measure(const dealii::TriaAccessor<2, dim, 3> &accessor)
// In general the area can be computed as
- // 0.25*(v_0+v_1-v_2-v_3)*(v_0-v_1+v_2-v_3)
- const Tensor<1, 3> piece_1 = accessor.vertex(0) + accessor.vertex(1) -
- accessor.vertex(2) - accessor.vertex(3);
- const Tensor<1, 3> piece_2 = accessor.vertex(0) - accessor.vertex(1) +
- accessor.vertex(2) - accessor.vertex(3);
- return 0.25 * cross_product_3d(piece_1, piece_2).norm();
+ // the integral of the cross product of the two tangential vectors
+ // If we assume a bilinear patch parametrized in u and v we get that
+ // t_u = (v_1 - v_0) + v (v_3 - v_2 - v_1 + v_0)
+ // t_v = (v_2 - v_0) + u (v_3 - v_2 - v_1 + v_0)
+ // So t_u x t_v = (v_1 - v_0) x (v_2 - v_0) + u (v_1 - v_0) x (v_3 - v_2 -
+ // v_1 + v_0) + v (v_3 - v_2 - v_1 + v_0) x (v_2 - v_0) t_u x t_v = w_1 + u
+ // w_2 + v w_3 we can integrate the square norm (t_u x t_v) * (t_u x t_v) =
+ // w_1*w_1 + u^2 w_2*w_2 + v^2 w_3*w_3 + 2u w_1*w_2 + 2v w_1*w_3 + 2uv
+ // w_2*w_3 in u and v getting (between zero and one) w_1*w_1 + 1/3 w_2*w_2 +
+ // 1/3 w_3*w_3 + w_1*w_2 + w_1*w_3 + 1/2 w_2*w_3
+ const Tensor<1, 3> w_1 =
+ cross_product_3d(accessor.vertex(1) - accessor.vertex(0),
+ accessor.vertex(2) - accessor.vertex(0));
+ const Tensor<1, 3> w_2 =
+ cross_product_3d(accessor.vertex(1) - accessor.vertex(0),
+ accessor.vertex(3) - accessor.vertex(2) -
+ accessor.vertex(1) + accessor.vertex(0));
+ const Tensor<1, 3> w_3 =
+ cross_product_3d(accessor.vertex(3) - accessor.vertex(2) -
+ accessor.vertex(1) + accessor.vertex(0),
+ accessor.vertex(2) - accessor.vertex(0));
+ return std::sqrt(scalar_product(w_1, w_1) + scalar_product(w_1, w_2) +
+ scalar_product(w_1, w_3) + 0.5 * scalar_product(w_2, w_3) +
+ 1. / 3 * scalar_product(w_2, w_2) +
+ 1. / 3 * scalar_product(w_3, w_3));
- // // a 2d cell in 3d space
- // double
- // measure(const dealii::TriaAccessor<2, 2, 3> &accessor)
- // {
- // // In general the area can be computed as
- // // 0.25*(v_0+v_1-v_2-v_3)*(v_0-v_1+v_2-v_3)
- // const Tensor<1, 3> piece_1 = accessor.vertex(0) + accessor.vertex(1) -
- // accessor.vertex(2) - accessor.vertex(3);
- // const Tensor<1, 3> piece_2 = accessor.vertex(0) - accessor.vertex(1) +
- // accessor.vertex(2) - accessor.vertex(3);
- // return 0.25 * cross_product_3d(piece_1, piece_2).norm();
- // }
template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>