active cells and optionally interprets faces between active and deactivated cells
as boundary faces. A use case is shown in~\cite{proell2023highly} in the context of powder-bed-fusion additive
-\item The matrix-free infrastructure allows to interleave cell loops with vector updates
+\item The matrix-free infrastructure allows interleaving cell loops with vector updates
by providing \texttt{pre}/\texttt{post} functions that are run on index ranges. This
feature is used, e.g., in \dealii to improve the performance of (preconditioned)
conjugate gradient solvers~\cite{kronbichler2022cg} as well as of relaxation and Chebyshev iterations (see Subsection~\ref{sec:lac}).
methods (described many years later in \cite{JanssenKanschat2011}, see also
~\cite{ClevengerHeisterKanschatKronbichler2019}), and more
recently also global-coarsening algorithms~\cite{munch2022gc}. The global-coarsening
-infrastructure, furthermore, allows to globally coarsen the polynomial degree ($p$-multigrid),
+infrastructure, furthermore, allows globally coarsening the polynomial degree ($p$-multigrid),
with specific applicability to $hp$-adaptive methods.
In the current release, we have added support for the case
that multigrid levels are given by non-nested meshes~\cite{adams2002evaluation, bittencourt2001nonnested, bramble1991analysis}. An example for such meshes is