>We use PETSc matrices and vectors as in @ref step_17 "step-17" and
+@ref step_18 "step-18" since that is what the SLEPc eigenvalue solvers
+<li>The function <code>EigenvalueProblem::solve</code> is entirely
+different from anything seen so far in the tutorial, as it does not
+just solve a linear system but actually solves the eigenvalue problem.
+It is built on the SLEPc library, and more immediately on the deal.II
+SLEPc wrappers in the class SLEPcWrappers::SolverKrylovSchur.</li>
+<li>We use the ParameterHandler class to describe a few input
+parameters, such as the exact form of the potential $V({\mathbf
+x})$, the number of global refinement steps of the mesh,
+or the number of eigenvalues we want to solve for. We could go much
+further with this but stop at making only a few of the things that one
+could select at run time actual input file parameters. In order to see
+what could be done in this regard, take a look at @ref step_29
+"step-29", @ref step_33 "step-33", and in particular @ref step_19
+<li>We use the FunctionParser class to make the potential $V(\mathbf
+x)$ a run-time parameter that can be specified in the input file as a
 The rest of the program follows in a pretty straightforward way from 
 @ref step_4 "step-4".
index ec69dfd77fff8e6dda820862d624021fbbf47c11..4bc85de96adf25a8c2f3dd4be8f3905bf0e8acaa 100644 (file)
@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@
 #include <base/function_parser.h>
 #include <base/parameter_handler.h>
 #include <base/utilities.h>
-#include <lac/full_matrix.h>
-#include <lac/compressed_simple_sparsity_pattern.h>
 #include <grid/tria.h>
 #include <grid/grid_generator.h>
 #include <grid/tria_accessor.h>
 #include <numerics/vectors.h>
 #include <numerics/matrices.h>
 #include <numerics/data_out.h>
+#include <lac/full_matrix.h>
                                 // PETSc appears here because SLEPc
                                 // depends on this library:
 #include <lac/petsc_sparse_matrix.h>
 #include <lac/petsc_vector.h>
-                                // And then we need to actually import
-                                // the interfaces for solvers that
-                                // SLEPc provides:
+                                // And then we need to actually
+                                // import the interfaces for solvers
+                                // that SLEPc provides:
 #include <lac/slepc_solver.h>
                                 // We also need some standard C++:
 #include <fstream>
 #include <iostream>
-                                // Finally, as in previous programs, we
-                                // import all the deal.II class and function
-                                // names into the global namespace:
+                                // Finally, as in previous programs,
+                                // we import all the deal.II class
+                                // and function names into the global
+                                // namespace:
 using namespace dealii;
-                                // @sect3{The <code>EigenvalueProblem</code> class template}
+                                // @sect3{The
+                                // <code>EigenvalueProblem</code>
+                                // class template}
-                                // Following is the class declaration for the
-                                // main class template. It looks pretty much
-                                // exactly like what has already been shown
-                                // in step-4:
+                                // Following is the class declaration
+                                // for the main class template. It
+                                // looks pretty much exactly like
+                                // what has already been shown in
+                                // step-4:
 template <int dim>
 class EigenvalueProblem 
@@ -83,44 +86,53 @@ class EigenvalueProblem
     DoFHandler<dim>    dof_handler;
                                     // With these exceptions: For our
-                                    // eigenvalue problem, we need both a
-                                    // stiffness matrix for the left hand
-                                    // side as well as a mass matrix for the
-                                    // right hand side. We also need not just
-                                    // one solution function, but a whole set
-                                    // of those for the eigenfunctions we
-                                    // want to compute, along with the
+                                    // eigenvalue problem, we need
+                                    // both a stiffness matrix for
+                                    // the left hand side as well as
+                                    // a mass matrix for the right
+                                    // hand side. We also need not
+                                    // just one solution function,
+                                    // but a whole set of those for
+                                    // the eigenfunctions we want to
+                                    // compute, along with the
                                     // corresponding eigenvectors:
     PETScWrappers::SparseMatrix        stiffness_matrix, mass_matrix;
     std::vector<PETScWrappers::Vector> eigenfunctions;
     std::vector<double>                eigenvalues;   
-                                    // And then we need an object that will
-                                    // store several run-time parameters that
-                                    // we will specify in an input file:
+                                    // And then we need an object
+                                    // that will store several
+                                    // run-time parameters that we
+                                    // will specify in an input file:
     ParameterHandler parameters;
-                                    // Finally, we will have an object that
-                                    // contains "constraints" on our degrees
-                                    // of freedom. This could include hanging
-                                    // node constraints if we had adaptively
-                                    // refined meshes (which we don't have in
-                                    // the current program). Here, we will
-                                    // store the constraints for boundary
-                                    // nodes $U_i=0$.
