+template <int dim>
+void Triangulation<dim>::execute_coarsening_and_refinement () {
+ execute_coarsening();
+ execute_refinement();
#if deal_II_dimension == 1
template <>
+template <int dim>
+void Triangulation<dim>::execute_coarsening () {
+ prepare_coarsening ();
+ cell_iterator cell = last(levels.size()-2),
+ endc = end();
+ // now do the actual coarsening step. Since
+ // the loop goes over used cells only we need
+ // not worry about deleting some cells since
+ // the ++operator will then just hop over
+ // them if we should hit one. Do the loop
+ // in the reverse way since we may only
+ // delete some cells if their neighbors
+ // have already been deleted (if the latter
+ // are on a higher level for example)
+ for (; cell!=endc; --cell)
+ if (cell->user_flag_set())
+ // use a separate function, since this
+ // is dimension specific
+ delete_cell (cell);
+ // in principle no user flags should be
+ // set any more at this point
+#if DEBUG
+ for (cell=begin(); cell!=endc; ++cell)
+ Assert (cell->user_flag_set() == false, ExcInternalError());
template <int dim>
void Triangulation<dim>::prepare_refinement () {
+template <int dim>
+void Triangulation<dim>::prepare_coarsening () {
+ cell_iterator cell = begin(),
+ endc = end();
+ // loop over all cells. Flag all cells of
+ // which all children are flagged for
+ // coarsening and delete the childrens'
+ // flags. Also delete all flags of cells
+ // for which not all children of a cell
+ // are flagged. In effect, only those
+ // cells are flagged of which originally
+ // all children were flagged and for which
+ // all children are on the same refinement
+ // level. For flagging, the user flags are
+ // used, to avoid confusion and because
+ // non-active cells can't be flagged for
+ // coarsening
+ //
+ // In effect, all coarsen flags are turned
+ // into user flags of the mother cell if
+ // coarsening is possible or deleted
+ // otherwise. Coarsen flags of cells with
+ // no mother cell, i.e. on the
+ // coarsest level are deleted explicitely.
+ clear_user_flags ();
+ // number of active children of #cell#.
+ // number of children of #cell# which are
+ // flagged for coarsening
+ unsigned int flagged_children;
+ for (cell=begin(); cell!=endc; ++cell)
+ {
+ // nothing to do if we are already on
+ // the finest level; if we are on the
+ // coarsest level, delete coarsen flag
+ // since no coarsening possible
+ if (cell->active())
+ {
+ if (cell->level() == 0)
+ cell->clear_coarsen_flag();
+ continue;
+ };
+ flagged_children = 0;
+ for (unsigned int child=0; child<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++child)
+ if (cell->child(child)->active() &&
+ cell->child(child)->coarsen_flag_set())
+ {
+ ++flagged_children;
+ // clear flag since we don't need
+ // it anymore
+ cell->child(child)->clear_coarsen_flag();
+ };
+ // flag this cell for coarsening if all
+ // children were flagged
+ if (flagged_children == GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell)
+ cell->set_user_flag();
+ };
+ // in principle no coarsen flags should be
+ // set any more at this point
+#if DEBUG
+ for (cell=begin(); cell!=endc; ++cell)
+ Assert (cell->coarsen_flag_set() == false, ExcInternalError());
+ // do some smoothing on the mesh if required
+ if (dim>1)
+ if (smooth_grid & eliminate_refined_islands)
+ for (cell=begin(); cell!=endc; ++cell)
+ if (!cell->active() || (cell->active() && cell->refine_flag_set()))
+ {
+ // check whether all children are
+ // active, i.e. not refined
+ // themselves. This is a precondition
+ // that the children may be coarsened
+ // away. If the cell is only flagged
+ // for refinement, then all future
+ // children will be active
+ bool all_children_active = true;
+ if (!cell->active())
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++c)
+ if (!cell->child(c)->active())
+ {
+ all_children_active = false;
+ break;
+ };
+ if (all_children_active)
+ {
+ // count number of refined and
+ // unrefined neighbors of cell.
+ // neighbors on lower levels
+ // are counted as unrefined since
+ // they can only get to the same
+ // level as this cell by the
+ // next refinement cycle
+ unsigned int refined_neighbors = 0,
+ unrefined_neighbors = 0;
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++n)
+ {
+ const cell_iterator neighbor = cell->neighbor(n);
+ if (neighbor.state() == valid)
+ if ((neighbor->active() &&
+ !neighbor->refine_flag_set()) ||
+ (!neighbor->active() &&
+ neighbor->user_flag_set()) || // marked for coarsening
+ (neighbor->level() == cell->level()-1))
+ ++unrefined_neighbors;
+ else
+ ++refined_neighbors;
+ };
+ // if the number of unrefined
+ // neighbors exceed that of the
+ // refined neighbors: mark this
+ // cell for coarsening or don't
+ // refine if marked for that
+ if (refined_neighbors<unrefined_neighbors)
+ if (!cell->active())
+ cell->set_user_flag();
+ else
+ cell->clear_refine_flag();
+ };
+ };
+ // now delete again some of the user flags
+ // those cells which should be refined but
+ // for which some neighbors of the children
+ // are refined even more and will not be
+ // coarsened. This restriction does not
+ // apply for one space dimension
+ if (dim>1)
+ {
+ bool flags_changed_in_this_loop;
+ // we may have to do the deleting of
+ // in several loops since the deletion
+ // of a flag may require the deletion
+ // of other flags as well. Loop until
+ // nothing more changes
+ do
+ {
+ flags_changed_in_this_loop = false;
+ // loop over cells in reverse order
+ // since this may save us some of the
+ // outer loops (we always look at
+ // the user flags of cells on
+ // higher levels, so it is best to
+ // treat them first). We may skip the
+ // highest level since the user flags
+ // are only set for refined flags
+ // which do not exist on the
+ // highest level.
