- const std::vector<unsigned int> &boundary_cells,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &cells_with_comm,
const unsigned int dofs_per_cell,
+ const bool categories_are_hp,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &cell_vectorization_categories,
const bool cell_vectorization_categories_strict,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &parent_relation,
std::vector<unsigned int> & renumbering,
std::vector<unsigned char> & incompletely_filled_vectorization)
- const unsigned int n_macro_cells =
- (n_active_cells + vectorization_length - 1) / vectorization_length;
- const unsigned int n_ghost_slots =
- (n_ghost_cells + vectorization_length - 1) / vectorization_length;
- incompletely_filled_vectorization.resize(n_macro_cells + n_ghost_slots);
- renumbering.resize(n_active_cells + n_ghost_cells,
- numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
- // Define the outer number of partitions. In the MPI case, we have three
- // partitions (part before comm, part with comm, part after comm)
- if (n_procs == 1)
- partition_row_index.resize(3);
- else
- partition_row_index.resize(5);
- int max_parent_index = -1;
- for (unsigned int i : parent_relation)
- if (i != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- max_parent_index = std::max(static_cast<int>(i), max_parent_index);
- unsigned int expected_group_size =
- max_parent_index != -1 ?
- std::count(parent_relation.begin(), parent_relation.end(), 0) :
- 1;
- std::vector<unsigned char> cell_marked(n_active_cells + n_ghost_cells, 0);
- if (n_procs > 1)
- {
- // This lambda is used to mark the siblings (belong to the same
- // parent) if a particular cell was touched in a pass as well
- const auto mark_siblings =
- [&](const unsigned int mark,
- const std::vector<bool> &relevant_parents) {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_active_cells; ++i)
- if (cell_marked[i] == 0 &&
- parent_relation[i] != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int &&
- relevant_parents[parent_relation[i]])
- cell_marked[i] = mark;
- };
- // This lambda makes the cells at the processor boundary divisible
- // by the vectorization length; we start the fillup with the more
- // unstructured cells without a parent to increase chances that the
- // cells sharing the parent get placed together
- const auto fill_up_vectorization = [&](const unsigned int mark) {
- unsigned int n_marked_cells =
- std::count(cell_marked.begin(),
- cell_marked.begin() + n_active_cells,
- mark);
- unsigned int n_available_cells =
- std::count(cell_marked.begin(),
- cell_marked.begin() + n_active_cells,
- 0);
- if (n_marked_cells % vectorization_length > 0 &&
- n_available_cells > 0)
- {
- unsigned int n_missing =
- vectorization_length -
- (n_marked_cells % vectorization_length);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_active_cells; ++i)
- if (cell_marked[i] == 0 &&
- parent_relation[i] == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- {
- cell_marked[i] = mark;
- --n_missing;
- --n_available_cells;
- ++n_marked_cells;
- if (n_missing == 0)
- break;
- }
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_active_cells; ++i)
- if (cell_marked[n_active_cells - 1 - i] == 0)
- {
- cell_marked[n_active_cells - 1 - i] = mark;
- --n_missing;
- --n_available_cells;
- ++n_marked_cells;
- if (n_missing == 0)
- break;
- }
- }
- Assert(n_marked_cells % vectorization_length == 0 ||
- n_available_cells == 0,
- ExcInternalError("error " + std::to_string(n_marked_cells) +
- " " + std::to_string(n_available_cells)));
- return n_marked_cells;
- };
- // Mark all cells needing data exchange as well as those belonging
- // to the same parent with a special number
- {
- std::vector<bool> parent_at_boundary(max_parent_index + 1);
- for (const unsigned int cell : boundary_cells)
- {
- cell_marked[cell] = 2;
- if (parent_relation[cell] != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- parent_at_boundary[parent_relation[cell]] = true;
- }
- mark_siblings(2, parent_at_boundary);
- }
- const unsigned int n_boundary_cells = fill_up_vectorization(2);
- // Mark the cells that get placed before the cells at processor