+                                    // Finally, we will have an
+                                    // object that contains
+                                    // "constraints" on our degrees
+                                    // of freedom. This could include
+                                    // hanging node constraints if we
+                                    // had adaptively refined meshes
+                                    // (which we don't have in the
+                                    // current program). Here, we
+                                    // will store the constraints for
+                                    // boundary nodes $U_i=0$.
     ConstraintMatrix constraints;
-                                // @sect3{Implementation of the <code>EigenvalueProblem</code> class}
+                                // @sect3{Implementation of the
+                                // <code>EigenvalueProblem</code>
+                                // class}
                                 // @sect4{EigenvalueProblem::EigenvalueProblem}
-                                // First up, the constructor. The main, new
-                                // part is handling the run-time input
-                                // parameters. We need to declare their
-                                // existence first, and then read their
-                                // values from the input file whose name is
-                                // specified as an argument to this function:
+                                // First up, the constructor. The
+                                // main, new part is handling the
+                                // run-time input parameters. We need
+                                // to declare their existence first,
+                                // and then read their values from
+                                // the input file whose name is
+                                // specified as an argument to this
+                                // function:
 template <int dim>
 EigenvalueProblem<dim>::EigenvalueProblem (const std::string &prm_file)
@@ -145,26 +157,30 @@ EigenvalueProblem<dim>::EigenvalueProblem (const std::string &prm_file)
                                 // @sect4{EigenvalueProblem::make_grid_and_dofs}
-                                // The next function creates a mesh on the
-                                // domain $[-1,1]^d$, refines it as many
-                                // times as the input file calls for, and
-                                // then attaches a DoFHandler to it and
-                                // initializes the matrices and vectors to
-                                // their correct sizes. We also build the
+                                // The next function creates a mesh
+                                // on the domain $[-1,1]^d$, refines
+                                // it as many times as the input file
+                                // calls for, and then attaches a
+                                // DoFHandler to it and initializes
+                                // the matrices and vectors to their
+                                // correct sizes. We also build the
                                 // constraints that correspond to the
-                                // boundary values $u|_{\partial\Omega}=0$.
+                                // boundary values
+                                // $u|_{\partial\Omega}=0$.
                                 // For the matrices, we use the PETSc
-                                // wrappers. These have the ability to
-                                // allocate memory as necessary as non-zero
-                                // entries are added. This seems inefficient:
-                                // we could as well first compute the
-                                // sparsity pattern, initialize the matrices
-                                // with it, and as we then insert entries we
-                                // can be sure that we do not need to
-                                // re-allocate memory and free the one used
-                                // previously. One way to do that would be to
-                                // use code like this:
+                                // wrappers. These have the ability
+                                // to allocate memory as necessary as
+                                // non-zero entries are added. This
+                                // seems inefficient: we could as
+                                // well first compute the sparsity
+                                // pattern, initialize the matrices
+                                // with it, and as we then insert
+                                // entries we can be sure that we do
+                                // not need to re-allocate memory and
+                                // free the one used previously. One
+                                // way to do that would be to use
+                                // code like this:
                                 // @code
                                 //   CompressedSimpleSparsityPattern
                                 //      csp (dof_handler.n_dofs(),
@@ -174,30 +190,36 @@ EigenvalueProblem<dim>::EigenvalueProblem (const std::string &prm_file)
                                 //   stiffness_matrix.reinit (csp);
                                 //   mass_matrix.reinit (csp);
                                 // @endcode
-                                // instead of the two <code>reinit()</code>
-                                // calls for the stiffness and mass matrices
-                                 // below.
