--- /dev/null
+// This file was automatically generated from lapack_templates.h.in
+// See blastemplates in the deal.II contrib directory
+// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by the deal authors
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/lapack_support.h>
+extern "C"
+// vector update of the form y += alpha*x with a scalar, x,y vectors
+void daxpy_ (const int* n, const double* alpha, const double* x,
+ const int* incx, double* y, const int* incy);
+void saxpy_ (const int* n, const float* alpha, const float* x,
+ const int* incx, float* y, const int* incy);
+// General Matrix
+// Matrix vector product
+void dgemv_ (const char* trans, const int* m, const int* n,
+ const double* alpha, const double* A, const int* lda,
+ const double* x, const int* incx,
+ const double* b, double* y, const int* incy);
+void sgemv_ (const char* trans, const int* m, const int* n,
+ const float* alpha, const float* A, const int* lda,
+ const float* x, const int* incx,
+ const float* b, float* y, const int* incy);
+// Matrix matrix product
+void dgemm_ (const char* transa, const char* transb,
+ const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
+ const double* alpha, const double* A, const int* lda,
+ const double* B, const int* ldb,
+ const double* beta, double* C, const int* ldc);
+void sgemm_ (const char* transa, const char* transb,
+ const int* m, const int* n, const int* k,
+ const float* alpha, const float* A, const int* lda,
+ const float* B, const int* ldb,
+ const float* beta, float* C, const int* ldc);
+// Compute LU factorization
+void dgetrf_ (const int* m, const int* n, double* A,
+ const int* lda, int* ipiv, int* info);
+void sgetrf_ (const int* m, const int* n, float* A,
+ const int* lda, int* ipiv, int* info);
+// Apply forward/backward substitution to LU factorization
+void dgetrs_ (const char* trans, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
+ const double* A, const int* lda, const int* ipiv,
+ double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
+void sgetrs_ (const char* trans, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
+ const float* A, const int* lda, const int* ipiv,
+ float* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
+// Invert matrix from LU factorization
+void dgetri_ (const int* n, double* A, const int* lda,
+ int* ipiv, double* inv_work, const int* lwork, int* info);
+void sgetri_ (const int* n, float* A, const int* lda,
+ int* ipiv, float* inv_work, const int* lwork, int* info);
+// Compute QR factorization (Householder)
+void dgeqrf_ (const int* m, const int* n, double* A,
+ const int* lda, double* tau, double* work,
+ const int* lwork, int* info);
+void sgeqrf_ (const int* m, const int* n, float* A,
+ const int* lda, float* tau, float* work,
+ const int* lwork, int* info);
+// Compute vector Q^T B, where Q is the result from dgeqrf_
+void dormqr_ (const char* side, const char* trans, const int* m,
+ const int* n, const int* k, const double* A, const int* lda,
+ const double* tau, double* B, const int* ldb,
+ double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
+void sormqr_ (const char* side, const char* trans, const int* m,
+ const int* n, const int* k, const float* A, const int* lda,
+ const float* tau, float* B, const int* ldb,
+ float* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
+// Compute matrix Q from the result of dgeqrf_
+void dorgqr_ (const int* m, const int* n, const int* k, const double* A,
+ const int* lda, const double* tau, double* work, const int* lwork,
+ int* info);
+void sorgqr_ (const int* m, const int* n, const int* k, const float* A,