- // boundaries
- const unsigned int n_second_slot =
- ((n_active_cells - n_boundary_cells) / 2 / vectorization_length) *
- vectorization_length;
- unsigned int c = 0;
- {
- unsigned int count = 0;
- std::vector<bool> parent_marked(max_parent_index + 1, false);
- for (; c < n_active_cells && count < n_second_slot; ++c)
- if (cell_marked[c] == 0)
- {
- if (parent_relation[c] != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- parent_marked[parent_relation[c]] = true;
- cell_marked[c] = 1;
- ++count;
- }
- mark_siblings(1, parent_marked);
- fill_up_vectorization(1);
- }
- // Finally, mark the remaining cells
- for (; c < n_active_cells; ++c)
- if (cell_marked[c] == 0)
- cell_marked[c] = 3;
- for (; c < n_active_cells + n_ghost_cells; ++c)
- if (cell_marked[c] == 0)
- cell_marked[c] = 4;
- }
- else
- std::fill(cell_marked.begin(), cell_marked.end(), 1);
- for (const unsigned char marker : cell_marked)
- {
- (void)marker;
- Assert(marker != 0, ExcInternalError());
- }
+ // Give the compiler a chance to detect that vectorization_length is a
+ // power of two, which allows it to replace integer divisions by shifts
+ unsigned int vectorization_length_bits = 0;
+ unsigned int my_length = vectorization_length;
+ while (my_length >>= 1)
+ ++vectorization_length_bits;
+ const unsigned int n_lanes = 1 << vectorization_length_bits;
+ // Step 1: find tight map of categories for not taking exceeding amounts
+ // of memory below. Sort the new categories by the numbers in the
+ // old one to ensure we respect the given rules
unsigned int n_categories = 1;
- std::vector<unsigned int> tight_category_map;
+ std::vector<unsigned int> tight_category_map(n_active_cells, 0);
if (cell_vectorization_categories.empty() == false)
n_active_cells + n_ghost_cells);
- // create a tight map of categories for not taking exceeding amounts
- // of memory below. Sort the new categories by the numbers in the
- // old one.
- tight_category_map.resize(n_active_cells + n_ghost_cells);
std::set<unsigned int> used_categories;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_active_cells + n_ghost_cells; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_active_cells; ++i)
std::vector<unsigned int> used_categories_vector(
n_categories = 0;
for (const auto &it : used_categories)
used_categories_vector[n_categories++] = it;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_active_cells + n_ghost_cells; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_active_cells; ++i)
const unsigned int index =
AssertIndexRange(index, used_categories_vector.size());
tight_category_map[i] = index;
- // leave some more space for empty lanes
- incompletely_filled_vectorization.resize(
- incompletely_filled_vectorization.size() + 4 * n_categories);
- else
- tight_category_map.resize(n_active_cells + n_ghost_cells, 0);
- cell_partition_data.clear();
- cell_partition_data.resize(1, 0);
- unsigned int counter = 0;
- unsigned int n_cells = 0;
+ // Step 2: Sort the cells by the category. If we want to fill up the
+ // ranges in vectorization, promote some of the cells to a higher
+ // category
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int>> renumbering_category(n_categories);
- for (unsigned int block = 1; block < (n_procs > 1u ? 5u : 3u); ++block)
- {
- // step 1: sort by category
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_active_cells + n_ghost_cells; ++i)
- if (cell_marked[i] == block)
- renumbering_category[tight_category_map[i]].push_back(i);
- // step 2: if we want to fill up the ranges in vectorization, promote
- // some of the cells to a higher category
- if (cell_vectorization_categories_strict == false && n_categories > 1)
- for (unsigned int j = n_categories - 1; j > 0; --j)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n_active_cells; ++i)
+ renumbering_category[tight_category_map[i]].push_back(i);
+ if (cell_vectorization_categories_strict == false && n_categories > 1)
+ for (unsigned int j = n_categories - 1; j > 0; --j)
+ {
+ unsigned int lower_index = j - 1;
+ while (renumbering_category[j].size() % n_lanes)
- unsigned int lower_index = j - 1;
- while (renumbering_category[j].size() % vectorization_length)
