// In the example below, we set reasonable default values, but these can be
// changed at run time by selecting any other supported function of the
- // GridGenerator namespace.
+ // GridGenerator namespace. If the GridGenerator function fails, this
+ // program will interpret the name of the grid as a vtk grid filename, and
+ // the arguments as a map from manifold_id to the cad files describing the
+ // geometry of the domain. Every CAD file will be analysed and a Manifold of
+ // the OpenCASCADE namespace will be generated according to the content of
+ // the CAD file itself.
// We do this for each of the generated grids, to be as generic as possible:
std::string name_of_grid1 = "hyper_cube";
void make_grid();
// These two methods are new w.r.t. previous examples, and initiliaze the
- // ParticleHandler objects used in this class. We have two such objects: one
- // is a passive tracer, used to plot the trajectories of fluid particles,
- // while the the other is composed of the actual solid quadrature points,
- // and represent material particles of the solid.
+ // Particles::ParticleHandler objects used in this class. We have two such
+ // objects: one is a passive tracer, used to plot the trajectories of fluid
+ // particles, while the the other is composed of the actual solid quadrature
+ // points, and represent material particles of the solid.
void setup_tracer_particles();
void setup_solid_particles();
// step.
void setup_dofs();
- // The assembly rutine is identical to other Stokes assembly rutines,
+ // The assembly rutine is very similar to other Stokes assembly rutines,
void assemble_stokes_system();
// with the exception of the Nistche restriction part, which exploits one of
// the particle handlers to integrate on a non-matching part of the fluid
// domain, corresponding to the position of the solid.
void assemble_nitsche_restriction();
+ // Nothing new in the solve routine, which is almost identical to step-60
void solve();
// The refine_and_transfer() method is called only every
// correctly to the new grid. This includes vector fields, as well as
// particle information.
void refine_and_transfer();
+ // Similarly, we call the output_results() method only every
+ // `output_frequency` steps. This method takes care of outputting both the
+ // fields variables,
void output_results(const unsigned int cycle, const double time) const;
+ // and the tracers:
output_particles(const Particles::ParticleHandler<dim, spacedim> &particles,
std::string fprefix,
MPI_Comm mpi_communicator;
- // For the current implemenation, only `fluid_fe` would be really necessary.
- // For completeness, and to allow easy extension, we keep also the
+ // For the current implemenation, only `fluid_fe` would is really necessary.
+ // For completeness, and to allow easy extensions, we keep also the
// `solid_fe` around, which is however initialized to a FE_Nothing finite
// element space, i.e., one that has no degrees of freedom.
// We declare both finite element spaces as unique pointers, to allow their
// generation after StokesImmersedProblemParameters has been initialized. In
- // particular, we assume that they are filled only after initial_setup() has
- // been called.
+ // particular, they will be initialized in te initial_setup() method
std::unique_ptr<FiniteElement<spacedim>> fluid_fe;
std::unique_ptr<FiniteElement<dim, spacedim>> solid_fe;
// only a part of the solid_tria, and only a part of the fluid_tria, not
// necessarily in the same physical region, and not necessarily overlapping.
+ // We could in principle try to create the initial subdivisions in such a
+ // way that they overlap between the solid and the fluid regions. However,
+ // this overlap would be destroyed during the simulation, and we would have
+ // to redistribute the dofs again and again. The approach we follow in this
+ // tutorial is more flexible, and not much more expensive. We make two
+ // all-to-all communications at the beginning of the simulation to exchange
+ // information about an (approximate) information of the geometrical
+ // occupancy of each processor (done through a collection of bounding
+ // boxes).
+ //
+ // This information is used by the Particles::ParticleHandler class
+ // to exchange (using a some-to-some communication pattern) all particles,
+ // so that every process knows about the particles that live on the
+ // region occupied by the fluid subdomain that it owns.
+ //
// In order to couple the overlapping regions, we exploit the facilities
// implemented in the ParticleHandler class.
parallel::distributed::Triangulation<spacedim> fluid_tria;
// domain.
std::unique_ptr<Quadrature<dim>> quadrature_formula;
+ // Finally, these are the two Particles::ParticleHandler classes used to
+ // couple the solid with the fluid, and to describe the passive tracers.
Particles::ParticleHandler<dim, spacedim> tracer_particle_handler;
Particles::ParticleHandler<dim, spacedim> solid_particle_handler;
+ // In this method, we show how to use the
+ // GridGenerator::generate_from_name_and_arguments() method to initialize the
+ // grids. Since both the name of the function and the grids
template <int dim, int spacedim>
void StokesImmersedProblem<dim, spacedim>::make_grid()