+ const int* lda, const float* tau, float* work, const int* lwork,
+ int* info);
+// Compute Rx = b
+void dtrtrs_ (const char* uplo, const char* trans,
+ const char* diag, const int* n, const int* n_rhs,
+ const double* A, const int* lda, double* B, const int* ldb,
+ int* info);
+void strtrs_ (const char* uplo, const char* trans,
+ const char* diag, const int* n, const int* n_rhs,
+ const float* A, const int* lda, float* B, const int* ldb,
+ int* info);
+// Compute eigenvalues and vectors
+void dgeev_ (const char* jobvl, const char* jobvr,
+ const int* n, double* A, const int* lda,
+ double* lambda_re, double* lambda_im,
+ double* vl, const int* ldvl,
+ double* vr, const int* ldva,
+ double* work, const int* lwork,
+ int* info);
+void sgeev_ (const char* jobvl, const char* jobvr,
+ const int* n, float* A, const int* lda,
+ float* lambda_re, float* lambda_im,
+ float* vl, const int* ldvl,
+ float* vr, const int* ldva,
+ float* work, const int* lwork,
+ int* info);
+// Compute eigenvalues and vectors (expert)
+void dgeevx_ (const char* balanc, const char* jobvl, const char* jobvr,
+ const char* sense,
+ const int* n, double* A, const int* lda,
+ double* lambda_re, double* lambda_im,
+ double* vl, const int* ldvl,
+ double* vr, const int* ldvr,
+ int* ilo, int* ihi,
+ double* scale, double* abnrm,
+ double* rconde, double* rcondv,
+ double* work, const int* lwork,
+ int* iwork, int* info);
+void sgeevx_ (const char* balanc, const char* jobvl, const char* jobvr,
+ const char* sense,
+ const int* n, float* A, const int* lda,
+ float* lambda_re, float* lambda_im,
+ float* vl, const int* ldvl,
+ float* vr, const int* ldvr,
+ int* ilo, int* ihi,
+ float* scale, float* abnrm,
+ float* rconde, float* rcondv,
+ float* work, const int* lwork,
+ int* iwork, int* info);
+// Eigenvalues for a symmetric matrix
+void dsyev_ (const char *jobz, const char *uplo, const int *n,
+ double *A, const int *lda, double *w,
+ double *work, const int *lwork, int *info);
+void ssyev_ (const char *jobz, const char *uplo, const int *n,
+ float *A, const int *lda, float *w,
+ float *work, const int *lwork, int *info);
+// Same functionality as dsyev_ but with more options: E.g.
+// Compute only eigenvalues in a specific interval,
+// Compute only eigenvalues with a specific index,
+// Set tolerance for eigenvalue computation
+void dsyevx_ (const char* jobz, const char* range,
+ const char* uplo, const int* n, double* A, const int* lda,
+ const double* vl, const double* vu,
+ const int* il, const int* iu, const double* abstol,
+ int* m, double* w, double* z,
+ const int* ldz, double* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork,
+ int* ifail, int* info);
+void ssyevx_ (const char* jobz, const char* range,
+ const char* uplo, const int* n, float* A, const int* lda,
+ const float* vl, const float* vu,
+ const int* il, const int* iu, const float* abstol,
+ int* m, float* w, float* z,
+ const int* ldz, float* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork,
+ int* ifail, int* info);
+// Generalized eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
+// 1: A*x = lambda*B*x; 2: A*B*x = lambda*x; 3: B*A*x = lambda*x
+// A and B are symmetric and B is definite
+void dsygv_ (const int* itype, const char* jobz, const char* uplo,
+ const int* n, double* A, const int* lda, double* B,
+ const int* ldb, double* w, double* work,
+ const int* lwork, int* info);
+void ssygv_ (const int* itype, const char* jobz, const char* uplo,
+ const int* n, float* A, const int* lda, float* B,
+ const int* ldb, float* w, float* work,
+ const int* lwork, int* info);
+// Same functionality as dsygv_ but with more options: E.g.
