Vector<number> tmp(criteria);
const double total_error = tmp.l1_norm();
- Vector<number> partial_sums(criteria.size());
// sort the largest criteria to the
// beginning of the vector
std::sort (tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), std::greater<double>());
- std::partial_sum (tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), partial_sums.begin());
// compute thresholds
- const typename Vector<number>::const_iterator
- q = std::lower_bound (partial_sums.begin(), partial_sums.end(),
- static_cast<number>(top_fraction*total_error)),
- p = std::upper_bound (partial_sums.begin(), partial_sums.end(),
- static_cast<number>(total_error*(1-bottom_fraction)));
- double bottom_threshold = tmp(p != partial_sums.end() ?
- p-partial_sums.begin() :
- criteria.size()-1),
- top_threshold = tmp(q-partial_sums.begin());
+ typename Vector<number>::const_iterator pp=tmp.begin();
+ for (double sum=0; (sum<top_fraction*total_error) && (pp!=(tmp.end()-1)); ++pp)
+ sum += *pp;
+ double top_threshold = ( pp != tmp.begin () ?
+ (*pp+*(pp-1))/2 :
+ *pp );
+ typename Vector<number>::const_iterator qq=(tmp.end()-1);
+ for (double sum=0; (sum<bottom_fraction*total_error) && (qq!=tmp.begin()); --qq)
+ sum += *qq;
+ double bottom_threshold = ( qq != (tmp.end()-1) ?
+ (*qq + *(qq+1))/2 :
+ 0);
// in some rare cases it may happen that
// both thresholds are the same (e.g. if
// actually flag cells
if (top_threshold < *std::max_element(criteria.begin(), criteria.end()))
refine (tria, criteria, top_threshold);
if (bottom_threshold > *std::min_element(criteria.begin(), criteria.end()))
coarsen (tria, criteria, bottom_threshold);