-DEAL::Checking ConstraintMatrix::merge
+DEAL::Checking AffineConstraints<double>::merge
DEAL::Checking with open objects
0 11: 1.0
1 12: 0.12
-DEAL::Checking ConstraintMatrix::merge
+DEAL::Checking AffineConstraints<double>::merge
DEAL::Checking with open objects
0 11: 1.0
0: 42.
-DEAL::Checking ConstraintMatrix::merge
+DEAL::Checking AffineConstraints<double>::merge
DEAL::Checking with open objects
0 11: 1.0
-DEAL::Checking ConstraintMatrix::merge
+DEAL::Checking AffineConstraints<double>::merge
DEAL::Checking with open objects
0 11: 1.0
0: 42.
-DEAL::Checking ConstraintMatrix::merge
+DEAL::Checking AffineConstraints<double>::merge
DEAL::Checking with open objects
0 13: 2.0
0: 1.4e+02
-DEAL::Checking ConstraintMatrix::merge
+DEAL::Checking AffineConstraints<double>::merge
DEAL::Checking with open objects
0 13: 2.0
0: 1.4e+02
-DEAL::Checking ConstraintMatrix::merge
+DEAL::Checking AffineConstraints<double>::merge
DEAL::Checking with open objects
0 13: 2.0
0: 1.4e+02
-DEAL::Checking ConstraintMatrix::merge with localized lines
+DEAL::Checking AffineConstraints<double>::merge with localized lines
DEAL::Number of local lines: 20
DEAL::Checking with open objects
99999890 99999991: 1.0
-DEAL::Checking ConstraintMatrix::merge with localized lines
+DEAL::Checking AffineConstraints<double>::merge with localized lines
DEAL::Number of local lines: 20
DEAL::Checking with open objects
99999890 99999993: 2.0
-DEAL::Checking ConstraintMatrix::merge with localized lines
+DEAL::Checking AffineConstraints<double>::merge with localized lines
DEAL::Checking with open objects
99999890 99999991: 1.00000
99999890: 42.0000
-DEAL::Checking ConstraintMatrix::merge with localized lines
+DEAL::Checking AffineConstraints<double>::merge with localized lines
{[99999890,99999899], [99999990,99999991]}
{[99999893,99999899], [99999990,99999999]}
-DEAL::Checking ConstraintMatrix::merge with localized lines
+DEAL::Checking AffineConstraints<double>::merge with localized lines
99999800 = 0
99999801 = 0
99999802 = 0
DEAL::Create index set with entries: {2, 5, 8}
-DEAL::Create ConstraintMatrix with constraints u(2)=.5*u(5), u(5)=.7*u(8)
+DEAL::Create AffineConstraints<double> with constraints u(2)=.5*u(5), u(5)=.7*u(8)
5 8: 0.700000
2 5: 0.500000
DEAL::Shifted constraints