+// Compute only eigenvalues in a specific interval,
+// Compute only eigenvalues with a specific index,
+// Set tolerance for eigenvalue computation
+void dsygvx_ (const int* itype, const char* jobz, const char* range,
+ const char* uplo, const int* n, double* A, const int* lda,
+ double* B, const int* ldb, const double* vl, const double* vu,
+ const int* il, const int* iu, const double* abstol,
+ int* m, double* w, double* z,
+ const int* ldz, double* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork,
+ int* ifail, int* info);
+void ssygvx_ (const int* itype, const char* jobz, const char* range,
+ const char* uplo, const int* n, float* A, const int* lda,
+ float* B, const int* ldb, const float* vl, const float* vu,
+ const int* il, const int* iu, const float* abstol,
+ int* m, float* w, float* z,
+ const int* ldz, float* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork,
+ int* ifail, int* info);
+// Compute singular value decomposition using divide and conquer
+void dgesdd_ (const char* jobz,
+ const int* m, const int* n, double* A, const int* lda,
+ double* s,
+ double* u, const int* ldu,
+ double* vt, const int* ldvt,
+ double* work, const int* lwork,
+ int* iwork,
+ int* info);
+void sgesdd_ (const char* jobz,
+ const int* m, const int* n, float* A, const int* lda,
+ float* s,
+ float* u, const int* ldu,
+ float* vt, const int* ldvt,
+ float* work, const int* lwork,
+ int* iwork,
+ int* info);
+// Compute singular value decomposition
+void dgesvd_ (int* jobu, int* jobvt,
+ const int* n, const int* m, double* A, const int* lda,
+ double* s,
+ double* u, const int* ldu,
+ double* vt, const int* ldvt,
+ double* work, const int* lwork,
+ int* info);
+void sgesvd_ (int* jobu, int* jobvt,
+ const int* n, const int* m, float* A, const int* lda,
+ float* s,
+ float* u, const int* ldu,
+ float* vt, const int* ldvt,
+ float* work, const int* lwork,
+ int* info);
+// Solve a least squares problem using SVD
+void dgelsd_ (const int* m, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
+ const double* A, const int* lda,
+ double* B, const int* ldb,
+ double* s, const double* rcond,
+ int* rank,
+ double* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork,
+ int* info);
+void sgelsd_ (const int* m, const int* n, const int* nrhs,
+ const float* A, const int* lda,
+ float* B, const int* ldb,
+ float* s, const float* rcond,
+ int* rank,
+ float* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork,
+ int* info);
+// Symmetric tridiagonal matrix
+void dstev_ (const char* jobz, const int* n,
+ double* d, double* e, double* z,
+ const int* ldz, double* work,
+ int* info);
+void sstev_ (const char* jobz, const int* n,
+ float* d, float* e, float* z,
+ const int* ldz, float* work,
+ int* info);
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions daxpy and saxpy
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3>
+inline void
+axpy (const int*, const number1*, const number2*, const int*, number3*, const int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DAXPY_
+inline void
+axpy (const int* n, const double* alpha, const double* x, const int* incx, double* y, const int* incy)
+ daxpy_ (n,alpha,x,incx,y,incy);
+inline void
+axpy (const int*, const double*, const double*, const int*, double*, const int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("daxpy"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SAXPY_
+inline void
+axpy (const int* n, const float* alpha, const float* x, const int* incx, float* y, const int* incy)
+ saxpy_ (n,alpha,x,incx,y,incy);
+inline void
+axpy (const int*, const float*, const float*, const int*, float*, const int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("saxpy"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dgemv and sgemv
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3, typename number4, typename number5>
+inline void
+gemv (const char*, const int*, const int*, const number1*, const number2*, const int*, const number3*, const int*, const number4*, number5*, const int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DGEMV_
+inline void
+gemv (const char* trans, const int* m, const int* n, const double* alpha, const double* A, const int* lda, const double* x, const int* incx, const double* b, double* y, const int* incy)
+ dgemv_ (trans,m,n,alpha,A,lda,x,incx,b,y,incy);
+inline void
+gemv (const char*, const int*, const int*, const double*, const double*, const int*, const double*, const int*, const double*, double*, const int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dgemv"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SGEMV_
+inline void
+gemv (const char* trans, const int* m, const int* n, const float* alpha, const float* A, const int* lda, const float* x, const int* incx, const float* b, float* y, const int* incy)
+ sgemv_ (trans,m,n,alpha,A,lda,x,incx,b,y,incy);
+inline void
+gemv (const char*, const int*, const int*, const float*, const float*, const int*, const float*, const int*, const float*, float*, const int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sgemv"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dgemm and sgemm