+                                // instead of the two
+                                // <code>reinit()</code> calls for
+                                // the stiffness and mass matrices
+                                // below.
                                 // This doesn't quite work,
-                                // unfortunately. The code above may lead to
-                                // a few entries in the non-zero pattern to
-                                // which we only ever write zero entries;
-                                // most notably, this holds true for
-                                // off-diagonal entries for those rows and
-                                // columns that belong to boundary
-                                // nodes. This shouldn't be a problem, but
-                                // for whatever reason, PETSc's ILU
-                                // preconditioner, which we use to solve
-                                // linear systems in the eigenvalue solver,
-                                // doesn't like these extra entries and
-                                // aborts with an error message.
+                                // unfortunately. The code above may
+                                // lead to a few entries in the
+                                // non-zero pattern to which we only
+                                // ever write zero entries; most
+                                // notably, this holds true for
+                                // off-diagonal entries for those
+                                // rows and columns that belong to
+                                // boundary nodes. This shouldn't be
+                                // a problem, but for whatever
+                                // reason, PETSc's ILU
+                                // preconditioner, which we use to
+                                // solve linear systems in the
+                                // eigenvalue solver, doesn't like
+                                // these extra entries and aborts
+                                // with an error message.
-                                // Absent any obvious way to avoid this, we
-                                // simply settle for the second best option,
-                                // which is have PETSc allocate memory as
-                                // necessary. That said, since this is not a
-                                // time critical part, this whole affair is
-                                // of no further importance.
+                                // In the absense of any obvious way
+                                // to avoid this, we simply settle
+                                // for the second best option, which
+                                // is have PETSc allocate memory as
+                                // necessary. That said, since this
+                                // is not a time critical part, this
+                                // whole affair is of no further
+                                // importance.
 template <int dim>
 void EigenvalueProblem<dim>::make_grid_and_dofs ()
@@ -215,12 +237,14 @@ void EigenvalueProblem<dim>::make_grid_and_dofs ()
-                                  // The next step is to take care of the
-                                  // eigenspectrum. In this case, the outputs
-                                  // are eigenfunctions and eigenvalues, so
-                                  // we set the size of the list of
-                                  // eigenfunctions and eigenvalues to be as
-                                  // large as asked for in the input file:
+                                  // The next step is to take care of
+                                  // the eigenspectrum. In this case,
+                                  // the outputs are eigenvalues and
+                                  // eigenfunctions, so we set the
+                                  // size of the list of
+                                  // eigenfunctions and eigenvalues
+                                  // to be as large as we asked for
+                                  // in the input file:
     .resize (parameters.get_integer ("Number of eigenvalues/eigenfunctions"));
   for (unsigned int i=0; i<eigenfunctions.size (); ++i)
@@ -232,23 +256,28 @@ void EigenvalueProblem<dim>::make_grid_and_dofs ()
                                 // @sect4{EigenvalueProblem::assemble_system}
-                                // Here, we assemble the global stiffness and
-                                // mass matrices from local contributions
-                                // $A^K_{ij} = \int_K \nabla\varphi_i(\mathbf
-                                // x) \cdot \nabla\varphi_j(\mathbf x) +
+                                // Here, we assemble the global
+                                // stiffness and mass matrices from
+                                // local contributions $A^K_{ij} =
+                                // \int_K \nabla\varphi_i(\mathbf x)
+                                // \cdot \nabla\varphi_j(\mathbf x) +
                                 // V(\mathbf x)\varphi_i(\mathbf
-                                // x)\varphi_j(\mathbf x)$. The function
-                                // should be immediately familiar if you've
-                                // seen previous tutorial programs. The only
-                                // thing new would be setting up an object
-                                // that described the potential $V(\mathbf
-                                // x)$ using the expression that we got from
-                                // the input file. We then need to evaluate
-                                // this object at the quadrature points on
-                                // each cell. If you've seen how to evaluate
-                                // function objects (see, for example the
-                                // coefficient in step-5), the code here will
-                                // also look rather familiar.
