// The private interface is more
- // extensive than in step-17. enerate a
- // coarse grid and assign appropriate
- // boundary condition
- // indicators. First, we obviously need
- // functions that create the initial
- // mesh, set up the variables that
- // describe the linear system on the
- // present mesh (i.e. matrices and
- // vectors), and then functions that
- // actually assemble the system, direct
- // what has to be solved in each time
- // step, a function that solves the
- // linear system that arises in each
- // timestep (and returns the number of
+ // extensive than in step-17. First, we
+ // obviously need functions that create
+ // the initial mesh, set up the
+ // variables that describe the linear
+ // system on the present mesh
+ // (i.e. matrices and vectors), and
+ // then functions that actually
+ // assemble the system, direct what has
+ // to be solved in each time step, a
+ // function that solves the linear
+ // system that arises in each timestep
+ // (and returns the number of
// iterations it took), and finally
// output the solution vector on the
// currect mesh: