all: compare base lac fe deal.II bits
-base: compare
+base: compare abort.o
cd base ; $(MAKE)
-lac: compare
+lac: compare abort.o
cd lac ; $(MAKE)
-fe: compare
+fe: compare abort.o
cd fe ; $(MAKE)
-bits: compare
+bits: compare abort.o
cd bits ; $(MAKE)
-deal.II: compare
+deal.II: compare abort.o
cd deal.II ; $(MAKE)
-report: compare
+report: compare abort.o
@for i in base lac fe deal.II bits ; do \
echo =======Report: $$i ======= ; \
cd $$i ; $(MAKE) report ; cd .. ; \
cd bits ; $(MAKE) veryclean
+ @$(CXX) -ggdb -o $@ -c $<
.PHONY : all base lac fe deal.II bits \
clean clean-base clean-lac clean-fe clean-deal.II clean-bits \
%.exe :
@echo =====linking======= $@
- @$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS)
+ @$(CXX) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LIBS) ../abort.o
// actually generates an assertion, which would otherwise be
// impossible
+namespace deal_II_exceptions
+ namespace internals
+ {
+ extern unsigned int n_treated_exceptions;
+ }
extern "C"
void abort()
+ deal_II_exceptions::internals::n_treated_exceptions = 0;
data_out_base.exe : data_out_base.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
logtest.exe : logtest.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
-polynomial_test.exe: polynomial_test.g.$(OBJEXT) abort.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
+polynomial_test.exe: polynomial_test.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
polynomial1d.exe : polynomial1d.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
quadrature_test.exe: quadrature_test.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
quadrature_selector.exe: quadrature_selector.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
-reference.exe : reference.g.$(OBJEXT) abort.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
+reference.exe : reference.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
table.exe : table.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
tensor.exe : tensor.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
timer.exe : timer.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
threads.exe : threads.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
-auto_derivative_function.exe : auto_derivative_function.g.$(OBJEXT) $(libraries)
anisotropic_1.exe : anisotropic_1.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
anisotropic_2.exe : anisotropic_2.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
hierarchical.exe : hierarchical.g.$(OBJEXT) $(lib-base.g)
+auto_derivative_function.exe : auto_derivative_function.g.$(OBJEXT) $(libraries) $(lib-base.g)
tests = logtest reference quadrature_test quadrature_selector table tensor \
timer threads polynomial1d polynomial_test \
block_matrices.exe : block_matrices.g.$(OBJEXT) $(libraries)
-block_vector.exe : block_vector.g.$(OBJEXT) abort.g.$(OBJEXT) $(libraries)
+block_vector.exe : block_vector.g.$(OBJEXT) $(libraries)
block_vector_iterator.exe : block_vector_iterator.g.$(OBJEXT) $(libraries)
full_matrix.exe : full_matrix.g.$(OBJEXT) $(libraries)
matrix_out.exe : matrix_out.g.$(OBJEXT) $(libraries)
+++ /dev/null
-// $Id$
-// Version: $Name$
-// Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 by the deal.II authors
-// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
-// without copyright and license information. Please refer
-// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
-// further information on this license.
-extern "C"
-void abort()
Additional Information:
Index 3 is not in [0,3[
-******** More assertions fail but messages are suppressed! ********
+An error occurred in file <block_indices.h> in function
+ unsigned int BlockIndices::local_to_global(unsigned int, unsigned int) const
+The violated condition was:
+ index < start_indices[block+1]-start_indices[block]
+The name and call sequence of the exception was:
+ ExcIndexRange (index, 0, start_indices[block+1]-start_indices[block])
+Additional Information:
+Index 2 is not in [0,2[
+An error occurred in file <block_indices.h> in function
+ unsigned int BlockIndices::local_to_global(unsigned int, unsigned int) const
+The violated condition was:
+ block < n_blocks
+The name and call sequence of the exception was:
+ ExcIndexRange(block, 0, n_blocks)
+Additional Information:
+Index 2 is not in [0,2[
DEAL:BlockVector:Constructor with iterators::0.000 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 5.000
DEAL:BlockVector:Constructor with iterators::0 0 0.000
DEAL:BlockVector:Constructor with iterators::0 1 1.000