StlAPI_Writer writer;
- const auto error = writer.Write(shape_to_be_written, filename.c_str());
# if ((OCC_VERSION_MAJOR * 100 + OCC_VERSION_MINOR * 10) >= 690)
+ // opencascade versions 6.9.0 onwards return an error status
+ const auto error = writer.Write(shape_to_be_written, filename.c_str());
+ // which is a custom type between 6.9.0 and 7.1.0
# if ((OCC_VERSION_MAJOR * 100 + OCC_VERSION_MINOR * 10) < 720)
AssertThrow(error == StlAPI_StatusOK,
ExcMessage("Error writing STL from shape."));
# else
+ // and a boolean from version 7.2.0 onwards
AssertThrow(error == true, ExcMessage("Error writing STL from shape."));
# endif
+# else
+ // for opencascade versions 6.8.0 and older the return value is void
+ writer.Write(shape_to_be_written, filename.c_str());
# endif