#include <lac/ivector.h>
-/// Double precision full matrix
+ * Double precision full Matrix.
+ * Memory for Components is supplied explicitly <p>
+ * ( ! Amount of memory needs not to comply with actual dimension due to reinitializations ! ) <p>
+ * - all necessary methods for matrices are supplied <p>
+ * - operators available are `=` and `( )` <p>
+ * CONVENTIONS for used `equations` : <p>
+ * - THIS matrix is always named `A` <p>
+ * - matrices are always uppercase , vectors and scalars are lowercase <p>
+ * - Transp(A) used for transpose of matrix A
+ *
+ */
class dFMatrix
- double* val;
- int dim_range, dim_image, val_size;
- void init(int n, int m);
-// dFMatrix(const dFMatrix&);
- double& el(int i, int j) { return val[i*dim_range+j]; }
- double el(int i, int j) const { return val[i*dim_range+j]; }
- double el(int i) const { return val[i]; }
- public:
- /// Number of rows
- int m() const { return dim_image; }
- /// Number of columns
- int n() const { return dim_range; }
- /// copy constructor. Be very careful with this constructor, since
- // it may take a hige amount of computing time for large matrices!!
- dFMatrix(const dFMatrix&);
- /// Constructor for quadratic n x n matrices
- dFMatrix(int n = 1) { init(n,n); }
- /// Constructor for rectangular matrices with m rows and n columns.
- dFMatrix(int m,int n) { init(m,n); }
- /// Destructor.
- ~dFMatrix();
- /// Reinitialization of rectangular matrix.
- void reinit(int m, int n);
- /// Reinitialization of quadratic matrix
- void reinit(int n) { reinit(n,n); }
- /// Reinitialization to the same dimensions of another matrix.
- void reinit(const dFMatrix& A) { reinit(A.m(), A.n()); }
- /// Read access to matrix elements.
- double operator() (int i, int j) const
- {
- //THROW2((i<0) || (i>=dim_image), IntError(IntError::Range,i));
- //THROW2((j<0) || (j>=dim_range), IntError(IntError::Range,j));
- return el(i,j);
- }
- /// Read-Write access to matrix elements
- double& operator() (int i, int j)
- {
- //THROW2((i<0) || (i>=dim_image), IntError(IntError::Range,i));
- //THROW2((j<0) || (j>=dim_range), IntError(IntError::Range,j));
- return el(i,j);
- }
- /// Assignment operator
- dFMatrix& operator = (const dFMatrix&);
- /** Copying matrix entries.
- * Copy the elements of matrix src into this beginning at
- * element (i,j)
- */
- void fill(const dFMatrix& src, int i = 0, int j = 0);
- void add(double s, const dFMatrix& src);
- void add_diag(double s, const dFMatrix& src);
- void Tadd(double s, const dFMatrix& src);
- ///
- /* Add different rows of a matrix
- * a(i,.) += s * a(j,.)
- */
- void add_row(int i, double s, int j);
- ///
- /**
- * Add different rows of a matrix
- * a(i,.) += s * a(j,.) + t * a(k,.)
- */
- void add_row(int i, double s, int j, double t, int k);
- ///
- /**
- * Add different columns of a matrix
- * a(.,i) += s * a(.,j)
- */
- void add_col(int i, double s, int j);
- ///
- /**
- * Add different columns of a matrix
- * a(.,i) += s * a(.,j) + t * a(.,k)
- */
- void add_col(int i, double s, int j, double t, int k);
- /// Exchange contents of rows i and j
- void swap_row(int i, int j);
- /// Exchange contents of columns i and j
- void swap_col(int i, int j);
- /// Adding a scalar value on the diagonal
- void diagadd(const double& src);
- /// Matrix-matrix-multiplication dst = this * src
- void mmult(dFMatrix& dst, const dFMatrix& src) const;
- ///
- void Tmmult(dFMatrix& dst, const dFMatrix& src) const;
- ///
- /*
- * Application of a matrix to a vector.
- *
- * [flag] adding determines if the result is copied to dst or added.
- *
- * dst (+)= this * src
- */
- void vmult(dVector& dst, const dVector& src,const int adding = 0) const;
- ///
- void gsmult(dVector& dst, const dVector& src,const iVector& gl) const;
- /// Application of the transpose matrix to a vector.