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3, typename number4, typename number5>
+inline void
+gemm (const char*, const char*, const int*, const int*, const int*, const number1*, const number2*, const int*, const number3*, const int*, const number4*, number5*, const int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DGEMM_
+inline void
+gemm (const char* transa, const char* transb, const int* m, const int* n, const int* k, const double* alpha, const double* A, const int* lda, const double* B, const int* ldb, const double* beta, double* C, const int* ldc)
+ dgemm_ (transa,transb,m,n,k,alpha,A,lda,B,ldb,beta,C,ldc);
+inline void
+gemm (const char*, const char*, const int*, const int*, const int*, const double*, const double*, const int*, const double*, const int*, const double*, double*, const int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dgemm"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SGEMM_
+inline void
+gemm (const char* transa, const char* transb, const int* m, const int* n, const int* k, const float* alpha, const float* A, const int* lda, const float* B, const int* ldb, const float* beta, float* C, const int* ldc)
+ sgemm_ (transa,transb,m,n,k,alpha,A,lda,B,ldb,beta,C,ldc);
+inline void
+gemm (const char*, const char*, const int*, const int*, const int*, const float*, const float*, const int*, const float*, const int*, const float*, float*, const int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sgemm"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dgetrf and sgetrf
+template<typename number1>
+inline void
+getrf (const int*, const int*, number1*, const int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DGETRF_
+inline void
+getrf (const int* m, const int* n, double* A, const int* lda, int* ipiv, int* info)
+ dgetrf_ (m,n,A,lda,ipiv,info);
+inline void
+getrf (const int*, const int*, double*, const int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dgetrf"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SGETRF_
+inline void
+getrf (const int* m, const int* n, float* A, const int* lda, int* ipiv, int* info)
+ sgetrf_ (m,n,A,lda,ipiv,info);
+inline void
+getrf (const int*, const int*, float*, const int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sgetrf"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dgetrs and sgetrs
+template<typename number1, typename number2>
+inline void
+getrs (const char*, const int*, const int*, const number1*, const int*, const int*, number2*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DGETRS_
+inline void
+getrs (const char* trans, const int* n, const int* nrhs, const double* A, const int* lda, const int* ipiv, double* b, const int* ldb, int* info)
+ dgetrs_ (trans,n,nrhs,A,lda,ipiv,b,ldb,info);
+inline void
+getrs (const char*, const int*, const int*, const double*, const int*, const int*, double*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dgetrs"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SGETRS_
+inline void
+getrs (const char* trans, const int* n, const int* nrhs, const float* A, const int* lda, const int* ipiv, float* b, const int* ldb, int* info)
+ sgetrs_ (trans,n,nrhs,A,lda,ipiv,b,ldb,info);
+inline void
+getrs (const char*, const int*, const int*, const float*, const int*, const int*, float*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sgetrs"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dgetri and sgetri
+template<typename number1, typename number2>
+inline void
+getri (const int*, number1*, const int*, int*, number2*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DGETRI_
+inline void
+getri (const int* n, double* A, const int* lda, int* ipiv, double* inv_work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ dgetri_ (n,A,lda,ipiv,inv_work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+getri (const int*, double*, const int*, int*, double*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dgetri"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SGETRI_
+inline void
+getri (const int* n, float* A, const int* lda, int* ipiv, float* inv_work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ sgetri_ (n,A,lda,ipiv,inv_work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+getri (const int*, float*, const int*, int*, float*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sgetri"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dgeqrf and sgeqrf
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3>
+inline void
+geqrf (const int*, const int*, number1*, const int*, number2*, number3*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DGEQRF_
+inline void
+geqrf (const int* m, const int* n, double* A, const int* lda, double* tau, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ dgeqrf_ (m,n,A,lda,tau,work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+geqrf (const int*, const int*, double*, const int*, double*, double*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dgeqrf"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SGEQRF_
