* evaluated at points which are not on the boundary and you should make
* sure that the returned values are reasonable in some sense anyway.
+ * In 1d the situation is a bit different since there faces (i.e. vertices) have
+ * no boundary indicator. It is assumed that if the boundary indicator zero
+ * is given in the list of boundary functions, the left boundary point is to be
+ * interpolated while the right boundary point is associated with the boundary
+ * index 1 in the map. The respective boundary functions are then evaluated at
+ * the place of the respective boundary point.
+ *
* \item Projection of boundary values:
* The #project_boundary_values# function acts similar to the
* #interpolate_boundary_values# function, apart from the fact that it does
* Data type for vector valued boundary function map.
typedef map<unsigned char,const VectorFunction<dim>*> VectorFunctionMap;
-// typedef map<pair<unsigned char, unsigned int> ,const Function<dim>*>
-// VectorFunctionMap;
* Compute the interpolation of
* #boundary_values# contained values
* before, the new ones are added, or
* the old one overwritten if a node
- * of the boundary part to be prjected
+ * of the boundary part to be projected
* on already was in the variable.
* See the general doc for more