--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 1999 - 2016 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef dealii__la_parallel_block_vector_h
+#define dealii__la_parallel_block_vector_h
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/block_indices.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/block_vector_base.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/la_parallel_vector.h>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <vector>
+namespace PETScWrappers
+ namespace MPI
+ {
+ class BlockVector;
+ }
+namespace TrilinosWrappers
+ namespace MPI
+ {
+ class BlockVector;
+ }
+namespace LinearAlgebra
+ namespace distributed
+ {
+ /*! @addtogroup Vectors
+ *@{
+ */
+ /**
+ * An implementation of block vectors based on distributed deal.II
+ * vectors. While the base class provides for most of the interface, this
+ * class handles the actual allocation of vectors and provides functions
+ * that are specific to the underlying vector type.
+ *
+ * @note Instantiations for this template are provided for <tt>@<float@>
+ * and @<double@></tt>; others can be generated in application programs
+ * (see the section on
+ * @ref Instantiations
+ * in the manual).
+ *
+ * @see
+ * @ref GlossBlockLA "Block (linear algebra)"
+ * @author Katharina Kormann, Martin Kronbichler, 2011
+ */
+ template <typename Number>
+ class BlockVector : public BlockVectorBase<Vector<Number> >,
+ public VectorSpaceVector<Number>
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Typedef the base class for simpler access to its own typedefs.
+ */
+ typedef BlockVectorBase<Vector<Number> > BaseClass;
+ /**
+ * Typedef the type of the underlying vector.
+ */
+ typedef typename BaseClass::BlockType BlockType;
+ /**
+ * Import the typedefs from the base class.
+ */
+ typedef typename BaseClass::value_type value_type;
+ typedef typename BaseClass::real_type real_type;
+ typedef typename BaseClass::pointer pointer;
+ typedef typename BaseClass::const_pointer const_pointer;
+ typedef typename BaseClass::reference reference;
+ typedef typename BaseClass::const_reference const_reference;
+ typedef typename BaseClass::size_type size_type;
+ typedef typename BaseClass::iterator iterator;
+ typedef typename BaseClass::const_iterator const_iterator;
+ /**
+ * @name 1: Basic operations
+ */
+ //@{
+ /**
+ * Constructor. There are three ways to use this constructor. First,
+ * without any arguments, it generates an object with no blocks. Given
+ * one argument, it initializes <tt>num_blocks</tt> blocks, but these
+ * blocks have size zero. The third variant finally initializes all
+ * blocks to the same size <tt>block_size</tt>.
+ *
+ * Confer the other constructor further down if you intend to use blocks
+ * of different sizes.
+ */
+ explicit BlockVector (const size_type num_blocks = 0,
+ const size_type block_size = 0);
+ /**
+ * Copy-Constructor. Dimension set to that of V, all components are
+ * copied from V
+ */
+ BlockVector (const BlockVector<Number> &V);
+ /**
+ * Copy constructor taking a BlockVector of another data type. This will
+ * fail if there is no conversion path from <tt>OtherNumber</tt> to
+ * <tt>Number</tt>. Note that you may lose accuracy when copying to a
+ * BlockVector with data elements with less accuracy.
+ *
+ * Older versions of gcc did not honor the @p explicit keyword on
+ * template constructors. In such cases, it is easy to accidentally
+ * write code that can be very inefficient, since the compiler starts
+ * performing hidden conversions. To avoid this, this function is
+ * disabled if we have detected a broken compiler during configuration.
+ */
+ template <typename OtherNumber>
+ explicit
+ BlockVector (const BlockVector<OtherNumber> &v);
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Set the number of blocks to <tt>block_sizes.size()</tt>
+ * and initialize each block with <tt>block_sizes[i]</tt> zero elements.
+ */
+ BlockVector (const std::vector<size_type> &block_sizes);
+ /**
+ * Construct a block vector with an IndexSet for the local range and
+ * ghost entries for each block.
+ */
+ BlockVector (const std::vector<IndexSet> &local_ranges,
+ const std::vector<IndexSet> &ghost_indices,
+ const MPI_Comm communicator);
+ /**
+ * Same as above but the ghost indices are assumed to be empty.
+ */
+ BlockVector (const std::vector<IndexSet> &local_ranges,
+ const MPI_Comm communicator);
+ /**
+ * Destructor. Clears memory.
+ */
+ ~BlockVector ();
+ /**
+ * Copy operator: fill all components of the vector with the given
+ * scalar value.
+ */
+ BlockVector &operator = (const value_type s);
+ /**
+ * Copy operator for arguments of the same type. Resize the present
+ * vector if necessary.
+ */
+ BlockVector &
+ operator= (const BlockVector &V);
+ /**
+ * Copy operator for template arguments of different types. Resize the
+ * present vector if necessary.
+ */
+ template <class Number2>
+ BlockVector &
+ operator= (const BlockVector<Number2> &V);
+ /**
+ * Copy a regular vector into a block vector.
+ */
+ BlockVector &
+ operator= (const Vector<Number> &V);
+ /**
+ * Copy the content of a PETSc vector into the calling vector. This
+ * function assumes that the vectors layouts have already been
+ * initialized to match.
+ *
+ * This operator is only available if deal.II was configured with PETSc.
+ */
+ BlockVector<Number> &
+ operator = (const PETScWrappers::MPI::BlockVector &petsc_vec);
+ /**
+ * Copy the content of a Trilinos vector into the calling vector. This
+ * function assumes that the vectors layouts have already been
+ * initialized to match.
+ *
+ * This operator is only available if deal.II was configured with
+ * Trilinos.
+ */
+ BlockVector<Number> &
+ operator = (const TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector &trilinos_vec);
+ /**
+ * Reinitialize the BlockVector to contain <tt>num_blocks</tt> blocks of
+ * size <tt>block_size</tt> each.
+ *
+ * If the second argument is left at its default value, then the block
+ * vector allocates the specified number of blocks but leaves them at
+ * zero size. You then need to later reinitialize the individual blocks,
+ * and call collect_sizes() to update the block system's knowledge of
+ * its individual block's sizes.
+ *
+ * If <tt>omit_zeroing_entries==false</tt>, the vector is filled with
+ * zeros.
+ */
+ void reinit (const size_type num_blocks,
+ const size_type block_size = 0,
+ const bool omit_zeroing_entries = false);
+ /**
+ * Reinitialize the BlockVector such that it contains
+ * <tt>block_sizes.size()</tt> blocks. Each block is reinitialized to
+ * dimension <tt>block_sizes[i]</tt>.
+ *
+ * If the number of blocks is the same as before this function was
+ * called, all vectors remain the same and reinit() is called for each
+ * vector.
+ *
+ * If <tt>omit_zeroing_entries==false</tt>, the vector is filled with
+ * zeros.
+ *
+ * Note that you must call this (or the other reinit() functions)
+ * function, rather than calling the reinit() functions of an individual
+ * block, to allow the block vector to update its caches of vector
+ * sizes. If you call reinit() on one of the blocks, then subsequent
+ * actions on this object may yield unpredictable results since they may
+ * be routed to the wrong block.
+ */
+ void reinit (const std::vector<size_type> &N,
+ const bool omit_zeroing_entries=false);
+ /**
+ * Change the dimension to that of the vector <tt>V</tt>. The same
+ * applies as for the other reinit() function.
+ *
+ * The elements of <tt>V</tt> are not copied, i.e. this function is the
+ * same as calling <tt>reinit (V.size(), omit_zeroing_entries)</tt>.
+ *
+ * Note that you must call this (or the other reinit() functions)
+ * function, rather than calling the reinit() functions of an individual
+ * block, to allow the block vector to update its caches of vector
+ * sizes. If you call reinit() of one of the blocks, then subsequent
+ * actions of this object may yield unpredictable results since they may
+ * be routed to the wrong block.
