InitialValues<dim> initial_values;
TimeStepping<dim> time_stepping;
SchlierenPostprocessor<dim> schlieren_postprocessor;
- std::thread output_thread;
- vector_type output_vector;
// @sect3{Implementation}
- // We wait for any remaining background output thread to finish before
- // printing a summary and exiting.
- if (output_thread.joinable())
- output_thread.join();
pcout << timer_output.str() << std::endl;
// @sect5{Output and checkpointing}
- //
- // Writing out the final vtk files is a quite IO intensive task that can
- // stall the main loop quite a bit. In order to avoid this we use an <a
- // href="">asynchronous
- // IO</a> strategy by creating a background thread that will perform IO
- // while the main loop is allowed to continue. In order for this to work
- // we have to be mindful of two things:
- // - Before running the <code>output_worker</code> thread, we have to create
- // a copy of the state vector <code>U</code>. We store it in the
- // vector <code>output_vector</code>.
- // - We have to avoid any MPI communication in the background thread,
- // otherwise the program might deadlock. This implies that we have to
- // run the postprocessing outside of the worker thread.
template <int dim>
void MainLoop<dim>::output(const typename MainLoop<dim>::vector_type &U,
pcout << "MainLoop<dim>::output(t = " << t
<< ", checkpoint = " << checkpoint << ")" << std::endl;
- // We check whether the output thread is still running. If so, we have
- // to wait to for it to finish because we would otherwise overwrite
- // <code>output_vector</code> and rerun the
- // <code>schlieren_postprocessor</code> before the output of the
- // previous output cycle has been fully written back to disk.
+ TimerOutput::Scope scope(computing_timer, "main_loop - output");
- if (output_thread.joinable())
+ if (checkpoint)
- TimerOutput::Scope timer(computing_timer, "main_loop - stalled output");
- output_thread.join();
- }
+ // We checkpoint the current state by doing the precise inverse
+ // operation to what we discussed for the <a href="Resume">resume
+ // logic</a>:
- constexpr auto problem_dimension =
- ProblemDescription<dim>::problem_dimension;
+ const unsigned int i =
+ discretization.triangulation.locally_owned_subdomain();
+ std::string name = base_name + "-checkpoint-" +
+ Utilities::int_to_string(i, 4) + ".archive";
- // At this point we make a copy of the state vector and run the
- // schlieren postprocessor.
+ std::ofstream file(name, std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < problem_dimension; ++i)
- {
- output_vector[i] = U[i];
- output_vector[i].update_ghost_values();
+ boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file);
+ oa << t << cycle;
+ for (const auto &it1 : U)
+ for (const auto &it2 : it1)
+ oa << it2;
- schlieren_postprocessor.compute_schlieren(output_vector);
+ schlieren_postprocessor.compute_schlieren(U);
- // Next we create a lambda function for the background thread. We <a
- // href="">capture</a>
- // the <code>this</code> pointer as well as most of the arguments of
- // the output function by value so that we have access to them inside
- // the lambda function.
+ // The actual output code is standard. We create a (local) DataOut
+ // instance, attach all data vectors we want to output and finally
+ // call to DataOut<dim>::write_vtu_with_pvtu_record
- const auto output_worker = [this, name, t, cycle, checkpoint]() {
- if (checkpoint)
- {
- // We checkpoint the current state by doing the precise inverse
- // operation to what we discussed for the <a href="Resume">resume
- // logic</a>:
- const unsigned int i =
- discretization.triangulation.locally_owned_subdomain();
- std::string name = base_name + "-checkpoint-" +
- Utilities::int_to_string(i, 4) + ".archive";
- std::ofstream file(name, std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc);
- boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(file);
- oa << t << cycle;
- for (const auto &it1 : output_vector)
- for (const auto &it2 : it1)
- oa << it2;
- }
- // The actual output code is standard. We create a (local) DataOut
- // instance, attach all data vectors we want to output and finally
- // call to DataOut<dim>::write_vtu_with_pvtu_record
- DataOut<dim> data_out;
- data_out.attach_dof_handler(offline_data.dof_handler);
- constexpr auto problem_dimension =
- ProblemDescription<dim>::problem_dimension;
- const auto &component_names = ProblemDescription<dim>::component_names;
+ DataOut<dim> data_out;
+ data_out.attach_dof_handler(offline_data.dof_handler);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < problem_dimension; ++i)
- data_out.add_data_vector(output_vector[i], component_names[i]);
- data_out.add_data_vector(schlieren_postprocessor.schlieren,
- "schlieren_plot");
+ constexpr auto problem_dimension =
+ ProblemDescription<dim>::problem_dimension;
+ const auto &component_names = ProblemDescription<dim>::component_names;
- data_out.build_patches(discretization.mapping,
- - 1);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < problem_dimension; ++i)
+ data_out.add_data_vector(U[i], component_names[i]);
- DataOutBase::VtkFlags flags(t,
- cycle,
- true,
- DataOutBase::VtkFlags::best_speed);
- data_out.set_flags(flags);
+ data_out.add_data_vector(schlieren_postprocessor.schlieren,
+ "schlieren_plot");
- data_out.write_vtu_with_pvtu_record("", name, cycle, mpi_communicator, 6);
- };
+ data_out.build_patches(discretization.mapping,
+ - 1);
- // We launch the thread by creating a
- // <a
- // href=""><code>std::thread</code></a>
- // object from the lambda function and moving it into the
- // <code>output_thread</code> thread object. At this point we can
- // return from the <code>output()</code> function and resume with the
- // time stepping in the main loop - the thread will run in the
- // background.
+ DataOutBase::VtkFlags flags(t,
+ cycle,
+ true,
+ DataOutBase::VtkFlags::best_speed);
+ data_out.set_flags(flags);
- output_thread = std::move(std::thread(output_worker));
+ data_out.write_vtu_with_pvtu_record("", name, cycle, mpi_communicator, 6);
} // namespace Step69