- void Tvmult(dVector& dst,const dVector& src,const int adding=0) const;
- ///
- double residual(dVector& dst, const dVector& src, const dVector& right) const;
- /// Inversion of lower triangle
- void forward(dVector& dst, const dVector& src) const;
- /// Inversion of upper triangle
- void backward(dVector& dst, const dVector& src) const;
- /// Replace this by its inverse matrix calculated with Gauß-Jordan algorithm.
- void gauss_jordan();
- ///
- /*
- * QR - factorization of a matrix.
- * The orthogonal transformation Q is applied to the vector y and the
- * matrix. After execution of householder, the upper triangle contains
- * the resulting matrix R, the lower the incomplete factorization matrices.
- */
- void householder(dVector& y);
- /// Least - Squares - Approximation by QR-factorization.
- double least_squares(dVector& dst, dVector& src);
- /// Output of the matrix in user-defined format.
- void print(FILE* fp, const char* format = 0) const;
+ /// Component-array.
+double* val;
+ /// Dimension. Actual number of Columns
+int dim_range;
+ /// Dimension. Actual number of Rows
+int dim_image;
+ /// Dimension. Determines amount of reserved memory
+int val_size;
+ /**
+ * Initialization . initialize memory for Matrix <p>
+ * ( m rows , n columns )
+ */
+ void init(int m, int n);
+ * Access Elements. returns A(i,j)
+ */
+ double& el(int i, int j) { return val[i*dim_range+j]; }
+ /**
+ * Access Elements. returns A(i,j)
+ */
+ double el(int i, int j) const { return val[i*dim_range+j]; }
+ public:
+ /// copy constructor. Be very careful with this constructor, since
+ // it may take a hige amount of computing time for large matrices!!
+ /**@name 1: Basic Object-handling */
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Dimension = (n,n) <p>
+ * -> quadratic matrix (n rows , n columns)
+ */
+ dFMatrix(int n = 1) { init(n,n); }
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Dimension = (m,n) <p>
+ * -> rectangular matrix (m rows , n columns)
+ */
+ dFMatrix(int m,int n) { init(m,n); }
+ /**
+ * Copy constructor. Be very careful with this constructor, since
+ * it may take a high amount of computing time for large matrices!!
+ */
+ dFMatrix(const dFMatrix&);
+ /**
+ * Destructor. Clears memory
+ */
+ ~dFMatrix();
+ /**
+ * A = B . Copy all elements
+ */
+ dFMatrix& operator = (const dFMatrix& B)
+ /**
+ * U(0-m,0-n) = s . Fill all elements
+ */
+void fill(const dFMatrix& src, int i = 0, int j = 0);
+ /**
+ * Change Dimension.
+ * Set dimension to (m,n) <p>
+ * ( reinit rectangular matrix )
+ */
+ void reinit(int m, int n);
+ /**
+ * Change Dimension.
+ * Set dimension to (n,n) <p>
+ * ( reinit quadratic matrix )
+ */
+ void reinit(int n) { reinit(n,n); }
+ /**
+ * Adjust Dimension.
