program multiple times at the same time in the same directory, with
each running program writing a different sequence of samples into
separate files.
+The end result of the program is a file that contains the
+samples. Each line has 66 entries:
+- The first entry is the logarithm of the (non-normalized) posterior
+ probability of the sample; because the posterior is only known up to
+ a normalization constant, the absolute value is not relevant, but
+ the relative values of different samples are informative.
+- The second entry is the number of samples accepted up to this
+ point. By counting how many lines one is into a given file (i.e.,
+ counting the total number of samples up to this point), this number
+ is useful to compute the acceptance rate of the Metropolis-Hastings
+ algorithm.
+- The remaining 64 numbers are the entries of the current sample
+ vector.