+ while (renumbering_category[j].size() % n_lanes &&
+ !renumbering_category[lower_index].empty())
- while (renumbering_category[j].size() %
- vectorization_length &&
- !renumbering_category[lower_index].empty())
- {
- renumbering_category[j].push_back(
- renumbering_category[lower_index].back());
- renumbering_category[lower_index].pop_back();
- }
- if (lower_index == 0)
- break;
- else
- --lower_index;
+ renumbering_category[j].push_back(
+ renumbering_category[lower_index].back());
+ renumbering_category[lower_index].pop_back();
+ if (lower_index == 0)
+ break;
+ else
+ --lower_index;
+ }
- // step 3: append cells according to categories
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_categories; ++j)
- {
+ // Step 3: Use the parent relation to find a good grouping of cells. To
+ // do this, we first put cells of each category defined above into two
+ // bins, those which we know can be grouped together by the given parent
+ // relation and those which cannot
+ std::vector<unsigned int> temporary_numbering;
+ temporary_numbering.reserve(n_active_cells +
+ (n_lanes - 1) * n_categories);
+ const unsigned int n_cells_per_parent =
+ std::count(parent_relation.begin(), parent_relation.end(), 0);
+ std::vector<unsigned int> category_size;
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_categories; ++j)
+ {
+ std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> grouped_cells;
+ std::vector<unsigned int> other_cells;
+ for (const unsigned int cell : renumbering_category[j])
+ if (parent_relation.empty() ||
+ parent_relation[cell] == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ other_cells.push_back(cell);
+ else
+ grouped_cells.emplace_back(parent_relation[cell], cell);
+ // Compute the number of cells per group
+ std::sort(grouped_cells.begin(), grouped_cells.end());
+ std::vector<unsigned int> n_cells_per_group;
+ unsigned int length = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < grouped_cells.size(); ++i, ++length)
+ if (i > 0 && grouped_cells[i].first != grouped_cells[i - 1].first)
- // Among the current category, we need to distinguish cells
- // which we want to have grouped together and other cells. We
- // first start by setting up these two categories
- std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>>
- grouped_cells_tmp;
- std::vector<unsigned int> other_cells;
- for (const unsigned int cell : renumbering_category[j])
- if (parent_relation[cell] == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- other_cells.push_back(cell);
- else
- grouped_cells_tmp.emplace_back(parent_relation[cell], cell);
- // Create a CRS data structure to identify each of the chunks
- std::sort(grouped_cells_tmp.begin(), grouped_cells_tmp.end());
- std::vector<unsigned int> crs_group(1);
- for (unsigned int i = 1; i < grouped_cells_tmp.size(); ++i)
- if (grouped_cells_tmp[i].first !=
- grouped_cells_tmp[i - 1].first)
- crs_group.push_back(i);
- crs_group.push_back(grouped_cells_tmp.size());
- // Move groups that do not have the complete size (due to
- // categories) to the 'other_cells'
- std::vector<unsigned int> grouped_cells;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < crs_group.size() - 1; ++i)
- if (crs_group[i + 1] - crs_group[i] < expected_group_size)
- for (unsigned int j = crs_group[i]; j < crs_group[i + 1];
- ++j)
- other_cells.push_back(grouped_cells_tmp[j].second);
- else
- for (unsigned int j = crs_group[i]; j < crs_group[i + 1];
- ++j)
- grouped_cells.push_back(grouped_cells_tmp[j].second);
+ n_cells_per_group.push_back(length);
+ length = 0;
+ }
+ if (length > 0)
+ n_cells_per_group.push_back(length);
+ // Move groups that do not have the complete size (due to
+ // categories) to the 'other_cells'. The cells with correct group
+ // size are immediately appended to the temporary cell numbering
+ auto group_it = grouped_cells.begin();
+ for (unsigned int length : n_cells_per_group)
+ if (length < n_cells_per_parent)
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < length; ++j)
+ other_cells.push_back((group_it++)->second);
+ else
+ {
+ // we should not have more cells in a group than in the first
+ // check we did above