+ */
+ template <typename Number2>
+ void reinit (const BlockVector<Number2> &V,
+ const bool omit_zeroing_entries=false);
+ /**
+ * This function copies the data that has accumulated in the data buffer
+ * for ghost indices to the owning processor. For the meaning of the
+ * argument @p operation, see the entry on
+ * @ref GlossCompress "Compressing distributed vectors and matrices"
+ * in the glossary.
+ *
+ * There are two variants for this function. If called with argument @p
+ * VectorOperation::add adds all the data accumulated in ghost elements
+ * to the respective elements on the owning processor and clears the
+ * ghost array afterwards. If called with argument @p
+ * VectorOperation::insert, a set operation is performed. Since setting
+ * elements in a vector with ghost elements is ambiguous (as one can set
+ * both the element on the ghost site as well as the owning site), this
+ * operation makes the assumption that all data is set correctly on the
+ * owning processor. Upon call of compress(VectorOperation::insert), all
+ * ghost entries are therefore simply zeroed out (using
+ * zero_ghost_values()). In debug mode, a check is performed that makes
+ * sure that the data set is actually consistent between processors,
+ * i.e., whenever a non-zero ghost element is found, it is compared to
+ * the value on the owning processor and an exception is thrown if these
+ * elements do not agree.
+ *
+ */
+ void compress (::dealii::VectorOperation::values operation);
+ /**
+ * Fills the data field for ghost indices with the values stored in the
+ * respective positions of the owning processor. This function is needed
+ * before reading from ghosts. The function is @p const even though
+ * ghost data is changed. This is needed to allow functions with a @p
+ * const vector to perform the data exchange without creating
+ * temporaries.
+ */
+ void update_ghost_values () const;
+ /**
+ * This method zeros the entries on ghost dofs, but does not touch
+ * locally owned DoFs.
+ *
+ * After calling this method, read access to ghost elements of the
+ * vector is forbidden and an exception is thrown. Only write access to
+ * ghost elements is allowed in this state.
+ */
+ void zero_out_ghosts ();
+ /**
+ * Returns if this Vector contains ghost elements.
+ */
+ bool has_ghost_elements() const;
+ /**
+ * This is a collective add operation that adds a whole set of values
+ * stored in @p values to the vector components specified by @p indices.
+ */
+ template <typename OtherNumber>
+ void add (const std::vector<size_type> &indices,
+ const ::dealii::Vector<OtherNumber> &values);
+ /**
+ * Scaling and simple vector addition, i.e. <tt>*this =
+ * s*(*this)+V</tt>.
+ */
+ void sadd (const Number s,
+ const BlockVector<Number> &V);
+ /**
+ * Assignment <tt>*this = a*u + b*v</tt>.
+ *
+ * This function is deprecated.
+ */
+ void equ (const Number a, const BlockVector<Number> &u,
+ const Number b, const BlockVector<Number> &v) DEAL_II_DEPRECATED;
+ /**
+ * Scaling and multiple addition.
+ *
+ * This function is deprecated.
+ */
+ void sadd (const Number s,
+ const Number a,
+ const BlockVector<Number> &V,
+ const Number b,
+ const BlockVector<Number> &W) DEAL_II_DEPRECATED;
+ /**
+ * Return whether the vector contains only elements with value zero.
+ * This function is mainly for internal consistency checks and should
+ * seldom be used when not in debug mode since it uses quite some time.
+ */
+ bool all_zero () const;
+ /**
+ * Computes the mean value of all the entries in the vector.
+ */
+ Number mean_value () const;
+ /**
+ * $l_p$-norm of the vector. The pth root of the sum of the pth powers
+ * of the absolute values of the elements.
+ */
+ real_type lp_norm (const real_type p) const;
+ /**
+ * Swap the contents of this vector and the other vector <tt>v</tt>. One
+ * could do this operation with a temporary variable and copying over
+ * the data elements, but this function is significantly more efficient
+ * since it only swaps the pointers to the data of the two vectors and
+ * therefore does not need to allocate temporary storage and move data
+ * around.
+ *
+ * Limitation: right now this function only works if both vectors have
+ * the same number of blocks. If needed, the numbers of blocks should be
+ * exchanged, too.
+ *
+ * This function is analog to the the swap() function of all C++
+ * standard containers. Also, there is a global function swap(u,v) that
+ * simply calls <tt>u.swap(v)</tt>, again in analogy to standard
+ * functions.
+ */
+ void swap (BlockVector<Number> &v);
+ //@}
+ /**
+ * @name 2: Implementation of VectorSpaceVector
+ */
+ //@{
+ /**
+ * Multiply the entire vector by a fixed factor.
+ */
+ virtual BlockVector<Number> &operator*= (const Number factor);
+ /**
+ * Divide the entire vector by a fixed factor.
+ */
+ virtual BlockVector<Number> &operator/= (const Number factor);
+ /**
+ * Add the vector @p V to the present one.
+ */
+ virtual BlockVector<Number> &operator+= (const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &V);
+ /**
+ * Subtract the vector @p V from the present one.
+ */
+ virtual BlockVector<Number> &operator-= (const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &V);
+ /**
+ * Import all the elements present in the vector's IndexSet from the input
+ * vector @p V. VectorOperation::values @p operation is used to decide if
+ * the elements in @p V should be added to the current vector or replace the
+ * current elements. The last parameter can be used if the same
+ * communication pattern is used multiple times. This can be used to improve
+ * performance.
+ */
+ virtual void import(const LinearAlgebra::ReadWriteVector<Number> &V,
+ VectorOperation::values operation,
+ std_cxx11::shared_ptr<const CommunicationPatternBase> communication_pattern =
+ std_cxx11::shared_ptr<const CommunicationPatternBase> ());
+ /**
+ * Return the scalar product of two vectors.
+ */
+ virtual Number operator* (const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &V) const;
+ /**
+ * Add @p a to all components. Note that @p a is a scalar not a vector.
+ */
+ virtual void add(const Number a);
+ /**
+ * Simple addition of a multiple of a vector, i.e. <tt>*this += a*V</tt>.
+ */
+ virtual void add(const Number a, const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &V);
+ /**
+ * Multiple addition of scaled vectors, i.e. <tt>*this += a*V+b*W</tt>.
+ */
+ virtual void add(const Number a, const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &V,
+ const Number b, const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &W);
+ /**
+ * Scaling and simple addition of a multiple of a vector, i.e. <tt>*this =
+ * s*(*this)+a*V</tt>.
+ */
+ virtual void sadd(const Number s, const Number a,
+ const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &V);
+ /**
+ * Scale each element of this vector by the corresponding element in the
+ * argument. This function is mostly meant to simulate multiplication (and
+ * immediate re-assignment) by a diagonal scaling matrix.
+ */
+ virtual void scale(const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &scaling_factors);
+ /**
+ * Assignment <tt>*this = a*V</tt>.
+ */
+ virtual void equ(const Number a, const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &V);
+ /**
+ * Return the l<sub>1</sub> norm of the vector (i.e., the sum of the
+ * absolute values of all entries among all processors).
+ */
+ virtual real_type l1_norm() const;
+ /**
+ * Return the l<sub>2</sub> norm of the vector (i.e., the square root of
+ * the sum of the square of all entries among all processors).
+ */
+ virtual real_type l2_norm() const;
+ /**
+ * Return the maximum norm of the vector (i.e., the maximum absolute value
+ * among all entries and among all processors).
+ */
+ virtual real_type linfty_norm() const;
+ /**
+ * Perform a combined operation of a vector addition and a subsequent
+ * inner product, returning the value of the inner product. In other
+ * words, the result of this function is the same as if the user called
+ * @code
+ * this->add(a, V);
+ * return_value = *this * W;
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * The reason this function exists is that this operation involves less
+ * memory transfer than calling the two functions separately. This method
+ * only needs to load three vectors, @p this, @p V, @p W, whereas calling
+ * separate methods means to load the calling vector @p this twice. Since
+ * most vector operations are memory transfer limited, this reduces the
+ * time by 25\% (or 50\% if @p W equals @p this).