+inline void
+geqrf (const int* m, const int* n, float* A, const int* lda, float* tau, float* work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ sgeqrf_ (m,n,A,lda,tau,work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+geqrf (const int*, const int*, float*, const int*, float*, float*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sgeqrf"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dormqr and sormqr
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3, typename number4>
+inline void
+ormqr (const char*, const char*, const int*, const int*, const int*, const number1*, const int*, const number2*, number3*, const int*, number4*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DORMQR_
+inline void
+ormqr (const char* side, const char* trans, const int* m, const int* n, const int* k, const double* A, const int* lda, const double* tau, double* B, const int* ldb, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ dormqr_ (side,trans,m,n,k,A,lda,tau,B,ldb,work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+ormqr (const char*, const char*, const int*, const int*, const int*, const double*, const int*, const double*, double*, const int*, double*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dormqr"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SORMQR_
+inline void
+ormqr (const char* side, const char* trans, const int* m, const int* n, const int* k, const float* A, const int* lda, const float* tau, float* B, const int* ldb, float* work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ sormqr_ (side,trans,m,n,k,A,lda,tau,B,ldb,work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+ormqr (const char*, const char*, const int*, const int*, const int*, const float*, const int*, const float*, float*, const int*, float*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sormqr"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dorgqr and sorgqr
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3>
+inline void
+orgqr (const int*, const int*, const int*, const number1*, const int*, const number2*, number3*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DORGQR_
+inline void
+orgqr (const int* m, const int* n, const int* k, const double* A, const int* lda, const double* tau, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ dorgqr_ (m,n,k,A,lda,tau,work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+orgqr (const int*, const int*, const int*, const double*, const int*, const double*, double*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dorgqr"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SORGQR_
+inline void
+orgqr (const int* m, const int* n, const int* k, const float* A, const int* lda, const float* tau, float* work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ sorgqr_ (m,n,k,A,lda,tau,work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+orgqr (const int*, const int*, const int*, const float*, const int*, const float*, float*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sorgqr"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dtrtrs and strtrs
+template<typename number1, typename number2>
+inline void
+trtrs (const char*, const char*, const char*, const int*, const int*, const number1*, const int*, number2*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DTRTRS_
+inline void
+trtrs (const char* uplo, const char* trans, const char* diag, const int* n, const int* n_rhs, const double* A, const int* lda, double* B, const int* ldb, int* info)
+ dtrtrs_ (uplo,trans,diag,n,n_rhs,A,lda,B,ldb,info);
+inline void
+trtrs (const char*, const char*, const char*, const int*, const int*, const double*, const int*, double*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dtrtrs"));
+#ifdef HAVE_STRTRS_
+inline void
+trtrs (const char* uplo, const char* trans, const char* diag, const int* n, const int* n_rhs, const float* A, const int* lda, float* B, const int* ldb, int* info)
+ strtrs_ (uplo,trans,diag,n,n_rhs,A,lda,B,ldb,info);
+inline void
+trtrs (const char*, const char*, const char*, const int*, const int*, const float*, const int*, float*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("strtrs"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dgeev and sgeev
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3, typename number4, typename number5, typename number6>
+inline void
+geev (const char*, const char*, const int*, number1*, const int*, number2*, number3*, number4*, const int*, number5*, const int*, number6*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DGEEV_
+inline void
+geev (const char* jobvl, const char* jobvr, const int* n, double* A, const int* lda, double* lambda_re, double* lambda_im, double* vl, const int* ldvl, double* vr, const int* ldva, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ dgeev_ (jobvl,jobvr,n,A,lda,lambda_re,lambda_im,vl,ldvl,vr,ldva,work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+geev (const char*, const char*, const int*, double*, const int*, double*, double*, double*, const int*, double*, const int*, double*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dgeev"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SGEEV_