+ AssertDimension(length, n_cells_per_parent);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < length; ++j)
+ temporary_numbering.push_back((group_it++)->second);
+ }
- // Sort the remaining cells
- std::sort(other_cells.begin(), other_cells.end());
+ // Sort the remaining cells and append them as well
+ std::sort(other_cells.begin(), other_cells.end());
+ temporary_numbering.insert(temporary_numbering.end(),
+ other_cells.begin(),
+ other_cells.end());
- // Now fill in the cells from the two slots, the one with
- // groups and the one without
- auto regular = grouped_cells.begin();
- auto fillup = other_cells.begin();
- while (regular != grouped_cells.end() ||
- fillup != other_cells.end())
- {
- // Case 1: Fill up until the next expected group size
- while (counter % expected_group_size &&
- fillup != other_cells.end())
- renumbering[counter++] = *fillup++;
- // Case 2: If the start of the next group has a larger
- // index than all indices we have queued from the
- // irregular
- if (fillup + expected_group_size <= other_cells.end() &&
- (regular == grouped_cells.end() ||
- *(fillup + expected_group_size - 1) < *regular))
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < expected_group_size; ++j)
- renumbering[counter++] = *fillup++;
- // Case 3: Add a group at once
- if (regular != grouped_cells.end())
- for (unsigned int j = 0; j < expected_group_size; ++j)
- renumbering[counter++] = *regular++;
- // Case 4: The groups are empty, so fill up from the other
- // chunk
- else
- while (fillup != other_cells.end())
- renumbering[counter++] = *fillup++;
- }
- }
+ while (temporary_numbering.size() % n_lanes != 0)
+ temporary_numbering.push_back(numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
- unsigned int remainder =
- renumbering_category[j].size() % vectorization_length;
- if (remainder)
- incompletely_filled_vectorization
- [renumbering_category[j].size() / vectorization_length +
- n_cells] = remainder;
- const unsigned int n_my_macro_cells =
- (renumbering_category[j].size() + vectorization_length - 1) /
- vectorization_length;
- renumbering_category[j].clear();
- // step 4: create blocks for face integrals, make the number of
- // cells divisible by 4 if possible
- const unsigned int block_size =
- std::max((2048U / dofs_per_cell) / 8 * 4, 2U);
- if (block < 4)
- for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_my_macro_cells; k += block_size)
- cell_partition_data.push_back(
- n_cells + std::min(k + block_size, n_my_macro_cells));
- else
- cell_partition_data.back() += n_my_macro_cells;
- n_cells += n_my_macro_cells;
- }
- partition_row_index[block] = cell_partition_data.size() - 1;
- if (block == 3 || (block == 1 && n_procs == 1))
- cell_partition_data.push_back(n_cells);
+ category_size.push_back(temporary_numbering.size());
+ }
+ // Step 4: Identify the batches with cells marked as "comm"
+ std::vector<bool> batch_with_comm(temporary_numbering.size() / n_lanes,
+ false);
+ std::vector<unsigned int> temporary_numbering_inverse(n_active_cells);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < temporary_numbering.size(); ++i)
+ if (temporary_numbering[i] != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ temporary_numbering_inverse[temporary_numbering[i]] = i;
+ for (const unsigned int cell : cells_with_comm)
+ batch_with_comm[temporary_numbering_inverse[cell] / n_lanes] = true;
+ // Step 5: Sort the batches of cells by their last cell index to get
+ // good locality, assuming that the initial cell order is of good
+ // locality. In case we have hp calculations with categories, we need to
+ // sort also by the category.
+ std::vector<std::array<unsigned int, 3>> batch_order;
+ std::vector<std::array<unsigned int, 3>> batch_order_comm;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < temporary_numbering.size(); i += n_lanes)
+ {
+ unsigned int max_index = 0;
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < n_lanes; ++j)
+ if (temporary_numbering[i + j] < numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ max_index = std::max(temporary_numbering[i + j], max_index);
+ const unsigned int category_hp =
+ categories_are_hp ?