+ */
+ virtual Number add_and_dot(const Number a,
+ const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &V,
+ const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &W);
+ /**
+ * Return the global size of the vector, equal to the sum of the number of
+ * locally owned indices among all processors.
+ */
+ virtual size_type size() const;
+ /**
+ * Return an index set that describes which elements of this vector are
+ * owned by the current processor. As a consequence, the index sets
+ * returned on different procesors if this is a distributed vector will
+ * form disjoint sets that add up to the complete index set. Obviously, if
+ * a vector is created on only one processor, then the result would
+ * satisfy
+ * @code
+ * vec.locally_owned_elements() == complete_index_set(vec.size())
+ * @endcode
+ */
+ virtual dealii::IndexSet locally_owned_elements() const;
+ /**
+ * Print the vector to the output stream @p out.
+ */
+ virtual void print(std::ostream &out,
+ const unsigned int precision=3,
+ const bool scientific=true,
+ const bool across=true) const;
+ /**
+ * Return the memory consumption of this class in bytes.
+ */
+ virtual std::size_t memory_consumption() const;
+ //@}
+ /**
+ * @addtogroup Exceptions
+ * @{
+ */
+ /**
+ * Attempt to perform an operation between two incompatible vector types.
+ *
+ * @ingroup Exceptions
+ */
+ DeclException0(ExcVectorTypeNotCompatible);
+ /**
+ * Exception
+ */
+ DeclException0 (ExcIteratorRangeDoesNotMatchVectorSize);
+ //@}
+ };
+ /*@}*/
+ } // end of namespace distributed
+} // end of namespace parallel
+ * Global function which overloads the default implementation of the C++
+ * standard library which uses a temporary object. The function simply
+ * exchanges the data of the two vectors.
+ *
+ * @relates BlockVector
+ * @author Katharina Kormann, Martin Kronbichler, 2011
+ */
+template <typename Number>
+void swap (LinearAlgebra::distributed::BlockVector<Number> &u,
+ LinearAlgebra::distributed::BlockVector<Number> &v)
+ u.swap (v);
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 1999 - 2016 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef dealii__parallel_block_vector_templates_h
+#define dealii__parallel_block_vector_templates_h
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/la_parallel_block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/petsc_parallel_block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_parallel_block_vector.h>
+namespace LinearAlgebra
+ namespace distributed
+ {
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number>::BlockVector (const size_type n_blocks,
+ const size_type block_size)
+ {
+ reinit (n_blocks, block_size);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number>::BlockVector (const std::vector<size_type> &n)
+ {
+ reinit (n, false);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number>::BlockVector (const std::vector<IndexSet> &local_ranges,
+ const std::vector<IndexSet> &ghost_indices,
+ const MPI_Comm communicator)
+ {
+ std::vector<size_type> sizes(local_ranges.size());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<local_ranges.size(); ++i)
+ sizes[i] = local_ranges[i].size();
+ this->block_indices.reinit(sizes);
+ this->components.resize(this->n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ this->block(i).reinit(local_ranges[i], ghost_indices[i], communicator);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number>::BlockVector (const std::vector<IndexSet> &local_ranges,
+ const MPI_Comm communicator)
+ {
+ std::vector<size_type> sizes(local_ranges.size());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<local_ranges.size(); ++i)
+ sizes[i] = local_ranges[i].size();
+ this->block_indices.reinit(sizes);
+ this->components.resize(this->n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ this->block(i).reinit(local_ranges[i], communicator);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number>::BlockVector (const BlockVector<Number> &v)
+ :
+ BlockVectorBase<Vector<Number> > ()
+ {
+ this->components.resize (v.n_blocks());
+ this->block_indices = v.block_indices;
+ for (size_type i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ this->components[i] = v.components[i];
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ template <typename OtherNumber>
+ BlockVector<Number>::BlockVector (const BlockVector<OtherNumber> &v)
+ {
+ reinit (v, true);
+ *this = v;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void BlockVector<Number>::reinit (const size_type n_bl,
+ const size_type bl_sz,
+ const bool omit_zeroing_entries)
+ {
+ std::vector<size_type> n(n_bl, bl_sz);
+ reinit(n, omit_zeroing_entries);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void BlockVector<Number>::reinit (const std::vector<size_type> &n,
+ const bool omit_zeroing_entries)
+ {
+ this->block_indices.reinit (n);
+ if (this->components.size() != this->n_blocks())
+ this->components.resize(this->n_blocks());
+ for (size_type i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ this->components[i].reinit(n[i], omit_zeroing_entries);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ template <typename Number2>
+ void BlockVector<Number>::reinit (const BlockVector<Number2> &v,
+ const bool omit_zeroing_entries)
+ {
+ this->block_indices = v.get_block_indices();
+ if (this->components.size() != this->n_blocks())
+ this->components.resize(this->n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ this->block(i).reinit(v.block(i), omit_zeroing_entries);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number>::~BlockVector ()
+ {}
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number> &
+ BlockVector<Number>::operator = (const value_type s)
+ {
+ AssertIsFinite(s);
+ BaseClass::operator = (s);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number> &
+ BlockVector<Number>::operator = (const BlockVector &v)
+ {
+ // we only allow assignment to vectors with the same number of blocks
+ // or to an empty BlockVector
+ Assert (this->n_blocks() == 0 || this->n_blocks() == v.n_blocks(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks()));
+ if (this->n_blocks() != v.n_blocks())
+ reinit(v.n_blocks(), true);
+ for (size_type i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ this->components[i] = v.block(i);
+ this->collect_sizes();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number> &
+ BlockVector<Number>::operator = (const Vector<Number> &v)
+ {
+ BaseClass::operator = (v);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ template <typename Number2>
+ BlockVector<Number> &
+ BlockVector<Number>::operator = (const BlockVector<Number2> &v)
+ {
+ reinit (v, true);
+ BaseClass::operator = (v);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number> &
+ BlockVector<Number>::operator = (const PETScWrappers::MPI::BlockVector &petsc_vec)
+ {
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), petsc_vec.n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ this->block(i) = petsc_vec.block(i);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number> &
+ BlockVector<Number>::operator = (const TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector &trilinos_vec)
+ {
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), trilinos_vec.n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ this->block(i) = trilinos_vec.block(i);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::compress (::dealii::VectorOperation::values operation)
+ {
+ // start all requests for all blocks before finishing the transfers as
+ // this saves repeated synchronizations. In order to avoid conflict with
+ // possible other ongoing communication requests (from
+ // LA::distributed::Vector that supports unfinished requests), add an
+ // arbitrary number 8273 to the communication tag
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).compress_start(block + 8273, operation);
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).compress_finish(operation);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::update_ghost_values () const
+ {
+ // In order to avoid conflict with possible other ongoing communication
+ // requests (from LA::distributed::Vector that supports unfinished
+ // requests), add an arbitrary number 9923 to the communication tag
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).update_ghost_values_start(block + 9923);
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).update_ghost_values_finish();
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::zero_out_ghosts ()
+ {
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).zero_out_ghosts();
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ bool
+ BlockVector<Number>::has_ghost_elements () const
+ {
+ bool has_ghost_elements = false;
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ if (this->block(block).has_ghost_elements() == true)
+ has_ghost_elements = true;
+ return has_ghost_elements;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number> &
+ BlockVector<Number>::operator *= (const Number factor)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block) *= factor;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number> &
+ BlockVector<Number>::operator /= (const Number factor)
+ {
+ operator *= (static_cast<Number>(1.)/factor);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::scale (const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &vv)
+ {
+ // Downcast. Throws an exception if invalid.
