* vector partitioner stored in @p vector_partitioner. These
* partitioners are used in specialized loops that only import parts of
* the ghosted region for reducing the amount of communication. There
- * are three variants of the partitioner initialized, one that queries
- * only the cell values, one that additionally describes the indices for
- * evaluating the function values on the faces, and one that describes
- * the indices for evaluation both the function values and the gradients
- * on the faces adjacent to the locally owned cells.
+ * are five variants of the partitioner initialized:
+ * - one that queries only the cell values,
+ * - one that additionally describes the indices for
+ * evaluating the function values on relevant faces,
+ * - one that describes the indices for evaluation both the function
+ * values and the gradients on relevant faces adjacent to the locally
+ * owned cells,
+ * - one that additionally describes the indices for
+ * evaluating the function values on all faces, and
+ * - one that describes the indices for evaluation both the function
+ * values and the gradients on all faces adjacent to the locally owned
+ * cells.
std::array<std::shared_ptr<const Utilities::MPI::Partitioner>, 5>