+ std::upper_bound(category_size.begin(), category_size.end(), i) -
+ category_size.begin() :
+ 0;
+ const std::array<unsigned int, 3> next{category_hp, max_index, i};
+ if (batch_with_comm[i / n_lanes])
+ batch_order_comm.emplace_back(next);
+ else
+ batch_order.emplace_back(next);
- if (cell_vectorization_categories_strict == true)
+ std::sort(batch_order.begin(), batch_order.end());
+ std::sort(batch_order_comm.begin(), batch_order_comm.end());
+ // Step 6: Put the cells with communication in the middle of the cell
+ // range. For the MPI case, we need three groups to enable overlap for
+ // communication and computation (part before comm, part with comm, part
+ // after comm), whereas we need one for the other case. And in each
+ // case, we allow for a slot of "ghosted" cells.
+ std::vector<unsigned int> blocks;
+ if (n_procs == 1)
- Assert(n_cells >= n_macro_cells + n_ghost_slots, ExcInternalError());
+ if (batch_order.empty())
+ std::swap(batch_order_comm, batch_order);
+ Assert(batch_order_comm.empty(), ExcInternalError());
+ partition_row_index.resize(3);
+ blocks = {0, static_cast<unsigned int>(batch_order.size())};
- AssertDimension(n_cells, n_macro_cells + n_ghost_slots);
+ partition_row_index.resize(5);
+ const unsigned int comm_begin = batch_order.size() / 2;
+ batch_order.insert(batch_order.begin() + comm_begin,
+ batch_order_comm.begin(),
+ batch_order_comm.end());
+ const unsigned int comm_end = comm_begin + batch_order_comm.size();
+ const unsigned int end = batch_order.size();
+ blocks = {0, comm_begin, comm_end, end};
- AssertDimension(cell_partition_data.back(), n_cells);
- AssertDimension(counter, n_active_cells + n_ghost_cells);
- incompletely_filled_vectorization.resize(cell_partition_data.back());
+ // Step 7: Fill in the data by batches for the locally owned cells.
+ const unsigned int n_cell_batches = batch_order.size();
+ const unsigned int n_ghost_batches =
+ (n_ghost_cells + n_lanes - 1) / n_lanes;
+ incompletely_filled_vectorization.resize(n_cell_batches +
+ n_ghost_batches);
+ cell_partition_data.clear();
+ cell_partition_data.resize(1, 0);
+ renumbering.clear();
+ renumbering.resize(n_active_cells + n_ghost_cells,
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int);
+ unsigned int counter = 0;
+ for (unsigned int block = 0; block < blocks.size() - 1; ++block)
+ {
+ const unsigned int grain_size =
+ std::max((2048U / dofs_per_cell) / 8 * 4, 2U);
+ for (unsigned int k = blocks[block]; k < blocks[block + 1];
+ k += grain_size)
+ cell_partition_data.push_back(
+ std::min(k + grain_size, blocks[block + 1]));
+ partition_row_index[block + 1] = cell_partition_data.size() - 1;
+ // Set the numbering according to the reordered temporary one
+ for (unsigned int k = blocks[block]; k < blocks[block + 1]; ++k)
+ {
+ const unsigned int pos = batch_order[k][2];
+ unsigned int j = 0;
+ for (; j < n_lanes && temporary_numbering[pos + j] !=
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+ ++j)
+ renumbering[counter++] = temporary_numbering[pos + j];
+ if (j < n_lanes)
+ incompletely_filled_vectorization[k] = j;
+ }
+ }
+ AssertDimension(counter, n_active_cells);
+ // Step 8: Treat the ghost cells
+ for (unsigned int cell = n_active_cells;
+ cell < n_active_cells + n_ghost_cells;
+ ++cell)
+ {
+ if (!cell_vectorization_categories.empty())
+ AssertDimension(cell_vectorization_categories[cell],
+ cell_vectorization_categories[n_active_cells]);
+ renumbering[cell] = cell;
+ }
+ if (n_ghost_cells % n_lanes)
+ incompletely_filled_vectorization.back() = n_ghost_cells % n_lanes;
+ cell_partition_data.push_back(n_cell_batches + n_ghost_batches);
+ partition_row_index.back() = cell_partition_data.size() - 1;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ std::vector<unsigned int> renumber_cpy(renumbering);
+ std::sort(renumber_cpy.begin(), renumber_cpy.end());
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < renumber_cpy.size(); ++i)
+ AssertDimension(i, renumber_cpy[i]);