+ Assert(dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> *>(&vv)!=NULL,
+ ExcVectorTypeNotCompatible());
+ const BlockVector<Number> &v = dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> &>(vv);
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).scale(v.block(block));
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::equ (const Number a,
+ const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &vv)
+ {
+ // Downcast. Throws an exception if invalid.
+ Assert(dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> *>(&vv)!=NULL,
+ ExcVectorTypeNotCompatible());
+ const BlockVector<Number> &v = dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> &>(vv);
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).equ(a, v.block(block));
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::equ (const Number a,
+ const BlockVector<Number> &v,
+ const Number b,
+ const BlockVector<Number> &w)
+ {
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), w.n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).equ(a, v.block(block), b, w.block(block));
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number> &
+ BlockVector<Number>::operator += (const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &vv)
+ {
+ // Downcast. Throws an exception if invalid.
+ Assert(dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> *>(&vv)!=NULL,
+ ExcVectorTypeNotCompatible());
+ const BlockVector<Number> &v = dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> &>(vv);
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block) += v.block(block);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ BlockVector<Number> &
+ BlockVector<Number>::operator -= (const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &vv)
+ {
+ // Downcast. Throws an exception if invalid.
+ Assert(dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> *>(&vv)!=NULL,
+ ExcVectorTypeNotCompatible());
+ const BlockVector<Number> &v = dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> &>(vv);
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block) -= v.block(block);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::add (const Number a)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).add(a);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::add (const Number a,
+ const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &vv)
+ {
+ // Downcast. Throws an exception if invalid.
+ Assert(dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> *>(&vv)!=NULL,
+ ExcVectorTypeNotCompatible());
+ const BlockVector<Number> &v = dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> &>(vv);
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).add(a, v.block(block));
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::add (const Number a,
+ const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &vv,
+ const Number b,
+ const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &ww)
+ {
+ // Downcast. Throws an exception if invalid.
+ Assert(dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> *>(&vv)!=NULL,
+ ExcVectorTypeNotCompatible());
+ const BlockVector<Number> &v = dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> &>(vv);
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ Assert(dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> *>(&ww)!=NULL,
+ ExcVectorTypeNotCompatible());
+ const BlockVector<Number> &w = dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> &>(ww);
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).add(a, v.block(block), b, w.block(block));
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::sadd (const Number x,
+ const Number a,
+ const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &vv)
+ {
+ // Downcast. Throws an exception if invalid.
+ Assert(dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> *>(&vv)!=NULL,
+ ExcVectorTypeNotCompatible());
+ const BlockVector<Number> &v = dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> &>(vv);
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).sadd(x, a, v.block(block));
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::sadd (const Number x,
+ const BlockVector<Number> &v)
+ {
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).sadd(x, v.block(block));
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::sadd (const Number x,
+ const Number a,
+ const BlockVector<Number> &v,
+ const Number b,
+ const BlockVector<Number> &w)
+ {
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), w.n_blocks());
+ for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
+ this->block(block).sadd(x, a, v.block(block), b, w.block(block));
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ template <typename OtherNumber>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::add (const std::vector<size_type> &indices,
+ const ::dealii::Vector<OtherNumber> &values)
+ {
+ for (size_type i=0; i<indices.size(); ++i)
+ (*this)(indices[i]) += values[i];
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ bool
+ BlockVector<Number>::all_zero () const
+ {
+ Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
+ // use int instead of bool. in order to make global reduction operations
+ // work also when MPI_Init was not called, only call MPI_Allreduce
+ // commands when there is more than one processor (note that reinit()
+ // functions handle this case correctly through the job_supports_mpi()
+ // query). this is the same in all the functions below
+ int local_result = -1;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ local_result = std::max(local_result,
+ -static_cast<int>(this->block(i).all_zero_local()));
+ if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
+ return -Utilities::MPI::max(local_result,
+ this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator());
+ else
+ return local_result;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ Number
+ BlockVector<Number>::operator * (const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &vv) const
+ {
+ Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
+ // Downcast. Throws an exception if invalid.
+ Assert(dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> *>(&vv)!=NULL,
+ ExcVectorTypeNotCompatible());
+ const BlockVector<Number> &v = dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> &>(vv);
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ Number local_result = Number();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ local_result += this->block(i).inner_product_local(v.block(i));
+ if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
+ return Utilities::MPI::sum (local_result,
+ this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator());
+ else
+ return local_result;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline
+ Number
+ BlockVector<Number>::mean_value () const
+ {
+ Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
+ Number local_result = Number();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ local_result += this->block(i).mean_value_local()*(real_type)this->block(i).partitioner->local_size();
+ if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
+ return Utilities::MPI::sum (local_result,
+ this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator())/
+ (real_type)this->size();
+ else
+ return local_result/(real_type)this->size();
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline
+ typename BlockVector<Number>::real_type
+ BlockVector<Number>::l1_norm () const
+ {
+ Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
+ real_type local_result = real_type();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ local_result += this->block(i).l1_norm_local();
+ if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
+ return Utilities::MPI::sum (local_result,
+ this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator());
+ else
+ return local_result;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline
+ typename BlockVector<Number>::real_type
+ BlockVector<Number>::l2_norm () const
+ {
+ Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
+ real_type local_result = real_type();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ local_result += this->block(i).norm_sqr_local();
+ if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
+ return std::sqrt(Utilities::MPI::sum (local_result,
+ this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator()));
+ else
+ return std::sqrt(local_result);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline
+ typename BlockVector<Number>::real_type
+ BlockVector<Number>::lp_norm (const real_type p) const
+ {
+ Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
+ real_type local_result = real_type();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ local_result += std::pow(this->block(i).lp_norm_local(p), p);
+ if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
+ return std::pow (Utilities::MPI::sum(local_result,
+ this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator()),
+ static_cast<real_type>(1.0/p));
+ else
+ return std::pow (local_result, static_cast<real_type>(1.0/p));
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline
+ typename BlockVector<Number>::real_type
+ BlockVector<Number>::linfty_norm () const
+ {
+ Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
+ real_type local_result = real_type();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ local_result = std::max(local_result, this->block(i).linfty_norm_local());
+ if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
+ return Utilities::MPI::max (local_result,
+ this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator());
+ else
+ return local_result;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline
+ Number
+ BlockVector<Number>::add_and_dot (const Number a,
+ const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &vv,
+ const VectorSpaceVector<Number> &ww)
+ {
+ // Downcast. Throws an exception if invalid.
+ Assert(dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> *>(&vv)!=NULL,
+ ExcVectorTypeNotCompatible());
+ const BlockVector<Number> &v = dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> &>(vv);
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
+ // Downcast. Throws an exception if invalid.