+                                // x)\varphi_j(\mathbf x)$. The
+                                // function should be immediately
+                                // familiar if you've seen previous
+                                // tutorial programs. The only thing
+                                // new would be setting up an object
+                                // that described the potential
+                                // $V(\mathbf x)$ using the
+                                // expression that we got from the
+                                // input file. We then need to
+                                // evaluate this object at the
+                                // quadrature points on each cell. If
+                                // you've seen how to evaluate
+                                // function objects (see, for example
+                                // the coefficient in step-5), the
+                                // code here will also look rather
+                                // familiar.
 template <int dim>
 void EigenvalueProblem<dim>::assemble_system () 
@@ -305,10 +334,12 @@ void EigenvalueProblem<dim>::assemble_system ()
                ) * fe_values.JxW (q_point);
-                                      // Now that we have the local matrix
-                                      // contributions, we transfer them into
-                                      // the global objects and take care of
-                                      // zero boundary constraints:
+                                      // Now that we have the local
+                                      // matrix contributions, we
+                                      // transfer them into the
+                                      // global objects and take care
+                                      // of zero boundary
+                                      // constraints:
       cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
@@ -321,12 +352,13 @@ void EigenvalueProblem<dim>::assemble_system ()
-                                  // At the end of the function, we tell
-                                  // PETSc that the matrices have now been
-                                  // fully assembled and that the sparse
-                                  // matrix representation can now be
-                                  // compressed as no more entries will be
-                                  // added:
+                                  // At the end of the function, we
+                                  // tell PETSc that the matrices
+                                  // have now been fully assembled
+                                  // and that the sparse matrix
+                                  // representation can now be
+                                  // compressed as no more entries
+                                  // will be added:
@@ -334,80 +366,96 @@ void EigenvalueProblem<dim>::assemble_system ()
                                 // @sect4{EigenvalueProblem::solve}
-                                // This is the key new functionality of the
-                                // program. Now that the system is set up,
-                                // here is a good time to actually solve the
-                                // problem: As with other examples this is
-                                // done using a "solve" routine. Essentially,
-                                // it works as in other programs: you set up
-                                // a SolverControl object that describes the
-                                // accuracy to which we want to solve the
-                                // linear systems, and then we select the
-                                // kind of solver we want. Here we choose the
-                                // Krylov-Schur solver of SLEPc, a pretty
-                                // fast and robust choice for this kind of
-                                // problem:
+                                // This is the key new functionality
+                                // of the program. Now that the
+                                // system is set up, here is a good
+                                // time to actually solve the
+                                // problem: As with other examples
+                                // this is done using a "solve"
+                                // routine. Essentially, it works as
+                                // in other programs: you set up a
+                                // SolverControl object that
+                                // describes the accuracy to which we
+                                // want to solve the linear systems,
+                                // and then we select the kind of
+                                // solver we want. Here we choose the
+                                // Krylov-Schur solver of SLEPc, a
+                                // pretty fast and robust choice for
+                                // this kind of problem:
 template <int dim>
 void EigenvalueProblem<dim>::solve () 
-  SolverControl solver_control (dof_handler.n_dofs(), 1e-9);
+                                 // We start here, as we normally do,
+                                 // by assigning convergence control
+                                 // we want:
+  SolverControl solver_control (dof_handler.n_dofs(), 1e-9);
   SLEPcWrappers::SolverKrylovSchur eigensolver (solver_control);
                                   // Before we actually solve for the
-                                  // eigenfunctions and -values, we have to
-                                  // also select which set of eigenvalues to
-                                  // solve for. Lets select those eigenvalues
-                                  // and corresponding eigenfunctions with
-                                  // the smallest real part (in fact, the
-                                  // problem we solve here is symmetric and
-                                  // so the eigenvalues are purely
-                                  // real). After that, we can actually let
-                                  // SLEPc do its work:
+                                  // eigenfunctions and -values, we
+                                  // have to also select which set of
+                                  // eigenvalues to solve for. Lets
+                                  // select those eigenvalues and
+                                  // corresponding eigenfunctions
+                                  // with the smallest real part (in
+                                  // fact, the problem we solve here
+                                  // is symmetric and so the
+                                  // eigenvalues are purely
+                                  // real). After that, we can
+                                  // actually let SLEPc do its work:
   eigensolver.set_which_eigenpairs (EPS_SMALLEST_REAL);
   eigensolver.solve (stiffness_matrix, mass_matrix, 
                     eigenvalues, eigenfunctions, 
-                                  // The output of the call above is a set of
-                                  // vectors and values. In eigenvalue
-                                  // problems, the eigenfunctions are only
-                                  // determined up to a constant that can be
-                                  // fixed pretty arbitrarily. Knowing
-                                  // nothing about the origin of the
-                                  // eigenvalue problem, SLEPc has no other
-                                  // choice than to normalize the
-                                  // eigenvectors to one in the $l_2$
-                                  // (vector) norm. Unfortunately this norm
-                                  // has little to do with any norm we may be
-                                  // interested from a eigenfunction
-                                  // perspective: the $L_2(\Omega)$ norm, or
-                                  // maybe the $L_\infty(\Omega)$ norm.