+ * Set dimension to ( m(B),n(B) ) <p>
+ * ( adjust to dimensions of another matrix B )
+ */
+ void reinit(const dFMatrix& B) { reinit(B.m(), B.n()); }
+ /**
+ * Inquire Dimension (Row) . returns Number of Rows
+ */
+ int m() const { return dim_image; }
+ /**
+ * Inquire Dimension (Col) . returns Number of Columns
+ */
+ int n() const { return dim_range; }
+ /**@name 2: Data-Access
+ */
+ /**
+ * Access Elements. returns element at relative 'address' i <p>
+ * ( -> access to A(i/n , i mod n) )
+ */
+ double el(int i) const { return val[i]; }
+ /**
+ * Access Elements. returns A(i,j)
+ */
+ double operator() (int i, int j) const
+ {
+ //THROW2((i<0) || (i>=dim_image), IntError(IntError::Range,i));
+ //THROW2((j<0) || (j>=dim_range), IntError(IntError::Range,i));
+ return el(i,j);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Access Elements. returns A(i,j)
+ */
+ double& operator() (int i, int j)
+ {
+ //THROW2((i<0) || (i>=dim_image), IntError(IntError::Range,i));
+ //THROW2((j<0) || (j>=dim_range), IntError(IntError::Range,i));
+ return el(i,j);
+ }
+ /**@name 3: Basic applications on matrices
+ */
+ /**
+ * A+=B . Simple addition
+ */
+ void add(double s, const dFMatrix& B);
+ /**
+ * A+=Transp(B) . Simple addition of the transpose of B to this
+ */
+ void Tadd(double s, const dFMatrix& B);
+ /**
+ * C=A*B . Matrix-matrix-multiplication
+ */
+ void mmult(dFMatrix& C, const dFMatrix& B) const;
+ /**
+ * C=Transp(A)*B . Matrix-matrix-multiplication using transpose of this
+ */
+ void Tmmult(dFMatrix& C, const dFMatrix& B) const;
+ /**
+ * w (+)= A*v . Matrix-vector-multiplication ; <p>
+ * ( application of this to a vector v )
+ * flag adding=true : w=+A*v
+ */
+ void vmult(dVector& w, const dVector& v,const int adding = 0) const;
+ /**
+ * w (+)= Transp(A)*v . Matrix-vector-multiplication ; <p>
+ * ( application of transpose of this to a vector v )
+ * flag adding=true : w=+A*v
+ */
+ void Tvmult(dVector& w,const dVector& v,const int adding=0) const;
+ /**
+ * A=Inverse(A). Inversion of this by Gauss-Jordan-algorithm
+ */
+ void gauss_jordan();
+ //@}
+ /**@name 4: Basic applications on Rows or Columns
+ */
+ //@{
+ /**
+ * A(i,1-n)+=s*A(j,1-n).
+ * Simple addition of rows of this
+ */
+ void add_row(int i, double s, int j);
+ /**
+ * A(i,1-n)+=s*A(j,1-n)+t*A(k,1-n) . Multiple addition of rows of this
+ */
+ void add_row(int i, double s, int j, double t, int k);
+ /**
+ * A(1-n,i)+=s*A(1-n,j) . Simple addition of columns of this
+ */
+ void add_col(int i, double s, int j);
+ /**
+ * A(1-n,i)+=s*A(1-n,j)+t*A(1-n,k) . Multiple addition of columns of this
+ */
+ void add_col(int i, double s, int j, double t, int k);
+ /**
+ * Swap A(i,1-n) <-> A(j,1-n) . Swap rows i and j of this
+ */
+ void swap_row(int i, int j);
+ /**
+ * Swap A(1-n,i) <-> A(1-n,j) . Swap columns i and j of this
+ */
+ void swap_col(int i, int j);
+ /**@name 5: Mixed stuff . Including more applications on matrices
+ */
+ //@{
+ /**
+ * w=b-A*v . Residual calculation , returns |w|
+ */
+ double residual(dVector& w, const dVector& v, const dVector& b) const;
+ /**
+ * Inversion of lower triangle .
+ */
+ void forward(dVector& dst, const dVector& src) const;
+ /**
+ * Inversion of upper triangle .
+ */
+ void backward(dVector& dst, const dVector& src) const;
+ /**
+ * QR - factorization of a matrix.
+ * The orthogonal transformation Q is applied to the vector y and this matrix. <p>
+ * After execution of householder, the upper triangle contains the resulting matrix R, <p>
+ * the lower the incomplete factorization matrices.
+ */
+ void householder(dVector& y);
+ /**
+ * Least - Squares - Approximation by QR-factorization.
+ */
+ double least_squares(dVector& dst, dVector& src);
+ /**
+ * A(i,i)+=B(i,1-n). Addition of complete rows of B to diagonal-elements of this ; <p>
+ * ( i = 1 ... m )
+ */
+ void add_diag(double s, const dFMatrix& B);
+ /**
+ * A(i,i)+=s i=1-m.
+ * Add constant to diagonal elements of this
+ */
+ void diagadd(const double& src);
+ /**
+ * w+=part(A)*v . Conditional partial Matrix-vector-multiplication <p>
+ * ( used elements of v determined by x )
+ */
+ void gsmult(dVector& w, const dVector& v,const iVector& x) const;
+ /**
+ * Output of the matrix in user-defined format.
+ */
+ void print(FILE* fp, const char* format = 0) const;
+ /**
* Comparison operator. Be careful with
* this thing, it may eat up huge amounts
* of computing time!