]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii-svn.git/commitdiff
Check in initial version.
authorwolf <wolf@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Fri, 15 Aug 2003 15:37:08 +0000 (15:37 +0000)
committerwolf <wolf@0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d>
Fri, 15 Aug 2003 15:37:08 +0000 (15:37 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@7923 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d

deal.II/common/scripts/make_dependencies.cc [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/deal.II/common/scripts/make_dependencies.cc b/deal.II/common/scripts/make_dependencies.cc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dc650bf
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <vector>
+#include <cassert>
+                                 // base path for object files
+std::string basepath;
+                                 // list of include directories
+std::vector<std::string> include_directories;
+                                 // for each file that we ever visit,
+                                 // store the set of other files it
+                                 // includes directly
+std::map<std::string,std::set<std::string> > direct_includes;
+                                 // for the given file, fill a
+                                 // respective entry in the "direct_includes"
+                                 // map listing the names of those
+                                 // files that are directly included
+void determine_direct_includes (const std::string &file) 
+                                   // if this file has already been
+                                   // treated, then leave it at this
+  if (direct_includes.find (file) != direct_includes.end())
+    return;
+                                   // otherwise, open the file and go
+                                   // through it line by line to
+                                   // search for other includes. we
+                                   // will have to have the path to
+                                   // the present file later, so get
+                                   // it already here
+  const std::string present_path (file.find ('/') != std::string::npos
+                                  ?
+                                  std::string (file.begin(),
+                                               file.begin()+file.rfind ('/')+1)
+                                  :
+                                  "");
+  std::ifstream in(file.c_str());
+  assert (in);
+  std::string line;
+  while (in) 
+    {
+                                       // get one line, eat whitespace
+                                       // at the beginning and see
+                                       // whether the first
+                                       // non-whitespace is a #
+                                       // character
+      getline (in, line);
+      unsigned int pos=0;
+      for (; pos<line.length(); ++pos)
+        if ((line[pos] != ' ') && (line[pos] != '\t'))
+          break;
+                                       // if no non-whitespace, or
+                                       // something other than #: next
+                                       // line
+      if ((pos == line.length()) || (line[pos] != '#'))
+        continue;
+                                       // ok, this is a preprocessor
+                                       // line. eat pound sign and
+                                       // again the next couple of
+                                       // whitespaces
+      ++pos;
+      for (; pos<line.length(); ++pos)
+        if ((line[pos] != ' ') && (line[pos] != '\t'))
+          break;
+                                       // and let's see whether the
+                                       // following is the word
+                                       // include
+      if ((line.length() < pos+7)
+          ||
+          (! ((line[pos+0] == 'i') &&
+              (line[pos+1] == 'n') &&
+              (line[pos+2] == 'c') &&
+              (line[pos+3] == 'l') &&
+              (line[pos+4] == 'u') &&
+              (line[pos+5] == 'd') &&
+              (line[pos+6] == 'e'))))
+        continue;
+                                       // ok, word found. advance pos
+                                       // and eat more whitespace
+      pos += 7;
+      for (; pos<line.length(); ++pos)
+        if ((line[pos] != ' ') && (line[pos] != '\t'))
+          break;
+                                       // check that the next char is
+                                       // either '<' or '"'
+      if ((line[pos] != '"') && (line[pos] != '<'))
+        continue;
+                                       // copy out name
+      std::string included_file;
+      for (unsigned int endpos=pos+1; endpos<line.length(); ++endpos)
+        if ((line[endpos]=='"') || (line[endpos] == '>'))
+          {
+            included_file = std::string (line.begin()+pos+1,
+                                         line.begin()+endpos);
+            break;
+          }
+      assert (included_file.length() > 0);
+                                       // next try to locate the file
+                                       // in absolute paths. this is
+                                       // easy if it was included via
+                                       // "...", but for <...> we have
+                                       // to work a little harder
+      if (included_file[0] != '/')
+        {
+          if (line[pos] == '"')
+            included_file = present_path+included_file;
+          else
+            for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator
+                   include_dir=include_directories.begin();
+                 include_dir!=include_directories.end(); ++include_dir)
+              if (std::ifstream((*include_dir+included_file).c_str()))
+                {
+                  included_file = *include_dir+included_file;
+                  break;
+                }
+        }
+                                       // make sure the file
+                                       // exists, otherwise just
+                                       // ignore the line
+      if (!std::ifstream(included_file.c_str()))
+        continue;
+                                       // ok, so we did find an
+                                       // appropriate file. add it to
+                                       // the correct list
+      direct_includes[file].insert (included_file);
+                                       // work on the include file
+                                       // recursively. note that the
+                                       // first line of this file
+                                       // saves us from infinite
+                                       // recursions in case of
+                                       // include loops
+      determine_direct_includes (included_file);
+    }
+                                 // return the set of all included