+inline void
+geev (const char* jobvl, const char* jobvr, const int* n, float* A, const int* lda, float* lambda_re, float* lambda_im, float* vl, const int* ldvl, float* vr, const int* ldva, float* work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ sgeev_ (jobvl,jobvr,n,A,lda,lambda_re,lambda_im,vl,ldvl,vr,ldva,work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+geev (const char*, const char*, const int*, float*, const int*, float*, float*, float*, const int*, float*, const int*, float*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sgeev"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dgeevx and sgeevx
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3, typename number4, typename number5, typename number6, typename number7, typename number8, typename number9, typename number10>
+inline void
+geevx (const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const int*, number1*, const int*, number2*, number3*, number4*, const int*, number5*, const int*, int*, int*, number6*, number7*, number8*, number9*, number10*, const int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DGEEVX_
+inline void
+geevx (const char* balanc, const char* jobvl, const char* jobvr, const char* sense, const int* n, double* A, const int* lda, double* lambda_re, double* lambda_im, double* vl, const int* ldvl, double* vr, const int* ldvr, int* ilo, int* ihi, double* scale, double* abnrm, double* rconde, double* rcondv, double* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork, int* info)
+ dgeevx_ (balanc,jobvl,jobvr,sense,n,A,lda,lambda_re,lambda_im,vl,ldvl,vr,ldvr,ilo,ihi,scale,abnrm,rconde,rcondv,work,lwork,iwork,info);
+inline void
+geevx (const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const int*, double*, const int*, double*, double*, double*, const int*, double*, const int*, int*, int*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, const int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dgeevx"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SGEEVX_
+inline void
+geevx (const char* balanc, const char* jobvl, const char* jobvr, const char* sense, const int* n, float* A, const int* lda, float* lambda_re, float* lambda_im, float* vl, const int* ldvl, float* vr, const int* ldvr, int* ilo, int* ihi, float* scale, float* abnrm, float* rconde, float* rcondv, float* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork, int* info)
+ sgeevx_ (balanc,jobvl,jobvr,sense,n,A,lda,lambda_re,lambda_im,vl,ldvl,vr,ldvr,ilo,ihi,scale,abnrm,rconde,rcondv,work,lwork,iwork,info);
+inline void
+geevx (const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const int*, float*, const int*, float*, float*, float*, const int*, float*, const int*, int*, int*, float*, float*, float*, float*, float*, const int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sgeevx"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dsyev and ssyev
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3>
+inline void
+syev (const char *, const char *, const int *, number1 *, const int *, number2 *, number3 *, const int *, int *)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DSYEV_
+inline void
+syev (const char *jobz, const char *uplo, const int *n, double *A, const int *lda, double *w, double *work, const int *lwork, int *info)
+ dsyev_ (char*jobz,char*uplo,int*n,double*A,int*lda,double*w,double*work,int*lwork,int*info);
+inline void
+syev (const char *, const char *, const int *, double *, const int *, double *, double *, const int *, int *)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dsyev"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SSYEV_
+inline void
+syev (const char *jobz, const char *uplo, const int *n, float *A, const int *lda, float *w, float *work, const int *lwork, int *info)
+ ssyev_ (char*jobz,char*uplo,int*n,double*A,int*lda,double*w,double*work,int*lwork,int*info);
+inline void
+syev (const char *, const char *, const int *, float *, const int *, float *, float *, const int *, int *)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("ssyev"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dsyevx and ssyevx
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3, typename number4, typename number5, typename number6, typename number7>
+inline void
+syevx (const char*, const char*, const char*, const int*, number1*, const int*, const number2*, const number3*, const int*, const int*, const number4*, int*, number5*, number6*, const int*, number7*, const int*, int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DSYEVX_
+inline void
+syevx (const char* jobz, const char* range, const char* uplo, const int* n, double* A, const int* lda, const double* vl, const double* vu, const int* il, const int* iu, const double* abstol, int* m, double* w, double* z, const int* ldz, double* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork, int* ifail, int* info)