+ Assert(dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> *>(&ww)!=NULL,
+ ExcVectorTypeNotCompatible());
+ const BlockVector<Number> &w = dynamic_cast<const BlockVector<Number> &>(ww);
+ AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), w.n_blocks());
+ Number local_result = Number();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ local_result += this->block(i).add_and_dot_local(a, v.block(i), w.block(i));
+ if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
+ return Utilities::MPI::sum (local_result,
+ this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator());
+ else
+ return local_result;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::swap (BlockVector<Number> &v)
+ {
+ Assert (this->n_blocks() == v.n_blocks(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks()));
+ for (size_type i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
+ dealii::swap (this->components[i], v.components[i]);
+ dealii::swap (this->block_indices, v.block_indices);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ typename BlockVector<Number>::size_type
+ BlockVector<Number>::size () const
+ {
+ return this->block_indices.total_size();
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ inline
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::import(const LinearAlgebra::ReadWriteVector<Number> &,
+ VectorOperation::values,
+ std_cxx11::shared_ptr<const CommunicationPatternBase>)
+ {
+ AssertThrow(false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ IndexSet
+ BlockVector<Number>::locally_owned_elements () const
+ {
+ IndexSet is (size());
+ // copy index sets from blocks into the global one, shifted by the
+ // appropriate amount for each block
+ for (unsigned int b=0; b<this->n_blocks(); ++b)
+ {
+ IndexSet x = this->block(b).locally_owned_elements();
+ is.add_indices(x, this->block_indices.block_start(b));
+ }
+ is.compress();
+ return is;
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ void
+ BlockVector<Number>::print(std::ostream &out,
+ const unsigned int precision,
+ const bool scientific,
+ const bool across) const
+ {
+ for (unsigned int b=0; b<this->n_blocks(); ++b)
+ this->block(b).print(out, precision, scientific, across);
+ }
+ template <typename Number>
+ std::size_t
+ BlockVector<Number>::memory_consumption () const
+ {
+ std::size_t mem = sizeof(this->n_blocks());
+ for (size_type i=0; i<this->components.size(); ++i)
+ mem += MemoryConsumption::memory_consumption (this->components[i]);
+ mem += MemoryConsumption::memory_consumption (this->block_indices);
+ return mem;
+ }
+ } // end of namespace distributed
+} // end of namespace parallel
-namespace parallel
+namespace LinearAlgebra
namespace distributed
* Make BlockVector type friends.
- template <typename Number2> friend class dealii::parallel::distributed::BlockVector;
+ template <typename Number2> friend class BlockVector;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Copyright (C) 1999 - 2016 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 2011 - 2016 by the deal.II authors
// This file is part of the deal.II library.
#ifndef dealii__parallel_block_vector_h
#define dealii__parallel_block_vector_h
#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
-#include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
-#include <deal.II/lac/block_indices.h>
-#include <deal.II/lac/block_vector_base.h>
-#include <deal.II/lac/parallel_vector.h>
-#include <deal.II/lac/petsc_parallel_block_vector.h>
-#include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_parallel_block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/la_parallel_block_vector.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iomanip>
-#include <cstdio>
-#include <vector>
namespace distributed
/*! @addtogroup Vectors
* An implementation of block vectors based on distributed deal.II
* vectors. While the base class provides for most of the interface, this
* @ref GlossBlockLA "Block (linear algebra)"
* @author Katharina Kormann, Martin Kronbichler, 2011
- template <typename Number>
- class BlockVector : public BlockVectorBase<Vector<Number> >
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Typedef the base class for simpler access to its own typedefs.
- */
- typedef BlockVectorBase<Vector<Number> > BaseClass;
- /**
- * Typedef the type of the underlying vector.
- */
- typedef typename BaseClass::BlockType BlockType;
- /**
- * Import the typedefs from the base class.
- */
- typedef typename BaseClass::value_type value_type;
- typedef typename BaseClass::real_type real_type;
- typedef typename BaseClass::pointer pointer;
- typedef typename BaseClass::const_pointer const_pointer;
- typedef typename BaseClass::reference reference;
- typedef typename BaseClass::const_reference const_reference;
- typedef typename BaseClass::size_type size_type;
- typedef typename BaseClass::iterator iterator;
- typedef typename BaseClass::const_iterator const_iterator;
- /**
- * Constructor. There are three ways to use this constructor. First,
- * without any arguments, it generates an object with no blocks. Given
- * one argument, it initializes <tt>num_blocks</tt> blocks, but these
- * blocks have size zero. The third variant finally initializes all
- * blocks to the same size <tt>block_size</tt>.
- *
- * Confer the other constructor further down if you intend to use blocks
- * of different sizes.
- */
- explicit BlockVector (const size_type num_blocks = 0,
- const size_type block_size = 0);
- /**
- * Copy-Constructor. Dimension set to that of V, all components are
- * copied from V
- */
- BlockVector (const BlockVector<Number> &V);
- /**
- * Copy constructor taking a BlockVector of another data type. This will
- * fail if there is no conversion path from <tt>OtherNumber</tt> to
- * <tt>Number</tt>. Note that you may lose accuracy when copying to a
- * BlockVector with data elements with less accuracy.
- *
- * Older versions of gcc did not honor the @p explicit keyword on
- * template constructors. In such cases, it is easy to accidentally
- * write code that can be very inefficient, since the compiler starts
- * performing hidden conversions. To avoid this, this function is
- * disabled if we have detected a broken compiler during configuration.
- */
- template <typename OtherNumber>
- explicit
- BlockVector (const BlockVector<OtherNumber> &v);
- /**
- * Constructor. Set the number of blocks to <tt>block_sizes.size()</tt>
- * and initialize each block with <tt>block_sizes[i]</tt> zero elements.
- */
- BlockVector (const std::vector<size_type> &block_sizes);
- /**
- * Construct a block vector with an IndexSet for the local range and
- * ghost entries for each block.
- */
- BlockVector (const std::vector<IndexSet> &local_ranges,
- const std::vector<IndexSet> &ghost_indices,
- const MPI_Comm communicator);
- /**
- * Same as above but the ghost indices are assumed to be empty.
- */
- BlockVector (const std::vector<IndexSet> &local_ranges,
- const MPI_Comm communicator);
- /**
- * Destructor. Clears memory.
- */
- ~BlockVector ();
- /**
- * Copy operator: fill all components of the vector with the given
- * scalar value.
- */
- BlockVector &operator = (const value_type s);
- /**
- * Copy operator for arguments of the same type. Resize the present
- * vector if necessary.
- */
- BlockVector &
- operator= (const BlockVector &V);
- /**
- * Copy operator for template arguments of different types. Resize the
- * present vector if necessary.
- */
- template <class Number2>
- BlockVector &
- operator= (const BlockVector<Number2> &V);
- /**
- * Copy a regular vector into a block vector.
- */
- BlockVector &
- operator= (const Vector<Number> &V);
- /**
- * Copy the content of a PETSc vector into the calling vector. This
- * function assumes that the vectors layouts have already been
- * initialized to match.
- *
- * This operator is only available if deal.II was configured with PETSc.
- */
- BlockVector<Number> &
- operator = (const PETScWrappers::MPI::BlockVector &petsc_vec);
- /**
- * Copy the content of a Trilinos vector into the calling vector. This
- * function assumes that the vectors layouts have already been
- * initialized to match.
- *
- * This operator is only available if deal.II was configured with
- * Trilinos.
- */
- BlockVector<Number> &
- operator = (const TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector &trilinos_vec);
- /**
- * Reinitialize the BlockVector to contain <tt>num_blocks</tt> blocks of
- * size <tt>block_size</tt> each.
- *
- * If the second argument is left at its default value, then the block
- * vector allocates the specified number of blocks but leaves them at
- * zero size. You then need to later reinitialize the individual blocks,
- * and call collect_sizes() to update the block system's knowledge of
- * its individual block's sizes.
- *
- * If <tt>omit_zeroing_entries==false</tt>, the vector is filled with
- * zeros.
- */
- void reinit (const size_type num_blocks,
- const size_type block_size = 0,
- const bool omit_zeroing_entries = false);
- /**
- * Reinitialize the BlockVector such that it contains
- * <tt>block_sizes.size()</tt> blocks. Each block is reinitialized to
- * dimension <tt>block_sizes[i]</tt>.
- *
- * If the number of blocks is the same as before this function was
- * called, all vectors remain the same and reinit() is called for each
- * vector.
- *
- * If <tt>omit_zeroing_entries==false</tt>, the vector is filled with
- * zeros.
- *
- * Note that you must call this (or the other reinit() functions)
- * function, rather than calling the reinit() functions of an individual
- * block, to allow the block vector to update its caches of vector
- * sizes. If you call reinit() on one of the blocks, then subsequent
- * actions on this object may yield unpredictable results since they may
- * be routed to the wrong block.
