* midpoint of the line in real space.
Point<dim> center () const;
+ /**
+ * Return the barycenter of the line,
+ * which is the midpoint. The same
+ * applies as for the #center# function
+ * with regard to lines at the boundary.
+ */
+ Point<dim> barycenter () const;
+ /**
+ * Return the length of the line.
+ * The same
+ * applies as for the #center# function
+ * with regard to lines at the boundary.
+ */
+ double measure () const;
* Copy operator. This is normally
Point<dim> center () const;
+ /**
+ * Return the barycenter of the aud,
+ * which is the midpoint. The same
+ * applies as for the #center# function
+ * with regard to quads at the boundary.
+ */
+ Point<dim> barycenter () const;
+ /**
+ * Return the area of the quad. With
+ * area, we mean the area included by
+ * the straight lines connecting the
+ * four vertices, i.e. no information
+ * about the boundary is used; if
+ * you want other than bilinearly
+ * mapped unit quadrilaterals, ask the
+ * appropriate finite element class
+ * for the area of this quad.
+ */
+ double measure () const;
* Copy operator. This is normally
+template <int dim>
+Point<dim> LineAccessor<dim>::barycenter () const {
+ return (vertex(1)+vertex(0))/2.;
+template <int dim>
+double LineAccessor<dim>::measure () const {
+ return sqrt((vertex(1)-vertex(0)).square());
+template <>
+Point<2> QuadAccessor<2>::barycenter () const {
+ // the evaluation of the formulae
+ // is a bit tricky when done dimension
+ // independant, so we write this function
+ // for 2D and 3D separately
+ Get the computation of the barycenter by this little Maple script. We
+ use the blinear mapping of the unit quad to the real quad. However,
+ every transformation mapping the unit faces to strait lines should
+ do.
+ Remember that the area of the quad is given by
+ |K| = \int_K 1 dx dy = \int_{\hat K} |det J| d(xi) d(eta)
+ and that the barycenter is given by
+ \vec x_s = 1/|K| \int_K \vec x dx dy
+ = 1/|K| \int_{\hat K} \vec x(xi,eta) |det J| d(xi) d(eta)
+ # x and y are arrays holding the x- and y-values of the four vertices
+ # of this cell in real space.
+ x := array(0..3);
+ y := array(0..3);
+ tphi[0] := (1-xi)*(1-eta):
+ tphi[1] := xi*(1-eta):
+ tphi[2] := xi*eta:
+ tphi[3] := (1-xi)*eta:
+ x_real := sum(x[s]*tphi[s], s=0..3):
+ y_real := sum(y[s]*tphi[s], s=0..3):
+ detJ := diff(x_real,xi)*diff(y_real,eta) - diff(x_real,eta)*diff(y_real,xi):
+ measure := simplify ( int ( int (detJ, xi=0..1), eta=0..1)):
+ xs := simplify (1/measure * int ( int (x_real * detJ, xi=0..1), eta=0..1)):
+ ys := simplify (1/measure * int ( int (y_real * detJ, xi=0..1), eta=0..1)):
+ readlib(C):
+ C(array(1..2, [xs, ys]), optimized);
+ const double x[4] = { vertex(0)(0),
+ vertex(1)(0),
+ vertex(2)(0),
+ vertex(3)(0) };
+ const double y[4] = { vertex(0)(1),
+ vertex(1)(1),
+ vertex(2)(1),
+ vertex(3)(1) };
+ const double t1 = x[0]*x[1];
+ const double t4 = x[2]*x[3];
+ const double t7 = x[0]*x[3];
+ const double t9 = x[1]*x[2];
+ const double t11 = x[0]*x[0];
+ const double t13 = x[1]*x[1];
+ const double t15 = x[2]*x[2];
+ const double t17 = x[3]*x[3];
+ const double t25 = -t1*y[0]+t1*y[1]-t4*y[2]+t4*y[3]+t7*y[0]-t9*y[1]
+ +t11*y[1]-t13*y[0]+t15*y[3]-t17*y[2]-t11*y[3]
+ +t13*y[2]-t15*y[1]+t17*y[0]+t9*y[2]-t7*y[3];
+ const double t35 = 1/(-x[0]*y[3]-x[1]*y[0]+x[2]*y[3]+x[3]*y[0]
+ +x[0]*y[1]-x[3]*y[2]+x[1]*y[2]-x[2]*y[1]);
+ const double t38 = y[3]*x[3];
+ const double t40 = y[0]*x[0];
+ const double t42 = y[1]*x[1];
+ const double t44 = y[2]*x[2];
+ const double t50 = y[0]*y[0];
+ const double t52 = y[1]*y[1];
+ const double t54 = y[2]*y[2];
+ const double t56 = y[3]*y[3];
+ const double t62 = -t38*y[2]+t40*y[1]-t42*y[0]+t44*y[3]-t40*y[3]
+ +t42*y[2]-t44*y[1]+t38*y[0]-x[1]*t50+x[0]*t52
+ -x[3]*t54+x[2]*t56+x[3]*t50-x[2]*t52+x[1]*t54-x[0]*t56;
+ return Point<2> (t25*t35/3.0, t62*t35/3.0);
+template <>
+double QuadAccessor<2>::measure () const {
+ // the evaluation of the formulae
+ // is a bit tricky when done dimension
+ // independant, so we write this function
+ // for 2D and 3D separately
+ Get the computation of the measure by this little Maple script. We
+ use the blinear mapping of the unit quad to the real quad. However,
+ every transformation mapping the unit faces to strait lines should
+ do.
+ Remember that the area of the quad is given by
+ \int_K 1 dx dy = \int_{\hat K} |det J| d(xi) d(eta)
+ # x and y are arrays holding the x- and y-values of the four vertices
+ # of this cell in real space.
+ x := array(0..3);
+ y := array(0..3);
+ tphi[0] := (1-xi)*(1-eta):
+ tphi[1] := xi*(1-eta):
+ tphi[2] := xi*eta:
+ tphi[3] := (1-xi)*eta:
+ x_real := sum(x[s]*tphi[s], s=0..3):
+ y_real := sum(y[s]*tphi[s], s=0..3):
+ detJ := diff(x_real,xi)*diff(y_real,eta) - diff(x_real,eta)*diff(y_real,xi):
+ measure := simplify ( int ( int (detJ, xi=0..1), eta=0..1)):
+ readlib(C):
+ C(measure, optimized);
+ const double x[4] = { vertex(0)(0),
+ vertex(1)(0),
+ vertex(2)(0),
+ vertex(3)(0) };
+ const double y[4] = { vertex(0)(1),
+ vertex(1)(1),
+ vertex(2)(1),
+ vertex(3)(1) };
+ return (-x[0]*y[3]/2.0-x[1]*y[0]/2.0+x[2]*y[3]/2.0+x[3]*y[0]/2.0+
+ x[0]*y[1]/2.0-x[3]*y[2]/2.0+x[1]*y[2]/2.0-x[2]*y[1]/2.0);