+ dsyevx_ (jobz,range,uplo,n,A,lda,vl,vu,il,iu,abstol,m,w,z,ldz,work,lwork,iwork,ifail,info);
+inline void
+syevx (const char*, const char*, const char*, const int*, double*, const int*, const double*, const double*, const int*, const int*, const double*, int*, double*, double*, const int*, double*, const int*, int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dsyevx"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SSYEVX_
+inline void
+syevx (const char* jobz, const char* range, const char* uplo, const int* n, float* A, const int* lda, const float* vl, const float* vu, const int* il, const int* iu, const float* abstol, int* m, float* w, float* z, const int* ldz, float* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork, int* ifail, int* info)
+ ssyevx_ (jobz,range,uplo,n,A,lda,vl,vu,il,iu,abstol,m,w,z,ldz,work,lwork,iwork,ifail,info);
+inline void
+syevx (const char*, const char*, const char*, const int*, float*, const int*, const float*, const float*, const int*, const int*, const float*, int*, float*, float*, const int*, float*, const int*, int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("ssyevx"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dsygv and ssygv
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3, typename number4>
+inline void
+sygv (const int*, const char*, const char*, const int*, number1*, const int*, number2*, const int*, number3*, number4*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DSYGV_
+inline void
+sygv (const int* itype, const char* jobz, const char* uplo, const int* n, double* A, const int* lda, double* B, const int* ldb, double* w, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ dsygv_ (itype,jobz,uplo,n,A,lda,B,ldb,w,work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+sygv (const int*, const char*, const char*, const int*, double*, const int*, double*, const int*, double*, double*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dsygv"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SSYGV_
+inline void
+sygv (const int* itype, const char* jobz, const char* uplo, const int* n, float* A, const int* lda, float* B, const int* ldb, float* w, float* work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ ssygv_ (itype,jobz,uplo,n,A,lda,B,ldb,w,work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+sygv (const int*, const char*, const char*, const int*, float*, const int*, float*, const int*, float*, float*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("ssygv"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dsygvx and ssygvx
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3, typename number4, typename number5, typename number6, typename number7, typename number8>
+inline void
+sygvx (const int*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const int*, number1*, const int*, number2*, const int*, const number3*, const number4*, const int*, const int*, const number5*, int*, number6*, number7*, const int*, number8*, const int*, int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DSYGVX_
+inline void
+sygvx (const int* itype, const char* jobz, const char* range, const char* uplo, const int* n, double* A, const int* lda, double* B, const int* ldb, const double* vl, const double* vu, const int* il, const int* iu, const double* abstol, int* m, double* w, double* z, const int* ldz, double* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork, int* ifail, int* info)
+ dsygvx_ (itype,jobz,range,uplo,n,A,lda,B,ldb,vl,vu,il,iu,abstol,m,w,z,ldz,work,lwork,iwork,ifail,info);
+inline void
+sygvx (const int*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const int*, double*, const int*, double*, const int*, const double*, const double*, const int*, const int*, const double*, int*, double*, double*, const int*, double*, const int*, int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dsygvx"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SSYGVX_
+inline void
+sygvx (const int* itype, const char* jobz, const char* range, const char* uplo, const int* n, float* A, const int* lda, float* B, const int* ldb, const float* vl, const float* vu, const int* il, const int* iu, const float* abstol, int* m, float* w, float* z, const int* ldz, float* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork, int* ifail, int* info)
+ ssygvx_ (itype,jobz,range,uplo,n,A,lda,B,ldb,vl,vu,il,iu,abstol,m,w,z,ldz,work,lwork,iwork,ifail,info);
+inline void
+sygvx (const int*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const int*, float*, const int*, float*, const int*, const float*, const float*, const int*, const int*, const float*, int*, float*, float*, const int*, float*, const int*, int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("ssygvx"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dgesdd and sgesdd
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3, typename number4, typename number5>
+inline void