- */
- void reinit (const std::vector<size_type> &N,
- const bool omit_zeroing_entries=false);
- /**
- * Change the dimension to that of the vector <tt>V</tt>. The same
- * applies as for the other reinit() function.
- *
- * The elements of <tt>V</tt> are not copied, i.e. this function is the
- * same as calling <tt>reinit (V.size(), omit_zeroing_entries)</tt>.
- *
- * Note that you must call this (or the other reinit() functions)
- * function, rather than calling the reinit() functions of an individual
- * block, to allow the block vector to update its caches of vector
- * sizes. If you call reinit() of one of the blocks, then subsequent
- * actions of this object may yield unpredictable results since they may
- * be routed to the wrong block.
- */
- template <typename Number2>
- void reinit (const BlockVector<Number2> &V,
- const bool omit_zeroing_entries=false);
- /**
- * This function copies the data that has accumulated in the data buffer
- * for ghost indices to the owning processor. For the meaning of the
- * argument @p operation, see the entry on
- * @ref GlossCompress "Compressing distributed vectors and matrices"
- * in the glossary.
- *
- * There are two variants for this function. If called with argument @p
- * VectorOperation::add adds all the data accumulated in ghost elements
- * to the respective elements on the owning processor and clears the
- * ghost array afterwards. If called with argument @p
- * VectorOperation::insert, a set operation is performed. Since setting
- * elements in a vector with ghost elements is ambiguous (as one can set
- * both the element on the ghost site as well as the owning site), this
- * operation makes the assumption that all data is set correctly on the
- * owning processor. Upon call of compress(VectorOperation::insert), all
- * ghost entries are therefore simply zeroed out (using
- * zero_ghost_values()). In debug mode, a check is performed that makes
- * sure that the data set is actually consistent between processors,
- * i.e., whenever a non-zero ghost element is found, it is compared to
- * the value on the owning processor and an exception is thrown if these
- * elements do not agree.
- *
- */
- void compress (::dealii::VectorOperation::values operation);
- /**
- * Fills the data field for ghost indices with the values stored in the
- * respective positions of the owning processor. This function is needed
- * before reading from ghosts. The function is @p const even though
- * ghost data is changed. This is needed to allow functions with a @p
- * const vector to perform the data exchange without creating
- * temporaries.
- */
- void update_ghost_values () const;
- /**
- * This method zeros the entries on ghost dofs, but does not touch
- * locally owned DoFs.
- *
- * After calling this method, read access to ghost elements of the
- * vector is forbidden and an exception is thrown. Only write access to
- * ghost elements is allowed in this state.
- */
- void zero_out_ghosts ();
- /**
- * Returns if this Vector contains ghost elements.
- */
- bool has_ghost_elements() const;
- /**
- * Return whether the vector contains only elements with value zero.
- * This function is mainly for internal consistency checks and should
- * seldom be used when not in debug mode since it uses quite some time.
- */
- bool all_zero () const;
- /**
- * Return @p true if the vector has no negative entries, i.e. all
- * entries are zero or positive. This function is used, for example, to
- * check whether refinement indicators are really all positive (or
- * zero).
- *
- * The function obviously only makes sense if the template argument of
- * this class is a real type. If it is a complex type, then an exception
- * is thrown.
- */
- bool is_non_negative () const;
- /**
- * Checks for equality of the two vectors.
- */
- template <typename Number2>
- bool operator == (const BlockVector<Number2> &v) const;
- /**
- * Checks for inequality of the two vectors.
- */
- template <typename Number2>
- bool operator != (const BlockVector<Number2> &v) const;
- /**
- * Perform the inner product of two vectors.
- */
- template <typename Number2>
- Number operator * (const BlockVector<Number2> &V) const;
- /**
- * Computes the square of the l<sub>2</sub> norm of the vector (i.e.,
- * the sum of the squares of all entries among all processors).
- */
- real_type norm_sqr () const;
- /**
- * Computes the mean value of all the entries in the vector.
- */
- Number mean_value () const;
- /**
- * Returns the l<sub>1</sub> norm of the vector (i.e., the sum of the
- * absolute values of all entries among all processors).
- */
- real_type l1_norm () const;
- /**
- * Returns the l<sub>2</sub> norm of the vector (i.e., square root of
- * the sum of the square of all entries among all processors).
- */
- real_type l2_norm () const;
- /**
- * Returns the l<sub>p</sub> norm with real @p p of the vector (i.e.,
- * the pth root of sum of the pth power of all entries among all
- * processors).
- */
- real_type lp_norm (const real_type p) const;
- /**
- * Returns the maximum norm of the vector (i.e., maximum absolute value
- * among all entries among all processors).
- */
- real_type linfty_norm () const;
- /**
- * Performs a combined operation of a vector addition and a subsequent
- * inner product, returning the value of the inner product. In other
- * words, the result of this function is the same as if the user called
- * @code
- * this->add(a, V);
- * return_value = *this * W;
- * @endcode
- *
- * The reason this function exists is that this operation involves less
- * memory transfer than calling the two functions separately. This
- * method only needs to load three vectors, @p this, @p V, @p W, whereas
- * calling separate methods means to load the calling vector @p this
- * twice. Since most vector operations are memory transfer limited, this
- * reduces the time by 25\% (or 50\% if @p W equals @p this).
- */
- Number add_and_dot (const Number a,
- const BlockVector<Number> &V,
- const BlockVector<Number> &W);
- /**
- * Multiply each element of this vector by the corresponding element of
- * <tt>v</tt>.
- */
- template <class BlockVector2>
- void scale (const BlockVector2 &v);
- /**
- * Swap the contents of this vector and the other vector <tt>v</tt>. One
- * could do this operation with a temporary variable and copying over
- * the data elements, but this function is significantly more efficient
- * since it only swaps the pointers to the data of the two vectors and
- * therefore does not need to allocate temporary storage and move data
- * around.
- *
- * Limitation: right now this function only works if both vectors have
- * the same number of blocks. If needed, the numbers of blocks should be
- * exchanged, too.
- *
- * This function is analog to the the swap() function of all C++
- * standard containers. Also, there is a global function swap(u,v) that
- * simply calls <tt>u.swap(v)</tt>, again in analogy to standard
- * functions.