+                                  // The output of the call above is
+                                  // a set of vectors and values. In
+                                  // eigenvalue problems, the
+                                  // eigenfunctions are only
+                                  // determined up to a constant that
+                                  // can be fixed pretty
+                                  // arbitrarily. Knowing nothing
+                                  // about the origin of the
+                                  // eigenvalue problem, SLEPc has no
+                                  // other choice than to normalize
+                                  // the eigenvectors to one in the
+                                  // $l_2$ (vector)
+                                  // norm. Unfortunately this norm
+                                  // has little to do with any norm
+                                  // we may be interested from a
+                                  // eigenfunction perspective: the
+                                  // $L_2(\Omega)$ norm, or maybe the
+                                  // $L_\infty(\Omega)$ norm.
-                                  // Let us choose the latter and rescale
-                                  // eigenfunctions so that they have
-                                  // $\|\phi_i(\mathbf
-                                  // x)\|_{L^\infty(\Omega)}=1$ instead of
-                                  // $\|\Phi\|_{l_2}=1$ (where $\phi_i$ is
-                                  // the $i$th eigen<i>function</i> and
-                                  // $\Phi_i$ the corresponding vector of
-                                  // nodal values). For the $Q_1$ elements
-                                  // chosen here, we know that the maximum of
-                                  // the function $\phi_i(\mathbf x)$ is
+                                  // Let us choose the latter and
+                                  // rescale eigenfunctions so that
+                                  // they have $\|\phi_i(\mathbf
+                                  // x)\|_{L^\infty(\Omega)}=1$
+                                  // instead of $\|\Phi\|_{l_2}=1$
+                                  // (where $\phi_i$ is the $i$th
+                                  // eigen<i>function</i> and
+                                  // $\Phi_i$ the corresponding
+                                  // vector of nodal values). For the
+                                  // $Q_1$ elements chosen here, we
+                                  // know that the maximum of the
+                                  // function $\phi_i(\mathbf x)$ is
                                   // attained at one of the nodes, so
                                   // $\max_{\mathbf x}\phi_i(\mathbf
-                                  // x)=\max_j (\Phi_i)_j$, making the
-                                  // normalization in the $L_\infty$ norm
-                                  // trivial. Note that this doesn't work as
-                                  // easily if we had chosen $Q_k$ elements
-                                  // with $k>1$: there, the maximum of a
-                                  // function does not necessarily have to be
-                                  // attained at a node, and so
-                                  // $\max_{\mathbf x}\phi_i(\mathbf
-                                  // x)\ge\max_j (\Phi_i)_j$ (although the
-                                  // equality is usually nearly true).