+gesdd (const char*, const int*, const int*, number1*, const int*, number2*, number3*, const int*, number4*, const int*, number5*, const int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DGESDD_
+inline void
+gesdd (const char* jobz, const int* m, const int* n, double* A, const int* lda, double* s, double* u, const int* ldu, double* vt, const int* ldvt, double* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork, int* info)
+ dgesdd_ (jobz,m,n,A,lda,s,u,ldu,vt,ldvt,work,lwork,iwork,info);
+inline void
+gesdd (const char*, const int*, const int*, double*, const int*, double*, double*, const int*, double*, const int*, double*, const int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dgesdd"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SGESDD_
+inline void
+gesdd (const char* jobz, const int* m, const int* n, float* A, const int* lda, float* s, float* u, const int* ldu, float* vt, const int* ldvt, float* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork, int* info)
+ sgesdd_ (jobz,m,n,A,lda,s,u,ldu,vt,ldvt,work,lwork,iwork,info);
+inline void
+gesdd (const char*, const int*, const int*, float*, const int*, float*, float*, const int*, float*, const int*, float*, const int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sgesdd"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dgesvd and sgesvd
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3, typename number4, typename number5>
+inline void
+gesvd (int*, int*, const int*, const int*, number1*, const int*, number2*, number3*, const int*, number4*, const int*, number5*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DGESVD_
+inline void
+gesvd (int* jobu, int* jobvt, const int* n, const int* m, double* A, const int* lda, double* s, double* u, const int* ldu, double* vt, const int* ldvt, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ dgesvd_ (jobu,jobvt,n,m,A,lda,s,u,ldu,vt,ldvt,work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+gesvd (int*, int*, const int*, const int*, double*, const int*, double*, double*, const int*, double*, const int*, double*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dgesvd"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SGESVD_
+inline void
+gesvd (int* jobu, int* jobvt, const int* n, const int* m, float* A, const int* lda, float* s, float* u, const int* ldu, float* vt, const int* ldvt, float* work, const int* lwork, int* info)
+ sgesvd_ (jobu,jobvt,n,m,A,lda,s,u,ldu,vt,ldvt,work,lwork,info);
+inline void
+gesvd (int*, int*, const int*, const int*, float*, const int*, float*, float*, const int*, float*, const int*, float*, const int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sgesvd"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dgelsd and sgelsd
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3, typename number4, typename number5>
+inline void
+gelsd (const int*, const int*, const int*, const number1*, const int*, number2*, const int*, number3*, const number4*, int*, number5*, const int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DGELSD_
+inline void
+gelsd (const int* m, const int* n, const int* nrhs, const double* A, const int* lda, double* B, const int* ldb, double* s, const double* rcond, int* rank, double* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork, int* info)
+ dgelsd_ (m,n,nrhs,A,lda,B,ldb,s,rcond,rank,work,lwork,iwork,info);
+inline void
+gelsd (const int*, const int*, const int*, const double*, const int*, double*, const int*, double*, const double*, int*, double*, const int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dgelsd"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SGELSD_
+inline void
+gelsd (const int* m, const int* n, const int* nrhs, const float* A, const int* lda, float* B, const int* ldb, float* s, const float* rcond, int* rank, float* work, const int* lwork, int* iwork, int* info)
+ sgelsd_ (m,n,nrhs,A,lda,B,ldb,s,rcond,rank,work,lwork,iwork,info);
+inline void
+gelsd (const int*, const int*, const int*, const float*, const int*, float*, const int*, float*, const float*, int*, float*, const int*, int*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sgelsd"));
+/// Template wrapper for LAPACK functions dstev and sstev
+template<typename number1, typename number2, typename number3, typename number4>
+inline void
+stev (const char*, const int*, number1*, number2*, number3*, const int*, number4*, int*)
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+#ifdef HAVE_DSTEV_
+inline void
+stev (const char* jobz, const int* n, double* d, double* e, double* z, const int* ldz, double* work, int* info)
+ dstev_ (jobz,n,d,e,z,ldz,work,info);
+inline void
+stev (const char*, const int*, double*, double*, double*, const int*, double*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("dstev"));
+#ifdef HAVE_SSTEV_
+inline void
+stev (const char* jobz, const int* n, float* d, float* e, float* z, const int* ldz, float* work, int* info)
+ sstev_ (jobz,n,d,e,z,ldz,work,info);
+inline void
+stev (const char*, const int*, float*, float*, float*, const int*, float*, int*)
+ Assert (false, LAPACKSupport::ExcMissing("sstev"));