+                                 // files, directly or indirectly, for
+                                 // the given file
+get_all_includes (const std::string &name) 
+                                   // start with direct includes
+  std::set<std::string> all_includes = direct_includes[name];
+  std::set<std::string> next_level_includes = all_includes;
+  while (true)
+    {
+                                       // traverse all next level
+                                       // includes and get their
+                                       // direct include files. the
+                                       // set makes sure that
+                                       // duplicates are removed
+      std::set<std::string> second_next;
+      for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator
+             next=next_level_includes.begin();
+           next!=next_level_includes.end(); ++next)
+        second_next.insert (direct_includes[*next].begin(),
+                            direct_includes[*next].end());
+                                       // for each of them, if it
+                                       // hasn't been treated then add
+                                       // it to the files of the next
+                                       // level and later add it to
+                                       // the all_includes
+      next_level_includes.clear ();
+      for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator f=second_next.begin();
+           f!=second_next.end(); ++f)
+        if (all_includes.find(*f) == all_includes.end())
+          next_level_includes.insert (*f);
+                                       // if no new includes found no
+                                       // more, then quit
+      if (next_level_includes.size() == 0)
+        return all_includes;
+                                       // otherwise, copy over and
+                                       // start over on the next level
+                                       // of the tree
+      all_includes.insert (next_level_includes.begin(),
+                           next_level_includes.end());
+    }
+int main (int argc, char **argv) 
+  std::vector<std::string> filenames;
+                                   // parse all arguments (except the
+                                   // name of the executable itself)
+  for (unsigned int c=1; c<argc; ++c)
+    {
+      const std::string arg = argv[c];
+                                       // if string starts with -I,
+                                       // take this as an include path
+      if ((arg.length()>2) && (arg[0]=='-') && (arg[1]=='I'))
+        {
+          std::string dir (arg.begin()+2, arg.end());
+                                           // append a slash if not
+                                           // already there
+          if (dir[dir.length()-1] != '/')
+            dir += '/';
+                                           // drop initial ./ if this
+                                           // is there
+          if ((dir[0]=='.') && (dir[1]=='/'))
+            dir = std::string(dir.begin()+2, dir.end());
+          include_directories.push_back (dir);
+        }
+                                       // if string starts with -B,
+                                       // then this is the base name
+                                       // for object files
+      else if ((arg.length()>2) && (arg[0]=='-') && (arg[1]=='B'))
+        basepath = std::string(arg.begin()+2, arg.end());
+                                       // otherwise assume that this
+                                       // is one of the files for
+                                       // input
+      else
+        {
+          assert (arg.size()>=1);
+          assert (arg[0] != '-');
+          filenames.push_back (arg);
+        }
+    }
+                                   // next iterate through all files
+                                   // and figure out which other files
+                                   // they include
+  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator file=filenames.begin();
+       file != filenames.end(); ++file)
+    determine_direct_includes (*file);
+                                   // now we have all files that are
+                                   // directly or indirectly included
+                                   // into the files given on the
+                                   // command lines. for each of them,
+                                   // we have recorded which files
+                                   // they include themselves. for
+                                   // each file on the command line,
+                                   // we can thus form a complete
+                                   // include tree. do exactly this by
+                                   // populating the all_includes
+                                   // variable. we walk over the list
+                                   // of all these files, but since
+                                   // the tree is constructed
+                                   // recursively, it may happen that
+                                   // for some later filenames the
+                                   // all_includes is already
+                                   // built. the function then returns
+                                   // immediately
+//   for (std::map<std::string,std::set<std::string> >::const_iterator
+//          file = direct_includes.begin(); file!=direct_includes.end(); ++file)
+//     complete_tree (file->first);
+  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator file=filenames.begin();
+       file != filenames.end(); ++file)
+    {
+                                       // get base of filename by
+                                       // chipping away .cc extension
+                                       // as well as path
+      std::string basename;
+      if (file->find (".cc") != std::string::npos)
+        basename = std::string (file->begin(),
+                                file->begin()+file->find (".cc"));
+      else if (file->find (".cpp") != std::string::npos)
+        basename = std::string (file->begin(),
+                                file->begin()+file->find (".cpp"));
+      else
+        basename = *file;
+      if (basename.rfind ("/") != std::string::npos)
+        basename = std::string (basename.begin()+basename.rfind("/")+1,
+                                basename.end());
+      std::cout << basepath << "/" << basename << ".o "
+                << basepath << "/" << basename << ".g.o: \\"
+                << std::endl
+                << "\t\t" << *file;
+      const std::set<std::string> includes = get_all_includes (*file);
+      for (std::set<std::string>::const_iterator i=includes.begin();
+           i!=includes.end(); ++i)
+        std::cout << "\\\n\t\t" << *i;
+      std::cout << std::endl;
+    }

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.