- */
- void swap (BlockVector<Number> &v);
- /**
- * @addtogroup Exceptions
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * Exception
- */
- DeclException0 (ExcIteratorRangeDoesNotMatchVectorSize);
- //@}
- };
+ using LinearAlgebra::distributed::BlockVector;
-#ifndef DOXYGEN
- /*----------------------- Inline functions ----------------------------------*/
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number>::BlockVector (const size_type n_blocks,
- const size_type block_size)
- {
- reinit (n_blocks, block_size);
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number>::BlockVector (const std::vector<size_type> &n)
- {
- reinit (n, false);
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number>::BlockVector (const std::vector<IndexSet> &local_ranges,
- const std::vector<IndexSet> &ghost_indices,
- const MPI_Comm communicator)
- {
- std::vector<size_type> sizes(local_ranges.size());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<local_ranges.size(); ++i)
- sizes[i] = local_ranges[i].size();
- this->block_indices.reinit(sizes);
- this->components.resize(this->n_blocks());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- this->block(i).reinit(local_ranges[i], ghost_indices[i], communicator);
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number>::BlockVector (const std::vector<IndexSet> &local_ranges,
- const MPI_Comm communicator)
- {
- std::vector<size_type> sizes(local_ranges.size());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<local_ranges.size(); ++i)
- sizes[i] = local_ranges[i].size();
- this->block_indices.reinit(sizes);
- this->components.resize(this->n_blocks());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- this->block(i).reinit(local_ranges[i], communicator);
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number>::BlockVector (const BlockVector<Number> &v)
- :
- BlockVectorBase<Vector<Number> > ()
- {
- this->components.resize (v.n_blocks());
- this->block_indices = v.block_indices;
- for (size_type i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- this->components[i] = v.components[i];
- }
- template <typename Number>
- template <typename OtherNumber>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number>::BlockVector (const BlockVector<OtherNumber> &v)
- {
- reinit (v, true);
- *this = v;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- void BlockVector<Number>::reinit (const size_type n_bl,
- const size_type bl_sz,
- const bool omit_zeroing_entries)
- {
- std::vector<size_type> n(n_bl, bl_sz);
- reinit(n, omit_zeroing_entries);
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- void BlockVector<Number>::reinit (const std::vector<size_type> &n,
- const bool omit_zeroing_entries)
- {
- this->block_indices.reinit (n);
- if (this->components.size() != this->n_blocks())
- this->components.resize(this->n_blocks());
- for (size_type i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- this->components[i].reinit(n[i], omit_zeroing_entries);
- }
- template <typename Number>
- template <typename Number2>
- inline
- void BlockVector<Number>::reinit (const BlockVector<Number2> &v,
- const bool omit_zeroing_entries)
- {
- this->block_indices = v.get_block_indices();
- if (this->components.size() != this->n_blocks())
- this->components.resize(this->n_blocks());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- this->block(i).reinit(v.block(i), omit_zeroing_entries);
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number>::~BlockVector ()
- {}
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number> &
- BlockVector<Number>::operator = (const value_type s)
- {
- AssertIsFinite(s);
- BaseClass::operator = (s);
- return *this;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number> &
- BlockVector<Number>::operator = (const BlockVector &v)
- {
- // we only allow assignment to vectors with the same number of blocks
- // or to an empty BlockVector
- Assert (this->n_blocks() == 0 || this->n_blocks() == v.n_blocks(),
- ExcDimensionMismatch(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks()));
- if (this->n_blocks() != v.n_blocks())
- reinit(v.n_blocks(), true);
- for (size_type i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- this->components[i] = v.block(i);
- this->collect_sizes();
- return *this;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number> &
- BlockVector<Number>::operator = (const Vector<Number> &v)
- {
- BaseClass::operator = (v);
- return *this;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- template <typename Number2>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number> &
- BlockVector<Number>::operator = (const BlockVector<Number2> &v)
- {
- reinit (v, true);
- BaseClass::operator = (v);
- return *this;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number> &
- BlockVector<Number>::operator = (const PETScWrappers::MPI::BlockVector &petsc_vec)
- {
- AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), petsc_vec.n_blocks());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- this->block(i) = petsc_vec.block(i);
- return *this;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- BlockVector<Number> &
- BlockVector<Number>::operator = (const TrilinosWrappers::MPI::BlockVector &trilinos_vec)
- {
- AssertDimension(this->n_blocks(), trilinos_vec.n_blocks());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- this->block(i) = trilinos_vec.block(i);
- return *this;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- void
- BlockVector<Number>::compress (::dealii::VectorOperation::values operation)
- {
- // start all requests for all blocks before finishing the transfers as
- // this saves repeated synchronizations
- for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
- this->block(block).compress_start(block*10 + 8273, operation);
- for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
- this->block(block).compress_finish(operation);
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- void
- BlockVector<Number>::update_ghost_values () const
- {
- for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
- this->block(block).update_ghost_values_start(block*10 + 9923);
- for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
- this->block(block).update_ghost_values_finish();
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- void
- BlockVector<Number>::zero_out_ghosts ()
- {
- for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
- this->block(block).zero_out_ghosts();
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- bool
- BlockVector<Number>::has_ghost_elements () const
- {
- bool has_ghost_elements = false;
- for (unsigned int block=0; block<this->n_blocks(); ++block)
- if (this->block(block).has_ghost_elements() == true)
- has_ghost_elements = true;
- return has_ghost_elements;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- bool
- BlockVector<Number>::all_zero () const
- {
- Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
- // use int instead of bool. in order to make global reduction operations
- // work also when MPI_Init was not called, only call MPI_Allreduce
- // commands when there is more than one processor (note that reinit()
- // functions handle this case correctly through the job_supports_mpi()
- // query). this is the same in all the functions below
- int local_result = -1;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- local_result = std::max(local_result,
- -static_cast<int>(this->block(i).all_zero_local()));
- if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
- return -Utilities::MPI::max(local_result,
- this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator());
- else
- return local_result;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- bool
- BlockVector<Number>::is_non_negative () const
- {
- Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
- int local_result = -1;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- local_result = std::max(local_result,
- -static_cast<int>(this->block(i).is_non_negative_local()));
- if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
- return Utilities::MPI::max(local_result,
- this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator());
- else
- return local_result;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- template <typename Number2>
- inline
- bool
- BlockVector<Number>::operator == (const BlockVector<Number2> &v) const
- {
- Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
- AssertDimension (this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
- // MPI does not support bools, so use unsigned int instead. Two vectors
- // are equal if the check for non-equal fails on all processors
- unsigned int local_result = 0;
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- local_result = std::max(local_result,
- static_cast<unsigned int>(!this->block(i).vectors_equal_local(v.block(i))));
- unsigned int result =
- this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1
- ?
- Utilities::MPI::max(local_result, this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator())
- :
- local_result;
- return result==0;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- template <typename Number2>
- inline
- bool
- BlockVector<Number>::operator != (const BlockVector<Number2> &v) const
- {
- return !(operator == (v));
- }
- template <typename Number>
- template <typename Number2>
- inline
- Number
- BlockVector<Number>::operator * (const BlockVector<Number2> &v) const
- {
- Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
- AssertDimension (this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks());
- Number local_result = Number();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- local_result += this->block(i).inner_product_local(v.block(i));
- if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
- return Utilities::MPI::sum (local_result,
- this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator());
- else
- return local_result;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- typename BlockVector<Number>::real_type
- BlockVector<Number>::norm_sqr () const
- {
- Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
- real_type local_result = real_type();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- local_result += this->block(i).norm_sqr_local();
- if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
- return Utilities::MPI::sum (local_result,
- this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator());
- else
- return local_result;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- Number
- BlockVector<Number>::mean_value () const
- {
- Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
- Number local_result = Number();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- local_result += this->block(i).mean_value_local()*(real_type)this->block(i).partitioner->local_size();
- if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
- return Utilities::MPI::sum (local_result,
- this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator())/
- (real_type)this->size();
- else
- return local_result/(real_type)this->size();
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- typename BlockVector<Number>::real_type
- BlockVector<Number>::l1_norm () const
- {
- Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
- real_type local_result = real_type();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- local_result += this->block(i).l1_norm_local();
- if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
- return Utilities::MPI::sum (local_result,
- this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator());
- else
- return local_result;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- typename BlockVector<Number>::real_type
- BlockVector<Number>::l2_norm () const
- {
- return std::sqrt(norm_sqr());
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- typename BlockVector<Number>::real_type
- BlockVector<Number>::lp_norm (const real_type p) const
- {
- Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
- real_type local_result = real_type();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- local_result += std::pow(this->block(i).lp_norm_local(p), p);
- if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
- return std::pow (Utilities::MPI::sum(local_result,
- this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator()),
- static_cast<real_type>(1.0/p));
- else
- return std::pow (local_result, static_cast<real_type>(1.0/p));
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- typename BlockVector<Number>::real_type
- BlockVector<Number>::linfty_norm () const
- {
- Assert (this->n_blocks() > 0, ExcEmptyObject());
- real_type local_result = real_type();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- local_result = std::max(local_result, this->block(i).linfty_norm_local());
- if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
- return Utilities::MPI::max (local_result,
- this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator());
- else
- return local_result;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- Number
- BlockVector<Number>::add_and_dot (const Number a,
- const BlockVector<Number> &V,
- const BlockVector<Number> &W)
- {
- Number local_result = Number();
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- local_result += this->block(i).add_and_dot_local(a, V.block(i), W.block(i));
- if (this->block(0).partitioner->n_mpi_processes() > 1)
- return Utilities::MPI::sum (local_result,
- this->block(0).partitioner->get_communicator());
- else
- return local_result;
- }
- template <typename Number>
- inline
- void
- BlockVector<Number>::swap (BlockVector<Number> &v)
- {
- Assert (this->n_blocks() == v.n_blocks(),
- ExcDimensionMismatch(this->n_blocks(), v.n_blocks()));
- for (size_type i=0; i<this->n_blocks(); ++i)
- dealii::swap (this->components[i], v.components[i]);
- dealii::swap (this->block_indices, v.block_indices);
- }
- template <typename Number>
- template <class BlockVector2>
- void BlockVector<Number>::scale (const BlockVector2 &v)
- {
- BaseClass::scale (v);
- }
-#endif // DOXYGEN
- } // end of namespace distributed
-} // end of namespace parallel
- * Global function which overloads the default implementation of the C++
- * standard library which uses a temporary object. The function simply
- * exchanges the data of the two vectors.