+                                  // x)=\max_j (\Phi_i)_j$, making
+                                  // the normalization in the
+                                  // $L_\infty$ norm trivial. Note
+                                  // that this doesn't work as easily
+                                  // if we had chosen $Q_k$ elements
+                                  // with $k>1$: there, the maximum
+                                  // of a function does not
+                                  // necessarily have to be attained
+                                  // at a node, and so $\max_{\mathbf
+                                  // x}\phi_i(\mathbf x)\ge\max_j
+                                  // (\Phi_i)_j$ (although the
+                                  // equality is usually nearly
+                                  // true).
   for (unsigned int i=0; i<eigenfunctions.size(); ++i)
     eigenfunctions[i] /= eigenfunctions[i].linfty_norm ();
@@ -415,28 +463,34 @@ void EigenvalueProblem<dim>::solve ()
                                 // @sect4{EigenvalueProblem::output_results}
-                                // This is the last significant function of
-                                // this program. It uses the DataOut class to
-                                // generate graphical output from the
-                                // eigenfunctions for later visualization. It
-                                // works as in many of the other tutorial
-                                // programs.
+                                // This is the last significant
+                                // function of this program. It uses
+                                // the DataOut class to generate
+                                // graphical output from the
+                                // eigenfunctions for later
+                                // visualization. It works as in many
+                                // of the other tutorial programs.
-                                // The only thing worth discussing may be
-                                // that because the potential is specified as
-                                // a function expression in the input file,
-                                // it would be nice to also have it as a
-                                // graphical representation along with the
-                                // eigenfunctions. The process to achieve
-                                // this is relatively straightforward: we
-                                // build an object that represents $V(\mathbf
-                                // x)$ and then we interpolate this
-                                // continuous function onto the finite
-                                // element space. The result we also attach
-                                // to the DataOut object for visualization.
+                                // The only thing worth discussing
+                                // may be that because the potential
+                                // is specified as a function
+                                // expression in the input file, it
+                                // would be nice to also have it as a
+                                // graphical representation along
+                                // with the eigenfunctions. The
+                                // process to achieve this is
+                                // relatively straightforward: we
+                                // build an object that represents
+                                // $V(\mathbf x)$ and then we
+                                // interpolate this continuous
+                                // function onto the finite element
+                                // space. The result we also attach
+                                // to the DataOut object for
+                                // visualization.
-                                // The whole collection of functions is then
-                                // output as a single VTK file.
+                                // The whole collection of functions
+                                // is then output as a single VTK
+                                // file.
 template <int dim>
 void EigenvalueProblem<dim>::output_results () const
@@ -470,8 +524,9 @@ void EigenvalueProblem<dim>::output_results () const
                                  // @sect4{EigenvalueProblem::run}
                                  // This is the function which has the
-                                // top-level control over everything. It is
-                                // almost exactly the same as in step-4:
+                                // top-level control over
+                                // everything. It is almost exactly
+                                // the same as in step-4:
 template <int dim>
 void EigenvalueProblem<dim>::run () 
@@ -502,11 +557,13 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
-                                      // Here is another difference from
-                                      // other steps: We initialize the SLEPc
-                                      // work space which inherently
-                                      // initializes the PETSc work space,
-                                      // run the whole program, ...
+                                      // Here is another difference
+                                      // from other steps: We
+                                      // initialize the SLEPc work
+                                      // space which inherently
+                                      // initializes the PETSc work
+                                      // space, run the whole
+                                      // program, ...
       SlepcInitialize (&argc,&argv,0,0);
@@ -516,14 +573,16 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
        problem.run ();
-                                      // ...and then unitialize the SLEPc
-                                      // work space when the job is done:
+                                      // ...and then unitialize the
+                                      // SLEPc work space when the
+                                      // job is done:
       SlepcFinalize ();
-                                  // All the while, we are watching out if
-                                  // any exceptions should have been
-                                  // generated. If that is so, we panic...
+                                  // All the while, we are watching
+                                  // out if any exceptions should
+                                  // have been generated. If that is
+                                  // so, we panic...
   catch (std::exception &exc)
       std::cerr << std::endl << std::endl
@@ -549,9 +608,10 @@ int main (int argc, char **argv)
       return 1;
-                                  // ...or show that we are happy:
+                                  // ...or show that we are happy by
+                                  // exiting nicely:
   std::cout << std::endl 
-           << "Done." 
+           << "Job done." 
            << std::endl;
   return 0;

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.