+ for (cell=last(levels.size()-2); cell!=endc; --cell)
+ if (cell->user_flag_set())
+ // cell is flagged for coarsening
+ for (unsigned int child=0;
+ child<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++child)
+ for (unsigned int neighbor=0;
+ neighbor<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++neighbor)
+ // for all neighbors of all
+ // children: if they are
+ // refined more often than
+ // the child and are not
+ // flagged for coarsening,
+ // we can't coarsen this cell
+ {
+ cell_iterator child_neighbor = cell->child(child)->neighbor(neighbor);
+ if ((child_neighbor.state() == valid) &&
+ (child_neighbor->level() == cell->level()+1) &&
+ (child_neighbor->active() == false) &&
+ (child_neighbor->user_flag_set() == false))
+ {
+ cell->clear_user_flag();
+ flags_changed_in_this_loop = true;
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ while (flags_changed_in_this_loop);
+ };
+#ifdef deal_II_dimension == 2
+void Triangulation<2>::delete_cell (cell_iterator &cell) {
+ const unsigned int dim=2;
+ // first we need to reset the
+ // neighbor pointers of the neighbors
+ // of this cell's children to this
+ // cell. This is different for one
+ // dimension, since there neighbors
+ // can have a refinement level
+ // differing from that of this cell's
+ // children by more than one level.
+ // For two or more dimensions, the
+ // neighbors of the children may only
+ // be on the same level or on the level
+ // of this cell (the case that the
+ // neighbors are more refined than
+ // the children was eliminated in
+ // #prepare_coarsening#
+ for (unsigned int child=0; child<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++child)
+ for (unsigned int n=0; n<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+ ++n)
+ {
+ const cell_iterator neighbor = cell->child(child)->neighbor(n);
+ // do nothing if at boundary
+ if (neighbor.state() != valid)
+ continue;
+ Assert ((neighbor->level()==cell->level()) ||
+ (neighbor->level()==cell->level()+1),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // if the neighbor's level is the
+ // same as that of #cell#, then
+ // it's neighbor pointers points
+ // to this cell rather than to
+ // this cell's child. In that
+ // case we need not do anything.
+ // If the neighbor is refined
+ // as often as are the children,
+ // we need to reset those neigbor
+ // pointers that point to the
+ // child of this cell; when
+ // resetting the neighbor
+ // pointers of neighbors of one
+ // of the children, we will also
+ // reset the neighbor pointers
+ // other children to the present
+ // cell, but this does no harm
+ // since we delete the children
+ // afterwards anyway
+ if (neighbor->level() == cell->level()+1)
+ for (unsigned int neighbor_neighbor=0;
+ neighbor_neighbor<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+ ++neighbor_neighbor)
+ if (neighbor->neighbor(neighbor_neighbor) == cell->child(child))
+ neighbor->set_neighbor(neighbor_neighbor, cell);
+ };
+ // delete the vertex which will not be
+ // needed anymore. This vertex is the
+ // second of the second line of the
+ // first child
+ vertices_used[cell->child(0)->line(1)->vertex_index(1)] = false;
+ // delete the four interior lines
+ cell->child(0)->line(1)->clear_used_flag();
+ cell->child(0)->line(2)->clear_used_flag();
+ cell->child(2)->line(0)->clear_used_flag();
+ cell->child(2)->line(3)->clear_used_flag();
+ // for the four faces: if the neighbor
+ // does not itself need the subfaces,
+ // delete them. note that since dim>1
+ // the level of a neighbor is either
+ // one less or the same as that of
+ // cell
+ for (unsigned int face=0; face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
+ if ((cell->neighbor(face).state() != valid) ||
+ (cell->neighbor(face)->level() == cell->level()-1) ||
+ ((cell->neighbor(face)->level() == cell->level()) &&
+ !cell->neighbor(face)->has_children()))
+ {
+ // delete middle vertex
+ vertices_used[cell->face(face)->child(0)->vertex_index(1)] = false;
+ // delete the two subfaces
+ for (unsigned int subface=0;
+ subface<GeometryInfo<dim>::subfaces_per_face; ++subface)
+ cell->face(face)->child(subface)->clear_used_flag ();
+ cell->face(face)->clear_children();
+ };
+ // invalidate children
+ for (unsigned int child=0; child<GeometryInfo<dim>::children_per_cell; ++child)
+ cell->child(child)->clear_used_flag();
+ // delete pointer to children
+ cell->set_children (-1);
+ cell->clear_user_flag();
void TriangulationLevel<0>::reserve_space (const unsigned int total_cells,