number operator () (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j) const;
+ /**
+ * Matrix-vector multiplication:
+ * let $dst = M*src$ with $M$
+ * being this matrix.
+ */
+ template <typename somenumber>
+ void vmult (BlockVector<rows,somenumber> &dst,
+ const BlockVector<columns,somenumber> &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Matrix-vector multiplication:
+ * let $dst = M^T*src$ with $M$
+ * being this matrix. This
+ * function does the same as
+ * #vmult# but takes the
+ * transposed matrix.
+ */
+ template <typename somenumber>
+ void Tvmult (BlockVector<columns,somenumber> &dst,
+ const BlockVector<rows,somenumber> &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Adding Matrix-vector
+ * multiplication. Add $M*src$ on
+ * $dst$ with $M$ being this
+ * matrix.
+ */
+ template <typename somenumber>
+ void vmult_add (BlockVector<rows,somenumber> &dst,
+ const BlockVector<columns,somenumber> &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Adding Matrix-vector
+ * multiplication. Add $M^T*src$
+ * to $dst$ with $M$ being this
+ * matrix. This function does the
+ * same as #vmult_add# but takes
+ * the transposed matrix.
+ */
+ template <typename somenumber>
+ void Tvmult_add (BlockVector<columns,somenumber> &dst,
+ const BlockVector<rows,somenumber> &src) const;
+ /**
+ * Return the norm of the vector
+ * $v$ with respect to the norm
+ * induced by this matrix,
+ * i.e. $\left(v,Mv\right)$. This
+ * is useful, e.g. in the finite
+ * element context, where the
+ * $L_2$ norm of a function
+ * equals the matrix norm with
+ * respect to the mass matrix of
+ * the vector representing the
+ * nodal values of the finite
+ * element function. Note that
+ * even though the function's
+ * name might suggest something
+ * different, for historic
+ * reasons not the norm but its
+ * square is returned, as defined
+ * above by the scalar product.
+ *
+ * Obviously, the matrix needs to
+ * be square for this operation.
+ */
+ template <typename somenumber>
+ somenumber matrix_norm (const BlockVector<rows,somenumber> &v) const;
* Pointer to the block sparsity
*sparsity_pattern = *m.sparsity_pattern;
for (unsigned int r=0; r<rows; ++r)
for (unsigned int c=0; c<columns; ++c)
- sub_objects[r][c] = m.sub_objects[r][c];
+ block(r,c) = m.block(r,c);
for (unsigned int r=0; r<rows; ++r)
for (unsigned int c=0; c<columns; ++c)
- sub_objects[r][c].reinit ();
+ block(r,c).reinit ();
for (unsigned int r=0; r<rows; ++r)
for (unsigned int c=0; c<columns; ++c)
- sub_objects[r][c].reinit (sparsity.block(r,c));
+ block(r,c).reinit (sparsity.block(r,c));
-template <int rows, int columns>
+template <typename number, int rows, int columns>
+SparseMatrix<number> &
BlockSparseMatrix<number,rows,columns>::block (const unsigned int row,
const unsigned int column)
+ Assert (row<rows, ExcIndexRange (row, 0, rows));
+ Assert (column<columns, ExcIndexRange (column, 0, columns));
return sub_objects[row][column];
-template <int rows, int columns>
+template <typename number, int rows, int columns>
const SparseMatrix<number> &
BlockSparseMatrix<number,rows,columns>::block (const unsigned int row,
const unsigned int column) const
+ Assert (row<rows, ExcIndexRange (row, 0, rows));
+ Assert (column<columns, ExcIndexRange (column, 0, columns));
return sub_objects[row][column];
sparsity_pattern = 0;
for (unsigned int r=0; r<rows; ++r)
for (unsigned int c=0; c<columns; ++c)
- sub_objects[r][c].clear ();
+ block(r,c).clear ();
for (unsigned int r=0; r<rows; ++r)
for (unsigned int c=0; c<columns; ++c)
- if (sub_objects[r][c].empty () == false)
+ if (block(r,c).empty () == false)
return false;
return true;
const pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>
row_index = sparsity_pattern->row_indices.global_to_local (i),
col_index = sparsity_pattern->column_indices.global_to_local (j);
- sub_objects[row_index.first][col_index.first].set (row_index.second,
- col_index.second,
- value);
+ block(row_index.first,col_index.first).set (row_index.second,
+ col_index.second,
+ value);
const pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>
row_index = sparsity_pattern->row_indices.global_to_local (i),
col_index = sparsity_pattern->column_indices.global_to_local (j);
- sub_objects[row_index.first][col_index.first].add (row_index.second,
- col_index.second,
- value);
+ block(row_index.first,col_index.first).add (row_index.second,
+ col_index.second,
+ value);
for (unsigned int r=0; r<rows; ++r)
for (unsigned int c=0; c<columns; ++c)
- sub_objects[r][c].copy_from (source.sub_objects[r][c]);
+ block(r,c).copy_from (source.block(r,c));
return *this;
for (unsigned int r=0; r<rows; ++r)
for (unsigned int c=0; c<columns; ++c)
- sub_objects[r][c].add_scaled (factor, matrix.sub_objects[r][c]);
+ block(r,c).add_scaled (factor, matrix.block(r,c));
const pair<unsigned int,unsigned int>
row_index = sparsity_pattern->row_indices.global_to_local (i),
col_index = sparsity_pattern->column_indices.global_to_local (j);
- return sub_objects[row_index.first][col_index.first] (row_index.second,
- col_index.second);
+ return block(row_index.first,col_index.first) (row_index.second,
+ col_index.second);
+template <typename number, int rows, int columns>
+template <typename somenumber>
+vmult (BlockVector<rows,somenumber> &dst,
+ const BlockVector<columns,somenumber> &src) const
+ for (unsigned int row=0; row<rows; ++row)
+ {
+ block(row,0).vmult (dst.block(row),
+ src.block(0));
+ for (unsigned int col=1; col<columns; ++col)
+ block(row,col).vmult_add (dst.block(row),
+ src.block(col));
+ };
+template <typename number, int rows, int columns>
+template <typename somenumber>
+vmult_add (BlockVector<rows,somenumber> &dst,
+ const BlockVector<columns,somenumber> &src) const
+ for (unsigned int row=0; row<rows; ++row)
+ {
+ block(row,0).vmult_add (dst.block(row),
+ src.block(0));
+ for (unsigned int col=1; col<columns; ++col)
+ block(row,col).vmult_add (dst.block(row),
+ src.block(col));
+ };
+template <typename number, int rows, int columns>
+template <typename somenumber>
+Tvmult (BlockVector<columns,somenumber> &/*dst*/,
+ const BlockVector<rows,somenumber> &/*src*/) const
+ // presently not
+ // implemented. should be simple,
+ // but don't have the time right
+ // now.
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+template <typename number, int rows, int columns>
+template <typename somenumber>
+Tvmult_add (BlockVector<columns,somenumber> &/*dst*/,
+ const BlockVector<rows,somenumber> &/*src*/) const
+ // presently not
+ // implemented. should be simple,
+ // but don't have the time right
+ // now.
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
#endif // __deal2__block_sparse_matrix_h