- *
- * @relates BlockVector
- * @author Katharina Kormann, Martin Kronbichler, 2011
- */
-template <typename Number>
-void swap (parallel::distributed::BlockVector<Number> &u,
- parallel::distributed::BlockVector<Number> &v)
- u.swap (v);
+ }
namespace distributed
- template <typename Number> class BlockVector;
/*! @addtogroup Vectors
* @author Katharina Kormann, Martin Kronbichler, 2010, 2011
using LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector;
+ /*@}*/
+ la_parallel_block_vector.cc
+ la_parallel_block_vector.inst.in
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2016 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include <deal.II/lac/la_parallel_block_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/la_parallel_block_vector.templates.h>
+#include "la_parallel_block_vector.inst"
+// do a few functions that currently don't fit the scheme because they have
+// two template arguments that need to be different (the case of same
+// arguments is covered by the default copy constructor and copy operator that
+// is declared separately)
+namespace LinearAlgebra
+ namespace distributed
+ {
+ template BlockVector<S1>& BlockVector<S1>::operator=<S2> (const BlockVector<S2> &)
+ }
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ namespace LinearAlgebra
+ \{
+ namespace distributed
+ \{
+ template class BlockVector<SCALAR>;
+ \}
+ \}
+for (S1, S2 : REAL_SCALARS)
+ namespace LinearAlgebra
+ \{
+ namespace distributed
+ \{
+ template void BlockVector<S1>::reinit<S2> (const BlockVector<S2>&,
+ const bool);
+ template void BlockVector<S1>::add<S2> (const std::vector<size_type> &,
+ const ::dealii::Vector<S2>&);
+ \}
+ \}
template void Vector<S1>::reinit<S2> (const Vector<S2>&,
const bool);
+ template S1 Vector<S1>::inner_product_local<S2> (const Vector<S2>&) const;
comm = std_cxx11::make_shared<const MPI_Comm>(communicator);
Epetra_Map vector_space_vector_map = vector_space_vector_index_set.make_trilinos_map(*comm,
- true);
+ false);
Epetra_Map read_write_vector_map = read_write_vector_index_set.make_trilinos_map(*comm,
// check inner product
- const double norm_sqr = w.norm_sqr();
- AssertThrow (std::fabs(w * w - norm_sqr) < 1e-15,
+ const double norm_sqr = w.l2_norm() * w.l2_norm();
+ AssertThrow (std::fabs(w * w - norm_sqr) < 1e-12,
parallel::distributed::BlockVector<double> w2;
w2 = w;
- AssertThrow (std::fabs(w2 * w - norm_sqr) < 1e-15,
+ AssertThrow (std::fabs(w2 * w - norm_sqr) < 1e-12,
if (myid<8)
deallog << "Inner product: " << inner_prod << std::endl;
- // check operator ==
- {
- parallel::distributed::BlockVector<double> w2 (w);
- bool equal = (w2 == w);
- if (myid == 0)
- deallog << " v==v2 ? " << equal << std::endl;
- bool not_equal = (w2 != w);
- if (myid == 0)
- deallog << " v!=v2 ? " << not_equal << std::endl;
- // change v2 on one proc only
- if (myid == 0)
- w2.block(0).local_element(1) = 2.2212;
- equal = (w2 == w);
- if (myid == 0)
- deallog << " v==v2 ? " << equal << std::endl;
- not_equal = (w2 != w);
- if (myid == 0)
- deallog << " v!=v2 ? " << not_equal << std::endl;
- // reset
- w2 = w;
- equal = (w2 == w);
- if (myid == 0)
- deallog << " v==v2 ? " << equal << std::endl;
- not_equal = (w2 != w);
- if (myid == 0)
- deallog << " v!=v2 ? " << not_equal << std::endl;
- // change some value on all procs
- if (myid < 8)
- w2.block(1).local_element(0) = -1;
- equal = (w2 == w);
- if (myid == 0)
- deallog << " v==v2 ? " << equal << std::endl;
- not_equal = (w2 != w);
- if (myid == 0)
- deallog << " v!=v2 ? " << not_equal << std::endl;
- }
// check all_zero
bool allzero = w.all_zero();
deallog << " v2==0 ? " << allzero << std::endl;
- // check all_non_negative
- {
- bool allnonneg = w.is_non_negative();
- if (myid == 0)
- deallog << " v>=0 ? " << allnonneg << std::endl;
- parallel::distributed::BlockVector<double> w2, w3;
- // vector where all processors have
- // non-negative entries
- w2 = w;
- if (myid < 8)
- w2.block(0).local_element(0) = -1;
- allnonneg = w2.is_non_negative();
- if (myid == 0)
- deallog << " v2>=0 ? " << allnonneg << std::endl;
- // zero vector
- w3.reinit (w2);
- allnonneg = w3.is_non_negative();
- if (myid == 0)
- deallog << " v3>=0 ? " << allnonneg << std::endl;
- // only one processor has non-negative entry
- w3 = w;
- if (myid == 1 || numproc==1)
- w3.block(0).local_element(0) = -1;
- allnonneg = w3.is_non_negative();
- if (myid == 0)
- deallog << " v3>=0 ? " << allnonneg << std::endl;
- }
if (myid == 0)
deallog << "OK" << std::endl;
DEAL:0::l2.2 norm: 3.295
DEAL:0::Mean value: 1.000
DEAL:0::Inner product: 12.00
-DEAL:0:: v==v2 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v!=v2 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v==v2 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v!=v2 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v==v2 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v!=v2 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v==v2 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v!=v2 ? 1
DEAL:0:: v==0 ? 0
DEAL:0:: v2==0 ? 1
DEAL:0:: v2==0 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v>=0 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v2>=0 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v3>=0 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v3>=0 ? 0
DEAL:0::l2.2 norm: 104.6
DEAL:0::Mean value: 15.00
DEAL:0::Inner product: 1.253e+04
-DEAL:0:: v==v2 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v!=v2 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v==v2 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v!=v2 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v==v2 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v!=v2 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v==v2 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v!=v2 ? 1
DEAL:0:: v==0 ? 0
DEAL:0:: v2==0 ? 1
DEAL:0:: v2==0 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v>=0 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v2>=0 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v3>=0 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v3>=0 ? 0
DEAL:0::l2.2 norm: 36.31
DEAL:0::Mean value: 7.000
DEAL:0::Inner product: 1432.
-DEAL:0:: v==v2 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v!=v2 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v==v2 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v!=v2 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v==v2 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v!=v2 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v==v2 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v!=v2 ? 1
DEAL:0:: v==0 ? 0
DEAL:0:: v2==0 ? 1
DEAL:0:: v2==0 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v>=0 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v2>=0 ? 0
-DEAL:0:: v3>=0 ? 1
-DEAL:0:: v3>=0 ? 0